Erofeev Viktor “God X. Last Judgment.

Golovna і Improvement and self-development

We lived well, like pigs.

What can’t be cleaned up, what will be only worse, what needs to be cleaned, everything will be cleaned up by itself. The autumn sun was setting on the window, when Irma came in, a deep stream of waste, which took up the saw cleaner. Having made his polite comment, we can now equate ourselves with Newton, Copernicus – no! - people went out of their way - they hate saw-sucking - the sound doesn’t suit me - saying wine - but the drunkenness has not yet deprived the Russian conscience - in Ukraine, too, not everyone is “for” - it’s good, for which reason it is possible, say on in my eyes - having changed the system of positivity in every relationship - accept, the doors to the bathroom were not closed - not liking to get stuck - the bell was dragging me - open the door - there - get out - get out - get out again - again - to the point of inconsistency - about those , What kind of recognition can be observed in the Batkivshchina for our life, I couldn’t figure it out - but I would like to learn more about morphology, but in the surroundings - I’m confused, taking on the important details - in the rice, the authorities to the rich Russian intellectuals - he is obviously unscrupulous and to God's mercy - I couldn't do anything, or else I would kill a man and fall asleep in the sleep of a righteous man - sleep until noon, until two, until three - hang out in a robe - I might drop the frying pan from the sink, spattered with egg - and without any particular anger beat - without timidity - as far as I know - someone has an undeniable fear, a product of natural neutrality - on one side, we don’t want anything - we don’t want anything - on the other side, we want everything - get on with it!- And not those who have become famous and conceited - I am amazed at this as at the day virogennya humanity - Humanite– for yogo’s mocking words – for blinking and squeezing cheeks – plump sensitive I know!

- I looked at the rusty mile bathtub - what became of this unique configuration? - What?– stay especially excited – Sisin said – do you want to drink? - I’m tense - so the Russian one doesn’t drink the Russian one - not the same intonations - I’m not satisfied - I lightly pursed my lips - some people - cry out, the righteous - there are messages about the flood in the future - I’ll live until the end: - there is a ship (ark, plіt, choven, airplane ) ) or there are troubles on a mountain, a tall tree, on a floating island, on a turtle shell, on a crab, near a great watermelon or a scallop of coconut peas - the liquid that leads to the flood, troubling throughout the sacredly designated period of time - this day niv - forty - pіvroku - In a number of floods, like the Indians, the flood is explained by the disruption of the menstrual taboo - as you should?- Drink some pots! - having slipped me the pots - I didn’t finish it - I don’t need, for example, salted cucumber, ale and loving and being to the point of inconsistency - or disdaining me - no one is so tired - dissatisfied - the result is the death of the women - the woman gave us an apartment for literally pennies - when she told me the sum, I searching for my eyes, not believing - in advance, so that I would not recognize - I, obviously, mumbled, not in my interests - he immediately recognized everyone - before boasting - before boasting about his own harm - before it turned out to be harm - but it turned out to be bad - it was easy to live with him - the lightness seemed to me suspicious - I finished hard - nothing went away - but everything was the same - it made me want to spit - drink - no one else has had a successful meal - Californian smacks - the wine is not out yet I'm all on Zahod - I'm Tse it was clearly confirmed for him personally - I didn’t spend it with my colleague - everything came back to me - I also got away - but not immediately - there was always a moment of deep insignificance with him - I wanted to delve into it - it’s painful I wanted to understand - I wanted it even more to debunk, defend, hide - sometimes the flood forces the essences of the underground light - Sisin marveled at me over the narrow eyepieces - having become clothed with the eyepieces for reading - lucidly, narrowly, so that everything was clear, about the stink only for reading - by becoming shorter and cutting your hair more often - entering the century, if you have a short haircut, look young - without mercy, looking at you - sitting at the table at the dacha in the dark gray Scottish light - I was not responsive to requests - I was not in a hurry to arrive - in the Araucanian flood - the result of a supernatural battle and a duel of the greedy snake, demonstrating its the strength, the turbulence of rising water - the cheer - a guarantee that the flood will not happen again; in the eucalypts - mountains, a dense sky, an ocean with whales - whales with fountains - and all of their vegetarian diet, which turns into a healthy sturgeon, and all of their past lives, laid down for the distant sunset of Munich terrorists, who became the local mirror of the massage to enjoy - muffled - at the expense of one’s body - already destroyed by the ocean sill and eyelids - shaking one’s head - raising one’s thumb - so as not to form one’s face - in order to appear normal - one’s patience is quicker, but not one’s fate - the sight is twofold - you can’t look at either of them, or between them - relax your neck - she said - she tried to help you with her fingers - after trying - after trying -! – the Russian seminar ended with the sound of tom-toms – Sisina took the leap to San Francisco, the author of a work about living without a sign, who became friends with a Connecticut penny bag for love – Kevin believes in the markets as a regulator of his I see that - they broke down after lunch - without haste - the bridges stood - from childhood known to every American from leaflets - and what about the rocks?- the beaches stretched out - jingles, buddies, lemons - I wanted to lose myself there - it smelled of lemon - TV-less booth - sleeping like in childhood - bottomless, aimless - Kevin smiled at his favorite word - I didn’t recognize myself - lying, naked, turning a fly of shells y - neat having spread out the chicken - smelling of the baked goods, clanging from the window - it smelled like wood heated in the sun - I started playing volleyball with naked people and stopped being surprised by this - I began to call the game of Hollywood actors, who swam in the pool above the ocean, sisters- about all the outbursts, I said that I was from Russia - it was all the same - well, it seems, passed almshouse - having said - it’s not for nothing that there will be shuffling and shuffling - I want to mow the lawns - Sisin said firmly - Kevin, grimacing at the Russian richness - and yet - to the subject of the seminar - how to reconcile the American locomotive from growing My God? - at the end of the day, Sisin is impatient and secretly delayed - the marijuana didn’t take him away - it only tore his throat - but he, with Russian sensitivity, without realizing it - got stuck in a traffic jam - the blue-and-red pinwheels were here in front - Kev and violating the co-worker - why?– snoop around – Kevin sniffed a small spray, sprinkled on his mouth – sprinkled on – Sisin sprinkled on – in order to avoid drug busts in California – who knows?

