How to tell fortunes on a loach with a thread on the pretense of a child?



The head can be called simply an insignificant object, but also a magical one.

Vikorist is used not only for sewing up holes in an ole, but also for sewing up a part of the future.

What kind of special authorities deserved this item to deserve such trust?

On the right is that the head is made of metal and is therefore capable of conducting energy.

And the ear, which creates a strong biofield, can be used as a useful tool.

At the end of the head, flows of energy are concentrated, which are used in folk medicine and magical rituals.

When promptly raised, the goal is ready to bring change to life.

Extend your left hand so that the top of your hand is straight, and your thumb is pointing out.

The three-piece head fits comfortably into the gap so that it fits between the finger and the ankle.

From the wrist, draw the head up to the valley, rounding its contour.

Afterwards, the head is tucked so that it is directly above the hand, and straight to the center of the valley.

Check the meeting.

The head begins to collapse.

Now be respectful.

If the stench is circular, then the girl will be first in the family, and if from one side to the other, then immediately look out for the boy.

Since the head does not change its position, so that it hangs undisturbed - there will be no reason for the children of the bet.

To continue this ritual, lower the pendulum again between the ankle and the thumb and again swing it over the thigh.

It is so necessary to continue chewing, the docks will not stop collapsing.

And obviously in another and thirdly, with a skin attack, you will be tempted to become a child.

For example, if you decided for yourself, your two daughters have died, to become two children, and the third head is “washing”, which means that’s all, you need to have more than two children.

Vorozhinnya for help goals on kohannya

To find out what the future has in store for you, choose a red thread color.

For the cob, thread the seam thread of the red color into the head.

Dovzhina should be in the middle, so that the “pendulum” can be reversed.

Tie a thread at the end of the vuzol.

From the girl who takes the fortune from the fortune teller, you need to take a coin and place it on the table.

Then you have to sit down at the table, rest your elbows on someone and take the end of the thread with your fingers.

Direct the trace of the pendulum to the center of the coin.

Now is the time to put on the wimpy food. Please note that the options can be as short as “so” and “not”. This will make it easier for the pendulum to select the required option.

  1. Peredbachennya z vikoristannyam golki ta kola
  2. This transfer case is very similar to the front one.
  3. The point is that, as in the previously prescribed ritual, you can place guilt food with unambiguous consequences.
  4. To make a fortune teller, beat about the bell.
  5. You can guess the dial.

This probably doesn’t scream folding, it’s enough to depict it on the paper’s arches.

Most people don’t suspect that with just one simple thread you can tell fortunes and find out a lot of information about the future.

The whole thing on the right is that the ear of the head concentrates in itself more strongly.

Charming on loach with thread for children

Just a wizard, which you can quickly become as a human being, will help you become so many children.

To do this, you need to take a new head and make a bunch of stitches on it so that it is charged with energy, otherwise the fortune teller will not be truthful.

  1. You will also need a middle thread in a red or white color.
  2. Relax in a quiet place, pull the thread into the head and lift it so that it is called a pendulum, so that the head is at the bottom and collapses.
  3. To carry out the conjuring on the loach with a thread on the underside of the child, it is necessary to open the left valley.

With the pendulum on your right hand, you need to lower your head between your small finger and thumb so that it is charged.

Vorozhinnya for help goals on kohannya

Then lower the head exactly into the center of the valley and let the thread go a little so that it can wrap around. Dark magic on loach with thread:

Centuries are passing, and the desire to know about the future unites people of all continents.

The fortune teller is a method that allows you to find out your lot, to discover the secret place behind which lies unknown in the future.

It is important that the head is a magical object.

It is designed to conduct energy, and its ear creates a strong biofield.

Thanks to this method, you can often get a little help from friends.

All you have to do is go to any women’s forum and read it - most of them have no mercy. “I don’t believe it!”, you say.

  • But allow yourself to re-verify – tell your fortune. This is a witchcraft for those who want to know how to become a child - a boy or a girl to come into the world?
  • And why did you expect the woman to have children? Well, for magic you need a needle and a thread.
  • The head is completely new, and the thread is red or white. You need to take the head, squeeze it in your hand and rub it for a couple of seconds.

Show your pride. So don’t waste your energy..

Sit by the room, prepare everything for the magician.

Take the head with a thread, let it hang from your hands and collapse.

Now squeeze your hand. Try to pass the head between the claws and thumbs..

Place the head in the middle of the valley and work it so that the thread can catch the ruffles.

Ruh on the stake

- This means the birth of a girl. Roc on the side of the carnage

Take a thread and a thread.

The thread is strictly white in color.

Thread the thread through the neck and place it under the pillow.

Get up early, assholes.

Suvoro from 7 to 8 wounds.

  • Take the head with the thread, go to the window and, with the eyes flattened, insert the head into the container with the papers. Whoever you spend money with, you will become your friend..
  • Suitable for the girls who are already thinking about their lives. To love not to love?.
  • Fortune telling is not based on chamomile, but on loach. You need to cast a spell once per river..

Vinyatkovo has its own people's day. Take two heads.

One big, one small. Anything less is a woman.

More - man. You need to soak the heads in oil and place them in a container with water. First I “wine” the head, then “the man”.

  • First a small head, then a large one. Yakshcho the gols immediately knew the paths one to one -.
  • you will be together Since the heads of the head were “sealed” one to one, and then separated, then your hundreds are German,
  • you will soon be separated How to “inflate” the heads one way at a time –

you will never get a hundred hundred This witchcraft has been around for a long time


Our ancestors went as far as this.

