The state program for the development of enlightenment in the nearest future. Write new rules for child camps

At the fall of the leaves of 2017, a writer, journalist and high school teacher Dmitro Bikov spoke at the Radiation of the Federation in the framework of the Year of the Expert project with a lecture about those who may be current illumination. Pіznіshe vіn so svіy vstup: "I don't work in a "good" school, but in an important one, where talents accumulate and with whom you are unbearable. But I still work in schools even smaller, in that number of provinces. I say more often: Bachimo like a growing mind, talent and illumination in an average statistical school”.

At the same time, the difference in abilities, which gives the children an "average statistical" school near the capital and near the Russian glibints, is enormous for an hour. In the future of 2017, Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva on the “ordinary year” in the Radiation of the Federation, that on this day 3,400 Russian schools have toilets on the streets. At the chest of the past fate on the XVII star " United Russia» The same Vasilyeva brought data, with the help of which only 16% of teachers in all Russia are able to use a computer. In the article "School of Vigilance. How is it - pracsyuvati teacher in Russia?" , published at the leaf fall of 2017, in the journal "Spivrozmovnik" it was reportedly written, as it turned out, that the real salaries of readers in Russia are significantly lower than fixed by Rosstat. Let me give you one more figure: in 2016/17, the initial turnover of 42% to 22% decreased from 42% to 22%.

It’s all about talking about those that the system is nothing school lighting be in deep crisis. I’ll be happy with the assessment of the MDIMV professor Valery Solov, so recent outbreaks of violence in the schools of Perm, Ulan-Ude and Chelyabinsk: “School is the core of our society. the country of the poor, deprivation of rights and de people change their minds in a filthy mental form ... It’s not your fault to marvel at the spalah of unmotivated aggression. and teachers, and teachers. Stinks are socially suppressed (readers), we miraculously know. Yes, obviously, good schools, but in a nutshell, the school system is defective."

About those who are Russian middle school I will demand a change, speaking to my Envoy to the Federal Assembly on the 1st of March 2018 and the President of the Russian Federation Volodymyr Putin. For yoga words, "it is necessary to go over to fundamentally new ones, including individual technologies early rock to instill readiness to change, to a creative request, to develop a robot in a team, which is even more important in to the current world, beginners of life in the digital age".

Naturally, the best digitalization of the school and the introduction of new technologies are found in the capital. However, not everything is so rosy here. Vіdomiy istorik and school teacher Leonid Katsva, zokrema, on such problems: "Let's marvel, chim turbovanі vchitelі. If you talk about Moscow, it will not be a salary, but bureaucratization, which is growing rapidly. - which, to everything else, is a filthy worker, especially the one on which goiter was used to go to more Moscow schools, ce zavdannya, yakі vzagalі not connected with pedagogical activity. For example, recently I read on my own from the regions of our fatherland, we should monitor the activity of children in social networks..."

Today, it is obvious that the best Moscow schools are doomed to permanent change. Some of them are connected with elementary corrections and adoption of the one that deserves to work normally for teachers and learns from teachers and demeasures their practice, and yakіs - with absolutely new weeks (the appearance of not only new technologies, but new generations) Z , representatives of some kind of principle otherwise accept light).

For days, on the personal website of Sergiy Sobyanin, a civic material was published under the heading "Moscow enlightenment. Strategy-2025". In a new measure of the capital, write about those that are most important at once - correctly organize the work on a new strategy of enlightenment and designation: In the first place, they took the fate of those to whom everyone put them into life, I asked the initiative group of school directors to develop the first little strategy for the development of enlightenment, then we will publish yoga, so that the skin teacher and father could discuss the strategy and discuss their disc. , conducting mass large-scale crowdsourcing - a joke and a selection of the best and implemented ideas".

For the comments before this entry on the site, it is clear that the discussion about the propositional measure has already flared up already not formally, and before it, different teachers of Moscow schools have joined in all seriousness, so that they are not afraid to call speeches by their own names and deeply . , but took care of the improvement of the lighting process near the capital.

Today Moscow is in the sphere of education as a driver for other Russian regions. Behind Sobyanin's words, "the knowledge of graduates of Moscow schools for all parameters has become twice the best, it was lower at the start in 2010. EDI results, and olympiads, and international achievements". So I add: "Today, Moscow schools include up to ten of the best schools in the world. It means that tomorrow it is our fault to join the first trio.

What are those really about what the “Strategy-2025” is about? For the budget, which may be Moscow, it is possible to realize a lot - it would be a big deal. Значною є й наступна теза: "Почати з підтримки вчителів. Звільнити педагогів від проходження атестації, багатогодинної перевірки зошитів та іншої рутини. Допомогти їм освоїти нові ролі наставників і путівників дітей по безкрайньому морі освітніх можливостей, які пропонує сучасне місто. оплачувати вчительську працю".

