How to create a MODX Revolution slider behind MIGX TV help? Tutorials MODx – Realizable slider Gallery carousel for modx revo

In today's time, a slider - a carousel - is functional, which is simply necessary for a business site, a portfolio site, or any other resource. A series of horizontal image sliders, horizontal carousel sliders fit well with any web design.

Another slider is guilty of occupying a third of the site's side. Here the slider - a carousel victorious with transition effects and adaptive layouts. E-commerce sites feature a slider - a carousel for demonstrating the great number of photos in other publications or pages. The slider code can be freely tweaked and changed as required.

Using JQuery in combination with HTML5 and CSS3, you can create your pages with clicks, providing them with unique effects, and return respect for a specific area of ​​the site.

Slick – daily slider plugin – carousels

Slick - jquery, which can be easily expanded, - a plugin, the retailers of which are hardened, so that they can satisfy all your friends to the slider. Responsive slider - carousel can be used in the "tile" mode for mobile devices, the one in the "dragging" mode for the desktop version.

To mitigate the effect of the "fade out" transition, the possibility of "mode near the center", the line of image capture with auto-scrolling. Functional updates include adding slides and filtering slides. All in order to ensure that you have adjusted the plugin to the best of your ability.

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Owl Carousel 2.0 - jQuery - plug-in with typing capability on touch devices

In the arsenal of this plugin there is a great set of functions that are suitable for both newcomers and advanced retailers. The version of the slider - carousel has been updated. Yogo front was called that way.

The slider can have its own warehouse and develop plugins to improve the overall functionality. Animation, video editing, slider autorun, line loading, automatic height correction - the main features of Owl Carousel 2.0.

Drag and drop capability support enabled for the handy wiki plugin on mobile outbuildings.
The plugin is a wonderful idea for displaying great images on small screens of mobile devices.

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jQuery plugin Silver Track

To add a small, but rich in functionality jquery plugin, which allows you to place a slider on the side - a carousel, which may have a small core and does not save an impersonal resource to the site. The plugin can be used for displaying vertical and horizontal sliders, with animation and creation of image sets from the gallery.

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AnoSlide - ultra compact responsive jQuery slider

Ultra compact jQuery slider - carousel, the functionality of which is more rich, lower than the big slider. Include front view of one image, rearrangement of the decal image in the carousel view and slider based on headings.

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Owl Carousel - jquery slider - carousel

Owl carousel is a slider with touch screen support and drag and drop technology that can be easily embedded in HTML code. The plugin is one of the shortest sliders, which allows you to create beautiful carousels without any specially prepared layout.

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3D gallery - carousel

Vikoristovu 3D - transition, based on CSS - styles and troch Javascript code.

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3D carousel with TweenMax.js and jQuery

Wonderful 3D carousel. It seems that this is still a beta version, so I have revealed a few problems from it literally at once. As you see from the testing and creation of your own sliders - this carousel will be a great help.

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Carousel of bootstrap wikis

Responsive slider carousel using bootstrap technology for your new website.

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Starting with Bootstrap - Slider Framework - Moving Box Carousel

Most requests for portfolios and business sites. This type of carousel slider is often featured on websites of all kinds.

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Tiny Circleslider

The whole slider of a critical rozmіru is ready to be put on the outbuildings, be it some kind of razdіlnoy zdatnіstyu screen. The slider can be used both in a circular mode and in a carousel mode. Tiny circle views are an alternative to other sliders of this type. Є vbudovana pіdtrimka operating systems IOS and Android.

In the circular mode, the slider can achieve a cicada look. A support for the drag and drop method was implemented, and that system of automatic scrolling of slides was implemented.

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Thumbelina content slider

Pushing, adaptive carousel-type slider that guides you to the current site. Correctly works on any outbuildings. May be horizontal and vertical modes. Yogo rozmіr minimization less to 1 KB. The ultra compact plugin also allows for smooth transitions.

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wow - slider - carousel

There are more than 50 effects, which can help you create an original slider for your site.

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Responsive jQuery content slider bxSlider

Change the window size of the browser to improve the adaptation of the slider. Bxslider comes with more than 50 options to customize and demonstrate its functions with various effects transitions.

