Here are some facts about sushi (24 photos). Please give us some facts about sushi and rolls Roles facts

Everyone loves sushi. Well, that's all. But it all comes down to choosing between “Philadelphia” and “California”, classics or “bakery”. And the world is cosmically rich in all sorts of facts, the knowledge of which allows us to reveal clear and savory roles. We have great respect for the most important aspects that will help you make the right choice.

Our experts in this matter are the insurance companies

Tell me what kind of rice, and I’ll tell you what kind of sushi...

Rice is the basis of the basics, without which you can’t do a joden roll. The base, which signifies the sweetness and relish of all items on the company menu. Despite the visual similarity of the varieties, not all rice is suitable for Japanese cuisine. Good rice for sushi - from grain to grain: however, according to the shape, color, so that it is not fluffy and without any foreign smell. Varieties of rice for Japanese cuisine are mixed with gluten, so they come out thick and do not crumble. Is this the best rice for sushi? Shvidshe for everything, twist the roles you have. Petrozavodsk has a lot of companies that produce Krasnodar rice for making sushi. Food is typical of such virobs with claims of yakness, as well as in fairness to the companion. Wait, it’s quite expensive to buy the original rice under the “Japanese” look – it’s quite expensive to spend in kilograms, but you don’t lose any satisfaction with it. Please pay attention, the company specifies the type of rice. For example, Sushi Premium uses American rice of the Calrose variety so that the fresh appearance and savory taste of the rolls are equal.

Since the sweetness of the power of Krasnodar rice cannot be absorbed by the most kind sushi chef, then it is possible to reveal the fullness of the taste of professional rice by maintaining the correct cooking technology. It’s a simple procedure to recognize your own nuances. In the first place, rinse the rice with water. Although you don’t wash it all, you want to wash it only once. Sushi Premium has a rule - rinse rice at least 4 times. Cook in professional rice cookers. An important point - in most companies, the rice does not “finish” in a plastic bowl. Once the rice has opened and become edible, Sushi Premium cooks transfer it to a special wooden bowl - hangiri, which collects the moisture.

Rich and plain rice in “Philadelphia Syak” from Sushi Premium and “standard” “Philadelphia” together with the company of the place.

Without asking, you won’t pick up a red fish for your bet

All of us are lovers of red fish. And more specifically, which one? Salmon, trout, chum salmon... There are a lot of options, and we, behind the scenes or out of ignorance, are endowed with any fish of this family with the shortest yaks, the most powerful representatives. For example, Atlantic salmon. So, in a warehouse they say “chervona fish”, but we read: “salmon”. The substitution allows companies to save money and get more cheaper fish for the trip.

Salmon, which languishes in the cold waters of the Atlantic, is the finest raw material for dry land. The famous Norwegian salmon has been popularized by all sorts of companies. After the introduction of sanctions, many people switched to more accessible raw materials from Murmansk or Chile. In this case, there is a clear replacement for the “forbidden” - salmon from the Faroe Islands, however, they are not satisfied with the road.

How to differentiate yellow salmon from its analogue? Be amazed at the pieces of fish: the smell is brilliant, uniform in color and texture, not torn, not greasy and without a pungent fishy smell. Or just marvel at the “Philadelphia Syake” from Sushi Premium - it contains Farero salmon!

Salmon cut, “Philadelphia” one: evil - “Philadelphia this” from Sushi Premium, right-handed - “standard” “Philadelphia” from one place company.

Baked roles: on the right in the capelus, or more precisely, in the cap

First things first, let’s figure out what’s baking anyway? If the fragments of a professional grill heat up in the oven, then not the entire roll, but only the cap is baked. This explains the construction of all proper “baked goods”: rice, cheese, ham or avocado are rolled into a roll, and the filling is placed on the top, mixed with sauce. Only this preparation technology guarantees thermal processing of all required ingredients. For the panteliki, make pseudo-baked rolls, the top of which is folded only with mayonnaise or sauce, and all the ingredients are placed in the middle. Such an approach to the rules can be expensive - a lot of products, such as sea bass, cannot be safely stored in the raw, and the middle of the fish is not cooked through.

