Statement on foreign exchange transactions of the term data. The Central Bank of Russia, having expanded the list of visas, under which a passport is not issued

Yak secure povniy currency control cater to an international treaty? Crimea is low imposed by the legislation of vinyatkiv, it is necessary to submit a passport please (PS). Such a document is issued for carrying out currency transactions, from which they take the fate of a resident of a non-resident of the Russian Federation. In some cases, a formalized PS is necessary, but if you can do without one?

Legal basis

Basic legal act, what regulates the power of issuing a passport, please, - Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 10, 2003 No. 173 “On currency regulation and currency control”. Which federal law, art. 20, it is appointed that the same rules for issuing such passports are established central bank.

Okremi pitanya that procedure for issuing a passport to an agreement regulated by the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 04.06. 2012 No. 138-І and by order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation dated 03.11.1993 No. 449. Depending on the signing of regulatory documents, a PS can be issued:

  • Pіd hour of operations to import. At whom should the agent of foreign exchange control (bank_vska ustava) for additional passports please control over payment of services, vikonannya robіt chi delivery of goods.
  • Pіd hour to export. Data about such exports is entered before the passport currency transactions, like payment for goods delivered for the cordon, for their services and for their work. Export passports are sometimes called export-import passports

In official regulatory documents, there are a few different types of PS. Yakshcho v_dbuvaєtsya not buying and selling goods, but exchange for barter, a barter passport is issued .

Vipadki decorated

Passportsum of the contract resident and non-resident Russian Federation$50,000.

Attach international currency notes, if you need a passport for the contract:

  • Lending to a resident of the Russian Federation by a non-resident and navpaki. Such views seem to passport please for the loan agreement. This is a document that fixes the withdrawal of positions from non-residents of the Russian Federation, as well as positions given by residents to overseas organizations and individuals
  • Delivery not only of ready-made goods, but of a variety of raw materials, possessing
  • Vikonannya works either on the basis of the contract on the territory of the country and beyond the borders, including the data on the information and objects of intellectual power
  • Transfer unbreakable ta rukomy lane on the minds of buying and selling chi orendi

From the initiatives of business representatives, the financial threshold of the contract, which will require a passport, is constantly reviewed. Zhovtni 2016 President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putіn Pіdrimav Propositzi Pіdprimts about the registration of passports to be a contract for a contract for $ 100,000. Behind the words of the Golovi Minance, Anton Siluanov, a detachment of a slander about the zbilsnnya of the threshold of the Personal Passport, $ 75 $ and non -non .

Experts commented on the proposition of the corporate segment and the positive reaction to it ambiguously. From one side, it is important to simplify the bureaucratic procedures and to spare an hour for staining them. On the other hand, the officials of the Ministry of Finance are rightly afraid of increasing the number of fictitious operations. It is also a risk of splitting the sums of contracts with the unique control over foreign exchange transactions.


For certain transactions in foreign exchange transactions with non-residents of the Russian Federation, it is not necessary to issue a PS. Wine is not needed if:

  1. A resident of the Russian Federation is not a legal specialty chi entrepreneur (FOP). Yogo financial affairs are not recognized by law as a trade operation
  2. The credit is granted between a credit organization - a resident of the Russian Federation - and a foreign counterparty in the amount of less than $5,000.
  3. Contracts for an amount not exceeding $50,000, irrespective of whether he is a resident of the Russian Federation with a physical or legal specialty

Passport please

Vіdpovіdno to the goal. 6 instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 04.06. 2012 No. 138-І (“Procedure for issuing a passport please”), one of the parties - a resident of the Russian Federation - draws up a document with approved bank(Foreign exchange control agent) on the basis of the laid down contract. The representative of the bank certifies the passport with a signature and a signet. From the moment of confirmation of the banking regulations, the official status of the currency controller.

The barter passport please is issued in order. The procedure for legal action will require permission from the Administration of the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation in the region.

You can see it on the basis of the declaration, the original contract, the draft passport, please two accomplices and confirm the renewal of the legal entity. Only for the presence of such a permit, the currency control agent may have the right to issue a passport for a barter contract.


