How to write down sins before speaking. The Sacrament of Confession in Orthodoxy: rules and important points. One hundred sins of God

The prayer is accompanied by a fasting, so that the loss of food from the poor hedgehog - meat, dairy products, oil, eggs, and the death of the hedgehog: the need to eat and drink less than required.

Mood and behavior

Those who are preparing for Holy Communion may come to a deep awareness of their sinfulness, their worthlessness before God and lewdness; I am obliged to come to terms with everything and to protect myself from feeling anger and frustration, to avoid condemnation and all sorts of unnecessary thoughts and ideas, to be aware of the release of important places and everyday life that can date leading to falling into sin. Please remember the greatness of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, spending as much time as possible on your own, reading the words of God and spiritual books.


Those who wish to take communion are obliged, most of all, to confess their sins before or after the evening service - to repent of their sins before the priest, having broadly revealed their soul and not accepting greedy sin. Before confessing, it is necessary to reconcile with both the crooks and the crooked ones, humbly asking everyone for forgiveness. Forgiveness, as a rule, comes in the following form: “Forgive me, a sinner, for sinning before you,” which is usually translated as: “God forgive you, forgive me, a sinner.” . In the hour of speaking, it is better not to check the priest’s food, but to say for yourself everything that weighs on your soul, without admitting anything to yourself and without shifting the blame onto others. To reduce the harmfulness of the sins of those who confess their sins, they can be written on a paper and tributes to the priests at the hour of the confession.

It is better to make a confession the night before, so that the morning can be devoted to prayer preparation before Holy Communion. In extreme cases, you can confess and lie, or come to confession if the Divine Liturgy has already begun, but it is extremely difficult to approach the great sacrament. Those who have not confessed are not allowed to receive Holy Communion, except in cases of mortal insecurity.

Having confessed, you must make a firm decision not to repeat your sins. Please say kindly after the conversation and before Holy Communion, do not eat or drink. Insanely, it is defended after the night. Before morning, everyone needs to drink before Holy Communion and children from the earliest age.

Before and before the hour of Holy Communion

You need to come to the church from behind, before the beginning of the reading of the Godinnik. At the hour of the Divine Liturgy, before the royal brahmi opens and the wine of St. Darius opens, immediately after singing “Our Father,” it is necessary to approach the gathering of the Holy Day and tap the wine of St. Darius while singing: “With the fear of God and in faith we begin " The first to receive communion (and also to go up to the cross and be anointed) are the brethren of the monastery, then the children, then the men and finally the women. Approaching the Chalice, it is necessary to form an earthly bow from afar, and in the week of the Lord's Saints - a waist bow, pointing with the hand of the statue, and folding the arms crosswise on the chests - right over left. Do not cross yourself in front of the Holy Chalice at any time, so as not to forcefully knock the Holy Chalice, clearly recognize your outside Christian name, open your mouth wide and reverently, with full knowledge of the holiness of the great Sacrament, accept The Body and Blood of Christ and immediately forged .

After Holy Communion

Having received the Holy Chamber, do not cross yourself, kiss the edge of the Chalice and immediately go to the table with warmth to soak in and consume a piece of the antidora.

Do not leave the church until the end of the service, except to listen to the daily prayers. On this day - the day of Holy Communion - there is no need to drink too much alcohol and behave reverently and decorously in order to “honestly receive Christ received from you.”

Everything is necessary for children, starting from the seventeenth century, when children first come to know.

Who cannot receive communion

Goodbye. cross, who were not at the evening service beforehand and did not confess, or early, registered for the Divine Liturgy, did not fast and did not read the Rules before Holy Communion, women who may be unimportant for the church in their health and appearance, and Same: in the period of monthly cleansing, with bare head, pants, makeup on the face and especially stuffed lips. Also non-Orthodox, which includes the parishes of non-canonical, schismatic church denominations (Greek Catholic and Roman Catholic churches, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Orthodox Church – Kiev Patriarchate and other) and sects. Such people are obliged to bring repentance for the fact that they have obviously and unknowingly been in schism and have not respected the divine beliefs about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, violating the decrees of the Ecumenical Councils.

Example of a short speech before a confessor

I confess, the rich sinner(s), to the Lord God Almighty, in Holy Trinity to the glorious and worshiped Father and Son and Holy Spirit, all my sins are real and fleeting, in a word, in deed, and in thought. Having sinned: to the carelessness of my monks, which I gave at Baptism, but in this case, having neglected and proceeded, and having earned myself unnecessary things before God's lyceum. To those of little faith, to those who are unfaithful, to those who are doubtful, to those who hesitate in faith, because the enemy of the whole world is against God and the Holy Church, because of their mindfulness, because of their fears, because of their fortunes, because of their conceit, because of their wickedness, because they live with their savior, over I mean it on myself and on people more than on God. Let us worry about the justice of God and the lack of sufficient submission to the will of God, insubordination to the work of God's Providence, easy baptism, so that everything happens in my opinion, people-pleasing, anticipatory love before the creation and speeches. To those who have not tried to know God, the will of God, believe in Him, reverence for Him, fear of Him, hope for Him, and zeal for the glory of God. I thank the Lord God for all the great blessings that have been pouring out on me and in general on the entire human race and the lack of memory about them, complaints about God, cowardice, anger, the hardness of my heart, etc. the essence of New love, no fear and unknown holy will. Yogo. Involuntary addictions: covetousness, pride, narcissism, marnoslavism, ambition, covetousness, gluttony, affection, secret eating, eating, drinking, addiction to gambling, entertainment and entertainment (theatres, cinema. By God, the unconquered habitation, the primus of others before God and oaths, irreverence to holiness, blasphemy against God, against saints, against all that is holy, blasphemy, blasphemy (theft of church speeches), invocation of the name of God in vain, among the filthy right, blasphemy. nights and s nonsense, unseemly standing at the temple of God, laughter and laughter, disrespect for reading and singing, brightness of mind, wandering thoughts, walking around the temple during the hour of the Divine service, coming to the temple and touring his shrine. before prayer, deprivation of morning and evening prayers , careless respect during the hour of prayer, excessive reading of the Holy Gospel, the Psalter and other Divine books. Recognition of sins in confession, self-justification among them, repentance without heartfelt repentance, and failure to properly prepare for Having received the Holy Mysteries of Christ, without being reconciled with our neighbors, having come to confession and in such a sinful state, he dared to proceed to the Prich. To the destruction of posts Happy days: in the middle of Friday, inconvenience in life and drink, inappropriate and indecent images on the banner of the Holy Cross. Insubordination, self-righteousness, self-justification, laziness to the point of failure and inappropriateness of entrusted workers and compliance with the obligations of service. To the neglect of their fathers and elders, boastfulness, rebellion. The variety of love for one's neighbor, impatience, creativity, quarrelsomeness, anger, abuse of one's neighbor, intransigence, witchcraft, evil for evil in payment, unforgiven image, evil memory, jealousy, delay Isty, malice, revenge, washing, condemnation to the poor, stinginess, squandering, covetousness, insincerity in those involved with them, suspicion, double-mindedness, hypocrisy, nonsense, hypocritical motives with other and flattery. Let us forget about our future eternal life, the unmemorability of our death and the Last Judgment, and our unreasonable, preemptive indulgence in life before earthly life, and we are satisfied with it. The inconsistency of one’s language, marslavs, marslovs, laughter, denunciation of the sins and weaknesses of one’s neighbor, self-indulgent behavior, vileness. Instinctness of one’s mental and physical feelings, criticism, immodest thoughts on other matters, freedom from bestiality, fornication and excess of love, blatant mischief, indulgence in daring and disturbing others. The variety of straightforwardness, generosity, simplicity, faithfulness, truthfulness, playfulness, stateliness, caution in words, thoughtfulness, protection and protection of the honor of others, the variety of humility, value, modesty in words and actions, purity of heart, disrespect, mercy and mercy. Evil, confusion, gaze, hearing, relish, scent, pill, greed, uncleanliness and all my feelings, messages, words, bajans, rights (here I need to name sins that were not overdone and burden the soul), and in others my x sins, I don’t remember anything about it.

