The computer does not bachit a flash drive, there is no access to it. The computer does not bachit or it does not read the USB flash drive. How robiti? Why is it so that the Mac does not boot the USB flash drive or the original hard drive

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Today, practically, do not know a person who does not have a flash drive in his arsenal. The Danish device is richly universal and vikoristovuetsya everywhere. At TV sets, music centers, in cars and in other outbuildings. The more often we use a flash drive, the more it gets out of hand, and the computer ceases to know. In this article, I want to know more ways to fix the problem of an "unread" flash drive.

first vipadok

Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on the back. If it didn’t help, it’s a pity your flash drive “died”

vipadok quarters

You insert the flash drive into the USB port, and ask you to format it. I'm afraid that in any case you will happen to format it, otherwise, you won't practice it. This could have happened if the flash drive was incorrectly built, or it could take a while to copy, not allowing the process to be completed to the end.

vipadok p'yaty

USB attachment not recognized. Not varto in this moment of panic, the reason may be buti drank abo ford, as if sticking to the contact ports. Try inserting a flash drive into another port - do not read? There are two options, either to reinstall Windows, or the driver, or better yet, try another option - do not immediately reinstall Windows.

Well, that's all, I've resurrected the main problems, they are sorted out, if the computer does not download the flash drive.

First, you need to pay attention to the fact that the computer does not download a flash drive - the correctness of the flash drive itself, as well as the correctness of the USB socket. If everything is in order, then the flash drive / port (in the fallacy of the storage model and the entrance) is to blame for a special light indicator.

lack of food

More often than not, a USB flash drive is not known, so it is connected to a port that is stashed in front of a computer (the language is about stationary computers, in cases of which there is a space for flash drives in the front). Some roses simply do not connect to eating, otherwise they simply do not need to eat a large amount of eating. The best way is to learn a flash drive and try to connect it in the back.

It’s like that, because the flash drive doesn’t work, because there is no sufficient power supply. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya in tih vpadkakh, if traplyаєєєєєєєєієєєєєєєєєєєе USB in the pc'yuterі. It is also an option that the living block is incorrectly processed. In rare cases, the computer does not read the flash drive through those that have a great deal. Ale tse shvidshe vinyatok, lower rule.

impractical flash drive

Well, everything is good with the computer, it is necessary to take care not to use a flash drive. In order to revise the correctness, it is enough just to connect it to another computer. If it doesn’t work there, then it’s not enough to talk about її inaccuracies. In such conditions, one can be referred for diagnostics and repair, but only a few in rare conditions, if the data on it are important for the coristuvach, can be rushed. On the right, in that repair and diagnostics will be more expensive, lower cost of accumulating.

custom BIOS

Sometimes the problem occurs in the setup of the operating system and BIOS. Useful in quiet situations, if there is no USB support in the BIOS, otherwise it is not enabled.

The system has adopted a flash drive for a letter

The problem is even wider - the flash drives have added that letter, like the same letter, for example, the drive or the local disk. To resolve such a problem, it is necessary:

  1. Go to Control Panel;
  2. Vіdkriti Administruvannya, and then - computer management;
  3. Then it is necessary to switch to disk management;
  4. If necessary, click on the flash drive ID with the right mouse button and click on "Change drive letter";
  5. Then everything is simple - you need to select an unoccupied button, press OK and exit the control panel.

Problems with drivers

The computer does not download flash drives through the USB driver. In order to revise it, it is necessary to vikonate a kіlka krokіv:

  1. Open "Panel keruvannya", and there - Dispatcher Attachments;
  2. Then it is necessary to show the USB flash drive, but it is not easy to find it. If the computer does not have a driver for a flash drive, it will be marked with a power sign;
  3. If so, it is necessary to remove the attachments, and then reinstall them.

Other operating systems do not download flash storage via the required drivers for this. Find out more about DPS or Everest.


In some cases, on the correct robot, a flash drive can be injected with viruses that are buried in the OS. It is strongly recommended that you check your computer for help with specialized anti-virus software.

Good afternoon! You have a flash drive and you need to transfer the information from it to your PC. You plug it into the USB port of your computer and there is no reaction. The computer does not bachit a USB flash drive. What is work?

If your PC does not mark the flash card, the first thing that falls on the mind is the breakdown of the flash drive or the USB socket. We are left with tse z'yasuvati. How can we tell? If we connect a working flash card to a working rose, the flash card indicator light will start instantly. With the merekhtinnі light bulbs, it becomes clear to us that a flash drive and a rose in a working camp. The problem here is in the middle of the operation. Well, the light bulb doesn’t blink, it’s wrong either with a flash card, or with a rose.

Sometimes, when the PC does not mark the flash card, when connected to the front of our system unit. To finish often, the masters of computer stores simply do not try to connect roses from the front. Buvay, scho to the front roses energy is in insufficient quantity.

In this way, plug in a flash drive in the rose of the system unit in the back, which is located directly on the motherboard. Zapratsyuval? You have been spared!

Buvay, that flashes simply reject energy, regardless of the rose. So buvaє, if USB connectors or hubs are strongly overwhelmed, otherwise you just have a problem. Energy may not be available even with large USB attachments. Such is often seen as old. There is nothing you can do about this situation.

When connected to a PC with a lot of external USB mechanisms, the computer also does not mark a new connection. At this point, complete the connection by connecting the connection and reconnect the flash card.

I know the computer does not bachit USB flash drive? Todi zakovik shvidshe for everything is not in roses, but in flash cards. Connect your flash drive to a third-party PC and get it up to the bagat. Even a third-party PC also does not mark a flash card, it's broken. Show її master. Breakage may not be great and її go in for repair. Ale, there is one caveat. The repair can cost you more, lower the cost of the flash drive itself.

