How to correctly describe the state of life. First sex. When is it possible? Shvi ta rozrivi

From what age, from a medical point of view, is the entry primed before sexual contact? What is the need for an early return of value? What is the real strimanity? Vіdpovіdі іn nіaktualіnіі nіshі nіtnіnі, аnd аlso thаt thoughts оf doctors аt іy stattі.

Early cob of state life

The optimal century for the cob of stately life medicine vvazhaє vіk 18 rokіv. Dosi the process of molding the reproductive organs is completed. Early Vic joining the articles of the link, the sounding of the process, zagalmovu as a physical, and the rozumovy development of the youth and girls. Moreover, fahіvtsі vkazuyut on the teeth of the very state bodies of the early partners.
The girls have great resilience of microtraumas of the immature wall of the pixie. Early sex lead to erosion of the cervix. As a result, an infection occurs, for example papillomavirus, erosion step by step leads to cervical cancer. The youths and girls, who join the early state closeness, most often learn not to know about the infections that are transmitted by the state way.

There is a misfortune and psychological trauma in a state act in a young age up to 18 years old. It’s worth it not only for girls, but also for young people. The immature organism of a girl cannot be judged by a state act of judgement. The process can be remembered only more than a fortune. It feels like it creaked at the witness, you can accompany the woman all her life. Often it is necessary to bring to frigidity (existence of static tension) and vaginismus. The rest means a strong pathological spasm of m'yaziv pikhvi pіd hour of the state act.
Yunaki, physiologically unprepared for a life of state, who are unable to control sim'appearance. In case of early ejaculation, a young man can feel rubbish, look like a shambles, an absence to a normal status life. This psychological trauma can also be a long-term companion for a person who has grown up.

Yak bi did not sound trite, the result of sex without fear is the conception of a child. The reports about the expansion of the SNID show that the extensions, for some reason, do not need to be guarded. Ale about infections a little lower. Vagіtnіst - even more often the legacy of not stolen sex. At to the best young fathers rob life for a little one. Hocha early pregnancy may not be well known on the body of a child and a young mother, the decision of the people is the best in this situation. In the worst case, abortion is considered to cause more serious physiological and mental consequences for the health of the mother.

Closeness with different partners

Human skin maintains its own microflora of reproductive organs. At the norm, the set of normal and navit brown microorganism may improve health. Great number sexual partners to produce up to the adoption of the normal microflora of the state organs. It is practical to often bring such a state of the reproductive system to a halt. Moreover, in this state of affairs one cannot go about venereal disease.

However, to the current world statutory razbeschennosti mi zustrіchaєmosya z low іnfektsiynykh zahvoryuvan (ІPSh), scho vrazhayut statuі organs і the whole organism zahal. Deyakі from them can be infected with a pobutovy way.
There is a risk of contagion at the IPSS in case of official contact with kіlkom partners.

The largest spread of illness:
genital herpes,

VIL (SNID)- Infections are transmitted by a path, through the blood during transfusion of infected blood, from mother to fetus or child. After infection in a patient, irreversible changes in the body, caused by immunodeficiency, are blamed.
Gonorrhea is an even more widespread infection, which is transmitted by the path in adults, children can become infected with the contact path.
In people with illness, symptoms of urethritis appear: purulent mucus membranes from the secoviductal canal, an increase in inguinal lymph nodes, and difficulty in the passage of the mucosa. Women have mucus visions from pikhvi. Gonorrhea can lead to bezpіddya, it can affect the marrow, heart, eyes, rectum, oropharynx, skin, and tunics.

genital herpes- infection caused by herpes simplex type 2 virus. Illness among women. Seemingly burning pains in the genital area. I threaten women with the development of serious gynecological diseases. People have inflammation of the article member, as well as the mucous membrane of the sciatica. The person may be carrying the virus, and symptoms may be obvious.

Syphilis- Ill, yak can not show yourself a lot of fate. Illness is even more unsafe, shards attack all organs of the system. on the early stages there is a hard shanker - a painless flare with even edges. The onset stage is characterized by a visip in the appearance of vuzlikov, febrile fever, smut and globus pain. The advanced stages carry even more serious damage to the body.

Papillomavirus infection in humans- widely spread illness, so that ailments often lead "actively" state of life. Papillomavirus infection with untimely healing can lead to cervical cancer, as well as cancer of the larynx.

Chlamydia, Mycoplasmosis, Ureaplasmosis- Illness that is transmitted through state contact. Symptoms of these infections can be daily. Bring illness to bezpіddy, strong inflammation, aggravation of the excess of vagity, inducing the birth of pathology in children.

Hepatitis C- transmitted through the blood, as well as for state closeness. Infection leads to cirrhosis of the liver. Tsya іnfektsіya nіnі nіvіkovna.

Mononucleosis at once more extensions. This is one of the different varieties of the herpes virus family.

Non-natural article contact unsafe for health

Vcheni brought that oral sex is not safe for health. The empty of our company may have a different microflora, lower state organs. At the empty mouth, one consumes silent pathogenic (ailing) and mentally pathogenic microorganisms. Ale in the company has a zahisny bar'єr, which serve as the eyelids of the bottom ring. The stinks protect our organism from the scum of these microbes.
During oral sex, the entire set of pathogenic microorganisms is consumed on the state organs and causes inflammation. In addition, if a woman is ill for the herpes virus or streptococo-staphylococcal infection (for example, angina), another partner in oral sex can have urethritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis. If a person is carrying the papillomavirus virus, a woman is infected with an infection during oral sex. The infection can lead to cancer of the larynx in a woman. For the rest of the hour, the doctors will speak about the growing illness for laryngeal cancer among young women.

With anal sex, the risk of infection with IPSS is higher, lower with vaginal. The rectum is not protected from penetration of infection. Svidshy potraplyannyu іnfektsії in the blood spriyaє budova rectum itself, schilnіst to mucosal microtrauma.
Anything can lead to rectal cancer.

Dumka of doctors about the article about the peace of people and women

The founders of sexology wrote in their practice about the non-consistency of statutory complacency for people and women. The accumulated base of knowledge and medical information about nutrition and safety of death can be obtained from the consultations of modern doctors - sexologists, urologists, venereologists, psychiatrists.

Sexologist I.T. Radevich: “The state of peace does not govern bad health.”
Doctor dermatovenereologist, dermatologist, venereologist Agapov S.A.: “State’s peace is not shkidliva”. About tse to speak at their consultations, urologist Rostovtseva O.S.

Dorothy Berman, psychiatrist, psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist: “A person can manage for a long time without sexual intercourse and is absolutely safe for health. For trivalo pomіrnostі sexual energy is sublimated in creativity, doing sports for work.

K. V. Golovchenko - urologist, andrologist, dermatovenereologist, candidate of medical sciences: "There is no such evidence that would bring bad luck."

Moreover, there is not only about Timchas’s state of peace, but also about trival. At the thought of sexologists, the death of a person after 60 years can be brought to a complete fading of potency, which also has its own biological and spiritual significance.

Threshold of life, moral and moral podvalini, obezhennya schodo medical factors - qi nutrition occupy girls-podlitkiv. Reportedly raszbirayuchi tsyu topic - about which maiden can start a state of life, it became clear that it is important that everything is lowered in this statute.

Once again, you need to discuss what kind of sex: dobrovіlny chi primus. If there is another option, then the act is vvazhaetsya by violence at 15 years, at 40 years.

Like a lad at the same age as a girl, and the stench did not reach 18 years, but they began to lead an intimate life, young man there is no reason to bear a criminal punishment, as a statutory act of goodwill. However, as a lad of full age, we are guilty of being caught for sexual stosunki that robbing of a minor.


Intimate bіk zhittya called great super girls until this day. Kozhen to judge "from his own dzvіnitsі", vyhovannya plays the main role of the people. Tobto for food, nasty chi good - early sex, hypocrites of nature react in one rank, people of a normal svetoglyad - let's attack, the problems of nature will talk about the third. І thoughts tsі vіdіznyatimutsya.

A lot of young girls don’t want to look like one-liners and look at aphids like a white crow. Seeing so many young people, they spent a lot of money in 12-14 years. Other individuals want to be clean to the fullest. Zagalom, as an individual person, so is food about the state of life.

One thing can be said for certain: the first sexual connection is not guilty of a threat, as if spontaneously or zavdyaki attack the onslaught of the restless.


It's wonderful, but it's like the first time in sex to lie down in the mouth, to induce vaginal infections. Be it an illness in the body of a girl, the head of the body was at the statutory act.