- The stinks were approaching the police cars - it seemed that they had spread - they marveled at the Uzbeks, at the wheels hanging in the cold night wind - I say, in California there are no drug busts - said Kevin - Sisin lit a cigarette first cigarette -

that's already happened

- Having said that you are dissatisfied - take me back to the corner - pardon me?


The Satanist cult died, possessed by the prophetic gift of Orpheus, and then took away the life of the Great Hierophant.

The Bacchae killed him without catching him, but proceeded, following their ritual, to dismember his body - it was creamed with the teachings, and the ashes of Orpheus, which became a symbol of his bright destiny, standing on the throne of esoteric dedication for many centuries.

Thus, the creative cosmic force - the Tetragramaton, and the ruinous force that sleeps in the depths of the human soul from the hours of the mythical expulsion from heaven, is personalized in Humanity as a divine and devilish cob.

This is how Christ (the Savior, the Anointed, the Messiah) and the Antichrist (who supports Christ, the destroyer) are popularized.

History provides not only a lot of applications of these two ears of corn in the physical world, but puts us in line with the spiritual law: Christ in the fight against the Antichrist, in order to overcome at the cost of his own and the deaths that appeared on the human field of this Truth and showed on the roads, what will lead you to the exit road?

The life, work and death of the greatest of the Blues of God who ever came to Earth, Yeshoa Mashiach, called Jesus Christ, is more beautiful than the skin and cannot be the original butt.

However, it is far from common for a Christian to think about the fact that the torment of Christ and his sacrificial death were the result of a spontaneous, blind and ruinous force, which is the Antichrist.

The food was not supplied one time at a time and was distributed in different ways many times.

Let’s look at the book of the English writer and religious philosopher Clive Lewis “Leaves of Screwtape”.

Axis, what an old and unmentioned mentor writes to his young nephew about the struggle between God (here – the Enemy) and Satan for the human soul:

“My dear Gnusik!

