How human activity infuses nature. People pouring into nature. The mine where diamonds are mined in Russia

With the emergence of life on the earth, the expansion of living essences, and the change in relief, it is possible to prevent the influx of people and nature into each other. It is important to remember that in ancient times it was not the table of the world that flowed in, because the extra light was a kind of aid, a way of living for ancient people. With the development of intelligence, civilization, pressure on too much of a middlebrow gradually increased. And today we have reached such a point that people with fears are amazed at their future.

At the famous Kazakh writer Olzhas Suleimenov- the poem “Earth, bow down, people!” It is clear that the earth, having not suffered much struggle, has been empty of people for a long time.

It is unfair to say that there are not only negative influxes into nature, but also a number of positive aspects.

Positive flow of people into nature

  • For the purpose of saving natural resources, this axis has already been created over the course of a century nature reserves and sanctuaries. By protecting the territories in such plots, regardless of human activity, the powers will be able to carry through the first places of the region and species created by nature. So, in the Caucasus Nature Reserve of the Russian Federation, the Elbrus and Kazbek mountains are covered with snow, on which there is snow all the time. And the Valley of Geysers near the Kronotsky Nature Reserve is truly a marvelous sight.
  • Intensive creation and development of irrigation systems. What kind of systems are they? Irrigation is a complex of connections that allows water to be delivered to the drier areas of our planet. The simplest application of irrigation is watering beds in cities and country houses. As much as they say about the great developments of land that require watering, today a number of technical disputes have been invented that are reflected in their architecture.
  • Bring to the bark activity wine of pressing cleansing structures for the treatment of organic and mineral substances. There was widespread stagnation in industry, sewerage plants, and waste stations.
  • Optimal selection of lands of agricultural significance bring to the important orders of nature and history for today. Rational and efficient land management includes low inputs to avoid wet and congested soil; save and promote the brown fruit and power.

Negative influx of humanity

  • Congestion in the wind with soaring speeches, firebrands of all sorts - industries and cars. As a result of the loss of waste products into the atmosphere, such as carbon and nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide, the living environment of the Earth, including humans themselves, suffers. Almost four million people are dying in the clouded atmosphere.
  • Sometimes, trying to help, humanity suffers great mischief. The butt of such assistance is soil fertilizer. Thus, it is clear that the increase in potassium and phosphorus in the soil significantly increases the concentration of radioactive substances. The accumulation and the need for proper processing of household waste also ruins the soil surface. Surface ball The earth suffers from emissions of plants, waste emissions into the atmosphere, and naphtha products. This kind of human activity leads to the point where the soil loses its capacity to cleanse itself from harmful microorganisms and becomes susceptible to getting sick.
  • The hydrosphere, like other layers of the Earth, suffers through vikidu of industrial and rural wastewater. With particular respect, we would like to add obstruction to the Light Ocean during the process of production and refining of naphtha. Satellite photographs show that a third of the water surface is covered with a thick layer of liquid, through which its interaction with the atmosphere is disrupted, and disruptions occur in the water circulation in nature. The earth's surface is 70% covered with water, but only about 1% is suitable for human habitation.
  • Poaching, illegal fishing, fishing. By destroying and destroying the most important representatives of the fauna, poachers cause an ecological imbalance in the surrounding regions. Renewing a number of creatures will be richer for their depletion. The large-scale fishing of fish by means of lines can only be explained by its benefits. The fishing villages and power plants will be devastated by water, which will endanger the biosphere.
  • Before the negative influxes on the growing and created light are brought forest eradication. Having fallen under the direct sleepy vibrations, the shade-loving plants wither away. The herbaceous and tea-garden layers of the flora, through the change of external minds, change and become known. In addition, mass hikes by tourists, trampling and hardening of the ground turn out to be a bad side for the dewy cover.

Time to fill up your bags

The future of humanity will lie in the middle of nature. Preservation of the natural balance is necessary for us in order to achieve full-fledged sleep. The protection of excess grayness and the effective recovery of natural resources are the most relevant approaches for today.

Many countries support environmental policy by developing special laws and bodies to protect the environment. For example, the UN system has created a UNEP program that unites all countries and encourages the protection of nature in the global system. In most of these problems, an important role is played by the education of the population, the education and training of qualified environmental workers.

