Riba papuga is water-wise. Hand Chervoniy papuga - video

riba red parrot(Blood Red Parrot) - a tsehlida (piece of hybrids), as it wicked most of the super-spike in the ribbed light, and one hour from the tsim of great popularity. І nevertheless, grab Vicey hybrid rib chi ni, tsikhlida red parrot now settled in the hearts of the bagatokh aquarellems. It is wonderful for the ribs to go for a home aquarelle, a bit of the stench of peaceful and tsikavi, as well as being kindly "pidlizuvatisya" to their masters, as they only think of them in aquarelle. Ribu Red parrot does not follow a rogue from Cichlid parrots Hoplarch (Cichlazoma psittacus, Parrot Cichlid or Psittacus Hoplarchus), cichlids Papuga (Pelvicachromis pulcher) or sea Papugos (Cichlid) Fatus (Cichlid)

vibrating cichlid red parrot Remember, young Papugas are even darker and darker than young ones. Don't worry, the stink of the world of growth changes colors from dark to plumy-black and orange. Call the price in a duzhe shvidko way - by stretching out the first chotiryokh months.

History of ribs Chervonykh papugs.

A collection of folds in Taiwan in the 1980s red parrot A yak is good if I am mad about a male cichlid Midas and a female cichlid Redhead cichlid. Ale from the quiet period of the deaf variety of Red Papugs, the Red Devil, Gold and Green Severums, and the rest of the time, Black-striped Cykhlazoma (Archocentatus nigrofascius) are included in the hybrid.

know red parrot it is possible from the first glance, zavdyaky unique characteristics, such as volodya tsya riba. For the whole riba, a loose mouth is characteristic of a viglyad dzioba, a head with great eyes and a rounded tilo. Okh roti nikoli do not curl up, so they can hide the shape of the letter in the viglyad "O". The teeth are located far below the throat, so the stench can only stick strongly one by one, or don't bite. Tsikhlidi Gibridi should not be used for cutting with aggressive ribs. During the last hour when the stench is multiplied, the stench cannot be taken away from its offspring, as it is about the cichlids.

Behavior of Red Papug Cichlids.

red parrot- litter 'sarcastic and scared of ribk, yak to finish it is easy to get acclimatized in the out-of-the-box watercolors. Smell shyly to get into the picture of your masters and feed them to the front of the watercolors, so they can be grateful. Chervoni papugas love their mothers, vlast clay peasants, for the fries, how to cling to them, so it is necessary to grow in their watercolors more ukrittiv. They have, melodiously, navit є such fun - to pour and drink from the stoves. The ribbons are even more handy and grailivy. The stench is even better to interchange one with one and with fearful ribs. Tsikh ribs can be recommended to those aquarists, who have great watercolors, and who wanted to have peaceful, active ribs.

Breeding ribs Chervonykh papugs.

hocha tsikhlidi chervoni papugi Dilitimutsya on bets and spawns, іkh males beg for no reason, that іkra guine. Successful spawning will give rise to the late breeding papugi of non-hybrid males, black-striped cichlaz, northern and Midas cichlids. Females of Red Papugs boules were crossed with males of Tsikhlazomi black-striped for the stem of Jelly Bean and Bubblegum Parrot hybrids. Stink zazvychay zabarvlenі in chervonia, greens, blue, violet or rhyme colori.

Fioletovi Chervoni Papugiє some of the most popular papugas, which, for the most part, are not violet, but yaskravo-chervoni. Also popular Papugi Love heart br parrot, Tila like shading the shape of a heart.

Years of cichlids Chervonykh papugs.

The madness of the ribs of Chervony papugs.

Hybrid cichlids Chervoni papugi are crazy with a great number of ribs, such as:

  • Tetra (medium size)
  • gigantsky Danio
  • Be-like catfish plecostomus
  • severum

Rabka Chervoniy papuga - photo.

Tsikhlidi Chervoni papugi - video.

Tame Chervoniy papuga - video.

Chervoni papugi - zm_st.

scientific name: not іsnuє. It was accepted to name the Hybrid Cichlid.

Name the people: Red Parrot, Blood Red Parrot, Bloody Parrot.

Doglyad: pomirny.

Rosemir: call up to 20cm.

pH: 6.5-7.0.

t 0: 22-28 0 C (72-82 0 F).

The triviality of life: close to 10 rock_v.

Hiking / Zhitla: the ribka is piece by piece. In nature, Chervony papugas are not sane, but rather the stench of the American cichlids.