  • Pull the thread into the neck. Say your damn thing out loud a few times..
  • Thread To work hard for a long time, your spore may predict a pendulum.
  • Place the coin on the table, with a coin hanging above it. Give the pendulum specific power so that you can distinguish between two types: “so” and “nor”.

It’s amazing how the head unfolds.

The head goes left-handed or right-handed.

shvidshe for all your bazhannya will not come true

Directly to you I'll see you soon. Stand on the spot -

There is a need for cloth and a shirt.

The thread is required for a long time. While the girl pulls her head into her ear, the song is quietly voiced.

You will be able to earn exactly 40 stibki.

If the threads don’t come out, the yarn won’t come together.

If the result is negative, it is not possible to make a second guess.

Having started to tell fortunes, shake off the first tip and ask Vishchi for strength about the fortune teller.

If the first stem is viconno, deprive the robot.

The next day I will cut one stitch again from the first one or put it on top.

The ritual is carried out for 40 days.

Whatever the level path, the easy way to Vikonanny Bazhanna.

It’s because the robot has been shown carelessly, crookedly, there’s a great deal of uncertainty that it won’t turn out the way you want.

When the remaining steak is ready, call out the bajan (4 times), bowing to all sides of the world.

It is necessary to wear ready-made embroidery;

Ritual with abetka

One of the ancient methods of conjuring.
To carry out the ritual, they wear a neck with a thread, a paper pen with an apron.
A fortune telling session is held from the 5th morning until the 6th evening.

It’s best not to perform the ritual at night.

As soon as the preparation was successful, they were able to give help and open the chambers: the head began to crumble from one letter to another, smoothly dissipating in the wind.

It is important to know what kind of writers the attribute is marked with.

As soon as the answer to the question is correct, proceed to the preparation.

Subtleties of the ritual

When divining, help is needed for the spirit.

When starting to carry out the ritual, it seems trichy:

Spirit, come.

Help me find the answer to my questions, help me make the right decision, become my assistant and ally.

When the ritual is carried out, the call to the spirit is inevitable, but when it appears unsafely, some people will always sing that a good spirit will come to help.

It is possible that the evil essence will emerge from the world of the cesspool, so that you do not want to leave after the ceremony.

If the girl is not satisfied, then you can rely on the help of your ancestors.

Before carrying out the ritual, they made good hundred for their lives, and asked him for help with fortune-telling.

As soon as the head begins to spin chaotically over the arch with the alphabet, the spirit is either angry or not trying to make contact.

Golka - to pick up an insignificant object that can be used to mend a hole, prepare clothes, and also quickly perform a magical ritual.

The head, like other metal vibrations, interacts with energy, and the ear of the head creates a strong biofield, transforming the object into its target.

This form puts the direct energy on the head, where potency accumulates, which will stagnate in medicine and non-traditional medicine.

It is possible to cast fortunes on a loach with a thread at home.

This method will help you to conquer your holy day, look under the veil of the future, learn about the complexity and become children.

  • Preparation before the war
  • Before casting hair and threads on your newborn children, be sure to prepare carefully.
  • If you do not follow the rules, the result may be inaccurate.

☞ Rules for magical paraphernalia:

  • The head items are a head, a thread of white or red color.
  • For the given mark, add new germs.
  • When purchasing items, do not bargain and pay without return.
  • If it’s a building, don’t take it.
  • Before the ritual, bless the head: soak in the blessed water and rub the crumbs over the fire of a church candle.

The whole thing on the right is that the ear of the head concentrates in itself more strongly.

☞ Vimogs for the guide:

  1. The ritual must be carried out in complete peace and quiet.
  2. It is prohibited to apply makeup and jewelry (earrings, heels, bracelets, lances, etc.).
  3. The garment is made from natural fabric, which does not constrain the hand.
  4. It’s better to let your hair down or braid it.
  5. To get the correct result, the fortune-telling occurs after the sun has set, or rather at night.

To find out about the number of future children, repeat the whole process again, after removing the evidence about the first child.

Lower the head again with the thread between your finger and the bottom, then turn it to the center of the bottom and watch out for what happens.

If it's ruins, there will be another child.

Guess what, the docks won't stop collapsing.

  • The absence of children means that no more children are transferred.
  • A magician with a neck and a thread on a paper with letters
  • Divination for the help of threads, threads and paper with letters is no less reliable method for lifting the veil of the future.
  • ☞ Attributes for the witch:


  1. Black colored threads.
  2. pen.
  3. Paper sheet.
  4. ☞ Yak of fortune telling:
  5. Create a unique atmosphere by placing candles and aroma lamps.
  6. Take the paper from the pen and place it on the alphabet block.

How to do it: write all the letters in the alphabet according to the number, in the middle of which write the numbers from 0 to 9. On the right and left side of the arch, write the words “so” and “no”.

  • Pull the thread through the eye of the head, creating a pendulum.
  • Take heart.
  • Place your head in the center of the alphabet stake, ask your thoughts (or voice) what to say, and check the types.
  • At the right moment, the pendulum began to expressly indicate the letters, giving evidence of power.

After completing the ritual, burn the leaf and discard the head; the fragments cannot be harvested for everyday purposes.

To ensure that the work on children with the help of threads and heads goes smoothly, and the transfer turns out to be as accurate as possible, follow these awkward recommendations:

  1. Vikorist new attributes.
  2. Don’t tell anyone about the ritual, especially about cutting off the cord.
  3. Perform the ceremony alone.
  4. Try not to slacken and focus on nutrition.
  5. In some cases, magic will not work
  6. Sometimes the warrior doesn’t deliver and there are reasons for this.

Let's briefly recap the main points:

Lack of concentration and extraneous thoughts during the process.

Bonuses before specialization:

The sorceress’s self-esteem is rotten.