The KGB of the USSR is a state security agency. functions and structure. The structure of the KDB, given by Gordievsky

Statements about those who have bathed in luxury do not demonstrate effectiveness. For example, an officer of a junior command warehouse in a regional UKDB in the mid-seventies could charge 200 - 220 rubles. And a lot of pennies have sunk into the life of this family with two children, says Valeriy Kurilov, a foreign intelligence officer at the Department of the KDB of the SRSR.

For example, in 1978, a senior breeder cut off 150 rubles. for a month, for such an imprisonment, Alfa owed 190 rubles (“Alfa” was nicknamed by journalists, officially - Group “A” of the Seventh Directorate of the KDB of the SRSR). The 1985 colonel withdrew nearly 400 rubles from the regional administration “office.”

Beginning with Tomsk region On departure and on a daily basis, a daily rate of 50% of the salary is applied. Ale was not overwhelmed by VIN, 10% were naughty for the leather of the service (Pershi 10% - after 1 RIK), Tobto after 3 rocks reached a pork in 50%, Ale is no more than 240 ruble, I Dal Khefitsynt is no longer a spins.

They handed over KDB officers, as well as rich people from other civilians, for mutual assistance. They dropped a fortune from their salaries, and it was possible to get rid of a great deal of money for the purchase of furniture, a car, a dacha - in order of rudeness. The cases were unofficial, but the authorities covered their eyes, which led to lawlessness and the destruction of socialist foundations.

Outside of the regular work of the KDB, security officers often operated under cover. And the following order was proposed: since the official salary in the “principal establishment” was higher, the lower salary at the KDB plus additional payments, then the difference contributed to the return of the KDB. If it turned out less, the KDB paid extra. In fact, the loss was rarely returned to the accounting department, written off as operational expenses. Kerivnitstvo secretly praised the order of the speeches that he had made.

The illegals of the KDB, who worked under the legend of the enterprise behind the cordon, were in control of almost the entire amount of the confiscated income. Sometimes, however, when using the KDB through a convoluted scheme, a portion of the income is up to 20%. The country needed a highly convertible currency.

Receive "bonuses"

Senior officers of the KDB, including colonel and chief, receive small additional material benefits: service cars, service dachas, maintenance and treatment at sanatorium-resort and health deposits, which belong to the KDB. In addition, it was possible to sell completely different products in closed special dispensaries. high vigor and an expanded assortment, right up to delicacies.

Regular and secret spivorbitniks (aka sexoty) are small or services with the inscription “KDB” are all-powerful sparklers. They provided additional assistance from the “office” at the quarry and permission for overseas trips. And the doctors, who secretly worked for the Chekists, were a large number of representatives of the creative intelligentsia, who also provided assistance in creative activities: staging shows, published books and seized for their money in the city.

1 Main Directorate (intelligence), 2 Main Directorate (counterintelligence), 3 Main Directorate (Military Counterintelligence), 4 Directorates (anti-radyan sub-police, nationalist formation and enemy elements)...

  • February 1954 - Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on February 8, 1954 about the vision of the security authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • Berezny 1954 - Decree of the Presidium of the Legislative Assembly of the SRSR dated 13 Berezny 1954 on the establishment of the KDB under the RM SRSR

Main departments of the KDB under the RM SRSR (1954):

"a) conducting exploration work in capitalist countries;

b) fight against espionage, sabotage, terrorist and other counter-activities of foreign intelligence services in the middle of the USSR;

c) fight against the witchcraft activity of various types of antiradyan elements in the middle of the SRSR;

d) counter-intelligence work for the Radyan Army and the Navy-Navy Fleet;

e) organization of encryption and decryption services in the region;

f) protection of the party and government officials"

KDB at the RM SRSR (Berezen 1954):

