As a reasonable line works, the “Recommendations” section and the “Prometheus” algorithm: unique information from the VK team.


As you are the ruler of the world, then, melodiously, you heard about the reasonable line of new VKontakte.

Today we will figure out what makes a reasonable VKontakte page and how to profit from it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages it gives to the authors of projects and what is absolutely necessary to know so that your prepayers can improve the content addressed to them in the new product page.

How to form a new page on VKontakte

Today, people from all over the world have a great deal of information.

Look at them loudly.

From TV screens, on the street, in supermarkets, on telephones, on websites, and especially in social networks.

People add friends, join various groups, subscribe to public pages, and thus create their own VKontakte news page.

Well, since every person has at least a hundred friends and, in addition, in the arsenal there are still close to a hundred skills, then a person is simply not able to read the content that flows down the next river.

According to experts' assessments, journalists are forced to look at no more than 20% of the information that is published in the current news page and is often the most necessary and important thing left behind the scenes.

After introducing a reasonable line, the situation changed completely.

The intelligent page algorithm changes the order of new items and shows the same entries over others.

Moreover, these are individual adjustments for the skin area of ​​VKontakte and their stink is personal.

Your line of new products will appear before you.

Return to the “Spochatka tsikavy” button, which is located on the right hand under the “News” block.

By moving the slider, you can toggle or toggle the “Get Started” button, thus turning on or off the smart line in your profile.

How reasonable is the haircut?

The smart page is not only for business owners, because they want to take away more relevant and useful posts from their page of new products.

A reasonable page is for the leaders of groups and publics on VKontakte, as a result of greater concentration and influence of the target audience.

How is it now necessary to work with the integrity of VKontakte so that our posts can be read by our prepayers?

Let's take a closer look at the skin point.

1. Unique content

A reasonable page is based on the speed of stealing other people's content.

If you want your posts to be shown to your payers, create your own unique, clear and varied content.

You can earn money in any topic - you just need to use your head.

We follow the rule: “Less is more beautiful.”

Let your group have 1 post per day, something that will get a lot of likes, reposts and comments. Now there is no need to publish 5 posts per day from the group. Since the stench is not bad for the mercenaries, they simply cannot be bothered.

You will create your content for yourself.

The people are immediately vibrate and are already very eager to see pictures that they can admire and like.

I'm in

social measures

Posts with comments will become more popular and arouse the keen interest of readers, which means they will be more visible in the news page.

Always don’t close the comments, but still encourage them to join in.

Call until it's finished.

Get together with people yourself.

Work on the excommunication of people until they rise.

Comments will complement your posts and replace them.

Such publications will add more to your page of news.

7. To make your life easier, just turn on the filter for unwanted comments and that’s it. 5. Posting frequency

The hours when the collection of your records was indiscriminately connected with the number of posts have sunk into oblivion.

Now, if you want to achieve greater success, you need to publish unique materials first.

However, the excessive number of posts can lead to a decrease in the population of the future.

6. Relevance of new products

How do you put a hashtag?

If you keep up with the latest news on VKontakte and use hashtags, your posts will appear more on the news page. Correctly Wikoristannya reposts. Correctly Wikoristannya Do not make any initial reposts!

The hour has passed.

If you like this post, give it your rating and, after adding special comments, publish it in your group.

Or even better, just convey the information in your own words and don’t forget the date it was sent to the email. 8. Tools and drying Well, and of course (no doubt), if you want your content to reach as many people as possible, the VKontakte social network promotes its tools for promotion.

9. Statistics

To get started, let’s go to the next page and see what’s there →

  1. You can write anything in the top field.
  2. The central part has the publications themselves.
  3. In what order will we find out a little later.
  4. Right-handed – menu.

I’ll help you fix your haircut. Below the menu there is a changeover for the smart line. VKontakte has two modes

  • selection
  • new on the page:

chronological (burn out - newest publications) “reasonable stitching” mode (burn out – most published publications). From a chronological perspective, everything made sense.

And from

  • "reasonable haircut"
  • There is an explanation.
  • The internal algorithm of "VKontakte" analyzes the behavior of clients in the home.
  • Get insurance:
  • activity of koristuvach and yogo friends in the comments
  • many views of photos, videos in albums and on the wall

likes and reposts

I'll watch the news for an hour

number of transitions for orders

Other displays (information from the official blog "VKontakte"). The more active a partner is in a partnership, the more valuable and effective the partnership is (depending on the selection principles included in the algorithm).:

  • This means that the new products will appear in the top position.
  • The “smart stitch” mode is disabled.
  • If you don’t need to rely on the mechanisms of “VKontakte” and want to choose what new items to read, put the number 4 (the amazing picture above) and adjust the page manually.

How to create your own “VKontakte” on “Vibran”

  1. Just organize your bookmarks in your browser or Evernote.

  1. But few people know that VKontakte also has such a function.

  1. You can create at Vlasna Strichtsia groupie novin for topics (for example, all the latest in content marketing) for lists of friends (for example, new friends from colleagues) for special friends (for example, all the new ones from the trainers of the Academy of Correct Copywriters).
  1. Of course, you will come up with other options. Try it like this: Click on the right menu plus (div. picture).
  1. The tab, as you have created, is being adjusted.

To do this, you need to press the plus sign again, and then press the gear next to the name of the tab in the menu.

The Vidality tab can be found there.

It's now easy to discover new items!

How to find out what happened to friends

The same menu (when pressed on the plus sign with the right hand) also has a number of other functions.

