Heroes of the Storm: How to learn to be kind?


Repair and self-development

White tiger

Hello Ferzan, well done!
Hatinka MrKpoxmaJl
FearzAN Hello, I would like to mutually promote my group
to take place competitions and stories from Mr. Stitch I would promote your channel
I wish there were few prepayers there. Because it is necessary to fight not here, but elsewhere

please tell me please, please write everything here https://vk.com/id298017799

I trust your testimony
Mikhailo Dobrin
Respect for Raynor!

How can I bomb in front of such shooters?

Before speaking, Muradin can do a lot of mischief by throwing his other ult.
low HP for you, that same Raynor...

Kostyantin Ilyin

the video for Valli is already outdated, unfortunately, they selected the talent for the 7th


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDNw1uXm8rw rate the guide friend be kind

Maxim Koshkin
For beginners, here you go, many aspects of the hero’s character have not been revealed

Dmitro Shaitanov

The video is late. A lot of talent has been replaced or removed. She doesn't have Valli

more to the talent "Excitement of the Beat".
Wow, I’m amazed by this video, and then a tank was lifted and thrown = D
AnWarLord 12345_Lol_Omg_Wtf
Honestly, it’s a good guide.
And the axis of my
I don’t know who to buy from this list:

http://cs622522.vk.me/v622522909/28f87/Wlr6FqDwoPM.jpg On the other side

Abathur ta Sledgehammer.

I'm thinking of buying Zeratula, the others aren't as good for me.
Who are you going to please?
Lily has no exchange, no kung fu, Valli is better than two arrows taken
Raynor is not so easy to find
Not fit.

Valla is the ultimate hero, in gentle hands he will be stupid
Fidity, what newbies don’t want.
It’s easier for me to fight for Illidan,
Nizh for her, because he has effective ventilation and no mania.
a lot of escapes: vykochuvannya, vibukh, stribok, superzirka, mlinets, at that hour like at
Muradin has only a few combs, and, for good measure, a hammer.

What I love about hots is the ambiguous choice of talents. For anyone

To be honest, I didn’t experience anything else.
Well, besides that
Tychus will be the fighter.
After thinking about it, I realized that he was important.
and Muradin
just right!
And at the end of the video you call Muradin: D Good for you, so
ETC folding (it’s not easy for me, but it’s a folding hero, but not like that,
like, for example, Tassadar with a wall or another).
ONE, I would

encouraging newcomers to buy Tychus and Tassadar.

with only ults (One
і Archon) the stench is simple (obviously), and with others (room and wall

obviously) folding.

Ale stinks are not expensive to cost and (in my opinion) with mechanics


The team is in trouble.

And I'm glad for a couple
buy after purchasing more than FearzAN's characters.
Philip Gritsenko
Chi varto kupuvati Thrall, as your 3rd hero, better don’t screw it up like that
a lot of gold?
Warto Arthas, give me a confirmation please?

Oleksandr Galkin

Malfurion is a rare piece of shit, why should the newbies suffer?
I don’t know how you resemble Muradin more than Anu “Barack I’m even more easily and

Have fun, but there’s just one problem...

I really don’t get angry there at 0:9 but I’ll play the kuzankas one by one, yak bi there I didn’t bother trying to help Skoda’s teammates with all the same software... I’ve pumped this Anubarak up to 7 leftist, well, I’ll try for your pleasure

gratify Muradin.

For the sake of it!! Foxy Tails I know that your hirelings will lose one (and those who can be spared).

If they destroy their opponents, they are more clever than them, their opponents will have to see two or three graves to face this threat.

In addition, the Naimans will be able to go further and make more money.

Before you buy tabir, you will need to carefully plan your activities. As an example, let’s take the map of the tax giants, which appears at the hour mark of 1:30. If you want to tap immediately, at the time of opening the mines, the Naimans will be on the line, and the opponents will have to go down to the mine in threes or fours, recruiting heroes for defense.

In another type of giant, it is impossible to destroy their spores.

You yourself need to know exactly how long it takes to bury the camp, how long it takes for the people to walk to the line and how much the strong stench poses a real threat to it.

Use resources economically!

At an early stage, the respect of the Gravians may be focused on obtaining justice.

Guarantees of evidence can only be obtained for killing enemy warriors.

To achieve success, make sure that you have covered all the lines and take advantage of all possible options.

Of course, there are no ideal situations, the less money you spend, the better.

  • The shame is obvious, but I still have to voice it.
  • Vikoristov's pardon for the enemy
  • You may be wondering that the description of the style is more passive, so that any kind of mercy (either death or harm) can lead to the enemy denying the advantage.
  • Don't force things.

If you allow them to go their own way, gambling will be much simpler.

By defending yourself, you will find yourself in a more advantageous position, and the attackers will soon start to take revenge, which you can do quickly.

If the enemy stands close to his base, and you manage to penetrate half of the line, send warriors to the enemy to harm them.

If the enemy manages to sneak into your half, do not allow him to gain knowledge by killing your warriors.

Once again:

Remember that it is better to approach than to fight.

The longer you live, the greater your chances of victory.

Of course, there are no ideal situations, the less money you spend, the better.

  • If you expect that 3 enemy heroes will come at you at once, you don’t want to risk your lives and try to take one of them with you.
  • This technique doesn’t work here!
  • Run away from all this!
  • At this time, your allies will be able to re-investigate the evildoers while they are focused on you.

I'm glad to sound like this.

If you are constantly choosing a nearby place in a team fight, collapse up to two when your allies enter the battle, and then begin to crumble.

