Vimiryuvannya to the brand. Ekhe-Nikiforov’s law about the vimir of the strength of the brand. Vikorist monitoring social networks

The British legacy company Millward Brown has completely changed the ideology of its branding methodology Brand Dynamics. Work on modifying the technique began in 2011, the first public clues about it appeared close to fate, but now we can only talk about those that the technique has taken its place in the Millward Brown arsenal in a new form. What's new in the method as a result of so many fates?

Different people - different life

First of all, the need for innovation is due to the fact that the world has gained a lot of new things since the launch of the Brand Dynamics methodology in 1996. Too much to allow yourself to lose the unchangeable. Every 10-15 years, a new generation will come to the world. Sociologists give them different names – Generation X, Y and Z, Baby Boomers and Young Adults, Millennium and Thumb Generations, etc. etc. The point is not in the names, but in the fact that people come to the world with different psychotypes, different names and different – ​​as we are talking about brandy – resilient behavior.

Rapidly new technologies add oil to the vogon. The advent of the Internet has changed the importance of brands, their choice and the shopping process itself. In addition, buyers themselves are beginning to behave differently, adapting to the marketing tools of manufacturers and retailers. There is only one butt that lies on the surface: in 2007, when the Internet was already dissolved, Google searched for “buy online”, finding 70.6 thousand. By sending the Russian language, then last year 2013 they were an order of magnitude larger – 579 thousand. Sellers are catching the growing interest in online trading by creating new resources and developing new ones. In the minds of the changing middle class, the method of branding may also change.

However, these postulates must be deprived of the immutable, “invariant”, as mathematicians would say, in order to ensure the ability to access archives and save the offensive. Researchers from Millward Brown, starting to work with modifications of the methodology, have seen a number of principles that remain relevant “in all modern times.”

  1. The parameters for assessing the value of a brand may be directly related to financial flows.
  2. It is necessary to cover all channels through which the brand generates value from end-users.
  3. It is necessary to ensure that these officials accept the decisions of their colleagues, the importance of which is indicated by neurology.
  4. 4. The research should be simple, practical-oriented and useful for the respondents themselves.
  5. 5. The technique can provide marketers with the knowledge of how to ensure positive dynamics of growing brand value in the future.

In the world of brands, the interpretation of the results is unknown, and the essence of any similar methodology has not changed with Brand Dynamics. Schematically it looks like this method.

Consistency of days and hours of work on the updated methodologyBrandDynamics

Dzherelo: Millward Brown ARMI-Marketing

Initially, the interviews of respondents indicate low empirical parameters, which show various aspects of a person’s commitment to following a brand. Then, empirical data is collected from three clusters (Meaningful, Different, Salient), each of which characterizes another aspect of relationship with the brand (more information about them below). It is clear that the skin of the clusters has a folded structure, which includes empirical parameters from different cells. In total, three clusters indicate the level of “predisposition” of the brand.

Thus, part of the investigation is dedicated to the relationship between the employee and the brand. However, the “grossiness” of buyers can greatly influence the business parameters of the brand. In order to clearly characterize the various aspects of this influx, the researchers saw three indicators from the collected experimental data - Power, Premium and Potential. Overlaying the data on external market factors related to the brand (competition and marketing activities directly in local sales, government regulators and much more) results in the final assessment of the brand. Let us repeat, the scheme is more secretive. Now there are some details.

Different life - different understanding

The main benefits of the modified technique lie in the reduced number of parameters that are measured and in the changes in the names of the parameters. The internal changes are far more profound: the very paradigm of the methodology has changed. Explaining the essence of innovations, the followers from Millward Brown begin to understand from the basics.

It is clear that there is an impersonal meaning of such an entity, such as, for example, a “brand”. Moreover, there is no “most correct” meaning, just the “most relevant” information that is being looked at. How will this happen? Millward Brown, as part of its brand methodology, intends to collect associations (ideas, guesses and perceptions) from people’s knowledge.

Further, following the logic of the five basic principles of the created methodology, there are two main ways in which a brand can contribute to the financial results of the Vlasnik company: through an increase in sales ratio or through a reduction in price premiums.