Having named the sins, it is important to listen respectfully to the priest’s testimony, who will finally read the permissible prayer.

Confession of repentance is a sacrament, in which a person, who confesses his sins to the priest, through it, is forgiven of his sins by the Lord Himself. About those, father, a lot of people ask how they get to church life. The previous confession prepares the soul of the one who repents before the Great Meal - the Sacrament of Communion.

The essence of the speech

The Holy Fathers call the sacrament of repentance to other Christians. In the first phase of Baptism, a person is purified from the original sin of their forefathers Adam and Eve, and in the second, the one who repents is washed from his sins, which were already recorded after Baptism. However, because of the weakness of their human nature, people continue to sin, and these sins strengthen their view of God, which becomes a barrier between them. With the power of power, the stench of this bar is not in the fog. Ale, the Sacrament of Penance helps to recuperate and receive that extravagance during Baptism and union with God.

The Gospel says about repentance that it is necessary for the salvation of the soul. Throughout life, people constantly struggle with their sins. And, regardless of any defeats or downfalls, it is not your fault to be confused, angry and repentant, but to repent all the time and continue to bear your life’s burden, which is the oath of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Knowing your sins

Whose head is fed - understand that in the Sacrament of the Confession, when people repent, all their sins are forgiven, and the soul is united from sinful bonds. The ten commandments, rejected by Moses as God, and the nine commandments, rejected as the Lord Jesus Christ, contain the entire moral and spiritual law of life.

Therefore, before you confess, you need to go to your conscience and remember all your sins from childhood in order to prepare a correct confession. He doesn’t know how to go about it, and he throws out the truth, but a truly Orthodox Christian, sifting through his pride and trash, begins to spiritually cripple himself, honestly and broadly admitting his spiritual lack of knowledge. And here it is important to understand that people’s unconfessed sins will always be judged, and repentance will mean I can overcome myself.

What is a valid confession? How to go through the ceremony

Before confessing to the priest, it is necessary to seriously prepare and understand the necessity of cleansing the soul from sins. For whose purpose is it necessary to reconcile with all the crooks and with those who have been portrayed, to get rid of gossip and condemnation, all sorts of unnecessary thoughts, revision of numerical rozvazalnyh programs and reading passenger literature. More beautiful good hour dedicate the reading of the Holy Letter and other spiritual literature. It is important to meet a little in advance at the evening service, so that by the hour of the Rank Liturgy you no longer have to leave the service and devote the hour of prayer preparation before Holy Communion. But, at the very least, you may be told a lie (it’s important to say it all that way).

First of all, no one knows how to properly confess, what the priests say, etc. In any case, you need to get ahead of the priest, and direct everything in the right direction. The sermon first tells us to understand and acknowledge our sins; at the moment of their discovery, the priests are not able to justify themselves and shift the blame to someone else.

Children up to 7 years of age and all newborns on this day receive communion without a confession; no one can do anything to women who are at the purification (if they are in menstruation or after pregnancy until the 40th day). The text of the speech can be written on a piece of paper so that you don’t get confused and remember everything later.

Order of speech

The church gathers a lot of people to confess, and before that they go up to the priest, demanding that they turn to the people in their accusations and say out loud: “Excuse me, a sinner,” and they give evidence: “God show us, and we forgive " And the axis already requires going to the companion. Having walked up to the lectern (the high stand for the book), crossed yourself and bowed at the waist, without kissing the Cross and the Gospel, bowing your head, you can begin to confess.

Before the confession of sins, there is no need to repeat them, because, as the Church says, they have already said goodbye, but if they were repeated again, then they must be repented of again. After finishing your speech, it is necessary to listen to the words of the priest and when you finish, the two cross each other, bow at the waist, kiss the Cross and the Gospels, and then, again crossing and bowing Having arrived, accept the blessing of your father and sing in your place.

What do you need to repent about?

Bringing to an end the topic “Sermon.” How to pass through this mystery”, it is necessary to become familiar with the most widespread sins in our world.

Sins against God - pride, lack of faith and ignorance, the words of God and the Church, the unfailing of the banner of the cross, the unwearing of the cross, the breaking of the commandments of God, the mystery of the name of the Lord in vain, the unconquering of the never-before-seen churches, prayer without effort, prayer and daily services, faith in love, fervor for psychics and witchcraft, thoughts about self-destruction, etc.

Grihi opposite - squinting the Batkiv, grab, the stingle of the merciful, Zhorstokosy, binding, khabarchnitsa, image, stilettos of I Zli Jarty, Rodratuvannya, Gniv, Perevo, Plits, Coristel, Scandals, Isterics, Faces, Faces. bud.

