Learn English on your own from scratch.


Repair and self-development

In our time, ignorance of the English language is being transformed into a short period of time in life. Luckily, correcting this is not so difficult anymore. Why is it simply necessary to know English?

Nobel laureate Josip Brodsky wrote that until 1917, duplicity was the norm for enlightened Russian people.

Unfortunately, the social cataclysms of the twentieth century led to the fact that until the beginning of the third millennium, only a few people could boast of their knowledge of foreign languages.

Fortunately, awareness of the deep depravity of this practice has nevertheless come, and in

present moment
The number of people, as I would like to say in English, is growing steadily.

Much of this has to do with positive changes in the education system - since English was previously ranked on par with physical education, it is now one of the main subjects in the school curriculum.
All this means that in the near future a large number of fakers will hit the market, as they will not only be young and ambitious, but will miraculously pull off my Shakespeare.

Of course, their resumes will be especially attractive for job sellers.

As a rule, companies offer different formats to take up - you can sell individually (but it will cost more), you can sell in large groups. Another option would be cheaper, and it would be easier for the group to learn skills oral language


On the other hand, if there are more than 5-6 people in the group, you will rarely speak, and it is even more likely that there will be an obvious outsider in the group, through which you will have to spend more than an hour explaining trivial speeches .

Most companies are ready to accommodate your schedule - weekend groups, early-morning groups, and evening parties. How can you learn English language in your home mind? Unrespectful on

great quantity
proposition, the course is not all that far to go.

For whom there is no motivation, for whom there is a price, one would hesitate to bring one’s ignorance of English to the public.

If you are placed in any of these categories, do not be embarrassed.

Apparently, you can learn English on your own.
Of course, this option has minuses, but there are no pluses.

First of all, you see the problem with “English” absolutely

Without any costs, in a different way, you can study according to the most flexible schedule.

It is important to immediately choose a basic way to learn language.

Options here, behind the great rack, are exchanged with a friend or the Internet.

In both cases, it is critically important to find out the information that is most relevant to you.

Bookstores have hundreds of booksellers, there are millions of sites on the Internet, and I think not everything is still English.

This means that not all of these tools and sites are suitable for completing such a complex task. Their aides are very clear, but it’s not always easy to discover them - they also recommended starting language learning with consultation. There are a lot of ways to learn English, and people who write their language professionally can tell you exactly which one will be most suitable for you.

Having logged in the previous way and closed the chart, start working.

At the same time, remember first that foreign language is similar to a kohan maiden, because it does not forgive in the heart.

Now you can relax and become aware of the fact that you will be working on me for just one or two days, as your chances of great success will disappear.

The work may be systematic and goal-directed. You can only reach the mark if you regularly spend 1-2 years in your home. Do you know the time? The traditional tune “What time is it?!” is immediately transferable. Believe me, you have it - just think how much you spend every day aimlessly surfing the Internet.

An excellent way to verify your achievements in practice and immediately seriously improve your vocabulary stock is to read a foreign language.

Here the bookstore and the Internet can come to help again.

At the book store you can get more books in English, and you can often find specially adapted books for people who are just starting to learn or learn English.

In many stores you can also find English newspapers and magazines.

Obviously, when choosing a video, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the world - for example, a football fan will be tempted to read an English article on his favorite topic, and it is likely that he will be forced to read newspaper, please note.

The Internet is an even more bottomless store of materials.

There are, of course, a large number of sites that will provide you with adapted texts for reading - of a wide variety of sizes and varying levels of preparation.

In addition, there are billions of English portals on the Internet, including about your favorite musical group, favorite actor and favorite sports team.

Natyak, I guess, sane!

Learning a new language is important, but not at all important.

Learning any kind of language can be divided into several parts: reading, writing, learning the language by ear and learning the language.

If you want to learn the English language, start with the first crocus below.


    Part 1 Game methods Read, read, read. One of them

    • simple crumbs
    • What you can do to learn English language better, and read more.
    • Read slowly.
  1. This will increase your vocabulary, help you learn grammar and become familiar with slang. Read comics.

    If you don't like reading children's books, read comics. You can buy a lot of comics in English in bookstores or on the Internet, or read them freely online (what they call webcomics). Read books you know. You can also read the book you read before.

    If you already know what is in the book, it will be easier for you to guess and understand the meaning of the words. Read the newspaper.

    Reading newspapers is a great way to learn the basics of language, so that grammar and understanding are easy. You can find online versions of many newspapers in full English, such as the New York Times and The Guardian. Marvel at the films. Or use Skype to practice English.