These propositions are kindly related to those that the readers themselves say. I’ll bring only a few words from their comments, which were left out on Sobyanin’s website: “Lord, it’s impossible to re-verify the zoshitiv in the past in the past ...”; “I'll wait with the previous speakers. Teachers need to be given “freedom”, not to drive them away from the frame with less people, if they give servants, they always “defend” before the fathers and like themselves”; “I am in the light of 25 years. And no one and no one cares about the teacher! and etc.

At once, the readers thought about the camp, for there could not be a good break in the world, because those who teach children, watch uninterrupted anxiety, irritate that stress. On the right, everything will be implemented in practice. Even though some of the most highly manipulative strategies were developed by both federal and metropolitan experts, some of them led to the very least results, which were declared on the spot.

Tim is no less, those who are the most ambitious and modern thinkers of the heads of the regions have begun to give more respect for the light, I can judge from Veliky Novgorod. Novgorod Governor Andriy Nikitin for days published on his Facebook page a message for the program of professional development for teachers in the Novgorod region "Rework". It is also possible for them to "allow educators to introduce the best practices of project work into their work, to become recognized as leaders in this sphere in their educational organizations."

It was understood that the assessment of Sobyanin, and Nikitin, and other governors, that they would like to see new people come to the light of the middle, in this state, they can put themselves teachers and graduates. And then, without regard for all good, assistance, training of personnel, development of strategies and programs, increase of finances and other things, you can declare yourself in an unstoppable rank. As if by the same Dmitro Bikov in an interview I had already made: "Russia is doing a good job of carrying on the nation of geniuses, but there is not much to do with them."

The Order of the Order of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2015 No. 2145-r approved the program “Surveying creation in subjects Russian Federation(depending on the forecasted demand) of new opportunities for global lighting organizations” for 2016–2025 (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

The program was expanded on the basis of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the Message of the President to the Federal Elections on 4 December 2014. As stated in the document, "the need for the implementation of the Program is motivated by the high social significance of rozvyazuvannyh zavdan schodo shaping of minds for the well-being of such a global enlightenment."

For tribute to Rosstat, as shown in the documents, as of September 1, 2014, two and three changes led to 10.8 thousand rubles. shkіl (24.8% of the total number of shkіls), among them there were over 1.862 million cases (14% of the total number of students)). As of September 1, 2015, 13.27 ths. osib.

In 482 schools, 633 houses are being refurbished in an emergency station, in 6192 schools, 8261 houses will require major repairs, 4896 shkil (11.2% of the total amount of shkil) will not be able to improve the situation. Zagalom in 2015 roci vikoristovuєtsya over 9 yew. school days with an equal deduction of 50–70%, 6 thousand. - over 70%.

In addition, until 2025, the number of students in schools is based on a demographic forecast of growth by 3.5 million.

In order to achieve this, the Program put in place - “the creation in the subjects of the Federation of new missions at the global lighting organizations is up to the predicted consumption of the daily power to the minds of the trainee”, to be virishit such a plant, as the provision of a single-day regime (12th) classes of global lighting organizations and transfer of studies to new budding global lighting organizations from budіvel with a fee of 50% and more.

Transferred to the І stage (2016–2020) until 2018 the deadline for the third change, until 2021 the deadline for transferring 1 - 4 classes 10 - 11 (12) a place for translating uchniv іz budіvel, mayut high steps of wear and tear.

At the 2nd stage (2021–2025), by 2025, it is planned to transfer 100 new students, who are starting, with a fee of 50 new students, and more up to new schools and ensure the start of one change of students 5—9 class, reducing the regime

Vіdpovіdno to tverdzhenої Program, schob to implement the set tasks, it is planned to create: at the І stage - 2816.513 ths. new places in schools (1897.267 thousand places in Russian schools and 919.246 thousand places in rural schools), including 2511, 717 thousand. new opportunities for the provision of training in the first change and 304,796 ths. a new place for the translation of students from life, that a high step can be worn; at the II stage - 3761.351 thousand. new places in schools (2533.93 months in Russian schools and 1227.421 months in rural schools), including 2041.502 thousand. new places for the provision of education at the first change that 1719, 849 yew. new places for translating uchniv іz budіvel, yakі mayut vysokі stupіn znoshuvannya.

In this way, the implementation of the Program will allow the creation of 6.6 million new jobs, including 4.6 million jobs for the education of children in one shift, 2.0 million jobs for students, so that they can switch from life to school high step I'm taking it to new schools.