Vіdpovіdno to st. 20 appointed by the federal law, obligatory requisites PS є:

  1. Number and issue date
  2. Data of a resident and foreign counterparty
  3. Information about the contract, including the amount and currency, for evidence - details of the contract
  4. Vіdomostі about the currency control agent
  5. Submit your passport to the contract for closing, otherwise you can re-register

All the transferred data should be entered to the passport form, please only for the obviousness of the documentation, which confirms.

Fill in the form

The form of the passport to the contract (form for OKUD No. 0406005) from the designated name of the approved bank can be filled in a letter or other way.

Prior to the information about the resident, which may be entered in the form, lie:

  1. The name of the yurosob
  2. Organization registration addresses
  3. Registration number
  4. Date of making an entry about the registration of a legal entity in the Register of Legal Entities
  5. Identification tax number, code of the reason for registration with the tax authority

Giving data about foreign counterparty, it is necessary to indicate the name of that country, including its code. For issuing a passport, please provide information about the terms of the contract:

  1. Contract number
  2. date of signing
  3. Zagalna sum of the contract
  4. Currency
  5. Date of completion of crops taken by the parties
  6. When present - especially mind. They can be used for currency protection, carrying out work on a contract, importing and exporting goods, securing money on the border outside the cordon of the rahunka

Butt of filling the passport with the correctness When filling out the passport form with the correctness, data are given about the permission and additional information. On the basis of the rest, it is made out statement of banking control. If the passport is to be reissued, the information about it is fixed in the form. After the closing of the passport, the contract on the form contains information about the closing (the date of filing).

Number decryption

Passport ID The contract can complete the folding structure with a number of divisions:

  • Section 1 - the rest of the digits of the date of the document (2 first characters), the month of the passport issue (2 advanced characters), the contract number (from the 5th to the 8th middle)
  • Section 2 - 4 lines with the registration number of the currency transaction agent (upgraded to the bank)
  • Rozdіl 3 - information about the name of the bank or the name, how to issue a passport please (also 4 middles)
  • Section 4 - the middle with the contract code zgіdno z p. 3.3 of instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 138-І
  • Section 5 - sign of a resident, designated by one number: 3 - subject of private practice, 2 - sole proprietorship, 1 - organization (legal entity)

The coding of the numbers in the PS is established by the Central Bank, which is the only one and binding on the entire territory of the Russian Federation.

Design term

With a positive decision of the foreign exchange agent, the passport can be issued within three working days from the filing of papers (clause 6.7. Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation). The PS is considered valid after the fact that the date of registration, the signet and the signature of the landowner are affixed to the new one. Do not write as long as two days from the moment of issuing a passport, please may be issued to the resident.

Another copy of the issued passport is correct, zgіdno z p. 6 Art. 20 Federal Law of the Russian Federation in 10.12.2003 No. 173, bank goiter to transfer to the currency control authorities. Vіn virushaє in electronically no later than 3 working days from the moment of issuance.

Please close your passport

Submit for closing

As assigned in clause 7.1 of the CPU instruction dated 04.06. 2012 No. 138-І, before submitting a passport for closing the contract, the contract must be:

  1. Vikonannya zobov'yazan of the parties behind the contract agreement
  2. Translation of a borg or an accession of the rights of an assistant under a contract to another person
  3. Changes made to please, after all, some submissions for registration of the PS were attached. Before such changes, a reduction in the amount of the contract
  4. Translation of land on financial services to other banking establishment
  5. Closure of all rozrahunkovy rahunkiv at the upovnovazhenny bank

The closing of the passport to the contract is carried out on the basis of the resident’s application and confirms the appointed reasons for the papers. The law allows the closing of a number of passports for the sake of one application.

