When Belarus arrived, it reached the warehouse of the USSR.

Repair - Golovna Osvita Polish campaign of the RSHA (17th spring – 5th June 1939).

military operation

The Red Army soon established control over similar regions of Poland: Western Belarus, Western Ukraine and the region of Białystok; Official name - .

Free march to Western Ukraine and Western Belarus 1939

As a result of the operation, the SRSR took control of similar areas of Poland, in which the majority of the population were Ukrainians and Belarusians, and the Polish population, in various regions, became from 7 to 40%.

These lands have been in Poland's possession since 1921, following the Great Peace Treaty signed by Radian Russia and Poland after the Radian-Polish War of 1919-1921. Cordonna line 1921 r. It was essentially on the way out from the Curzon Line, which the Entente promoted as a Polish-Russian cordon and was actually a cordon for the resettlement of ethnic Poles on the way and Ukrainians and Belarusians on the way.

After the annexation of Western Ukraine to the URSR and Western Belarus to the BRSR, the Radyansky Kerivnitsa transferred part of the historical Lithuanian territory (Vilnius and Vilna region) to Lithuania, for additional homeownership Between the SRSR and Nimechtina has risen to the Radian sphere of interests. The German Empire took control of the Warsaw and Lublin voivodships of Poland., this will be done step by step, due to low military-diplomatic and economical measures and on the background of another world war that is flaring up in Europe.

In connection with this, the journalistic literature used the term “Radyan occupation of the Baltic states,” which reinforces this idea. Radyansky, as well as current Russian historians, emphasize the voluntary nature of the entry of the Baltic powers into the fold of the USSR, stemming from the fact that it rejected the residual formalization of the 1940 incorporation on the basis of the decisions of the great legislative bodies in many countries. In this case, we do not take into account the violation of democratic norms during the successive parliamentary elections that took place simultaneously in all three powers in the minds of a significant Radyan military presence. Zokrema, independent investigators refer to those who were not allowed candidates from right-wing parties to participate in the elections. Representatives and cronies of the pro-Radians took away most of the voices from these minds

communist parties

, who knew the re-investigation from the side

ruling regimes

The Lithuanian President A. Smetona put the support of the Radyan army on the organization, however, having cut off most of the order, they retreated to Germany, and his Latvian and Estonian colleagues - K. Ulmanis and K. Päts - went to spіvratsiyu with the new government, like the Lithuanian prime minister 'er A. Merkis.

In all three countries, pro-radian (although at that time not yet communist) orders were formed, in part, apparently, with Yu. Paleckis (Lithuania), I. Vares (Estonia) and A. Kirchenstein (Latvia).

The new orders lifted restrictions on the activities of communist parties and called for parliamentary elections the following day.

The elections, which took place on 14-15 June, were falsified, according to the data of the previous investigators. In the elections, all three powers were able to create pro-communist Blocs (Unions) of the working people - single electoral lists, admitted to the elections. According to official data, in Estonia the turnout was 84.1%, with 92.8% of the votes given for the Working People's Party, in Lithuania the turnout was 95.51%, with 99.19% voting for the working people in Latvia.

After the entry of the Baltic powers into the fold of the USSR, the socialist transformation of the economy and repression against the intelligentsia, the clergy, numerous political figures, officers, and possible villagers began.

In 1941, “due to the presence in the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian RSR of a significant number of members of various counter-revolutionary nationalist parties, a large number of policemen, gendarmes, landowners, manufacturers, great officials of the great state apparatus of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and others throughout history anti-radiation robots and victorious foreign intelligence services for spy purposes,” the deportation of the population was carried out.


A significant part of those who were repressed were Russians living in the Baltics, mostly white migrants.

In fact, the national composition of the population of the acquired territories was such that it was impossible for most of the inhabitants to enter the warehouse of the USSR. In 1938, in Poland, according to official statistics, out of 35 million inhabitants, there were 24 million Poles, 5 million Ukrainians, and 1.4 million Belarusians. Protea for Stalin’s vkazivka, Pravda wrote about 8 million Ukrainians in that 3 million Belarusians occupied by Chervona The army of Ukrainian and Belarusian voivodships. There, elections were held before the People's Assembly of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus.

Elections were carried out according to the principle: one person in one place.

In Western Ukraine, the illegal Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) was popular, as it advocated the independence of Ukraine.

The UN members fought against Polish rule, defending against the use of terrorist methods.

The stinks attacked the Radian representatives.

No less formidable than the Poles, the Ukrainian nationalists lay before the Radyans' rule.

Western Belarus has had a prominent Belarusian national movement for almost a day now.

I mean, a part of the Belarusian population of Western Belarus was formed by Catholic Belarusians, who were oriented toward the Poles in cultural and political terms.

In the Western Ukrainian and Western Belarusian lands, mass violent collectivization began even before the 22nd of 1941. The intelligentsia was called “bourgeois nationalism” and repressed. To the beginning of the Great

The Great Patriotic War

In the territory of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, 108 thousand were arrested. especially the Poles.

A significant part of them were shot at the front of the first half of the Great Great German War.