The concept of “brand value” or “brand equity” can be considered as a commercial asset, the value of which influences both the buyer’s ability to choose a brand and the willingness of people to pay for this brand more than anything else. ", and at the future.

Working on modifying their methodology, Millward Brown analysts analyzed the database accumulated over the years of working on the Brand Dynamics methodology to identify the signatures of successful brands. Axis signs:

  1. Residents feel their “affinity” with the brand, its relevance to the lifestyle of their residents.
  2. Residents respect that the brand has thoroughly satisfied their needs.
  3. Brandies look unique among their kind.
  4. Brands are dynamic, they develop in line with current trends in their categories.
  5. These brandies will be the first to guess (top of mind) when it comes to their categories.

These very signs formed the basis of the methodology, and they themselves die out during the training of respondents. The completed questionnaire makes it possible to see three basic parameters (presumably, before there were five such parameters), which indicate various aspects of the respondent’s preference for the brand:

Significance(Meaningful). This parameter, which dominates the parameters, is listed above under paragraph. 1 and 2 – relevance and satisfaction of consumer needs. Thus, this parameter characterizes the size of the territory on which brand will have an emotional and functional connection with its residents.

Vіdmіnnіst(Different). The main warehouse parameters are uniqueness and dynamism, consistency with brand trends (points 3 and 4 in the repertoire).

Notability(Salient). This is the parameter that is best described by the term top-of-mind: those that we can predict. In a relationship with brands, this can mean that when you are planning to buy, for example, shampoo, people first think about brand X in everything. Vlasne, the parameter itself for brand X can be seen by many of its users in relation to the entire audience of supplementary shampoos. “Remarkability” is akin to the good old “brand awareness”. What is important is not only what people know about the brand, but what they see among others.

Through two efforts, Millward Brown tracked the relevance of new parameters to current market minds. This was confirmed as a result of an analysis of empirical data from 350 brands in both the packaged product (CPG) and non-CPG categories in several countries around the world.

Features of the worlds

However, it is not enough to formulate new concepts; you also need to learn to understand them. It was necessary to change the metrics on the formula of nutrition in the questionnaires, but if so, then what?

Initially, Millward Brown's experience is positive. On average, assessing five key metrics requires approximately three hours of interviews. However, achieving such results was not easy - I had to change the formula of the questionnaire.

The investigators explain: “If we consider such a parameter as Salient, then we can understand to what extent it is possible for people who are making purchase decisions to actually think about the brand. Previously, because we wanted to gain “knowledge of the brand without prompting,” we put information about all brand brands in the category that fell on the respondent’s mind. This shows how easy it is for people to guess which brand is different, especially when they analyze the order in which brandies are named. However, as is indicated in pre-slednytsky stakes, a vicarious category name can ruin the respondent’s train of thought at the time of purchase.”

Thus, a new approach to the development of the parameter “Brand Visibility” (Salient) was proposed, which can be called Visibility, “based on demand” (in English it sounds much more beautiful - meet needs). Millward Brown reports that this approach is 30% more accurate than the traditional world of “knowing without a clue” to predict market share for a brand.

The axle butt of how to install the power supply for each brand of propeller machine:

Innovations in the formulation of nutrition questionnaires

Traditional food: information about the brand: New approaches: the introduction of significant activities:
Do you know what brands of washing machines you have ever used?

Think about what you value when choosing washing machines. Name three criteria that are the main ones for you.

When you think about [CLEAR RESPONDENT'S VIEW FOR FRONT POWER], what brand of lifting machines will you remember first? Feed trichy.

Write down all the riddles. Start the analysis of the vikoryst brand, guessing first (top-of-mind) without prompting Write down the riddle for a skin lesion. Include in the analysis a portion of the skin of the guessed brand for a number of riddles.

Acquiring new clients is one of the main goals of marketers. It is possible to achieve greater brand awareness among the target audience through social media, external advertising and other methods, as marketers say, “create brand awareness.”

Regardless of the obvious importance for business, brand recognition is like a black screen for rich marketers. Everyone knows that the stench of the culprits can be done to increase it, but few people succeed in their methods.

So, how exactly is the success of a brand assessed? Below I will tell you about effective methods of extinction and give the flowers good luck.