I hope you keep up with your friend’s reading and so that you can get around to a number of your friends-materialists.

It seems to me that these three little ones are very fond of the fact that they will be able to snatch this from the enemy.


Self-righteous gibberish, not arguments, will help you get the patient away from the church.

Don’t waste an hour trying to understand the truth of materialism, but rather understand that materialism is strong and brave, which is the philosophy of the future.

Evidence is unacceptable to those who have to fight the Enemy.

In Dusya, the true meaning of the word “People” (creatures in the image and likeness of God) is “Eternal Cholo”, “Eternal Spirit”.

If a person’s spiritual bud is triumphant, then their body and body seem to be sanctified by the Spirit, their worship and needs will already have a natural character, and not a rude one.

And Lyudina herself, perceiving and realizing this, becomes the master of her own anger and wisdom, and not inadvertently a slave, as if she is being dragged when the voice of the body drowns out everything else.

The esoteric Idea of ​​the Trinity, which governs all the Great Faiths and which illuminates all aspects of Human Life, was expressed in the writings of Orthodox saints.

For example, St.

Theophan the Recluse speaks about choice like this:

“If knowledge and freedom are on the spirit, people are spiritual, if they are on the soul, they are spiritual, if they are on the flesh, they are flesh.”

And the axis of the words of Saint Ephrem the Syrian: “The Apostle called people who act naturally, soulful, and those who act against nature, carnal; The spiritual essence is that which is the essence of transmuting into the spirit.” This is the mission of the church fathers to reconcile with the writings of one of the most prominent psychologists and humanistic thinkers of the twentieth century, Eric Frome, who saw two types of human consciousness: “butteve” and “more lively” (“incorporative”)..

“Zavdannya Ludini,” says Frome.

“Be rich, and don’t be rich.”

Persha are “spiritual” or “awakened” people who clearly understand the nature of their existence on Earth and are conscious of trying to create in themselves the Image and Likeness of God.

Such people, like Frome, are characterized by the “bootish mode.”

Others are “spiritual” people, who live most importantly by their emotions and feelings.

The stench is shared with loved ones either to the Spirit or to the flesh; where to lay down the method of their sleep..

And the third are people who are “physical”, who live instinctively and blindly.

For them, light is an object of life, and bodily nourishment is the only meta.

Among people with a “carnal orientation of specialness” there may be encounters with representatives of various intellectual and professional groups, but their actions may be disconcerting and shocking.

I met with “physical” musicians, artists, saints, priests and religious figures... mystics and healers.

This oblivion is responsible for bringing us to one of the most important axioms of Spiritual psychology:

The evolution of the soul cannot be expressed through one of the familiar forms of external activity

An illustration of bodily life can be an image of a typical inhabitant.

In any “civilized” marriage of such people, the majority is important.

In Germany, Switzerland and Austria, for example, they are commonly called burghers, which means honest hulks. And ask one of them:- Karla, why don’t you read anything at all except newspapers?

Oleksandr Blok contrasted the image of the inhabitant singing at the top of “Sing”:

Undaunted, we dreamed about a hundred years of gold,

The Vidavs barked in unison.

And they cried bitterly over the little flower,

Over the little pearly husk.

So they hesitated to sing.

Chitach ta friend!

You think it’s possible - girshe

Your wasted, powerless efforts,

Your living quarters?

No, dear reader, my blind critic!

At least the poet has

And braids, and frowns, and a golden age,


Everything is inaccessible to you!

Let me die under the parkan, like a dog,

Let my life trample me into the ground, -

I believe: God covered me with snow,

That's when the devil kissed me!

So the People of the Spirit became brutalized to the people of the flesh.

“The revelation of sin, and the punishment of the sinner,” - said the ancient sages..

I see a form of spiritual life, the greatest manifestation of God in People, and I have a thought that can be formulated like this:

“vicious sin - save the sinner”

We are coming to the idea of ​​Christ. Jesus the Nazarene King of Judea The word Christ is a Greek translation of an ancient Jewish

Mashiah .

– simultaneously means the Savior and the Anointed One, which at the same time gives the concept of “Messiah”.