Discomfort settles down in the face of stress and that experience. Do not let state organs relax m'yazova zatushnіnіst, concomitantly releasing a lot of pain. It’s worth to hang out like girls in young rock, so mature.


A condom is a confession made by doctors to the best zahist. Vіn guards against nebazhany vaginostі, raznyh іnfektsіy and illness, which are transmitted by state path.

Severe pain at the first state act is a sign of praise and stinginess of a girl. Therefore, for the comfort of both partners, sex is not recommended until the girl is completely awakened. When you wake up, women see natural oil s pikhvi, tse be familiar that you can rozpochat without intermediary process.

Obov'yazkovaya is also a special hygiene officer. Before contact, that post needs to be lifted.

In case of pain, I’ll open the doll for an hour, the girls will move away from their partner, not varto. Navpaki, followed by ruhati with quilts, going to you nazustrich. Tim, the girl herself, will pass the hour of painful feelings and psychological tension.

First Dosvid

Not sure how to speak first intimacy:

  • Mutual benefit of both partners
  • Get contraceptives
  • Samotha

Often, unacknowledged cochants have discomfort through sorom's irritability, fear and other factors. In this mood, I will help you to drink, or I will extinguish the light again.

As it was said more, with sex, it's better to beat the condom. Vіn, zavdyaki mastilu, dopomogaє penis easier to penetrate the pіhvu. There are no contraindications (for example, there is no allergy to latex) and it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

To spend the rest of the money, the girls should go to the gynecologist, take a consultation about the hypothetical inflammation. And as such processes are present in the organism, which came, it is necessary to follow.

After that, as the next closeness will be, it is recommended after this date to heal the wounds of the skin, not to have sex for a few days. After skin application, treat with glycerin. If, when applied to the preparation, the pinching is pinched, it is significant that everything has returned to normal.

If the girl had already started to lead an intimate life early, then I can remember: not enough vologists have a good life because the organs are developed in the development of the state, but with their blackness they don’t give an orgasm. Doctors christened solutions for this delicate problem of pharmaceutical oil. Stinks, like condoms, are sold without a prescription.

Otzhe, pochinayuchi state life, the girls should think well. Bazhano, so that the bet had a place for zustris, with the necessary hygienic minds, pennies for the purchase of condoms and a great mutual respect. It is not guilty of anything to be under the pressure of the side, the maiden of the goiter is bound to recognize herself as a kohana and to love the sexual parterre.

Faculty of Cambridge University held later analysis it was said that for a hundred years the onset of girls' first menstruation decreased from 18 years in 1880 to 12.5 in the average world in 1980. Vcheni name different reasons for such changes, for example, improving the mind of life. As another reason, the environmental situation is called unfriendly. So what else, but the result is the same: the girls ripen earlier.

Continuing the research, nearly 400,000 people have been genetically bred in Cambridge. By this method it was bulo z'yasuvati, like the very genius to pour into the cob the cob of stately life. In the course of the study, 38 variants of genes were revealed, which can be attributed to the first sexual experience. The vcheni have been established, that on the cob of stately life, the crime of the social environment and the development, the genetic factor is added. The results were published in the journal Nature Genetics.

As a matter of fact, the life of a girl is started in advance, then in the body there are mainly negative changes. Early articles of stoking at the pidlіtkovu vіtsi - tse, persh for everything, wrong Skoda health: the girl is suddenly getting tired, she is interested in getting started, she ceases to borrow from her beloved zakhoplennya. It's a pity, but the studies carried out by Moscow doctors showed that in modern Russia up to 50 hundred girls will be spared the values ​​that have just reached the 15th century.

Insha river, if the state of life young people rozpochinayut hourly. For girls, according to the thought of Russian doctors, turn the age from 18 to 20 years. Nasampered at that hour, the girl’s psyche matures, but it’s even more important. In the other case, you can put a negative beat on all the steps of the foot.

As far as physiology is concerned, for the organism, the cob of sexual desires is necessary to instill in different psychological and physiological maturation. Doctor of Medical Sciences Svіtlana Yureneva to talk about those that stress itself can cause hormonal disruption, and as a result of which it can become a waste or gain weight. As a rule, the first sexual signal launches a whole bunch of signals that tell about those that the woman is ready to complete childbearing.

But if it’s more and more to be brought to the hallucination of psychology, then the cost of ruining the bar'єr, so that the penetration into the body of various foreign disease-producing bacteria. The organism becomes susceptible to various diseases, including venereal diseases. Ale, tіlki at the top, like an ailing partner.

Until other changes, you can see pain during the months, vision from the pikhvi does not show a normal color and smell, sverbzh, liver, discomfort in the most important organs, or with sechovipkann.

All repaid - tse negative consequences. Prote y positive. For example, if the menstrual cycle is unstable, it can normalize. As soon as the state of life becomes regular, in the body there is an increase in the number of female state hormones, after which the figure begins to change: the lines of the body become smooth, and the body itself grows written forms. In gynecology, a lot of depressions were recorded, if the girls suffered from periodic pain in the abdomen, especially during menstruation. After the cob of state life of these problems, the stench was relieved once and for all.

Well, it’s been established at Harvard that for additional sex, the most intense biochemical processes are launched: testosterone, oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins are vibrated, and the level of glycogen in the body decreases. Behind the great Vistula of the Americans, “it’s not unusual for sex to be called the most sensitive symptom of depression.

And doctors from Switzerland have established that after the cob of regular sex (1-2 times per day) partners will strengthen the immune system.

An early beginning of a stately life, especially since the girl’s body has not yet been prepared, threatening a wealth of problems in the intimate sphere and children.

However, in today's situation, there are less than two out of ten lucky ones about curtains in such a young person. Others swear to have an abortion. 60% of the first vacancies end in abortion, and in two thirds of the girls who have had an abortion before 18 years of age, they develop without pregnancy.

Sexologists confirm that a regular state of life until 18 years of age is rozumova physical development. Right in that sex is a great stress for the psyche and endocrine nervous system, which does not appear under the strength of the organism that develops.

In order to get rid of the stress, young people begin to get used to alcohol and drugs, change partners, but nothing else gives them satisfaction. This is the cause of rich podlitkovyh depressions, which lead to suicide.

If rozpochinati statee life?

Psychologists vvazhayut optimal age for the cob of state life 19-20 years old for girls and 22-24 years old for young people, so that between the first state positions and the highest physical and mental maturity in 5-10 years old. І scho work all these rocks? Vcheni seem: to calm down.

The most endocrinologists, physiologists, gynecologists and psychiatrists agree on the thought: there is no ailment, the reason for them would be peace in this century.

Moreover, the energy, which is necessary for young people to achieve full physical and social maturity, is sublimated, that is transformed by the status quo. And with the expenditure of the state energy of a person, moral and physical reserves are spared for increasing and special achievements.

It is good for sports coaches. For a great sport, the state of life is acceptable only after 22-25 years, to that only in this country it becomes summed up with great sports ambitions. And to grow older, physically mature athletes for 1.5-2 days before the start, it is recommended to become calmer - for accumulation and mobilization of forces.

If you can rozpochinati life state?

There are no strict age-old physiological frameworks. You can start it only if the person is ready to the point. Willingness to be on the verge of psychological and informational. Psychologically, you are guilty of wanting, moreover, wanting for yourself with a human being, for yourself at once, for yourself in the minds, for today, wanting for your own will, not depending on the sacrifice of your own side. Інформаційно Ви повинні докладно знати особливості жіночої та чоловічої анатомії, фізіології, способи запобігання вагітності та від інфекцій, що передаються статевим шляхом, способи екстреної контрацепції на випадок непередбачених обставин, мати координати лікаря, до якого можна буде будь-якої миті звернутися за допомогою та не be afraid, Scho won’t accept you all the way, lay and tell all the fathers.

You are guilty not only to know theoretically about the methods of contraception, but also mothers of contraceptives, when you do so, take care of them, but also to adopt the principle for yourself for all your life - take care of yourself. Your zapobіgannya - tse your special officer on the right, and not on the right of your partner, navit yakscho vin dosvіdchenіshiy and tell you about everything podbati і You yomu lie to everyone - do not let anyone be vindicated for your life that is healthy, krim itself - nothing else don’t run into such a burden, but cry for it - you don’t have that your future child. You are guilty forever forget about the so-called. the calendar method, the rozrahunka of safe days, the interrupted state act and the safety of the state life under the hour of menstruation. All these myths, more than one day - so they forgot about them forever. It is also your responsibility to know about the methods of diagnosing vagity in the early term, and the methods of translating real, not mythical ones.

