How to kiss your lips correctly without a movie. Easy installation, how to kiss correctly without a movie

There are plenty of ways to kiss passionately without a language. Guess about the most famous kissing scenes in films - two characters are one and the same. The kiss looks partial and sensitive, but with which the actor does not vikorize the language. We are not movie theaters, but we can duplicate the details themselves.


Kiss your partner on the lips

    Don't rush. No hurry! Most kissing comes from simply being close to your partner. There is no need at this moment to think about the fact that the end of the world will come. In fact, it will be much sweeter and more romantic if you spend an hour getting to know each other better, without having to worry about kissing again. Try it.

    Get together for a little while and kiss. This is a great way to kiss romantically. During the kiss, try to move back a little and watch your partner's reaction. If he reaches out for you, you can continue kissing, perhaps lightly reaching out to him. This maneuver works best when a small space is lost between the lips. This is where the romantic moment lies - your lips part easily, and your bodies are even close.

    Try gently biting or moistening your partner's lower lip. Ale lips are guilty in their natural position. While you are kissing, and your lips are moving apart every now and then, you are not pushing towards your partner’s lips, stick to stick. Lightly lick your partner’s lower lip with your lips, wet it a little and bite it lightly. There will be new slobbering enemies for your partner, and it will also add an element of incompetence to the kiss.

    I give my partner a gentle kiss. Sometimes less does not mean richer. By gently kissing your partner, you create the atmosphere for something more, which can be even more romantic, because at the hour of the kiss you get close to your partner’s face and can clearly see - which adds romance to the kiss.

    Kiss your partner at the perfect time. For example, giving a passionate kiss can be a pleasant surprise and lead to a passionate continuation. The same yearns for a sweet morning kiss and a farewell kiss. In fact, there is no unusual time to get a kiss. At this hour, if you want a kiss, you will be more sensitive and partial. Try to think what other romantic situations would be suitable for a kiss.

Kiss your partner's body

    Kiss your partner's closed eyelids, and then turn around to kiss your partner's lips. It’s romantic and passionate, when you pause between skin kisses, just add another one. This will help make kissing more familiar and give you the freedom to kiss any area of ​​your partner’s body.

    Kiss your partner on the earlobe or cheek. A lighter breath from your partner on your ear will help you make the kiss even more passionate. Don’t shout - your breathing will become a true focus. To enhance the effect of kissing and breathing, you can gently whisper in the ear of your partner, but you need to whisper quietly and calmly, so that the sounds that moon in the middle of the ear canal, I squeeze be stronger and louder. Then, if you want, you can gently kiss your partner on the cheek.

    Kiss your partner on the neck or under the chest. A kiss on the neck is a classic kiss, which has a lot of advantages. People enjoy this kiss, and sometimes they want to take a break between kisses on the lips, because the smell is too close. Try to taste gently or moisten the skin a little, but don’t overdo it, and you don’t want to leave an unpalatable trace on your partner’s skin! In fact, in this kiss you don’t need to vikorize the language, otherwise the kiss will become wet and faded.

    Shower your partner with kisses! There is nothing wrong with kissing your partner’s body as long as you feel comfortable with them. It looks like this, if you trace your partner’s body and show him that you really accept him, you just have to kiss him. An excellent example of this technique is a kiss from the female squad on the tummy.

Connect other parts of the body

    Try running your fingers through your partner's hair. Regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, such a gesture will be even more romantic and passionate. It is obvious that the girl has more I've lost my hair, It’s not a good idea to get caught up in their hunting. Just stroke the hair a little without picking at it. This technique works better for everything in the situation when you collapse with your hand from your partner to your office. Before that, you can gently stroke your partner on the head, touching his head with your fingers (whatever comes to your mind).

A kiss is crazy, a mystery between two. The kiss itself is a small veil on the road to the farthest valleys. That’s why, after the age of singing, the skin is asked by the nutritionists: how to learn to kiss passionately? And try to master the technique of kissing so that you can then practice it, creating acceptance for both yourself and your partner.

Kisses can be different, sometimes it is necessary to show your passion, which is revealed in a sticky and a sweet kiss, but in some cases everything is different: the kiss is guilty of being tender, fearful, as it intrudes on romance. In addition, all kisses are based on unique emotions and feelings.

So, one of the most popular types of kisses is deep kisses (as they usually say in marriage) or French kisses (as they are correctly and necessary called due to their romance). A kiss is not only an exchange of emotions, but also an attempt to desire a partner with oneself, demonstrating special cunning and intelligence. One of the most unusual and extravagant things is a passionate kiss without a movie.

Whether the kiss is passionately transferring the kiss and gentle pressing and moistening of the lips of the partners one to the other. A passionate kiss can become more original and indelible, as it will be done without ruining the behavior of our partners. However, not everyone knows how to properly kiss passionately without a movie.

Technique for passionate kissing without movie

Today there are a lot of articles, videos, “instructions” with a selection of original photographs and other materials, with the help of which you can learn the art of kissing with me, but you can get little information refuse information as you learn to kiss without language.