Temperament / Behavior: peaceful.

Breeding Red Papugs: males give birth to no luck. It can multiply, with ribs Midas, Tsikhlazomi Severum and Tsikhlazomi black-striped.

Rosemir aquarelle: minimum 200 l, і for dermal supplementary ribs 40-50 l.

The madness of the cichlids of the Chervony papugs: non-aggressive types of ribs.

Diet / Feed: ribby is all. Read more in detail.

Region: To live mostly in the lower and middle balls of water.

Pidloga: The identification of males from females is practically impracticable for experts. Call one single way of intelligence, like ribs, males, and like ones - do the metanny of іkri.

(Cichlidae). Riba red papuga є a hybrid of aquarelle ribs, piece by people.

History of the journey of the chervony papugu

ribka parrot

In 1991 p, in the process of numerical prescients, Taiwanese selectioners were able to discard the offspring of the consumer breeding, Cichlasoma citrinellum and Cichlasoma synspillum, as they laid an ear of corn without interruption in the growing family of children.

The breeders of their own independent and bright boiled, riba chervonya papuga creep into the colossal popularity of amateurs and growers of watercolors of smart ribs, ale, who are unaffected for all the time, and they are not regularly prepared for drinking watercolors. distance off the offspring.

The secret of successful breeding is to bring chimaliy dohid, the creators are able to save in the tavern, to supply the wonderful water creatures in the pet store all over the world.

anatomical features

Riba papuga aquarellna has denied her unaccountable name not only for a papuga for a barking - chervoni, violets, zhovti, blue, creams, oranges, greens, more perlinny ribs, but also heads of papuga heads are created. The anatomical peculiarity, unfortunately, can hardly lead to the bending of the ribs. On the right, in fact, the unviable form of the company allows you to drive it only vertically and onto a small kut, which is often difficult to wipe out from the clamor, and apparently potentially threatens the individual with hungry death.

Peculiarities of zmistu papugs in watercolors

Chervoni papugi in watercolors

So like a riba red papuga є to finish ruhomiy and grailive, it is necessary to preserve it їy to reach the expanses of watercolors, so that it allows you to swim in a safe and unbeatable way. As a rule, rib papugi zm_st vol_yut in dimensional watercolors, volume not less than 200 liters. It is also recommended to stand up the pump, as there will be a slight interruption, it is important, because the ancestors of aquarelle rib papuga live in natural waters with running water. Temperature regime slid pidtrimuvati in the boundaries of 22-26 ° C, with a hardness of water and 6.5-7.5 pH. The water in aquarelle, in a general order, is to blame for the sourness, so try to talk about the watercolour for wiping the red parrot. Keeping an eye on a papuga riba includes a regular diet of up to 30% of water.

Likewise, a trace of memory about one special feature of the wolf: if you have not even a glimpse of watercolors, please add a cry for a new one, so as it is true that the ribs can be imported from it.

Especially turbuvatsya not varto, red papugas do not see the majesty of love to wateryness, and the axis of the scale of the nest is their addiction.

The confusion with the big ribs

In a wide range of angles, the resemblance to the bird namesake is especially noteworthy.

The zavdyak is accepting of the peaceful nature of the papuga, they get along well with the bagatma species of ribs, both laggy and hijack. Ale at all, I want to respect, well, unaffected by their friendliness, it is not recommended to bring any other ribs to them, such as gratsilis or the young man of Naon, so as the stench is absolutely vapid, it doesn’t matter on small, small size. Ideally, the papuga riba is aquarelle summery with black knives, middle and great catfish, haratsin ribs, and American flowers of other and middle sizes.


I’ll look at the peculiarities of the people of Budovia, it’s a lot of things to ask for food, why would you want rib papugs? Chervoni daddies are not vibrant in the past and gladly eat a live yak, as well as dry food, smut wines, buv yakomoga dribnishe. Loving weasels ribi є motil and floating granules.