A large cap with filling in a baked role from Sushi Premium and a mayonnaise cap in a standard role in one place (to equalize the role with the same filling).

What kind of sire is it in rolls?

Many people love roles with great sire, this ingredient has its own secrets. The main products for the production of fresh cream cheese are cheese and milk. Extract and doubles are a top product made from vegetable fats based on powder sumishes. To understand the difference between taste and flavor, simply mix live and ultra-pasteurized milk over a period of several months. And unnatural cheese is not at all the same, retaining its ideal shape, it has a plastic smell, and sometimes it can become bitter.

To create a cheese cap, do not always take the cheese in its pure form; you can also mix the cheese with mayonnaise or completely replace it with cheese sauce. A less-than-respectful client is unlikely to understand.

If you want to pay attention to the savory notes, you can now taste the bitter cheese as an imitation, listen to yourself and savor the leather notes, smelling the ingredients and the whole palette of relish. Zvichka herself in this manner once and again sees the need to define roles randomly.

Well, according to tradition, go by the names of the products. Tim, who works with clear ingredients, gets nothing. In the rolls from Sushi Premium you will find topped Cremette cheese and solid Mozzarella cheese.

Roll “Bottom Crab” with baked toppings of Mozzarella cheese and “Korolivsky” roll with bottom topping Cremette cheese from the Sushi Premium company.

Ginger: red, yellow, black - choose yours!

All the ginger that is produced in the industry is prepared. Both horny and white. White ginger, due to lack of information or specifically, many companies claim to be natural, or even prefabricated. It’s not good to be afraid of barnacles - the stench is natural, for example, beetroot. Colors are added to add appetizing and aesthetics, as freshly chopped ginger root is evocative. Look, you can prepare it in any color. The nutrition of formed characters and stereotypes in companies and employees.

Soy sauce: boil or dilute with water?

All companies prepare soy sauce from concentrate. There are two nuances here: the company that produces the cheese and the method of preparation. Kikkoman soy sauce is considered to be one of the best, as well as other, cheaper analogues on the market that compete for relish. Since the company doesn’t want to bother, the concentrate is simply diluted with water or mixed with raw water. There is another way to prepare the sauce. The Sushi Premium company boils soy sauce based on Kikkoman with the addition of apple, lemon and bonito tuna flakes. Whose secret is the rich and richly savory sauce, which is poured into bowls before serving to customers.

Soy sauce in hand for the client dances from Sushi Premium and standard packaging of soy sauce in one place.

The secret to success is in the team

Regardless of the popularity of sushi, in the Petrozavodsk region there are few cooks who not only play professional roles, but also understand the ingredients, warehouses and rules for purchasing products. They are richly dry - self-taught, they began to play roles on the smoothness, without respect to the bitterness and deep entanglement in Asian Japanese cuisine. There are cooks who insist that they cook the rice properly and do not crush it. As a result, the dryness of the dryer suffers, and flavors are created and replicated to add both flavor and safety to the product. You can come up with a great project with complex recipes, but if the team doesn’t get it right, it’s not a recipe for failure. And in Sushi Premium it is even more complex - here there is a high level of modern-looking sushi, a lot of additional embellishments, jewelry work on the workpieces: for example, there is not a single company that cuts the skin from the skin. It’s fair to say that the sushi chef here starts from the position of a trainee, absorbs values, memorizes rules and recipes that were not learned in other companies, and tries to play round roles. For those who work at Sushi Premium, what else will they have to do: where else will they be able to prepare premium-quality products, work conscientiously, not deceive their colleagues, by replacing natural ingredients with analogues? Over the course of an hour of work forming the backbone of professionals, and at the same time with the growth of the company, the need for strong cooks is growing.