Closing procedure

Main stages closed passports please between a resident and a non-resident of the Russian Federation:

  1. Submission of application and supporting documentation. The application form is not regulated by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation suvoro - smut, so that they have all the necessary information
  2. Verification by a currency control agent of the accuracy and reliability of papers given by a resident (within 3 working days from the moment of receipt of documents)
  3. Information of the resident about the decision of the approved bank not later than in 2 working days from the moment of its acceptance

Even though 180 days have passed since the date of completion of the collection of goiters taken for contact, the agent of foreign exchange operations may have the right to close the passport on his own. The fact of vikonannya or nevikonannya goiter'yazan by the parties is not taken to respect.

How to instigate, how is it necessary to continue the contract with a non-resident from the prolongation of the contract? For such a time, it is necessary to re-register the PS. For which one, the bank must submit a resident's application in a sufficient form.

The passport please be closed from the date designated by the currency control agent in the established order of date.

Issuance of a passport to the agreement - ce mozhliv_st povn_styu control hіd currency transactions pіd hour іmporta і eksportа commodіvіv і slug. The document should be checked for more accurate information about the participant of the site - a resident of the Russian Federation, a foreign counterparty, use the contract and the terms of vikonanny goitre according to new. The presence of a passport for the amount of over $ 50,000 is an important defense of the legal rights of both parties to the contract and a guarantee of financial security for the contract.

Passport please - a document that is necessary to avenge the information required by the foreign exchange control of the established foreign trade operation. The document is issued on the first hour of the agreement between residents and non-residents. At Russian legislation roz'anno osnovn_ moments, osobblivosti issuance of passports pleasing.

Currency control

Zovnіshnekonomichnі pоrіbnо zdіysnyuvati suvoro z dotrimannym legislature RF. The legality of carrying out export (import) operations is controlled by bodies and agents of currency control. For these purposes, residents will need to renew their passports from foreign trade operations.

Before the control authorities in the field of currency legislation lie:

The group of foreign exchange control agents includes:

  • upovnovazhenі banks;
  • "Zovnishekonombank" - a sovereign corporation;
  • professional participants of the RCP (market valuable papers);
  • organizational control;
  • gifts of organs.

Currency control documents

Passports please (shortened PS) are issued on the first hour of the change of foreign exchange transactions between residents and non-residents. This is the basic document, which has information about the ovnishnoekonomichnu pleasing. Information from the PS is displayed in a standardized form: in this way, currency control agents can override the legality and correctness of the operations.

The document is drawn up by residents for the hour of their holding international repayments through the refurbishment of banks. The presence of the passport please є obov'yazkovoy:

  • at the time of importation of goods (exploration of work, work of services, transfer of information, provision of intellectual activity) to the territory of Russia for foreign trade contracts, which fit residents with non-residents;
  • in case of vivenous goods (vice-country work, nadanny services, transfers of information, zdіisnennі іntelektualії dіyalnostі) from the territory of the Russian Federation for foreign exchange contracts;
  • at times given by residents of the position in foreign currency;
  • when showing positions in Russian rubles to non-residents;
  • at the time of the withdrawal of positions (credits) in foreign currency;
  • when withdrawing positions (credits) from Russian rubles to non-residents.

You can see the passports of exports and imports.

PS pіd hour to export

This is a document that is valid for currency control, which is to replace information behind the contract, which transfers the export of goods (services, work, information, intellectual activity) from the territory of Russia and pays in foreign currency. The passport can also be issued for contracts, when the resident pays for the export goods in Russian rubles through the upovnovazheniya bank chi non-resident bank. 1 PS is issued for leather tax arrangements. For which the exporter submits the original or a notarized copy of the export contract to the bank, where he has a transit account in the currency for which the currency trade is to be held. On the basis of the statements that are included in the contract, the bank's representatives draw up 2 copies of the PS. The original passport, subject to the export contract, is returned to the exporter. The passports are registered by the practitioners to the bank with a special journal, and a dossier is created for the currency contract, where another copy of the passports is filed. The currency control document is drawn up according to the rules transferred by the Federal Law No. 173-F3, Instruction to the Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-I.