With a stretch of life, you can get rid of the buns, and you can’t get rid of them, you need to get them with special feed. Bathe the food, as you put carotene in your warehouse, drink the reddened wine from your ribs.

after dilution

In order to wake up the instinct to the instinct before breeding, to raise the temperature of the water, to 25 ° C, and the papugi to not actively wake up the nests. There is no sense in rozrahovuvati for a newer, to survive, so as the multiplication of the watercolors of amateurs has not gone into the depths, the male ribs will become sterile. But I don’t actively engage in organizing large-scale holes in the ground, changing the bottom of the water in aquarelle. Some of the females, after the love of the mountains, behind the bright sposter, can make the eggs, alas, it's a pity, you won’t be so unfertilized. It is important to the monopoly companies, who are engaged in the breeding of rib papugs, the fry can be sowed siro-chorne, and until the five-thirds of the year they are fed the raisins.

additional views

Like a hybrid in the distance, rib papugs took from their fathers the most beautiful thing, they smelled superficially, they were crumbling and if they were active, they might not be healthy. Vvazhayutsya, how the papuga riba is aquarelle in the region is unwavering in the eyes, and in the minds of captivity it can be up to 10-15 cm. zovnishnim viglyadom and funny behavior. So it’s tsikavo, in a dozen hour, the ribs will ring up to you and hear the knowledge of his ruler, when you appear, will be actively spinning at the front wall of aquarelle, loading with you.

To often get the knowledge of the tsikhlidam, to repay for the mortgage of rib papuzhki. Naukova is the name of the tsikh of beautiful riboks to sound yak pelvikakhromis pulcher. These are the sackclots of the name and the funny behavior, the exoticism lovers could not stand and not tame them. Small size and quiet character increased the popularity of papug cichlids. It is more and more common to start the season in small waters.

Peaceful character is a great challenge for the breed. Tse is the ideal basis, which can only be so possible. Pidsіv її to the young ones, you can not be afraid, you will not be disturbed, for all the others. Daddy ribs marvel at their inveterate character. The stench is to love, to swim in dense thickets, so to poke around in the ground in jokes.

Yak and the majority of cichlids are important, the papuga sack's riba in the waters of Africa, Cameroon and Nigeria. Tsikaviy fact As soon as you can live in brackish water, as well as in prisn_y. Vaughn is not vibrating to the roughness of the water. The first news about it was dated 1901 by rock. For the first time, the won Bula was imported in 1913 to Nimechchina.

describe ribka

Daddies є I’m even pretty, I’ll scrape the ribka. In most individuals, brownish tilo with bright beaches on the belly or fins. The uniqueness of the ribs is in the fact that the stench of the building is changing in every hour. So, in the period of spawning, the cycle changes color and grows very beautiful. At that moment, if you know a female, you should go for mating. At such a moment, you can remember the change of the bookmark and correct the albino ribcage.

On view of the small cichlids, papugi ribs of small size. Males can reach close to 10 centimeters in captivity, females are 3 centimeters less. Ale, at the same time in size, life has changed and the triviality. With the proper look of the stench, you can live in aquarelle 4-6 rocks.

Utrimuvat papuzhka not foldable, bits of stench are not vibrant to the stern and water. The parameters of the drive are practically not negligible. The reason is that the ribs were brought from the spring waters, and the water drastically changes from one to one. If you want to set the ideal, it is important to check with the seller, the male has been delivered. As soon as she flew from Ephesus, then the water with a high acidity, as well as from Nigeria, is more important than anything else for her, then the water will add to the salt, and it will be more puddled and hard. Another option is a mushroom selection. For such individuals to finish adapting for the mists water, in the last drop it will take a lot of time to come up with the optimal parameters.

Ribi-papugi love even more ukrittya. Suggest to that about the presence of quiet cuts and versatile decor. You can vikoristovuvati them:

  • Clay mountaineers with polished chips;
  • Coconuts;
  • Rib cakes;
  • Rіznі decorative pipes and ін.

If you want to be engaged in breeding papus, then some elements will become a necessary attribute for ukrittya fries from the great ribs. Roztashovuvati їkh is more beautiful in kutas, allowing couples to oblashtovuvati their nests. Even more tsykavo sposterіgati, like a couple of the territory. As soon as the representatives of the young couples see the eyes on the clean lines, then the ribs will fix to show all the beauty and strength in front of the opponent. It's a fact that females fight only with females, and males with males.

  • In the goodness of the soil, it is more beautiful to pick up the sand or not to the larger gravel;
  • Obov'yazkova the appearance of roslin and ukrittiv;
  • The appearance of kriska in aquarelle;
  • The temperature is close to 25-26 degrees;
  • Hardness from 8 to 15;
  • Acidity from 6.5 to 7.5.

In the wake of the great growth of indicators, it is possible that there is lightness in the utmost care of rib-papugs. Years of great problems do not get transferred that way. Cichlids from the satisfaction of all kinds of food. Ale, yak and for the ones, it is more beautiful for all combinuvatsy of the newest options in the year.