1 Main Directorate (intelligence), 2 Main Directorate (counterintelligence), 3 Main Directorate (Military Counterintelligence), 4 Directorates (Anti-radyan sub-pill, nationalist formation and enemy elements), 5 directorate (counterintelligence on particularly important government targets), 6th directorate (counterintelligence) in transport), 7 directorate (external security), 8 Head Directorate (cryptography), 9 directorate (protection of party and government officials), 10 (Directorate of the Commandant of the Moscow Kremlin), Personnel Directorate, Monitoring department, 1 special branch (counterintelligence in nuclear industry), 2 special departments (storage of operational equipment), 3 special departments (documents), 4 special departments (radio counter-intelligence), 5 special departments (preparation of operational equipment), department " Z(Ordinary link), Regional-Archive Branch (UAT), Prison Branch, Government Administration, Financial Planning Branch, Accounting, Mobile Services Branch, Initial Mortgage Management iv, Secretariat, Inspection.

"Regulations on the KDB under the RM SRSR"approved by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRS on April 23, 1958 and approved by the Resolution of the Republic of Moldova of the USSR on April 23, 1958. Functions of the KDB:

"a) research work in capitalist countries;

b) fight against spy, sabotage, terrorist and other counter-activities;

c) fight against the warlike activities of anti-Radyan and nationalist elements;

d) counter-intelligence work in the SA, Navy, Civil Air Fleet, in the PV and military MVS;

e) counter-intelligence work at special facilities, especially important industrial and transport facilities;

f) protection of sovereign cordons;

g) protection of the members of the party and the order;

h) organization and security of the rank and file;

i) organization of radio counter-research work"

KDB at the RM SRSR (Berezen 1960):

1 Head Office, 2 Head Office, 3 Head Office, 7 Head Office, 8 Head Office, 9 Head Office, Operational and Technical Management (OTU), Personnel Management, Supervisory Division, Regions Covo-Archive Branch (UAT), Main Directorate of Cordon Military Forces (GUPV) , Government Administration (GOSU), Department of Ordinary Liaison (OPS), Financial Planning Department, Mobilization Department, Secretariat, Group under the Head

KDB in the Republic of Moldova, SRSR (born 1967):

1 Head Office, 2 Head Office, 3 Office, 5 Office, 7 Office, 8 Head Office, 9 Office, Operational and Technical Management (OTU), Personnel Management, Surveillance Department ddil, 10 Viddil (observatory-archive), 11 Viddil, 12 Department (auditory monitoring of applications and telephones), Main Directorate of Cordon Military Forces (GUPV), Gospodarska Department (GOU), Department of District Communications (OPS), Financial Planning Department, Mobile Department Affairs, Secretariat, Inspection under the Head, Group of consultants under the Head

The structure of the KDB, given by Gordievsky:


  • Pershe (reconnaissance)
  • Friend (internal security and counterintelligence)
  • Prikordonnyi military
  • Eight (calls and encryption service)


  • Third (Military counterintelligence)
  • Pyate (politically, nourishing ideology)
  • Shoste (economical counterintelligence and industrial security)
  • Syome (external caution)
  • Ninth Department (District Security)
  • Operational and technical (OTU)
  • Fifteenth (protection of sovereign objects)
  • Sixteenth (radio interception and electronic intelligence)
  • Life of military objects


  • Sledchiy Veddil
  • Orderly link
  • Vishcha school KDB
  • Shostiy Veddil (recovery and perusal of correspondence)
  • Twelfth section (audition)

Structure of the First Head Office of the KDB – foreign intelligence services ()


  • Management R (operational planning and analysis)
  • Directorate K (counterintelligence)
  • Management S (illegals)
  • Directorate of T (scientific and technical intelligence)
  • Intelligence information management (analysis and evaluation)
  • RT management (operations of the SRSR)
  • Management of OP (operational and technical)
  • Management I (computer service)
  • Service A (disinformation, covert operations)
  • Service R (radio calls)
  • Service A of the Eighth Head Office of the PDU KDB (encryption services)
  • Electronic intelligence - directly RP

Head KDB

  • Volodimir Oleksandrovich Kryuchkov (zhovten 1988 – serpen 1991)
  • Viktor Mikhailovich Chebrikov (breast 1982 – yellow 1988)
  • Vitaly Vasilyovich Fedorchuk (traven - chest 1982)
  • Yuriy Volodimirovich Andropov (Traven 1967 - Traven 1982)