The earth is filled with marvelous landscapes, haunting monuments and enchanting places. Either the peaks of the snow mountains in Japan or the underwater beauties of the Pacific Reefs - it is impossible not to be impressed by the beauty of the Earth. But in the middle of this beauty there are even extreme places, the experiences of which may be associated with an unsafe life. How else can you describe the little river Wharf near Yorkshire, which has never been successfully confused? It may seem absurd, but this river drains just a few meters of land. There have been a number of recent fatal episodes, the worst of which was the death of a family couple during the march to both shores. Sometimes the beauty of nature can be a very good camouflage for danger and death. Here are presented ten very garnih, or even deadly, reminders.

Organic products

Most people say that “Organic means best.” This solidity has been splintered for several decades. People are ready to pay higher prices (from 20 to 100% higher), singing to themselves that this stink brings destruction to the planet. In all honesty, natural products may not be as good. Investigations showed only minimal differences between organic and emergency hedgehogs. Organic grain crops are expected to grow richly large quantity territory, as well as a wealth of natural organic benefits for goodness. Find out that organically grown products may have a short term of reference. So, you will have to go to the organic food store every day to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.

Emіsіya and zmіg

Wind pollution is one of the main problems of humanity. It is important for the victims to take a deep breath in the area clean air through a large number of transport means and the emission of exhaust gases. The problem is obvious in China, but the problem is also in other countries. Unsafe exposure to congestion can lead to cancer and other respiratory illnesses. Odors include fumes, benzene, methyl chloride, nitric oxide, organic compounds, asbestos and metals such as mercury and cadmium. Much of our daily activities are caused by at least a few of these unsafe speeches. Our cars emit fumes, farbies emit organic compounds during drying hours, etc.

Oxidation of the ocean

Our influx into the middle of nowhere for the help of the cloudy wind is just one part of the great jealousy. The release of greenhouse gases (up to 22 million tons per day) during the burning of copal trees releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. CO2 consumes water, forming carbonic acid and lowering pH. The low pH factor removes most of the sea waters, plants and more middlings. A low pH can lead to high levels of acidity, which will threaten the survival of marine species. This evokes the Lancjugian reaction in the blazing grub Lancsug that plagues all life on the planet.

Forest felling

Nowadays chocolate lives on, you never suspect that hectares of forest are being cut down for its production. To make chocolate, palm oil is used as one of the important components. All great winemakers use palm oil in their chocolate, which is harmful to nature. Borneo has plantations palm oil supervised for the management of natural stock of tigers, elephants and orangutans. People not only destroy their natural lives, but also mercilessly bark at the creatures. Indulgence in our addiction to licorice has caused the decline of 61,000 orangutans among the natives of Borneo and Sumatra. It is hoped that this trend will be preserved, over the next two decades, orangutans will completely disappear from the face of the Earth.

Death of the Birds

We marvel at migratory birds that are able to navigate continents without the necessary GPS and navigation capabilities. Ale from our many actions negative influences with their population. All our telephone calls go through telecommunications lines, which are responsible for the death of approximately seven million migratory birds today. The stench becomes disorienting and sticks to the edges of the wool bond and cables. As a result, several species of birds are already on the brink of extinction. Mobile and Wi-Fi networks also trap birds and transmit radio waves. As a result, the birds are seen from their nests, waste their feathers and die.

The noise of seaside life

When you think about the obstruction of the ocean, you think of oil spills and Smitten's sludge. In fact, we are definitely richer in marine flora and fauna. Human activity in the ocean - fishing, shipwrecks, storms - all generate a lot of noise. This noise pollution directly affects sea creatures, like vikoryst sonar for spilkuvaniya. We are literally afraid of them to get involved in the hostile minds of Dovkill. The angry whales expended a lot more energy, so that they could almost feel what other whales were saying. Their range of communication has changed by as much as 90%, which has had a significant impact on the population size. Stress from military-marine operations, underwater drilling and tankers caused massive migrations of whales to the shore.

New phones

Many of us often buy new models of phones. As soon as a new product hits the market, we immediately get rid of the old phone. Were you wondering, where do the old telephones go? Most often they are sent for processing to the ends of the third world. The refining process transfers to remelting - the phone is completely burned to melt the plastic and remove any valuable metal. Wind pollution is a major problem in Ghana and in many other countries where such waste is involved. For new smartphones, more and more copalins are being found, consuming valuable flora and fauna.