PS pіd hіmportu

Passport please - the basis for the control of imported goods. The wine is issued by two accomplices for a leather contract in an approved bank, deducting the current account in the importer's foreign currency. The order from the PS to the servicing bank is represented by the original copy of the foreign exchange agreement certified by the importer. Bank_vskі spіvrobіtniki reverify vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst danih agreement z passport please, obyavn_st v kontrakі specific termіnіv_vіv delivery tovarіv to, legitimіst please. If the documents are completed correctly, the representatives of the bank will sign the PS, after which payments may be charged for the import contract.

Main details of the passport please

Law of the Russian Federation No. 173-Ф3 (clause 3) stipulates obov'yazkovu іnformatsiyu, yaku maє mіstiti PS.

  • Passport number please specify the date of its issuance.
  • Data about the resident.
  • Information about a foreign counterparty.
  • Data about the call for trade: date, number of the contract, amount of currency please, date of completion of contract crops.
  • Data about the upgrades of the bank, which zdіysnyuє razrahunki and draw up currency documents.
  • Vіdomostі about reissuance of PS (closed).

Passports of the correctness are transmitted by upovnovazhenie banks by electronic means to the bodies (agents) of currency control.

PS is not issued, so ...

PS for barter

In order to obtain barter land for legal trade, legal entities and sole proprietors (residents of the Russian Federation) goiter, draw up passports for land with the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation. For the Regional Department of the Ministry of Trade, an application is submitted for the installation of a package of documents.

If the sum of the PS is over 200 thousand dollars, the wines are issued only by the employees of the Office of the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation for the Central District for one-hour weather regulation with the Department for Regulation of Economic and Economic Activities.

Vidpovidalnist for non-compliance with currency legislation

Under the violations of the currency legislation, there is a suspension of wine and unsafe activities, as it is defended by the Russian Criminal Code. The evils in the sphere of currency legislation are characterized by an average level of severity. Vіdpovіdalnіst їх skoєnnya qualіfіkuієtsya for the norms of civil, administrative, criminal law.

  • The civil liability of the subject of foreign exchange transactions is regulated by the Central Committee (Civil Code). Vidpovіdalnіst nastє, if pravochiny iznaєtsya nedіisnim. And then turn one side of the goiter one otrimani for the sake of natural that (or) koshti.
  • Administrativna vіdpovіdalіnіlіnіє nastaє, yakshcho іncurrency і sumі up to 5 000 000 Russian rubles do not turn up. Here vydpovidalnist lies on the legal entity's clerk, who has not tried his own currency exchange from abroad.
  • The criminal liability was carried by a resident firm's clerk, who did not try to turn over the sum of 5,000,000 Russian rubles.

At the borders of the administrative capacity, fines are imposed to the breaker. For criminal liability, a resident firm's clerk is punished with indulgence (up to 3 years).

The passport of legal trade legality is a document, which is necessary for the implementation of foreign exchange control over foreign exchange transactions between residents and non-residents in case of existing foreign economic activity.

At this time, the procedure for issuing passports to the right is regulated by the following regulatory acts:

  1. Federal Law of 10.12.2003r. No. 173-FZ "On currency regulation and currency control".
  2. Instruction to the Bank of Russia dated 15.06.2004. No. 117-І "On the procedure for residents and non-residents to submit documents and information to the banks for confirmation of foreign exchange transactions, the procedure for the form of the updating banks of foreign exchange transactions and the execution of passports".
Passport form please:
  • for an attractive trade contract,
  • for a loan agreement
approved by Addendum No. 4 to Instruction to the Bank of Russia No. 117-I.

According to paragraph 1 of Article 22 of Law No. 173-FZ, currency control in the Russian Federation is enforced:

  • By the order of the Russian Federation,
  • bodies and agents of currency control,
Vіdpovіdno to chinnyh federal laws.