The Fifth Directorate of the KDB SRSR is a structural subdivision of the KDB SRSR, responsible for counter-intelligence work in the fight against ideological sabotage of the enemy. General F. Bobkov, head of the Directorate, in 1999, stated that “the term ... ... Wikipedia

Border military to the State Security Committee of the USSR ... Wikipedia

- “Alpha” Directorate A TsSP FSB Ukraine: Russia ... Wikipedia

The KDB request is redirected here. Div. also have other meanings. Memorial sign of the Cheka KDB State Security Committee of the USSR (KDB) Union-Republican body sovereign administration in the sphere of national security, ... Wikipedia

The largest power in the world in terms of area, another in terms of economy and military power may be the third in terms of population. The USSR was founded on the 30th anniversary of 1922, when the Russian Radyansk Federative Socialist Republic (RRFSR) united with ... Collier's Encyclopedia

Lute revolution. The military defeats on the fronts of the First World War and the economic chaos that was growing, called out the hymn praises. In the fierce year of 1917, grain riots in the capital led to a violent strike, which resulted in a ban. Collier's Encyclopedia

- (Sovereign Security Committee) one of the party's names sovereign body, having ended the task of protecting the communist regime of Radian Russia (SRSR) from internal and external enemies. With this method, KDB has secured the internal... Collier's Encyclopedia

This term has other meanings, div. State Security Committee. The KDB request is redirected here; div. also have other meanings. Check neutrality. On the side of the discussion may... Wikipedia

Zbroinі Forces to the Union of Radian Socialist Republics Emblem of the Revolutionary Military Council of the RRFSR. 1918. ZS emblem. Rocks of sleep… Wikipedia


  • Green pursuits of Afghanistan, Andriy Musalov. February 15, 1989 the rest Radyansky soldier depriving the territory Democratic Republic Afghanistan. The ten-year Afghan war is over... And now, after 30 years, history...
  • Green pursuits to Afghanistan, Musalov A.. February 15, 1989 the remaining Radian soldiers deprived the territory of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. The ten-year Afghan war is over... And now, after 30 years, history...

Sergiy ZHIRNOV, senior officer of the illegal intelligence department of the KDB SRSR and NWR of the Russian Federation

(Putin never served with the foreign intelligence agency KDB SRSR)

After Putin and a group of Chekists came to power along with him, people began to circulate various and inveterate myths about his obvious affiliation with modern intelligence (although it is documented, including from the authorities Putin's memoirs, having never served with a foreign intelligence officer ) and about a very bright career there, launched in the ZMI by the Kremlin’s peddlers in advance of the “election” for the post of President of the Russian Federation in the spring of 2000.

I often write about Putin’s real place in the Chekist hierarchy and in the history before the collapse of the USSR. Therefore, I have decided, compiled, and compiled a table about the prestige ranks in the middle of the KDB, so that every person who is not already privy to the secrets of the KDB could figure out for themselves who and where they were at these gatherings for Radian hours.

The KDB of the SRSR at the later Andropian hour (after 1978) gained the status of an autonomous Union State Committee on the rights of a Union-Republican ministry and officially had about 400 thousand soldiers (at that numbers are close to 100 thousand - border military forces, then the military police department, special forces and the whole army That service and personnel operations amounted to 100-200 thousand, it is impossible to calculate more precisely, because the KDB received its numbers from the beginning). In this case, this arithmetic does not include the great secret apparatus of “volunteer assistants” or “informers” (agents, trusted connections and trusted individuals) – approximately 5 million Radyanskys and foreign giants.

Of course, there are 400 thousand Soviet soldiers of the KDB among the 260 million population of the USSR, but it’s a drop in the sea. One KDB spivorbitnik fell on 600 Radyansky communities. And if we take away the number of personnel operatives-officers, one operative falls on 1200-1400 citizens of the SRSR. Therefore, the Chekists, insanely, arithmetically, squandered under the concept of rarity, luxury, and crowns of marriage.