You are guilty of including the same kind of pseudo-medical information, as to please your friends, mami chi partner, forums on the Internet, articles in popular magazines, films - all the exchange of myths and sensitive among amateurs, reliable information may be necessary. You can have a place, you can calmly chat, not being afraid of anything and making hygiene available. You may have but a penny to buy contraceptives and pay for the doctor and you can get better. You are guilty to think over the food of the stosunkivs with the fathers on this topic: what and if you tell them not to live with constant fear - know / vb'yut and do not lie.

For the time being, it will be remembered for all life. It’s no less than a reminder, but it’s not known - the first evidence, with which the organism is sharpened, and it’s written down on white leaf like a butt, with which the reshta will follow. The first time you can signify your statement about the norm for all life, all the same New river- Like a zustrіnesh, so you can spend it - Try to make your wine ideal, do not allow vipadkovy ripples to zіpsuvati future happiness.

You are guilty of love, and that is to be your own kohanimi. It's not your fault to fight against yourself and to embarrass yourself. You are guilty a hundred times to ask yourself - WHAT do you want... and what do you want. You are guilty buti vpevnenі and vіdchuvati your goodness. Yakshcho Vi vagaetes - it means it's not yet an hour. And it doesn't matter, how old are you.

When CANNOT be repaired:

Blackmail. "Whatever you love - bring it." Kokhannya has never happened in a lie - and I don’t need evidence, tse is a way of life, and not a collection of vchinkiv-evidence. If you care that your kohannya needs to be brought up, it means that you yourself do not believe in anything. You are a good person and you don’t bring anything to anyone - You are like that, you can go in, but you can’t. And if someone is not in power, it means not in power and far away, and in no way will you be with the people of the world. As if you were going to blackmail and -bring it -, you just voluntarily give yourself a win - and you yourself will be badly hurt in the first place - since you yourself allowed yourself to spend your time and protect your kohannya - and there are no one to call.

Victim. "I want to help Yoma more dearly, so that I know better, how much I love Yogo". Tse same, the first option, only more twisted statements about kokhannya. Kohannya can’t dream of anything with a sacrifice - it’s almost as if people are more free in the building, like they are ready to honor freedom in others. To that, do not force wine - honor your freedom and check, docks You will be ready and work your free choice, without sacrifice, yourself, without calling on the new one. Evaluate your nobility and be good to your partner. To take responsibility for oneself - to work for the cause without sacrificing for someone else, but for that which you want yourself. If you don’t want to, don’t try. Understand that you will not be happy in the sight of your victims, after some kind of obsession, roses will come, it’s a pity that you are thrown into trouble. Do not belittle your love with proofs, check your readiness.

Even so, you respect the Cob as a proof of your love, as necessary criteria, as a pledge, as your obliga- tion on the date of kokhanoy, as a sacrifice on your vіddanіst, as a sacrifice for you on vіvtar kokhannya and your other minds will subdue your thoughts. You were budged - and if you are checked for material support of your words - check! You are not ready yet.

Vik. "It's already time." Tsey argument is not a variant of a trivial discussion. Willingness to lie down on a calendar day. Why did you save yourself up to such an important thing, like you at once vvazhaet, vіku- In order, with the same doubts, but earlier - still drink against yourself - You try to put a tick next to such a critical rock - Vi Well is no longer a little Divchinka, Yakshcho is so turbia about VIK- you mean you have the same thing to have the ownership of the Sob. Well, you rob it, to that you already have a rock, but still you can’t get into life - learn to love. I’ll come and help you get ready for that good object.

Self-denial. "I've already grown up, but tse - the main occupation of grown-ups." A typical child of rice - inherited mature, not understanding the essence of vchinkiv. Reconcile your mother's shoes, if you want to walk in them unhandedly - now you should wear them, more grown up. Nafarbuvatisya - but now you don’t get to the eyes, you don’t see the woods and look at the faces, it’s become so sloppy - now it’s time to rob you, everything has grown up, it’s so necessary. Vimoviti - grown-up words, if you want to shut up your own vuha - Try firing, drinking, sweating, sweating your guard and continuing - and why am I hirsha for grown-ups. And don’t let me be nasty, and don’t let me be funny in my childish tests, and don’t let me be all right, I really don’t want to. Ale so lie down. The bastard is guilty of rebelling and doing everything for evil. Vіn is guilty of being frizzy in the presence of a child - grown-up is guilty of nareshti pobachiti, who is not a child, but grown-up. And grown up to play like a child between - try everything you can’t see and in your own way copy your grown-up behavior. The stinks have always been roamed by this rice, stinks and contagiously roam at the back of the bridge, to those who are in the first place, it is sig- nificantly - їх worries about your health, like in a child at your games we will burn it. Ale krіm tsikh experience all the same thoughts that you have lost, - not - - like a wine has grown up - but - like a ridiculous child, but I thought - wine is already grown up -. Axis so. Be on the lookout for every kind of change, if you will work hard to prove your ability. Opportunity, self-reliance, freedom, self-advocacy, vіdpovіdalіnіst - all the signs of a grown-up person, like not to lie in the middle of the calendar century. And as a matter of fact, the stench does not count against the evidence, the stench is obvious! And it seems to you that you don’t suddenly recognize them for you - it means that they simply don’t know anymore! Do not lame your life, for sure, prove it - engage in self-perfection, at the cost of more richly bringing your stature to everyone.

And don't forget - matured rights may have more rights. Ale stink at tsimu carry and more vіdpovіdalnostі. And the stench is mrіyut vіd ї vіlnitisâ hoch unpreparedly that mother mozhlivіst, like a child, call vіdpovіdalіnіst on іnshoy. Shchob htos іnshiy razhlobuvav nasledki їhnіh pardons. It’s a pity, in stately life, a person’s skin breaks down her own pardons - mother and will be glad to endure all your suffering on yourself, but you can’t! Infections are good for you, abortion is good for you, without abortion after abortion good for you. You can grow up and be ready to such vibes - Or you can but varto bud with such self-denials and turn to the good old windings of the type of zukhvaloї zachіska and rich music. Let it be more outrageous, and not tragic - prove your growth.

Tsіkavist. "About the same style it seems - you need to try it." Tezh is a classic of childishness. Try how to burn a fire, try how a toy is lit, try how a little olive - try a drug, try sex. Styles seem! I want to. I don’t get it - I won’t - it’s more than a test - once.

You know - tsіkavist - tse vzagalі rice, domineering to all living things. This is the basis of education, I will inform you. That's a miracle of power, if it's right to be satisfied - a little bit for someone else's account! Everyone knows the order about those that the fool learns from his own pardons, and the wise - from strangers. Let it go at once You don’t trust specific grown-ups, they will alienate you, and you don’t care about their special circumstances. Ale OK іsnuyut books! Humanity has repeatedly described all its dosvіd in books! Why repeatedly - that oskіlki tezh trusted the knowledge of the previous generations; But the moment may come, if the coming misunderstandings will be reasonable for the future - and not just read, but BELIEVE the people's word. It’s impossible to believe in those who use the drug tim and resound in the voice of great speech, who call for staleness - sometimes - for the first time, moreover, it’s impossible for you to believe it yourself for the first time, it’s impossible to rely on the knowledge of your own. It is easy to believe in those who are interested and infected from the first time, and sex becomes the best satisfaction in the world, if a person is ready to go!

I take off the SKIN DAY leaves of the attack: “I tried it. I didn’t see anything good. Why talk about the insoles? It is possible that you are wrong about this dosvіd - dosvіd of your peers and peers! I can zapevnit you, because you are not ready yet - your cycavost will not be satisfied. So, get lost in the unknown, more than that - in roses, call yourself and your partner, you can spend faith in yourself and believe that you have not been given a chance to try your satisfaction - remember the importance of the first good luck - the body can remember it the norm - and see if you see all the attacks - Zagal, if you really want to know what it is - read books about kohannya, marvel at films, develop yourself as a specialty and learn to love. And you all know your hour - and only a little child can look at such a phrase, and when a person has grown up, I repeat it more often - not just like that. And to that, to reach new tse!

