Guide for beginners: Important stages of character leveling in WoW.

  1. Aesthetic cosmetology
  2. Based on the original WoW.
  3. Tse - World of Warcraft Classic
  4. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
  5. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

  • Now let's take a look at the skin supplement report
  • 1. Classic BB
  • 60 rubles

8 races, 4 per skin faction (we’ll talk about races and factions later)

  • 9 classes (read about classes below).
  • You can only earn money for the Paladin class for the Alliance, and for the Shaman class only for the Horde.
  • 2. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

70 rubles

  • 10 races (addition of Blood Elf and Draenei), 5 per faction
  • 9 classes.
  • In this case, additional creations of Paladin and Shaman are possible even for offending factions.

3. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

  • 80 rubles
  • 10 races, 5 per faction
  • 10 classes, additions to the Face of Death (you can create the Face of Death only if you have a character of level 55 or higher)

4. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

  • 85 rubles
  • 12 races (added to Worgeni and Goblins), 6 per faction
  • 10 classes

5. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

90 rubles

13 races (Panda race added)

11 classes (additional class Monk)

  • II.
  • To the other, you choose the Faction, for which you gratify.
  • WoW has two factions – the Alliance and the Horde.
  • (!!! IMPORTANT!!! Please be assured that there are various additional activities of the race!!!)
  • For the Alliance you can choose the following races:
  • Lyudina
  • Dwarf
  • Night Elf
  • Dwarf
  • Dreniv
  • Worgen




Blood Elf

  • Goblin
  • Another okrema race is Panda.
  • After winning the 10th rank, playing for Panda, you must choose a Faction. For the Yaku Fraction of Gratis, please follow me.
  • III.
  • After you have chosen an additional faction and race, you will need to select a class and role. 1st class
  • BB has 11 classes, which are:
  • The magician wears fabric hoods and assumes the role of a long-distance fighter.
  • Druid - wears cloth, leathern jackets, and plays the role of a tank, healer, melee and long-range fighter.
  • Paladin - can wear all types of armor, playing the role of a healer, tank, melee fighter.
  • A Warrior, like a Paladin, can wear all types of armor, playing the role of a tank and a melee fighter.
  • Face of Death - can wear all types of armor, plays the role of a tank, a melee fighter.

2. Role

All roles are very important!

  • BB has 4 roles:Close combat fighter.Zavdannya -
  • apply more money to the yakomaga.(In the slang of gravtsіv VV – dd)
  • A long-distance fighter. Zavdannya
  • - apply more yakomaga ( In the slang of gravtsіv VV - RDD)Tank.

The trick of the tank lies in the fact that the tank is responsible for absorbing all the enemy’s attacks on itself, so don’t let the healer and the fighter perish.


The mission is clear and behind the name, it is essential to protect the group and not let anyone perish.
In the slang of gravts BB - hill)

After choosing a class, start raising the level.

You can raise the level through additional battles or dungeon crawls.

  • IV. Another, very important part is the driving creatures.
  • Mountie Healthy creatures can be obtained at the cob location of your race.
  • On the additional ZS - a riding creature, which increases the speed of transfer by 60%, can be added after removing the 30th level, by 100% - after the 60th level. On the WotLK add-on, the beast of war is 60% after the 20th level, 100% after the 40th.
  • V. Addoni

I'll tell you about the addon - a modification (change) to the game interface.

Since I just started playing, I have used the following addons:

X-Perl (

  • XPearl) - Changes the appearance of the main life panel, making it more intelligent.
  • I respect that this addon is even more important.
  • OneBag -
  • Crit - critical hit
  • BG, BattleGround, BG – battlefield
  • Arati – Arati Lowland, battlefield
  • Varsong – Song of War Gorge, battlefield
  • Alterak - Alterak Valley, battlefield
  • Island – Island Conquest, battlefield
  • HP, HP, HealtPoint – health eyepieces
  • MP,MR - manni eyepieces
  • XP – eyepieces up to date
  • Persian - character
  • ACC - account
  • Password - password
  • LVL, Level, lvl, level – rhubarb
  • Golda, Gold - gold
  • Prof - profession
  • Agila - tightness
  • Stamina – vitriol
  • Inta – intelligence
  • AP – attack power
  • Stan - stunned
  • Abilka – building
  • Blink – teleportation for a short time
  • TP – teleportation
  • Orgri, Ogri is the place of Orgrimmar, which is the capital of Ordi.
  • Storm - the city of Stormwind, the capital of the Alliance
  • Quest - zavdannya
  • Noob - newbie
  • Mіn – Khvilina
  • Sik – second
  • AFK - duration (for example, people write: “AFK 5 times” - this means that they will not be 5 times)
  • Party group
  • GI – guild
  • Elitka – Elite mob
  • Inst, dungeon - dungeon with elite MOBs and bosses
  • Item – subject
  • Craft - gate
  • Lags - blocking the game through a bad Internet connection to the server
  • Serv – server
  • Priest – Priest
  • Dru – Druid
  • Pal – Paladin
  • Var – Warrior
  • Horns – Rozbiynik
  • Mage - Mage
  • Lok – Warlock
  • DK – Face of Death
  • Sham – Shaman
  • Hunt – Myslyvets
  • Pet – vihovanec
  • Invite – requested

I hope this article helped you!

