How to make pea porridge in a multicooker.



Peas on our table are more common than other types of porridge.

  • The presence of a multicooker allows you to correct this oversight.
  • Vaughn miraculously overcomes all the problems that the gentleman faces while preparing such a herb.

Will it not boil?

  • The pea porridge can’t help but boil over in the pressure cooker!
  • You quickly eat the miracle puree.
  • Does it burn?
  • This kitchen miracle will have delicious grains that will ideally be left without stirring.
  • Cooking secrets

There are no recipes for infusing pea porridge with additional flavors.

A simple and childish ingredient is roseberry oil, which does not interfere with etching.

The tops of the grass will appear incredibly alive.

  • With mushrooms or vegetable lubricant for a bright, infused relish.
  • And meat, of course, will please every person.
  • Classic recipe
  • We present a recipe for pea porridge in a multicooker, which will become an ideal side dish for cutlets, meatballs, ground meat, fish and seafood.
  1. dry peas - 2 bottles;
  2. water - 4 bottles;
  3. butter vershkov - shmatochok;
  4. salt - sliver.

Wash the soaked peas.

Place the cereal in a bowl, pour in water.

Cook for 2 years using the “Gasinnya” mode.

Add salt when ready, season with top oil|mastil|.

Please note that this kind of porridge is important for the bowel and can cause flatulence.

  • Traditional medicine recommends eating crops.
  • Wash fresh stems, dry and chop finely.
  • Sip the dish.
  • Recipes for original herbs
  • Pea porridge in the multicooker Panasonic, Redmond and others can be not a side dish, but a full-fledged side dish.
  • It is recommended to add savory ingredients to it.
  1. For example, tsibula, vegetables and smoked meats.
  2. Z tsibulya
  3. The simplest Tsybulev dressing gives a special taste to the grass.
  4. This is how you eat porridge in Russia.
  5. dry peas - 1 bottle;

vershkova butter - shmatochok;

cybul - 1 large head;

water - 2 bottles;

  • Traditional medicine recommends eating crops.
  • Sonyashnikova oliya – 2 tbsp.
  • Recipes for original herbs
  • spoons;
  • It is recommended to add savory ingredients to it.
  1. salt.
  2. Clean and finely chop the cibul.
  3. Lubricate the tsibul in the “Pіdіrіv” mode.
  4. Place peas in the preparation bowl.

Extinguish for 2 years.

Salt it.

Before serving the qiu, savor the varto and season with top butter.

  • Then you will be even lower.
  • With smoked meats
  • Recipes for original herbs
  • sweet pepper – 2 fruits;
  • parsley and crepe - a couple of drops;
  • Roslinne oil;
  • It is recommended to add savory ingredients to it.
  1. Peel and chop carrots and cibul.
  2. Lubricate in the “Burn” mode.
  3. Peel the bell pepper, roll it into strips, and brush it all over the vegetables.
  4. Add promitiy and soaked peas, water.
  5. Cook with the “Gasinnya” program for 2 years.
  6. Season with pepper and salt.

Sip the chopped greens.

In the summer season, this herb can be used as an independent decision for the evening.

In winter, it is necessary to decorate meat with additives and saltiness.

Cooking pea porridge in a slow cooker is not a chore.

And the result will delight you with wonderful relish!

How to cook pea porridge in a slow cooker, video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to help you understand the step-by-step cooking process.
Having all the necessary ingredients and using our ingredients for this purpose, prepare this miracle herb without much effort and (presumably) with satisfaction.

Even more delicious recipes:

Tags before entry:

How to cook pea porridge in a multicooker, pea porridge multicooker recipe cook pressure cooker redmont polaris panasonic tsybulya smoked vegetables

Pea porridge is an ancient herb that was present on the table of the rich, Russian heroes, and was used to satisfy the hunger of the poor and rich.

Everything was stored as an additive, just like the peas were added.

The porridge could be plain, it could be boiled in the original water from the salle, and vegetables could be added.


A bottle of peas;

2.5 bottles of water;

40 grams of olia.


1. Wash the peas and transfer them to a multicooker saucepan.

2. Add water and close.

3. Turn on the “Gasinnya” program and cook the porridge for two years.

4. 15 minutes before the end of the mode, you need to open the multicooker, add salt, oil and stir.

If there is bazhanna, then the porridge is peppered, seasoned with paprika, chasnik, etc. Seasonings for rice and potatoes go well with peas.

5. Close and check the end of the program.

For example, the porridge needs to be stirred again.


Pea porridge in a multi-cooker with tsibule and carrots

A variant of a very tasty and aromatic pea porridge that can be served as a side dish.

