Yakshcho vmiraє kіshka stick to the booth. How to understand that the gut is dying

At that moment, if fluffy creations appear in the booth, the household rarely thinks about those that the life of the creature is not so old, like a human being, and the joy of merging with your friend will be overshadowed by a sum of money in a certain hour. Not all Vlasniks clung to their life with it, like the intestines die. Get ready for such a difficult period ahead of time.

As if a creature lives in a booth from 12 to 14 years of age, the hairdresser and the household follow him respectfully, not missing the present of death that is approaching.

Signs of the imminent

I people, and creatures live according to biological laws, as they designate such stages, as a people, the development of that death. The middle trivality of a cat's life is kolivaetsya in the boundaries of 14 - 16 years.

Deyakі izobini zdatnі live significantly longer, protei schaslivy vynyatok zustrichaєetsya not so often in the cat's world.

If a creature lives in a booth, which is more than 14 years old, then the Vlasnik is guilty of reason, that the hour of separation from the beloved Vikhovanian is not far off. I’m about to come the inevitable, as they suggest, as they understand, that the gut is dying. Varto know about them, to prepare yourself and prepare children. It is possible to raise awareness of such physiological indications, such as heart rhythm, the frequency of dihalic disturbances, the body temperature is thin.


In a healthy intestine, the heartbeat should be from 140 to 220 beats per whilin. The change of this indicator is to speak about those who have heart troubles, they are difficult to pump blood, and the pulse improves, becomes mlyavim, thread-like. The heart of an ailing old creature knows strong pressures that cause the pulse to weaken.

  • The bottom of the trail should be placed in the area that is located on the left side, behind the front ends.
  • Having started with a stopwatch, it is necessary to hit a number of heart beats in 15 seconds.
  • Multiply the number of hits next by 4, and as a result, you will get a figure that characterizes the heartbeat for wheezing.

In that case, as if taking away a show below 60 hits on the whip, then such a situation can be evidence of the end that is coming. Crimium vimiryuvannya pulse, vihovantsya can be seen as a blood pressure, however, it can only be done with the help of a special possession, for example, at a veterinary mortgage.

Vimiryuvannya AT


Let's change the pulse, how to understand that the whale is dying? In some vipadkas, it is possible to grow, registering a change in breathing. With a stretch of one breath, a healthy creature has grown up to 20 - 30 wild breaks. Numerous ailments, old age are mind-bogglingly difficult. Lungs are not easily processed effectively, the supply of acid to the body is sharply reduced. The creature is disturbed dihati often, at the same time the dihannia becomes important, difficult.


Krіm pulse that dihannya, zrozumіti about shvidka the present death vihovantsa vlasnik can. In a healthy creature, the normal range of this indicator is fluctuating between 37.5 - 39.5 C. In times, as if the intestine is dying, the temperature of the body decreases.

For vimiryuvannya, you can use a special infrared thermometer for creatures, such that you can control the temperature at the outer shell, or speed up with a superb digital add-on. In this way, the thermometer should be carefully inserted into the anal opening of the intestine.

Infrared thermometers for cats

If there is no thermometer under the hand, you can rub the paw pads. Weakened by ailment, that old creature will have a cold stench.

About those, how to control the temperature at home, marvel at this video:

Signs of eating and drinking

To help you understand that the whale is dying, these are signs, like a cardinal change in appetite and help. The ailment of that vmirayucha creature is most often observed in the air. Navit is in love with a hedgehog and a weasel does not acquire a weakened temperament. In the skin individual of the species, the feed is observed individually. Actual intestines cease to be long before death and at the time of death they look empty. Other creatures lose their appetite 2-3 days before death. Krіm їzhi, intestines stop and drink.

On what else do you give respect

Starvation before death and lead to problems from poisoning. Kalovi masses become rude, they can be with a house of blood. The cutting in the end of the increase in the concentration of salts becomes dark in color, and the quantity changes sharply.

A weakened creature can also ignore the toilet through those who have no strength to go further.