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jCarousel is a jQuery plugin to help organize the look of your images. You can easily create corystuvac carousel images from the base, which is the indication for the butt. The slider is adaptive and optimized for work on mobile platforms.

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Scrollbox - jQuery plugin

Scrollbox is a compact plugin for creating a slider - a carousel or a text row to live. The main functions include the effect of vertical and horizontal scrolling with a pause when hovering over the mouse.

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A simple slider is a carousel. If you need a swedish plugin - 100% sure. Only the basic functions required for the slider are provided.

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Flexisel: Responsive JQuery Carousel Slider Plugin

The creators of Flexisel got drunk on the old-school jCarousel plugin, making a copy of it, oriented towards the correct operation of the slider on mobile and tablet devices.

Responsive Flexisel layout when working on mobile attachments looks like a layout oriented to the size of the browser window. Flexisel vіdmіnno adaptation to work on screens, both low and high razdіlnoyu zdatnіstyu.

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Elastislide - Responsive Carousel Slider

Elastislide is highly adaptable to the size of the screen. You can ask minimum quantity an image that is displayed during a sever rozdilniy zdatnost. Good practice as a slider - carousels from the image galleries, vicorist fixed trim with a vertical scrolling effect.

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Flex Slider 2

Vіlny slider vіd Woothemes. Rightfully respected as one of the best adaptive sliders. The plug-in will clean up the sprat of templates and will be the same as for the first-timers, as well as for the experts.

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Amazing Carousel

Amazing Carousel - responsive slider jQuery image. Supports anonymous content management systems, such as WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. Also supports Android and IOS and the latest versions of operating systems without any problems. The amazing carousel templates allow you to tweak the slider in vertical, horizontal and circular modes.

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Hello sleepy!

You know what Multiple Formtabs are and how to create a configuration with a different set of data. Well, we’ll create a slider for you, who will have different types slide, and in the end you are checked tsikava history for a long time I haven’t bothered with anyone else, but rozpovisti (as it’s great for you, but the history of the cikava - turn it around). And so, apply slides:

  • Image on the background
  • Video on aphids
  • Succulent color on the background
Respect! How many times do you not need to clean up the screens of children and women, even if it is discrimination for age-old and statutory signs!


One more goof! I often ask for the first lesson, so as not to repeat myself, so I recommend learning about


Let's fantasize: You get a project, for example, on the main side there is a slider for some type of slides, one for video, another picture, and the third for example a different color. Well, you won’t create one set of fields (one configuration) and stuff (sorry for the lexicon) at the new all fields to tell the manager how you need to live and booty. Tse not serious pidhid!? (I am sensible)

To the right

We have understood “now” with you, now let's know “how”. As you have already learned the first lesson, we need to go to the side of the MIGX component and create 3 configurations. Place the ColorPicker in front of Jako (although it doesn't matter):
Anything not listed, skip it!

Solid configuration (solid color)

  • Tab Settings
    • Name- solid
    • Add new category- Slider
  • Tab Formtabs
    • Fields Fields create 3 fields
      1. Background color:
        • fieldname-bgcolor
        • Caption- Choose background color
        • Input TV type- ColorPicker
      2. Title:
        • fieldname header
        • Caption- Slide title
      3. Description:
        • fieldname- description
        • Caption- Description of the slide
        • Input TV type- Textarea
    • Multiple Formtabs Field- type (This value will be the name of the key in
      view array. Typically: MIGX_formname)
    • - with a strong color on the background (Text
      given configuration in the selection list)
    • - solid (The value of the same type field
      at the array)

Video configuration

  • Tab Settings
    • Name- video
    • Category- Slider
  • Tab Formtabs
    • Fields- Create 1 tab and in the field Fields I’m still creating 3 fields, but only one of these fields of a different type.
      Menі varto here specify that the number of waterings of that їх types in different configurations can have different floorings, your imagination is surrounded by layers ... And I know that you have all your fantasies?
      1. Video (this file):
        • fieldname- video
        • Caption- Capture video
        • Input TV type- file
      2. Title:
        • fieldname header
        • Caption- Slide title
      3. Description:
        • fieldname- description
        • Caption- Description of the slide
        • Input TV type- Textarea
    • Multiple Formtabs Field- type
    • Multiple Formtabs Optionstext- 3 videos on the background
    • Multiple Formtabs Optionsvalue- video