Fear of being seen. "At our class/yard/institute - already EVERYONE is walking and telling! I'm the only one" Tse vіdomy anecdote. And you tell me! Yakshcho you so want to be like a mustache. This is a classic sign of immaturity, but it’s true that such a dream can happen. Well, a person has grown up, it’s easy to skip this point, so it’s not worth it. The basis of yoga growth is that you are not afraid of wine, but not like a mustache. I don’t specifically want to see an earring in my nose. Tse zasib for the quiet, who sees nothing more, that sip me, whoever wants to be seen. Don’t be special, don’t be like a mustache - more tse tezh unfreedom! And just don’t be afraid in certain situations, if you choose to choose between special freedom such established dogmas - choose your freedom. Here it is important not to confuse dogma (like the cob of a stately life to the singing age) with the norms (like the cob of a stately life from a condom). Norm vigadani for the safety of people! Dogmy does not have any reasonable explanation. They stink.

How to get ready for the first time

Learn about basics anatomyі physiology women and people of the state system. Find out how everything is correctly called, how you look, how you practice, which is true and which is a myth. About tse іsnuє a lot of books and articles and navit osvіtnіh fіlmіv. Do not trust the information, otrimaniy like girlfriends.

Vivchiti svіy menstrual cycle. Designate the days of the cob of menstruation, lift the old cycle. Sob potim ozumіti - zatrimka chi nі. You don’t need to swear, because the cycle is still irregular, but it can be a century-long variant of the norm. Do not break the visnovki yourself - if you are turbulent, the doctor is to blame. Don't bother with your schedules to look at the unsafe and safe days - there are no such ones, you can take care of any day of the cycle, wake the hour of menstruation. As if someone from your acquaintances carried, if the stench was protected by this method - the felicity is good for them, as it may not be so happy for you.

Know your doctor. Here you can scurry around with friends, chi mami, surf on the Internet. The doctor is guilty of being accessible to you - psychologically and financially, without which it is impossible to start. The doctor is guilty of consulting you on the choice of contraceptives, Bazhano BEFORE the Cob. Firstly, you need to come to the doctor immediately after the Spab - take smears, marvel at the cervix - and work regularly.

Prydbaty yakіsnі condoms she learns to squirm with them. Condoms must be guilty with you, the myth about those who are on the right of the person is a myth, you need it in the first place. You can take a sprat with you - for the sake of repeated state assets, for the skin can be stolen - do not hit the middle of the process to the pharmacy. condom - the best zasib for the cob of stately life, to the fact that wine alone protects the transmission of bacteria. And you start like you start with a person, in a way like in your own, all the same warehouse of microbes in a community of people is another. And if someone else's microbes (normal, not infection) are consumed by another person, they often call out ignition process- just like a reaction to someone else. Tse inflamed - do not start an infection that is transmitted by the state path, but if it is the result of the transfer of other people's microbes, it will pass with the same signs and enjoy itself with antibiotics. The inflamed state of the paths - colpitis, - thrush of the cut michur - cystitis - are partly companions of the Cob. If you start with a condom and use it for the first few months, you can avoid problems. Navіt yakscho yak zahist vіd vаgіtnostі You have chosen hormonal contraception with the doctor - all the same, you need to use a condom on the cob - that hormones do not ryatuyut against infectious diseases.

The condom loses its function less in the fall, like wine hourly robes- On the very cob, before the introduction of a member of the state into pihva. Otherwise, if you put on yoga without intermediary before the sіm'yaviporskuvannyam, it's practical marno: in the oil, which is seen from the head of the member under the hour of the statutory act, spermatozoa and microorganism - incl. i nebazhana vaginess and infection can be caused if you want to put on a condom later. To the very same, it is ineffective and such a widening method of contraception, like interrupting an act, moreover, that partners do not have to interrupt it. And I know the same, as you know a lot, some still - carried - not varto rizikuvati your health - abortion rob you, not them.

How to use a condom and what to say to a partner

In order for the condom not to zlіtav i not torn at the process, wine may buti yakіsnim (manufactured by firms: Durex, Lifestile, Contex, Preventor, Innotex, and not cheap Chinese), with a non-linear term of applicability, we will buy in a pharmacy. To young people, if you want to read this paragraph, you need more memory, that deyaki girls, bazhayuchi, pierce the packages, - and check the integrity of the package yourself, and best of all, you should buy them yourself. And what about robiti, what is true?

It is also necessary to remember put on the condom correctly: all the stench is on the tip of the sperm reservoir, so it is required that the condom (and in the other reservoir of the cream) does not have a refill. The same if in the middle it repeats, the pressure of the hour will increase, and the latex will burst. In order not to lose the wind in the middle, before pulling on (to the point of deepening), you need to firmly squeeze the reservoir, letting go of the new wind, and then put it on the eregovaniya member, again, still firmly pressing and watching all the time maybe again down, from the condom -to the street-. Tse pevna novichka, yakіy zovsіm not shamefully lean on self on the ogіrku chi bananas.

In case of anal sex, some anatomical features, if you are torn to get expensive condoms, and also if you know that your partner is a carrier of a serious illness, for example - hepatitis B, or if through some circumstances (taking antibiotics, strong drugs, etc.) not needed, but the onset is catastrophic - sometimes you can put on two condoms in a row.

Know the condom it is necessary at the hour and neatly, otherwise all the precautions will be vikonan darma, as if after the day of znyatya the sperm will be consumed at the fir.

Remember that up to pregnancy that infection can bring a consumptive spermatozoa at pihu. For whom it is not obov'yazkovo razorhennya tsnoti. Spermatozoa can eat from the hands, clothes, whites - for an hour of pleasure and caresses. Nezayman's hymen is not a barrier for spermatozoa - in the same it is open! Zavagіtnіti can be with anal sex, like the sperm to spend at the court's office later. It is possible to intervene with an interrupted statutory act, zokrema - repeated, if the first letter is from a condom - that there may be excess sperm on the penis. It is not possible to get infected with oral sex, but with it you can get infected with infections - the same, as with the greatest.

Remember that you are 72 years old after being undefended for any reasons for the statutory act, to go to the so-called. emergency contraception- postinoru - ale tse same on the slope of the accident - zgvaltuvannya chi having opened the condom. Tse alternative to abortion, and so before it and it is necessary to put, out - not richly neshkidlivisha.

Know about Budova and specialties unborrowed money. Won є at all. Aleone is easily stretched and far from being torn. Even more often you get drunk, then there is already little blood in the past, but then it shows up and suddenly and in the third place, at the same time from unacceptable sights - to go out, like a skin once - like the first. Do not boast, it’s too early to quit, if you’re going to tear yourself up enough. Well, bloody visions of the hour of proximity may not be cold, but internal - You need to go and look around and turn over the camp of your cervix, with erosis, the appearance is often milked. But we were already talking about those who went to the doctor at the be-yak-like temperament and obov'yazkovim after the Cob. Sometimes, the spit does not swell, but rather stretches. If there is no need for blood, you can take away from your partner a charge from inadequacy. And this time - the best of all possible situations. The hymen is stretched, You see the inability to look no less upward, and at the foot, especially on the very cob, if we pass later - it’s fine! The opening was filled up like a bulb, that shoulder was unacceptable for the whole hour. Ale won’t be stretched, and in the process of not receiving it, it’s obvious to pass, especially as there is enough oil. Remaining spit to tear shvidshe for all pіd pologіv hour. Yak You understand, color - don’t become a value. You can take care of the anatomical non-occupancy, taking care of rocky forms of sex different people, and navpaki - you can spend a lot of money in the past with injuries and salvage, being completely deprived of an absolutely unfinished date. Ale, yakscho to squawk itself became plivi - such - innocence - is easily resurrected surgically. Only whom you fool like that way-Cholovik can not judge your dosvid old-fashioned look swim. I also know about the operation and update prices :)

Learn about vagity diagnostics. If you are late, before menstruation, you are doubtful about your anxiety, you can find out about your pregnancy in 8-10 days after the state act, having blood from the vein to the hormone of pregnancy - beta-CHL. It is impossible to recognize ANYTHING earlier. Daily signs of vaginess - tedium, change of relish, sensitivity to smells, sight in the stomach, across, frequent cuts, sickness of the breasts and/or nipples, engorgement of the breasts, changes in the vagi and mood - are not reliable signs a guarantee її not now. In order to induce menstruation, it cannot be a guarantee, because in early terms vagity may be a threat of re-treatment, which is manifested by bleeding. The people call it "washing the fruit." Such -monthly-as a rule, they are considered in the presence of the most significant for clearness and soreness, after them all the visceral-vagity-free. The test for sectional voidness can be done not earlier than the first day of the trim, until the second showing of the week. Vіn can be pardon-negative and after the zatrimka, to that, if you don’t show vaginess, but you don’t have menstruation - go to give blood. Ultrasound shows vagity in early terms - only after tyzhnya zatrimki and only broken by a vaginal probe and a vmilim fahivets. Otherwise, there is nothing to say about the negative result. A gynecologist's glance at the armchair - I can't say anything concrete about the early terms. Therefore, the only reliable test is a blood test in patients with vaginal ultrasound. Well, I know - evaluate your readiness - You can go to a paid laboratory and get a paid term blood test for vagity at your place.