This is the Chekist elite of the Radyan people (along with other elites - party, sovereign, Komsomol, trade union, military, diplomatic, foreign trade, journalistic, scientific, artistic, creative, writing y, villainous, intellectual, religious etc.). To spend before her was respected even with dignity and even with honor. Therefore, belonging to the closed and prestigious corporation KDB itself was considered enviable for the important majority of Radyan people.

Did Putin serve in the elite corporation KDB? Definitely so. Having served Putin with intelligence? Every hour, both mentally and internally. Did Putin serve under foreign intelligence? No way to live your life! Putin's career in the table of prestige ranks of the KDB operational warehouse is expressed by the following numbers: 43-42-39-34-31-34-26-39. I will require an explanation (you will find them below). What was Putin's career like at the KDB with a sparkle and in the distance? Equalized with two-thirds of the Chekists - so. Ale is equalized with the relevant spy specialists of the foreign intelligence service – no.

In the middle of the most “elite” Chekist corporation there were a lot of steps, similar to the success of the operational warehouse - a varied high-level eliteness, which looks something like this (the prestige in it is decreasing in the world of descent down into From the first to the forty-third position):

Foreign intelligence

1. illegal intelligence officer "in the field" (operator of the "Special Reserve" KDB SRSR), from the trival foreign border (DZK) from the guilty capital country "first class", Zahidny world (USA, England, France, Germany, Canada, Japan, Swiss Iya , Luxembourg, Australia, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, PAR, Israel etc.)
2. an illegal spy for the Center (an operative of the official reserve of the KDB of the SRSR "under fire" or the 1st branch of the central apparatus of illegal intelligence (direction "C")), who constantly and regularly vies "in the field" in a short-line sequence on the edge, once illegal factories all over the world
3. illegal intelligence officer "in the field" (operational officer of the "Special Reserve" KDB SRSR), in the DZK in the country "of a different sort", most in violation of the so-called countries of capitalist orientation (Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Chi li, Hong Kong, New Korea , Brazil, India, Kenya, Turkmenistan, Morocco, Latin American, Arab, African countries, the powers of Northern Asia or the operational police of the "Special Reserve" on the Osidan or legalization in the middle th country
4. an operative of the "C" directorate, who is undergoing special training for illegals along the line of the 3rd branch or a candidate for protection for illegals
5. operative special purpose(special forces) special forces unit "Vimpel" of the 8th division of directorate "C" (sabotage, sabotage, terrorism, guerrilla and raid warfare against a wide range of enemy forces in any corner of the world)