Sins against oneself - marnoslavism, overzealousness, restlessness, lateness, vengeance, desire for earthly glory and honors, addiction to pennies, gluttony, chicken, drinking, gambling, masturbation, fornication, showing respect for one’s own єї flesh, uni, etc. .

God will forgive any sin, for this there is nothing impossible, people only need to properly acknowledge their sinful acts and repent of them broadly.


Call for confession in order to receive communion, and for what purpose do you need to talk for many days, what is important in prayer and fasting, the evening service and reading at home, in addition to the evening prayers and morning prayers, the canon and: Mother of God, Guardian Angel, Repentance, before Communion, that according to possibility, or more precisely, for the holy day - Akathist to Jesus the Most Solod. After no more eating or drinking for the night, proceed to the sacrament again. After receiving the Sacrament of the Sacrament, you need to read prayers for the Holy Communion.

It’s not good to be afraid of speaking. How can I get through? You can read about this exact information in special brochures that are sold at every church, where everything is clearly described. And then it’s a shame - to learn about this truth and ritual right, and even about death, an Orthodox Christian needs to think about it first, so that he doesn’t find his value - without even taking part.

It’s no secret that, unfortunately, none of us can call ourselves absolutely sinless people. All of us, hour after hour, fade into the various waters that pour down on us with a singing tide. It has become really important for me to find out what the basic needs of people are and how you can get rid of them influx of negative. Therefore, I advise you to read this article and immediately familiarize yourself with the list of sins for your speech.

Confession is essential to spiritual testing. From the very beginning, it provokes the desire to repent, to verbally confess to one’s filthy actions.

Even if people stop following the commandments of God, there will inevitably be a destruction of their spiritual and physical bodies. And if there are any stinks, you can clean them out for yourself.

Confession conveys the reconciled specialness of God. The soul is being healed, and people are taking extra strength to overcome their sins. During this process, people openly reveal their evil deeds and attempt to extricate themselves.

However, if the parishioner is very weak in advance, then you can forget about those for which you want to repent. And here the overflow of sins comes to the rescue for the sake of Orthodoxy. It develops behind and is a kind of hint for fortune-telling. The list of sins on the show can be read thoroughly or followed as a plan.

With this most important mental attitude, the individual's broadness and truthfulness are maximized.

In order for the sacrament of the confession to be effective, it is important to establish a clear contact between the senses and the words, and even just a mechanical reading of one’s sins also means proper healing from them. It seems that without words they appear as ineffective as words without words.

What is the transfer of sins for speaking? This is a great passage that includes all unnecessary words and actions. It is based on the seven deadly sins and ten commandments.

U human life Even though there is so much diversity, it is rarely righteous. Well, the confession makes it possible to broadly repent of one’s sins and refuse to allow the future to happen.

The correct process of preparation before speaking

Prepare for the ritual immediately. You can write down the flow of your vile deeds on a piece of paper and take it with you. Likewise, we will not bother to read special literature, since the mysteries of the confession and the sacrament are present. Don't try to justify your sins, just recognize that they stink of wickedness.

The ideal option is to analyze your skin every day to determine what is bad and what is wrong. side dishes you were crushed. Such a boss korisnoy zvichka You will find it more important to accept your thoughts, words and actions.

Even before you speak your mind, make peace with all the people who have crooked you, and also get rid of all your crooks.

There is a clear difference between special repentances (if the individual’s thoughts repent of the sacred deeds) and the sacrament of the confession (if the individual confesses his indecent offenses and the failure to cleanse himself from them). Telling about your indecent actions to outsiders also means reporting moral efforts, so that, first of all, you become aware of the depth of your guilt, and in another way, get rid of the internal rubbish.

If you are facing any kind of difficulties that are about to fall into sin, then we can help you in the best way possible. Povna confession" It is taught at the same time by the leather church shop, in which all types of sins are revealed in detail to confirm the particularity of the ritual. The book is also supplemented with butts and materials to help prepare yourself for the ceremony.

What rules are followed?

Do you suffer from a stone in your soul, do you want someone to tell you and refuse forgiveness? The confession has already relieved the morale. Vaughn is committed to openly acknowledging and repenting of one’s sins as broadly as possible.

Conversations are allowed up to three times per week. The idea of ​​burying one’s sins helps to overcome boredom and insecurity. The sooner people go to confess, the more important it is for them to resurrect all their evil deeds. The most important rule is that the priest must understand the true sense of sin in order to give adequate punishment.

In particularly important situations, there are restrictions. Hymn to penance, deliverance from sacred rites and the mercy of God. How many times do you spend time, pretending to be a priest?

As a rule, punishments mean the completion of morally correct work - for example, fasting, chanting of prayers, canons and akathist. In some cases, the overflow may change.

If a person becomes seriously ill and is dying, then the holy father is asked to come home immediately for a confession.

A Look at the Sacrament of Confession

When you arrive at the temple, take a seat in order to make your confession. During the ritual, on the analogue there is a cross from the Gospel - symbols of the continued presence of Christ. Before the ceremony, the clergyman can be sure that you pray often, that you follow the basic church rules and set similar rules.

After this, the process of mystery begins. If a person repeated sins that had been forgiven her at the last meeting, it is imperative to think about this moment, this time the offense has a more important character.

During the speech, you won’t be able to capture any information and speak for the sake of tension. Explain in reasonable words so that it is clear what exactly you are repenting of.

At the end, the priest opens the list of sins for confession - which means that it is completed and you have been forgiven of your sins. An epitrachelion is also placed on the top - a symbol of God’s mercy. Then it is necessary to kiss the cross with the Gospel so that the faithful can achieve the basic commandments.

Proper preparation before speaking

The ritual of confession with this method, so that people can comprehend their sins and correct them. If you are far from church life, then it may be important for you to understand how to classify yourself as atheist. With this method, I came up with ten commandments that clearly state what cannot be done categorically.

As a result, if a person first falls into disrepute, it may be difficult for her to learn these basic sins and commandments on her own. Then it would be better to let the priest know first by talking to him specifically and sharing your difficulties with him. Therefore, you will definitely make the process of preparation before the sacrament of confession easier for yourself.

We have learned the rules of preparation before the church ceremony, and now we have compiled the list of sinful acts.