Just behind the scenes of the tribunals and in particular, 930 individuals were shot.

In 1939–1940, approximately 280 thousand were deported from the border regions of Ukraine and Belarus to similar regions of the USSR. Poles, including 78 thousand. refugees from German-occupied areas of Poland.

Close to 6 thousand. people died at the door.

In the early days of 1941, before the outbreak of the Great German War, 11 thousand were also deported from Western Ukraine. "Ukrainian nationalists and counter-revolutionaries."

With the outbreak of the Great German War, many natives of the western regions of Ukraine and Belarus deserted from the Red Army or fled due to mobilization.

The understanding of the international legal understanding of the Radian annexation of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus was still supported by the Treaty on the Radian-Polish power cordon, which formed the 16th century of 1945 of the SRSR from pro-community in the proper order of Poland.

Most often, more often than not, throughout the last month, Luftwaffe intelligence pilots and Colonel Rovel's special forces recklessly destroyed our airspace, took photographs and promptly returned to their airfields. The majority of the Bialystok ledge is covered by the cover of the 9th Air Division. Ale її commander, Hero of the Radyansky Union, holder of the “Golden Eye” No. 18, 29-Rich Aviation Major General S.A. The initiative was punished.

« In the spring and at the beginning of summer, aviators were unequivocally guessed about this security agency: in Moscow there were arrests of low-ranking officials of the Supreme Soviet of the Red Army. The division commander of the Chernykhs do not want to follow them.

Once upon a time, the aviators ran out of patience, and then the impudence of the German pilots was punished.

Then Kerivnytsia punished the brave pilots and their commanders.

There was a threat of severe punishment over Aviation Major General G. M. Zakharov, a friend of Lieutenant General P. V. Richagov (recently before the war, he was removed from prison as the head of the Main Directorate of the Air Force) and S. A. Chornikh. All three of them fought in Spain, and together with the Black Wines, who were also classmates, they began at the Stalingrad Colony School. For the shoulders of someone like Vazheliv and Chornikh,

young man

with the general's mirrors on the black buttonholes of his tunic, he had already greatly conquered the skies of Spain and China.

Those who responded to me with the words “Mr. General”, if I was with the original Kurt, confirmed that I was on the right with the intelligence officer.” Two more casualties were recorded in the 9th Air Division. The 21st Chergov Lanka of the 126th Vinishuvalny Regiment (commander - Lieutenant Colonel Yu. A. Nimtsevich) fired at the gunman and killed him before landing at the Dolubove field airfield.

Kolishniy Divisional Commander-2 of the 383rd GAP of the 86th KrSD I. S. Turovets told me that in Tsekhanivtsi he was in the same order of landings at the airfield of the Luftwaffe bomber.

On the 20th, the squadron commander of the 123rd IAP of the 10th Air Division, Captain M.F. Savchenko, at his own risk, tried the zupinites of another gunman.

At the beginning of the summer of 1941. Moscow, having been careful not to provoke Berlin, has actually made the work of the air reconnaissance of its entry point even easier. The ground unit found a note about the passage of entire squadrons of the Luftwaffe in Bilostoc, where the 9th Air Division was controlled and where German pilots were located exchanged information with the Radyanskys.“On this day off, at this hour, I especially checked with Budinka officers 15 German pilots, who [then] freely walked around and picked up our targets for shelling,” he said after the war. 2nd commander of the 212th regiment of the 49th rifle division Lieutenant Colonel M. I. Kovalenko.

However, at the same hour, the Kerivnitstvo strictly scolded the anti-aircraft defense for non-accusation of unauthorized spills in the border area by late-flight passenger cars of German airlines. This was the order of NGOs since the 10th of 1941. No. 0035, having sorted out the fallout, if the 15th grass was planted ZNO of the exit zone of the PPO, they “outlooked” the “Junkers-52”, which flew according to the schedule, and did not harm anyone all the way to Moscow. The dispatcher of the Bilostok airport of the Civil Air Fleet reported about the gunman of the Chergovy GU PPO of the region, but without destroying the commander of the 9 Black and the command of the 4th brigade of the PPO, fragments from the 9th Travnya telephone cable, which had been laid to them, there were military ruptures and the command of the іадізії "litigated from Białystok Airport, who is aware of the damage to the ligaments.” A defender has appeared on the witness of this windy Svaville. edges.

Such, if I may say so, “criticism” could, in the mind of the Kremlin and, perhaps, I myself. V. Stalin, demonstrate the peaceful ways of the USSR.

In the early days of 1941, before the outbreak of the Great German War, 11 thousand were also deported from Western Ukraine. "Ukrainian nationalists and counter-revolutionaries."