First of all, to practice this type of kissing in practice, it is best to practice and practice skill without a partner. Apples, tomatoes and others “for the sake of the people” here, for everything, are not pomichniks. For training, just touch your wrists.

Having opened your mouth, as if kissing, you need to bring your lips to your wrist, lower your mouth to the skin of your hand and begin with loose, smooth hands and wet them, but only not too much, so as not to allow the lips to become tense. The action with wet skins is similar to drinking from a straw.

With such successive hands, it is possible to touch the lips of the partners one on one, without a hint and, what’s more, gossip between us. This is where the mastery of this type of kiss lies. On the Russian side, after training, you may lose titles, sucking from the red, on the real lips of your partner in action, you may also lose. Therefore, if you practice this type of hickey, you should not wet your partner’s lips too much, since the kiss itself conveys not pain, but the desire to express your feelings and emotions.

In addition, excessive tension of the lips and stagnation of strength, according to rich people, are one of the greatest benefits during kissing, which often cause discomfort and separate partners from each other. Besides, how a person kisses, there is a lot to be found in the success of any possible closeness of a bet, and if, at first, a kiss is unacceptable due to its tension, then it is unlikely that it is necessary to drink from this. as a human being there is so much more.

It is not the skin of a person, obviously, that the technique of kissing on a hairy wrist will begin, and nothing can replace the lips of a real person, to what extent you feel the great sympathy, passion and crazy need to kiss him. It is important to respect your partner, to be angry with him not only with your lips, but with your hands, arms, legs, lower arms, back, scalp hair.

The most ideal way to learn to kiss passionately without language is to get married to your partners. The easiest way is to work in a romantic environment, with dim lighting and in a relaxed state. You just need to bend down closer to your partner, playfully marvel at his eyes, touch your lips to his lips, open your mouth and head slightly, and then you can touch your mouth more strongly to your partner’s lips, either from the inside, or from the outer side and continue to chew smoothly periodically after viewing.

Then the partner will pick up the pace and the posture will become consistent, and the couple will experience repeated satisfaction with the softening of the lips and a deep kiss, which remains unpretentious, since they do not take part in the process.

having mastered similar technology kiss, you can pleasantly greet your partner at the first kiss, as well as diversify the good kisses of the married couple, introducing some originality and uniqueness into the notes. To monitor your partner’s reaction to kissing without language, avoid sudden deep hickeys and sharp groans, listen to the groans of your partner’s lips and respond to his desire.

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Most of all, I respect that the French kiss and the deep kiss are the same. It’s hard to think that it’s impossible to kiss passionately without a movie. And the i axis is real!

What is a passionate kiss

To kiss passionately means to do it passionately, so that your lips stick together intensely. After such a kiss, you can be careful not to turn blue. Why is it customary to call it French? Perhaps the reason lies in the great passion and love of the French. Let me give you a French kiss, and then it will be like a kiss without anyone else.

Kiss without movie

How do you learn to kiss without a movie? For starters, find an hour for exercise. And your wrists will also help. Open your mouth, bring your lips to your wrist, apply your tongue to your skin, and begin to gently wet the surface of your wrist while you drink the juice from the straw. As a result of these upheavals, the Russian Federation may lose money. This is also called a hickey. It's not all a kiss, you've spoiled the principle itself. Likewise, when kissing your partner, you need to wet each other’s lips.

In the hour of a real kiss, it is not possible to stagnate strength, in which case it is important to initially show tenderness, and only then passion. Experiment, practice repeating after your partner, as this is not the first time. It is important to listen to your opponent, be angry at the same time, and not be satisfied with the process. The technique of kissing without language is similar to the French one. Look closely at the outer or inner surface of your partner’s lips. But do everything carefully, so as not to cause pain to anyone (anyone).

Video lessons

Girls! Have you ever thought about how important a role kisses play in our life? Have you ever thought about how often we are sore and weary, which is to blame for the right kiss? I want, what am I... Today, where do you want to know, how to kiss passionately, and also with mine... I will, of course, understand you, and then I will lift the veil of this secret place, a little later... Right away we know, how it all begins...

Ah, this first kiss...

The first kiss in our lives appears to be from the first days of our people! This, of course, is the kiss of our dear mothers! Then there is another (like dad), a third (like loved ones), a fourth (like friends) kisses, and so on.

Ale, first of all, a kiss in its quietest sense is a symbol of love between a man and a woman. The kisses themselves serve as confirmation of new relationships - deep and more serious, less primary friendship and sympathy. People kiss passionately, kiss in French, on the nose or on the cheek - as appropriate. And the skin from kisses determines the songs of almost people according to one another.

How is Comrade Brezhnev doing?

At the very hour, there were discussions among the working class that one of the most common concerns was addressed to dear Leonid Illich... The Secretary General himself, with his “trademark” hands and gestures, set the fashion for kissing, likewise they said, choking! Since then, the skin of the Radian hulk has swayed with his obligatory manner of recognition, as if kissing passionately (oh, you see, I’m choking)! Of course, it’s not at all important to guess why it’s just so hot... But the essence doesn’t change! Boys and girls, as before, are directly “encouraged” to recognize how they kiss passionately!