The problem with plastic

Plastic has penetrated so deeply into our everyday life that it is practically impossible to get by without it. From the packaging of a new TV to a plastic bag in a store, plastic is completely abused. Plastic mixture accounts for approximately 10% of the total output we produce. A lot of plastic is now showing up in the ocean of light, creating the entire Smith Islands there. Plastics are being decomposed at their own rapid pace, which lasts for centuries. Plastic fragments scream loudly into the intestines of millions of fish. More sea creatures will get lost in the plastic and drown. Chlorinated plastic releases waste water from the soil, polluting the ground water, which is then lost to the water supply lines.

Napovnyuvach for kitten toilet

As a reminder, the kitty toilet allows you to go to the kennel for hygiene, which will significantly make life easier for the owners of the gut. There is no need to send your candidate out onto the street, where he could be run over by a car or become a victim of dogs. Do you know, V, that a kitten’s litter box is made from clay, what you see in quarries? The type of clay is considered one of the most aggressive methods available in the clay industry. Over two million tons of clay are rapidly being drawn out of the Earth, leaving large craters in the process.

Creatures and our faces

It seems completely absurd, but our pills may have a terrible effect on creaturely light. If you take pills and then go to the toilet, some of the medicines are washed out in the wastewater, after which they penetrate into the soil. Earthworms take medicines from themselves, birds eat worms - it is necessary to fill the folding strap of transfer from organism to organism. During the course of the investigation, it became clear that birds and fish obtained before the lancet gradually spend their time producing offspring, and without frying at all. Many of our actions have a negative impact on our planet. Observe your behavior and see what you can change.

Remember, we only have one planet!

Cloudy atmosphere.

The atmosphere is the outer shell of the biosphere. The mass of the atmosphere of our planet is scanty - less than one millionth the mass of the Earth. Its role in the natural processes of the biosphere is significant: it determines the solar thermal regime on the surface of our planet, protects its species free inflows cosmic and ultraviolet vibration. The circulation of the atmosphere flows into the local climatic channels, and through them into the river regime, soil-vegetable cover, and relief formation processes.

The current structure of the atmosphere is the result of the dramatic historical development of the earth's cooler. Atmospheric storage - tar, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide and inert gases.

In the process of their activities, people become confused. Over places and industrial areas in the atmosphere, the concentration of gases increases, which requires rural communities to be present in very small quantities or all day. Congestion is not good for your health. In addition, waste gases, combining with atmospheric moisture and falling out from the appearance of acidic soils, absorb the acidity of the soil and reduce the yield.

Behind the tribute of the tribute to the result, in the result, the result of the atmosphere to observe 25.5 billion tb oxide vugveley, 190 million tons of oxide sirki, 65 million tons of oxide, 1.4 million tons of Freoniv, organizing spluksi, vugplevodnoy, at In addition, they are carcinogenic, with a large number of solid particles (saw, smoke, soot).

Global atmospheric air pollution is indicated on the site natural ecosystems especially the green curve of our planet.

Acid boards, which are caused primarily by sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, cause great harm to forest biocenoses. Foxes, especially conifers, suffer from them.

The main reason for the cloudiness of the atmosphere is the burning of natural fire and metallurgy. Just as in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the products of burning coal and rare burning, which were found in much of the middle, may have been assimilated by the vegetation of the Earth, then at this time, instead of burning products, the burning products are steadily growing. From stoves, fireboxes, and exhaust pipes of cars, a whole series of stale streams are consumed by the wind. Among them is visible sulfuric anhydride - a toxic gas that is easily dissolved in water. The concentration of sour gas in the atmosphere is especially high around copper smelters. This is due to the destruction of chlorophyll, the under-rotation of saw grains, the drying and falling of leaves, and pine needles.

As a result of the burning of the fire, nearly 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide are quickly released into the atmosphere. Anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide exceed natural ones and destroy a large part of its volume, destroying the clarity of the atmosphere, and hence the thermal balance. Half of the carbon dioxide that is created when the mortar burns is consumed by the ocean and green algae, and half is lost to the wind. Instead of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it is gradually increasing and over the last 100 years it has decreased by more than 10%. Carbon dioxide transfers thermal energy into outer space, creating what is known as a greenhouse effect there. increase average temperature the atmosphere by a few degrees, which will make it possible to change the temperature of the ice sheets of the polar regions, the shift of the level of the Light Ocean, the change in its salinity, temperature and other unpleasant effects.

Particularly dangerous is the collapse of the ozone sphere, which is guarded by remaining fates. Most of them are associated with the activity of people.

