I am the future squad behind the date.


The war on behalf of the upcoming squad will reach wider among the people.

I would like a lot of people to know how to call Her name.

This simple fortune-telling will raise all doubts.


Not only women want to know.

The competition for their marriage is even wider, perhaps, so people want to surround the number of applicants for the title of future soul mate.

In order to find out how to call your curse, you can quickly do so in a variety of ways.

For example, among the Middle Ages one ritual was widespread - sipping a great vat of water and an apple.

With the help of a knife, the boys needed to cut the scraps of skin and throw it out of the water.

After whose home they respected and, after she calmed down, they marveled at the shape of the letter.

The ritual is carried out on the new month.

To get started, you will need to light a candle on the windowsill and say:

My sudzhena, assigned to my share, come to me.

After this, go to bed immediately.

It’s important to remember: before going to bed, you don’t need to visualize the image of a girl if you want to have fun.

This time you will have not a great dream, but a girl, what you were thinking about.

Try to banish all thoughts and get ready to receive information that will send you strength.

Vranci, try to guess everything you did at night.

In order not to forget to remove information, try not to poke your head right away.

Many people believe that as soon as they touch their foreheads or hides after waking up, everything that they have learned in their sleep will be forgotten.

  • Additional methods This kind of warfare is even wider in Norway. It helps not only to learn the name of your future squad, but also to know a little about your dorm life.
  • Additional methods Held at the Holy Supper. With blindfolded eyes, the wizard is seated at a table near the room, on which flasks of beer, milk and water are placed.
  • Additional methods After this, the eyes of the warlock are untied, and the spell is revealed. In the Russian interpretation it sounds like this:

Named-ryadzhena, surrender to me!

All others must leave the room and keep the doors locked.

After about an hour, according to the legend, the alarms began to shake more and more.

Please tell those who do not believe in a variety of wars and transfers, but sometimes find themselves in complex life situations, when it is important to make the right choice.

That’s why most of us in our hearts in such situations think about how to learn about the future and try to avoid possible problems and inconveniences.

Likewise, any person, especially a representative of the female status, no matter how emancipated the stench was, was always praising the nutrition of a special life, and she herself: who will become a future man, etc.

  • How to recognize the future in Russian
  • Even the ancient sages knew the secrets of how to learn about the future world in Russia.
  • The shape of the palms and fingers, as well as the little ones on them, vary among different people.
  • We reveal the main secrets of palmistry:
  • Carefully observe the skin of your hand.

She is strong and rough, which speaks of the innocence and directness of a person, and her thin skin speaks of the subtlety of nature;

The line of the heart takes its cob under the little finger at the very edge of the palm and, in a seemingly curved curve, stretches to the middle or vase finger.

There is also no less effective way to find out about Mayday - by the date of the birth.

  • Why do you need to carry out such awkward calculations:
  • Write the new date of your birthday on the paper and successively add up the numbers of the birthday day, then the month and finally the fate;
  • Now add three numbers.

If you expect the sum to be two-digit, you will also need to add up the numbers until you don’t see a single-digit number, for example, 5 or 8;

This number indicates the power of your character, which indicates your life path.

So, 1 - talk about the desire to build a career, high efficiency, acumen for leadership, 2 - about comradeship, agility for self-sacrifice, aptitude for helping people.

  • Since your number is 3, you are gifted, cheerful, a comradely person, 4 - you are respectful and practical, 5 - you are unstable and have weak self-control.
  • 6 talk about calmness, equal importance, love before knowledge, 7 – about love for mysticism and hidden knowledge, 8 – about stinginess and love for material wealth.
  • Well, since your number is 9, you are not in the light of this world and will bring spiritual self-fulfillment.

Now you know how to find out the birth date using the simplest method, try to figure it out in practice.

How to find out the name of the next person

There are a lot of people who have to do magic, and they also have to pay attention to food, how to recognize their future, how they will be with their future half.