Learn about . Reversing pregnancy is called abortion and there are no alternatives to it. Everyday hot baths, herbs, milk with iodine, pills and other shamanic tricks. You must try to get pregnant, do not go to the doctor - not safe for your life.

Learn the basics psychology of the opposite state. For example. The cholov_ki chirp clearly show love and sex. Women are smarter. Vminnya split (navit with one and the same person) to come from the knowledge, but for the girls, the words are synonymous, and in which the reason for their broken hearts is found. You don't need to cheat your knowledge and stock up on cynicism - you just need to try to understand that your partner's relationship is different from your relationship. I'm fine, and I don't want to make you up, and I'm not guilty of what I'm not guilty of and I'm not fooling you! It’s just that people have the same difference of truth, from everything. Women call out to have sex with the one they love. And people - more want to have sex. And how can you call them in the fact that they stink honestly, and women live in the fullness of their fantasies, transfer their manifestations to a new one and think that they live behind their laws and that they have sex, it means to love. the stinks succumb to the inconsiderate prohannyam of women, like they can hear - erogenous zone- - Tell me what you love - How can you call them, if they repeat the stench, to bring the women of satisfaction, to that, as if the stench will be from the honesty of the mother - you will be even more unfortunate, the stench will be already distorted - How can you then, if you appear for them, it's just sex, hard, that the stench deceived you - You deceived yourself, not knowing, not knowing the peculiarities of their physiology and psychology. People and women are people from different planets, and if you want to save your mental health, just remember, remember about it and don’t deceive yourself. Be free and give your partner the opportunity to be free - and take away your satisfaction from free communication.

Learn to bring your own satisfaction. Vivchit your body, your reactions, learn to feel orgasm. I'm wondering if anyone thinks that the partner is to blame. Why is it your fault to know you better, lower yourself? early bed. . Bo is often repaired in order to recognize - now. And in order to find out about the cause of the distance, even if it brings the fall, and then the hour and the strength to reach the right drive will appear - mutual love. So you can bring your satisfaction to your partner, without damaging your innocence and without hurting yourself on the risk of infections and unsatisfactory vagity. Well, it’s far too late to overcome the need to let in, imitate satisfaction, so as not to transfer your passion to your partner, who is not guilty of anything.

Trenuvati m'yazi pelvic floor. Use the special rights of Kegel, the simplest - squeezing the m'yazіv of the anal opening and trimming at the stylomu camp, as well as - zusilly m'yazіv cutting the strumen of the cut during cuts - that trimuvannya. It’s not only bad for the pelvic organs - it’s like exercise, it doesn’t just increase the sensitivity and strength of orgasm, it also allows you to avoid such a frequent incomprehensible manifestation, like hitting again in the morning in the morning of intimacy - can’t really shove a member of the state - then, like a vapka z povіtryam at a condom - at the hour of the rush, the press moves, and again go out by force - only in this vіpadka vіn go through the entrance to the pіkhvu, seeing a characteristic sound, which you can try all the way і іноді - nadovgo settle with you rubbish and unruliness.

Know the right one place, hour and choose food fathers.


In the first place, you are guilty of being blamed for yourself, for what you do right, for your own will and you don’t blame yourself before them.

In a different way, you are guilty of being inspired by your partner, she is not afraid to tell you. You don’t need to guess (it’s impossible) the thoughts at your head, and turn around, you don’t boast at the same time less for you, and even if you want to work everything that you can lie in, so you don’t hurt you. To the one who is good to be put before you and to the one who is to blame for the first time for the attackers - if you have a chance to put it up to the first one at a time - then it will be important to fight with the future, so we must see that we will be good first time! That's why, you have small stones and that task is to help one to one, do not falter at your own nibito special problems, but learn to trust and talk about those who praise you. It will be easier for someone else to help you. Negotiate ahead of time signals, which is meaningful - negainally pinned! - for every occasion.

Thirdly, you are responsible for creating a good atmosphere. The bath or the shower is to blame, it’s more convenient and quiet, and not creakingly soft, the doors are closed, it’s the calm one, that nothing can be opened from the other side.

Sob to relax the crumbs - not to make a crumb of wine. Tilki TROCHI are wines, not burners with beer. Otherwise, you will be returnable. Sp'yaninnya is not guilty to put on the floor, so that you forget the need and the rules of putting on a condom.

Teach your partner to please you and take away orgasm Until penetration. The speeches that are seen in the brain at the hour of orgasm - endorphins - the person has learned to synthesize piece by piece - and called them narcotic analgesics - the stench succumbs to the pain, attaches and calls out staleness. Vykorist natural analogues - it's so easy!

After that, you took away your satisfaction, your brain is filled with endorphins, and the amount of oil is sufficient for penetration, the condom of the robes is correct - you can create the first article itself - defloration. Still, remember the physiology - the hymen and the hymen need to be torn - so that you see a change - it's normal, you can't feel the tightness and squeak - it's normal, the hospitality of the bіl is normal, the shelter is normal. Also, remember that the rich man's hymen is not torn, but stretched, and to that it may be necessary to change, the blood to be normal. Don’t let the pain go - now, go ahead and open yourself up - See what you want yourself - so work what you want yourself - and take away from your satisfaction - it’s a quick way to block Timchas’s sickness. Yakshcho sho - You can definitely give a warning signal. The alternative, as far as they go, is piecemeal, surgical defloration - go to the doctor and roztin with a scalpel or a surgical laser - does not overcome the problem of pain - the spit itself is left on the spot and all the same, with the first entry, sickness will be. In addition, roses can heal - and I will need to start all over again. Crim of pathological states - div. article "" - natural defloration can be recognized as a whole, especially as an orgasm before cym. The main reason for your feelings in stately life - receiving or receiving unacceptable, seeing one medium and fixing on another - is psychological, not physical. That's why you need to start getting ready and solve the problems in your head and life, and then start a new life with joy, and not with fear and obvious ochіkuvannyam filthy.

Yakscho mastila don’t hang out, you can pick up a piece, ALE! When vikoristannі condom - less water-based - gel. You can special, which are sold in intimate stores - for example, Montavit gel. You can use other gels that are sold in pharmacies, for example, solcoseryl gel is not used for oil, but can replace it. Creams and ointments on a fatty basis, including creams for hands, for face, children, vaseline oil- Break latex, so you can't break it with a condom any time.

If only the closeness of the baggage, and if the defloration of the obov'yazkovy shower. Abo bath.

You can do everything you want - everything about what you read and watched in films, everything about what you dreamed about - love one alone. Don't forget what hijack maє buti SKIN article act in your life, and not just the first.

As soon as you know everything in advance, at once with the basics of contraception, - You will be effectively ready to the Cob without dramas. Adzhe no one sits for kermo without violating the rules road traffic. And in addition, the people of good will have succumbed to them, and also the minds of the minds of the mind in caring for a car - to lie down її vlasna bezpeka, navit as a reshta vodіїv pripuskaє pardons.

I once again about vіk. Dezh that criterion - up to this moment it’s already in advance, and the axis from the first moment - it’s possible - I why it’s not important, if the Cob is a clear departure from the grown-up life. Well, you can’t become mature in childhood. And you can’t, being mature, save the value - it’s illogical. True criterion є. The first thing is true - maturity. The people have grown- you are a person, you are ready to bear responsibility for your health, your life, and you are also ready to take additional support for the health of another grown-up person - your partner, and also - you are ready to take responsibility for your child’s ability, so you can show up have matured. The axis if you - financially, informationally, psychologically - are ready to bear the responsibility for yourself, your partner and your future child - carry yourself, not calling on anyone, knowing that you work specifically, if you blame problems, - the axis means that You have grown up man in order to start. And then, if you want to rob it, then your free choice, which is not guilty of the fallowing of other bad drives, as we tried to find out from this statute.

The cob of state life

When can you tell?