6. an operative officer of the “legal” residency in the DZK in the independent region of the Western World, who works “in the field” along the line of illegal intelligence ("N") or an operative officer of the active reserve of the KDB "under the sun" civil ministries, departments, installations and organizations in the USSR in preparation for DZK (MZS, Minzovnishtorg, DKNT, DKES, TARS, State Teleradio, APN, ZMI etc.)
7. an operative officer of the “legal” residency in the DZK in the independent region of the Western World, who works “in the field” along the line of political intelligence ("PR") or an operative officer of the active reserve of the KDB "under the sun" in installation in the SRSR for preparation to the DZK along this line
8. an operative of the “legal” residency in the DZK in the independent region of the Western World, who works “in the field” along the line of scientific and technical intelligence ("IKS") or external counterintelligence ("KR") or operative officer of the active reserve of the KDB "under Dahom" in installation in the SRSR for preparation to the DZK with this line
9. operational “legal” spy agent of the central apparatus of illegal intelligence (direction “C”), who regularly visits “in the field” at various “legal” special forces around the world
10. operational "legal" spivorbitnik of prestigious geographical branches of the remote control or control "T" and "K" of the central unit (RC), which regularly vizhaetsya "in the field" on special "legal" special missions around the world
11. An operative of the “legal” residency in the DZK in the country, which is developing a capitalist orientation, which operates “in the field” along the line of illegal intelligence ("N") or an operative of the of this reserve of the KDB "under the sun" in the installation in the SRSR in preparation for the DZK
12. An operative of the “legal” residency in the DZK in the country, which is developing, a capitalist orientation, which operates “in the field” along the line of political intelligence ("PR") or an operative of the This reserve of the KDB "under the sun" in the installation in the SRSR in preparation for the secondary sump repair
13. operative of the "legal" residency in the DZK in the country, which is developing, a capitalist orientation, which is working "in the field" along the line of scientific and technical intelligence ("Ix") and beyond new counterintelligence ("KR") or operatives of the active reserve KDB "under "dahom" in the installation in the SRSR for preparation for DZK
14. operative of the central apparatus of illegal intelligence (directorate “C”, Yasenevo), who works in the Center in a prestigious geographical division in the center of illegal intelligence (4th or 5th)
15. Operative officer of the central apparatus of foreign intelligence (PDU, Yaseniv) KDB, which operates in the Center in the prestigious geographical branch of the entire PSU (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 7th)
16. Operative officer of the central apparatus of control "T" or control "K" (Yasenevo), which operates in the Center in the prestigious geographical branch of its directorate
17. operative of the central apparatus of illegal intelligence, which operates in the Center in a low-prestige geographical, functional or related branch (2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 branches of control “C”)
18. operative officer of the central apparatus of foreign intelligence (PDU in Yaseniv), who works in the Center in a low-prestige geographical branch of PSU (for example, English or French countries of Africa, near socialist countries P Evidently Similar Asia)
19. Operative officer of the central apparatus of control "T" and "K" of foreign intelligence (PGU), which operates in the Center in a low-prestige geographical, functional or auxiliary department of its control, or spivrob Itnik of low-prestige management or service of PSU (NTO, legal service, archives, NDIRP) ), or vikladach KI
20. student of the Main (territorial) faculty of the KI KDB SRSR (official diploma of the SRSR of the Unified Sovereign Certificate about another) greater illumination).
21. Listening to the courtyard faculty of the KI KDB SRSR (internal confirmation of the KDB about advanced qualifications).

22. Operative officer of other lines of the KDB, who works in the DZK at the edge of Zakhidny Svita (security officer, coder, operational driver, NTO technician, etc.)
23. an operative of other lines of the KDB, who works in the DZK in the country, which is developing, with a capitalist orientation (security officer, encryptor, NTO technician, etc.) or “legal” and official yy Radnik KDB at "hot spots" (Angola, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Af . , Syria, Libya, Iraq, Cuba, Algeria, Vietnam etc.)