“The life of new schools is planned for the selection of standard projects, as modern vimog to the organization of the lighting process, with the possibility of transformation see different navchannya, - go to the Program.

For everything you need chimali koshti. І stink before the Program. Costs of the federal budget, costs of the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation (public budgets) and budgetary departments.

General financing of the Program for 2016 - 2025 in the warehouse is 2835863.2 million rubles, including: for the budget of the federal budget - 1985104.2 million rubles; for the expenses of the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation (public budgets) - 708,965.7 million rubles; for budgetary expenses - 141,793.3 million rubles.

Efficiency The programs are assessed on a random basis by matching the actually achieved values ​​of the target indicators (indicators) with their planned values.

Vіdpovіdalny vikonavtsі – coordinator of the Program є Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is the Program's certifier and bears the responsibility for the implementation of the last results, the rationale of the efforts that are seen at the vikonannya.

Senator Liliya Gumerova spoke about the initiative at the press center of the Parliamentary Newspaper

Russian legislation, scho to be with children, require a little further, the first intercessor of the head of the Committee for the sake of the Federation of science, enlightenment of culture was named. About the changes that are being prepared, the senator spoke at a round table in the press center of the Parliamentary Newspaper.

Financing the programs of everyday life of new schools is necessary to increase

One of the most important "children's food", like the chambers of the regions, is the program of life of new schools.

15 million students navchayutsya this year at the sacred lighting installations of Russia.

“Today, 15 million schoolchildren are trained at the sacred and lighting mortgages, of which 1.8 million are trained by a friend, and about 80 thousand by a third. At the same time, we have 4.5 thousand wooden schools, and 7860 primary mortgages will require major repairs, - Liliya Gumerova predicted. - A number of schoolchildren continue to grow. Vykhodyachi z tsikh digits, behind our razrahunki, scho 25 billion rubles per river are seen on the program, not enough. We actively advocate for the initiative to see the addition of 10.2 billion rubles for the whole program.”

Liliya Gumerova guessed at similar nutrition among members of the Committee of the Chamber of Regions for Science, Education and Culture, We were supported by the head of the Federation for the sake of Valentin Matvienko, and as a result, pennies were brought to the regions.

It will not be easy for the project to achieve a negain zbіlshennya zbіlshennya fіnansuvannya once again, the parliamentarian knew.

“We don’t have an easy budget, mind you,” she said. – That is why our committee of viishov with an initiative, so that the program for the life of new schools was continued until 2030 (the education is funded until 2025 – ed. note). Ale not at Skoda finance. This does not mean that the money already pledged to the program can be extended to greater number fates".

Also, the senators are ready to support the deeds of the propositions of the subjects of the Federation to participate in the program.

“One of such propositions is worthy of school in the rural world,” explained Liliya Gumerova. - For example, today's smart programs do not allow winning pennies from the federal budget for the life of the complex nursery garden- pochatkova school".

Write new rules for child camps

From the order of the day the senators have not broken up the law on children's recompense, which allowed the old camps of Russia to work for the new rules.

“There are problematic points, as it will be necessary to regulate, in addition to the additional legislation, in this sphere they have lost,” Liliya Gumerova knew. - We don’t see variability in front of us child support. It is required to clearly write down the rules for the work of all types of camps - foreign, colonial, daytime. It is necessary to read the normative base of the skin category of similar installations.

There is an active discussion of the idea that the program "Accessible Center" included nutrition for a summer health care program.

With this standard, the vimogi that hang out to the camps can be united, the parliamentarian added.

“If the skin of the municipality and the region hangs its power to the children's camps, it's wrong,” the senator said.

Behind the words of Lіlії Gumerova, the availability of a child's order is no less an urgent problem.

“One of the main meals here is for children with limited health abilities,” she explained. “Not all of our camps can accept such schoolchildren.”

As the legislator has appointed, the Radiation of the Federation will be convinced that it will not be possible to reformat the children’s ability to meet the needs of all the camps of the country in the next hour.

“But in the skin subject, it would be logical to create if you want to set low standards, so the boys could do it,” said Lilia Gumerova. - The idea is being actively discussed at the link with the community about those, that the program "Accessible middle ground" included in itself the nutrition of the summer health improvement program.

It is logical for the Radiation of the Federation to respect the creation of a single federal register of health institutions.

“Deploying to this registry would be a guarantee that the camp had organized yakіsny, tsіkaviy and safe repair,” the senator explained. - At the same time, similar registers are updated in the skin subject of the Federation, but we do not know correctly. Choosing a tabir for your child, fathers are not guilty of looking over the greatness of resources. It is necessary for us to give the opportunity to go to the portal of the federal register and take all the necessary information there - it’s easy in one place.