slider configuration

For locking, we will take the image and be such a head configuration.
  • Tab Settings
    • Name- slider
    • Category- Slider
    • Change "Add element"- Add slide
    • Form Caption
    • window title- Add / edit slide
  • Tab Formtabs
    • Fields- Create 1 tab and in the Fields field, I will create 3 fields again
      1. Image:
        • fieldname- image
        • Caption- Capture the image
        • Input TV type- image
        • Tell me if you need some files, I have described Dane's appointment at the first lesson
      2. Title:
        • fieldname header
        • Caption- Slide title
      3. Description:
        • fieldname- description
        • Caption- Description of the slide
        • Input TV type- Textarea
    • Multiple Formtabs- The axis is here and that magic itself, it is necessary for us to choose the creations on the front edges of the change, and among that number, which we create at once, tobto. choose video, solid and slider
      Configurations slider will not be on the list, because the fact has not yet been created, so you will need to go through the items that are left out, save the configuration, enter the given configuration again for editing and the next time it will be available in the list slider

      One more clarification: the sorting will change itself in the same order, as you have taken it, tobto. as a shortcut, when adding a new slide, the one that will be the first in the list will be selected
    • Multiple Formtabs Label- Select the type of slide (Here enter the text
      kotriy koristuvach will bachiti entrusted with a list of the choice of the type of slide)
    • Multiple Formtabs Field- type
    • Multiple Formtabs Optionstext- from images on aphids
    • Multiple Formtabs Optionsvalue- image
  • Tab columns
    • Field Columns. We add two elements
      1. header
        • Tab Column
          • header- Title
          • field header
        • Tab Cell Editor
          • Editor- this.textEditor
      2. Description
        • Tab Column
          • header- Description
          • field- description
        • Tab Cell Editor
          • Editor- this.textEditor
As you already mentioned, in the first two configurations we did not create the column names for display in the control panel, so. when editing the TV parameter itself. Columns qi need to be put in the rest, tobto. in your configuration, as it will be shown in TV and in the field Multiple Formtabs at the contributor Formtabs all configurations that we need will be repaid, including the configuration itself
Idemo and easily created TV with the migx input type, in the field Configurations I will write the name of the configuration, tobto. slider , assigning the necessary templates and displaying the resource for editing, otherwise we create it. Since we did everything correctly, we are guilty of painting such a picture:
The image is clickable and even if you marveled at the GIF for sending notes on the cob, then there you are

Let's quickly remember the data and let's move on to the presentation of our slides.

How to see?

The introduction of data is good, but how about a whiskey? - Do not boast comrades, everything will be fine. For visualization, we still have 2 good options and insults and options we looked at, the whole MIGX snippet getImageList and omnipotent phenomenon. Let's take a look at how our data looks like:


Wiklichemo snippet without inserting the tpl parameter, to get more data:

[] Array ( => 14 => image => files/avatar.png => Source slide from images => Well short description) [_alt] => 0 [_first] => 1 [_last] => => 1 = > slider) Array ( => 15 => video => files/My home ganebno.MOV => But this video is already there => So, really! [_alt] => 1 [_first] => [_last] => => 2 => slider) Array ( => 16 => solid => ff0000 => And here is a red-beautiful color => It suits me![_alt] => 0 [_first] => [_last] => 1 => 3 = > slider)


($_modx->resource.slider| fromJSON | print) Array ( => Array ( => 14 => image => files/avatar.png => See image slide => Well short description)) => Array ( = > 15 => video => files/My home is fucking.MOV => But this video => So, really!) => Array ( => 16 => solid => ff0000 => And here is a red-beautiful color => I like it!))
Yak bachimo, our arrays, krіm іnshhogo, wormed their way into the key type with these values, as if you were told the hour of the creation of configurations.

In order to enter our slider for help getImageList, we need to create 3 chunks with the names of our key values type, tobto: image, video and solid. Let me understand why.

