Why do you dream about a samurai sword in your hands?


Treasure chest of ideas

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

Why do you dream about the Sword and what does it mean:

If you see a sword in a dream, it means that you will be involved in a war with someone, you will have to fight for the truth, be honest with yourself, or play cards.

Swing it around - to the point of fear.

If they throw a sword between you and another human, it means that someone wants to cook you.

Fight with swords in your dreams - for great luck and benefit;

Sharpen your sword - for joy and good luck.

Pierce the enemy with a sword - until he overcomes him with his cunning, cut down the enemy with a sword - until he overcomes him with strength and energy.

Sword on the wall bachiti - advance: be on your guard;

a sword that falls from the wall means that you will soon need a lot of courage.

If you put a sword in, it means that your soul is completely opposed to the world; to get rid of them means that you will inevitably become aware of a strong passion;

steal a sword - bring the anger of another person on yourself, waste a sword - to the chaos of thoughts and thoughts.

The sword is always too important - well, you deserve pity.

Accept a sword from anyone in a dream - to a guest far away, accept three swords at once - before promotion;

increase the price of a dream with a sword in your hands - to a close material gain;

If the sword lies in the corners of the curve, great happiness awaits you.

For a woman to dream of taking a sword from someone's hand is the fatherhood of a son.

Miller's Dream Book

Do you always dream about a sword?

If you always carry a sword, you will soon occupy some high post.

A dream in which someone takes a sword from your hands promises that you will overcome in a great victory.

In every dream, the sword senses discord in a hundred-year-old woman and starts a fight before the party.

Always dream of a sword fight - people are in anticipation of the appearance of a rival, which can make you jealous and cause a fight with your wife.

Dream Interpretation of Vladislav Kopalinsky

Bachiti Sword:

Sword - Luck, success, victory, as the dream book informs.

Dream Interpretation of Mandrivnik (Terentiya Smirnova)

Tlumachennya Sword from your dream

Sword - Success in life's struggle.

Islamic dream book

What a dream about a sword

A sword means a king, a child, a woman or a region.

If you want to learn how to wear a sword on a sling, become a king in a state, or take away a squad, or mother a child.

How can anyone recover from the fact that the bandage of his sword is torn - waste power, or his child will die, or let his squad disperse.

Dream Interpretation of Ms. Hasse

Dark dream:

Sword - Mati - shana that glory;

zlamati - ignoramus.

Otrimati - reach control;

Persian dream book Khubayshi Tiflisi

The sword of the ancient rozumina

A sword means a king, a child, a woman, or any region.

If you want to learn how to wear a sword on a sling, you will become a king in a state, or take away your squad, or mother your child. If anyone can recover from the fact that the bandage of his sword is torn, he will waste power, either his child will die, or his squad will be confused about the date of separation.- Frequently communicates with her and her pets.

You hold a sword (knife) in your hands, deal blows and thrusts to another person - Prevents loss.

If you inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or a hot one, it foretells great luck and benefit.

You take away the knife and juice from people - Soon you will be sentenced to imprisonment.

Knives or swords fall into the water - The death of a friend is conveyed.

You spend a knife, a sword, a sword - You spend ruin, pennies.

You go up in price, you walk with a sword or a knife in your hands - you see material gain.

Sharpening the blade of a knife or sword - Brings joy and good luck.

If you give people knives and daggers, they bring misfortune.

A sword or lying in the corner of a bed means great happiness.

The woman holds a sword in her hands - Great happiness, great honor.

A woman draws a sword from the fires - the born son.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

Sword: interpretation of the image

Sword, on fire - Masculinity, victory over enemy, fear.

Sword-grass - Unsafe people, evildoers, maniacs.

  • Tlumach from the dream of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova
  • For those who were born from sichna, fierce, birch, kvitna
  • Sword – Before you try to double your place.

For those who were born from grass, red, sticky and sickle

The sword - it hurts like hell.

For those who were born in the spring, autumn, leaf fall, breast

To look at a sword in a dream means to justify yourself to your superiors, as if you were saying: I’ll blame the sword on my head.