Laying the "foundation"

Girls, thank you for everything, remember! Just as the most gentle and light kiss is aimed at revealing the soul of the godfather, then the passionate kiss is a much different moral mood. People begin to passionately kiss at that moment, when they can no longer control the passion that boils in their souls. Such a kiss is accompanied by increasing pressure to move to the step of the “scraper” at the bottom of the veins - intimate intimacy. As a rule, at such a moment, people begin to control themselves, and the body begins to live its own life, which manifests itself. for example, erections in men... The axis is like a passionate kiss!

passionate about a boy

Girls, I’ll tell you frankly: here it’s much easier for you and me, not for the boys. Remember that in every kiss, as in the knowledge of the lad. We are deprived of repeating all the ruins after him. For those girls who are seriously troubled by the problem of passionate kissing, I recommend this step.

Oh, I haven’t forgotten much! My young friends! Don’t be afraid to expose yourself to bodily contact. In other words, if you are not pressed into kissing a boy, then boldly let him know about this and keep your distance from him for a little while. Believe me, I will understand and try to get better. Even when it’s time to kiss (which, of course, you can’t say about sex), it’s even more important for boys to bring joy and satisfaction to you, with which you can enjoy yourself!

With a kiss you can convey affection to your partner, information about your feelings. Days without kisses are impossible, so boys and girls are already preparing for the next kiss. As soon as the big day is approaching, everything you read goes out of your head. I shake my head, and I don’t really want to be left alone with the guy.

Respect! Tsikava facts: For a public kiss in Arab countries, tourists are punished with a fine or imprisonment. The Slovenians respected that at the hour of kissing, they exchanged not only feelings, but also parts of their souls. The most passionate admirers of the French kiss, which is called “the soul of the soul.”

Young people have an even more complicated situation. It is your responsibility to create the first crust, ensure a proper environment, and quilt so that there are no signs. The boys want to be proven and show that they are kissing, so they boast no less than the girls.

Preparation and choosing the right moment

Well, you're about to go on a mission. It is possible, today, to celebrate that unforgettable moment that you have been waiting for for a long time. In order not to infect your partner with stale breath, prepare as follows: brush your teeth and eat with yourself gum gum. It’s better for girls not to show off that thick ball of bright lipstick, which can lead to embarrassment. It’s better to wear a light blisk or a barless lipstick.

Porada. The training can be carried out on a tomato, on a peach and on a wet hand.

Don’t talk about the first kiss and don’t give permission. It’s up to you to leave spontaneously. Select manual moment:

  • The completion of the game. When a young woman says goodbye, you can touch the girl’s lips with hers and die slightly. If it’s not a good idea, you can continue to live on it;
  • It's time to get ready. If it’s impossible to overdo it yourself, you can only take a moment. For example, during the hour of pause in the ceremony, the two people froze, staring at each other.
  • unsatisfactory fit. She tripped, and she held her and hugged her for a second. Or he would have covered his back to the breeze of a passing car. Such moments cannot be missed.

Golovne, don’t kiss on the first day. It’s better to sip and get to know each other a little more. However, they felt like they were feeling a little, not needing to stream, and even a kiss is a natural camp for those who have died.

Creation of a romantic atmosphere

The first kiss impresses special minds. It is important that you do not pass by in the school corridor or in the hallway where you want to go. If you are unable to ask a girl for a candlelit supper, then you can go to the cinema.

Porada. If a girl willingly allows you to take her hand and hug her waist, then she’s ready for her first kiss.

Romantic walks through the night, through unknown paths in the park or forest. A great idea is to go out into nature or wander along the river.

Nizhny Kiss without movie

For the first time, it is not recommended to kiss passionately, otherwise you will vikorize the language. It’s not appropriate for girls to call if an assertive young man invades their mouth and begins to be crazy about wrapping mine there, so that if the partner kisses without language, it’s best to do the same.

Porada. One mercy at the first kiss - it’s inevitable to relax. If you get hung up on the thought: “Why am I paying everything right?”, then you may not be able to grasp the charm of the moment. Better close your eyes and concentrate on your senses.

It’s easy to smear the lips of your partner or partner. At the hour of kissing, the boy can take the face of the girl in the valley or hug her around the waist.

Passionate kiss with mine

« French kiss"- close, sensitive contact. Vin means that partners understand each other well and can show their sensibilities. If it was previously believed that the boy was to blame for the initiator, today the girl can be the first to print:

  1. Lose your licks, so that the stench is worse than a cow.
  2. When approaching your partner’s face, tilt your head so as not to touch noses.
  3. Close your eyes.
  4. Lightly touch your partner with your mouth closed.
  5. Having realized the answer, you can open your lips and press your partner’s lips with your lips.
  6. Lightly hang your mouth and playfully lick the girl’s (boy’s) lips. If there was no negative reaction, you can continue.
  7. Lightly insert the language into your mouth. Touch your teeth, your teeth, the inside of your cheeks.
  8. Play with your partner and let him explore your mouth.

It is important to relax and not be afraid of sudden changes. Intuition and fantasy are responsible instead of logic and reason. The first kiss is always remembered, like the partner of love and affection.

How to kiss properly - video tutorial

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