Rozumiyuchi, as the intestines die in old age, the hairdresser often notices the darkness of the wool, the unacceptable smell of creatures. The sickness and summer intestines do not have the physical strength to look outwardly, and the outward look becomes neohaynim, the smell appears. Quite often, the Vlasniks make hither walks, destroying the orientation in the open space.

I especially respect the next step on the behavior of the old housekeeper. Deyakі creatures before death try to wake up, to know that quiet place is quiet. A lot of household members mean that shortly before death, the intestines practically fall into a healthy sleep. Some independent lives and no less friendly cats before death become affectionate and playful, show sentimentality and respect up to the hairdresser. In deyakih vipadkah, vmirayuchi, the gut murmur loudly.

If the creatures have a serious ailment, then the intensity of pain sensations is great. Guts endure bіl movchki. Signs about physical torments can be expanded, looking at one point, familiarity, napіvdrіmannya.

Die of the Lord

In that case, if all the signs of death that appear are obvious, the Vlasnik is guilty of making a decision, as if he were guilty of hoping for a dying Vikhovanian. Deyakі people categorically do not take euthanasia, vvazhuchi tse beating his friend. On this occasion, in the rest of your life, it is necessary to sharpen your mind with respect and turbo. Razumіyuchi, scho close to the end, followed condescendingly and z razumіnyam put up to the old creature.

As soon as the gut is difficult to go to the toilet, next to install the tray on the stove bench.
In times of mimicry, the fluffs are dotted with special clay pelushkas, as if they were to change the world of wandering.

In situations where the gut does not recognize pain, the hairdresser, as a rule, makes a decision that the exit from life will be natural. Households should add a maximum of one hour and turboti. So the gut does not feel deprived and twisted. However, as if the creatures are not receiving dotiki, stroking, they try to get used to it, not a trace of overshocking it.

In case of severe illness, especially of an oncological nature, it is great that the creature knows physical suffering. In this situation, you should consult with a veterinary physician and discuss the dossiness of euthanasia.

About those, how the guts die, which work for the masters of vihovantsa, to marvel at this video:

Why vihovantsi go from home

A lot of lovers of intestines have often come across such a situation, if the old and sick creature has gone from the native walls. The reasons why the intestines go to the death at home, zoopsychologists call sprat. And the thought, that the creatures, watching their bezporadnist and weakness, following the natural instinct, whisper quietly to that safe place.

Approximately so behave their wild relatives, rozumiyuchi, that before death the stench melts into an easy health for enemies. Home vikhovantsi have not lost their ancient instincts and whisper such a place far from home.

It is possible that the creatures are aware of the approaching death, like a painful camp, and try to lie in a quiet and calm place. Zamislyuyuchis, where to go to the death of cats, deyakі Vlasniki vvazhayut that so the creatures protect their masters in the form of negative emotions. Being already mysterious and unknown to the end, guts and at the time of death ask people riddles.

Among zoopsychologists, it’s a point of dawn that there’s a mirauchy vihovantsya of bandages for him, that the ailment of a creature vvazhayutschy people with a dzherel of his filthy self-feeling. It is important to say unequivocally where the intestines go, if they die. Most importantly, it is more accessible to potential enemies in a place that is dark and quiet.

The Vlasnik should also be wise enough that you do not have to look at the bowels of the bandages for death. Possibly, strong and the old creature ate in the bin, and I need help. At the link with the cim, you should get used to it by visiting at random to ask for a vikhovanka.

Not all creatures fill up the houses before death. If the intestines have never once been on the street, the disease is very weak, too weakened, then death comes to the booth.

Chi required to the veterinarian

Having seen the signs of death in the intestines, which are worn out, do not fall into the vіdcha. Most people of the frail age have symptoms of various illnesses, in which case they can be helped, similar to the signs of death. At this moment, a well-executed jubilation will give a gift of vihovantsa a sprat of life.

In times of development of serious pathologies, which are not summaries of life in a frail creature, which are accompanied by severe pain, a veterinary doctor should recognize painkillers.