You can blow a daddy:

  • Motil,
  • daphnia,
  • Trubchnik,
  • cyclops,
  • ATEM,
  • greenery,
  • Special feeds for granules, tablets or plastic tablets.

As a matter of fact, the balance of the year is positively recognized both on self-respecting riboks, as well as on the other. It’s not just pelvicahromis, but it’s important to stitch in watercolors, but the part of the food sank to the bottom, the stench stinks.

Consistency and multiplication

Yakim bi humble character did not mali tsі ribi, do not forget about їkh relatives in the tsiklіdah. To that end, the selection of suspects followed with special protection. During the spawning period, they have a period of aggression, as a result of which they may suffer. Vidomі vipadі, if daddies drove scalars into kut and prodovzhuvali їх utrimuvati there to finish a trivial hour. Not including and physical domination, for example, the taste of fins, is more often attributed to the density and stress.

Beautiful susidi:

  • mohovity,
  • barbs,
  • sword bearer,
  • Congo,
  • Molonesіі.

To the whole list, you can add a few types of ribs, which are similar in character and size to pelvicakhroms. There are a lot of such suspects, as they live in the balls of Acqui.

The male and female are not easy to meet. The female individual has a larger rounded cherevets and a bright crimson tummy, and the male has a head and a larger size. Raising daddies is not easy. The stench spok_yno multiply in the out-of-the-box watercolors without the stem of the spawning grounds. To speed up this period of time to learn how to do it with live food and feed, as your ribs are re-created. Call the female provoking the male for reproduction, ringing and showing all the beauty of his body. However, it is recommended to plant a couple in the spawning watercolors, for an hour when a couple is breeding, it may be aggressive to their suspicions.

Ribka-parrot є a representative of the cichlid family. The vona took her name for the rakhunok of a bright barb and an unpretentious shape of the head, which is a papuga dzhob. All photos of aquarelle ribs can be patched below.

The habitat of the riboks is Zakhidna Africa. However, akvazhayut vvazhayut for beautifully utrimuvati have a hybrid of cich ribs, which is called a red papuga. The stench is even more beautiful and unobtrusive in the utmost. The very thing about aquarelle ribbons and a message in the given statistics.

Chervoniy papuga buv special vivered by Taiwanese breeders in the 90s of the last century. Imovіrno type of boulevard otrimaniyah shhreshuvannya American and African cichlids. More precisely, it’s unavoidable, there’s some way to get rid of this hybrid to get into the suvoriy tamnitsi. At the connection with the cim with a single mice in the light, to develop the same kind of ribs and also to guide them in the іnshі land, є Pivdenno-Skhidna Asia.

Dovzhin grows up to 8-15 cm.

Naiposhirenіsha barn for papugs - orange-chervona i zhovta... In addition to the watercolors of ribs with vishchevs, the representatives of these quits are showing up:

  • blue;
  • lilov;
  • raspberry;
  • green;
  • bili

Ribi-papugi, uncharacteristic for them, may have lower immunity, so it is not recommended to cupuvati.

Also varto zgadati mouth openings of papugs. The mouth of the cich riboks is even small, and it grows vertically all the way to the maliy kut.

For rib-papugs slid buy aquarelle dozhinoyu not less than 70 cm... If you have є a couple of ribs, then the optimal option is to become їх wines in watercolors of 150-200 liters, but they didn’t get it. All the middle obov'yazkovo accommodate small equipment, in which it is possible to shrink, for example, the feathers and the water growth.

Vzagal, tsi ribki are even more active, the stench of loving a lot of swimming, it seems to yourself that you can smell it with a small Russian water, so you can install this pump for airing for a good reason.

Naturally, I know good filter... On the right, in the fact that aquarelle ribs often overlook the amount of food that is not sufficient, and for the sake of cleanliness, such attachments are simply necessary.

The light is guilty of the rosies and the darkness.

The water temperature in the watercolors of papugas is about 22-26 ℃, the acidity is close to 7 pH, and the hardness is 6-15 dH. Do not forget about the amount of water close to 30%.

For the whole soil before dribna abo middle pebble... Reeboks will be able to dig into the new.


Water-smart rib papugs should be fed with live and dry food. You can eat motil, shrimp, and other ribs.

Roslinnu їzhu also varto proponuvati in the form of pіdgodіvli, for example, marrow, ogіrok. To the waters of the tsі ribka baiduzhі.

Piece feed can also be victorious, smut, for all the nobility of the world and not overgrowing ribs.