    You can meet friends by following interests in the evening, or through social networks that learn languages ​​such as Fluentify. Sing songs. Sing another song garniy method

    improve your English.

    This will help you get to know the sounds of English language (we will help you with your language).
    1. Vivchennya pіsen will also help improve your vocabulary. Find a song that suits you, learn it and find out what the words mean. Part 2 Serious business

    2. There are two main ways to take English language courses: Get busy on the Internet.

      You can take a course on the Internet. Some of them cost pennies, and some of them cost no money.

      Courses that cost pennies may be the worst, the least costless, but it won’t be like that ever again! Good butts online programs: Livemocha and Duolingo. Take an initial mortgage.

      You can take a course at the local university or local school. It will cost you pennies, but the teacher’s help will be even better and will help you learn English Swedish, as if you were trying to learn it on your own. Lead a schodennik..

      Try the ANKI program (cards), Memrise (cards and much more) or Forvo (Wimov's companion). Flog the monk's middle. Enclosed in the center of the middle is one of the the shortest way

    vivchiti movu.

    This means that you are required to learn English for at least 3 years a day.

      One day per week will not be enough. The best way is to spend at least 6 years a day listening, writing and speaking English.

      Part 3 What you can and cannot do

      Pour with a small amount of liquid. When you learn new words, you don't need to take on a giant list of vocabulary.

      Read only a few words at a time and don’t sleep until you remember them. Sign all the items in your booth. Label all the objects in your donkey to remember the words. This is to get you into the habit of imagining an image when you learn a word, instead of putting everything in your mind.

      Vikorize the Google image program. Searching for images on Google is an excellent way to read name tags (and other types of words) with foreign language.

Search for new words in the Google Images program, and photographs that appear as a result of the search will help you learn the meaning of the words!

Uniquely select cards with words.

Do not use cards with more than one word (an English word on one side and a translation on the other).

Many people, between a quiet evening at home and a long trip to the course, believe that they will not be able to live without English.

Give yourself reasons to skip classes - create a special schedule.

At Skyeng, depositors work in all time zones, so you can do this in the middle of the night.

Another good thing about online activities is that all materials, texts, videos, dictionaries are collected in one place: in the app or on the website.

And homework is checked automatically right in the world of their home.

2. Get started with your allowance Don't wait an hour for a lesson. Read the language - get right.

You can improve your skills by listening to songs and podcasts or by reading English bloggers. Everyone knows how important it is to watch movies and TV series with English subtitles, but not everyone knows that there are special initial programs for them. Online transfers Skyeng are connected with

one-time addendum on the phone, so that new words can be repeated at any time. For example, what should you install in your browser?

Google Chrome

  • A special extension can be used to read any text in English, and when you hover over a word or phrase, you can immediately read their translation.
  • Those with subtitles for online cinemas.
  • The skin word can be transferred right away and I’ll look at it again.

These words are added to a special dictionary and sent to a mobile app, where they can be repeated and memorized at a later time.

If you firmly decide to learn English on your own, you will definitely face the problem of choosing effective methods, Which one is impersonal.

Which way to choose is up to you. What should we focus on at the time of elections? First of all, to your liking, Volodynia is mine

The teaching of English is based on the Russian language.

Due to the combination of all these factors, the terms will begin to fluctuate a number of times, and the application of the initial material will become easier.

The technique directly reaches the result.

Don’t read the meta program, but read it.

Pimsleur technique

The Pimsleur English method will help you master the audio course "Pimsleur English for Russian Speakers".

Marvel at the article in English about Dr. Pimsler’s method.

The Pimsler method also helps you learn to read correctly. On our website there are all audio lessons of basic American, as well as reading lessons. The Pimsleur method is a single form of foreign language training that includes a unique patented method of memory training. The course consists of thematic dialogues with reporting explanations and translation. Phrases are voiced in native language.

Those who listen to the recording repeat the phrases after the announcer.

Then the upcoming turnover and its value are announced.

Correction of language and grammar is also of great importance as students study in advanced cycles of the course.

This technology is also used to memorize new material without memorization and mechanical repetition. English BERLITZ method of training Another popular method is the BERLITZ method, which uses polyglots for 200 years. It is based on foreign culture behind the border.