Sins committed against the Lord

  • distrust of God, doubts about his power, the existence of all things;
  • Vidmova wears her cross and protects her faith;
  • taking oaths to the Lord is clear;
  • sectarianism, magic, practice of hybnikh navchan;
  • craving for gambling;
  • the goal is to end life with self-destruction, cowardice;
  • It is not necessary to go to church and read prayers every day;
  • vidmova during the period of fasting, devotion to Orthodox literature;
  • filth placed before the holy fathers;
  • thoughts about worldly speeches during the hour of worship;
  • spending your valuable time on medicine, a variety of active activities;
  • I will open the camp, as life encounters difficulties. I would rather help someone else, without believing in divine mercy;
  • capturing your sins during the process of confession.

Sins against your loved ones

  • I will become aggressive, angry, arrogant, proud and Marnoslavic;
  • seeking the truth, helping others, ridiculing others;
  • greed and waste;
  • medicinal treatment of children without faith;
  • It’s not necessary to turn around the borgs, pay for someone else’s labor, help those who ask and demand;
  • Vidmova helped her fathers, showing disdain for them;
  • theft, hardening, lateness;
  • conflicts;
  • verbal attacks (condemnation, driving to self-destruction and pathology);
  • abortion and its propaganda.

Sorry for doing it against yourself

  • likhoslivya;
  • transcendental self-love, healing, dilution of tiles;
  • the purpose of making money, getting rich;
  • an over-worldly demonstration of one’s good deeds;
  • become unhealthy, nonsense, alcoholism, gluttony, drug addiction;
  • I will dissolve, over-love, bloodshed and masturbation.

New list of sins to speak to women

A delicate overtone emerges and most women are encouraged to continue chewing the confession if they listen to him.

It is necessary to respect that there is a lot of fear that this advanced representative of an excellent article is absolutely unpolished. Clergymen are forbidden to share secret conversations with anyone.

Also, for greater psychological comfort, it will be better if you find yourself one permanent confessor.

It is also necessary to remember that the church does not touch the intimate sphere of life between friends. You can also give a lesson about contraception to a clergyman. There are a lot of ways that do not interfere with abortion, which prevents the birth of life. Even if it weren’t there, all the difficult moments can easily be discussed with your fellow man, your doctor or your spiritual father.

  • rare prayers from the temple;
  • thoughts about worldly speeches during the hour of prayer;
  • sexual love affairs;
  • abortions and their propaganda;
  • the presence of filthy thoughts and banality;
  • watching and reading pornography;
  • foxes, hardening, tench, images;
  • exposing your body with the aim of turning your respect;
  • fear of getting old, wrinkles;
  • thoughts about self-destruction;
  • abuse of malt, alcohol, drugs;
  • Vidmova will help those who require it;
  • witch, witch;
  • Zaboboni.

Overflow of human sins

Many people cannot come to a clear conclusion, and there is an important list of sins to talk about. Some people say that such a list is a waste of mystery and transform it into a formal reading of the provinces.

The most important thing in the process of speaking is to become aware of your sins, and what they may be like for you in the future. Well, the list of sins can only be repeated in a short reminder, or you can do without any of them if you don’t see any special needs.

The balance of spiritual life lies in the knowledgeable essence of kayatta, in which the confession is just the beginning of awareness of one’s sinfulness. Speech is a difficult process in which you can create certain stages of work for yourself.

  • sacrilege, talk to the church;
  • the abundance of faith, doubting that there is life after death;
  • blues behavior, ridicule of the poor;
  • show cruelty, laziness, pride, marnoslavism and greed;
  • vidmova serve in the army;
  • Vidmova quitted her unwanted job and her obligations;
  • images of other people; show hatred;
  • lies, discussions of the weaknesses of others;
  • sin to sin (fornication, drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling);
  • Vidmova to help fathers and absentee people;
  • stealing someone else's power;
  • boasters, supercheeks, humiliation of neighbors;
  • showing impudence, rudeness, ignorantness, familiarity, cowardice.

Sermon for children

The Church allows preaching for children starting from this seven-year age. The fathers will later have to prepare their little one for the confession: explain to him the essence of the mystery, explain to him what method is used to go into this, and help the child to unravel all his guilty sins.

It is important to make sure that the child understands that he may not be speaking the truth. Better yet, because the child herself is full of her own rotten faults. I must understand what my actions were wrong and do not repeat them in the future.

Older children should independently make decisions about what they want to do. Do not try to limit the free will of children. Some special features of the fathers’ butts are very important, no matter how they grow up.

To help your little one compile a list of sins for speaking, you need to start by asking him:

  1. Let the little one pray (at the rank and evening, before receiving the hedgehog). What kind of prayers do I understand?
  2. What is the temple like?
  3. What nonsense should you inject your dads with?
  4. Has there never been such a thing where you put your successes and victories above the successes of others (beginning to become self-conceited)?
  5. Why get into fights with other little ones, why not harm them?
  6. Why is there no harm in lying to yourself against other little ones?
  7. Why did you inject yourself, or did you show that you were late?
  8. Have you examined the physical aspects of those who are away?
  9. Have you ever indulged in smoking, alcohol, drugs, or recklessness?
  10. Are you hesitant to help your dads?
  11. Why play sometimes with a sick person, so as not to lose your obligations?

The importance of generosity in speech

The clergyman also plays the role of a psychologist in the process of confession, in order to recognize the level of humanity of a person in his life. There may also be such types of discourses as they represent the mystery and God.

If, for example, an individual in a mechanical form simply remembers his sins, he confesses to several confessors, but fails to grasp the truth - repentance cannot be achieved through such actions.

Given this, the behavior and tone of speech with which people confess are of great importance. This (plus the obviousness of pangs of conscience) helps the priest to embrace the generosity of the one who repents.

Also, in such situations, the special character of the clergyman is significant for people. This becomes a driving force for judging and commenting on the actions of clergy. If you do not accept your spiritual father for any reason, you can change him again by going to another temple.

Such sins and depravities cause people so much moral suffering that they never dare to voice their voice. In such cases, it is possible to create a list of sins and release them by the clergyman without reading or reviewing them.