This is what the sushi robot of the Sushi Premium company looks like.

I sell and sell, I give it for no cost!

The price is significant. It’s no secret that, like any other product, dry food is subject to a simple rule: the quality is proportional to the richness and naturalness of the product. Miracles do not happen, and it is expected that the most popular company will not be able to sell a clear product at the price of Krasnodar rice. You have to walk either along the path of total cheapening, demonstrating the attractively low price and high-volume juiciness, or, at the same time, purchasing the right products and preparing delicious sushi, no matter what, with a higher degree of consistency. Here we can include a lot of marketing techniques from the “two for the price of one” series, as well as great discounts and generous promotions. All these “costless distributions” are an indication of the real availability of land in a particular place. A natural product will not be treated like this. Of course, leather goods have their own buyer, but the rules must be followed: treat yourself to fresh sushi, and never eat kilos of rice and mayonnaise.

Fashion for sushi came to us from great places. At the same time, the trend towards choosing the richness of natural and sweet products is gaining more and more popularity, and this is also the case in Japanese cuisine. Sushi lovers have become fed up with low-quality goods and want to choose companies that focus on taste. In fact, Sushi Premium has collected a large number of handbags over the five months of its work. And now a new menu appeared. Here he recalls the new tastes of childhood: citrus fruits, sauerkraut under a fur coat... Where did the sushi come from? Hurry up and try it!

Over the past 20 years, sushi has become so popular in the world that people who live far beyond Asia call it their favorite dish. Below we present to you, with respect, a number of facts about sushi, many of which are unknown to guide the true masters of Japanese cuisine.

Persha riddle

According to the Oxford Dictionary of English Language, the greatest mystery about dry English language can be found in 1893 in a book entitled “The Japanese Interior.” Tim is no less, there are sporadic messages on land and in other English countries that date back to 1873.

Homeland of sushi

Following the expansion of thought, land appeared not in Japan, but in the rice-growing regions of Powder Asia more than two thousand years ago in the valley of the Mekong River. The recipe then expanded to other areas, finally appearing in Japan around the eighth century.

Sushi and donations

When sushi first appeared in the Japanese dominion, the price was even higher. People were allowed to pay taxes with them.

Recipe history

The word “sushi” means “sour.” This shows the details of the recipe for this herb (dry made from salted fish soaked in ota).

"Authentic" sushi

"Authentic" sushi, which is usually associated with the traditional Japanese version of the dish, is called "eating sushi." This is a very recent recipe, which is primarily found in the Tokyo area.

Fast food sushi

The current style of sushi was created by Hanai Yohei in 1820 and this product was sold in fast food kiosks. The stench was reminiscent of fast food, the fragments of which could be eaten with both fingers and chopsticks.


Rice for sushi is called sumeshi (to taste the rice) or shari. Shari literally means “remains of Buddha”, so even the white color of rice reminds people of the remains of Buddha.

Why prepare sushi?

Sushi can be prepared with brown or white rice and raw or boiled fish. Sira fish is cut into pieces called sashimi, which means “pierced through the body.”

Sushi - with fingers

The correct, or, to be more precise, traditional way of eating sushi is with your fingers, not with chopsticks. Prote, we eat with our own chopsticks. Sushi needs to be eaten either immediately or in 2 bites.

Rich-rich sushi

There are approximately 3,946 sushi restaurants in the United States. In Japan there are about forty-five thousand. American sushi bars generate $2 billion in revenue.

unsafe sushi

Sushi as an aphrodisiac

Sushi is considered to be an energizing meal, because the two most common types of fish in them are fish, salmon and mackerel, which are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help in the production of inflammatory hormones. In addition, tuna contains selenium, which helps increase sperm volume.

Sushi - right man

Until recently, women were oblivious to sushi chefs, who believed that their hair oil and makeup could change the taste and smell of sushi. Women also experience higher body temperatures (especially around the time of menstruation). It was appreciated that their warm hands would grab the cold fish.