Look, miraculously, you'll get to the meat, fish, or any bird.

200 g peas;

400 ml water;


40 grams of olive oil (can be melted);

2 carrots;

Head of the cibul.

1. Place the ingredients and sort the peas into the slow cooker.

2. Fill with water, close and put on extinguisher.

Ready for 1.5 years.

3. Shred the carrots into strips and you can grate them.

4. Tsibul іѕ ѕhеmо bу thе little things.

5. Place the butter in a frying pan; it will be especially tasty because it is melted.

6. Add vegetables and fry well until golden brown.

7. Once the peas have been boiled for 1.5 years, add grease to the vegetables.


8. Add salt, pepper and season with any other spices to suit your taste.

9. Stir, cover and extinguish another 15 quills so that the porridge is leaked with the aromas of the vegetables.

Pea porridge in a multicooker with chicken

A version of savory pea porridge in a multicooker, which is prepared with added chicken.

Let's go, some little clothes.


For this purpose, the peas need to be thoroughly soaked overnight in water, otherwise they will take a long time to cook, and the chicken will become unsavory until the end of cooking.

0.5 kg trigger;

1 carrot;

150 g peas;

4 spoons of olive oil;

1 head of cibul;

1. Soak peas for 4-5 years.

You can fill it with water in advance.

9. After seasoning, add salt, pepper or any other seasonings, you can add a bouillon cube, grind or dilute with water.

10. Stir and bring the porridge until ready.

Pea porridge in a multicooker with stew

To prepare meat and pea porridge in a multicooker, you can use any stew for this recipe and it will work!


There is no oil for greasing the vegetables, because in the tushon there is a good ball of fat.

If this is not enough (or you want to make some fatty grass), then add more olive oil.

250 g peas;

500 ml water;


1 can of any kind of stew;

Cybula and carrots, the quantity is sufficient;

1. Soak split peas in cold water until they swell.

If you do not soak it, you will need to take a little more water, as indicated in the recipe.

2. Place in a multicooker, add water, close and cook until the peas are soft.

3. Boil the stewed milk, remove the fat and put it on a frying pan, turn on the stove.

4. Vegetables are cut finely, smeared with fat until golden brown.

5. Place the meat from the jars in a bowl, mash it with a fork and then place it in a frying pan, brush the meat, and add water.

6. Transfer the stewed milk with vegetables to soft peas, stir, season the porridge with spices.


A bottle of peas;

7. We close and cook for another quarter of a year, the program cannot be changed.

Pea porridge in a multicooker with pecheritsy

Multicooker version of mushroom and pea porridge.


The country is suitable for people who fast and vegetarians.

The pecheritsa can be frozen, but in this case we allow the mushrooms to completely submerge and squeeze out the excess water.

2 cibulini;

200 g mushrooms;

Pepper, salt|salt|.

1. Soak the peas.

We soak in the water until it swells, then the excess liquid is poured out.

Transfer the peas to the slow cooker.

2. Pour in water, about twice as much as the bottom of the soggy peas.

Pea porridge in a multicooker with smoked meats

A recipe for amazing pea porridge, topped with smoked ribs.


You can also use other products.

For example, brisket chi stegenze.

2 bottles of peas;

500 grams of smoked meats;


4 cibulini;

1-2 carrots.

1. Bazhan peas, add details.

Wash it, fill it with 7-8 bottles of water and let it cook for 2 years.

2. For vegetables, you can grate carrots.

3. The ribs are also cut into pieces as they are ready.

4. Place the ribs on a frying pan, coat the parts with oil and brush them.

Curly fat may be absorbed.

5. Transfer the smoked meat to another bowl, and add the chopped vegetables to the pan with the fat.

If there is little fat, you can add a little olive oil.


6. Grease the vegetables until done.

7. Have the porridge cooked, add salt, add vegetables and ribs.

Let's mix it up.

8. Turn on the extinguisher and dry the porridge to maintain the outside temperature.

9. Stir, cover and extinguish another 15 quills so that the porridge is leaked with the aromas of the vegetables.

Pea porridge in a multi-cooker with cheese


A variant of amazing porridge with top-heavy relish.

It's cooked and you need to add a little siru to it.

Let's go and drink the original melting cheese “Friendship”.

You can add more flavor to the noble ones by adding solid Syrah.

1 bottle of peas;

4.5 bottles of water;

100 g siru;

2-4 needles of crop;

30 ml olia.

1. Fill the peas with water.

If the wine has been soaked in advance and is well swollen, then the quantity will soon be reduced to 2.5 bottles.