Residents are subject to the provisions of subparagraph 6, paragraph 1, article 1 of Law No. 173-FZ є:

  1. Physical individuals - the bulk of the Russian Federation, the Crimea is constantly chi timchasovo like a foreign country less than fate.
  2. Permanently, the Russian Federation has received a certificate of residence granted by the legislation of the Russian Federation, foreign hulks that individual without bulkiness.
  3. Legal individuals, created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  4. Who are located outside the boundaries of the territory of the Russian Federation, branches, representatives and other legal entities - residents.
  5. Diplomatic representations, consular establishments of the Russian Federation and other official representations of the Russian Federation, which are the position of the territory of the Russian Federation, and establish permanent representations of the Russian Federation with international organizations.
  6. Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, municipal lighting, yakі at vіdnosinakh, regulated by the law No. 173-ФЗ and adopted in accordance with them by other federal laws and other normative legal acts.
Non-residents are subject to subparagraphs 7, paragraph 1, article 1 of Law No. 173-FZ ce:
  1. Physical individuals who are not residents are subject to subparagraph 6, paragraph 1, article 1 of Law No. 173-FZ.
  2. Legal entities, created visibly before the legislature of foreign powers and may have a place outside the borders of the territory of the Russian Federation.
  3. Organizatsii, yakі є juridical persons, created vіdpovіdno before the legislature of foreign powers and may be misplaced on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  4. Accredited in the Russian Federation diplomatic representations, consular offices of foreign powers and permanent representations of designated powers at international organizations.
  5. International and international organizations, their branches and permanent representatives in the Russian Federation.
  6. Branches, which are located on the territory of the Russian Federation, permanent representations and others in the Kremlin or independent structural subdivisions of legal entities - non-residents and organizations-non-residents, as not legal persons.
  7. Other individuals that are not included in subparagraph 6, paragraph 1, article 1 of Law No. 173-FZ
The article will look at:
  • ovnіshnyotorgovelnі pіd іd аl hour аlѕіh nіbhіdnі dоlіnаnnya prіsportаіnnі pіd,
  • in some cases, please, you can not issue a passport,
  • the main provisions of the official currency legislation, which require the passport to be correct,
  • the order and particularity of its design.

A passport is issued at the time of foreign exchange transactions between a resident and a non-resident, when carried out through the resident's account:

  • rozrahunkiv in foreign currency and currency of the Russian Federation,
  • transfer of foreign currency to the currency of the Russian Federation.
Data of repayment and ordering can be withdrawn through bank accounts, through bank accounts, and through bank accounts to a non-resident bank.

To issue a passport, please follow the steps, in order to show foreign exchange transactions and payments (clause 3.1.1 of the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-І):

  1. For goods:
  • what to import into the territory of the Russian Federation,
  • how to get out of the military territory of the Russian Federation;
  1. I will transfer information and results of intellectual activity, including vinyatkovi rights to them;
  1. Winning robots;
  1. Services that hope
for an international trade contract that fits between a resident (legal entity, IP) and a non-resident.

In addition, it is necessary to issue passports when making foreign exchange transactions related to foreign currency deposits and foreign currency payments:

  • for a loan agreement
  • behind the position agreement.
If so, according to clause 3.2 of the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-І, a non-binding passport is required for the most important foreign exchange transactions that are required for a contract or a loan agreement, we will lay down:
  1. Between non-residents and individuals - residents, if not IP, in case of assignment by residents of currency transactions under the contract.
  2. Both a non-resident and a credit institution - a resident.
  3. Between a non-resident and a federal body vikonavchoi vladi, specially approved by the Rada of the Russian Federation for the implementation of foreign exchange transactions, up to part 5 of Article 5 federal law"About currency regulation and currency control".
  4. Between a non-resident and a resident at the same time the total amount of the loan agreement I don't translate in the equivalent of 5 thousand. USD at the official exchange rate foreign currencies by payment to the ruble, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of the loan agreement. At the time of changing the amount of the loan agreement on the date of laying the remaining changes (additional) to the loan agreement, if such changes are transferred.
  5. Between a non-resident and a resident at the same time the total amount of the contract I don't translate in the equivalent of 50 thousand. US dollars at the official exchange rate of foreign currencies at a discount to the ruble, established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of the contract. At the same time, change the sum of the contract for the date of laying the remaining changes (additional) to the contract, if such changes are transferred.