As a fahіvets to suspect that the gut knows serious suffering, the sergeant should look at the option of euthanasia as a humane cure for pain.

What to work with a dead intestine

The food that works, as if the intestines died, is one of the most convenient and most important for the sackmaster. A lot of people, having called for a long time before the resurrection, it is important to take the natural death of their plump friend in old age. Going in with emotions will help the bugs from the protection of the body.

Great places have their own tsvintary, designated for the burial of their creatures, or special crematoria. You can also choose a picnic and a garne place beyond the borders of the Moscow border. Categorically zaboronyaєtsya howati creatures in the public and national parks.

Warehouse for creatures

After death, all items tied with him (igars, tray, bowls, etc.) must be cleaned up. Tell me about your home love, you can be bright and kind. Do not start another creature at once, rather pokakat a deaky hour, if you spend it out loud.

Mayuchi stating about those how the guts die, the hairdressers can sing signs of summation, which they put on, and prepare themselves in a special rank. It is important that for the rest of the days of his life, the warmth of that turbot of his own hands wasted away.

Symptoms of a cat that is alive

If your intestines are suffering from serious illness, and the creature is unlikely to survive and recover, the transition from illness to the process of dying can sometimes be thin, so you can’t see what you’re seeing be true to your lover. As soon as you learn to better understand the clinical symptoms that indicate the death of a creature, this knowledge can help you develop a rational choice of what will be better for your recovery, based on your specific situation .

Signs of the Swedish death of the gut

I have an impersonal medical sign that indicates those who have a gut at death. Precise symptoms of swedish death of the intestines are very stale, in addition, on the ailment of the ailment, the murlik.

However, there are some main universal symptoms for all cats:

Decreased heart rate

Fallow in the face of what the creature is doing, in the middle heart of the intestine beats from 120 to maybe 200 hits on the wind. If the pulse of a weak creature approaches death, the pulse drops sharply by less than half of its magnitude. Closer to death, the heart sees more and more long and long pauses between the skin with a blow, and the picture of the pulsation becomes even more irregular, the heart begins to hum.


It is healthy to rob the gut in the average of 20 to 30 breaths per whilin. If the heart is weak, it can no longer pump blood effectively into the legend. Tse means changing the acidity of the bloodstream. On the back, not enough sour viklikatima shvidka, it’s difficult to breathe, but if the homeland starts to fill up the legends, the intestines will become bigger and more important than the wildness. Closer to death, inhale to become closer and closer, while the creature is still weaker, and you can’t go far and stop going wild all the time.

Blood Vise Drop

The average arterial pressure for a mature cat reaches 140/90, but it starts to fall rapidly, if the intestine moves closer to death. You can put your fingers on the great artery of the breasts and feel like a vise of blood falls

Body temperature drop

With a decrease in the heart rate, the temperature of the body of the intestine falls quickly, the body also begins to reach, especially the termination. Sound in the intestines, the temperature of the body reaches 98 F,

You can see the falling temperature just by rubbing your hand on the body of a dying cat.

Anorexia (vidmova vіd їzhі)

It is not rare for the intestines, they often have periods of anorexia. However, maybe all the intestines cease to eat and drink again, if death is approaching. The gut often looks empty through the lack of food. Nestacha rіdini to bring before the day of the body. Please note the price for the elasticity of the skins and change the color of the eyes.

Unacceptable odor

Chronic nirk deficiency can be the cause of cat death, toxins begin to enter the bloodstream of the whole organism. As a result, the cat's breath and body begin to smell bad. The longer the camp progresses, the stronger the smell becomes, to go out like a cat.


If you are ready to die before the process of death, the muck will begin to relax and the intestines can no longer control their activities. M'yazi, yakі control sich mihur and the sphincter relaxes, and the intestine begins to robit mimoly ruhi. Viporozhnennya sich michur and intestines, ymovirno, it will be impossible after that, as the intestine is in the world.