  • For this you can quickly follow these recommendations:
  • Place the frying pan on a bunch of straw, and place a small stone on its bottom.
  • To cast a spell, you need to twist the straws one at a time.

At this hour the stone is crumbling and a singing sound is vibrating.

You will be responsible for almost the future squad;

First of all, you need to know about the future of your family, write your wife’s names on pieces of paper and put everything under the pillow.

Having fallen over, pull out the leaf from the first holes that were caught - this is how you will be greeted;

When you go out on the street at night, ask the first woman that you were drinking, and find out what they sound like.

These are the names of the other half.

In this way, if you haven’t noticed before how to find out in the future, after reading this article you will be able to discover any way and lift the curtain of the mystery over what is waiting for you in the near future.

Most often, girls cast spells on names and make fortunes in their dreams to treat their betrothed.

On Christmas Day, place the mirror so that the month's light can be seen from the window, and marvel at the mirror three times, after which you go to bed without speaking to anyone.

It’s very easy to dream about the future squad, as the lad has to believe.

The most important thing is to be aware of your own power.

Numbers play a great role in our lives.

The stinks help to convey the future and reveal the secrets of the past.

Numerology deals with numbers.

It itself gives us the opportunity to face the future. Women want to know about the future.

Even in the old days, fortune telling for the betrothed was popular, but they have appeared in the world today. Numerological analysis of the birthday date is one of them.

Rozrakhunok number of shares It is very easy to figure out the number of shares.

For this purpose, you need to combine all the numbers of your birthday. For example, you were born on December 6, 1995.

This time has 0+6+1+2+1+9+9+5=33. That's not all.

It is important to enter numbers from 1 to 9, because only numerology can be used with them. So let’s add up our numbers once again: 3+3=6.

For the date of birth, 6th birthday 1995, the number of shares is 6. The number Sim is the herald of the fact that you will find a person with very strong names, in which there will be letters G, O. The most popular names for your next person are: Igor, Ignatius, Ilarion, Oleg.


This is how many shares come out of these wives, whose future men are men with names in which the letters D, S and L. Swede for everything, in the network of Dmitry, Denis, Leonid, Saveliy, Svyatoslav. Nine.

The number Nine is the number of these wives that will define the man whose name has the letters S, E. The most possible names of your future man: Sergiy, Semyon, Stepan, Evgen.

From special episodes you can see the dates of the people, on which days and months they are mirrored.

One day and one month - this is evidence that your future boyfriend can be the same as your father, grandfather or brother. If you were already friends, then the name of the other person could be the same as the name of the first.

03.07.2018 03:43

A mirror date such as 01.10 or 21.12 is an indication that you can identify a person with an unusual or non-Russian name, as well as with an unusual view of the world.

Each person's character may be entirely consistent with his name.

Another special exception is that the date of birth has at least 4 digits.

  • You need to take a basin of water and a lot of small pieces of paper, on which the woman’s name is written on the skin.
  • These slices need to be placed along the stake of the basin from the inner side with the window 2 dividing each other.

  • Now you need to take half of the scalloped peas, secure a small candle in it, light it and let it float in a basin.
  • At some point, the half of the candle will touch one of the sockets.

This is what will be written on the cut-out and this is the name of the future troop of the warlock.

Another way for a magician to be a saint is if the other man has to go out into the street with the young men, go to the first woman he comes across, and ask what they sound like when he is often a young man.

I am unknown and will be my future squad.

Before going to bed, you need to put a lot of paper under your pillow, with your wife’s name written on the skin.

The Frenchman, without giving up his head, must stretch his hand under the pillow and take out the first leaf that comes to him, which will become a treasure for the new one.

Take the whole apple and peel the skin with one cut along the stake, you can remove the entire skin from the apple.

The man takes the skin in his hand and throws it over his left shoulder.

It is important that this letter, the shape of its skin, will be first in the name of the future squad.

Evidence from special tests