How to cook fish and catfish using a multicooker. Catfish carcass with tsibule in multivartsi. Stewing catfish, preparing a multicooker

Walking to the market for fresh fish, I decided to buy river catfish, and finally decided to cook the catfish in the multicooker with syringe sauce.

Why do I like to say to eat the same fish? Catfish doesn’t eat any lures or brushes at all. Give it away by hand. In my recipe, the fish is juicy, aromatic and very tasty. We marinate the cob in spices, sprinkle with lemon juice, and then place it on a bed of vegetables with carrots and cibul. I'm getting ready to finish the soup, this is a recipe that the gentleman's skin will take note of.

Before speaking, in this manner you can prepare not only catfish, but also hake, natotina, bark.

Cooking time: 2 years Servings: 3


  • fresh catfish carcass – approximately 600 g;
  • Cybula ripchasta - 1 head;
  • carrots – 150 grams, one piece of zagalom;
  • hard full-fat cheese – 50 g;
  • sour cream 20% fat – 2 tablespoons;
  • crepe of sushi - for relish;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • Oliya – 1 tablespoon

How to prepare stewed catfish in a multicooker

You can buy fresh catfish at the market or in a fish store, and even this fish has more flavor than frozen fish. The size of the catfish depends on the number of people in your family, but it may not be large.

Carefully handle the fish, rub the skin directly with a brush, there is no shine in it, otherwise you need to remove the slime. We cut the belly, knit the fillings, cut off the head and tail, and use kitchen scissors to remove everything. We cut the carcass into portioned pieces.

Salted catfish and sprinkled with spices for fish, most importantly a mixture of peppers, rosemary, thyme, all the ingredients in one jar.

Squeezed with lemon, it is ideal to combine with any fish for marinade. Stir and put in the refrigerator for a year, marinate

Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl. Cut the cibul into slices and hang on the surface

Frozen carrots are placed on top, you can grate the fresh carrots thoroughly, it doesn’t matter.

Place catfish pieces on top of the sheep pillow

Prepared syringe sauce.

Three solid cheese in a large third, add sour cream and finely chopped crepe, can be dried or frozen. Stir, the sauce is ready

Place a teaspoon of syru sauce on the skin of the catfish

Turn on the multicooker to the “Vipichka” mode, the cooking time is 45 minutes. This is the optimal mode for extinguishing fish

The flavors are amazing, the fish came out juicy and delicious, the sauce didn’t run off, it settled beautifully on the skin.

That's it, put it on the dish, the garniy catfish in the cheese sauce is ready!

Meister class for recipes - how to prepare catfish in a multicooker, stewed in cheese sauce, prepared by Alona Bondarenko

Servings: 5
Cooking hour: 50 hvilin

Description of the recipe

Steamed fish in the Redmond multicooker comes out even more delicious, especially when served in mayonnaise with lemon.

I want to say that, as it turned out, there is nothing worse for chicken or pork, otherwise it’s even more delicious. It has practically no brushes (backbone and ribs) and its meat has a unique relish. My family has achieved everything! Or all three children, including the youngest, although until now we are convinced that there is a crust.

They pay attention to the fact that the mud has a specific smell and is used for cooking. So, I’ll tell you honestly, I didn’t notice a bad smell. But if you still value in a different way, fresh seasonings, lemon, cibul, sour cream or mayonnaise. All you need to do is give the fish a wonderful smell and taste.

Our gas has been turned off for days through technical robots. I lost my multicooker, so it was easier to prepare complex herbs.

I present to your respect a unique recipe – steamed fish and stewed potatoes.

To steam fish in a Redmond multicooker you need:

  • Riba - 400-500 gr.
  • Mayonnaise – 2-3 tbsp. spoons.
  • A piece of lemon.
  • Salt, black chalk pepper.
  • Potatoes – 1 kg.
  • Cibulina.
  • Tomatoes – 2-3 small.
  • Roslinna oliya – 2 tbsp. spoons.