1. Vikorist monitoring social networks

Social media is one of the most important pieces of information when it comes to global brand awareness. Monitoring allows you to monitor discussions about your brand on social media and evaluate the thoughts of clients. For example, you can use the following displays:

Riddles about the brand

Clients often search for brand names to identify them with contacts, so monitoring conversations can provide you with valuable information. For example, you can use it for a positive connection and an objective understanding of the note.

Use special tools like Google Alerts or Mention to identify brand clues with specific keywords and phrases across all your social media channels.

In addition, do not limit your analysis with a direct clue to the name of your brand. Reduce potential spelling powders, as well as actions from the finest products.

Survival of the audience

You publish information on social media for your brand, but how many times do people share it? To analyze how your content is trending on social media, you can use tools like Sharedcount, which tracks URLs, hits, contacts, etc.

2. Vickory Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an ideal tool for increasing brand awareness, as it measures traffic, identifies customer demographics and shows how much your audience is reached.

What are the main traffic channels on your site?

Let's assume that you already have a Google Analytics cloud record (or create one). Go to it and press “Zbir”. Then find and click “All traffic” and “Channels”. The platform generates data about those stars that go to your website so that you can analyze the results.

You can view the main traffic channels in the image shown:

  1. organic joke;
  2. Come straight in;
  3. Referral;
  4. Social:
  5. advertising;
  6. Electronic mail.

What do all these channels mean? First of all, the term “organic search” is used when someone searches for something on Google, your site appears in search results, and people click on your message. Direct visits include various types of traffic, such as mobile apps and browser bookmarks.

By looking at the data and statistics on the skin of these channels, you can increase the visibility of the brand. In this way, you will identify the most successful areas, as well as areas in which there is potential for increased effectiveness.

Do not delete your Google Analytics account record. Now we use it to identify the main traffic routes. To do this, you need to press Save again, and then go to All traffic. There you will find “Dzherela” and go on. This page allows you to achieve success by increasing brand awareness, unlocking resources that give the best results.

For example, the above image shows a social media awareness campaign, with Twitter and LinkedIn being the two main traffic drivers.

For most selections, the list of items is intended to contain over 10 items. This provides you with valuable information; For example, since Dzherel’s actions quickly reach the top of the list, you are to blame for possible reasons. Perhaps the effect of some of the new tactics you were experimenting with? In any case, you must regularly analyze the device (once a week will be ideal) and monitor its work.

Consider the demographics of the koristuvachs

Knowing and understanding the target audience, undoubtedly, may be the most likely to achieve the goals of the sphere. Google Analytics will also help you track your clients, which is quickly possible.

Click "Audience" in the right-hand menu, and then go to "Demographics." Which section contains information that characterizes your guides, including age, lifestyle, way of life and interests.

For example, in the above image you can see data about the century and field collected by Google Analytics. Evil's chart shows that between 35 and 44 years of traffic flows, the largest group of traffic flows from as many as 30 hundreds. This data allows you to evaluate your marketing strategy, and will show that your efforts to reach this group are effective.

The right-handed graph shows data that suggests forgeries. 70 hundred workers are men, and 30 hundred women are women. The benefits obviously depend on the nature of the business you work for.

Input of keywords in traffic

All that remains is that we will work in Google Analytics at this stage. Keywords are another important aspect of brand awareness analysis, which is why they are used to search for your business on the Internet. Now, click “Feedback” again and go to “Search Console” (this may be connected to Google Analytics).

There you will find a list of keywords that drive traffic to the site. Their skins are organically linked to your business. In addition, you can use this information to customize your sounding strategy.

A leather brand that respects itself is guilty of trading in excess of power values. The Blake Project's system, called BrandInsistence, identifies five characteristics that influence the choice of brand by consumers: recognition, superiority over competitors, value, accessibility and emotional connections.

Let's take a look at their report.

1. Recognition

Recognition is the basis of a strong brand. This is necessary for implementation in all other directions. Recognition is inextricably linked with merit and the assessment of brilliance.

Opening up about awareness and further contacts with the brand is one of the most effective techniques for increasing brand awareness. Also, for this purpose, you can focus on the benefits that customers expect, and put a lot of information about the brand.

2. Visibility from competitors

Most models of brand value are based on the importance of the brand over competitors, and the BrandInsistence model is not to blame.