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A short order before speaking (for materials from Orthodox Christians)

Love about Christ, brothers and sisters! Preparing to begin the great sacrament of the holy confession, marveling at the mercy of God, we nourish ourselves, whose mercy we have shown to our neighbors, who have reconciled with everything, and who do not hold in our hearts a fortune-teller for anyone who has guessed the sacred words of the Saint Gospels: their sins must be forgiven to you Your Father in heaven” (Mt. 6:14). The axis of the mind is that we are guilty of understanding and attending the ritual service of holy repentance. However, in order to repent and give up excess sins, you need to remove your sin. It's not that simple. He respects self-love, self-esteem, self-justification. Filthy creatures, whose conscience twists, we are wise to respect the “sickness”, to be indifferent to new surroundings and neighbors. Nowadays, every sin, in word and thought, is the legacy of the addiction that lives in us - a kind of spiritual illness.

Since it is important for us to recognize our sin, it is even more important to eliminate the addiction that has become ingrained in us. So, you can live without suspecting the biases of pride, as long as you don’t want to chain us. Then the addiction arises through sin: giving evil to the wicked, cutting imaginative word And tell the place. The fight against addictions is the main goal of the every Christian.

Encourage people who are under-informed in spiritual life not to remain blind to their sins, not to feel their severity, and not to worry about them. It seems like: “I didn’t do anything special,” “I have only minor sins like everyone else,” “I didn’t steal, I didn’t kill,” - that’s how someone often starts a confession. Alas, the holy fathers and our readers, who deprived us of prayers of repentance, respected themselves first from sinners, with broad reconciliation cried out to Christ: “There are no sinners on earth throughout the world, just as I am a sinner, the accursed and the prodigal!” The more brightly the light of Christ illuminates the heart, the more clearly all the shortcomings, expressions and spiritual wounds are recognized. And finally: people, trapped in the darkness of sin, do not cherish anything in their hearts, and if they do, they do not grieve, because they have nothing to complain about, because Christ has covered them with a veil of sins. Therefore, for the polishing of our spiritual linen and the sensitivity of the Holy Church, preparation was made for the day before the sacrament of repentance, and then until Communion - shit. The period of shitting can be limited to three days before the day, since there is no special reason for the appointment of the confessor. This is the hour to complete fasting, to save yourself from sinful acts, thoughts and feelings, in the future, the lives of life are darkened, repentant, destroyed by the right of love and Christian charity. During the period of shit, it is necessary to attend church services more often, pray at home more often than usual, dedicate time to reading the works of the holy fathers, the lives of saints, self-destruction and self-testing.

Understanding the moral state of your soul, you need to try to separate the main sins from their predecessors, the root, the leaves and the fruit. You should also be careful not to fall into frivolous suspicion until your heart collapses, to lose the sense of what is important and unimportant, and to get lost in the rubbish. The one who repents is obliged to bring to confession not only a list of sins, but also, what is more important, it is felt that he repents; not a detailed story about your life, but a shattered heart.

Knowing your sins does not mean repenting from them. Why should we work if our heart, dry from the sinful half, is not washed away by the life-giving waters of tears? What is it that spiritual ailments and “impossible flesh” are so great that they cannot be found on the horizon of repentance? However, there is no reason to give a confession in the spirit of repentance. This is the only requirement and this is the sin - the benchers are insensitive - to speak courageously and openly, without hypocrisy. God can touch the heart and at the very hour of the confession - soften it, refine the spiritual vision, awaken the kayatta.

Umova, we are absolutely obliged to strive so that our repentance is accepted by the Lord - forgiveness of the sins of our neighbors and reconciliation with our family. Repentance can be completed without verbal confession of sins. Sins may be permitted only in the church sacrament of repentance, which is performed by a priest.

A speech is a feat, a self-primus. At the hour of the conversation, there is no need to check with the priest, but to do the work yourself. It is necessary to name sins accurately, without obscuring the unattractiveness of sin with blasphemous expressions. It is very important, we confess, to escape the complacency of self-justification, to try to explain to the confessor the “minor circumstances”, as a reminder on the third occasion, as they have led us to sins. All these are signs of self-love, the need for deep repentance, and continued abuse of sin.

Confession is not about your shortcomings, doubts, it is not just informing the confessor about yourself, although spiritual conversation is also very important and important to the mother in the life of a Christian, but Confession is something else, it is a sacrament, and not just piety viy call. Confession is a warmer heart of repentance, a cleansing sprague, and a more baptismal one. Those who repent die for sin and are resurrected for righteousness and holiness.

Having brought repentance, we must strengthen ourselves internally in the determination not to turn back to confessed sin. A sign of complete repentance - hatred and hatred for sin, a feeling of lightness, purity, incredible joy, if the sin is so important and intractable, as only joy was far away.

The life of a human being is so varied, there is a hidden depth of our soul, so it is important to sort out all the sins and sins that we commit. For those who are about to begin the ritual of holy confession, it is difficult to remind themselves about the main violations of the moral law of the Holy Gospel. It is important to examine your conscience and repent of your sins before the Lord God. The sacrament of holy repentance has the main purpose - to awaken our spiritual awareness, to open our eyes to ourselves, to become shy, to deeply understand what a disastrous state our soul is in, how it is necessary to joke about salvation from God, to ask for a tearful and sorrowful test not our unhealed sins before Him. The Lord Jesus Christ awaits us with the broad knowledge of our approaches to His holy will and humble devotion to Him, as unworthy of His servants, who have sinned greatly and represented His Divine love before us.

We need to remember and deeply believe in the endless mercy of God, who extends His love to every sinner who is dying. There is no sin that God, through His incredible mercy, did not reveal to people, who showed greater repentance for their sins, a firm determination to straighten their lives and not to turn into more sins. Let us begin to confess, we pray to God, so that with His omnipotent help He will open the door of repentance for us, reconcile and unite with Himself, granting the Holy Spirit for a new and renewed life. Amen!

Vivid expression of speech.

I confess, the rich sinful servant (of God) (name...), to the Lord God Almighty, to the Holy Trinity, the glorious and worshipful Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and to you, honorable father, all my sins are grave and fleeting, and in a word, to the right , by the way.

Having sinned the careless habitation that I gave at baptism, but in this case, having neglected and destroyed it, and made it unnecessary for myself before the face of God.

Having sinned against the weak, the unfaithful, the doubtful, against the faith, against the envoys, against the enemy of the world, against God and the Holy Church, by blasphemy and ridicule of the holy, doubtful in the butt of God, caring ami, bestialized to “grandmothers”, healers, eccentrics, I am extremely fond of playing cards, self-conceit, carelessness, which we see in our salvation, relying on ourselves and on people more than on God, caring about the justice of God and all the sufficient submission to God's will, not thanking God for everything.

