Any despoilers are not reinvigorated.

Golovna Osvita

Dietprislovnikovyi gate

– this is a verbiage of stale words.

As a single agent, it signifies an additional action and begins with the same special thing, an object or a manifestation, as it begins the main action.

  1. It will be strengthened in the future.
  2. She tells the nutritionists “what are the robbers?”
  3. or “what did you earn?”

The action must be followed until the end, for example: the booster bags of the sustrich, the minister has welcomed all the teachers with the beginning of the initial rock.

Diepslivnik is an independent part of the language in the Russian language, which means an additional action to the main one.

This part of the promotion combines the signs of the word (look, the setting and rotation) and the adjective (immutability, the syntactic role of the setting).

Does it indicate that you are pregnant?

what did you earn?


When vikoristannogo dієprislіvnikovygo turnover in the river memory trace that: the main action, expressed by a verb adjective, and the additional action, expressed by a verb adjective, applied to one individual or object)

Quite often, the daily turnover is experienced in a single-component definitely-personal speech, including when spoken in the form of a command (where it can be easily renewed)

It is possible to use the diaspora in a non-specific proposition with an infinitive

Propositions with an attachment (butt)


Dietary turnover cannot be used in the following situations:

3) Since there is no delay in the sentence, try to follow it after the addition.

4) As it is impossible for the river to renew itself, it is surprising that the vibrator is not instructed to do so indirectly.

5) Correlate with the skin variant and supplement it with a diarrhea.

6) The option where the final action of both the saucer and the addition is added is correct.

Investigation of the reserve.

Express the grammatically correct continuation of the speech.

I won’t pay for additional help,

1) my strength began to leave me.

2) the students independently escaped from their assignments.

3) independence is even more important.

4) the support helps you to turn the important material more quickly.

Known idiom: n I’m getting insurance for additional help - what are you afraid of? don't pay for insurance.

The cutaneous variant has a well-known grammatical basis:

1) they began to deprive me of my strength.

2) the students independently escaped from their assignments.

3) independence very important.

4) the support helps you to turn the important material more quickly.

Comparatively speaking, the receiver and the subs that have supplied power: Who can help but not pay for additional help? It's not strength, non-independence and helper. Tilki Students may end up running out of work and not be able to afford additional help.

The correct answer is - option No. 2.

Also, watch the video again, as if it’s not understandable.


1. Say grammatically correctly the continuation of the sentence.

Analyzing Pushkin’s poem “Poltava”,

1) critics used a variety of different expressions.

2) The “obvious” little attention was paid to the spread of the various expressions.

The diaspora can also be used as a dead word. At the same time, the closet closes behind them. For example, near the river The ships did not go to sea, standing near the harbor(A. Novikov-Pribiy) at the birthday party The ships did not go to sea, standing near the harbor standing up is a stale word at the harbor:. (de?) near the harbor

Standing near the harbor

- diaphragmatic turn.

184. The adverbial phrase has one member of the proposition - the setting.

The following is indicated:

Write the words with adverbial phrases that come before them.

185. Read the text, replacing the words with bows with a syllable.

Select the type of movie and the style of the text.

Analyze the structure of the text, seeing in the new entry, main part and summary.

Store food.

Write the words with adverbial phrases that come before them. The result of the force lies not only in the magnitude of the force, but also on a flat surface, perpendicular to whatever it is. Let's take a look. People walk through the fluffy snow with force, deep (sink) on the skin. Ale, (coat) lick, you can walk in the snow, but you may not (lose yourself) from anyone.

186. Why?

On or without faces, people live with the same force that their vase is as old as it is.

But the effect is different in both cases, because of the difference in surface area, such as people with and without licks.

187. The area of ​​the surface is twenty times greater than the area of ​​the sole.

Therefore (to stand) on the licks of a person there is a square centimeter of skin on the surface of the snow with a force twenty times less, but (to stand) on the snow without licks.

188. Replace the words contained in the arcs with an unmarked form of the word with a prefix, and then with an adverbial phrase.

Write down the propositions that come out, visible as adverbial and adverbial phrases, and denoting them as members of the proposition.

189. 1. The athlete (who has recently lost the master’s standard) has gone to the warehouse of the collected country.

    2. Marathonets (get the first place) taking away another special prize for the will to victory.
    3 Junior (completing the 100-meter mark the fastest) helped his team get ahead.
    4. Stribuni on the eve of the year (not the mother of the water season) are becoming aware of the potential for the upcoming international trade.
    5. My friend (training hard day after day) became a famous gymnast.