Why choose Euthanasia to ease the pain of your recovery?

As long as your gut is showing signs of Swedish death, you can talk to your veterinarian about euthanasia to ease the pain of the purr. Euthanasia can be a humane choice in quiet depressions, if the intestine is in great pain and suffering.

As if you were virish to sleep your vihovantsa, your veterinarian will give an injection with a speech, as if it improves the beat of the heart, until it starts to rattle. It takes only a few seconds, it is an absolutely painful procedure. Sound you matimete the ability to change the order with your gut by stretching the process, if you want. Euthanasia can put an end to the suffering of your domestic creature, as well as speed up emotional experiences, as you see.

Farewell to your home lover Nikoli Ne Buvae Light

It is natural for wealthy people to feel more deeply, spend after death purrs, give yourself enough time to be embarrassed by your lover. If it becomes easier for you, and you can believe that the hour has come, bring a new gut to your life.

We don’t see the mystery for you, as we say, that for the whole hour the guts of the people were poised by the spirits, which were miraculously tied to the magic by that subtle light. Living plich-o-plych with people, the stench walks on their own and independently decides whom to bestow with their friendship, and whom to ignore. And let the animals die in their own way. Any other creature is not honed by such a quantity, I will take it for an hour of life and after leaving it.

Mysterious in her earthly spirit, the graceful beauty becomes so selfish even after she leaves this world. Where the lungs of the cat's souls are themselves, the legends do not know. Ale, perhaps, to know the place near the human paradise, that hell, otherwise it would not guard against the belief: don’t hurt the guts! Little huts, shabby and classy, ​​are more tolerant of checking their falsehood on the other side. As inhumane as you are with your guts on the ground - get over yourself! Rozrahunok will be suvorim.

However, far from all the animals in the pot are busy thinking about the pomst. It is the same legend to say that the beloved, but the lord who has entered the earthly life, will try to drag the intestines obov'yazkovo into heaven. Here it’s a smut - don’t bring your filthy rights to the world, so that the vantage doesn’t appear to be too great for a small animal.

Of colossal significance, they, as if the creature itself left this world. As a natural yoga term, there is one on the right. If you have suffered from an unfortunate state of sickness, then else. We'll talk about it more below. I already know it’s nasty, as if it were purposeful to take the death of the animal. Vbivtsі kіshtsi prikmeti prophesy this fateful misfortune, and those who drown the cochineal - self-reliance and vigilance. If you don’t mind and don’t want to rule the little fluffy people in good hands, don’t be stingy with sterilization - it’s in your interests.

I'll die at home

The intestines are the origins of the mystery, but the connection with them is ambiguous

For many hours, the domestic creature is not small for the sounds of the chily river to sit in the house's booth. Tim had more guts! In spirit, and in thinner body, the purrs roamed about, deceived, walked, turned, poked at the bears ... and died, they broke the taemny kutochok at the house only. Vipadki, if the zvіr let the spirit of the booth, boulli rіdkіsnі і priymalisya like schos nadzvichayne. Zvichayno, with negative connotations. Who would fall for the thought of success after such a feat? In England, the dossi was saved as a proverb: "Do not allow the kіshtsi to die in a house - it will be."

Nothing else. For hours of richly superficially and militarily fixed doors, creatures no longer have the ability to freely overwhelm the house's house and break the rest of the road. Summaries of podії vіdbuvayutsya with vyhovantsy often-densely and do not call on the lords of anything, krіm turmoil. Really, who is this year falling for the thought of raptly blaming the dying lover on the smіtnik?! To teach people to spit on moral norms, such a thing is not to be praised and people's examples: even in which case the creature suffers at the sight of your hands, but it means that we will check for a year for a fair vengeance. And on a friendly “help paw”, so that you can ascend to heaven, you can’t even help yourself.