Warehouse of records, as it is necessary to indicate the correctness when issuing a passport, is regulated by the provisions of Article 20 of Law No. 173-FZ, as it is called - “Passport Please”.

Passports of the right to justice for revenge on the ranks of the economic lands, the presentation in a unified form.

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 5 of article 20 of the law №173-FZ, the passport must be validated with the method of foreign exchange control by the authorities and agents of foreign exchange control.

authorities currency control є:

  • Central Bank of the Russian Federation,
  • federal bodies of vikonavchos, approved by the RF Council (clause 2, article 22 of law No. 173-FZ).
Agents currency control є (clause 3 of article 22 of law No. 173-FZ):
  • upovnovazhenі banks, notifications of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation,
  • State Corporation "Bank for the Development and Development of Modern Economic Activities (Zovnishekonombank)",
  • professional participants in the market of valuable papers, which are not supported by banks, including the clerks of the register (registrators), federal body vikonavchoi rule from the market of valuable papers,
  • mint organ,
  • gifts of organs.
According to subparagraph 8, paragraph 1, article 1 of Law No. 173-FZ, banks are allowed to exercise the right to carry out banking operations in foreign currencies (on the basis of licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation):
  • Credit organizations, created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Chinni on the territory of the Russian Federation is subject to the licenses of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of the branches of credit institutions, created subject to the legislation of foreign powers.
Passport please maє mіstiti vіdomostі, nebhіdnі for zabezpechennya appearance and zvіtnostі and zdіysnennya currency control over currency transactions between residents and non-residents (clause 2 of article 20 of the law No. 173-FZ).

Vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 3 of article 20 of the law No. 173-FZ, in case of carrying out ovnіshnyotrogelnosti at the passport, the land is assigned:

1. Number and date of issue of the passport please.

2. Information about the resident and yogo foreign counterparty.

3. Zagalni vіdomostі about the evil trade favor:

  • contract date,
  • contract number (like є),
  • zagalna suma please (yakscho є),
  • currency price please,
  • the date of completion of the vikonannya goiter'yazan for the sake of.
4. Information about the approved bank, in which the passport is issued, please, through the account, in which the account is issued for the sake.

5. Information about reissuing and submitting a passport for closing, please.

Vishchezgadani vіdomosti, for a wine:

  • number and date of registration of the passport, please,
  • information about the bank’s upgrades, for whom a passport is issued, please, through the accounts, in which the accounts are arranged for the sake,
Please check with your passport for documents submitted by residents.

Upovnovazhenie banks transfer the registration of passports in electronic form to authorities and currency control agents in accordance with the procedure established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Give respect:The term for the transfer by the bank of the issued passport cannot be reversed three working days from the date of registration of the passport to the right in the upovnovazhenny bank (clause 6 of article 20 of law No. 173-FZ).


The procedure for issuing, reissuing and closing a passport please see Chapter 3 of the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-І.

The procedure for filling in Form 1 and Form 2 of the passport has been established by Addendum No. 4 to Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-I.

For a skin contract (loan agreement), a resident draws up one passport in one approved bank.

As a resident performs all foreign exchange operations under a contract (loan agreement) through a bank account, a bank statement, a non-resident bank, a passport can be issued in the territorial regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for a month state registration a resident (for the place of registration - for a physical individual).

At the time of the territorial establishment of the Bank of Russia, each resident is issued a passport of the land, violating the functions of the approved bank.

Give respect:In other cases, a passport can be issued in a trusted bank, For whom, through the accounts, declared by a resident, currency transactions are carried out under a contract, a loan agreement (clause 3.4 of the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-I).

For issuance of a passport, please, the resident submits to the approved bank immediately the following documents:

1. Two copies of a valid passport, duly issued up to supplement No. 4 to Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-I.

2. Agreement (contract), which is the basis for carrying out foreign exchange transactions under the contract (loan agreement).

