How long has the crescent apple tree blossomed? People's Notes and Zabobony “Apple Tree. Scientific explanation of natural anomalies. When apple trees bloom When apple trees bloom in sickle

If you lose one apple tree in the spring, you want to die.
When the sun shines through the tops of the apple trees, look forward to a rich harvest. (Derbyshire).
If you bloom before the ripened apples, then in this family you will die.
The lavish toasting of the apple trees was part of the "apple-washing" ceremony that was repeated at Carhampton near Minehead (Somerset) until the Second World War. A group of locals from the village came to “visit” whose garden, where they met the rulers and their priests. Withdrawn from the trees, the stinks sang an old-fashioned song, the last verse of which said: “Old apple! We are in your health, We are singing your song, So that the apple gave birth, Red-sided gave birth.” This tradition was widespread. ena in Sussex, Devonshire and Cornwall, with this difference that in Cornwall the production of apple trees was stimulated by cider. The guests drank yogo, slurping the leftovers on the trees. The bathhouse this year was held at Christmas time - and most often on the Twelfth Night. This zvichai was called "apple howling" (or "youling"). Keston and Wickham had similar ceremonies in Great Week. Bands of young people, with noise and shouts, rushed through the gardens, touched the trees and sang: “The root of the tree, the crown of pine trees, O God, they pour out so much greenery! For this song, the rulers pay them pennies or a drink. As if the spivs had nothing left, the stinks turned and cursed the trees! About this and the local name I call (“youling”) in Devonshire and Sussex. The pagans asked Eol (the ancient Greek and ancient Roman god of the winds) for a friendly wind. The holy day for his honor took place near the hour of winter - close to the 25th birthday. And the view from Yeola is not far from Yule. In Hereford, another “cider” region, it seems (or they said) that until the orchards are christened on Peter’s Day, there is nothing good to be harvested from them. “To choke the orchards” means to pour a bottle of cider on the apple tree (or on all the trees in the garden). Two other concerns are associated with apple trees: that the autumn-colored apple trees foretell death in the homeland of their ruler (Cheshire), and what is so beautiful about the autumn colors of the wild The apple tree signifies that there will be more fun and joy than funerals (rural areas of Wales). And the axis is another old and widely believed one: “The apple tree is in full bloom again in the spring - Someone in the area will soon die.” the coming river the cow will not calve; and in Cleveland they still remember the old Yorkshire belief that the horse's tracks needed to be hung on a thorn tree so that everything would be in order with the horses. To ensure that the apples bear fruit well, place a piece of toast on the side of the largest tree in the garden. (Somerset and Cornwall. This ritual is obviously a call to appease the perfumes that guard the apple trees).

The Christian tree of love roamed around in Russia and became a symbol of love, kinship, and love. Love the apple tree for its deliciousness cinnamon fruits and for the great magical power contained in it.

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From the tree of this tree you can gain new strength, you can grow to new heights and bestow blessings. And as soon as the young apple trees began to blossom, the family was prepared for prosperity and good fortune. This sign is not suitable for old trees. And other beliefs, such as - make a living for people by stealing.

Popular notes about the apple tree

You can ask the apple tree about everything related to love, children, family. It’s best to address your prayers at Svitanka or after dinner, from about 4 to 7 pm. To benefit from its energy, the tree should stand about 5 times. The winter will increase a little this hour.

Vikoristovat the apple tree as a source of energy better for women Because the energy of this tree is poor. The girls and women themselves act most distinctly.

The most recent folk sayings about the apple tree are:
  • After all, you should carefully plant a white booth, so that the trash will not penetrate the booths, and prosperity and prosperity will become part of the guests. The Apple Orchard is a source of positive energy.
  • It is not possible to ripen all the fruits; a few pieces need to be taken away so that the birds can pick them up. Such a clumsy ritual will bring success. You just need to quilt so that you don’t lose your apple until spring.
  • You can’t cut the top - you’ll get sick. It is impossible to cut living nails - until they become upset. Destroy a young apple tree until it becomes blind.
  • If there is a dead apple on the tree in the spring, you will die.
  • On the Old New River it is necessary to chicken out from the trees near the garden all the snow. What this means is the gardener's tradition. When cleaning up the snow, you will save the integrity of the snow, so as not to waste any money.
  • 30 grass and apple orchards bloomed - until good peck at the nearest body of water.

Europe had its own traditions. The villagers, drinking cider in anticipation of a new birth, placed pieces of bread near the fork, so that the new birth could be removed good guess. And to be sure, they threw beet oil into the trees, which had accumulated during the preparation of the cider.