Once you have done everything, within this hour, your opponents will be able to spend their cooldowns, and you won’t die.

Choose the most important option that you can safely reach.

In case of a guilty threat, they wanted to run away.

Of course, there are no ideal situations, the less money you spend, the better.

  • Respect up to two.
  • Play carefully and remember that the killers of long-range battles are even more prone to class.
  • Burst-Carry

Burst carries are the heroes who build on the remaining stages of the game and spend a lot in a short period of time (for example, or).

Your meta is to help your allies.

Of course, there are no ideal situations, the less money you spend, the better.

  • Don't go too far from them.
  • The best meta for rejoicing and zakhistu is for killing a distant battle.

Of course, if you are playing Uther, you can safely run forward to begin the fight, otherwise you will not be able to re-track your opponents.

You still don’t fight them one by one, and since your Valla died under Sonya’s blows, you could have failed, but you got away... the team definitely won’t thank you.

Moral: kidnap your allies!
Your meta is to help your allies.

  • We must first fight the distant battle with vigor, and only then decide.
  • Fighters/tanks

Soldiers and tanks are the heroes on the planet of Sonya and Anubak. Describe their goals as quickly as possible. Tanks and soldiers are always on the front line and are most often destroyed in front of the enemy.

  • set out to finish off those who are running from the carry or lose other allies in order to protect them... If you have overcome the challenge, remember that the enemy tanks, who have fought for everything, will kill those who food bey more effective.
  • using the enemy's method to kill a distant battle, so that you yourself will attract more weak allies to them. You will overcome, if you live longer, below the tanks of the enemy's team.
  • Once again:
  • (forgiven)

Kill the enemy carries destroy your carries.(more specifically)

Join us.

Focus on attack and attack.

Try to be at the very center first.

Survive enemy tanks.

Please note which guide is better described

illegal rules

HOTS first showed up at Blizzcon in 2010 and has gone through countless stages and tests over the years.

Five years later, the importance of the robot was well recognized in the world.

The graphics do not need to be animated for the sake of many other MOBAs, and Blizzard has allowed the miracle robot to play a unique game with such speeches as cards based on objective and nostalgic characters from other games. Given the strength and popularity of other Blizzard projects, it goes without saying that Heroes of the Storm is not just another MOBA, and once you start playing the game, it becomes obvious.

cob gris

When you first log into Heroes of the Storm, you can go through the initial course and immediately become engrossed in the gameplay, or you may lose it. If you plan to continue with the initial program, then you can quickly realize that the mechanics and features of HOTS are similar and similar to other games in the MOBA genre. The initial guide begins with the basics of the game, as well as the basics of the genre, in its own humorous form. The princes go through their origins as Jim Raynor, accompanied by another famous person, Uther the Lightbringer. Uter serve as a mentor in this episode through control, camera control, talent management, and more. One key aspect is that in the game you can compete on a global level with your team, so that all your team's players are on the same level from now on.

Upon successful completion, new initial missions will focus on specific aspects of the game.

Tim is not less, and the lessons are not too difficult, no matter how bad you feel or how bad you feel Swedish way

  • earn money to buy
  • large quantity
  • necessary coordination between the heroes.
  • Burst carries are the heroes who build on the remaining stages of the game and spend a lot in a short period of time (for example, or).

earn money to buy Heroes in Heroes of the Storm

Let's paint the butt of this Diablo.

large quantity So, the demon Overlord from the Diablo franchise.

It has features that allow you to throw up enemies, crush them, and also create a property called Falling, which allows you to take away the enemy and take over the enemy's territory. for a short period of an hour.

Since you are the type of soldier who likes to simply take the negativity out of the battle, then Fighters are suitable for you. The biggest rewards are, as a rule, because the skills of these heroes in Heroes of the Storm are supplemented with brown offensive skills. Be careful, as this means that the stinks of lower levels of health and are responsible for looking after your team. Like the butt of a wonderful representative of this class, let’s look at Nova. She has rice, which allows her to collapse stealth, allowing her to stick around the map without being marked, since she didn’t take part in the matter.

This element of unrest gives the hero a lot of room to maneuver and the ability to deal with a lot of harm.

Role Support

self-explanation; ci with Abathura, which is a miracle butt.

Its benefits include the installation of pasters, which will protect the shield from allies, as well as provide assistance to other units and combat structures.

  • For your heroic needs, you can either create a clone of the enemy heroes, wanting control over the stronger version of them for twenty seconds, or upgrade an allied character, which becomes the strongest if one of the enemies dies b. As the Gravians are looking for more evidence of their advancing past, let’s take a look at the story about Vikoristan Fakhivtsya.
  • Heroes of the Storm main features: All Blizzard in one game
  • MOBA gameplay with a great set of heroes from the entire Blizzard company (Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft and others!). Podil for all Exp
  • The evidence is shared among the entire team (all the same). Unique cards
  • The skin card has its own important purposes and tasks, making the skin card essentially unique. Become equal to God

The graves begin with all their unblocked functions, except for one end.

Skin splints of equals can unlock talent to increase the heroes' rank.

Short matches
The gameplay of action and battles is packaged in typical rounds of 10-20 rounds.
System benefits for Heroes of the Storm
Minimum benefits:
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8

Processor: Intel Dual Core/AMD X2 5600+
Video card: Nvidia GeForce 7600 GT/ATI Radeon 2600 XT RAM: 2 GB per Hard disk: 10 GB
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 (64-bit OS recommended)
Operating system: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8

Intel Core

i5/AMD FX series

Video card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650/ATI Radeon HD 7790

RAM: 4 GB per