Tim more sho prikmet maє znachny tabir of opponents, yakі vpevnenі: all zovsіm navpaki! The intestine, which died in a booth, does not bring misfortune, but brings yoga to the homeland. The fluffy esotericists tried to protect the calm of the rulers: to clean the energy of the life, to put in the air, to quench directives on this negative. Like yogo too rich - for example, it’s not enough to be in the right trash - the animal can’t get into the situation. And don't stand behind the price of the double fold! As it is necessary, to sacrifice our nine lives, otherwise we will not let the soul reach those whom we love.

In Russia, every domestic creature was entrusted with the intercession of Domovoy

Have you ever tried to get a gut, but did the creatures perish alone? There are three explanations:

  1. You poor master, what a nasty thing to do with his shoes. Home vikhovanets - great vіdpovidalnіst. Tim, who is not ready for it, better not injure either the gut or the psyche.
  2. The booth has a lot of negativity. More control over your behavior and thoughts, do not allow welding, sanctify the apartment, nareshti!
  3. Domovik didn’t praise the new meshkants, wanting to ring out the domestic spirit of the same non-bloody and surviving objectionable stars in humane ways, lower rapt death. You can try to appease yoga and affectionate prohannyam not be angry and accept a new gut for your intercession.

Pose a pose with an apartment (dead animal on the road or here)

We saw a dead animal here on the street: we knew that we would crush the Uzbek to death, or we spent an hour walking in the park - there is nothing to be afraid of. The one whose gut is dead is not to blame. Dehto navіt primuryaєtsya podії podії prikmet good, and yak! Zgіdno with їkhnіmi zapevnennyami, the gut is dead:

  • Financial gain.
  • Get expensive.
  • Kokhannya - like a little animal is a little more zabarvlennya.
  • Zustrich from the enemy - as if appearing black.

And only English fishermen, having remembered before leaving the sea the gut that drowned, reel the woods in a literal and figurative sense. It is important that pecking on such a day is still nothing, and the axis of inaccuracies will be enough.

As if they threw a dead cat at the door of the door

Cats have long been victorious at magical rites

Belief in the enchanting power of the intestines is so great that the corpse of a creature sometimes tries to victorious with the chaklun method. Іsnuє tsiliy rite, exclamations to relieve the victim of peace, break through the dirka from the financial well-being or vygnat from the life of the cohan. Such "magicians" should be strangled, otherwise, as if to kill a vicious animal, and then we will throw evil spirits into the bazhan object.

Significantly, it is unacceptable to show on the gank the threshold, or else under the dead creature, they obviously kicked it. A realist, and one feels out of place. And even then, a mystical man has been nailed to spend a dream in a negligent way and she herself will help to “curse” it. And it doesn't matter what was raped by the quarrelsome sudidkoy, so as not to hold anything back from magic. The head strength of such a belief lies in the fact that one believes in it.

Sometimes, bury a dead gut at the yard of the one who gets hurt on the mental level. However, here you have a serious concern: you don’t know anything about the sabotage that you were trapping, and it will be important to spit on you. It’s better that people with serious knowledge of thin materials do not bury intestines in other people’s yards. And in a home-grown magician of strength, you can’t seriously nudge you.

How to neutralize the negative

Pick up the dead body of the cat to the booth and bury it. Do not stick around with your bare hands! And not less than magical mirkuvan - who knows, they took the gut and why did she die?

Turning back home, get in the faucet, and even more quickly - stand in the shower. While you are waiting, show the mirror sphere, as if it will take you away from your sides, and repeat: “After whom it came, it went before.” In view of the intrusive mania, that the gut was thrown to death on purpose, have fun and forget about those that have happened.

Like a believing person, wash yourself with holy water and read a prayer. Krіz is such a zahist, the damage cannot get through.

Well, you’re afraid that here on the podver’ї “good people” ruled a surprise at the sight of the dug-in guts, to start a mow. Ale is not thoroughbred and expensive, but bred on the street. Why? Tsya goodness on the right - time. The way to occupy your thoughts is, perhaps, the fear of fear - two. I is a strong zahisnik, who, in return for love and turbot, has ignited all the dark spells - three.