Apply chunks:

// Chunk image



// Chunk video



// Chunk solid



A wiki can look like this:


Here we take the value of the arrays of the skin slide, to which we created three chunks, which are called by the values ​​of the fields Multiple Formtabs Field
Well, on phenomenon everything looks richly simpler:

(var $slider = $_modx->resource.slider| fromJSON) (if $slider)

(foreach $slider as $slide) (switch $slide["type"]) (case "image")



(case "video")



(case "solid")



(/switch) (/foreach)

Pіdbag ta obіtsyana іstorіya

Like Bachimo, MIGX copes with the task of saying “wonderful”, but at least “good”. I repeat once again that MIGX does not surround you with the number of configurations, the inlays with the skin configuration and the number of irrigations. And apply, as you are already aware of it, just do it in order for you to just become familiar with this functionality. And even more important: in chunks, when viewing, I recommend rechecking the fields for overfilling and checking whether data may or may not be overwritten, or for some reason it may not come, and to that, use phx filters for the MODX syntax, or use fenom.

For all the respect, having blessed everyone with good luck, but I won’t, even if I seem to say: “Good luck bazhayut nevdakh”, I bazha you happiness and health, but who cares, give a story.

As if before us, my relatives came to the guest, in the middle of them my nephew (sister's sister) from the sudidnoy land and my two nephews (Mayzhe all the same age). Zamisky budinok, sonyachna Middle Asia, the mountain is small, that river is instructed. During those nights, at some point, we went for a walk in the middle of the river itself and on the back, everything was calm, there were no reasons for praising. We spent an hour finishing it merrily, telling stories (some scary and motor-driven ones), jarring, and that mustache was in such a spirit. But at one moment, I remembered that one of my nephews zblіd and not just a verbal turnover, but embellished, even with such fear and surmise on the person's appearance, I never ran out of breath until the next day. Vin did not open his eyes, marveling at that directly, where I had turned my back, to that. I marveled at you, or at someone behind me, but not straight behind and close, I wondered why I should marvel at far away. It was motoroshno and I asked the new one: - What was the trapilos? And wine...

This paragraph will be responsible for looking at some history in this note may be continued, but really, I just fooled you a little, relying on those that can amuse you a little because of the technical, tedious and great text and you will be in a good mood. And the story itself is real, that kind of cicava. Axis now for sure all dyakuyu for respect!

Why am I Baha!?

If someone wants to give the ruble in rapt, then so be it: Map to Oschadbank +79609354545

We have already created our first site on MODx, I will continue the series of MODx tutorials. I’ll ask for a small delay, I announced that I’ll put together files, that I’ve been watching for an hour of a series of lessons, and I’ll see them in the next 2-3 days.

At this day's lesson pide mova about one tool for the site, and the banner slider itself, the same one I have on the main side of the site. On the example of my site and choose.

Created by MODx Evo Slider

First, we are to blame for this, to create a new chunk, called yoga (SLIDER), with the description “Slider for the main page” and the following zmіst:

You can twist the slider with a different template, you won't be surprised by anything. How do you get the HTML code of the slider as a great unnumbered list.

You need to add styles to the slider, otherwise our slider on the site will be displayed as a great list:

Copy the styles I have in the template, the slider styles have been transferred to the featured-slider.css file. You need to copy it to the template folder with three styles and write in the main styles (layout.css file) the following code:

@import url("featured_slide.css");

Well, in order for our slider to become dynamic, it is necessary to connect the jQuery libraries, as they support this work. Check the template of the main page and, of course, scripts:

Everything is ready, we create the template of the main page and in the required space we prescribe the click of the created chunk (SLIDER), we save and update our main page. You are to blame for the work of the slider just don't forget to write the paths for the slider banners at the chance.

I got excited about these decisions, I don’t need to often change the image on the slider, I think about replacing it with another design, but I haven’t thought of anything yet. And how, for example, to the rulers of online stores, at some banners, may they be changed? Do not boast, everything is not so bad!

I'm not without reason turning your attention to the banner code and guessing that there is no more unnumbered list, which means that we can replace the list with a Ditto snippet wiki and pass the template for our list to the new one.

Implementation of the MODx Evo slider for the additional Ditto snippet

Let's take a closer look:

The Snippet parents parameter has an identifier for the container resource for our banners.

Now to test the creation of child resources, assign our Banner template to the resources and give the TV skin template - BannerImg parameter, don't forget to fill in the resource fields - Title, detailed title.

Why our lesson is over, if you didn’t succeed, leave your comments, I’ll try to help. so axis in a simple way You can take any template and render the new slider code, styles and scripts to implement the slider on MODx Evo.

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