The significance of apple trees for young people

The apple tree was respected as the patroness of young families. Therefore, on the day of the wedding, it was customary to plant an apple tree so that it would grow, produce hundreds among the young, bear fruit and help the young family grow. The tree, as it grew, took away the negativity of the man and the squad, and then the child.

In order for the baby to be born healthy, the female wives would trim the stovbur, which would help lighten the curtains. If the tension between the man and the squad had cooled over the years, it was necessary to sleep under the apple and then enjoy your sexuality and pleasure.

The meaning of color in sickle

You can endlessly smother yourself in butterfly apples. All the flowers of the sickle and spring are alert, clacking, and grasping as if showing a sign of burning. Indeed, the warm weather in the sickle leads to a number of natural consequences, including the re-blooming of rich growths. Because the young apple trees bloomed in warm weather, there was a need for joy.

People's notes attribute this idea positive meaning promise wealth, prosperity. This is explained by the power of the tree, whose strength and strength give its fruits to the world. Just as an apple tree has blossomed in the sickle, and a female wife has blossomed in the garden, they are waiting for twins.

As the old apple trees bloomed in the same year, this is a great sign. Signs are always on the lookout for harm, death, and other dangerous events. Only people look for negativity in those times when the apple tree has bloomed, but it has not yielded fruit for a long time, or only a small number of them bear fruit.

The flowers of the scythe were regarded as a strange sign, as if there were people in the daylight, as if there were apples from this tree. Then they believed that life was so difficult.

In Europe, the bloom of the wild sickle apple, which grows above the dzherel, was considered a sign that in these places there would be more and less deaths.

Take note of the weather and nature

  • The apple tree often appears in various signs about changes in nature. Among the most popular ones are:
  • Between the cob of flower in the apple orchard and the original buzku – 2 years.
  • The apple orchard near the new color is an hour to plant potatoes, intended for winter conservation.
  • The pea flower blooms even after the apple orchard.

However, it is necessary to take into account that today there are many different varieties of plants, and their color can change greatly over time.

Rituals and magic with apple trees

Respecting this tree, the Slovenians vikorized it from numerous fortune tellers.

  • Eager to find out who the share was preparing before the men, the girls the night before Happy new month They tied red stripes onto the stovbur and asked for another month to show the image of the future man. Then you can get more money from the judge.
  • Dried pieces of the root of this tree are saved in the booth for protection from the environment, within the reach of supernatants.
  • In front of the barrel, place the cebro and water, and then come up and throw a coin there. This is a victim of the apple tree, which is looking for help from the financial development of the young family. The water is then poured under the root. This awkward ritual will help to safely raise children. And the people’s remarks about the apple tree are completely unreasonable. For example, it is important that during the hour of menstruation, women should not touch this tree. As soon as a woman climbs an apple or a pear this day, the tree dries up.


The official church condemns the inclination of people to believe in a sign. They respect that everything is in the hands of God and fear the blossom of the apple tree, which, according to belief, can predict death without thinking. Only those people whose souls lack true faith in God can work this way.

The Orthodox Church shunfully puts itself up to the traditional for the Slovenians. On the Savior of the Apple, the apple is blessed in the churches. This is another Savior, who follows the first - Honey. Ale before the zabobonі zagalom clergy are placed negatively.