There are no strict age-old physiological frameworks. You can start it only if the person is ready to the point. Willingness to be on the verge of psychological and informational. Psychologically, you are guilty of wanting, moreover, wanting for yourself with a human being, for yourself at once, for yourself in the minds, for today, wanting for your own will, not depending on the sacrifice of your own side. Інформаційно Ви повинні докладно знати особливості жіночої та чоловічої анатомії, фізіології, способи запобігання вагітності та від інфекцій, що передаються статевим шляхом, способи екстреної контрацепції на випадок непередбачених обставин, мати координати лікаря, до якого можна буде будь-якої миті звернутися за допомогою та не be afraid, Scho won’t accept you all the way, lay and tell all the fathers. You are guilty not only to know theoretically about the methods of contraception, but also mothers of contraceptives, when you do so, take care of them, but also to adopt the principle for yourself for all your life - take care of yourself. Your zapobіgannya - tse your special officer on the right, and not on the right of your partner, navit yakscho vin dosvіdchenіshiy and tell you about everything podbati i vіrite everything - do not let anyone be vindicated for your life and your health, except for yourself - nothing else don’t run into such a burden, but cry for it - you don’t have that your future child. You are guilty forever forget about the so-called. the calendar method, the rozrahunka of safe days, the interrupted state act and the safety of the state life under the hour of menstruation. All these myths, more than one day - so they forgot about them forever. It is also your responsibility to know about the methods of diagnosing vagity in the early term, and the methods of translating real, not mythical ones. You are guilty of turning on such dzherelo іnformatsiї, as to please your friends, mami chi partner, forums on the Internet, statti in popular magazines, films - all the exchange of myths and a little bit between amateurs, reliable information can be found only in professions. You can have a place, you can calmly chat, not being afraid of anything and making hygiene available. You may have but a penny to buy contraceptives and pay for the doctor and you can get better. You are guilty to think over the food of the stosunkivs with the fathers on this topic: what and if you tell them not to live with constant fear - know / vb'yut and do not lie.

For the time being, it will be remembered for all life. Not only to my memory, but incomprehensibly - the first evidence, with which the organism is trained, and I write it down on a white sheet like a butt, with which we then reshta. For the first time, you can signify your statement about the norm for all life, so the New Age is like a zestrinesh, so you can carry it out ... Therefore, try to make it ideal, do not allow vipadkovym ripples to zіpsuvati future happiness.

You are guilty of love, and that is to be your own kohanimi. It's not your fault to fight against yourself and to embarrass yourself. You are guilty a hundred times to ask yourself - WHAT do you want... and what do you want. You are guilty buti vpevnenі and vіdchuvati your goodness. Yakshcho Wee vagaetes - it means too early. And it doesn't matter, how old are you.

When CANNOT be repaired:

Blackmail. "What you love - bring it." Kokhannya has never happened in a lie - and I don’t need evidence, tse is a way of life, and not a collection of vchinkiv-evidence. If you care that your kohannya needs to be brought up, it means that you yourself do not believe in anything. You are a good person and you don’t bring anything to anyone - You are like that, you can go in, but you can’t. And if someone is not in power, it means not in power and far away, and in no way will you be with the people of the world. As if you were going to blackmail and “bring it up”, you just voluntarily give yourself a win - and you yourself will be badly hurt in the first place - since you yourself allowed yourself to spend your time and for the sake of your kohannya - and there is no one to call.

Victim. "I want to help Yoma more dearly, so that I can understand, how much I love Yogo." Tse same, the first option, only more twisted statements about kokhannya. Kohannya can’t dream of anything with a sacrifice - it’s almost as if people are more free in the building, like they are ready to honor freedom in others. To that, do not force wine - honor your freedom and check, docks You will be ready and work your free choice, without sacrifice, yourself, without calling on the new one. Evaluate your nobility and be good to your partner. To take responsibility for oneself - to work for the cause without sacrificing for someone else, but for that which you want yourself. If you don’t want to, don’t try. Understand that you will not be happy in the sight of your victims, after some kind of obsession, roses will come, it’s a pity that you are thrown into trouble. Do not belittle your love with proofs, check your readiness.

How do you respect the cob as a proof of your kokhannya, yogo necessary criteria, yogo bail, your obligation according to the promise to the kokhanoy, drunk on your vddanist, ochikuvana vіd you a victim on the vіvtar kokhannya, and other similar thoughts hover in your head .... You were budged - and if you are checked for material support of your words - check! You are not ready yet.

Vik. "It's already time." Tsey argument is not a variant of a trivial discussion. Willingness to lie down on a calendar day. Why did you save yourself up to such an important age, how do you care about it at once? In order to, with these very sumnivs, what earlier - still drink against yourself? Do you want to check the box next to something critical to rock? Well, you are no longer a little girl, as it is so turbulent about the age - it means you already have a healthy state of mind - but what will we do next, after the most important Croc? Is it possible to smartly change for a better one? Chi you potim dovgim nights splkuvatisya zі svoї voїshnіshnіm voice that verdavdovuvatisya? How do you work hard, to that you are already dead, but still you don’t get stuck in life - learn to love. I’ll come and help you get ready for that good object.

Self-denial. “I’m already grown up, but tse is the main occupation of the grown-ups.” A typical child of rice - inherited mature, not understanding the essence of vchinkiv. Reconcile your mother's shoes, if you want to walk in them handlessly - now you should wear them ... to the one who has grown up. Nafarbuvatisya - but now you don’t get to the eyes, you don’t see the wood and look at the face, it’s become so careless - it’s worth trying to get out of it ... that everyone has grown up, it’s so necessary. Wipe out the “grown up” words, if you yourself want to shut up your mouth ... Try firing, drink, then suffer, then remake your guard and continue - and why am I hirsha for grown-ups. And don’t let me be nasty, and don’t let me be funny in my childish tests, and don’t let me be all right, I really don’t want to. Ale so lie down. The bastard is guilty of rebelling and doing everything for evil. Vіn is guilty of being frizzy in the presence of a child - grown-up is guilty of nareshti pobachiti, who is not a child, but grown-up. And grown up to play like a child between - try everything you can’t see and in your own way copy your grown-up behavior. The stinks have always been roamed by this rice, stinks and contagiously roam at the back of the bridge, to those who are in the first place, it is sig- nificantly - їх worries about your health, like in a child at your games we will burn it. Ale krіm tsikh experience all the same thoughts that you have lost, - not - "like a wine has grown up", but "like a funny child, but I thought - wine is already grown up." Axis so. Be on the lookout for every kind of change, if you will work hard to prove your ability. Opportunity, self-reliance, freedom, self-advocacy, vіdpovіdalіnіst - all the signs of a grown-up person, like not to lie in the middle of the calendar century. And as a matter of fact, the stench does not count against the evidence, the stench is obvious! And it seems to you that you don’t suddenly recognize them for you - it means that they simply don’t know anymore! Do not lame your life, for sure, prove it - engage in self-perfection, at the cost of more richly bringing your stature to everyone.

And don't forget - matured rights may have more rights. Ale stink at tsimu carry and more vіdpovіdalnostі. And the stench is mrіyut vіd ї vіlnitisâ hoch unpreparedly that mother mozhlivіst, like a child, call vіdpovіdalіnіst on іnshoy. Shchob htos іnshiy razhlobuvav nasledki їhnіh pardons. It’s a pity, in stately life, a person’s skin breaks down her own pardons - mother and will be glad to endure all your suffering on yourself, but you can’t! Infections are good for you, abortion is good for you, without abortion after abortion good for you. Are you mature enough and ready for such trials? What can varto bud with such self-denials and turn to the good old coils of the type of screeching zachіska and gooey music? Let it be more outrageous, not tragic - prove your maturity J

Tsіkavist. "To speak about the style - you need to try it." Try how to burn a fire, try how a toy is lit, try how a little olive ... try a drug, try sex. Styles seem! I want to. I don’t get it - I won’t - it’s more than a test - once.

You know ... tsіkavіst - tse vzagalі rice, domineering to all living things. This is the basis of education, I will inform you. That's a miracle of power, if it's right to be satisfied - a little bit for someone else's account! Everyone knows the order about those that the fool learns from his own pardons, and the wise - from strangers. Let it go at once You don’t trust specific grown-ups, they will alienate you, and you don’t care about their special circumstances. Ale OK іsnuyut books! Humanity has repeatedly described all its dosvіd in books! Why more than once - the one who didn’t trust the knowledge of the previous generations J But the moment may come, if the coming misunderstandings will be reasonable for the future - and not just read, but BELIEVE the people's word. It’s impossible to believe in those who use the drug tim and resound in the voice of great speech, who call for staleness - sometimes - for the first time, moreover, it’s impossible for you to believe it yourself for the first time, it’s impossible to rely on the knowledge of your own. It is easy to believe in those who are interested and infected from the first time, and sex becomes the best satisfaction in the world, if a person is ready to go!