190. Take a look at the little ones and read the propositions.

191. Add a sealant to the skin to more accurately describe the main action.

Label the decorator.

1. Sergiy stands, _ _ _.

2. Serhiy Prisiv, _ _ _.

3. Sergius bending down, _ _ _.

4. Sergiy lig, _ _ _.

Place words behind these diagrams.(most often this is a turnover in the meaning of the furnishing of the image of the action) does not mean an additional action, but in fact, being closely connected with the accessory, it itself becomes a semantic center of understanding.

It is impossible to acquire or move without conflict or loss of sense of the proposition. He stood there, stretching his neck for a little while, thoughtful and thoughtful

(Golovne, that you didn’t just stand, but stood slightly stretching your neck). She read it with her head hunched and the tip of her tongue hanging out

(The meaning is that she herself read it, and not that she read it in the past). Qiu has the right to restrain himself while sitting on the underside

(Sense to him that by his own rank he has the right to be victorious).

2. An adverbial turn using phraseology.

The boy hurriedly rushed to call for help from the warriors.

The Drukhars performed tirelessly.

After the sign was removed, the girl spent a night without losing sight of her eyes. The axis of action is based on such phraseological units:

abiyak, half-translating the breath, screaming without taking a breath, rushing with his tongue hanging out, lying marveling at the stele, sitting with his breath obscured, praising with his sleeves rolled up, rushing about without remembering himself, hearing the ears growing.

Some decent phraseological connections act in the role of the interlocutors, and they are reinforced.

Broadly speaking, the vyconati on the right could have been richer and clearer.

Regardless of everything, you can already get on the road.

3. If there is a subsiluvial part I before the diaphragmatic turn.

It was possible to tell about this without starting to cook.

A modest person loses her modesty and defeats a strong enemy.

You can go home and sleep without worrying about the result. 4. As the decorator bursts into words , what to enter to the warehouse of an appendage river or to the warehouse of a simple river. Be sure to use additional initial propositions with a conjunctive word



Similar inconsistencies can be found in many written texts.

There were doors with a left hand, through which one could enter the dressing room. Yesterday we saw a new film by Jim Jarmusch on the screen, marveling at how unimportantly we see his creative growth.

I saw Crow on the yalinka, and when he finally got there, she began to think... (I. A. Krilov). Shibanov preserves his slavish loyalty and gives his horse to the leader

(A.K. Tolstoy).

5. The daily value can be spent

, So you don’t see any comas.(the word can be omitted at first, the structure and replacement of the proposition remain unchanged).

However, if the turn of the word starting out not to be bound by the concepts of the hour, but to serve for clarification, clarification, strengthening.

Everything seemed suspicious to us, starting from his intonation

Captain, starting from the Crimean War, taking part in all military operations except the Japanese(the word can’t be omitted at first, the structure and the place of the proposition change).

Turn over outgoingі marvel in most cases, they are not included in the proper structure and are not reinforced.

The plant is laid out, out of your interests.

Let us be timid and wonder behind the furnishings.

6. The countervailing turnover appears simultaneously from the extremely unimproved furnishings and the same ones.

In this condition, the diarrhea does not appear to be comatose.

We will teach you how to apply this task with ease and without giving in to the witnesses.

The boy ran quickly and didn’t look back.The second lieutenant confirmed

Don’t worry about him.

However, in this case it is possible to reinforce this point, as the author would like to place a semantic emphasis and provide further explanation.The little ones are guilty and sniffling, mothers

said goodbye to Alyosha. In the dark sky, tired and not shining, yellow specks of stars appeared

(M. Gorky).

As you know, not everything is simple with the divisional signs at the receptionist, but we suspect that our explanations helped you.

If something is not entirely clear to you, you will always find help from our tutors!

Good luck to you and your beautiful, competent, intelligent Russian language!

site, with full or partial copying of the material sent to Pershodzherel ob'yazkov. Good afternoon. You need to see the note in the next proposition: If you no longer want to remove the leaves of this mailbox, you can subscribe to it by clicking on the message..

The additional turnover is strengthened, which requires a coma before

by clicking

Supply No. 301239

What needs to be borrowed from the river? I don’t understand, either the servant or the keeper: The Paviches had already jumped up and the cowards were walking around the enclosure with their three-tailed tails.

Report from the Russian language pre-service service

Supply No. 301239

Shaking with three tails - a decorator, it is strengthened.

Power supply No. 301001

This proposition has an incorrect definition.

Supply No. 301239

Possible option:

Supply No. 299833

Good afternoon! Tell me, in some cases, a coma is placed in front of the dash in a folding conjunction without a conjunction.

