Magic for inviolability.


In peace, people will go to Volodinsk with a warm house, in which they will feel comfortable and quiet.

Incredibly, buying an apartment is the most important thing in life in any country.

And today it is a highly emotional investment.

According to the legend, people take different actions, renting, transferring, buying and selling such objects.

Such great purchases (sales) happen to people rarely in the course of their lives, which impose their own pressure on a serious approach to the top.

The hour for the praise of such decisions, how to respect experts in the market, is approaching two months.

The layout on Tarot cards can be indicated on what kind of income will be insured (your own or others'), what kind of money will be, and in what size.

There may be problems with your mortgage or payment in the future.

Sometimes people run after the living wage, investing until their last penny, and then there are unsatisfied attempts to knock out the soil from under their feet, draining their financial debt - and people have to relinquish their rights , or the term is to sell it.

It is much easier to go through the transition if you know about it.

Tarot layout “Nerukhomist”

  1. This layout must be manually analyzed in order to estimate the potential for indestructibility.
  2. This is the camp, the inventory camp.
  3. It requires repairs and fundamental structural changes.
  4. The layout is to be played on the new deck.
  5. There are 8 positions per card.
  6. Show your respect when the Major Arcana cards appear.
  7. Please indicate the daily moments in the layout that require special respect.
  8. Meanings of card positions

Setting up a questioner for an apartment, a booth, a dwelling

Stan budinku (zhitla) on the material plane

Need for repair, modernization

Inventory (furniture, plumbing, wiring) for the cabin

Structural changes to the cabin (material or changes to the family warehouse)

Possibility and necessity of moving

Setting up a questioner for an apartment, a booth, a dwelling

Tarot layout “Nerukhomist”

  1. Unauthorized changes
  2. Implementation of planned changes
  3. Block (price).
  4. This is evidenced by the variability of the infragrancy and the price (area, height, place of removal and other factors).
  5. It is possible to bargain well.
  6. Either I can make the payment on my own, or I need a loan and help from outside.
  7. What additional deposits are required?
  8. Block (help for third parties).
  9. Both the buyer and the seller can go one-on-one (through a network, an intermediary, a realtor).

I will need any additional help

Block (unresolved problems, deception).

This is deception on the part of the realtor or the seller.

Setting up a questioner for an apartment, a booth, a dwelling

Tarot layout “Nerukhomist”

  1. Financial purity of inviolability.
  2. Why might you have a problem during the purchasing process?
  3. Block (inflow of purchases to the buyer from the future).
  4. I'll be satisfied with the purchase (you're happy there, you'll get your energy, sir).
  5. How can you get stuck in life (if you bring something new, you might end up separated)
  6. Block (terms please).
  7. You will be pleased at the time of reflection.
  • How long will it take to get to bed

Block. Pouch

Block: Rada

Author's Tarot layout "Sales" for sales of indestructibility

The layout is to be played on the new deck.

Tarot layout “Nerukhomist”

  • There is a leather option that is applied to the skin.
  • Then you need to sort through the options and select the most suitable one.
  • 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Physical condition of the apartment
  • 5, 6, 7 and 8 - Energy camp apartments
  • 9, 10, 11, 12 - Susidi
  • 13, 14, 15 and 16 - Think about the unnecessary middle

Setting up a questioner for an apartment, a booth, a dwelling

17, 18, 19 and 20 - What will you bring to this apartment?

21 - Rada

  • The layout is taken from the book “Rozkladi ta dosvіd tlumachennya Tarot” by A. Klyuyev, E. Kolesov, A. Kotelnikova.
  • The following skin position cards are interpreted as follows:
  • bottom map - Grunt
  • left vertical card - captured strength, reserve or weak side

right vertical map - openly active forces or strong side

top card - prospects and possibilities

Author's Tarot layout "Orenda zhitla"

Setting up a questioner for an apartment, a booth, a dwelling

Tarot layout “Nerukhomist”

  1. It’s a good idea to put this arrangement into perspective if you need to evaluate the benefits of renting an apartment (office) or renting out a property.
  2. With this help, you can figure out how to negotiate with the landlord (tenant), how to expect any unforeseen surprises from you, and how to show up in your financial situation, and whether your decision is correct.
  3. The layout is to be played on the new deck.
  4. Like the Porada card (position 12), you can use another deck.
  5. Pay attention to those points in the layout that will help you solve the Major Arcana.
  6. The stench will show the importance of this position.
  7. The top row describes the advantages and disadvantages of the proposition (positions 2,4,6,8,10), the bottom row describes difficulties, rejections, confusion, disappointment (positions 3,5,7,9,11).
  8. Characteristics of the option (station of the object of hearing loss)
  9. This is a good option for me (my business).
  10. Why is it better for me?
  11. How to determine the result of renting a house (apartment, office)
  12. To what extent is this option suitable for me?

The fear of what may happen makes us want to make a lot of speeches in life.

Compose the best scenarios with the worst ones, trust the cards and pursue a healthy mind.

To clarify the situation and take a look at the foods that really make you anxious and require more.

Set priorities and step by step address your investment projects, those that are in transition and that you feel are in need of.

The whole world is divided into buyers and sellers.