Sushi chef

California roll

The standard Californian roll has helped make sushi popular throughout the world. Californian roll or “roll navivorit” will be the first sushi of the American tradition.

Noritoshi Kanai

Noritoshi Kanai was a Japanese man who was in the business of importing food products to Los Angeles. The very first American sushi bar opened in the early 1960s.

Popularity of sushi

Sushi began to gain popularity in the United States in the 1980s. This was due to the fact that Americans began to become more concerned about their health.

primitive sushi

Precisely preparing dry dough is practiced in many rural areas of Japan. For example, “Funa-zushi” is made from a local freshwater crop, which is marinated with rice and served with rock. The strong aroma and characteristic taste can be matched with mature Roquefort cheese.

Highest road sushi

The most expensive price ever paid for sushi products is $1.8 million for 222 kilograms of bluefin tuna in Japan. The Japanese love affair with land led to a decline in the world's tuna population by more than eighty hundred.

bluefin tuna

As for the black tuna itself, its population has increased by more than ninety-six hundred thousand thanks to the growing population on land. A large part of the bluefin tuna fishery takes place on the coasts of Japan, where fishing restrictions have been introduced.

Sushi by season

According to tradition, dry goods are responsible for clearly depicting the current season. Well, a lot of sushi chefs in Japan and America are unique in sourcing out-of-season fish grown in captivity.


Wasabi is traditionally prepared from the Japanese root. Prote, in most restaurants there is wasabi mixed with green color and mustard powder.


While they were interned during the Second World War, the Japanese-Americans ate potatoes and SPAM canned meat. They didn’t like the potatoes, but the meat fell to relish. Today's popular so-called “nori-spam” is sushi based on canned SPAM meat.

Fugu sushi

Fugu is a popular type of sushi that is prepared with fugu fish. Apparently, fugu is especially important to cook because the organs of the fish produce a deadly neurotoxin, which is 1200 times more toxic than cyanide. Cooks are required to waive a special license in order to be allowed to cook fugu.

This article is dedicated to the real land workers. You will find a lot of facts about sushi and rolls, as well as a short history of the dish.

Here are some facts about sushi. What is sushi?

Sushi is indicated in Japanese by a hieroglyph, which previously meant “fish”. At the moment, “sushi” consists of two hieroglyphs: this hieroglyph means “longevity”, as well as “style of behavior”, “management”.

“Sushi” is made up of two hieroglyphs: this hieroglyph means “longevity”, as well as “style of behavior”, “management”.

Where has sushi appeared?

Today's most popular roles have appeared in... America! The 1970s rock. This is called the role of Philadelphia and California, where they were popularized (after the name of the state in the USA).

Roll Philadelphia. Restaurant menu photo:

Moreover, it is important to recognize this important fact about sushi, although in the USA sushi was popular, not the “folk” American drink Coca-Cola! In addition, the portions were twice as large.

The creation of a “new type” of roles was due to the fact that the rich guests of the restaurant did not like the taste of the traditional ingredient of sushi - the dark algae of nori. These roles began to be prepared “at random”.

winemaker sushi

Nigiri (sushi) was invented by the Japanese cook Yohei Hanaya in 1820. Then put marinated fish in the sushi instead of marinated fish. This option was relished by the Japanese and became very popular.

Sushi needs to be fresh! Shvidka and cost-free delivery are at the peak of popularity

It is customary for sushi to be fresh, to be prepared in front of you, or to deliver sushi as quickly as possible, for example, the Time out company will provide you with prompt, cost-free delivery.

Shvidka delivery is one of the most important warehouses in a garish mood for enjoying your favorite herb. Sushi and rolls last for 2-6 years after their preparation.