Orthodox Christianity respects that throughout the history of the world, Christ came to earth only once and only in one specific way.

We can’t help ourselves with this thought. To clarify and round out our position, we go all the way to the Kabbalistic writing of the name of Jesus. I am, in ancient Hebrew, which is read as Yeshua, is a hermetic formula and was created in the Great Name of YAHWEH.

Ale Jesus himself, having won his name, did not fall casually. The long-standing hermetic rule holds true: a man of the Spirit stands in a posture of eccentricity

. Above all, the fathers of Jesus were located until the inner stake of the Qumran community and were dedicated to the hidden symbols of Kabbalah. And since the Great Shemot Tegramaton is written in the shape of the crest or tricubitus, inscribed in the circle, the name of Yeshua forms

pentagram -

a symbol of Manifested Will, Realized Power and awakened Christlikeness of the People.

The Pentagram is sacred, the object of observation and the self-identification of the Mudrikh, the isolation of the Taimnitsa;

The little place of Magical Power, forever closed to the boastful and the careless, is the inner essence of the earthly name of Christ.

The number five is respected in Magic, Kabala and Sacred Mathematics by the number of the People - it symbolizes the five human powers (dick, relish, smell, sight and hearing), purified by spiritual practice and transformed on the instrument of informed will.

The axis is based on the symbolic contexts of numbers, which are related to each other in advance of the Law of Analogies:

five scents of Adam Kadmon or the Pure People (dotik, relish, smell, zir, hearing);

> Informed Will;

> Kohannya;

> Dikhannya;

> Victim;

> Specialism;

> Initiation or Dedication;

> Messiah, Savior.

Connecting these symbolic contexts, as well as the connections between them, will help us... human life.

What can “One” symbolize in the earthly world?

Logic transforms: the act of conception, from which the earthly life of every human being begins.

What, then, will this be a “double”?

The act of winemaking is a process that immediately follows the beginning.

“Three”, apparently, will be a more physical people: People have manifested themselves on the Three Planes, none of them includes the Spirit, the soul and the physical body, besides the body of the mother.

The reader may laugh, having guessed that more than once in life he had to deal with people who declared that the stench “denied Dedication” from the authoritative Master.

As of today, little has changed for them.

As it is true, those that they rejected from the Master were deprived of Initiation.

So the cycles of the earthly development of Humanity - from conception to the formation of an informed Will, the culmination of which will be the renewal of the Triadity of Individuals and Initiates - lead us to the idea of ​​the Month.

Why is the number “Five” represented in Kabala by the hieroglyph He (?), and in the Pythagorean legend by the sacred “?”

recognized by the mystics of the hermetic tradition on the Messianic Number?

The message is this: since the Holy Spirit is the crown of human development, then at the top of the hierarchy we are dedicated to the Peacemakers, voiced by the Syns of God. Therefore, the Month is the culmination of the earthly service of the Great Initiate. Growing up in this way, we come to the conclusion that the revelation of Christ as the one Messiah in world history, with the advent of which Humanity first denied the possibility of the temptation and spiritual liberation, and deception. Varto establish the essence of the Messianic Service, which is conveyed by the Kabbalistic formulas “Yeshoa” and “Mashiach” with the help of the Great Sins, who led the Earth in different eras, - we will be amazed by the diversity and diversity of forms at the Spirit in the People. The one with the titles of Hermes, Rama and Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster, Orpheus, Moses, Pythagoras - the faces of the Great Gods of God pass before us in a radiant row, who dedicated their lives to the Liberation of Humanity.

The basis of esoteric Wisdom is affirmed as follows: skin People are born of the Spirit, otherwise they cannot be called “Sins of God,” who have lost their spiritual likeness – the Sign of the Son of Man and, at the same time, the Son of God – a hieroglyph of the fire of Shin, the formations between two parts of the Tetragramaton. This “vognane” meaning is expressed in the esoteric version by the same letter. INRI – monogram of the name of Jesus Christ. Holy Wisław "

Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudeorum

"("Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews") became the internal motto of the Christian Gnosis, and two formulas were recognized by the esoteric variety of monographs: "

We realized that “Christ” is not the name of the title, but a mystical concept that directly relates to our lives and expresses the greatness and power of the Spiritual Nature of Humanity – its Christlikeness.