  • And we alternately act in one or another role, since, of course, buying or selling is not your main activity, and you don’t work in this activity today.
  • Finally, if you need to buy an expensive speech, a house, an apartment or a car, and are afraid of being wrongly dealt with, we recommend that you consult a tarot reader.

Tarot is a necessary “helper” when purchasing expensive goods

Lay out the Tarot depending on your life situation.

The key to these layouts is the signifier.

  • In love and marriage plans, there are symbols as a signifier and a special feature of the fortuneteller.
  • In the layout for purchase, it is the object of purchase.
  • The meaning of Tarot cards in fortune telling is of secondary significance.
  • There is no darkness - this is the most serious activity that can lie far away from a person’s life.
  • The one who detracts from the meaning is definitely to blame for the mother’s necessary life knowledge and professional training.

It’s good to give a positive response to all nutrition cards.

Well, in life there are many other options for the development of this approach, and one or a number of cards can lead to an unpleasant outcome.

It is necessary to address the skin situation.

You can make a breakdown for a specific person.

If you are no longer dissatisfied with the result, the magic can be repeated, or on another day.

The fortune teller on ancient Tarot cards helps people with many important life decisions.

  • The purchase, sale and rental of an apartment - on the right, is connected with the financial risk.
  • The fortune teller for inviolability behind the Tarot cards will give evidence of nutrition - which will be pleasing, which will work, information about the energetic state of the chosen life.
  • Layout of purchased apartments
  • A simple layout of 11 cards should be used if you want to make a purchase or rent of indestructibility.

It shows all the advantages and shortcomings of the new cabin and apartment.

The Tarot also provides information about changes in life that will bring you joy.

  • Warning for a new inviolability is carried out following the following rules:
  • shuffle the Tarot deck;
  • think over food, think through your thoughts, ideas imagine a new booth;
  • Simply select 11 cards from the deck and lay them out side by side, left to the right (first row – cards 1, 2, 3; other row – 4, 5, 6, three-quarter “dah” box: left side – cards 8, 7, right side - 10, 9, at the top - 11);
  • symbols and chatter.

Do your own magic.

If the fortune telling is carried out for another person, she must set the food herself and choose signs from the deck.

The meaning of the skin symbol in the Tarot deck, which is related to a specific situation, can be found in the instructions and special books.

The numbered cards in the Tarot layout for inviolability have the following meanings:

Meanings of positions in fortune telling:

  • 1 – when the purchase will be made;
  • 2 – indicates the physical state of the residential area;
  • 3 – the hour has been set for construction;
  • 4 – shows what the required level of power in the alarm box indicates;
  • 5 - bring the favor that the people are happy with, so that they can bewitch.

The signifier indicates the essence of the food or symbolizes the teacher.

For a woman, the most commonly used arcan is the High Priestess (Pope), for a man – the Magician.

The symbol is chosen intuitively.

Sales warehouse

  • The fortune teller Tarot for sales of the booth indicates the same food, follows the same rules as for purchase.
  • There are specific schemes of approaches.
  • The “Sales” Tarot layout for the sales of indestructibility follows the following pattern: the top card is 5, the other row has 4, 3, 2, the bottom is 1 and a signifier.
  • Significance of the station of the arcana:
  • 1 – chi varto sell the apartment;

2 – who will get the inviolability (characterizes the peculiarity of the buyer);

3 – when the appropriate hour has been selected for the occasion;

4 – consistency of price, durability and buyer satisfaction;

5 – when the desired result is achieved before the sale.

  • Tarot magic on sales of indestructibility must be carried out as many times as there are potential buyers.
  • This will help you make the right choice, not only to increase sales, but also to give the apartment to the right hand.
  • Storage for rent
  • There is a need to build or rent an apartment or a room, or better yet, create a detailed Tarot layout.
  • This is information about potential risks and advantages.
  • Layout diagram: top row – 1, 2, another – 3, 4, 5, third – 6, 7, fourth – 8, 9, bottom – 10. Arcanum arrangement:
  • 1 – indicates the situation that has developed;
  • 2 – characterizes crossing the ground, indicating foldability;
  • 3 – shows the current affairs with the landlords of the apartment and the burghers;
  • 4 – predicts living in someone else’s apartment;

Moreover, there are strangers living near the apartment;

5 – the location of the apartment where you happen to live;

how the scumbags manage to remove the alarms;

Three-rune magic is one of the most advanced methods of magic.

Vіn will not give you a change to the trivial term.

However, this method is useful if you want to immediately penetrate into the essence of what is happening and know what to do.

A very simple, yet simple method.

There are two ways to consolidate this method of fortune telling.

The first and most common way to get stuck in meals is to get both “so” and “nor”.

This category includes non-dairy food.

For example: “What do you mean by robots?”

chi “Will you marry me?”

And so on.
If you have chosen this method, then turn all three runes at once.
If the stench smells to you, then the truth is obvious - yes.
Since all three runes are in an inverted position, either the runes indicate love, then this is the answer: “No, not at once.”

If anyone wants to know more, let’s move on to another method of sorcery.

In this method, one rune is first turned over, it is dimmed, and then other runes are seen.

The first rune in the left corner shows what your problem is.