Here's a fact about sushi and rolls: sushi in Russia

The first creations of national Japanese cuisine began to appear in Russia in the 1980s, becoming very popular until the 90s. The first restaurant is "Sakura". However, the smells were even more expensive and were not coveted by most Russians. These deposits were available only to the elite of our region.

Sushi and roles began to gain popularity in the mid-2000s when sushi bars began to appear. One of the first and oldest bars today is “2 Sticks”.

The most unimportant roles

All over the world, cooks and restaurant managers are skilled in the mastery of preparing roles. The role in the appearance of paintings, telephones and other objects of everyday life is traditionally called for indiscriminately buried in restaurants and cooks. Therefore, of course, our best facts about sushi and rolls cannot do without beautiful photos of culinary masterpieces.

The biggest role...

... The plant was built in Yekaterinburg in 2009, reaching 2,521 m and 74 cm and seriously surpassing the record of the Japanese masters in Maembashi (2,053 m). Naturally, this record took its place in the Guinness Book of Records. It is important to think about this figure: 2 kilometers 521 meters and 74 centimeters. This is three times more than the best thing in the world in Dubai.

Millions of people around the world love sushi and try to eat it if they have a skin problem. Sushi restaurants, which are popping up all over the world, have become one of the most profitable businesses in the last 20 years.

Dry meats are rich in protein, are fresh and allow you to be full without putting a threat to your figure, and the pieces do not contain too many calories. This is the main reason why most children believe that dry food is one of the most ideal and healthy options for evening meals at home.

However, most importantly in sushi - there is such a great number of flavors and options that may be included, so that - don’t let the squeamish ones - not be able to know in what size those that are completely please yogo gusto.

Since you are a lover of sushi, but your knowledge of this land consists of long Saturday trips to your favorite restaurant, we appreciate 25 “savory” facts about sushi that you know every day about your love for exotic grass, which you cannot resist.

25. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the greatest mystery about land in England was revealed in an 1893 book called Japanese Interiors. However, there are episodic mysteries of land in other English vessels dating back to 1873.

24. In spite of the expansion of the Duma, dry land is taken from the cob not in Japan, but in the region with the apology of rice in Pavdenno-Skhidnaya Asia along the Mekong River for more than 2000 years ago, when rice was boiled, rice was harvested when preparing and preserving fish. Then this method expanded to other regions, finally appearing in Japan around the 8th century AD.

23. When the Japanese kingdom first became familiar with land, the stinks of the table were highly valued, so people were allowed to vikorize them in exchange for paying taxes.

22. The word “sushi” means “sour”, which takes us back to the turns of their journey, if the smells were preserved in salt.

21. "Spravzhni" sushi, which is associated with the traditional Japanese version, is called "Edomae-zushi". This is a very recent war, which was initially confined to the Tokyo area.

20. The current type of sushi was invented in 1820 by the cook Hanaya Yohei, who sold the recipe to the owners of Swedish food stalls. This herb was popular with fast food because it was not fermented and could be eaten with fingers or chopsticks.

19. Rice is called “sumeshi” (rice flavored with otsu) or “sari” (shari). Sari literally means “remains of Buddha”, so the white color of rice reminds people of the mortal remains of Buddha.

18. Close to 99.9% of all sushi rice served in the United States is produced in the domestic market.

17. Sushi can be prepared with white or brown rice and raw or boiled fish. Sliced ​​and served alongside sir, the fish is called “sashimi”, which means “pierced body”.

16. Right, or to be more precise, the traditional way to eat sushi is to eat it with your fingers, not with chopsticks. However, it is best to use chopsticks. Place sushi in your mouth immediately or in one or two bites.

15. The United States has approximately 3,946 sushi restaurants. In Japan - close to 45,000. The average income of sushi bars in America is 2 billion dollars.

13. Sushi is widely considered an aphrodisiac, as two types of fish for its preparation - salmon and mackerel - are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate the synthesis of state hormones. In addition, tuna contains selenium, which increases the quantity and activity of sperm.