There is great concern about the contamination of the natural environment with important metals. Lead, cadmium, mercury, copper, nickel, zinc, chromium, vanadium have become practically essential components of industrial centers. Particularly acute is the problem of lead contamination of the surface.

Thus, the change in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere significantly affects the Earth’s climate.

Obstruction of natural waters.

Water is the basis of life processes in the biosphere. Water is the largest inorganic substance on the planet. Water is the basis of all life processes, and it also reduces the acidity of the main destructive process of the Earth - photosynthesis.

With the emergence of life on Earth, the water circuit became more flexible, because Before the simple phenomenon of vaporization came complex processes associated with the life of living organisms, especially humans.

The scale of the development of water resources is rapidly growing. This is due to the growth of the population and the decrease in the sanitary and hygienic habits of people's lives, the development of industry and agricultural farming. The maximum supply of water for household consumption in rural areas is set to 50 liters per person, in localities – 150 liters. The great quantity of water is obtained from industry. Melting 1 ton of steel requires 200 m3. The production of 1 ton of paper requires 100 m3, the production of 1 ton of synthetic fiber requires 2500 to 5000 m3. Industry consumes 85% of the total water that is wasted in places, leaving about 15% for government purposes.

Even more water is needed for fermentation. We stretch 12-14 m3 of water per 1 hectare of irrigated land. Our country currently consumes more than 150 km3, while all other needs are about 50 km3.

By maintaining such rates of accelerated population growth and growth obligations until 2100, humanity can exhaust all reserves fresh water.

The constant increase in water supply on the planet is leading to the risk of water famine, which necessitates the need to develop approaches for the cost-effective recovery of water resources.

In addition to the high level of wastage, the shortage of water results in increased contamination resulting from the discharge into the rivers of industry and especially chemical production and sewage wastewater. Bacterial contamination and destruction chemical speech(for example, phenol) is reduced to death with water. Unusual substances that are found near the water: naphtha, naphtha products (from naphtha, transportation, refining, distillation of naphtha as a burner and industrial crude), toxic synthetic substances (which become stagnant in the industry, in transport, in households arstvi), metals (mercury , lead, zinc, copper, chromium, tin, manganese). There is also a problem with mole flowing through rivers, which is often accompanied by congestion.

Near rivers and lakes, minerals - nitrates and phosphates, which in high concentrations can dramatically change the type and storage of water, as well as various organic chemicals - pesticides, are washed away from the soil by planks. to fight in the rural dominion to fight against the rogue mosquitoes.

One of the types of obstruction is thermal obstruction (power plants, industrial enterprises often discharge heated water from the water supply, which changes the sourness, increases the toxicity of the houses, and destroys the biological jealousy). The release of warm waters serves as an unfriendly agent for aerobic organisms in fresh waters. In warm water, acidity deteriorates badly, and its deficiency can cause many organisms to die.

The waters of the seas and oceans are experiencing significant turbulence. From the river runoff and from sea transport, pathogenic wastes, naphtha products, salts of important metals, waste organic compounds, and pesticides reach the sea. pesticides. DDT has been found to be present in the bodies of penguins that roam in Antarctica. The obstruction of the seas and oceans reaches such proportions that in a number of fisheries and shellfishes, fish and shellfish are unsuitable for life.

Congested soil

Soil is an important storage part of the biosphere. Soil is the top layer of land that has been exposed to the influx of vegetation, creatures, microorganisms and the climate from the parent rocks that are found in the soil. It is an important and complex component of the biosphere, which is closely related to its other parts.

The ground has the following main components interacting in a folding manner:

  • - mineral particles (sand, clay), water, dust;
  • - detritus - dead organic speech, excess vitality of growing plants and creatures;
  • - the absence of living organisms, which decomposes detritus into humus.

During its development, the formed soil goes through a number of stages. Young soils are the result of vitrification of the maternal rocks or the transfer of deposition of litter (for example, aluvia). These substrates are inhabited by microorganisms, pioneering plants - lichens, mosses, grasses, and other creatures. Gradually, other types of plants and animals are being sold, the biocenosis is becoming more complex, and a whole series of interactions arise between the mineral substrate and living organisms. As a result, mature soil is formed, the power of which lies in the output parent rock and climate.

The process of development of the soil will be completed when the same consistency between the soil and the growing climate is achieved.

Soil is a living organism, in the middle of which various complex processes take place. In order to maintain soil in good condition, it is necessary to know the nature of the exchange processes of all warehouses.

The surface of the soil is designed to remove a lot of excess plant and animal organisms, which are laid out until the humus is formed. The consistency of humus indicates the acidity of the soil.