Having sinned against insubordination to God’s providence, to the easy-going ones, so that everything happens in my opinion, to people-pleasing, preempted love to speeches. Without trying to know God's will, without showing reverence for God, fear of Him, hope in Him, zealous for His glory, for He is glorified by a pure heart and good deeds.

Having sinned in not paying attention to the Lord God for all His great and unexpected blessings, forgetting about them, complaining about God, cowardice, anger, hardening of one’s heart, the absence of His love and the unknown of His holy will. i.

Having sinned against involuntary addictions: greediness, covetousness, pride, laziness, self-love, marnoslavism, ambition, covetousness, gluttony, affection, secretiveness, gluttony, drinking, chicken, drug addiction, addiction to igor.

Having sinned against God, the unconsecrated habitation, the predominance of others before God and the oath, irreverence before the sanctity, blasphemy against God, against the saints, against all that is holy, blasphemy, calling out the name of God is marauding. filth on the right, bazhannya, thoughts.

Having sinned without sacrificing the holy things of the church, by not going to the temple of God for linen and wickedness, by standing at the temple of God irreverently; having sinned with roses and laughter, disrespect for reading and singing, brightness of mind, wandering thoughts, vain speculations, walking around the temple during the hour of worship without consumption; leaving the church before the end of the service.

Having fallen short of the prayers of morning and evening prayers, excessive reading of the Holy Gospel, the Psalter and other Divine books, patristic communions.

Sins of forgetting sins in public, self-justification and application of their gravity, confession of sins, repentance without heartfelt poverty; without reporting the diligence of proper preparation before communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, without reconciling with our neighbors, coming to confession and in such a sinful state, daring to approach communion.

The sins of the broken fasts and the neglect of the days of Easter are the middle and Fridays, which are comparable to the days of Lent, as the days of the suffering of Christ. Having sinned against the inconsistency of our gods, the unworthy and irreverent godly banners.

Having sinned with disobedience to the authorities and elders, svavils, self-justifications, linoshchami to the point of unscrupulous viconniums of entrusted certificates. The sins of their fathers being careless, not praying for them, not raising their children in the Orthodox faith, not being careless for their elders, boasting, noisy and disobedient, rudeness, stubbornness.

Having sinned against the totality of Christian love for one’s neighbor, impatience, creativity, quarrelsomeness, anger, giving harm to one’s neighbor, fights and welding, intransigence, fortune-telling, paying evil for evil, not forgiven image, anger, jealousy, late, late, late, late, late, late, late , the preparation and sale of moonshine, the “development” of an electric chiller, assigned to the state

Having sinned unmercifully to the poor, it is not long before they become sick and crippled; They have sinned through stinginess, greed, waste, covetousness, infidelity, injustice, hard-heartedness, envoys and attempts to commit suicide.

Having sinned with guile towards one's neighbors, deception, insincerity among those involved with them, suspicion, double-mindedness, slander, ridicule, hypocrisy, nonsense, hypocritical affairs with other flattery, people-pleasing.

Having forgotten about the future of eternal life, not remembering about one’s death and the Last Judgment and an unreasonable, pre-emptive addiction to earthly life and its contentment, reference.

Having sinned against the inconsistency of one’s language, idle talk, marslavs, mischief-makers, ridicule, telling jokes; They have sinned by revealing the sins and weaknesses of their neighbors, by their self-indulgent behavior, by being flamboyant, by boasting, by watching the TV uncontrollably, by consuming gambling and computer games.

Having sinned against the inconsistency of one’s mental and physical feelings, partiality, chivalry, immodest thoughts on a particular subject, the brutality of them, fornication and excess of love, lack of complacency in one’s life, With their carnal sins, they will obey their desires and tempt others.

Having sinned against straightforwardness, generosity, simplicity, fidelity, truthfulness, importance, stateliness, caution in words, thoughtfulness, they did not protect or steal the honor of others. They sinned through the presence of love, modesty, value, modesty in words and actions, purity of heart, disrespect, mercy and humble wisdom.

We sinned with anger, tightness, confusion, gaze, hearing, relish, smell, pill, greed, uncleanness and all our feelings, thoughts, words, thoughts, right. I repent of other sins that I have forgotten and not remembered.

I repent that I have rotten the Lord God with all my sins, I am deeply pitiful and I ask everyone to get rid of my sins and recover. Lord our God, with tears I pray to You, our Savior, help me to establish myself in the holy intention of living like a Christian, and my confession of sins is due to me, for I am Good and Lover of People. Amen.

It is necessary to name your own sins from overinsurance here. The sins not listed here need to be specifically told to the confessor. For clarity, sins can be written down on paper and read before the priest. Sins confessed and permitted before should not be named in the confession, since they have already been forgiven, but if we repeat them again, then we need to repent of them again. You need to repent of these sins that were forgotten, but have now been forgotten. When talking about sins, there is no need to mention details and names of other people – participants in sin. The guilty ones must repent for themselves. Beginners are conquered to the point of sin by prayer, fasting, streaming, and good deeds. Confession is taken at the church after the evening service or at any time when the priest is at home. How often do you need to delve into this saving mystery? Most often, it is known, in the skin from several posts.

The sacrament of speaking is a test for the soul. It consists of the duty of repentance, verbal confession, repentance for sins. When people go against the laws of God, they gradually destroy their spiritual and physical shell. Kayattya helps to cleanse oneself. Vono reconciles people with God. The soul heals and loses strength to fight sin.

Confession allows you to confess your faults and deny forgiveness. With praise and fear you can forget those for which you wanted to repent. The list of sins for speaking serves as a fortune-telling, a hint. This can be read outright or vikoristati as a plan. Golovna, so that the confession is broad and truthful.


Confession is the heart of repentance. It is possible to pay for your sins and be cleansed of them. Confession gives spiritual strength to resist evil. Sin is a discord in thoughts, words, and actions according to God's will.

Confession - greater awareness of the godless leaders, their fear will be awakened. As if it were not important and unacceptable to remember about them, then report your sins to the clergyman.

For this rite, a new interconnection of sensations and words is necessary, so that the daily recollection of one’s sins does not bring proper cleansing. Feelings without words are as ineffective as words without feelings.