The skin of us, in these inner depths, where serenity penetrates, realizes itself with a generous and unbounded Essence, unthoughtful furnishings and endowed with immeasurable power.

At the same time, we often spend most of our lives suffering from insecurity and fear, a sense of self-worth, as well as tension for no apparent reason.

So our innate inner greatness is to fight on the field of the heart against what appears to be, I will reinforce - obviously - the impression of imperious worthlessness.

The mystical Christ extends this to people who wander, wander, build support for themselves - a saving hand, preaching to make themselves aware of the Divine.

It becomes obvious: the great significance of the mission of Christ lies in demonstrating to the people, no matter how unburdened by dogmatism, their sovereign Christlikeness.

This emerges from an unprotected theological symbol: as the People are God-like, and also Christ-like.

The awareness of this truth, the sense of “taste” of it, the experience of it as an inner reality – the axis to which the honor of Christ calls us.

Here we realize to ourselves - from our rich spiritual practice, from our rights, “which we labor under the Sun”, from reasonable wisdom and in the skin bliss that we have developed extensively and without soaking the grapes - sensitive helpers of all humanity, so that the people are more beautiful and cleaner.

Whose World, we, pose with all doubts, rejoice and rejoice the whole World.

Such knowledge does not and cannot have any Marnoslavism, pride or self-satisfaction.

Moreover, no one has any darkness or shadow.

Therefore, the strong will, at the same time, conveys to us that it will never end, that the people of the holy unloved, in deep symbolic sense, are the new people, the renewal and multiplication of our great powers and honor .

Thus, the historical act of the birth of Jesus Christ is reflected in the mirror of the heart and becomes our powerful awakening until the “bright of a clear day” - with sharpened and subtle feelings, with renewed, observant and loving respect.

The union of these delights, truly, can be called the Heart of the Soul - they come to life and become popular at the same time with the awakening of the soul after a night's sleep.

It’s not unusual for Jesus to love to pretend to be sleeping in the Mother’s arms. Perhaps, our greatest experiences and sorrows, all the moments, tenderness, kindness and love - everything for which we lived and that gave us self-fulfillment - and even the maternal touches that we feel dream? Perhaps all the happiness and all the joy of the most fulfilling human life is just a prelude to the Great Awakening and Rebirth of the Soul? Thus, childhood arises for the sake of youth and maturity, so old age arises for the sake of Eternity, and sleep - for the sake of awakening. The name of the Antichrist

We have previously talked about the nature of Christ and about the indwelling of God from Man. chaotic character and I am far from any individuality.

The Law of the Antichrist can be formulated as follows: The Antichrist is a hyperphysical substance of collective action, which carries with it a very negative destructive potential, with a binding effect on the material world.

This is why we need to write down the formulas and thus identify the name of the Antichrist. Let us take as a basis the formula of Chavaioth, which can simultaneously be the formula of the Antichrist, since the law of Chavaioth can be based on the process of materialization, but the Antichrist is not., Well, we need a sign of some kind of physical connection, a sign of the destruction of matter. This sign in ancient Jewish symbolism is the hieroglyph AYN. Axis three meanings, data from the type until the date of the Sixteenth Arcanum: material connection

fall, ruin

. The symbolic images that convey the honor of the Sixteenth Arcana are.

vezha, which collapses with a blow from a flashlight


The manifestation of this law in human life, and the “coming of the Antichrist” is nothing more than the ultimate fall, the triumph of materialism and the coexistence in human knowledge and, apparently, beyond the disposition of the Spirit in People i.

The one who felt the pain of the Antichrist both physically and mentally - as a result of the unfolding peculiarity that is still present in earthly life.

Thus, the ruined thing in one context reveals our light, and in another context our body.

Apparently, in the first context, the king and the common people are representatives of all social rivals, and in the other, they represent the lower powers of the soul.

Both the king and the marriage, however, are subject to a fatal primus - they were both destined for a painful fall, since their inclination, knowledge, will and heart did not turn to the Spirit.