“The re-blooming of apple trees in the sickle is a sign of death” - this is how people respect their relatives who died in mysterious circumstances after the blossoming of fruit trees at the end of summer. But neither the priests, nor the agrarian specialists, nor the so-called chakluny share these thoughts... Residents of the regional center of the Good Lipetsk region are rarely aware of this. In the courtyard of the local librarian Aunt Kostina, an apple blossomed in the middle of a sickle. The mistress was furious with the priests, but the fathers calmed them down, saying that there was nothing terrible in this unexpected phenomenon... Why should we sit on the bushes in the gardens with fruits that had already grown? For a comment then we went to the assistant professor of the department biology and ecology of growing plants - Ground faculty of Voronezh State University, candidate of biological sciences Natalia KHLIZOVA, as the sprat called There are many reasons Whose wonder, and the leitmotif of the commentary was this phrase: - The episodes of re-blooming growths are still completely unknown... Ale kvitucha 150 kilometers from Voronezh, the apple was no longer buds, and the berries began to sprout through the sprout just after the publication of the last issue of the newspaper... It appeared , the song line “once upon a time the gardens bloom” in the sickle rock clearly has no relation to the fruit trees of the Black Earth. Decades of apple trees appear to be blooming here on the river. Whatever blossoms there, fruits will bear on them. And the deeds - small, the size of a chestnut - are usually able to pick up red threads... "A man burns with a rare disease" Near the garden of the sack of the village of Ganna Raisi Lozeev, the apple blossoms are the same color. Just like two fates, since shortly after her mother-in-law died... In the garden of Raisya Lozeeva, the apple trees have been blooming for two days now - Which fate my ten-fold apple gave birth to less, no less, - like a master. - There were about thirty apples hanging on it. And immediately after Honey Savior It blossomed uncontrollably. It’s amazing that the fruits are stuck... They marveled: indeed, all the buds are on the ovaries of the newborn apples. We haven't seen anything like this butterfly trees neither in Dobroye nor in Somov. And at the very top of the tree I entrust with the still unpicked first apples a hanging small, chestnut-sized, red plaid of a different sickle color. Raisa Sergievna is rubbing her hands: at the beginning of summer, she longed for a man - the 54-year-old Vasily Ivanovich. It will be healthy, strong and healthy, ready for alcohol, but literally a month of burning due to a rare illness that has struck like a rash - cyst cancer. And a month later, an apple tree blossomed from the small garden... When the gentlemen told us about the tragic events associated with the flowering trees in Katerina Prosenkova’s garden, she began to marvel. - I also thought about those who bloom again - for bad luck. Perhaps Vasya’s death is somehow connected with this? You need to go to the church, maybe you can make something happy there... “Little son was diagnosed with leukemia” Katerina PROSENKOVA - a bagel from the Somovo settlement - asked the correspondents of “MY!” to his dacha, the little booth he built nearby. In a small cage, two ten years old, a 10-year-old apple has already begun to bloom... In the face of an optimistic librarian from Dobroye, Katerina Kostyantinivna immediately invited journalists: These are the only fruits that were not brought to Katerina Kostyantin's joys. Then the fruit trees will bloom again in the garden - but unfortunately, it will inevitably happen to the family and friends of the rulers in the garden. I knew all this myself. In 1987, our apple tree was in bloom, and literally three months later in the spring, my little brother Stepi (on the 1st year and 4 months) was diagnosed with acute leukemia by doctors. Sin died for three years. More to come. In 1994, a cherry blossom blossomed near our sickle, and after four months the cherry tree was crushed under the pressure. Last year, I remember an apple tree in blossom at the sickly day, and at the same time, my grandmother burned down at the heart of the night. Perhaps the candle that was burning fell into the trap and the box caught fire. Before speaking, even before my grandmother’s death, after the red apple blossom, I clearly thought that some school would become very difficult. I actually called the police to tell them about it. And a few days later the school in Beslan was buried... Old people will guess that in the early 1940s, many gardens bloomed again, and after that the war began... - I didn’t go to the priesthood, - like Katerina Kostyantinivna. - I know that it will bloom again - goodbye. From now on I live and watch out for all sorts of misfortunes. God forbid, I didn’t notice anything like this once. .. Commentary Fakhivtsiv on the Pannnya about those, the reason for the re -re -binding of the prolific trees, the yak zhel, is the buty of the tragic pushing in the sizhi їkhnіkh, the cubic cubic dite is precisely vidpovіd. We were asked to comment on this rare phenomenon and gloomy popular belief of a priest, an agrarian specialist and a chakluna... Father Oleg, a cadet of the youth branch of the Voronezk-Borisoglebsk diocese ї: - For true Orthodox Christians, faith in all aspects is unacceptable. If there is any relationship between the flowering trees and the tragic death of the relatives of the Vlasnik gardens, then, in my opinion, this is simply a series of tragic deaths. It is hardly possible to explain from the perspective of Orthodoxy the heritage of re-blooming apple trees. The head of the Department of Vegetation and Fertility of the Voronezk Agricultural University, Professor Mikola KRUGLOV, informed the attack: - For everything, on the right here in the cycles that have changed, the color of the skin tree that you guessed. It is possible that the stock of living words accumulated in them has become too exhausted both in the first, “planned”, and in other flowers... in my practice there has never been an outbreak of the brutalization of people due to the occurrence of any kind of misfortunes associated with the repeated flowers of trees. Nowhere in the literature have I heard any riddles about those that could be the cause of such misfortune. I think it’s more ecological, less occult.

Today, one of the old apple trees began to bear fruit.

After the baking season, a lot of rain has passed, the weather has been warm, there is a volcano, and the nirkas, which were not able to bloom in the spring, have bloomed like a sickle. This is explained by the differentiation of the different types, depending on the stage of ripening. The flowers are not bad, they are weak, but the ties have healed, and there is nothing. In addition, re-blooming can cause stress - as a result of crown pruning, falling leaves or being eaten by mosquitoes or as a result of old growth.

