How to choose technology in nfs rivals.



Redview County has become a new place for the collection of hundreds of dollars between police officers and racers.

The world is small, but miraculously beautiful. The snowy mountain landscapes give way to the prairies that touch the horizon, the expanses of the highway give way to narrow forest roads. Here leaves are flying in the wind, and here sand streams run along the asphalt.

The scenery changes as the evening sun changes and the rain pours.

The game looks wonderful, not least because of the design of the location.

The regimes did not recognize any significant changes.

Police officers and gunmen control the war on the roads of the Red River, all of which is diluted with races at every hour at checkpoints, one-on-one duels, heavy races and skirmishes from jumps.

The game features two full-time campaigns - for a policeman and a racer.

The skin of them has been tested by the last Vikonanny.

This may result in victory at the bottom, the arrest of the specified number of racers, the elimination of old tricks, as well as the need to stagnate that other technology as many times as you ask.

The campaigns are non-tearing (six-seven years of skin), and the folding is twisted without sharp cuts. As a result, you become familiar with the rules before the final and do not get fed up with the high-speed crossings. The authors have provided a similar plot about the confrontation between racers and police.

There is no sense in hearing in a mannered intonation that speaks about the conflict between servants of the law and the racers’ desire to declare to themselves.

Anyone who is bored with dynamic chases involving special forces and the sound of police sirens should not miss Need for Speed: Rivals.

  • The physical model of the cars is well adjusted, in a world of exciting campaigns and dazzling scenery you can forget about the shortcomings and race to the finish line at borderline speed.
  • So, this is not a revolution.
  • This is a new beginning for the series.
  • I would like to believe that the authors decided to correct the shortness, modify the hemstone code and add a number of original modes.
  • Vіdmіnne keruvannya
  • Squelching chases involving police officers

The world has a trivial and balanced campaign for the racer and policeman

  • The system of accumulating points when playing for a racer will be reduced
  • Alldrive system brings in game lights
  • Wonderful graphics
  • Contra:

The number of invisible walls can lead to unacceptable inheritances

Moving through the effects 3/10

Problematic edge code 23 (940 )

The development system is uniquely stretched and ambiguously draws attention to the need to purchase the “Hour Saving” set for real money 2 (60 )

Secret information: Foldable reach:

Offline: 1

Online: Approximate hour otrimannya 1000:

25+ years Approximate hour otrimannya 1000:

Minimum speed of travel: Approximate hour otrimannya 1000:

Accessions you may miss: No

Chi pours in the foldability of the reaching:

Chi are not knocked out/glitchy in reach:

Dodatkove possession:

Doesn't stick around “10 Intro:і Need for Speed: Rivals is divided into two careers.In one, you play as a cop and mainly catch racers, and in the other, you play as a racer, who, incidentally, is among the police and is expected to become number one among other racers. Basically, the game consists of stages, through which you advance your rank and unlock new cars and other upgrades.

Achieving in the game is easy and basically you need to increase your rank to get 1000.

Krok 1. Reach rank 20 in both careers: Just like that, you can open your reach immediately Heat / Rhubarb Pursuit 10” Multiplier / Bonus”(For more details, see the guide) .If you didn’t get enough of them, then don’t get embarrassed because you’ve already dismissed them in a natural way a little later. you need to go through all the steps for gold.

Krok 3. Online reach:

The game has only two insurances for richly valuable achievements.

Find a friend and get rid of them.


Return to the guide, as if it had not been removed yet.

This game is straightforward, so it is not guilty of causing trouble. Visnovok: It's easy to reach 1000, but you can reach it in two steps, which will allow you to reach rank 60, which will help you

Multiplier / Bonus” 50

Game process

. Since it requires minimal effort, you can add 1000 hours to your stomach. Receive 100 gold medals for offending factions.

All in all 6

  • different types races:
  • Mines Reaction:
  • The same race for an hour, only with the addition of a penalty hour for crashing into a wall and civilian transport. Hot drive

: Catch a lot of racers before crossing the finishing line

  • Perekhoplyuvach: Catch one racer in a single hour.
  • Racer Race
  • Mines: National sprint race
  • The same race for an hour, only with the addition of a penalty hour for crashing into a wall and civilian transport. Race for an hour:

Initial race for any hour without penalties.

: The race for the participation of the police, which is trying to stop you

Log in from copies in any accessible way.

In the game you have 136 points (68 each for the skin faction), in which you can get gold, otherwise you need to complete all 100 for gold to achieve it. 25

Try to get gold right away while you work on getting rank 20 for offending factions.

Making “Hot Pursuit” and “Perekhoplyuvach” for cops is the simplest thing for winning gold.

You can leave all the folded items for the rest if your cars are completely painted, which makes it easier to complete the stages for gold. 75

While I'm cheering for the racer, I'd really focus on the gold medals in the "Pusher" and "Race for an Hour" modes, since the simplest thing is, in my opinion, a waste of money.