Do you want to earn some porridge with brightness and goodness?

At the end of the boil, for 15 minutes, add some green peas, maybe frozen, and a few boiled carrots, cut into squares.

If you soak the peas near the water for too long, the wine in the window will go out.

Ridina will become kalamutnaya, slimy.


If the product is soaked overnight, you need to add more water and place the bowl in the refrigerator. Pea porridge in a multicooker comes out even tender and flaky. Let the preparation sit for an hour before cooking the whole, split, green peas. Pea porridge in a multicooker comes out even tender and flaky. It is better to soak the peas first, especially if there are whole peas - then the boiling process can be shortened to 50-60 minutes. Pea porridge, prepared in a multicooker

  • Split peas 3
  • 1 cl. Water
  • Vershkov oil 70 grams

Number of servings:

Preparation hour:

10 hvilin

  1. Preparation time:
  2. 120 hvilin
  3. Basic recipe for pea porridge in a slow cooker

This pea porridge saturates the body with proteins, so it can be used to replace meat products, which, for any reason, are out of stock.

For this recipe, the porridge takes two years to prepare.

Preparation process:

  • Place split peas in a slow cooker and thoroughly wash them first.
  • Place a small piece of olive oil.
  • Pour some water.
  • Set the device to dark mode.
  • Cook the porridge in this mode for 2 years.
  • If you want to eat more porridge, add more water.
  • Following this recipe, you will replace the original porridge with peas, which will become a wonderful side dish for fish and meat products.

Pea porridge with vegetables in a multicooker

  1. To prepare porridge for this recipe, you need to take:
  2. split peas (1 tbsp.);
  3. tsibul ripchasta (2pcs);
  4. carrots (1 piece);
  5. sweet pepper (1 piece);
  6. water (2 tbsp.);

When the hour is up, add a top of butter to the porridge and then add 10 more khvilins in the reheat mode.

If you are preparing a sponge, there is no need to add a top of butter.

To save time and speed up the time of cooking porridge, you need to soak the peas the night before.

In this case, porridge in a multicooker can be prepared in just 1 hour.

Now you know how to cook pea porridge using a multicooker.

You can cook them according to the classic recipe, vikory and peas and top butter, or you can add cut vegetables to the peas, creating a rich herb for the evening.

Once the porridge is ready, it must be steamed in the warm mode so that it comes out even more aromatic and tender.

I’m sharing a recipe for preparing simple, rich and delicious pea porridge in a slow cooker.

This porridge can be served at any time of the day: for snacks, lunch or dinner.

The grass is very rich and goes wonderfully with a great variety of seasonings and spices, perfect for: vegans, vegetarians and Lent.

I thought that peas and kvass should be soaked before boiling in order to get rid of the oligosaccharides that will be contained in them, as fermented and unacceptable ingredients will be released into the intestines, and now I will always follow this rule .

You can serve pea porridge in a sweet version, like mine, or with top butter, or prepare a tsibula lubricant, or bake the porridge as a side dish.

Whole or split peas are practically everything you need to prepare porridge.

Soak the peas at 4:00 or overnight.

Then add water and rinse the peas thoroughly under running water.

We hang the peas in the bowl of the multicooker and fill them with a bottle of water.

If you need to use a multi-cooker-pressure cooker to prepare the peas, you won’t be able to soak the peas, just wash them and put them in a bowl.

Pour broth over it, soak for 1 year.

For about an hour, grease the pieces of bacon in a frying pan with the chicken.

After the sound signal, open the valve on the door.

After the steam has released, season the porridge with the tops, stir, add bacon.

Let the porridge brew.

Porridge with peas and stew

This recipe for pea porridge in a slow cooker is extremely simple - it may be misunderstood.

Rinse 1.5 tbsp.

peas, place in a bowl, cover with unsalted water (2-2.5 tbsp.).

Cook for 2 years (Gasinnya).

After 1.5 years from the beginning of the process, open the lid, add salt to the porridge, add a can of stew, pepper, and stir.

Continue cooking.

Porridge with peas and minced meat

Wash the peas.

If you have chosen whole peas, then soak them overnight, which has given priority to the selected product, you can turn off this step.

2 cibulini, clean and cut.

Peel 2 carrots and grate.

Place the sweet peppers in a container and cut them.

Next, lubricate the vegetables - first the cybul, then the carrots.

Please add|add| pepper, prepare more khvilina.

Add peas (1 tbsp.), Pour in 2 tbsp.


Cook for 2 years, setting the cooking mode (30 minutes before the end of the cycle, add salt and season).

Porridge with peas and boiled meat