Conduct a trail assessment based on product categories and customer needs. For this purpose, the value of up to 24 values ​​for companions is carried out. Smells can be functional, emotional, informative, or those that promote self-expression.

Then you can evaluate the contribution to the brand at 24 benefits. For this purpose, a diagram is created that demonstrates the importance of the benefits and contributions to the implementation of the brand.

This same card will need to be used to recruit three important competitors in order to determine the possibility of further development and threat.

3. Value

Several models exist in this show. The indicator of value has a number and a sign. The number consists of a link between benefits and their implementation by the brand. The signatory will insure financial, hourly and other expenses for these benefits. The value is determined based on the relationship between these two indicators.

In this case, it is possible to determine both the value of the brand that is perceived and the value of the brand that is perceived.

4. Availability

Availability is especially important for local brands (retail, restaurants, etc.), and there may also be a significant influx in other categories.

Availability is important when a consumer chooses between a brand that is less accessible and another that is more affordable. Since the accessibility officer plays an important role, he chooses another option.

5. Emotional connection

Regardless of what we respect on rational grounds, our decisions are often influenced by emotions. This is true not only for established brands, but also for B2B brands. You can evaluate the emotional connection at.

The characteristics of the brand are listed in this way. The ability to allow fellow employees to accept the brand with respect. Its visibility over competitors and its value may be reduced. Availability will be provided prior to making your purchase. Emotional connection will ensure loyalty and commitment., perhaps, is the best butt for the brand, which is the best way to do everything right. It conveys a genuine commercial evidence and combines all five elements: recognition, competitiveness, value, accessibility and emotional connections.

Butt axis:

Given the global value, the brand showed the best results in all 5 categories. It’s not surprising that it ranks tenth (with 37.9 billion dollars) in the Interbrand 2015 ranking of lighting brands.

Whatever the size, the speech, the show, and the way it seems, you can die out. Brand development is underway to identify attracted potential, analyze low numbers, with the help of which it is possible to generate statistical findings about the current and possible further activities of the enterprise, compare them with competitors and value take up camp above the market.

Based on the world-famous methodology for assessing the value of the brand, Interbrand Corp.”s, when distributing high-cost light brands, insures the absence of warehouses:

  • - The brand’s value may exceed $1 billion.
  • - In this case, 1/3 of the income may come from other countries, and not from the region of the producer.
  • - Also available marketing and financial data about the company’s activities may be revealed.

It is also calculated how much the brand is able to earn in the future, then the forecasted income is discounted to the present value, relying on the fact that these expenses will still be cancelled. Next, it is calculated which portion of the company’s income is accounted for by the brand itself. Based on the opinions of analysts, you can insure your brand's security by 5 years. This includes operating expenses, taxes and expenses on capital borrowed from intangible assets. The company is interested in the ownership of intangible assets, such as patents, licenses, and customer satisfaction, in order to secure some of these assets that need to be part of the brand. In this regard, the strength of the brand will be insured in order to ensure that the forecasts are achieved in the warehouse. This parameter includes market leadership, stability and respect for globality - the ability to cross geographical and cultural borders. This forms the discount rate, which is adjusted until the Brand is found in order to reduce the net profit value. And the data obtained on the basis of such analysis is as close as possible and most accurately reflects the real economic value of the brand.

Brand as an organization management tool

Well, we have already understood that the main and main meanings of the Brand are born from the beginning of the path, from the inception of ideas, developing and following the intended path, until the mission, as always, remains the same engine trade. A brand, which has already established its presence in the market, helps the company to develop further, is most often destroyed in such a way that the company no longer works for its own name, but the company sells for the company, the product sells to itself, and the Brand itself one of the management tools organization.

Identity and identity: trademark, trade mark, brand

In our current world, there are a lot of different terms and it is clear that they are often similar one on one, which may differ or sometimes be supplemented, which sometimes appear to be not at all necessary or, perhaps, hide the occupant. In life, we have already come up with a lot of types of types that still look for their food, and so that this does not happen, even within the framework of this work, let’s try to differentiate and clearly understand such terms as: Trademark, Trademark, Brand.

“We name speeches not so much to accurately describe them as to capture the essence.”