In the “Passover” mode, focus on damaged police cars, vikorist gadgets of the 4th level, for example, a combination of shock and ESF. For the price you take away the medal, since you earned it before the end of the hour to take the gold.“.

For the price you take away the medal, since you earned it before the end of the hour to take the gold. 40

Also, during critical races and hot pursuits, you can use this technique on other racers.

Your bonus multiplier increases overnight with your level of pursuit.

You’ll get a ten-fold bonus for everything just once during your racing career, so there’s simply no need to go into all kinds of tricks.

Just like that, you can open your reach immediately 35

If you have not managed to get rid of the chase rate 10 and a tenfold bonus on the route up to rank 60, then we are interested in the mission of the Born Runner, which is located in the middle of the map on Kingfisher Road.

You will just need to find police cars, vikory and shock vehicles and ESF 4 levels. For the price you take away the medal, since you earned it before the end of the hour to take the gold.”.

Ushogo will have 6 shock blades and 6 ESF available. 35

Vikorist 2 shock whips and 2 ESF on the skin copy, and in this way you will find 3 police cars under frequent destruction.

In the “Passover” mode, focus on damaged police cars, vikorist gadgets of the 4th level, for example, a combination of shock and ESF. You take away a nine-fold bonus and 10 times the chase. Then just shave to remove the multiplier X 10. Vikorize the head of the yakomag's shock tails close to the cop.Transfer up to 500,000 to the bank at a time. 8 ”.

Ottrimanya of this reach on the cob of the gris may appear to be foldable, so fill it with the most beautiful car. 75

I am a victor of Konnigsegg, which you will have to vikorize at the rate of 16 to earn 3 kopecks.

Just compete with Yogo in the modes “Overkiller” and “Race for an Hour” or others, and you will get 500 thousand SP very easily.

The machine is heavy, and the thorns and shock quills will catch you in front of the investigators.

In addition, you can use the method from the reach “ 30

5 Buster / Arrest for 5

Arrest the racer from the level of persecution 5 or more. 8 Buster/Areshton8 Buster / Arrest on 8onArrest the racer from the level of persecution 8 or more.*Plot related, can't be missed*"і" 5, 4, 3, 2, On the road up to the 20th rank of a policeman, in the “Pusher” mode you will be matched with racers from different levels of pursuit (from 0 to 10)."), on the way until you reach the 60th rank of a policeman. It is important to forgive the passage, since at that time you will completely improve the technology of the chase and unlock all 3 types of the police Shelby. If you want to engage in this task m, then just choose the simpler mode in the "Hot" mode pursuit", and find the racers, do not take them away.

Bust 50 / 50 arrests 35

Arrest 50 racers.

This reach will be covered with a natural path, just play with the game.

You take him to the road up to the 60th rank of policeman. 30

You can check your progress in the statistics menu.

For this purpose, in any command post (garages) click on and go to the water details.

Friendly Race 30

Meet a friend with a messenger.

To achieve this, you need to overcome a friend on your list of friends from the messenger or "vitch-on-vitch".

“Vich-na-vich” is the simplest way, but remember that the offending graves are guilty of finishing the effort so that the achievement opens up. 15

Buddy Bust / Friendly arrest Arrest a Friend. To achieve this, you will need to arrest someone on your friends list.You must play for the cop, and your friend plays for the racer. 60 ”.

Racer Rank 5 / Racer Rating 5 20

Buddy Bust / Friendly arrest Arrest a Friend. To achieve this, you will need to arrest someone on your friends list.You must play for the cop, and your friend plays for the racer. 60 ”.

Div. 30

Buddy Bust / Friendly arrest Arrest a Friend. To achieve this, you will need to arrest someone on your friends list.You must play for the cop, and your friend plays for the racer. 60 ”.


Buddy Bust / Friendly arrest Arrest a Friend. To achieve this, you will need to arrest someone on your friends list.You must play for the cop, and your friend plays for the racer. 60 ”.

Racer Rank 60 / 75

Rating racer Racer Rank 10 / Racer Rating 10

Racer Rank 20 / Racer rating 20

Racer Rank 40 / Racer rating 40 Racer Rank 60 / Racer rating 60

Based on the rank, you are given the choice of 3 different categories to choose from.

different stages .

You will have to sacrifice them for this achievement. The main story will end after reaching rank 20, or you can continue playing in any of the 40 categories that you missed earlier. In the game you can actually reach rank 61, otherwise you need to reach rank 60 to achieve it. A few steps to simplify the steps: Drift stage: 4 levels, vikorist dvichi tsi zdіbnostі, to seize the policeman's car, and complete the robbery.

Also, the “Perekhoplivach” mode is the simplest way to snatch gold from a folding bag, playing for a miner. 50

Professional Collector / Professional collector

Get 10 racing cars. If I lost my reach, you will be able to pave your way up to the 60th rank of the racer. As long as you continue to improve your rank, you earn money to finish

great quantity 15

Just compete with Yogo in the modes “Overkiller” and “Race for an Hour” or others, and you will get 500 thousand SP very easily.