The growths remove the necessary minerals from the soil, and after the death of the growing organisms, the resulting elements turn around in the soil. Soil organisms gradually process all organic excesses. In this way, natural minds develop a steady circulation of speeches among the earth.

In normal natural minds, all the processes that occur in the soil occur in the Rivnovase. It is not uncommon for people to be to blame for things that have been destroyed. As a result of the development of the ruler's activity, people will experience confusion, a change in the state of the land and the result of their poverty. Currently, every inhabitant of our planet has less than one hectare of land. And these insignificant areas continue to be quickly felt through the insignificant government activity of people.

Vast areas of native lands are dying under the hour of agricultural activities, with the existence of businesses in those places. The depletion of forests and natural herbaceous cover, soil richness without updating the rules of agricultural technology leads to erosion of the soil - ruining and destruction of the native sphere by water and wind. Erosis Nina has become an all-worldly evil. It is confirmed that over the last century, due to water and wind erosion on the planet, 2 billion hectares of native lands have been lost to active agricultural development.

One of the consequences of increased human activity is the intense contamination of the soil surface.

Mercury is carried to the most dangerous soils by the same means. Mercury can be found in the dowkill from organic chemicals, from industrial outputs, to replace metallic mercury and various other substances.

Another common and dangerous character is the contamination of soils with lead. Apparently, from the melting of one ton of lead, up to 25 kg of lead is released. Lead is used as an additive to gasoline, and motor vehicles are a serious source of lead contamination. Lead is especially abundant in the soils of the great highways.

Near the great centers of ferrous and color metallurgy, the soils are contaminated with lime, copper, zinc, manganese, nickel, aluminum and other metals. In many places, its concentration exceeds GDC by tens of times.

Radioactive elements can be lost into the soil and accumulated in new fallout from atomic spills or from the release of rare and solid waste from industrial enterprises, nuclear power plants and scientific research facilities, associated with the use of atomic energy. Radioactive substances from soils are consumed by plants, then in the bodies of animals and people, which accumulate in them.

There is a significant influx into the chemical warehouse of soils in the current rural dominion, which is widely promoting goodness and various chemical substances for the fight against pests, weeds and ailments of the forests. At this time, the number of speeches that occur in circulation in the process of agricultural activity is approximately the same as in the process of industrial production. With the rise of skin cancer, the prevalence of toxic substances and organic chemicals in rural areas is increasing. It is inevitable that their uncontrolled growth will lead to disruption of the circulation of rivers in the biosphere.

It is particularly unsafe to use stable organic compounds that stagnate like organic chemicals. Stinks accumulate in the soil, in the water, and in the bottom deposits of the water. But the worst thing is that the stench is included in ecological food, passes from the soil and water into the weeds, then into the animals, and through the sap sinks into the human body.

The people have flown into the growing and created world.

People pour in I live nature consists of direct influx and indirect change of the natural environment. One of the forms of direct infusion into the trees and creatures is cutting the forest. Having fallen in love with the minds of the open world, the trees of the lower tiers of the forest sense an unpleasant influx of direct sleepy vibration. In warm-loving herbaceous and tea-garden tiers, chlorophyll decreases, growth is suppressed, and activity appears. Light-loving plants that are resistant to elevated temperatures and non-climatic species settle in the felling areas. The creature’s light also changes: species associated with the tree stand appear or migrate to other places.

A significant influx of trees into the village is caused by the massive expansion of forests by tourists and tourists. We have a lot of problems poor influx lies near the trampled, hardened and congested soil. The villages grow dry. The direct influx of people into the created world occurs in the guilty species, which represents for them grub and other material value.

It is important to note that since 1600 years, more than 160 species and species of birds and at least 100 species of birds have been blamed. A long list of known species includes the wild bik, which lives in Europe. In the 17th century, wine was described by the Russian naturalist G.V. The steler sea cow is a water-savet, which can be classified as a lilac. More than 100 years ago, the wild horse Tarpan, like a scumbag in Russia, was born. There are many species of creatures found in the world of extinction or preserved in nature reserves. Such a proportion of bison, tens of millions of them, inhabited the prairies of America and bison, which were widely spread in the forests of Europe. on Go far away Mayzhe I will blame the flaming deer. Strengthening the trade of whale-like whales between the depleted number of whale species: gray whale, bowhead whale, and white whale. The number of creatures is affected by gospodar's activity man, I’m not tied to any mischief. The number of the Ussuri tiger has sharply decreased - as a result of the development of the territory at the borders of its range and the shortening of the food supply. There are tens of thousands of dolphins in the Pacific Ocean: during the fishing period, the fish are caught in the net and cannot get out of them.