І nagolovnіshe. First and foremost, what matters to you, is less to think about the nasty things and curses. Vipadkovo found on the streets of the dead do not fight. Vlasnogo vyhovantsya zі light vіdpustіt. Vin, having given you a few moments of acceptance for an hour of your short life, how about shading your eyes? Like a cat's paradise, it's true, it's only good for you.

In the midst of the creatures, the gut is seen as a riddle and with its link with the sweating world. It is important that the intestines succumb to those that are inaccessible to the human eye and can change their minds, as if they will be the master. Navit death guts po'yazuyut іz chimos mystical and unimaginable. That is why people should try to find out, to what extent the intestines die, and how they apply the pov'yazanі z tsim.

Prikmet, like a gut in the world at home

The guts look forward to their death and try to end their lives. For whom the stench is coming out of the house, or howaying in a quiet place. Prote mіskі wash life near the apartments do not allow the intestines to drink and die in the wild. But try something else, de the gut died, it seems that the death of this creature in a booth is not good. Tsya sumna podіya can show on іnshі sumnі that trivozhnі podії, yakі vіdbudutsya z household: problems at work, ailment, strong rozcharuvannya.

Why do guts die in the booth - apply

Situations ensue when domestic vikhovants die one by one in a booth. Sometimes you can tell that the host has an infection. However, the death of some intestines may have had a more significant effect. Creatures, especially the intestines, can draw in their own negative energy, like a house. The stench of the building take on that negative, which is to force on the bagmen's booth. Like the negative is rich, then the gut may not be vitrimat that die. Krіm tsgogo іnodi kіshki grant kohanom gospodarі one of his nine lives. Tobto, as if all the guts die in the booth, which appear in the new, then, better for everything, there is a lot of black energy in the booth, which the guts are not able to get into.

In such a time, there is a trace of the cleansing of the atmosphere, a booth in the face of negativity. Dzherelom black energy can be people who come to the house and bring evil, as well as household members, like bring negative energy to the call.

Home favorites, for a wink of turtles and some kind of parrots, live in pairs for a short time. In larger creatures, the trivality of life lies in the sight of that breed. The gut, for optimal genetics and minds, will be deprived of the rulers for 15-18 years. Ale ailments, unfortunate fluctuations and other podії can "pick up" vihovantsya significantly earlier. On the day when the whale died, the members of the same family often experience severe stress independently. People are brought to see how practical tasks are (to be overcome), and to cope with their experiences.

Death behavior of a cat

On the eve of death, cats should be assimilated. Cats need to survive strong stresses without the participation of outsiders. Navit individuals, as if strongly attached to the master in the minds of great people, jump into the water under the hour of a storm, fireworks are unwell. The nearing of death is on the list of strong stress factors that provoke the intestines of shukitya. Zvichayno, far from skin vihovanets go home. You can change your access to the streets (for example, if you live in an apartment on the remaining surfaces), weakening the camp or especially vihovantsya. Explain the characteristic symptoms of imminent death:

  1. 1. Upovilnennya pulse. The heartbeat of the creature rages wickedly, behind the front paws. Normal indicators for cats are 140-220 strokes per fluff. A smaller pulse is a sign of a decrease in the work of the heart meat.
  2. 2. Decreased activity.
  3. 3. Vіdmova vіd їzhi ta vodi.
  4. 4. Difficulty breathing.
  5. 5. Decreased body temperature. Changes become remembered without a thermometer, small intestines, independently from the minds of the room, often it is not possible to climb in the warmest place on the surface of the radiator and the space under the carpet. The cooling of the body falls in love with the dotik.
  6. 6. Splash of activity. If it’s an old person, or if it suffers for an important illness, the creature starts murmuring and swearing, then it’s not about dressing up, but about the rest of the “sleep”, which is a vikhovanets vіdchuvaє before the movie.