In the meantime, you can get rid of water-based ribs, in such situations, they give feed with carotene to feed the color.


Hybrid ribs are not good enough to reproduce, scraps males without... New individuals can be found only when they are shy, as it is already said on the ear of the statty.

Unimportant on the price, if you can adjust the water temperature in watercolors, for example, up to 27-28 ℃, then the instinct will go off at the ribs, and the stench will go up to the multiplication and buuvati nests, vykopuyuyami in the runt. To see the price for that, like a papuga, the last time of the rock. There will be drops, if the female can come out of her blood, the male, in any case, cannot be delayed. So, just like that, try the breeding, but you can't bring it to anything.

The identity of the male from the female is possible for a few signs:

  1. For the anal hump. The male has a cone shape, while the female has a pear-shaped wine.
  2. For the presence of erysipelas. Before the hour of breeding, such an embossing appears on the throats and chaffinches only at the male.
  3. For the size of ribi. Males call out more for females.
  4. Behind the caudal fin. For the fin of males, it is characteristic zagostreni kintz, in females the stench is rounded.

It is important for these companies to breed these riboks, the stench of the stench will inflate after 5 months, and the axis of the fry may be gray-black.

The appearance of the aquarelle riba of the goiter papuga is not tied to nature, but to the robots of the Asian breeders, who carried out the growing of the deciduous species. Yaskravі and cute ribkas called "papuga" zvdyaky their curved heads, nagad the head of the feathered, as well as stringy barbers. Christmas papugi ribs є loving bags of watercolors all over the world.

Yak viglyadayut ribe papugi?

Ribka with his own calling viglyadom of a multiplayer hero. The form of til is not special, the cheeky cheeks and the smartest viraz, not similar to the extravagant rib'yache, seen in the middle of the sacks of home waters. The description of the ribby papuga does not unmistakably include a clue to its peaceful character viskogo rivnya Intellect. The main shortcoming of cichlids - aggressiveness and frown - did not calm down.

Ribbed papugs

Basically, ribbed cichlidi papuga - yaskravo-orange or chervonia. In the course of time, you can start drinking, or if you want to eat, you need to add carotene to the races, and I will become yaskrava. Ridko, ale, there is a papugi-albino and a white or light-yellow lemon color. Rashta exotic cooking (raspberries, violets, greens, blue, etc.) - but rather the result of a piece of chemistry farming. Ribki, who went through this procedure, often get sick through weakening immunity. That same color is unstable - it is a deed to be imperceptible.

Krim monochromatic aquarelle barn aquarelle riba papuga can be bought with pandas і marmurov, pearl strings and diamantovs. Remaining two baked boules are eliminated for shredding red papugas and other types of cyclases. Well, at the monophonic ribka, the rapt is black and white, and talk about stressful situations. Pislya usunennya factor, which provokuvav її, pass through the beaches.

How to live the ribe papugi?

Riba papuga in watercolors can live more than 10 years. In the middle, the triviality of their life, with the attention of all necessary minds, the loss and appearance of their inconveniences, become 7 years of age. Ribs in the whole are micro and tenacious. Shcho tsikavo, in an hour the stench will fix the knowledge of its master and add to the front wall of aquarelle when it appears. Tsei and іnshі signs to the intellect of the Danish representatives of the underwater world.

Aquarelle riba papuga - zmist

The papuga's riba is very easy on the eyes and is not vibrant and simple, so it is ideal for cobs of watercolors. At the same time, there is a need for intelligence, through the special anatomy - the form of your company, the stench cannot be smelled by the deyaki vidi fodder. In general, given the awkward rules of fixing, the ribs can feel and delight the gentlemen with their joyfulness, gracefulness and beauty.

Aquarem for rib papugs

The papuga's riba in aquarelle pokes itself in a bit more crummy, that the size of the reservoir is to blame for the great - it is not less than 70 cm, the volume is at least 200 liters. It is important to set up all the necessary possession in aquarelle:

  • a pump for the ease of driving;
  • compressor for zbagachennya sour;
  • filter for cleaning water;
  • a lamp for indoor lighting;
  • thermometer for continuous temperature control.

Bazhano podbati for aquarelle krishka, shards of watercolorsna riba papuga can be wiped out from the water and ducked. Up to the type of soil, the papugi are not vimoglivable, and the axis of the ukrittya is not the same for them. It is also important that the ribs can be readily generated by all the middle groups, and for all of them, they are guilty of being okremi “budinochki”. There can be butti shards, halves of coconut shells, crinkles, etc.