24. operative of the central official representative of the KDB in the capital of the socialist region at the DZK, who operates along the line of illegal intelligence
25. operative officer of the central official representative of the KDB in the capital of the socialist territory in the DZK, who operates along the line of internal intelligence from the territory of the socialist territory and other lines of activity of the KDB
26. Openspexobilnik of the Office Representative of the KDB at the socialist in the DZK, Yaki Pratsui in the LINIKY ONISHOKOVIKI in the Provinskyi
27. operatives of different lines of the KDB at the DZK in the social Ukraine, which works in the province or among the group of Radyansky troops (FGP)
28. operative officer of the 11th branch of the PGU (internal intelligence from the territory of the socialist countries) or operative officer of the active reserve of the KDB SRSR "under the influence" of the Radyansky organizations of external directivity (SSOD, KMO SRSR, Committee for the Defender of the World, Committee of the Radyan's Wives, Olympic Committee etc.). )
29. operative officer of the central administration of the Republic of Tatarstan near Moscow (internal intelligence from the territory, the first line of activity of the territorial bodies of the KDB)
30. operative officer of the first branch (internal intelligence from the territory within the structure of territorial bodies of the KDB) KDB for Moscow and the Moscow region
31. hearing of one-year courses at the Chervonopraporny Andropov Institute of the KDB SRSR (addition to the KDB about advanced qualifications for internal intelligence from the territory of the SRSR and the socialist country)
32. operative officer of the central apparatus of the KDB SRSR (another main department and other department) near Moscow
33. First-line operative (internal intelligence from the territory of the USSR) of the district department of the Criminal Investigation Department for Moscow and the Moscow region
34. intelligence officer of the first branches (internal intelligence from the territory, the first line of activity of the KDB) of the republican, regional or regional apparatus of the KDB in the capital of one of the 14 union republics to either the great provincial town and/or the great seaport (Leningrad, Klaipeda, Riga, Vladimir Odessa , Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, Batumi, Murmansk Tosto) or the military reserve of the official reserve "under the roof" of civil organizations
35. operative officer of the central apparatus of the republican, regional and regional UKDB of the SRSR (counterintelligence too)
36. First-line intelligence officer (internal intelligence from the territory) of the district departments of the UCD in the capital of one of the 14 allied republics or in the great provincial city and/or great seaport (Leningrad, Klaipeda, Riga, Vladivostok, Odessa, Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, Batumi, Murmansk and etc.)
37. operative of the first branches (internal intelligence from the territory, first line of activity of the KDB) of the regional apparatus of the KDB from the non-prestigious regions of the RRFSR and the allied republics
38. First-line operative (internal intelligence from the territory) of the district districts of the UKDB in the non-prestigious regions of the RRFSR and allied republics
39. operative of other lines (counterintelligence, military, economical, transport, ideological counterintelligence, etc.) KDB in the capital of one of the 14 allied republics or in the great provincial town or to the great sea port (Leningrad, Vladivostok, Odessa, Novorossiysk, Murmansk, etc.) P.)
40. intelligence officer of other lines (counterintelligence, military, economical, transport, ideological counterintelligence, etc.) in territorial authorities (district) in the province or a career police officer
41. Cadet of the Great Chervonogo Ensign named after the Dzerzhinsk School of the KDB SRSR (counterintelligence, diploma in first-class education) or a student of the Greater Courses of the KDB
42. listener of operational courses of the KDB SRSR (certificate of advanced qualifications) or cadet of the border school
43. non-certification (free hiring) spivrobitnik KDB SRSR either a superstructure officer or a contract soldier



(Deep warning: do not enter into any discussion with me without carefully reading and understanding everything):

1. The KDB SRSR, based on the geographical principle, had two completely different and unmistakable reconnaissance operations: external (referring to the guilty countries of Zakhad and the most guilty from the so-called countries) and internal (surrogate – developed From the territory of the USSR, socialist countries and poor satellite countries)

2. Apparently, there were significant implications for the prestige of the position in the middle of the KDB and, subsequently, in other radyanskom. So, in the USSR it was considered prestigious to go to any “abroad” (such poor social countries as Mongolia, Romania, Bulgaria, Cuba, Syria or Southern Korea), and in the middle of the KDB there was no bug that is the land that is developing, not , moreover, socialist, were not at all prestige. Go to the capital of Finland. Through this difference of relations between intelligence professionals and laymen-inhabitants, the rest get the impression that Putin’s involvement in the NDR is a career success, although in reality it was clear in the remote control how to identify with the name in the funeral pit.

3. My report card on prestige ranks includes the operational one, and not the chief warehouse officer of the KDB.

4. The structure of this table is almost too pyramidal. Then the lower categories are significantly numerical (tens of thousands), the lower categories (just a few hundred and tens of people). Ale stinks do not linger in the garden, one kind of the other.

5. The transition of an operator to a warehouse warehouse can significantly change his prestige, but is not considered a tableau, which is very important (impossibly) for an objective assessment. What is more beautiful and more prestigious: to be a simple lieutenant at the “illegal” foreign intelligence station in Paris or Washington or a general at some provincial “Uryupinsk” on behalf of the regional department of the KDB?

6. The KDB of the SRSR has an operational warehouse that grows from a young lieutenant to a lieutenant colonel (at the rank) and from a young operational officer to a senior lieutenant chief of the department (at the posad). Up to and including lieutenant colonel, the assigned rank was carried out by internal orders of the head of the KDB SRSR. Already in the NDR, Putin reached the middle of the KDB between the automatic growth of the operational warehouse (lieutenant colonel, senior lieutenant chief of the department) and many more would rise without change (he is old and not old) required coverage and qualifications for further growth), as if even wanted.