There is a transfer of sins for speaking. This is a great overflow of all unnecessary actions and words. It is based on the 7 deadly sins and 10 commandments. People's lives are much more varied in order to be absolutely righteous. This is a word of encouragement: the ability to repent of your sins and try to prevent them from happening to you in the future.

How to prepare before speaking?

For many days in May, preparations will be made before the show. The list of sins can be written on an arkush paper. You should read special literature about the rituals of confession and communion.

Do not joke about justifying sins, demanding to acknowledge their godlessness. It’s better to analyze today, sorting out what was good and what was bad. Such a generous sign will help you put more respect into your thoughts and actions.

Before you speak, make peace with us, who will be crooked. Vibachiti is quiet, having formed. Before speaking, it is necessary to follow the prayer rule. Add the Canon of Repentance, the Canons of the Mother of God before reading this evening.

There is a distinction between repentance (if people repent of their thoughts) and the sacrament of confession (if people confess their sins in order to be cleansed from them).

The presence of a third-party person creates a moral imperative to understand the depth of the offense, to look through the heels of the sorority to take a closer look at the wrong actions. This is why the list of sins is so necessary for the Orthodoxy to speak. We will help you identify those that were forgotten and wanted to be captured.

If you have encountered difficulties in the course of sinful acts, you can add the book “Repeat Confession”. There she is at the leather church bench. It's detailed there latest list sins for the confession, the particularity of the mystery. Excerpts from the speech and materials for preparation before it have been published.


There is pain in your soul, do you want to talk, get out? After speaking, things become much easier. Look, it’s more widely known in the local provinces. You can go to confession up to 3 times a day. Bathing helps to cleanse yourself of sins by helping to alleviate the feeling of boredom and handlessness.

The earlier the conversation, the easier it is to guess all the ideas and thoughts. The optimal option for holding the sacrament is once a month. Help from Spovid – a list of sins – some necessary words. Golovna, so that the priests began to understand the essence of the offense. Then the punishment for sin will be justified.

After the speech, the priest puts on the folds of the bow. This is punishment, excommunication due to holy rites and God's grace. What triviality is meant by the priest. Most of the cabins have morally upright robots. For example, fasting, reading prayers, canons, akathists.

Then the priest will read out the list of sins for the confession. You can independently write a list of what has been done. It is better to come to the confession after the evening service or before the liturgy.

How to pass the mystery

In certain situations, ask the priest to tell you home. You should be afraid of this situation because people are seriously ill or are dying.

Having reached the temple, you need to borrow a draw to speak. At the hour of the sacrament, the cross and the Gospel lie on the analogue. This symbolizes the invisible presence of the Savior.

Until the end of the day, Father, we can start supplying food. For example, about those who often see prayers that follow church rules.

Then the ritual begins. It’s best to prepare your list of sins for confession. The butt of this can always be found in the church. If sins, forgiven in advance, were repeated, then they were remembered again - but this is considered a more serious offense. Don’t try to speak in front of the priest, or speak in a strained manner. Slide in simple words clearly explain the sins you repent of.

As soon as the priest has sorted out the list of sins for the confession, it means that the sacrament is completed and released. The priest puts an epitrachelion on his head to repent. This means a return to God's mercy. After whom we kiss the cross, the Gospel, which symbolizes the readiness to live by the commandments.

Getting ready to speak: list of sins

The confession is to make sense of your sin, and to recover. People far from the church can easily understand how these things are considered to be godless. For this purpose there are 10 commandments. It's clearly stated that you can't stop it. The list of sins for keeping the commandments is better prepared in advance. On the day of this sacrament you can relax and forget everything. Therefore, it’s best to calmly re-read the commandments a few days before the speech and write down your sins.

As the word is first, it is not easy to independently convert from the seven deadly sins and ten commandments. Therefore, you should go to the priest later, in a special way about your difficulties.

A list of sins for confession with explanations of the sins can be obtained from the church or found on the temple website. The decipherer has a detailed list of all possible sins. From whom list Next, identify those that were especially special. Then write down your travel history.

Sins committed against God

  • Lack of faith in God, doubt, lack of success.
  • The absence of the lower cross, it is unnecessary to protect the faith from detractors.
  • Oaths to the names of God, voicing the name of the Lord are in vain (not during the hour of prayer or prayers about God).
  • Branching out of sects, sorcery, conjuring with all sorts of magic, reading and widening falsehood.
  • Gambling, thoughts of self-destruction, mischief.
  • Unknown to the temple; The specificity of the established prayer rule.
  • Lack of fasting, lack of readability of Orthodox literature.
  • Judgment of clergy, thoughts about worldly things during the hour of worship.
  • It's a waste of an hour to get excited, watch TV, and be idle on the computer.
  • Disappointed in important situations, I have a hopeless hope in myself that I can help without believing in God’s providence.
  • Caught sins in public.

Sins committed against neighbors

  • Fieryness, anger, zealousness, pride, pushing.
  • Nonsense, neglect, deceit, stinginess, waste of money.
  • Children's training is a posture of faith.
  • Infidelity of the Borgs, non-payment for work, vidmova’s help to those who ask and those in need.
  • It’s not good enough to help the dads, it’s not good enough to help them.
  • Theft, debt, lateness.
  • Welding, drinking alcohol at funerals.
  • Driving in with a word (harden, bring illness to the point of self-destruction).
  • The killing of a child in the womb, the manipulation of others until abortion.

Sins committed against oneself

  • Delirium, selfishness, marsal, tiles.
  • Make some money, get rich.
  • A display of good spirits.
  • Lateness, nonsense, binge drinking, gluttony, drug addiction.
  • Fornication, over-love, incest, fornication.

List of sins for a woman's speech

This is a very delicate list, and many women will be inspired by the conversation after reading it. You should not trust any information you read. Once a brochure with a list of sins for a woman was bathed at the church bench, it is obligatory to put respect on the neck. It says “recommended by the senior council of the Russian Orthodox Church.”

The clergy will not reveal the secret of the confession. Therefore, it is best to receive the sacrament with a permanent confessor. The Church does not invade the sphere of intimate friendships. It is best to discuss the use of contraception, which is similar to abortion, with a priest. There are ways to discover ways that do not interfere with the abortion process, but rather avoid the birth of life. Whatever the case, it's all fresh food Next, discuss with a person, a doctor, a confessor.