Water temperature for rib papugs

It is permissible for the rip-papuga to be located in the boundaries of + 22-28 ° С.

  • hardness 6-15 °;
  • acidity 6.5-7.5 pH;
  • Generally, the presence of amonia, amiaku and nіtratіv.

Who does Ribey Papugi get along with?

Oskilki character of the riba papuga is very peaceful, the sheeniness of the ribs is even better. The stench gets along with both quiet susids and hijacks. It’s ideal to be spontaneous with American chihlidam, arowan, and black knives. There are other riboks, aquarelle papuga riba can vipadkovo prokovnut їkh, sprymayuchi yak food, so such a fuss is more beautiful than unique.

Ribey papugi - long look

Aquarelle riba tsikhdida papuga is especially keen on looking, yak glance in the fact that it is necessary to often use 30% water in aquarelle. It will be explained that the papuga's riba in the watercolors is overflowing with a lot of grubby entrances, which fall to the bottom and produce water until the water becomes obstructed, and it can lead to the sacking of the sacks and their bends. See the price through the specialties of the year.

Chim Godvati Rib Papug?

The yak has already been guessed, in the rib-papugs, the anatomy is unscrupulous. Їх mouth vіdkrivaєtsya on maliy kut, after wіх year vannya accelerated. I don’t know about the particularity, it is possible to bring Vikhovanets to death by starvation. For them, we sell special feed, performances at viglyadі other granules. The peculiarity of such a feed is that it has a chance to swim on the surface and sometimes sink to the bottom. There is also a complementary opportunity for ribs, and even through the price at the bottom of the day there is a lot of entrance, so often the tidying up of the guilt for the ruler is sensible by itself.

In addition, food for rib-papugs can be fed a live yak or frozen. Great food for the type of shrimp meat and small worms may be ideal. If you need "pidfarbuvati" papugs, you can give them a piece of food with a lot of carotene. When papugs are consumed with dry fodder, it’s shitty - the stench is guilty, and you will lose a part of your race. Inodі їm cinnamon give a little bit of roslinnu їzhu - zucchini, peas, red pepper. Goduvannya can be seen 1-2 times a day. Once a week you can spend a great day.

Ailments rib papugs

Riba papuga, like і be-yak tsіkhlіda, volodya good immunity and style to ailments. With the right minds, it is practically not possible to get sick, and if you get sick, it is good to get sick. The most common ailments, such as watercolors, can be found on the homemade papuga riba:

  1. semolina(Abo ichthyophthyroidism) - widened aquarellum of ailment, yak viklicaetsya infusorii. The lightness, how the ribs can get sick by their fins, which are covered with humps, dumb with grains of manny. In the case of the little red-bellied papugs brought from Asia, the tropical form of this ailment develops, as it develops bliscavically and, by stretching out, the decilkoh years are brought to a bend. To fix it, it is necessary to fix it right away if there is a sign of ailment.
  2. Hexamitosis. Viklikayut qiu ailment harness, hostile intestines. The recognition of their presence is possible by means of large slime extracts, view of ribs from feed, yogo viplyovuvan. There are small turns on the head.
  3. Otruunnya amiakom in case of improper utrimanny- back to the purchase of ribs, the wrong start of aquarelle. When the fins of the papugs are cut off, they melt into chervony or black ones, they swell the look. The ribs are fixing to get lost, the chickweed are bubbling, the ribs are getting warmed up by the handles with the filter. Vryatuvati camp can often be driven by water - for a few times for additional, peroxide of manganese, water peroxide, or special preparations for watercolors of the Antiammiak type.

Breeding rib papugs

Through a piece of ploy, a papuga riba and propagation in aquarelle - an insane witty. The males will become sterile, so that the stench does not grow late. And all the same, at this 1.5 rocky stench they fix the stink of betting, wager games, buuvati nests. The female comes to the house, twice the stench is strong enough to protect. However, through the fall of the year, іkra bilin, і ribi її z'ydayut.

Spawning of rib papugs

One way to breed, as rib-papuga multiplies, is to breed a female papuga with the first representative of cichlids. From such a union, it is not easy to give birth to offspring, I wish it does not look like parrots. To activate the instinct of reproduction, the temperature in the water is raised to + 25 ° C. Papugas and cichlids actively repair soil and nests. Sposter for the favorite games rib duzhe tsikavo. In addition, it is delayed for 5-6 times, and I will turn into youngsters. Even after a few days, the stench is repaired by itself, collapsing and hacking.

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