Why dream about the sword of a woman and a man

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of various details.

And people’s dreams are filled with specifics and the active dynamics of their development.

The sword on the wall bachiti - advance: be on your guard.

A sword that falls from the walls - you will soon need a lot of courage.

Put your sword in the fire - your soul is precious to the world.

If you take the sword out of the fire, you will soon become aware of strong addictions.

Steal a sword and bring the wrath of another person upon yourself.

To waste the sword - to the point of chaos one feels thoughts and thoughts.

The sword is heavy - you deserve pity.

Take a sword from someone in a dream - the guest is far away.

Accept three swords at once - before promotion.

Increase the price of a dream with a sword in your hands - to a close material gain.

Lying the sword at the corner of the bed means great happiness awaits you.

To take a sword from the pykhov is for a woman a son of the people.

Darkness of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

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Dream Interpretation - Sword

The enemies will no longer be able to harm you in any way. Show themselves to the great front hall in Middle East castle.

You undergo a ritual of dedication, at the hour of the beginning of the revelation of a mighty warrior who hands you a sword.

Together with this sword you will take away the special power that will heal any enemy.

The sword is great, heavy, but you can easily put it down.

You look at the sword with respect, and then you pick it up and hang it on your belt.

Leave the castle and walk through the streets, bachachi, as people give way, compromising your path.

Darkness of dreams

Did you fight with the dreamer, waving your sword?

How seriously did they rob you, trying to figure out the price?

Having dreamed of fighting with kimos, and I will throw away the sword - this is a transfer about the guilt of enemies in your life.

Engage in forging this kind of armor - you will receive profits and receptions. If you sharpen a sword, then know that good luck is with you. Know the sword in your dreams - be careful, you will soon become acquainted with the trash,

a mischievous person , which will be useful for your life. If you have injured your opponent in a dream, then in life you can also overcome your enemies.

Not for help, obviously, but for help

Rozumov's zdіbnosti

, especially for the obviousness of cunning.

Similar dream book

Like a dream in which they fight for the help of swords, the woman says - this is a push against those who are leading their rogues by the nose, vikoristing them for their own purposes.

New dream book If you were given a sword, it means that in life, in order to save what you need, you will have to make sacrifices. Dream Interpreter

Like the sword of purifications - the dreamer

garnet of health

If your brusque body is covered with rusty molasses, your health, however, is weakened.

If you have already left wounds behind the sword, prepare for welding with the wounded in life.

Dream Interpretation 21st century

The sword marks a trivial conflict situation, or perhaps a fight for one’s honor.

If you waved it in your dreams, then in life you have a great tendency to get angry. They threw a sword between you and we know - weave approaches against your hundreds. The sword that hangs on the wall is forewarned of its importance to the point of extreme effectiveness, so if you fall, prepare your courage, you will need it. About the appearance of a rival that can make you jealous and cause a fight with your wife. Maliy Velesov Dream Interpretation Sword - honor, protection/carelessness; whole, pure - health, strength; rusty, lamany - illness; zlamati - Joy; know

- careless friends;

spend- Sum;

hurt someone- well-being/welding with this person.

Dream Interpretation of a Gypsy Knives and swords fall into the water

- foretells the death of the squad. Vtrachaesh

- ruin, financial expenses. You go up in price, you walk with a sword

Sword - Success in life's struggle.

- I feel a material benefit. Tochish vistrya

If you waved it in your dreams, then in life you have a great tendency to get angry.- Joy, good luck.

A woman weaves a sword from cotton

- Narojennya sina.

To achieve this, you will need to pull the sword out of the meat and insert it back

If you waved it in your dreams, then in life you have a great tendency to get angry.- means a king, a child, a woman or a region.

If you want to learn how to carry a sword on your sling- he will become the king of the state, or he will take away his squad, or he will mother his child.

How would you like to get rid of the fact that the bandage of your sword was torn?- you will lose power, or your child will die, or your squad will be confused about the date of separation.

Middle Ages Dream Book Danila

Pamper yourself with a sword- to anxiety or to desolation.

Wear a sword- Until I get sick.