Creatures sometimes behave aggressively before death. Sudomi that convulsions can zmusiti їkh taste or shatter the master. Wounds inflicted by a dying Vikhovanian can be important for secondary injuries through the force of the infusion of or other pathogenic pathogens in the damn creature. Vlasnik does not want to succumb to an agonized love. Such a blow is no help to the creature and it is less likely to create a risk to the health of a person.

Start convulsions - one of the signs of the approaching end. At this time, it is important not to have mercy on the death of vihovantsya. Weakened creature may be pardoned dead when falling into a coma or a deep sleep. For any doubts, it’s better to turn to the veterinarian for help. Even though the creature is still alive, fahivets, for the availability of other options, to relieve your suffering. You can bring about the death of a cat on your own. Indicate on it:

  • Vidsutnist breath.
  • Vidkrit, unruly eyes. Podіbniy camp posterіgaєtsya і for inveterate anesthesia. Ale, like the eyes of a creature do not react to the world without її zastosuvannya, there, ymovirno, is dead.
  • Relaxation of m'yazіv without reaction zovn_shnі podrazniki. The head can bovtasya and in deep sleep. Ale tension m'yazіv vіdnovlyuєtsya vіdpovіd to try to be afraid of the creature or take it in your arms. The dead individuals do not cry out the changes.
  • A grin appeared.
  • Suffocated body. Sound off for a couple of years.

More on sight

Concealed creature

Death vihovantsa to put the vlasnik in front of the need to overcome the low power. Koshenya, or the individual has grown up, having lived with this family of tizhniv, they become a full member. A thought about those who fell in love with a body of love in a smіtєvomu tank, give up blues. Such a way of pohovannya also violates the law. The most correct decision is to educate the veterinarians to the highest level of nutrition. Doctors often help to relieve the torments of the creature, as if they are suffering from old age or from a non-violent ailment. After the appointment of a rich clinic, pronounce the servant of the cremation of the recovery. The bedroom minimizes the risk of spreading pathogens in the remains.

In great places, they plant flowers of their own creatures, like placing urns with ashes on their territory. And yet, the objects are far from creaking. People who do not have access to the creature's hoards, or are unable to pay for funeral services, feast on their castle plots, parks, or other territories. Deyakі hovayut lyublentsіv іz іz people, koristuyuchisya access to the graves of friends and relatives. Such a way of vihovatsya is not supposed to be legal, but is actively practiced. You can see the following recommendations, which will minimize the risk of causing problems with self-sufficiency:

  1. 1. Vikoristannya in the distant territories. For the presence of other possibilities, vikhovance can be commended to the fox or the smallest part of the park. In larger chewing zones, it is better to dig in the dark time to finish off, so that the respect of passers-by is hidden.
  2. 2. Correct parameters of the grave. The pit is obliged to mow down with deep water (minimum 1-1.5 m), so that the remains do not get to stray creatures, or do not lean on the surface after a strong sting. It is unlikely that the upholstery can be used to determine the concentration of groundwater. Ale, as if the earth is in the pit of a volog for dry weather, dig better in another place. Otherwise vinikaє rizik zabrudniti ґruntov dzherelo.
  3. 3. Oblashtuvannya graves. As if in a relationship with close people, Vlasniki often want to be able to see the place of love. In places that are not recognized for the creatures, the role of a monument is played by a stone, a tree, or a flower bed is specially planted.

More on sight

  • How to go after the second love

    The loss of love would be for all the members of this family, navіt like a whale died quietly in your sleep. In case of severe ailments, the stress begins to be wounded before death, so that the masters try to help him, to know about the future bad luck. It is especially easy for small children to understand the reason for wasting a comrade for a game; How long to think about how the death of cats diverge. So, some examples tell the life of that vlasnik of misfortune after tsієї podії. For others, the death of a cat will lead to a sacrifice for the rahunok of self-sacrifice.

    Hour and susilla, necessary, to survive the loss, to lay low in the life of the people and її prilivnosti to the creature that died. What can help you to overcome grief:

    If you have a domestic creature, then definitely you have a risky group!

    If you have these symptoms, you just need cleanse the body. How to read here >>

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