It made me understand.

Well, you need to look on the Internet, and then you can scrape up something new about this thing and put it in your memory.
... I scraped, so that the guts in my soul were scraped - in the county of Cheshire (why is it all there!?) that in Great Britain there is a motor sign - autumn colored apple trees for the appearance on the apple tree at the same time and fruits (the term apple you need to be cowardly!!) - until death one of the household members - “The apple tree is blooming again in the spring - although we will soon die in the area!!”

And the y axis rural areas In Wales, this sign coincided with the fact that in the spring there would be more fun and fewer deaths. (We don’t want to bother you at all - and the end of the world, and catastrophes, and aliens, illnesses, accidents, and the asteroid will soon be so bad that three times will be able to beat the bullets, the ancient Mayans knew about this ...).
And besides, why am I falling for foreign signs? Even the Slovians have some traces and traditions associated with the apple tree, but there is no trace of the apple tragedy.

Slovenian traditions associated with apples:
- the apple appeared in the function love sign: the boy and the girl, having exchanged fruits, expressed mutual sympathy, publicly announced their love for Yabluko, accepted the girl at the hour of marriage, and was in love with a whore.
- apple gill is vikorized when preparing a merry tree; The apple will also ripen in the name of the wreath.
- Going to the wedding, the betrothed took an apple with her, and after the wedding she threw the apple for the wedding, so as to mother the children.
- under the apple tree today's words there was a ritual drumming of the betrothed before the oars; When changing the headdress to be the middle wife's headdress, the cover from the head was removed with an apple tree and thrown onto the apple tree.
- for everyone to be healthy, at Rizdvo, the New River was washed with water in which the apple lay
- in order for the children to be healthy and beautiful, it is your responsibility to touch the apple tree and marvel at its legs (wink) or at the apple (fly).

I have read about these “apple” axis and rituals on the Internet.

And what about the right in your area, my dear neighbors? Why did your fruit trees bloom and what do people of old age say about this drive?

Since ancient times, our ancestors revered the apple tree. For pagan times, Aje was revered as a symbol of kinship. Kohannya ta family well-being. With the advent of Christianity, even more wickedness was brought to the fore. Zagalom apple tree - tse the tightest dzherelo positive energy The older the tree, the stronger its magical properties, which were present in ancient cultivated trees.

  • In almost all cultures, the apple tree is a woman’s tree. It helps the girl to keep up with her betrothed, since she will tie a red stitch on the stovor or the silk again. In addition, the “green donor” preserves youth and beauty for a long time.
  • The mystical rose helps young families from the moment of friendship. It was not for nothing that in the pagan hours it was accepted by new friends immediately after having fun to plant an apple tree in their home, or even plant an entire apple orchard. Even the positive energy of the tree enhances friendships, guarantees well-being, prosperity and a new addition to the family.
  • An indispensable apple tree for a pregnant woman. Keeping short-term contact with this miraculous plant guarantees easy birth and the birth of a sweet and healthy baby.
  • The fruit crop is in the yard, and under the windows it will serve as another useful amulet. It effectively prevents the penetration of various negative entities, evil and unhealthy people into the everyday life, and helps household members preserve physical and mental health.
  • Our ancestors always knew that the trail would be carried to the mystical tree with special care and vigor. It was considered unacceptable to cut off the top of the apple tree, and the fragments were threatened with numerous ailments. Cutting your nails could lead to discord family wear and the one who dared to lose the tree at all, will immediately spend it.
  • It will be clear to see the color of the apple tree. As the trees are covered with a horny-white gloom until 30 p.m., the fishermen can already sense the miraculous bite. And if the calls appear at an inopportune hour (sick and spring), then it is ambiguous to understand the unexpected situation. If you choose a young and strong tree, then it is believed that wealth is passed on to the family or to two people. Flowers on an old and long-unfruitful tree prophesy the death of someone close to you and other secrets.
  • The fruits are also associated with a lot of slaughterhouses. For example, once you have tidied up the trail, put a few pieces on your necks to get good luck. And so that the friends live peacefully and amicably among themselves, every hour they can eat one apple for two. A vase of apples that stands on the table cleanses the home aura of clots of negative energy, and the fruits, scattered across the underside of the new box, are married to the new one, whatever the evil spirits may be.
  • There are also rural signs associated with the apple tree. How not to be weary and chicken out of all the snow from the boots on Stary new river, then a rich crop of fruits will flow in. The bright apple color tells the villagers that the time has come to plant potatoes.
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