Spring session - that plidna is strained

Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags of the spring session, Lilia Gumerova called її “it’s already strained to make it fruitful.”

“On the eve of the 15th meeting, about 300 laws were praised. Moreover, the legislator's activity of the senators themselves was notably promoted - the head of the Federation for the sake of Valentina Matvienko spoke about it, - said a member of the upper house. “Before the Derzhdumi, about 80 bills were introduced, demi є by authors and spivauthors, 19 of them became laws.”

One of the important priorities of the robot chamber of the regions, in the words of the parliamentarian, is to defend the interests of the subjects of the Federation.

“Even a lot of things were ruined by the plan of norm-setting itself by whom directly,” she explained. - For example, as a result of the initiatives of the upper chamber, monitoring is being carried out on the improvement of the subjects of the Federation and their financial security. For the support of this monitoring, we will come to a decision, as if to reduce the camp of the subjects. The right thing is that at the same time the regions are already restless, that they have a lot of new importance, and the axis of financial security does not stick.”

As appointed by Lіlia Gumerova, a lot of boulo was broken up and in order to create a legal framework that allows subjects to change a part of commercial credits and to increase a part of budgetary ones.

“So I would like to especially emphasize the disintegration of the Radiation of the Federation law on allowances, allowance for such children, fathers of some unknown, to take away a social pension, similar to the one that takes away other orphans from the reward of spending a birthday,” the senator said.

“Important that demanding hour” the parliamentarian recognized the package, which will help to prevent suicide in children.

In order to improve the quality and accessibility of education, as well as the comfort and safety of training schoolchildren in 2016, within the framework of the project "Development of Education", activities began State program"School-2025".

Actual problems of the lighting system

Nin at rich schools of the Russian Federation, training is conducted at two or three shifts. Retraining schools. Some of them are insufficiently equipped and are rebuying in an emergency station. The marriage of teachers also plays its role.

As of January 1, 2014, 24.8% of the schools of the country were trained for tribute to Rosstat. According to the demographic forecast, a number of scientists from a friend change the nearest fates of growth, in some regions it is possible to switch to three years of education. More than 15,000 school days can be expected to pay more than 50%.

The need for new primary mission ah until 2025, the date may be estimated at 7389869 months, with the implementation of the transition to the start-up mode in one change and the implementation of the operational life with a high coefficient of depreciation.

The program transfers the life of new schools to modern standard projects, turning to the system of illuminating life, like ninth victorious not for recognition, refurbishment and modernization of the premises, equipping the primary classes with modern teaching methods.

The program "School-2025" - a way out of the situation that has developed

Within the framework of the program, we will provide subsidies to the subjects of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the planned plan for the creation of new primary jobs and equipment (equipment) of the scales of high quality up to the current minds of learning.

At regional programs ah visvitlyuyutsya tsіli, zavdannya, obgruntuvannya and terms of implementation of specific entrances near municipal districts, work schedules, obligate those terms of financing. Validate these programs find vikonavchi organ sovereignty.

The head of the order is Dmitro Medvedev, who said that the main meta program of School-2025 is to “enter” new modern schools, which follow advanced standards, it is comfortable naturally, without a buggy regime. For whom it is planned to obtain federal and regional resources.

The main goals of the program:

  • Until 2018, rock is the top third change of education.
  • Until 2021 - transition post school and 10–11 classes on a single shift.
  • until 2024 - transition to a single shift of 5-9 grades.
  • Construction of new schools, reconstruction and repair of old buildings, equipping with new facilities for primary premises.
Getting into one change - it’s obviously right, such a regime allows schoolchildren to engage in after-school activities, look after children’s libraries, museums, cultural centers, theaters, tourist and other groups. And the equipment of the cabinets for the modern helpers will help to increase the quality of education and bring yoga to a high rіven.

The program is insured for 10 years. Global financial commitment - 2835863.2 million rubles. You will be safer for the rahunok:

  • budget of the state budget;
  • costs of local budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • off-budget dzherel.

Vіdpovіdalny vykonavets – Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

To become a participant in the program, you need:

  • select documents and submit an application;
  • otrimati applications and financial benefits for the implementation of the planned entries;
  • carry out reconstruction, repair, re-equipment.

Within the framework of the program, a coordinating commission has been created, which metabodies like a safe expert and analytical support for the implementation of the creation of new initial missions and modernization of schools in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The commission is engaged in:

  • by looking at the admission of applications of subjects for participation in the selection for subsidies from the state budget;
  • evaluation of applications for admission to visas;
  • selection of regional programs for subsidies;
  • monitoring the course of vikonannya and the effectiveness of regional programs;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of the subsidies;
  • the initiation of the revision by the Ministry of Education.

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