3. Allowed the currency control body to execute foreign exchange transactions under the contract (loan agreement), as well as to allow the resident to open a bank account with a non-resident bank, in case of violations, transferring acts of the currency legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Other documents required for issuing a passport to the right, subject to paragraph 4 of Article 23 of Law No. 173-FZ, for example:

4.1 documents certifying the person of a physical person;

4.2 a document about the state registration of a physical individual as an IP;

4.3 documents confirming the status of a legal entity - for non-residents; a document on the state registration of a legal entity - for residents;

4.4 certificate of registration at the tax authority;

4.5 documents, scho zasvіdchuyut rights osіb on neruhome mineno;

4.6 documents certifying the rights of non-residents to make foreign exchange transactions, depositing accounts (deposits), as they are drawn up by the authorities of the locality of residence (place of registration) of the non-resident, as if the non-resident has taken away such a document by the state legislature;

4.7 notification of the tax authority for the resident’s appearance about the withdrawal of a deposit (deposit) from a bank outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

4.8 registration documents in the case, if the previous registration was transferred in accordance with the law No. 173-FZ;

4.9 documents (draft documents), which are submitted for carrying out foreign exchange transactions, including:

  • agree (please, contract),
  • supplement that (or) change before them,
  • power of attorney,
  • transcripts from the protocol wild gatherings which other governing body of a legal entity;
  • documents to keep information about the results of the bidding (at the time of the auction);
  • documents confirming the fact of the transfer of goods (vikonannya robit, nadannya services), information and results of intellectual activity, including vinyatkovyh rights to them, acts sovereign bodies;
    4. 10 documents that are drawn up and seen by credit organizations, including:
  • statements of banking control,
  • bank statements;
  • documents confirming the execution of foreign exchange operations;
    4.11. Declarations, documents confirming the importation into the Russian Federation and visas from the Russian Federation:
  • goods,
  • Russian currency,
  • foreign currency and foreign and domestic papers in documentary form.
Vishchezgadanі documents (what documents are to be bound) are submitted by a resident to an approved bank, duly up to the point that paragraph 5 of article 23 of Law No. 173-FZ has been introduced, and itself:

1. The agency of the foreign exchange control agent has the right to submit only a few documents, which are to be taken without delay before the foreign exchange transaction to be carried out.

2. These documents may be valid on the day they are submitted to the authorities and agents of the currency control.

On request to the body / agent of the currency control, they rely on the proper rank of transferring Russian documents to foreign ones.
Documents that appear in the state authorities of foreign powers, which confirm the status of legal entities - non-residents, may be legalized in the prescribed manner.
Foreign official documents can be presented without their legalization in case of transfer by an international treaty of the Russian Federation.

3. Documents are submitted to the authorities and currency control agents in the original or in the form of duly certified copies. Even before the currency transaction is carried out, or if more than a part of the document can be issued, then a certified copy of the new one may be submitted.

4. Upovnovazhenie banks in the event of non-submission of special documents required for the submission of paragraph 4 of Article 23 of Law No. 173-FZ, or the submission of unreliable documents.

5. The originals of the documents are accepted by the authorities and agents of currency control for the purpose of acknowledging and turning to the persons who have been submitted. The material of the currency control at times is used to be certified by the currency control body and the agent of the currency control of the copy.

6. One and the same documents are submitted by residents and non-residents to the currency control body/agent, which without intermediary requesting the relevant documents, one-time and not subject to re-submission until the change of statements assigned to the submitted documents.

This rule does not extend to the use of the submission of documents through non-exhaustive force.

In case of changes in the statements assigned to the submission of documents, a resident and a non-resident of the goiter should advise about the relevant body/agent of the currency control by submitting required documents, which confirms the changes.

For confirmation of facts, residents and non-residents may require only those documents that are verified by the subjects under the responsibility, in addition to the appearance of their state operations, it is up to the rules accounting style the kind of business turnover.

And here it is not necessary to compile a lot of documents specially for the currency control method, as it is not otherwise transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Passport please, which is submitted to the bank by a resident ( physical specialty, which is not an IP, but a physical special - IP), is signed by a resident, or a special one, confirmed by him on the presentation of a power of attorney, that is signed with a signet (for її presence).