Handle the sword– this is what the zakhist says.

Let's pierce with a sword and wound- To the point of worry.

I'm swinging- Experience fear as far as possible.

How do they throw a sword between you and other people?- So, I want to cook you.

Always fight with swords- for great success, benefit; sharpen your sword- For joy, good luck.

Pierce the enemy with a sword- until you overcome him with your cunning, kill the enemy with a sword- until you overcome him with strength and energy.

Sword on the wall- advance: be on your guard; the sword that falls from the walls- It means that you will soon need a lot of courage.

Have a sword put in- means that your soul is above the light, of them Viimati- You are always aware of strong passions; steal the sword- to bear the wrath of another person on oneself, spend the sword- I feel like I'm thinking about chaos.

The sword must always be important- means that you value pity.

Take a sword from someone in a dream- the guest is far away, take three swords at once- before promotion; manipulate in your dreams with a sword in your hands- To close, material benefit; like a sword lies at the head of a spoon- He looks at you with great happiness.

Dream Interpretation Deniz Lin

If you waved it in your dreams, then in life you have a great tendency to get angry.- this pressing symbol can misplace the meaning.

Vіn can tell you the truth, the truth is an honor. The Knights of the Round Table wielded swords to serve truth and good.

The sword can be a symbol- Zachist. Do you feel that you need to protect yourself and your loved ones from physical and emotional threats? It is better to emphasize your strengths rather than focus on defending and attacking.

The sword is the same

- about his poverty and penetration for the crooked illusions of life. U

folk kazakhs Chill the dragon like a miracle and slay it with a sword.

Portrait can symbolize your powerful demons or your inner or illusory light.- Your attention to friends has led to the point that they have lost contact with you. Malicious sword- a sign for the sake of cruel revenge.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Otrimati- Reach the owner.

Dream interpretation of birthdays, fierce, birch, winter

If you waved it in your dreams, then in life you have a great tendency to get angry.- Before you try to conquer your place.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays: Spring, Summer, Breasts

Be amazed at the sword- before I confess to my superiors, as if I were telling you: I won’t blame the sword on my head.

Dream Interpretation of Birthday Grass, Cherry, Linden, Sickle

Keep your sword in your dreams- I’m in so much pain.

New dream book of New Yeri

Sword fighting has been improved for a long time- even about those who have enemies.

Do you dream that you are forging a sword at a forge?- In reality, the money will be waiting for you, so, however, bring satisfaction.

Dream book for a bitch

If you waved it in your dreams, then in life you have a great tendency to get angry.- unsatisfied and unsafe hostility, if you want to know, lest you end up in harm’s way, so that you can quickly concentrate and repel the attack.

Women's dream book

A dream in which you watch a sword fight- does not promise you anything good or bad.

It’s better to get ahead of yourself, so that you hesitate and think, first of all, to deceive your numerous mischief-makers, the skins of any singing that you love yourself.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadia Zimi Sword in your dreams

- symbolizes a very serious conflict that generates great tension and stability.

I had a nasty dream:

Don't get embarrassed - it's just a dream.

Damn you for the advance.

After waking up, marvel at the window.

Say at the window: “Wherever there is nothing, there is sleep.”

Everything is good, everything is gone."

Open the tap and let the running water flow. Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.” Throw a small amount of salt into a flask of water and say: “As the salt has melted, so will my dream go, no matter what.”

You will turn the whiteness of the bed on the contrary.

Don't tell anyone

rotten dream

see you before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn the whole ark.
Parable "Teacher of Calm"

The great master of fencing is alive in the world.

And there were no equals to you in this world in the whole world.
- I can’t take it anymore!

I don't give a damn!

Let me go!

- And I’m learning the sense axis!

If you really want to learn, keep busy,” said the teacher.

I learned again to walk in a square and again did not show off.

- That's it, I'm going!

I asked you to teach me how to fight with swords, and then I take up stupid walking with a stupid method.
Then the master took two of the most powerful swords from the walls.

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One learned it himself, and taught the other one.

- And now you want to guess your inner state, in which day after day you walk behind the contour of that square.