Ponad 400

  • local schools
  • BERLITZ can be found all over the world.
  • You can choose either group activities or individual activities.
  • Read the article How to learn English behind the border.
  • This method conveys a clear understanding of the basic principles:
  • You need to learn to speak from the beginning, and then develop your reading and writing skills

Grammar and vocabulary need to be learned during natural learning, in a formal context

Vikladati movu toil including noses

Learning in the process of beginning may take an active part

Real language is not vikoristasya zagali, switches off from the beginning

I understand that the translation is also disabled

  • Rosetta Stone
  • Method of transferring the English Rosetta Stone One of the best known methods is Rosetta Stone - a manual program for those who are planning to emigrate.
  • Learn a movie from scratch.

Koristuvach goes through the same path as with the native language: words and images, language, grammar and syntax.

The level of complexity increases step by step.

Lex program!

- This is a unique way to improve your vocabulary.

Sitting at the computer, the student memorizes words, phrases, phrases that appear periodically on the screen.

It is possible to add and add vocabulary, edit it, change the intensity level and set the clock parameters. Take care of the peculiarities of human memory, respect and respect. The correspondent can install and separately adjust different modes of translation: direct, reverse, written translation, and even a double-crossing.

  • The study independently determines the number of correct translations, which is an indicator of the fact that the word has been translated. Lex!— is accompanied by a reporting agent who can quickly find out the ingredients for all meals.
  • Muller method

Stanislav Müller's method is based on the harmonious interaction of the known and the conscious mind.

To advance the memory and memory, stop

new developments

Russian and advanced science - superiority and holographic memory:

Superiority - helps to master any skills as many times as possible.

manager is approaching and gaining momentum in sales slip.

The crook looked at the slip and said, “This is a little more than I intended to spend.

Can you show me something less expensive?”

The sense of the unadapted text lies in the fact that the one who reads, let him have a short hour of “drinking without a meal.” After reading the non-adapted paragraph, you can move on to the advanced adapted one.

There is no need to turn around and repeat.

  • Just follow the next text.
  • Gunnemark's technique
  • You can try Erik Gunnemark's method.
  • The Swedish polyglot recommends starting to learn an active minimum of words and grammar rules.
  • Why do you need to create a list of “word stamps” for which you need to remember your thoughts?
  • Gunnemark named the collections “Minilex”, “Minifraz” and “Minigram”.
  • All material is illustrated and narrated.

The course is recommended for beginners. Gunnemark Nechtuvati's technique is not good with these “mini-assemblies”, but they also provide guidance on what you need to focus on from the very beginning. Expanding yourself with a “mini-repertoire” will bring joy to yourself.

The lists that are included before the collection process are made in such a way that the most necessary students can study on their own.

Even if you have well-learned material and basic knowledge under your belt, you inevitably begin to feel more at home in any situation.

For Gunnemark, everything is ordered according to the following principles: 4,29 Particulars of respect are “central words”, those are the words that most often “fly from language”

In the last hour of his career advancement and continuation of his studies there, the development of English independence became popular.
Of course, for the rich there is food - where to find a good self-teacher of English language, audio lessons and other materials that can effectively help you master a foreign language in a short period of time.

It’s good to say that learning English on your own is a long process, but everything is in your hands and you can make this process fun, which will bring you satisfaction and keep you busy.

So, you decided not to hire a tutor, not to pay a pittance for courses or self-teaching books, but to turn to the cost-free English tuition for additional online lessons. I would like to say that most people are unable to achieve any positive results and, naturally, they simply give up. Stereotypes - the axis that matters in English These are the warehouses where most of the people who decide to pass well

  • independent vaccination
  • English language at home
  • And I’d like to share a little bit of my knowledge:
  • Most of them sing that learning on your own whether a foreign language is even more complex;

a lot of people learn language, but do not achieve tangible results;
Most people reach a high level of knowledge, let's say, expanded, but they are in the process of getting started;

many people think that it is simply not possible to teach a friend a language;

Do you want to learn English language online?
Fill out your books and lessons later. From the very beginning you need to take note of the important aspects of your training technique.:

  • It is your own responsibility to become a depositor.
  • Golovna - put the grammar in “Kamchatka”, you won’t need it if you just want to keep up with the language, listen to radio and TV shows, especially if you are not going to put in an international trial to get a certificate.
  • It’s not a big deal - no matter what method you tried, having mastered the course of learning at home, it’s important to take your positive attitude in time, and thus the positive result will not be stifled. Ozhe, 3 main principles independent learning of English from scratch

motivation - you yourself have a strong desire to learn a foreign language;

the right method - try a number of learning methods and choose the optimal one for yourself;

the process of getting started - figuring out why you need knowledge of English - for