Only in this corner, fragments of physical matter are powerless before the law of Achavaioth.

The mournful thought of the “father of Russian poetry,” the poet-Dedicate, Gavril Romanovich Derzhavin, conveys the celebration of the Sixteenth Arcanum in full detail:

“... Chi ne bachimo kozhen den trun,

Siviny of the old All-World?

Chi is not felt in the battle of the anniversary

The voice of death, the creaking of underground doors? Chi does not fall into this ziv Is the king and friend of kings on the throne?”

About Spokusa We suddenly came to the idea calm down

, This can be seen as the cob stage of manifesting the law of Achavaioth in the context of particularity, naturally, for the mind that attempts do not recognize calmness and do not resist it.

Zabobonni are talking about spokusa, as about the violent act of the devil over the People, which mere mortals cannot resist, do not loom under them as an abomination.

Spokes is an act of good will to homo sapiens, before

astrally There is a story about Volodya and non-Volodya with this subject and other features and about the spiritual price that you have to pay for it. The axis of the great biblical butt of peace and complete purity over it of the Informed Will: “...the devil takes Him to a very high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and even to You: I will give everything to You, who, having fallen, will bow to me. So Jesus says to me: Come out from Me, Satan;

The very act of violence against the People on the side of the devil and the Antichrist is turned off and impossible.

The influx of what seems to us “violent” from the side of negative life situations or evil people, from situations, in fact, “inexorable” - the essence is reflected in the active level of Spiritual Freedom, which we create before all of us.

The power of the Spirit is the greatest strength necessary for the path to Truth.

Penetration into the nature of speeches, calmness and wisdom - these viciousnesses are deprived of the Spirit, the stench of the Sin of Man is indescribable before Satan.

Many people, whom fate has unconditionally bestowed with great wealth, and who have made a great fortune by the way of rich wealth, become idle from now on: their thoughts are constantly occupied with the developments and calculations, and the stench itself, like the king or the zebra Shestna of the tenth Arcanum, fall at the break of matter.

Pleasure with conscience, once again called “remaining”, alienation from the world and humanity for the sake of “spiritual development”, love of power, dressed up in the clothes of “zagal good”, Marnoslavism, called “sense of imperiousness”, joy, motivated by noble urging – Achavaioth unhealed and thinly disguised instruments.

All writers, musicians, artists, performers are creative people, at least once they nourished themselves: how did the people of great talent - God or the devil? This will remain the food that we are stuck in this section.і I’ve almost had people who are not only less gifted, but also talented, declare in front of the heat: “Let the devil help me create a masterpiece, and I’ll sell you my soul!” What a pity!

Such “creators” will be bitterly disappointed - Satan is not able to control their creative genius.

You can mention: in literature, in painting, and in music there are such currents as

As for the so-called creations from the “demonic warehouse,” the stench is divided into two categories.

Persha - “creation through ruination”.

Here we are talking about works in which authors and mystical ways show us the exposure of the inner enemy, and then help us fight against it.

Like the butt of, perhaps, Francisco Goya, the great Spanish painter and graphic artist of the other half of the eighteenth century - the beginning of the nineteenth century.

These “demonic pictures” are nothing more than a manifestation of evil;

Let’s remember one of the artist’s favorite phrases: “People dream of a miracle.”

An excellent example of a “creative” demonic image could be Lermontov’s demon, which steadily swells human figures. On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. And the axis, Charles Robert Methurin, with his novel “Melmoth the Slayer,” which describes the life of the devil’s messenger on earth.

This book clearly shows the truth we have previously confirmed: the Antichrist is powerless before the free Human Spirit.

It’s clear that having lived on earth for more than two hundred years, at the end of his gloomy way he seems: “They affirmed that I was endowed with this power in order to confuse the unfortunate in the kingdom, blaming them for freedom and inadequacy, if they were likely to exchange shares with me.

If this is so, then it only confirms the truth, revealed by the words of the one whose name I do not dare to recognize, and which has found itself in the heart of a mortal. On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. The same truth has not changed with Melmoth the Bluekach.

Rozdil 8. Why do you know anything about people?