Passport please, which is submitted to an approved bank by a resident - a legal entity, is signed:

  • two persons, endowed with the right of the first and the other to sign,
  • one special, endowed with the right of the first signature (for times of office in this state, it is necessary to obligate them to enter the accounting form),
statements from the card with signatures and signet stamp, from the supplementary signet signet of a legal entity - a resident.

Up to clause 3.10 of Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 117-I, when a resident submits a passport, please check it with a special term approved by the bank, without exceeding 3 working days from the date of filing by a resident to the bank.

At the time of the proper filling, that the legality of the passport issued by the resident, insulting him, the conciliators are signed with a special specialty and certified by the seal of the approved bank.

Changes were made to the Instruction to the Bank of Russia dated June 15, 2004. N 117-I. Expanded the transfer of documents, for the presence of such a passport, please, for the hour, no currency transactions are issued.

The Bank of Russia made changes to .

The term for submitting documents by a resident for the hour of deposit of foreign currency for one account in an approved bank has been increased. Statement on the identification of the types of currency transactions in foreign currencies and other documents shall be submitted no later than 15 working days from the day the currency is received. Previously, 7 working days were given for the submission of these documents.

Paragraph 3.2 of Instruction N 117-I has a final change of visas, for which a passport is not issued. Vіdpovіdno before making a clarification of the passport, you may not be issued for a loan agreement, documents between a non-resident and a resident at the time:

yakscho the total amount of the loan agreement does not exceed the equivalent of 5 thousand. US dollars at the official exchange rate of foreign currencies at a rate to the ruble established by the Bank of Russia on the date of the loan agreement, or, at the same time, change the sum of the loan agreement, on the date of the laying of the remaining changes (additional) to the loan agreement, if such changes are transferred.

Also, please do not need to issue a passport, as the total amount of the contract, laid between a resident and a non-resident, does not exceed 50 thousand. US dollars. The old editorial office has such a sum of money to revisit 5 thousand. US dollars.

From the day of recruitment of rank, a resident may have the right to close the passport, please, please:

  • Please, the passport was issued according to an international trade agreement (contract), the total amount of which, as of the date of recruitment, does not exceed the equivalent of 50 thousand. US dollars at the official exchange rate of foreign currencies at a discount to the ruble, set by the Bank of Russia on the date of the contract;
  • change the sum of the contract for the date of laying the remaining changes (additional) to the contract, which transfer such changes.

To close the passport, please, the resident submits to the approved bank, in which he has issued the passport, please, a written application. The document should be replaced by a list of statements, as it is necessary to indicate in your application.

Significantly, scho handed over for violating the currency legislation of the Russian Federation and acts of bodies currency regulation. Zokrema, part 6 establishes a liability for violating the rules for issuing passports for the sake of not limiting the terms for submitting forms of appearance and zvіtnostі schodo foreign exchange transactions. For qi offense planting individuals pay an administrative fine of 4 to 5 thousand rubles, and legal entities- From 40 to 50 thousand rubles.

Gaining rank in 10 days after the day of official publication in the "Bulletin of the Bank of Russia".

Currency control will help you fill in your passport please. The order of registration for bags is unknown, this is often blamed on food: what is it, in some cases and how it is made out, what is required and how it is necessary.

What is it?

In case of ongoing operations in the Russian Federation, a passport (PS) is issued. The Russian law has such a bank document for control. For this reason, it is necessary to check in the upovnovazhennoy organ in compliance with the regulations. For example, the introduction of such a document regulates the ovnіshnyotorgovelny contract or delivery to other countries for the contract. The skin organization is the responsibility of the mother of zvіtnіst for foreign goods, and it is issued at the local authority.

In some cases, a passport is issued please

The document is drawn up during foreign exchange transactions, if both parties are a resident and a non-resident, as it is registered with the Russian Federation, de change the point. Also, wine will be needed in case of new economic activities, when exporting or when importing. You may need an application for re-registration of imported products and services. Therefore, the provision of various activities to pass the regulation through the issuance of a passport.

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