And the Hero of the Radyansky Union (also for Spain), Major General of Aviation I, has his word. I. Having finished finishing the tip.
As the day progressed on the 22nd of March, information about the legacy of attacks on advanced airfields began to flow into the district headquarters of the UPS in Minsk, and the sad picture of the losses incurred by the army aviation began to become clearer, Please wait at your service office... On the evening of the 23rd until the General's report arrives at headquarters G. M. Zakharov, Ivan Kopts were no longer alive.
After Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, the rock of the USSR defiantly severed all economic and military contributions from Germany.
From this moment on, the official course of the SRSR became the course of the creation of the “Collective Security” system in Europe. At the beginning of 1938, Germany annexed Austria, and on March 15, 1939, Germany occupied the Czech Republic. There was a threat of occupation of Poland.
18 Bereznya 1939 r. People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the SRSR M. M. Litvinov convened a conference of six countries: the SRSR, England, France, Romania, Poland and Turkey with the method of defeating further German aggression.
However, the English side recognized this proposition as “transitional”.
April 16, 1939 Litvinov, at the same time
English proposition
Poland also provided unilateral guarantees on the side of the SRSR, having endorsed a draft trilateral agreement that would “give strength to the powers, including the Ukrainian one, to help similar European powers, divided between the Baltic and Black seas and those between the SRSR, in times of aggression against them powers."
The Radian formula was praised by England and France as a way for the SRSR to give it the ability to follow the borders and, under any kind of drive, introduce its troops to the northern lands.
According to Churchill, Poland, Rumunia, Finland and the three Baltic powers did not know what they were more afraid of - German aggression or Russian aggression.
The very need to make such a terrible choice paralyzed the policies of England and France.
3 sickles 1939 r. Ribbentrop first made an official statement on the topic of German-Radish rapprochement, in which, finally, he was pushing against the division of spheres.
Undeterred by the negotiations with England and France, Stalin's proposal on the establishment of a German-Radyan treaty on non-aggression and the division of spheres seemed more and more favorable to Stalin.
23 serpnya 1939 r. a non-aggression agreement between Nimechtina and the Radyansky Union with the addition of a secret protocol of signatures.
On the 1st of June Hitler attacked Poland.
The situation in Poland was hopeless.
The Poles did not want to be occupied by the Red Army, otherwise they could not resist the Germans.
England, although it had formed an alliance with Poland, did not give it military assistance. On the 17th of April, when all of Poland was occupied by German troops, and the Polish army had emigrated, the Red Army crossed the Polish cordon of Poland and in a few days, perhaps without any support, occupied the territories that had previously been located in Ukraine and Belarus. In this way, the lands that Poland acquired (still near Lithuania) as a result of the Radian-Polish war following the Great Peace Treaty of 1921 have now passed to the warehouse of the USSR. Radianization of these lands began. The leaders of the new government cried out the praise of the population: the expansion of Ukrainian schools, the reduction of living minds and medical services, nationalization, which did not immediately interfere with the interests of the Ukrainian population, since trade is great and industry was in the hands of the Poles.
Ale nezabar the population lost i

Shortly, perhaps from the people themselves, I am flying to Belarus, at my relatives’ dacha near the Stolbtsovsky district of the Minsk region. I am instructing you to pass the administrative cordon of the Stolbtsivsky and Dzerzhinsky districts. However, I still don’t suspect which historical place has a summer residence.

Having learned that the new cordon of the regions is the old (until 1939) cordon of the USSR from Poland, and whose fate those who read the star tomkad Regarding the investigation of the plot of the cordon on the zaliznitsa near the Kolosovo station, I intend to conduct a similar investigation.

For starters, a little bit of history.

The Russian-Polish cordon in these areas passed for a short time at the end of the 18th century - between the other and third sections of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, then between 1793 and 1795.

However, as she was just about to enter, the place of Stovptsi, after another section, ended up at the warehouse

Russian Empire


In 1815, Poland apparently became an autonomous part of Russia (the Kingdom of Poland, however, was on its way out), and after the Yellow Revolution, the Polish leader Jozef Pilsudski became the leader of the watered between the boundaries until the first floor, the water came out only up to the third .

After the Radyan-Polish war, in 1921, a loose peace treaty was established between Radyansky Russia and Poland, which was followed by holding that very same cordon, following what was still going on in the forests.

Western Belarus (as Western Ukraine) reached Poland.

Ozhe, I yishov vzdovzh zaliznytsia from the Kolosovo station near the side of Negorely from the right (that is, it’s a snowy) side.

Having walked a second kilometer, I found the ruins of the Polish border outpost near the forest:

Kolodyaz yakysya.

The concrete ruins were destroyed, and in the past the buildings looked like this (another photo, next to the one presented):

And from the other side of the huge cordon, white from the zaliznitsa, the foundation of the Radian border outpost was preserved:

This is what the place in the photo looked like in the 1930s.

The photo was taken from the same angle, from the same angle.

Derevyana was the right hand - the village border outpost, as the ruins were lost.

The one who decided to do so was saved the boundary itself.

In the lower border of the Stolbtsivsky and Dzerzhinsky districts, there is a clearing to pass through.

In the middle there is a border shaft. Here, right next to the greenery, the grass was not preserved - there was a tree in the forest: Here the cordon becomes clearer:

The best discovery is the prickly one.

Another historical photo.

Before the speech, the tell-tale trace of smudge on the cordon was seen in these places and at the same time - when one Belarusian villager suddenly discovered traces on the ruined land not far from the cordon and additional information about the border guards.