Knowing about a small number of species of animals and plants may not seem quite sufficient. However, the main value of the species that they live in does not lie in their sole meaning.

The skin type occupies an important place in biocenosis, in the landscape of life, and no one can replace it. This knowledge and other species lead to a change in the stability of biocenoses.

Radioactive contamination of the biosphere.

The biosphere has natural sources of radioactivity everywhere, and humans, like all living organisms, have always known natural changes. Externally, it is necessary to pay attention to the development of space exploration and radioactive nuclides that are present in the middle world. Internal pollution is created by radioactive elements that are absorbed into the human body through wind, water, and even water.

For a strong characteristic infusion of viprominuvanny on a person, vikoryst units are used - the biological equivalent of a roentgen (ber) or a sievert (Sv): 1 Sv = 100 ber. Since radioactive exposure can cause serious changes in the body, it is the responsibility of the individual to know the permissible dose.

As a result of internal and external changes, people generally take an average dose of 0.1 ber and, therefore, over the course of their entire life, about 7 ber. In these doses, the drug does not cause harm to people. However, there is such a locality, but the dose of the substance is too high for the average. So, for example, people who live in high-altitude areas can take a dose many times larger due to the cosmic effect. Large doses of administration can be administered locally, instead of natural radioactive substances. So, for example, in Brazil (200 km from Sao Paulo) there is a high dose, and the daily dose is 25 ber. This place is deserted.

The greatest concern comes from radioactive contamination of the biosphere as a result of activity. None of the radioactive elements can be found widely in different areas. Failure to preserve and transport these elements can lead to serious radioactive contamination. Radioactive contamination of the biosphere is associated, for example, with the testing of atomic bombs.

The problem of radioactive contamination in 1945 began after the explosion of atomic bombs dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The testing of a nuclear explosion, which vibrates in the atmosphere, caused global radioactive contamination. Radioactive contaminants may have a significant difference from others. Radioactive nuclides are unstable nuclei chemical elements, which releases charged particles and short-wave electromagnetic vibrations. The very particles and vibrations that are absorbed into the human body ruin the cells, as a result of which they can die Various illnesses, zokrema and promeneva. When an atomic bomb detonates, even more intense ionization occurs, and radioactive parts dissipate in large areas, contaminating the soil, water, and living organisms. A lot of radioactive isotopes loom during a troubling period, being deprived of careless hours of their sleep. All these isotopes are included in the circulation of water, consumed by living organisms and have a harmful effect on the body. Strontium is also very dangerous due to its proximity to calcium. Accumulating near the bones of the skeleton, it is a constant source of damage to the body. With a nuclear explosion, a large amount of fragmentary saw is created, which remains in the atmosphere for a long time and absorbs a significant part of the solar radiation.

In the other half of the 20th century, nuclear power plants, submarines with nuclear installations began to be put into operation. During normal operation of nuclear energy facilities and industry, contamination of the excess medium with radioactive nuclides becomes a tiny fraction compared to the natural background. A different situation arises during accidents at nuclear facilities.

So, at the time of the explosion at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in Dovkille, about 5% of the nuclear fuel was released. This caused the collapse of rich people, large territories became polluted, and became unsafe for health. This meant the resettlement of thousands of expatriates from contaminated areas. The increase in radiation resulting from radioactive fallout was detected hundreds and thousands of kilometers away from the accident site.

At this time, the problem of storing and preserving radioactive waste from military industries and nuclear power plants is becoming increasingly urgent. The stench of the skin creates greater danger for the dowkill. Thus, the rise of nuclear energy has raised new serious problems for humanity.

Thus, there is a single way out of the situation: rational environmental management.

Good day, my dear lovers of nature, today I will tell you about how the influx of people into nature has changed the natural place and the very existence of people.

The flow of people into nature is direct, indirect and combinations. In our hour, indirect action is becoming increasingly stronger.

For example, while in the 17th century 86% of animal species died from direct influx, and only 14% of animal species died from indirect influx, in the 21st century this relationship changed dramatically: 28% died from direct influx, and 72% from indirect influx.

The reasons for the change in the minds of Dovkill, against the spoilers of rural cultures, large-scale deprivation of household and industrial incomes, etc.