Axis list of sins for the speech (short):

  1. She rarely prayed and did not attend church.
  2. I thought more about worldly things during the hour of prayer.
  3. admitted article of life to shlyubu.
  4. Abortion, the introduction of others before them.
  5. Little unclean thoughts, bazhanya.
  6. I marveled at films, read books of pornographic violence.
  7. Plates, nonsense, zadrіst, linoschі, images.
  8. Protect your body to show respect.
  9. Fear of old age, wrinkles, thoughts of self-destruction.
  10. Addiction to malt, alcohol, drugs.
  11. Unique help to others.
  12. Zvernennya for help to the vorozhok, vorozhok.
  13. Zabobona.

List of sins for a person

It's a good idea to prepare a list of sins for a speech. It is important that such a shift to spoil the mystery and confuses the formal reading of the provinces. The main thing to do is to acknowledge your sins, repent and prevent their repetition. Therefore, the list of sins can be a short reminder or it can be completely daily.

A formal speech is not effective, because there is no truth in it. Return after the sacrament before great life add hypocrisy. The essence of spiritual life lies in the simple essence of repentance, whereas confession is just the beginning of awareness of one’s sinfulness. A valuable process that consists of many stages of internal work. The creation of spiritual resources means systematically tuning one’s conscience and being responsible for one’s relationships with God.

Here is a list of sins for a speech (short) for a person:

  1. Sacrilege, pray at the temple.
  2. Doubtful about the faith, please.
  3. Blissing, mockery of the poor.
  4. Greediness, laziness, pride, marnoslavism, greed.
  5. Sluggishness during military service.
  6. The uniqueness of unfavorable work, the improvement of diseases.
  7. Images, hatred, battles.
  8. Hardening, roaring against other people's weaknesses.
  9. Indulgence in sin (fornication, drunkenness, drugs, gambling).
  10. Vidmova helps her fathers and other people.
  11. Theft, pointless collecting.
  12. Cunning to the point of boastfulness, super-cheek, humiliation of one's neighbor.
  13. Impudence, rudeness, ignorance, familiarity, cowardice.

A sermon for a child

For a child, the mystery of the confession can be revealed from seven fates. Until this century, children are allowed to receive Communion without it. The fathers are responsible for preparing the child before the confession: explain the essence of the ritual, the confession, why it is being carried out, and at the same time guess the possible sins for her.

The child needs to understand what is going on and preparing before the confession. It’s better to write a list of sins yourself. It is your responsibility to recognize any actions that were incorrect and make sure not to repeat them in the future.

The older children themselves praise the decisions about those who agree with them. It’s not good to limit the child’s will, little one. The father’s special butt is very important for all conversations.

The baby may forget his sins before confessing. The list of them can be compiled after the fact that the child is responsible for nutrition:

  • How often does one read a prayer (at night, evenings, before meals), how can one remember?
  • Why walk to church, how to attend services?
  • Chi wear cross, is there a time for prayers and divine services?
  • Did you deceive your father or father at the hour of the conversation?
  • Or without writing about your successes, victories, or without knowing?
  • Is there anything to do with other children, so as not to harm the little ones and the creatures?
  • Who cares about other children to protect themselves?
  • Why, having stopped villainy, why am I stuck?
  • Have you laughed at the physical affairs of other people?
  • Chi ne grav u karti (smoking, drinking alcohol, trying drugs, tongue-in-cheek)?
  • Are you lazy and help your dad around the house?
  • Why don't we get sick so we can get rid of our liabilities?
  1. The people themselves mean that they must confess to them no matter how many times they perform the ritual.
  2. Next, prepare a list of sins to confess. It’s best to take the example in the church where the ritual takes place, or you can easily find it in church literature.
  3. It is optimal to go to confession until the very clergyman who becomes a mentor and is ready for spiritual growth.
  4. Confession is received without harm.

First of all, you need to know what days the church will have meetings. Dress yourself in proper rank. For men - a shirt or T-shirt with sleeves, pants or jeans (not shorts). For women - a hood on the head, a lot of cosmetics (like lipstick), a sleeping bag no worse than a pair of knees.

Breadth of speech

A priest as a psychologist can recognize how rich a person is in his fellow man. There is a confession that depicts the mystery of the Lord. If a person mechanically tells about sins, there are a bunch of confessors, they tell the truth - such actions do not lead to repentance.

Behavior, tone of speech, words that constitute a confession - all have meaning. Only the priest understands how broad he is. Worrying conscience, embarrassment, anxiety, and discarding rubbish contribute to spiritual cleansing.

Sometimes the specialness of the priest is important for the parishioner. There is no point in condemning or commenting on the actions of the clergy. You can go to another church or go to another holy father for confession.

It is important to voice your sins. Emotional experiences are so strong that it is easier to compile a list of unrighteous acts. Father respects every parishioner. Since it is impossible to tell about everything and repent deeply, then the sins, a list of which is compiled before the confessor, the clergyman has the right to let go without having read them.

Meaning of the speech

There is no need to talk about your sins in front of strangers and berate yourself. Therefore, people are encouraged to go to the confession, respecting that God will forgive them. This is the wrong approach. The priest acts as an intermediary between people and God. Yogo zavdannya - mean the world kayattya. Father has no right to sue anyone, since he doesn’t see the one who is repenting from the temple. During the speech, people are already in tears, and the clergy are trying not to leave their suffering.

It is important to remove your sin, acknowledge and condemn it from your soul, and voice it before the priest. Mother of God, don’t repeat your faults again, try to calm down the right kind of mercy for the misfortune. The message brings revival of the soul, transformation and access to a new spiritual level.

Sins (list), Orthodoxy, confessions are drawn from the respect of self-knowledge and the search for grace. All good things can be done through strength. If you don’t lower yourself, if you engage in the rights of mercy, if you develop honesty in yourself, you can deny God’s grace.

The meaning of the sentence lies in the common typology of sinners, the typology of sin. In this case, the individual approach to the skin is similar to pastoral psychoanalysis. The sacrament of the confession is mainly about awareness of sin, recognition of it, the courage to voice and stand up for it, purification of the soul, joy and peace.

The people are guilty and require repentance. Love for God, love for oneself, love for one’s neighbor cannot be exalted. The symbolism of the Christian cross - horizontal (love to God) and vertical (love to oneself and neighbor) - lies in the conscious integrity of spiritual life, its essence.

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