7. Beginning with the colonel, the procedure changed, radically becoming more complicated, making it less accessible to one. Assignment call the military, starting out as a colonel, they were dragged down to the nomenklatura of the Central Committee of the CPRS. In this case, the following requirements were required: successful completion of courses at the warehouse warehouse (in Moscow at KI or in Alma-Ata), submission to the Collegium and Head of the KDB and approval from the Department of Administrative Bodies to the Central Committee apparatus, and the its assignment was carried out by Decree of the Presidium Verkhovna Sake SRSR.

8. It is important not to confuse the prestige of a position in this table of ranks with income and material benefits. For example, a simple encryption machine that operates in the DZK in the most crooked region and takes away currency, with much better financial security, even if it’s Yasenev’s most prestigious officer. Thus, the senior operational officer, Major Putin, was stationed in the DZK at the provincial point of internal intelligence from the territory of the socialist country near Dresden (PDR), having saved more (in 4 years, having saved up for a new Volga), the lower colonel is the most prestigious this branch of the reference external intelligence service (RPU), and also on On this material side, this achievement ended.

9. It is necessary to say that the external training at the Divorce Institute (CD) of the KDB was not obligatory for work with the “internal” intelligence - among the surrogate intelligence from the territory, in the first line of territorial bodies KDB in the USSR and socialist countries. For this, six-month advanced qualification courses have been completed in Kiev, Gorky, Minsk and Moscow. Therefore, once Putin embarked on a river course to Moscow, it became clear that the personnel officers had not planned any kind of foreign intelligence. That’s why we then turned back to St. Petersburg and went only to the NDR, to the official representative of the KDB at the Stasis, where they practically did not send the relevant intelligence officers for the beginning of their career.

10. Putin started his journey to the KDB (from 1975 to 1991) from the bottom 43rd position (a freely hired employee of the secretariat, not certified legal adviser of the Leningrad KDB), then rising to 42 -yu. For the most part of his career in the KDB, he was in the territorial bodies of the KDB near the provincial Leningrad in the 39th position from 43 in my table of prestige ranks in the KDB, gradually moving to the 34th position (internal Russian intelligence from the territory of the USSR near Leningrad). For 9 months before leaving the People's Democratic Republic, it moved to Moscow in the 31st position, and then even briefly (for four months) back to Leningrad in the 34th position. At the hour of DZK in the NDR (1986-1990), Putin immediately rose to 26th position, and this became the greatest achievement of the structure of the KDB of the USSR. Immediately after turning from the NDR (1990-1991), it moved back to Leningrad in 39th position.

11. Those that Putin ended up in office as President of the Russian Federation are absolutely not connected with his unprecedented “successes” in the KDB and, moreover, in the “foreign intelligence”, in which he never served (it starts from the 21st positions and more in the table about prestige ranks). You just got drunk in the right place and in hour of demand: in 1991-95 rocks (under Sobchak in the Petersburg Mayor's Office) and then in 1997-99 rocks (under the right of President Yeltsin). Yeltsin’s “family” and a group of oligarchs along with Berezovsky, having appreciatively appraised Putin’s sadness and diligence, as his chief goodness, have made their main bet in an attempt to preserve the power that is hanging on him , like a puppet in the highest position in the state. And all of them have been “thrown away” all year round. Axis and everything explained. There is no desire to pay attention to Putin’s “merits” at the KDB.

12. I especially joined the KDB from the 4th position (1981-82), and then initiated the conclusion that I had completed special training and registered with the illegals of the KDB (2nd position). After the vindictive turn to nutrition about HR service In the KDB, I had the opportunity to fall far down - all the way to 20th position (1984-87)! Thus, especially my lowest point in the table of prestige ranks in the KDB (20th) was six positions higher than Putin’s highest (26th)! Moreover, we never served in the same squad: I was once with a foreign partner, and I was with a surrogate, internal, and not again. Then I suddenly managed to rise sharply to the 14th position (1987-1988 rocks), and from there again turn the mountain - to my cob, where I started, 4th (1988-89 rocks), with the loss of 6 rocks. And then on a friend (1989-91 rocks). Well, I ended my operational career in 1992 in the first position. After the collapse of the SRSR and the liquidation of the KDB, I initially transferred the initial part to the reserve, and then the remainder from the supply of the Shpigunsky department, which had never been damaged before and was not damaged. per (Read the autobiographical novel “Yak on me lyuvav KDB”).