Here she noticed my appearance and explained once again: “The essence creates a clear picture of your butt and somewhat resembles cosmic laws, conveys joy and excitement.” She has both internal and external

From the books Cosmoconception of the Rosicrucians, or Mystical Christianity

by Handel Max On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. Chapter XV - CHRIST AND HIS MISSION The evolution of religion In the early parts of this world, we learned about this, how our new world was born and how people developed that folding organism from which we sprang come from outside minds.

We were taught in yakiys

3 books Mystetstvo Sprinyatta abo Lyudina without form Kholnov Sergey Yuriyovich

Section 1. Five axioms about people One of the fundamental drawbacks of a human being (through those who think, that they are not idiots) is a constant dissatisfaction with their state and the state of life.

This is a psychological axiom, melodiously, On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. 3 books A Course in Miracles

by Wapnick Kenneth On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. VIII.

Antichrist 1. What is an idol?

Do you think you know anything? On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. Even idols are not recognized as such and never take on those that stink.

He has only one strength. On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. The meta is vague;

He has only one strength. On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. The meta is vague;

be afraid of them and hesitate at the same time, as if you don’t know what they are and what the reason was

From the book of Purification. Volume 2.


Shevtsov Oleksandr Oleksandrovich On the other hand, the image of Iago, created by Shakespeare and most brilliantly transferred from the world of music by Giuseppe Verdi, shows us the appearance of the inner enemy - our powerful Iago. From books Thorough Shlub

Veor Samael Aun

Chapter 33. Christ the Love God Christ (Christ) resembles the Archaic Cults of the God-Fire. by Danina Tetyana

38. Christ and Antichrist, Paradise and Hell Christ and Antichrist, Paradise and Hell, Baptism by Fire and Baptism by Water, Spirit and Matter - all in a series that indicates a pair of prolongations. The word “Christ” in Christianity carries a double meaning.

, here is a living person, holy one, Mahatma, From the book Lyudina the Dolphin

by Mayol Jacques From the book of Satan: Autobiography, delivered to Ehuda Berg, author of the book “The Power of Kabbalah”

by Berg Yehuda

Section four: THE CHARIOT OF SATAN BILL It’s all just God’s will.

How can people who have lost their tempers endure being in this greedy, scorching, devilish world?

Do you know what?

You yourself are afraid.

What is the standard for how to correctly pronounce the word “God”?

Of course it is.

If you come to your word without first checking the dictionaries, then according to the dictionary rule it is correct to use the sound “k” at the end, since according to the rules of the Russian ending units it is appropriate to be deafened.
For example: Oak[p], tooth[p], haystack[k], prologue[k].

Possibly, this is a common rule and it is appropriate to say “God”.

But in Russian language, as in many other languages, there are words that go beyond the zagal rule, they pass through as inclusion words, for example, the word: “parachute” is not written with a “u” after the zagal rule, so what is the word -blame.

Just like the word “parachute” is a culprit in spelling, and the word “God[x] is a culprit in spelling.
Let’s take a look at Ozhegov’s well-known dictionary.

I quote verbatim:

GOD [boh], -ga [g that old.

What's old here?

Yaka Vimova?

The generic name also has a variant (God is the stagnant version of Boh), and the noun name has the correct sound: BOG[х].

You will say: “So, Ozhegov wrote a long time ago, now everything has changed in the norms of Russian language.”

Okay, let's rush to the latest vocabulary.
Before me is a spelling dictionary of Russian rock from the 1987 edition.
I write down verbatim:

As Bachimo, the very norm of the spoken word God, God is invoked, then as God is invoked, we are actually invoking the pagan god.

God forgive me, because we didn’t know this.

I could quote a lot more dictionaries of Russian language, but there is nothing to repeat.

If the skin is scratched from a correct, literate Russian language, check all the standards again.

The system turned out to be unreliable and often went wrong, so in 1992 the copper cable was replaced with an optical one, and the console was computerized.

Let us, brothers and sisters, break away from the Caydans of the last century, if we were not allowed to obtain more light, and we carried the word of the Gospel not to the greatest cultural and enlightened level.