  • - A trademark is a strictly legal term that means an object of intellectual power that protects the name and other attributes of a product (firm, service, idea) from competitors.
  • - A trademark is itself a product or service that satisfies both physical and emotional needs, which facilitates the procedure for choosing among substitute products.
  • - Brand - as such, from the point of view of Russian legislation, the concept of “Brand”, as well as a trademark (which is essentially the same thing) does not exist, but this term has provided a lot of information on why rich companies can achieve success by incorporating such and yakosti yak success, brightness, self-expression, capital and achievement of the rich.

Brand specificity

Examples of a successful Brand can be the names of rich companies: Coca-Cola, Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Disney, Toyota and others, among which there can be familiar nicknames or the names of the founders of the company, people who themselves are living legends, among whom 'I'm in front of everyone and cries out for trust, embarrassment, and outright hostility. The power of specialness is often so great that sometimes the public exposure of a company’s maker successfully tempts people to reconsider their thoughts. The name of the company by its authoritative names or nicknames: Vinogradov, McDonald's, Toyota - these are one of the ways to manage an organization, and it is a huge recognition. to go wild, - this screams the praise of the trust.

Inspiration for the brand

Another way to penetrate the market, take a leading position, make a name for yourself and gain the respect of people is to inspire the brand if the symbol of the company becomes a character, or a hero who exemplifies goodness, or perhaps a twist that embodies the essence. the income of people, through those who are rich Various associations arise, guess what, the mood is simply rising. A brand - a character can find its name on the screen, in a film or animation, or in any animal or as a symbol that speaks for itself: Tiger, Lion, Jaguar or Koshenya.

You can develop your brand, make it stand out, be popular and well-known, by creating a unique design that will immediately fall in line with what you have always seen among similar products and services. The original packaging or the written name will be lost in people's memory, knowing that it is too early to gain respect for your products and buy them among other brands.

These are many other applications for obtaining customers, the uniqueness and individuality of the company are indispensable tools for managing an organization, starting from the head and ending with the back. tidyers with a company label on the form. How the company presents itself, how well it will recommend itself to the market, how it positions itself, and under what names the buyers already know, their name, the Brand, a lot of what it means directly and how to proceed and activities.

The same terminology that is used to describe a person can also be used to describe the personality of a brand. Zokrema, the brand can be characterized by additional demographic characteristics (age, age, senior class, race), way of life (activity, interests, thoughts) or personality traits (extrovertedness, stubbornness, reliability).

The recent investigation was broken down and tested Brand Personality Scale (BPS), which includes a compact set of characteristics intended both for brand identity and structure of brand personality. It's time to unravel BPS Bulo received over 1 thousand. American respondents reviewed 60 leading brands based on clearly defined individuality and 114 individual brand characteristics. Five characteristics of individuality (dubbed the “Great Five”), such as generosity, arousal, competence, sophistication and masculinity, were named by respondents when the sample they represented was divided into categories. and subgroups of brands were victorious. With the help of the “Great Five”, almost all (93%) differences that can be seen between brands were explained.

Table 5-1 confirms that the Big Five does a good job of describing the individual characteristics of many strong brands. For example, Campbell, Hallmarkі Kodak highly rated for its “broadness”, a Levi's, Marlboroі Nike- behind the “masculinity” display. However, like a person, a brand can have a complex combination of characteristics that vary within the framework of the “Great Five”. Levi's, For example, there are obviously high ratings (in the top 20% of highly rated follow-on brands) for the power of “brightness”, “vigor” and “competence”, while at the same time respecting the rating brand for the power of “courage”. McDonald's authorities are highly rated

Table 5-1. Brand Personality Scale (BPS):

"Great Five". The power of brand personality

Risks of power and personality of brands

and their descriptive names (symbols)

Widerness(Campbell's, Hallmark, Kodak)

  • Touchdowns: The orientations of this family, which in a small town, most importantly, correspond to the “blue merchants”, are American “one hundred percent.”
  • Chesny: direct, straightforward, moral, respectful, dignified.
  • Blessed: timely, generous, ageless, classic, old-fashioned.
  • ? Hello: sensitive, friendly, warm-hearted, happy.