In such a state of mind, one can go to the majstra, if the data on the flashers are worth more, and you simply need to renew them. Otherwise, it's easier to get a new flash drive.

Did the flash card work on other computers? Zakovik can appear in the operating system, or її nalashtuvannya. For example, a PC often no longer recognizes USB attachments when the USB support is enabled in your BIOS. Do you have lashings right? Then, when a USB PC is connected, you will see a pardon: - “Unrecognized USB”, and there, the icon of the safe foreground will be a hail sign (!). There may be a problem.

The computer does not download the USB flash drive, the OS is reset

It often happens that when a USB operation is connected, the flash drive will be assigned the symbol of the already attached device. It can also be blamed for blocking the mesh disks. To understand this situation, we will see in Control panel. viberomo administration, gave computer control. choose next Disk management.

Please provide a list of disks that are installed on your PC. This list will have i flash card. select item flash drives and press with the right mouse button in the context menu on the item Change drive letter or path to the disk. Yes, select a symbol, if not assigned to any disk in the operating system, embossed OK.

Computer does not download USB flash drive through drivers

Your PC may not be compatible with USB attachments when old (the stink may be out of date). Sob tse usunut, finish updating the driver (firewood) of the system board. Look at the instructions of your maretinka and recognize the model. You can also help out for help. Firewood for our motherboard can be downloaded from the site of the system board builder, otherwise you can find a PC.

Might be trapitis, scho EOM does not feed firewood for flash cards. For re-verification, see the Appliance Manager. We have a lot of respect for the distribution of USB controllers. If the PC does not churn firewood flash Katrya, charge the USB-pіd'еdnannya vybachite signs of the yellow color.

Then turn on the flash drive and reinstall it again. You may find it difficult, if you happen to see all the firewood for USB. In case we want to reset the computer, the operator will ask to install the USB controllers on automatic. Ale, without special need, this method is not varto vikoristovuvat.

Computer does not download USB flash drive through viruses

In this case, scan your PC with antivirus. The global network has a lot of different antiviruses, like paid ones, so there is none. Moreover, a lot of cost-free anti-viruses do little for paid ones. Yakiy-nebud from them usune your problem.

Also, it may be that your computer does not bait a USB flash drive through a conflict between the file systems of a flash card and a PC. This may be the case if the USB file system is FAT. Format the flash drive in whichever way you choose, choosing NTFS or FAT32 in whichever way. Some help.

I think by now you've figured out why your computer can't boot a USB flash drive, there could be a number of reasons. It is necessary to respectfully examine the skin of them, and choose the one that will help you effectively! Success!

Andriy Zimin 04/09/2014

An anecdote in a skin stat:

Sounds like you are suspecting that there are problems with the robotic software, incorrect settings of the operating system, outdated drivers, malfunctions of the USB ports of the computer, adapters or the storage devices themselves.

Depending on the causes in the skin type, the problem manifests itself in a different way. Buvay, scho computer vzagalі nіyak does not react to a flash drive or a hard drive. In other situations, the sound of connecting a new building is moonlight, but the accumulating icon does not show up in the explorer. And sometimes the computer just freezes after contact with the USB device.

How robust, as a computer with Windows, do not download a USB flash drive or an old hard drive

For the first time, it’s up to you to figure out what the problem is: with a computer, an adapter (as it is connected via a cable) or a storage device. Try connecting USB devices through other ports. If it doesn't help if you twist the cable, try replacing it with a spare one. In case of failure, the revert, it turns out that you have accumulated on other computers.

It should work on another PC, otherwise you don’t have the ability to convert it

Connect a hard disk or flash drive to the computer and follow the next steps in order. If it doesn’t help first, go to the offensive and so on.

For example, the other PC can’t be saved up, otherwise all the overhauled ones didn’t help

In such a state of mind, better for everything, the problem is in the hoarder himself.

If you have a flash drive and not a hard disk, you can use special utilities to fix software pardons. Such software can be found on the website of the compiler. For example, the JetFlash Online Recovery program is for accumulators from Transcend. And USB Flash Drive Online Recovery - for flash drives brand ADATA. Ale vrahuyte, scho in the process of updating the utilities erase all data from flash drives.

As if nothing of the overridden did not help, then, apparently, on the right in the physical failure of the hard disk or flash drive. Then it’s better to show the accessories of the fakhivtsya or turn to the store under warranty.

Why is it so that the Mac does not boot the USB flash drive or the original hard drive

On Apple computers, the reverification procedure is somewhat different, but it follows approximately the same algorithm. Let's be aware that you already tried to restart the computer, turn on and turn on the USB flash drive, and also went overboard in the reliability of the connection. Even though it didn’t help, it’s necessary to work on your feet:

Open the tool for working with disks ("Programs" → "Programs" → "Disk Utility") and turn it around, it looks like there is a problematic flash drive. You can still see how much you have accumulated, try yoga by pressing the "Delete" button and reconnect it. May you know that all data from the flash drive will be irrevocably deleted.

A special program for diagnosing Mac provides reports on all software and hardware components of the computer, including USB devices. Open the Apple menu, then, pressing the Option key, press "System Information" and go to the menu in the USB port.

If there is a flash drive there, it means that the problem is in the software and the disk can be tried and tested by going back to the recommendation of the finder. Well, there is no information about flash drives, either on the right at a physical malfunction, and you may go back to the store or the service center, as repair may be a sensation.

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