The co-founder of the Neovima company, Pavlo Osipov, shared the story of his first startup, how in 2006 he launched his local private World of Warcraft server and earned a pittance.

It’s 2006, I’m living near a distant military garrison, where there was taiga and witches.

Computers began to appear in large numbers among us; after all, we were the children of military families, and our fathers were collecting pennies. The town didn’t have much to do: either sniffing glue and gasoline, or pretending to be a “super-bandit” from the film “Brigada”. World of Warcraft.

If you hack the license, write instructions on how to start it and the server will appear in the place.

As many as 80 people were constantly online.

Even though we lived in a place where there was a legend about the creation of the “Internet”, we didn’t get to gamble on the local server very often.

For emergency reasons, surfing the Internet for 1 year cost 200-300 rubles.

And it was impossible to connect to the Moscow network without pennies on your Internet balance, and despite the high ping, having tried your luck, it was simply not possible to gamble.

The server was simply super, even more beautiful, even standing at the site.

I worked well, and the system of calling worked normally, but she died a month later, I don’t know why.

Now that I’m in 9th grade, I’ve successfully failed my studies, having left my father, and sent my grandmother to the Primorsky Territory for 3 months.

I got home with my dad, so we’ll turn the server on.

Having withdrawn all your money for 3 months in advance, those who have not paid are banned from system notifications requiring payment.

Having lost a friend as an admin, you can also resolve contentious situations.

An hour later, I was lying around, and in the middle of a conversation with my dad, I learned that my dad had stopped turning on the server two years ago, because the computer had become wildly crazy.

I started to worry, before the 20th of September I turned home and discovered that I had given access to the server to a familiar guy, who, for the sake of the heat, spawned a bunch of monsters of dragons “Onyx”, which killed all the koristuvachs, and through them the server went crazy galmuvat and fall, and then they started burning and stopped turning on. So dad turned him off. I was even embarrassed, it was not possible to raise the server, since the local master of the network arrived at the site, and now it was possible to play on the local server forever.

Then, having learned my first lessons, why business can’t be done with friends) but it was fun. P.S I Potim Zlamal the Adminsk Acount of the Service, I Kolya Knowomy, ​​having kicked the hero to a steep rivnya, I fell asleep the Miksky server, I got the yogo settled a rejoicing of the same vidali akauti, ale -boula in the same Once confirmed, you can log in and apply for a trial period.

Such a note is a useful guide for coworkers, so you can gamble as much as you can without any costs.

One thing - you can only play until level 20, you can’t choose the race of worgens or goblins, you can’t give speeches and gold to characters.

  • Such a trial hour allows you to become familiar with the basics of the game, step-by-step develop your knowledge and not rush to develop your character.
  • You can also try to create characters of different races and classes.
  • For those who don't know how to start playing WoW, or even want to try it out, it's important to distinguish between account types.

The Blizzard company has divided the gaming world by region:

US is a server that US residents play on.

There are very few Russians there, so the availability of keys and prepayments are even more expensive.

EU – this is Europe.

Once you have completed a free trial account and successfully reached Rank 20, you will need to upgrade your account to World of Warcraft® Battle Chest®.

By allowing you to level up your character to level 70, you will no longer be able to transfer items.

From the moment of conversion, you need to pay for the gaming hour of the month.

You can pay for your registration or by credit card through your registration.

You can also add keys.

Once you level up to level 70 and want to continue playing WoW, you'll need to level up to the Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

This way you lose the ability to level up your character to level 80, and new locations, dungeons and arenas will also open up. The remaining addition is this version of the “Cataclysm” game. The best way to shop is through, which will allow you to withdraw your money. Well, now you know how to start playing WoW and are ready to reach new gaming heights! WoW Career for Newbies

Setting up cloud recording and logging

If you haven't played any other Blizzard games yet or don't have time, we ask you to create a BattleTag.

BattleTag acts as the nickname of your account, and is not confused with the nickname of your characters.

This nickname will be your identifier for your account, people in your account's friends list will refer to you as this nickname.

You can only change your BattleTag once without cost, after which you will need to pay without cost to earn it, remember this.

If you already have a BattleTag, or after this creation, you will become interested in World of Warcraft.

Oskolki the game is very great, the attraction can take a good hour. Character creation After you have installed the game and set up cloud recording, it’s time to go to the game, click “Open” to print the game.

As soon as you play, you will immediately appear on the character creation screen.

World of Warcraft has a "Realms" concept for its sub-Gravians. Realms Skin Kingdom is another server that players can play on.
If you want more action in the middle of the game, you can change the characters from
various spheres
at the same time, if you know someone who is already playing the game, and if you start playing at the same time, you have to choose one and the same area for the best information.
To change the exact area, press the “Back” button on the character creation screen, and then go to “Change Kingdom” at the top right corner.