12. Until recently, women were reluctant to serve as chefs in sushi restaurants, because it was important that hair oil, which removes odors, and makeup can change the taste and aroma of the herb. It was also important that a woman’s body temperature is higher than that of a man, especially during menstruation. It was appreciated that the stinkers could pickle cold fish with their warm hands.

10. Standard “California” roll, reflecting the fact that sushi has become a popular country all over the world. The “California” roll, or a roll wrapped with rice, is an American take on it: it was first prepared in a Japanese restaurant in Los Angeles in 1973.

9. Noritoshi Kanai, a Japanese who ran a food import company in Los Angeles, opened the first American sushi bar in the early 1960s.

8. However, sushi became increasingly popular in the United States in the 1980s as Americans became more health conscious.

7. The original method of preparing sushi is still practiced in many rural areas of Japan. For example, funazushi (funa-zushi) is prepared from local freshwater crust, which is marinated in rice and salt over a long period of time. The intense aroma and characteristic taste of this herb is comparable to that of mature Roquefort cheese.

6. The best price ever paid for black tuna for sushi was 1.8 million dollars for 222 kilograms. The operation took place in Japan. Nowadays, the Japanese live on more than 80% of the world's tuna reserves.

5. If we talk about the population of bluefin tuna, it has decreased by more than 96% due to the growth of water on land. The most important part of the fishing for bluefin tuna falls on the coasts of Japan, as a restriction has been introduced on this fishery industry.

4. As a matter of tradition, it is the responsibility of the dry food to be strictly sensitive to seasonality. So, many sushi chefs in Japan and America rely on the unique source of “off-season” seasoned fish. “Seasonal” fish is considered when it is the most juicy and fatty, and therefore considered when it is cooked before spawning.

3. Wasabi is traditionally prepared from the root of the plant under the name “wasabi”, or “Japanese evrema”. However, most wasabi served in restaurants is prepared in green color and mustard powder.

2. Americans interned during the Second World War during the Japanese Expedition ate potatoes and cured meats, such as hot dogs or SPAM (canned meat product, mainly from tires). At that time, they didn’t like the potatoes, they stank or the Spem canned food, adapting them to their culinary traditions, including to dry land. Today's "Spam-Nori" (SPAM-Nori) - sushi based on the canned meat product SPAM - which was previously a popular product.

1. Fugu is a famous type of sushi made from pufferfish.

There are still many myths in existence, in which a large part is taken up by guessing. I would like to be tempted to try this Japanese dish for its obvious reasons. Let's find out what is the truth about sushi, and what is a banal guess.

Myth No. 1. Sushi was invented in Japan.

Regardless of those who are usually fond of the Japanese dish, they really blame it in China. In the 4th century BC, sailors, in order to preserve the freshness of the fish, sprinkled it with raw rice. So seafood was permanently deprived of its ingredients for hedgehogs. They didn’t fit the rice into the urchin, they threw it out. After 600 years, this method of preserving fish was given the name “”. Only until the eighth century of our era in Japan did land acquire the appearance in which the stench became more and more popular.

Myth No. 2. To prepare sushi, simmer fish.

Not at all, not known in Russia. If you get a chance in Japan, then they will singly serve them with raw fish. All this is because in Asia there are no problems with the supply of the freshest seafood. Those who were still squelching in the ocean can now lie on the cook’s side.

You can and need to know. Thanks to the fact that seafood and rice mix the whites, which can be quickly saturated, sushi will help put your figure in order. On average, 50 g of this herb contains 60-70 kcal. To be precise, the calorific value of an individual egg is 150 kcal. The main thing is to eat dry food with the least amount of calories in the world, so you can’t worry about the result.

Myth No. 4. You can eat sushi with chopsticks.