For example, the look is different from the photographs.

Or new with friends. If you check the box “Finished” and then select it in the menu, you will see the posts, photos and videos that your friends liked and commented on the page. You can adjust this line using an additional filter. Naturally, as your posts meet the criteria of statistical quality, the likelihood of getting likes and comments increases significantly. How to get notifications from pages Not all new products are brown, however. What do you want

  1. save upfront payment

for the sleep of the people, ale

  1. Their publications
  1. You don’t need any information from the page, please contact us
  1. tidy up.

Try it like this:

In the already familiar right menu, between the word “New” and a plus sign there is a virus icon.

This is a filter. Press on the new one and remove it like this at the end: It’s similar to the process of adjusting tabs and that’s how it works.

Only here the entire list of friends and groups will be displayed.

  1. Uncheck these groups (or friends), which you don’t need from your page.
  1. If you check the “Show copies” checkbox (below), you will stop wasting reposts on the page.
  1. Save change it. How to turn on automatic GIF animation

  1. I won’t deny it, GIF pictures (those that crumble) can be even cute.

The stench is screwing up your respect. That’s why advertisers love “gifs.”.

  1. Let's get it right now →
  2. Select a topic (for example, copywriting)
  3. Create a tab for a group of new items on your page
  4. Title її
  5. Get thematic items there
  6. Save your money

Marvel at how it works!

Is everything okay with you?

Write in the comments what new group you created first.

And, of course, turn on the power supply. Get a manual tool for assessing the quality of statistics Evgeniya Kryukova

We provided the representatives of the VKontakte team with current information about “Prometheus”, a reasonable article and their plans for May.

This is confirmed by Sergiy Paranko, director of the media ecosystem, and Andriy Zakoniv, director of the growth and monitoring of social security.

Hurry up to get acquainted with the unique information from Pershogerel.1. How do your algorithms understand that a post is suitable for a specific person? How can you determine the factors that contribute the most to the accounting record?

The quality of the content, the audience’s taste, is understandable.

What's less obvious?

We analyze the activity of the correspondent on the site and raise more posts with greater mutuality: put “Like”, write a comment, “stick”, open a photo, read the article, watch the video.

We know the influence of factors, but everything is unique for the skin pair “koristuvach-record”.

So, simply marveling at the post, it is impossible to say how kind he is, but it’s subjective.

My post about local news in Moscow in St. Petersburg is absolutely irrelevant, and you may not like my page of news about mechanical engineering and social measures.

4. How can you individually increase the accumulation of records by purchasing likes and shares on cheating services?

Not varto.

In the long-term perspective, this will lead to a decrease in burial.

In addition, likes and shares do not play a central role in a ranked post, such cheats will be detected by us with high credibility.

However, traffic to the landing from references of other social measures can be organically added to the recording and without penalty.

5. What is the optimal addition to the text for maximum enrichment in a reasonable manner?

For example, the announcement contains no more than 500 characters.

Does a longread created in the editor have no more than 10,000?

There is no optimal life for the reader in the focus of respect.

This is a legal way of passing through, but you need to remember that by doing this you get an irrelevant audience from the prepayers. Tse can be negative side effect

- prepayments that do not reach the main content of your group can negatively affect the popularity and virality of your posts.

9. Articles created in the editor will allow you to view more content, as well as articles that run a third-party website.

Why should commercial sites and blogs benefit from such minds?

How can I get VKontakte members to join my Maidan?

The group will run a business in any social environment – ​​this is ahead of us. As long as you value yourself as a media asset, you thrive. Primus's removal of a koristuvach to another Maidan, without providing an alternative, in communication can confuse the people.

As it seems, you want to sell me your goods, but you are not afraid. On the VK Maidan you can communicate with clients/readers, sell goods, withdraw penny transfers and much more. We are developing our ecosystem to make it as user-friendly as possible for investors.

And in this regard, it is also important for a business to develop its own platform in the middle of VK. The article editor is another tool for communication and creating awareness. 10. How can we now remove less information from statistics compiled in the editor?

What matters is not the format, but the interaction between the writer and the content.

Tsikavo told the story of

People come before you for content.

Therefore, your strength will not be wasted, since you are delivering speech to the target audience there.

Advertising for the target audience is an ideal option for a start. This way you tap into a core audience that will help you grow organically. 13. How can you understand that a penalty was imposed on sleeping?

How do you know him?

Looking at the statistics, you can see by the number of occupations that they have decreased.

Analyze what you were doing in

the remaining days

, which can be assessed by the platform as unworthy actions: clickbait, aggressive audience recruitment, unoriginal content, overly partial posting.

Stop the fuss.

I’ll go through it myself in two days :-)

18. 14. What filters are based on the topic? (For example, “mature content” is reduced).

It is true that some topics may have lower coefficients.

Everything that is not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the rules of the Maidan is possible.

Anything that is fenced in is not possible.

15. Fall from our practice. Nowadays, unique articles are published in the blog, and a number of VKontakte publics are constantly floating around them. Come on, let’s announce this content first, and we will do it in 5-10 minutes.

20. We have long since lost sight of the clear content that our audience cries out for, but we still haven’t lost the spirit of “Prometheus.”

How can we get there?

Can you give any specific recommendations?

I want the specifics, and not the dissipation of partial wishes on the basis of “get the content that suits your audience.”

First of all, the Prometheus algorithm reacts to original materials submitted in native VKontakte tools.