There you will find all the available galuzes in your region.

Remember that there are different Realm tabs, so the area you are thinking about may be under the adjacent tab.

Once you find or choose a Realm, both of you can click on it in the list to connect to the next one. Bring back the respect that comes out and stories attached to the new one.

The skin race is limited to one specific faction, the cream of Pandaren, which may be present in both, so your chosen faction will inform your choice for races.

In each faction you can choose from seven different races, the Alliance's Gravians can be humans, gnomes, night elves, gnomes, draenei, worgen or pandarens, while the Ordi Gravians can be orcs, undead, tauren, trolls, orcs fi, goblins or pandren , Each race can be divided into different classes, so choose a race to define the class that your character can be.

World of Warcraft has 12 different classes, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.

As a new Gravets, you can choose any class, aka Demon Hunter, which requires a level 70 character from this Galusi.
You can learn more about skin class by clicking the icon on the right panel.

Your character's status does not affect what you can or cannot earn in the game, it is purely cosmetic.

Choose which model best suits your personal fantasy!


Once you finish, the time has come to train your character.

You can select hundreds of different character parameters.

You choose which distance you want to change on the left panel, and then how to change it on the right-hand panel.

There are two main options for moving your character: your keyboard or mouse.

Using the keyboard, press W to move forward, S to move backward, A to rotate left, D to rotate right.

You can press the “Left” and “Right Mouse Button” buttons behind your mouse to force your character to roll forward and force him to turn as the mouse moves across the screen.


First, what do you note when you go into the game, it will be a sign of calling out to the characters next to yours.

This sign of a call signals Questba.

The actions of the characters in the game are all characters who are controlled by the gravel.

All characters with Quests are assigned to this category.

Quests – these are the missions that mainly serve the purpose of World of Warcraft, and you will remember them without any personality during the game.

At the bottom of the screen there is a large bar with no empty squares and one square with an icon, which is your action panel.

At the start, you only have one responsibility to deal with, as you will need to destroy the property.

To vikoristovat yogo, press 1, if the target is selected.

These activities are happening now, called the hour of broadcast, so they take a few moments until they are launched, and you cannot collapse while the actor’s process is ongoing, and others are being processed.

If the building is successfully fought, you will harm your enemy, who will prevent him from attacking you.

Repeat, repeating your history, pressing 1, as many times as possible.

As soon as your enemy’s health is within reach, you will die.

If the enemy dies, you can rob his corpse by approaching him and clicking the right mouse button.

Other quests may contain real objects in the world.

If so, you won’t have to force any obstacles in order to interact with objects in the world.

These objects will be visible with a dark shadow next to them.

To interact with them, rush close to them and right-click them to rob them. Pumping and finishing World of Warcraft is a role-playing game (RPG) at its core, so that there are differences between characters.

RPG RPG depends on how weak or strong a character is, and on WoW there is no difference.

Apparently, if you gain rhubarb, you will take out more energy, heat and vigor.

Please login to
coming rhubarb
Or, as they say in the game, when you go up the mountain, you will need to fill the panel to the top.

When you release your spirit, you tap into a spiritual light that is invisible to other people.

You will be placed as a healer of the Spirit.

Spirit Healers are NPCs who allow you to return to life if you talk to them, or damage all your items, as well as change your strength by 75% for 10 minutes.

So why not, you can run in spiritual light where you died and were transformed into your body. To complete this, press M to indicate where your body is, a small gravestone icon will be placed on the map. As soon as you reach your body, show up with the food you want to resurrect.

Pressing “Accept”, you will return to life, where you will continue to live, and you can die, and you will die, a wandering skeleton on the ground.

Further reading

If you enjoy the game and want to learn more, we can help you with this, you can take a look at our guides for new players to get rid of additional information about the basic mechanics of the game or our special instructions for a specific class to learn more about a specific class. World of Warcraft is a giant and massive game, don’t fight! Wait for a while and work harder from now on. See you later!.

Mangos is absolutely cat-free and is sold under a full license, which means it imposes a small penalty on the buyer.

The most important is the control of vigor for commercial purposes.

  1. This means that you cannot vikorize the server, based on this decision to earn money.
  2. Instructions: how to create a WoW server?
  3. Well, the time has come to create your own server.
  4. You will first need to download the Mangos package from the Internet.
  5. You can earn money on the official website.
  6. Run the ad.exe file.
  7. After the end of this year, we will have 3 more folders. You will need to kindly delete the folder called building, otherwise we will not be able to play on our new server. And you need to move the other two folders, which are called maps and dbc, to the mangos folder.
  8. Now we have to find the part in the installation process.
  9. Run the makevmaps_SIMPLE.BAT file and you can happily drink tea or eat.
  10. This file
It’s not necessary, but it’s also important, because it will help you avoid a lot of sweets and glitches that you might stumble upon.

After the program has finished its work from the previous point, we next need to delete the building folder.