Ruined(Porsche, Absolut, Benetton)

  • Smiley; fashionable, restless, eccentric, ostentatious, boastful.
  • Energy: cold-blooded, young, soft-spoken, friendly, hospitable.
  • Gifted with rich gifts; unique, funny, never ceases to be amazing, artistic, lovingly hot.
  • ? Suchasny: independent, keeping up with the times, innovative, aggressive.

Competence (Anwx, CNN, IBM)

  • Nadiyny: practical, instills humility, skill, meritorious, respectful.
  • Reasonable: technically literate, in control of his work, serious.
  • Lucky: leading, singing, singing.

Vishukanist(Lexus, Mercedes, Revlon)

  • What is due to a great spouse: privablivy, privablivy, pretentious, sophisticated.
  • Charivny: feminine, insinuating, sexy, lazy.

Masculinity(Levis, Marlboro, Nike)

  • Willful: male, who worships the Wild Sunset, active, athletic.
  • Steady: firm, strong, calm.

“broadness” and “competence”. Hallmark, It is likely that the great spread of vital leaflets not only receives a very high rating for “broadness”, but also one of the highest ratings for the authorities of “vigilance” and “competence”.

The skin power of the “Great Five” is divided into parts of the rice in order to see the particularities and provide the mind for describing the place and structure. Fifteen characteristics recorded in the table. 5-1, assigned descriptive names (signs). Thus, the power of “broadness” is divided into such terms as “down-to-earth”, “honest”, “benign” and “welcoming”, and “awakening” combines the characteristics of “smiling”, “energetic”, “gifted with richness”, “everyday” . In this case, rice songs are associated with other brands. So, Benetton is highly rated for the parameters “current” and “smiling”, as well as Absolute is highly valued for the characteristics of “everyday” and “gifting with richness.”

The presence of fifteen figures conveys a strategic choice. For example, a brand that has a high rating for the characteristic “brightness” can be based on such a characteristic as “welcoming” (with the signs “sensitive”, “friendly” and “heartfelt”), instead of choosing the parameter “honest” (with the signs “ direct”, “non-detailed” and “moral”). Or a brand that is highly rated for its power of “competence” can be seen as the parameter “reasonable” (with the signs of “technically literate”, “who controls its own work” and “serious”), in the larger world, less than “lucky” (with the signs of “leading” , “singing” and “plivovy”). In the case of skin problems, the need to personalize the brand and this strategy will continue to change.

The brand personality scale also allows you to measure the level of positive and negative ratings for a skin brand within a given product category. Of great interest was the fact that signs of individuality significantly lay down to the brands of respondents, as they changed from one brand to another. Such power, such as “awakening” and “competence”, is absolutely Appleі American Express looked at as positive. Masculinity was a positive rice for Levi's and negative - for McDonald's. Respondents who respected Mercedesі Porsche“Vishukanimi” certainly felt positive feelings about these brands. In general, the personality traits that were primarily associated with positive sentiments among respondents were mainly associated with such powers as “broadness” (for example, “relevant”, “non-detailed”, “original”) and " competence" (for example, "reliable", "leading").

The potentiality of this “broadness” can often shed light on those in which branding activities have acquired the new sign of “unfragmentedness” and “reliability” as the main warehouse identity of the brand. Company Chevrolet expanded the advertising theme “Spravzhny Chevrolet", If this investigation revealed a positive approach to the brand, based on the historical past Chevrolet 950s and 1960s. . Bottom mark bilizny Jockey position as “Spravzhniy” Jockey, in order to pay respect to its rich traditions and help it fight against competitors who act under private brands. Before other applications, there is a “uniform and unique” model of bras. Wonderbra view Sara Lee Foundations that “spravzhni” virobi Authentics firms Dockers. One of the motives behind the creation of the “true” sign is to avoid the loss of the brand and gain lost trust and emotional ties that are supported by its historical past. In general, “broadness” is often used by brands with long, rich traditions, which can be traced back to Kodakі Coke.

“Wrecked” is another aspect of individuality that is being promoted in product categories such as cars, sports equipment, cosmetics and coffee. The fact that kava Folgers characterized as “bouncy” and “fancy”, and kava Maxwell House without expression, weak individuality, recalling the beginnings of the 1990s. until a significant change in obligations to sell for bark Folgers.

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