Prepared in pieces:

Cut the tomatoes into cubes, and the cibul into slices.

Pour olive oil into the multicooker bowl and soak the vegetables. We install the “Vipichka” program for 40 minutes.

Let's start peeling and cutting the potatoes into cubes.
In 10 minutes we will have everything ready and you can have a meal with tomatoes.

Add a little water, salt, pepper and add a bay leaf.
Close the multicooker and let the water boil.

Now it’s time for us to take up fish.
We cut the catfish into pieces and place it on foil in a double boiler. Finely chop one or two squeezes of lemon and feed it to the beast. Solimo, add black chalk pepper for the eggplants.

We pour mayonnaise on top and spread it over the surface of the fish.
We insert the steamer into the multicooker and close the lid. At this hour, the potatoes are ready to boil and the catfish are ready to be steamed.
I cooked 20-25 hwilin.

Today I will tell you about one of the methods of preparing fishfish using a multicooker. There will be som, stewing with vegetables. This recipe for preparing fish is for those who want to eat properly. It can also be called a song. Adja fish is allowed on the day of fasting, and along with it, you can eat vegetables. Before speaking, this recipe is suitable for savory dishes: it contains fish meat, side dish and gravy.

I used to cook. This is the first proof of preparing the herb from this fish. And the unimportant-looking fish, covered with mud, pleased me with the taste of the meat. Once I got the right sample of fish, I had no taste or smell of mud. Today we will learn once again how to properly process fish and how to prepare catfish stewed with vegetables in a slow cooker.

Catfish fish is very easy to cook and eat, even if you don’t have to remove the cutlets and brushes. Everything you need to do is clean it from the mucus inside and out (it’s best to rinse it under cold water). I took the center part of the rib and cut it into steaks. I was already using my tail on my head. The correct dissection of the head of the catfish is “the whole story,” but I did without it, because I lost the most meaty part of the catfish, because I stewed it all at once with the vegetables in the multicooker.

  1. Som - 200-300 grams
  2. Bell pepper – 1 piece
  3. Cybula – 1 head
  4. Carrots – 1 piece
  5. Tomatoes in detail or tomatoes (2 pieces) - 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Tomato paste – ½ multi-cup
  7. Lemon - half
  8. Bay leaf – 2 pieces
  9. Black pepper - 5 pieces
  10. Sil – 2 pinches
  11. Roslinna Oliya

For the cob, you need to prepare the fish: clean the mud and mucus, the middle and the middle. Cut the catfish carcass into steaks and soak in the juice of half a lemon diluted with water for 30 minutes.

While the fish is marinating, let's make the gravy. Peel the zucchini and carrots and cut them into cubes. Pour olive oil into the multi-cooker bowl until the bottom is covered, add the vegetables and turn on the “Frying” program for 10 - 20 minutes. Stir for as long as possible.

Then cut the pepper into cubes.

After finishing the “Frying” program, add bell pepper, additional tomatoes and tomato paste. Add tomato paste to add a sweet taste to the squash. Mix everything and turn on the “Vipichka” program for 10 – 20 minutes.

Then add fish, bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt, 1.5 multi-cups of water. Spices are added in order to add residual flavor to the mud. Includes the “Hasinnya” program for 30 minutes. If the gravy is rare, bring it to “Vipicci”.

Our grass is ready! You can eat it with vegetables as is, or you can cook it as a side dish of rice and it will still be delicious. Delicious!

Recipe for steamed catfish fillet in a multicooker z photo.
  • National cuisine: European cuisine
  • Stretch type: Others
  • Recipe foldability: Awkward recipe
  • Cooking technology: Steamed
  • We need: Multicooker
  • Preparation hour: 1 year 30 minutes
  • Preparation time: 45 hv
  • Number of servings: 4 servings
  • Calorie content: 278 kilocalories
  • Quote: Supper, lunch

I like to prepare this recipe for lunch or dinner - it comes from the cartoon, I love recipes like this. Steam catfish fillet for one hour with rice.