I take away the SKIN DAY of the leaves of the attack: “I tried it. Didn't see anything good. Why talk about these styles? What am I doing wrong?" It's possible that you're wrong about it - the message of your peers and your peers! to yourself and your partner, you can spend faith in yourself and believe that you have not been given the opportunity to try this satisfaction ... remember the importance of the first note - the body can remember it as the norm - and see it all the next times ... Zagalom, if you really want to know what it is - read books about cheating, marvel at films, develop yourself as special and learn to love. , then I repeat it more often - not just like that.

Fear of being seen. “At our class/yard/institute - already EVERYONE is walking and telling! Only me…" Tse vіdomy anecdote. And you tell me! J If you so want to be like a mustache ... This is a classic sign of immaturity, but it’s not possible to have such a vihod. Well, a person has grown up, it’s easy to skip this point, so it’s not worth it. The basis of yoga growth is that you are not afraid of wine, but not like a mustache. I don’t specifically want to see an earring in my nose. Tse zasib for the quiet, who sees nothing more, that sip me, whoever wants to be seen. Don’t be special, don’t be like a mustache - more tse tezh unfreedom! And just don’t be afraid in certain situations, if you choose to choose between special freedom such established dogmas - choose your freedom. Here it is important not to confuse dogma (like the cob of a stately life to the singing age) with the norms (like the cob of a stately life from a condom). Norm vigadani for the safety of people! Dogmy does not have any reasonable explanation. They stink.

How to get ready

Learn about the basics of anatomy and physiology of women and human state system. Find out how everything is correctly called, how you look, how you practice, which is true and which is a myth. About tse іsnuє a lot of books and articles and navit osvіtnіh fіlmіv. Do not trust the information, otrimaniy like girlfriends.

- Vivchiti your menstrual cycle. Designate the days of the cob of menstruation, lift the old cycle. Sob potim ozumіti - zatrimka chi nі. You don’t need to immediately lakatisya, as the cycle is still irregular - the cecal variant of the norm. Do not break the visnovki yourself - if you are turbulent, the doctor is to blame. Don't bother with your schedules to look at the unsafe and safe days - there are no such ones, you can take care of any day of the cycle, wake the hour of menstruation. As if someone from your acquaintances “carried through”, if the stench “began” with such a “method” - it’s happy for them to be happy, as it may not be so happy for you.

- Know your doctor. Here you can scurry around with friends, chi mami, surf on the Internet. The doctor is guilty of being accessible to you - psychologically and financially, without which it is impossible to start. The doctor is guilty of consulting you on the choice of contraceptives, Bazhano BEFORE the Cob. Firstly, you need to come to the doctor immediately after the Spab - take smears, marvel at the cervix - and work regularly.

- Buy yakіsnі condoms she learns to squirm with them. Condoms must be guilty with you, the myth about those who are on the right of the person is a myth, you need it in the first place. You can take a sprat with you - for the sake of repeated state assets, for the skin can be stolen - do not hit the middle of the process to the pharmacy. The condom is the best zasіb for the cob of stately life, to the fact that it alone protects the transmission of bacteria. And you start like you start with a person, in a way like in your own, all the same warehouse of microbes in a community of people is another. And if foreign microbes (normal, not infection) are consumed by other people, the stench often causes an ignition process - just like a reaction to a stranger. Tse inflamed - do not start an infection that is transmitted by the state path, but if it is the result of the transfer of other people's microbes, it will pass with the same signs and enjoy itself with antibiotics. Inflammation of the state paths - colpitis, "thrush" and sich mikhura - cystitis - most of the companions of the Cob. If you start with a condom and use it for the first few months, you can avoid problems. Navіt yakscho yak zahist vіd vаgіtnostі You have chosen hormonal contraception with the doctor - all the same, you need to use a condom on the cob - that hormones do not ryatuyut against infectious diseases.

The condom loses its function only at the top of the head, like the time of dressing - on the very cob, before the introduction of the state member at the top. Otherwise, if you put on yoga without intermediary before the sіm'yaviporskuvannyam, it's practical marno: in the oil, which is seen from the head of the member under the hour of the statutory act, spermatozoa and microorganism - incl. і nebazhana vagіtnіst іnfektsіya mаy viniknutі, hochа Vі і will put on then a condom. The very same is ineffective and such an extension of the “method of contraception”, like interrupting an act ... except for the fact that partners do not have to interrupt it. I’ll tell you again, as you know a lot, some of them “carried” so far - don’t wart risky for your health - abortion works for you, not for them.

In order for the condom not to break and tear in the process, we are guilty of buti akіsnim (manufactured companies: Durex, Lifestile, Playboy, Contex, Preventor, Innotex, and not cheap Chinese), with a non-pronounced term of appurtenance, we will buy it in a pharmacy. To young people, if you want to read this paragraph, you need more memory, that deyaki girls, bazhayuchi, pierce the packages, - and check the integrity of the package yourself, and best of all, you should buy them yourself. And scho robiti, yakscho tse truth L

It is also necessary to put on the condom correctly: all the stench can be put on the tip of the reservoir for sperm, so it is necessary that the condom (and in the reservoir of the cream) does not have a second. The same if in the middle it repeats, the pressure of the hour will increase, and the latex will burst. In order not to lose the pressure in the middle, before pulling on (to the point of roaring), you need to firmly squeeze the reservoir, letting go of the new wind, and then pull on the penis, again, still firmly pressing and looking all the time, you can pull down, on the condom ". Tse pevna novichka, yakіy zovsіm not shamefully lean on self on the ogіrku chi bananas.

In case of anal sex, some anatomical features, if you are torn to get expensive condoms, and also if you know that your partner is a carrier of a serious illness, for example - hepatitis B, or if through some circumstances (taking antibiotics, strong drugs, etc.) not needed, but the onset is catastrophic - sometimes you can put on two condoms in a row.

You need to take a condom at the same time and carefully, otherwise all the precautions will be vikonan darma, as if after taking the sperm to spend at the pihva.

- remember that to the point of pregnancy, that infection can bring consumption spermatozoa at pihu. For whom it is not obov'yazkovo razorhennya tsnoti. Spermatozoa can eat from the hands, clothes, whites - for an hour of pleasure and caresses. Zavagіtnіti can be with anal sex, like the sperm to spend at the court's office later. It is possible to intervene with an interrupted statutory act, zokrema - repeated, if the first letter is from a condom - that there may be excess sperm on the penis. It is not possible to get infected with oral sex, but with it you can get infected with infections - the same, as with the greatest.

- remember that you are 72 years old after being unprotected for some reason for the statutory act, to go to the so-called. emergency contraception- ale tse same on the accident accident - zavaltuvannya chi rozryva condom. Tse alternative to abortion, and so before it and it is necessary to put, out - not richly neshkidlivisha.

- Know about Budova and specialties unborrowed money. Won є at all. Aleone is easily stretched and far from being torn. Even more often you get drunk, then there is already little blood in the past, but then it shows up and suddenly and in the third place, at the same time from unacceptable sights - to go out, like a skin once - like the first. Do not boast, it’s too early to quit, if you’re going to tear yourself up enough. Well, bloody visions of the hour of proximity may not be cold, but internal - You need to go and look around and turn over the camp of your cervix, with erosis, the appearance is often milked. But we were already talking about those who went to the doctor at the be-yak-like temperament and obov'yazkovim after the Cob. Sometimes, the spit does not swell, but rather stretches. If there is no need for blood, you can take away from your partner a charge from inadequacy. And this time - the best of all possible situations. The hymen is stretched, You see the inability to look no less upward, and at the foot, especially on the very cob, if we pass later - it’s fine! The opening was filled up like a bulb, that shoulder was unacceptable for the whole hour. Ale won’t be stretched, and in the process of not receiving it, it’s obvious to pass, especially as there is enough oil. Remaining spit to tear shvidshe for all pіd pologіv hour. Yak You understand, color - don’t become a value. You can save the anatomical value, occupied by fates with subtle forms of sex with different people, and at the same time - you can spend the value after the traumas of the valuation, having lost the absolutely unfinished day. Ale, yakscho tsіkavit itself camp plіvi - such "innocence" is easily restored surgically. Only whom will you fool with such a method? Cholovik tezh to judge your dosvid not looking like a spit. І tezh know about the operation from the update J

- Learn about vagity diagnostics. If you are late, before menstruation, you are doubtful about your anxiety, you can find out about your pregnancy in 8-10 days after the state act, having blood from the vein to the hormone of pregnancy - beta-CHL. It is impossible to recognize ANYTHING earlier. Daily “signs of vagity” - tedium, change of relish, sensitivity to smells, sight in the stomach, across, frequent sechowife, breast disease and / or nipples, breast engorgement, change in the mood - not є signs of vagnost є guarantee is not present. Sometimes inducing menstruation cannot be a guarantee, because in early terms of pregnancy there may be a threat of interruption by bleeding. The people call it "washing the fruit." Such “months”, as a rule, are considered to be significant for clearness and soreness, after them, “vagity” is lost. The test for sectional voidness can be done not earlier than the first day of the trim, until the second showing of the week. Vіn can be pardon-negative and after the zatrimka, to that, if you don’t show vaginess, but you don’t have menstruation - go to give blood. Ultrasound shows vagity in early terms - only after tyzhnya zatrimki and only broken by a vaginal probe and a vmilim fahivets. Otherwise, there is nothing to say about the negative result. A gynecologist's glance at the armchair - I can't say anything concrete about the early terms. Therefore, the only reliable test is a blood test in patients with vaginal ultrasound. Well I know - evaluate your readiness - Can you go to a paid laboratory and have a paid term blood test for vein on vagity at your place?