The active influx of people into nature has led to the fact that over the last century, nearly 140 species of savages have emerged, causing great harm to the flora of the planet.

During this period, the planet's vegetation cover rapidly decreased, which led to an increase in erosion processes and soil degradation.

From the moment humans appeared on Earth, life began to change continuously. Know and continue to know things you see creatures and plants, and those that were lost, people hybridized with the method of breeding more hedgehogs. There is a small share of unoccupied wild nature, the fragments from the development of the end of creation have changed in the natural place of origin.

According to recent data, over the past 100 years, the growth of biomass and creatures on land has changed by 7%, and the productivity of living things on the Earth has decreased by approximately 20%. Under the threat of extinction, there are 25,000 species of plants, which constitute about 10% of the number of growing plants producing plants. Up to 30% of creatures can emerge during the destruction of the dowkill. And at the rate of decline, our species are no longer growing.

Changes in decomposers (most importantly microorganisms) can be achieved by reducing the loss of soil reactivity. The world's biological productivity has already completely wasted around 20 million square kilometers of land, or over 10% of all land.

Of the 3.5 billion hectares of arable land, half of the soil is laid out, which is economically unprofitable to cultivate. Between 1882 and 1952, the area of ​​land available for cultivation changed by 50%, and the area of ​​land, which often or completely lost its fertility, increased 4 times.

Of the approximately half a million species of plants that inhabit the Earth, only 8% live in an aquatic environment. Thus, more than half of all species are composed of terrestrial, mostly terrestrial plants; bacteria and fungi – perhaps the fifth part of all species; algae, moss, ferns - ten. And although there are almost three times more species of creatures, species of plants, the mass of plants (phytomass) becomes close to 99% of all living organisms on the planet.

Biomass production is the most important activity of plants in the biosphere. Only terrestrial plants produce 70% of the primary biological production of the planet throughout history.

According to the document of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), called the “Global Conservation Strategy”, 70% of the spawning grounds in the ocean have become unsuitable for the development of juvenile fish.

Another private regional butt is directed by the investigators. The extraction of water from the Aral Sea basin for agriculture was based on the economical effect, which outweighs the effect on the fishery industry more than 100 times. However, the Aral Sea is known as one body of water.

Millions of tons of salts are developing in the region, in connection with which the seismic situation and hydrological regime have changed dramatically. The re-salinization of the abraded fields, together with a lot of landscape-ecological inheritances, necessitated the creation of new government complexes for certain capital investment purposes.

The nature and depth of the influx of congestion in the forest industry has not yet been fully explained by science. We can come across such inheritances, which are immediately important to recognize and which can be revealed to ourselves after a difficult hour. They may, for example, result in disruption of the mechanism of genetic information, a decrease in the resistance of plants to various diseases, a change in the system of interactions that has developed between plants and animals.

In this way, people directly and indirectly accept the known forest cover of the planet, the change in its environment-forming flow, and thus nourish the foundations of the natural goodness.

There are a lot of other facts to testify about what has become one of the most pressing problems of today. She yearns for the share of all humanity and is rightfully elevated to the rank global problems.

Due to the accelerated development of science and technology, people have become increasingly fascinated with nature throughout the entire planet and have now entered space.

Nova galuz znań - nature conservation

The nature of the current influx of husbandry into nature confronts people with the need for a deep and comprehensive understanding of the patterns of functioning and the development of the geographical envelope in general and structural elements. A new kind of knowledge has appeared—nature's exploration.

Nature's cultivation is a very young knowledge. Less than two decades have passed since its formation as a special synthetic science, although many important developments of its ideas have been identified by prominent scholars and thinkers in the past. Nature cultivation as a practical, comprehensive infusion of people into nature, is centrally related to the development of humanity, its formation.

Humans have thousands of thousands of resources for their needs. The wine is increasingly large-scale and merciless pouring onto her. From the passive acquisition of resources in the early stages, humans move to an active invasion of the kingdom of nature.

The influx of husbandry into nature became especially significant with the development of the scientific and technological revolution. As tens of millions of tons of petroleum products arrive near the waters of the Light Ocean, transport and enterprises release more and more carbon dioxide gases and aerosols, soot and all other wastes into the atmosphere.

See the congestion of Dovkilla

The influx of people into nature awakens a character that screams ever-growing, creating alarm on the scale of the world for the state of the excessive middle-classness.