The master caught the sword and delivered the blow.

Learn how to beat him without force.

The master gave another blow and defeated the lesson again.

The master struck yet another scientist, easily knocking them out.

“Now, you’ve got it all together and there’s nothing else for me to read to you,” said the master and he left.

What does the dream Sword mean?

There are always people in your dreams who threaten you with swords, which means that in the near future they will hunt you down, you will not be overpowered, you will be deprived of all the documents and will give in to the repairs that you will earn.

If you are wounded by a sword, you will suffer from severe mental shock.

Fighting with swords - your intense commitment to friends has led to the point that they will lose contact with you.

A breaking sword is a sign of evil and cruel revenge.

Darkness of dreams from the Dream Interpretation behind the book

What does the Sword mean?

In every dream, the sword senses discord in a hundred-year-old woman and starts a fight before the party.

Always dream of a sword fight - people are in anticipation of the appearance of a rival, which can make you jealous and cause a fight with your wife.

Darkness of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

Dream about the Sword

Sword – check vinagodi for vikonan robot.

If you wield a sword, you can get comfortable with your colleagues.

Trimati, carry a sword or wave it - you will be awarded special honors.

tse vlada ta sin.

And whoever learns to carry a sword will be given a high position.

Whoever gives her sword to her squad or her squad, holding it from her side, then she is a human child, and if she hands her sword to her guards, then she will be given a daughter.

Sometimes a sword can mean turmoil and war.

The sword that was broken in the arms of the dream is until the death of the child in the mother’s womb, just as only the souls were broken, then the mother will die, but the child will remain intact.

Throw a sword through this gravity, then, waste the power of power.

To dream of a person with a naked sword indicates his lack of importance and passion.

The bitterness and the war of the sword indicate the redness of this ruler, whom it is important to overcome in disputes.

We always cut with a sword everything left-handed and right-handed without any need for it, which means that we say that it’s always and abysically.

A person who always waves a sword and speaks, whose words are always true.

As soon as you pull the sword out of the ground and insert it back, you will be able to achieve good and defend against evil, achieve prosperity, praise and payment.

Darkness of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does it mean to get more Sword?

It symbolizes a very serious conflict that generates great tension and stability.

A rusty or dull sword: a sign that your witch can spare you some strength, so it’s better for you to joke around until reconciliation occurs.

Darkness of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

What does the dream convey? The Sword

Having drawn the sword from the fire, it is great happiness to go on the march.

Holding a sword in your hands, giving injections to other people is a waste.

The woman draws a sword from the fire - the son of the people.

The woman holds a sword in her hands - great happiness and honor.

A sword or a spoon lying near the head means great happiness.

The sword falls near the water - the death of the squad.

Knives and swords fall in the water - foretells the death of the squad.

Dressed in armor and armed with a sword - there is a sense of high recognition

At the blow of a sword there is blood - frequenting of hedgehogs and pets.

For those who were born from grass, red, sticky and sickle

The sword - it hurts like hell.

For those who were born in the spring, autumn, leaf fall, breast

To look at a sword in a dream means to justify yourself to your superiors, as if you were saying: I’ll blame the sword on my head.

Why dream about the sword of a woman and a man

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of various details.

And people’s dreams are filled with specifics and the active dynamics of their development.

The sword on the wall bachiti - advance: be on your guard.

A sword that falls from the walls - you will soon need a lot of courage.

Put your sword in the fire - your soul is precious to the world.

If you take the sword out of the fire, you will soon become aware of strong addictions.

Steal a sword and bring the wrath of another person upon yourself.

To waste the sword - to the point of chaos one feels thoughts and thoughts.

The sword is heavy - you deserve pity.

Take a sword from someone in a dream - the guest is far away.

Accept three swords at once - before promotion.

Increase the price of a dream with a sword in your hands - to a close material gain.

Lying the sword at the corner of the bed means great happiness awaits you.

To take a sword from the pykhov is for a woman a son of the people.

You undergo a ritual of dedication, at the hour of the beginning of the revelation of a mighty warrior who hands you a sword.
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To accept a sword from a person means that a person will come from afar.