- Learn about methods for transvagination of vaginess. Reversing pregnancy is called abortion and there are no alternatives to it. Everyday hot baths, herbs, milk with iodine, pills and other shamanic tricks. You must try to get pregnant, do not go to the doctor - not safe for your life.

Learn about the basics of psychology of the protilege. For example. The people clearly pod_lyayat kokhannya that sex. Women are smarter. Vminnya split (navit with one and the same person) to come from the knowledge, but for the girls, the words are synonymous, and in which the reason for their broken hearts is found. You don't need to cheat your knowledge and stock up on cynicism - you just need to try to understand that your partner's relationship is different from your relationship. I'm fine, and I don't want to make you up, and I'm not guilty of what I'm not guilty of and I'm not fooling you! It’s just that people have the same difference of truth, from everything. Women call out to have sex with the one they love. And people - more want to have sex. And how can you feel them in the fact that they stink honestly, and women live in the fullness of their fantasies, transfer their manifestations to someone else and think that they live behind their laws and that they have sex, then love? How can you call people in deceit, if the stench is succumbing to the stubborn women, who have hearing - an erogenous zone - tell me, what do you like? How can you call them, if the stench is repeated, to bring the women of satisfaction, to that, if the stench will be with the honesty of the mother - there will be more unfortunate, the stench has already been distorted? How can we sweat, if it appears that for them it’s just sex, to harden, that the stench deceived you - You deceived yourself, not knowing, not knowing the peculiarities of their physiology and psychology. People and women are people from different planets, and if you want to save your mental health, just remember, remember about it and don’t deceive yourself. Be free and give your partner the opportunity to be free - and take away your satisfaction from free communication.

- Learn to bring yourself satisfaction. Learn your body, your reactions, learn to experience an orgasm. I'm wondering if anyone thinks that the partner is to blame. Why is wine guilty to know you better, lower yourself? It’s even more important - learn BEFORE the Cob, then you know what you are guilty of reaching, you can teach your partner, how to properly bring satisfaction to you yourself, and you won’t sleep quietly, who’s early. Bo is often repaired in order to recognize - now. And in order to find out about the cause of the distance, even if it brings the fall, and then the hour and the strength to reach the right drive will appear - mutual love. So you can bring your satisfaction to your partner, without damaging your innocence and without hurting yourself on the risk of infections and unsatisfactory vagity. Well, it’s far too late to overcome the need to let in, imitate satisfaction, so as not to transfer your passion to your partner, who is not guilty of anything.

- Trenuvati m'yazi pelvic floor. Use the special rights of Kegel, the simplest - squeezing the m'yazіv of the anal opening and trimming at the stylomu camp, as well as - zusilly m'yazіv cutting the strumen of the cut during cuts - that trimuvannya. It’s not only bad for the pelvic organs - it’s like exercise, it doesn’t just increase the sensitivity and strength of orgasm, it also allows you to avoid such a frequent incomprehensible manifestation, like hitting again in the morning in the morning of intimacy - can’t really shove a member of the state - then, like a vapka z povіtryam at a condom - at the hour of the rush, the press moves, and again go out by force - only in this vіpadka vіn go through the entrance to the pіkhvu, seeing a characteristic sound, which you can try all the way і іноді - nadovgo settle with you rubbish and unruliness.

- Know the right one place, hour and choose food fathers.

In the first place, you are guilty of being blamed for yourself, for what you do right, for your own will and you don’t blame yourself before them.

In a different way, you are guilty of being inspired by your partner, she is not afraid to tell you. You don’t need to guess (it’s impossible) the thoughts at your head, and turn around, you don’t boast at the same time less for you, and even if you want to work everything that you can lie in, so you don’t hurt you. To the one who is good to be put before you and to the one who is to blame for the first time for the attackers - if you have a chance to put it up to the first one at a time - then it will be important to fight with the future, so we must see that we will be good first time! That’s why, you’ve got the same goal – to help one another, don’t get hung up on your own special problems, but learn to trust and talk about those who praise you. It will be easier for someone else to help you. Take care of the signal, which means “negainly pripinyaemo!” - for every occasion.

Thirdly, you are responsible for creating a good atmosphere. The bath or the shower is to blame, it’s more convenient and “quiet”, and not creaky soft, it’s guilty but the doors are closed, it’s the quiet one who is to blame, so nothing can be opened from the other side.

Sob to relax the crumbs - not to make a crumb of wine. Only TROCHI are wines, not champagne burners. Otherwise, you will be returnable. Sp'yaninnya is not guilty J

Teach your partner to please you and take your orgasm to the point of penetration. The speeches that are seen in the brain at the hour of orgasm - endorphins - the person has learned to synthesize piece by piece - and called them narcotic analgesics - the stench succumbs to the pain, attaches and calls out staleness. Vykorist natural analogues - it's so easy!

After that, you took away your satisfaction, your brain is filled with endorphins, and the amount of oil is enough for penetration, the condom of the robes is correct - you can start the very first act - defloration. Still, remember the physiology - the hymen and the hymen need to be torn - so that you see a change - it's normal, you can't feel the tightness and squeak - it's normal, the hospitality of the bіl is normal, the shelter is normal. Also, remember that the rich man's hymen is not torn, but stretched, and to that it may be necessary to change, the blood to be normal. Don’t let the pain go - now, go ahead and open yourself up - See what you want yourself - so work what you want yourself - and take away from your satisfaction - it’s a quick way to block Timchas’s sickness. For sure, you have the ability to give a warning signal.

If the mastila does not stick, it is possible to coristuvatisya piece by piece, ALE! When vikoristannі condom - less water-based - gel. You can special, which are sold in intimate stores - for example, Montavit gel. You can use other gels that are sold in pharmacies, for example, solcoseryl gel is not used for oil, but can replace it. Creams and ointments on a fatty basis, including hand creams, for clothes, children, vaseline oil - make latex, which at any time cannot be used with a condom.

If only the closeness of the baggage, and if the defloration of the obov'yazkovy shower. Abo bath.

You can do everything you want - everything about what you read and watched in films, everything about what you dreamed about - love one alone. Do not forget that we can steal a SKIN article from your life, and not just the first.

As soon as you know everything in advance, at once with the basics of contraception, - You will be effectively ready to the Cob without dramas. Adzhe no one sits at the kermo without violating the rules of the road traffic. And in addition, the people of good will have succumbed to them, and also the minds of the minds of the mind in caring for a car - to lie down її vlasna bezpeka, navit as a reshta vodіїv pripuskaє pardons.

I once again about vіk. Where is that criterion - until what moment is it already in advance, and the axis from the first moment - is it possible? And why the age is not important, if the Cob is a clear departure from the grown-up life. Well, you can’t become mature in childhood. And it’s impossible, being grown up, to save the value - it’s illogical ... True criterion є. The first thing is true - maturity. A person has grown up - a whole person, I’m ready to bear the burden for my health, my life, and I’m also ready to take an additional boost for the health of another grown-up person - my partner, and so I’m ready to take a boost for a possible child, I can 'appear at the grown-up. The axis if you - financially, informationally, psychologically - are ready to bear the responsibility for yourself, your partner and your future child - carry yourself, not calling on anyone, knowing that you work specifically, if you blame problems, - the axis means that You have grown up man in order to start. And then, if you want to rob it, then your free choice, which is not guilty of the fallowing of other bad drives, as we tried to find out from this statute.

gynecologist Malyarska M.M.

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