Marinated fillet, steamed, comes out juicy and savory. Rice in a multi-cooker comes out succulent if the mixture of grains and grains is properly adjusted. This recipe was used in a Philips HD 3039 multicooker, power supply 960 W, bowl volume 4 liters.

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • Water 1.5 tbsp.
  • Oliya sonyashnikova refined 30 ml
  • Paprika licorice melena 1 tsp.
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • Black pepper chalk 1 pinch
  • Long grain rice 1 tbsp.
  • Salt 2 pinch
  • Catfish steak 400 g
  • Soy sauce 80 ml
  • Ocet balsamic dark 2 tbsp. l.


  1. For cooking we need catfish fillet, rice, sweet pepper, salt, black pepper, paprika, olive oil, balsamic ocet, water and soy sauce.
  2. Wash the catfish fillet and dry. Cut into portions.
  3. Salt the fillet, sprinkle with paprika and mix with soy sauce. Leave for 1-1.5 years.
  4. Then sear the fillet in foil and place it in a pan for steaming.
  5. Place the steamed rice in a multicooker bowl, add water, add olive oil and salt for relish.
  6. Place the fillet tray on top and close the multicooker lid. Cook in the “Low” mode, do not open the lid until the sound signal sounds.
  7. After 40 minutes, the fillet and cooked rice are ready.
  8. Peel the sweet pepper from the insides and partitions. Cut into cubes and mix with fresh balsamic and ground black pepper.
  9. Place rice, sweet pepper and catfish fillet on a plate, top the rice with soy sauce. Delicious!

I like to prepare this recipe for lunch or dinner - it comes from the cartoon, I love recipes like this. Steam catfish fillet for one hour with rice.

Marinated fillet, steamed, comes out juicy and savory. Rice in a multi-cooker comes out succulent if the mixture of grains and grains is properly adjusted. This recipe was used in a Philips HD 3039 multicooker, power supply 960 W, bowl volume 4 liters.

An uncomplicated recipe for steamed catfish fillet in a multicooker of European cuisine with photo. It’s easy to prepare booths for 45 minutes. Reduce 278 kilocalories. Author's recipe of European cuisine.

  • Preparation hour: 1 year 30 minutes
  • Preparation time: 45 hv
  • Calorie content: 278 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 4 servings
  • Quote: Supper, lunch
  • Foldability: Awkward recipe
  • National cuisine: European cuisine
  • Stretch type: Others
  • Cooking technology: Steamed
  • We need: Multicooker

Ingredients per serving

  • Water 1.5 tbsp.
  • Oliya sonyashnikova refined 30 ml
  • Paprika licorice melena 1 tsp.
  • Sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • Black pepper chalk 1 pinch
  • Long grain rice 1 tbsp.
  • Salt 2 pinch
  • Catfish steak 400 g
  • Soy sauce 80 ml
  • Ocet balsamic dark 2 tbsp. l.

Pokrokov preparation

  1. For cooking we need catfish fillet, rice, sweet pepper, salt, black pepper, paprika, olive oil, balsamic ocet, water and soy sauce.
  2. Wash the catfish fillet and dry. Cut into portions.
  3. Salt the fillet, sprinkle with paprika and mix with soy sauce. Leave for 1-1.5 years.
  4. Then sear the fillet in foil and place it in a pan for steaming.
  5. Place the steamed rice in a multicooker bowl, add water, add olive oil and salt for relish.
  6. Place the fillet tray on top and close the multicooker lid. Cook in the “Low” mode, do not open the lid until the sound signal sounds.
  7. After 40 minutes, the fillet and cooked rice are ready.
  8. Peel the sweet pepper from the insides and partitions. Cut into cubes and mix with fresh balsamic and ground black pepper.
  9. Place rice, sweet pepper and catfish fillet on a plate, top the rice with soy sauce. Delicious!
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