In the other half of the 20th century, in connection with the expansion of the ruler into nature in the interconnectedness of the pre-killing and biological systems of people, clearly new conditions appeared, which can briefly be characterized as an unpleasant influx of congestion on the body m.

In the sanitary and hygienic aspect, the obstruction of anthropogenic activity is schematically divided into four groups:

  • chemical,
  • more physically,
  • more biological
  • radiation.

Chemical impurity must include: impurity of fresh water with industrial wastewater, pesticides, naphtha products, components of household products; wind - wasteful emissions from industrial and municipal enterprises, exhaust gases from transport vehicles.

The middle is filled with noise, local or regional accumulation of heat, polluted with water, filled with solid particles of the atmosphere. physical congestion.

Biological rabble-rousers trace the knowledge of the speeches that people throw into nature, most importantly the organic approach that conceals the vastness of the everyday life of highly infectious or chronic illnesses, and also harmless comas for people.

Radiation impurity means an increase in the radiation of the environment.

The UN World Health Organization stated that in 1975, 85% of the world's population lived in poor health.

As a result, 800 million people are painfully ill and 5 million small children are dying.

The release of polluted streams into the atmosphere and water has become a source of insecurity not only for these powers that are vibrating them, but for other countries. The biosphere does not know national boundaries or state cordons.

For example, in Norway and Sweden, between 40 and 80% of waste production is caused by waste products. It is expected that alcohol dioxide and its products will come with powdered masses from neighboring countries, mainly from the edges of Western Europe.

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Maslenikova Anastasia


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“Positive and negative flow of people

on nature"


Maslenikova Anastasia

student of 6th grade

Penza 2013

As recently as a century ago, the influx of people into nature was extremely insignificant, but in the course of scientific and technological progress, civilization began to infuse so much into the natural environment that today’s ecological nutrition is one of the most relevant All the world. The 20th century had a significant growth in production and development human activity, as a result of which industrial plants and factories appeared, which began to produce technical features so that life will be easier for all people. Significant comfort, however, has caused the negative consequences that have appeared on natural resources and on all biological life on Earth.

So, for example, the destruction of forests over the last three hours has led to the migration of creatures, birds and birds. And the fragments in nature are all interconnected; when the lantern in the life system is damaged, the processes of extinction of creatures, plants, and comas begin to emerge. Moreover, in this hour of people’s influx into nature, they are trying to change, and the resources that are at fault are, if possible, compensated (planting forests, desalination of salt water, and so on).

It should be noted that people, being the only essence on Earth, who have reason and will, are not obliged to live up to everything that the planet gives. However, humanity may be able to harmonize its lifestyle and bring it into conformity with the laws of nature. There is a direct impact of light intensity at this hour, and as a result of which our civilization is gradually beginning to move to clear new rhubarb your development. The development of environmentally friendly technological innovations is increasingly being introduced, applications of which may include: in the field of motor transport - electric cars, in the field of heat supply - geothermal boilers, in the field of hydroelectric power generation - wind turbines and solar power plants. ї. Therefore, today we can say that the negative influx of people into nature is gradually decreasing. Of course, good indicators of environmental friendliness are still far away, the beginning has already been laid today.

Quiet and those that people themselves are beginning to recognize the detrimental nature of the further deprivation of nature and are gradually moving to healthy image life. It is quite possible that there will be an outflow of residents from the center of the city to the suburbs and rural communities, while in most large places the maximum permissible norm of CO (contaminated gas) exceeds the maximum permissible concentration yu have a few times. The number of cottage towns is growing, but the flow of people into nature is minimal. All we can say is that humanity is gradually beginning to move away from the general system of acquisition of natural resources and to move to a system of harmonious development.

The current naftogaz industry is also at the stage of incremental combustion, the fragments of all the discovered oil on Earth can be recovered for a maximum of 50 more years. Even though this is a small term behind people’s worlds, all developed countries have long been investing their capital in the environmentally friendly generation of new resources. A radically new approach is emerging from the search for new fire engines. Here, as the butt can be aimed at, it can be located in a specially designated area. As a result of all this influx of people into nature, a positive character gradually emerges.

Supplementary pouches what you need, you can come to the conclusion that our civilization has learned that it is impossible to continue to extract and extract natural reserves, the fragments will produce nothing good. The negative influx of people into nature is already manifested in the form of cataclysms and global climate change. All the same, we once again speak out about the fact that all people on Earth are responsible for those who live with the planet today, and only with our combined efforts our civilization can overcome all the difficulties.

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