Paris, February 2016.

KDB SRSR - the most powerful body that controls the sovereign security of the rocks cold war. The inflow of this institution from the USSR was so great that practically the entire population of the state was afraid of it. Few people know that the security system had PV KDB SRSR.

History of the creation of the KDB

The system of sovereign security of the USSR was created already in the 1920s. Apparently, this machine immediately began to operate in full-time mode. Do not forget about the repressions that were carried out in the USSR in the 30s of the 20th century.

All this time, right up to 1954, the authorities of the state security were in charge of the MVS system. Of course, from an organizational level this was absolutely wrong. In 1954, two decisions were adopted by the higher authorities of the state security system. On 8 February, by decree of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, security agencies were removed from the subordination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Already on the 13th of 1954, the Presidency of the Supreme Council of the USSR, by its decree, created the State Security Committee of the USSR. In such a way, this organ woke up before the collapse of the SRSR.

Kerivniki KDB

U different fates Cheruvali organ Yuri Volodimirovich Andropov, Viktor Mikhailovich Chebrikov, Volodymyr Oleksandrovich Kryuchkov, Vitaly Fedorchuk.

Functions of the KDB

The secret essence of the activity of this body has become clear, but not about all the functions of the security agencies that they have created in the system of the totalitarian regime for many years, apparently across a wide range of the population. Therefore we call the main functions of the KDB:

  • The most important tasks were the organization of intelligence activities in capitalist countries;
  • fight against spies from foreign intelligence agencies on the territory of the USSR;
  • work against the possible flow of data that becomes important for the state in all spheres of activity;
  • protection of sovereign objects, cordons and great politicians;
  • ensuring uninterrupted operation of the government apparatus.

Management of the KDB SRSR

The State Security Committee has a folding structure that was formed from the main chapters, management and branches. I would like to check in with the management of the KDB. Well, there were 9 children:

  1. The third department was responsible for military counterintelligence. At the time, the relevance of the task of management was great due to the active race between the USSR and the USA. Although the war was not announced officially, the threat of the transition of the conflict of systems from “cold” to “hot” was constant.
  2. The fifth generation supported political-ideological nutrition. Ensuring ideological security and the non-penetration of “witchcraft” ideas of communism in the masses is the axis of the main structure of this structure.
  3. The state administration was responsible for the continued sovereign security in the economic sphere.
  4. Soma had a specific task. If suspicions of serious offenses fell on a person, external guards could be placed on him.
  5. Nine children were buried under the special security of the officials, the highest party leadership.
  6. Operational and technical department. With the rocks of the scientific and technological revolution, technology was gradually developing, so the security of the state could be reliably protected only by the good technical equipment of the various organs.
  7. Until the end of the fifteenth department, the protection of the sovereign's security forces and strategically important objects was included.
  8. The sixteenth child got involved in electronic intelligence. It was created during the last period of the founding of the USSR in connection with the development of computer technologies.
  9. Department of everyday life for the needs of the Ministry of Defense.

Viddili KDB SRSR

There are other, but no less important structures for the Committee. From the time of its creation until its reorganization, the KDB SRSR had 5 divisions. Let's talk about them later.

The investigator was involved in the investigation of crimes of a criminal and economic nature, directly affecting the security of the state. In minds, the opposition to the capitalist world was important to ensure the absolute secrecy of the ordinary connection. I took up a special task.

The KDB has few qualified spy specialists who have undergone special training. It was for this purpose that the KDB school was created.

In addition, special sections were created to organize the listening of telephone conversations, as well as in premises; for the storage and processing of suspected correspondence. Insanely, not all the volumes were listened to and not all the pages were read, but only with a guilty suspicion of a giant or a group of people.

Special border troops (PV KDB SRSR) were created nearby, which were engaged in protecting the sovereign cordon.

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