In the “Passover” mode, focus on damaged police cars, vikorist gadgets of the 4th level, for example, a combination of shock and ESF. eyepieces that can be added to cars.Until then, when you reach rank 20, you can afford to buy about five cars, and you can add five more later.”.

Cop Rank 5 / Policeman rating 5 20

Just compete with Yogo in the modes “Overkiller” and “Race for an Hour” or others, and you will get 500 thousand SP very easily.

In the “Passover” mode, focus on damaged police cars, vikorist gadgets of the 4th level, for example, a combination of shock and ESF. eyepieces that can be added to cars.Until then, when you reach rank 20, you can afford to buy about five cars, and you can add five more later.Cop ”.

Rank 30

Just compete with Yogo in the modes “Overkiller” and “Race for an Hour” or others, and you will get 500 thousand SP very easily.

In the “Passover” mode, focus on damaged police cars, vikorist gadgets of the 4th level, for example, a combination of shock and ESF. eyepieces that can be added to cars.Until then, when you reach rank 20, you can afford to buy about five cars, and you can add five more later.Cop ”.

Cop Rank 10 / Policeman rating 10 40

In the “Passover” mode, focus on damaged police cars, vikorist gadgets of the 4th level, for example, a combination of shock and ESF. eyepieces that can be added to cars.Until then, when you reach rank 20, you can afford to buy about five cars, and you can add five more later.Cop ”.

60 / Police officer rating 60 75

Cop Rank 20 / Policeman rating 20Cop Rank 40 / Policeman rating 40Until then, when you reach rank 20, you can afford to buy about five cars, and you can add five more later.Cop Rank 60 / Policeman rating 60 ”.

Depending on the rank, you are given the choice of 3 different categories, each of which includes different stages. 50

You will have to sacrifice them for this achievement.

The main story will end after reaching rank 20, or you can continue playing in any of the 40 categories that you missed earlier. In the game, you can actually reach rank 61, but to achieve it you need to reach 60. After completing certain stages, you will see the achievement “ Racer

60 / Racer rating 60 40

Upgrade Master Maximize all police chase technologies for one car and take advantage of offending companies.

To unlock this reach, you will have to check until you unlock level 4 of re-research technology. You can also check out rank 16 and look at the re-research technologies installed on

Konnigsegg 40

. Please make sure that your car has 2 level 4 re-examination technologies installed in order to avoid damaging eyepieces.

Deep Down, You know what you want Walk 50 miles in any car 500. Take it and head to the spot on Kingfisher Road near the center of the map.

There will be a springboard that will extend as close as possible to the water.

It’s good to get married and take off from the springboard near the water.

After which you will be born on the springboard from which you were shot.

Repeat, do not remove the docks from your reach. All the latest information is here Need For Speed™. Topic closed until official announcement.

It will be out soon.

The theme is the discovery of rocks.

Addition from CHeLiuS:

I would immediately be angry, because I would like to not continue The Run.

Stream racing is so normal and has not been implemented on

current technologies

, And they didn’t really do anything with exclusive cars... for me, the series died after Carbon.

Thinking of being born after the horror I had seen, but no... it’s a pity... I really wonder what will come out of it, but I don’t have any special hopes for it... it’s a pity.

It’s too early to say, while only the pitiful omission of the trailer O_o what kind of devil ferrari forgot in the NSF o_O
It would be better if they messed up the whole plot, since they can’t just do normal rides... I mean, what am I talking about... they have no plots anymore...

Need for Speed ​​Rivals -Teaser Trailer.mpg 3.87 MB

After which you will be born on the springboard from which you were shot.

I would immediately be angry, because I would like to not continue The Run.

Stream racing is so normal and was not implemented on current technologies, and nothing was really done with exclusive cars... for me, the series died after Carbon.

Thinking of being born after the horror I had seen, but no... it’s a pity... I really wonder what will come out of it, but I don’t have any special hopes for it... it’s a pity.

Yeah... Grav recently in the NFS Porshe... tired of the series.

drain, drain, drain, pour over

Ferrari on the head art of the new NFS), tsikavo), who remembers which series of Ferraris appeared in the NFS?, in my opinion, HP2

New details of Need For Speed: Rivals

There will be two careers: for the police and for the racers.

Mіstse dіi gri – vigadan county Redvіv, which covers over 100 miles of roads.

The theme is the discovery of rocks.

The weather (Snow, hail, fog, heavy storms) changes gradually, and not from one stage to another.

Use the PS4 function to record and supercharge video.

Vikorist has Kinect, The new AllDrive service allows you to connect with your friends without lobbying you. There are a variety of tools on hand: crosscode creators, electromagnetic pulses, shock waves, checkpoints and helicopter patrols. Well, why can’t you earn some of the old Mist Wanted? Especially for me, the series died immediately with Undercover, when they added RPGs to the warehouse, and then put Shifty with an emphasis on pseudo-realism interspersed with multiplayer nonsense.


open up the place

, good old tuning from all sides, the ability to make money on cars and tuning pennies take part from the races.

Millions of racing supercars can be easily added and original cars can be tuned.