Supply No. 301239

Below the butt: is it necessary to place comas in order to close the anterior appendage and the original appendages?

What kind of minds lie in making signs in such situations? I will be very grateful for sending you the pre-video material.

Discuss things, encourage connections with your family, make friends with respect.

You can correspond with rozmovah without having to worry about rozmovi(,) - just finish the call.

The security of the calls ensures end-to-end encryption, which is installed on your device (,) - so no one can recognize the size.

Supply No. 301239

The comments have been overhauled with the attention of less than unique contributors, who are deprived of less than 11 comments per add (to turn off bots)(,) - all the same, it is growing from rock to rock.

The rule is the same.

When there is a sharpness in the middle of the proposition, a coma and a dash are placed first, followed by a dash.

Supply No. 301239

So the dash doesn’t fade to anyone. The adviser D. E. Rosenthal has a section on “Unification of divisional signs.” Most often they are reinforced as a descriptor, but in some cases, they effectively create meanings in the image of the deed, directly adjoining the deed, for example: On this day, she seemed to think twice about it.

Nutrition 202641 corrected.

Power supply No. 298861

Chantly, here is a pardon from the resident dresser.

Supply No. 301239

If so, then please, be kind, as I say correctly, without changing the sense. (This is translated.) “The images were carefully refined with the help of a mat and mortar, and unique grinding.”

The adverbial phrase was entered incorrectly.

Possible option:

Supply No. 301239

The eyes carefully polished the mortar and mortar without grinding. Supply No. 298492

Good afternoon! Why do you need to know the name of a product for an online store, as a presenter?

Stock: "Rozheva blouse decorated with pearls"

Supply No. 301239

Coma before the final turn is required: Rozhovaya blouse, decorated with pearls. Supply No. 297938 Good afternoon! Your help is really needed!.

How to be with whom after the word “sama” in the river: Sitting on stage, she herself, being an actress, expressed with passion what it was like to go on stage without an audience.

Coma after

Supply No. 301239

herself It’s not necessary, that’s what this word means, to enter the front door being an actress myself

Supply No. 297889

Good afternoon. Does the spoken word “You can obtain details by following the instructions” need a coma for the place indicated in the square arms?

Supply No. 301239

Is the phrase “moving on after the order” a disclaimer? Dyakuyu. A coma is indicated. So,

move on to the best of your ability

- This is a decorator.

Supply No. 301239

Supply No. 297804 I axis is still powered.

“When I laughed, and after noticing my love, I immediately got tired.”

You need a coma in the proposition: And you won’t be better at training everything for the grieving and overwhelming satisfaction.

Supply No. 301239

If so, then why. Yuck!

The display is supported by:

And you won’t be better at training everything, grumbling and squeezing away satisfaction.

Supply No. 301239

Supply No. 296238 Let me show you what is right: The boy does not deceive and does not respect, but being an assistant or a servant, he follows on his heels.

It is necessary to reinforce the container:

The boy does not deceive and does not respect, but, being an assistant or even a servant, he follows on the heels.

Golovna In a washable design, the seal can be located on the cob, in the middle or at the end.

In this case, it is obligatory to see division signs. However, there are faults with this rule, as described in this article. How does the liner appear on the sheet? - this is a verbiage of stale words. In the river, it is strengthened on both sides, it can be twisted onto the cob, at the middle and end of the main structure. The coma is seen as a characteristic turnover regardless of what position in relation to the addition of wine you are in..


Retrieved through Kalyuzha boy pishov away. Schoolchildren,

  • having lost the treasure

    let's go zoshiti. We discussed plans walking in the park What if the toilet does not appear comatose?.

  • There will be seizures if there is a gap і.

    does not reinforce (Not visible as comas): As a descriptor in phraseological terms. Butt: People killed the robot Sleeves down

  • . і.

    The stench came in handy to help creaked my heart As a decorative element, it is a homogeneous member of the sentence with another non-reinforced furnishings (expressed as a backdrop) and is lived in after the splinter and the splints Stock: Vin shvidko i

  • Some water endings having told this story..

    The woman carefully pressing with hand carried a card. Just before the diaphragmatic turn there is a vicoristic part.

  • Apply: Can be used

    don't push yourself so hard . Can you retell the plot? don't go into details. As the diaspora speaks a stale word

yak (yak, yak, yak) Apply: The reader gave the command, having earned how we could sing earlier . Vanya supplied food for his friend,

like what kind of guy got into troubleLike the maiden of the priesthood, the priesthood passes over to the priesthood.

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