If in Japan, then so. There is something that traditions demand there. If you are in Russia, then you can safely adopt European traditions that are more familiar to you. No one will look askance at you and no one will be in the restaurant. If you want such a result in Japan, it is entirely possible. It is not possible to cut the sushi on the edges of the part as it is in Russia. There are already single portions that need to be eaten as a whole.

Myth No. 5. Sushi and roles - different speeches.

Nastrudi is a different type of land. The quality of the rest is that only rice and seafood are used for their preparation. That's when they add vegetables, meat and lard.

The most unexpected facts about sushi

Over the years, the treasury of those who love to collect food about sushi has accumulated a lot of facts. Some people marvel and rebel, while others cry out in detail.

  • The first restaurants of Japanese cuisine in Russia appeared in the 1970s, but it was not so easy to eat in them. They let only the food of our land into them.
  • The found roll was prepared in Yekaterinburz in 2009. He surpassed the previous record and reached 2,521 m and 74 cm.
  • The most commonly used product for preparing sushi is tuna.
  • In Japan, the preparation of sushi is done by men, since women naturally have a slightly higher body temperature, which, in the opinion of an Asian, is not the least important in the final result.
  • 80% of the blackfish tuna catch goes to sushi preparation.
  • This is the type of sushi that Komaki used to prepare. This herb has not diminished its great popularity in Japan.
  • To become a SUSHIST, you need to count 5 rubles. 2 Mayday masters touch upon the mastery of preparing rice, and the next step is fish.
  • At the latest hours, only a few of the less secure population were eating black tuna.
  • “California” and “Philadelphia” are the most popular recipes, although the smell was invented not in Japan, but in America.
  • Sushi is compared to chocolate and banana, and their properties also effectively fight depression.
  • In European countries, dry land with a hole in the middle is very popular. In Japan, preference, for example, comes from recipes containing water.
  • In America, sushi is not sold on small quantities, giving preference to larger portions.
  • The natural color of ginger is entirely erysipelas, and the pale-yellow, terminal tint of the wine comes from the addition of barberries. Before cooking, flying fish caviar is also subjected to the farbing process. It really is barbarous.
  • Sushi bars and Japanese restaurants deliver shrimp frozen in one big pile of ice. This type of stench retains its shape better.
  • Residents of Japan believe that fresh sushi can only be prepared where the sea is located. It turns out that in the Fatherland, stinks don’t really come from restaurants that are located far from the shore.

Koristi chi Skoda?

What should melt into the sushi: bark or harm? This is the dilemma faced by many people who are hesitant to eat a popular Asian dish and not wait until the very hour. We have saved a few facts about land that will turn the nastiness of the remaining skeptic into the root of this herb.

Fact 1. Due to the fact that all the richness of the sea is used to prepare vikory sushi, the smell is extremely rich in vitamins and microelements. Fish, shrimp and other squid have a beneficial effect on the heart, fish, and rosemary activity. Ale is not suitable for these recipes, which do not transfer the thermal processing of the herb. Such diverse characters of brown speeches will not be able to gain popularity in baked roles. High temperatures kill a large part of microelements and vitamins.

Fact 2. Serve ginger before sushi. This root contains a whole range of organic compounds, essential oils and other microelements and vitamins necessary for the human body. It is extremely important to survive the cold season using preventive measures, as it is an essential immunostimulant. We recommend it to those who are interested in a slim figure, and ginger significantly stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

fact 3. Rice is the main component of sushi and rolls. It’s impossible to prepare this food without it. And it’s not for nothing that the Japanese give so much honor to this cereal. Rice has a high amount of protein and carbohydrates, but has absolutely no fat, which has a positive effect on the figure. At the same time, cereals are extremely rich in vitamins and microelements. It is not surprising that in Japan there are so many long-lived people, and so few people who suffer from obesity.

It’s hard to argue against such facts. But, apparently, a high-quality product can bring harm, if you don’t take care of the most basic aspects of life. Aje everything is fine within the boundaries of the reasonable.

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