Felix Yusupov. Navishto vbivtsya Rasputin put on his wife's dress and went to the party. Grand Duke Dmitro. Russian, yaky vidkriv to the light of Coco Chanel Yusupov buv geєm

Coco Chanel called Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov "my prince". First of all, it is possible to reconstruct life for the Kazakh. Youmu's head, Koko has become a legend in fashion and perfumery.

young prince

Dmitro Pavlovich Romanov, the youngest of the Great Dukes to the House of Romanovs, was born in 1891 in the homeland of the Grand Duke Pavel Oleksandrovich, the youngest of the brothers of Emperor Oleksandr III.
Dmytro Pavlovich became the two-year-old brother of Mykoly II, onuk of Oleksandr Drugoy, and the great-grandson of Mykoly I by his father's lineage and great-great-grandson by his mother's line (through his grandmother Queen Olga Kostyantinivna Gretska).

Mati Dmytro, the walnut princess Oleksandr, died on the third day during the canopy, the dad let the dad's rights through the morganatic whore for the separation of the life of the low walk. To that, Prince Dmitro is in the homeland of the Moscow governor Sergiy Oleksandrovich, who was befriended by the birth sister of the Empress Alizaveta Fedorivna.

The reputation of Sergei Oleksandrovich Bula is ambiguous. The lights went around and talked about his unconventional sexual orientation and about those who are smart enough to call them happy (for some reason they went about Dmitry Pavlovich, they talked about his "special vidnosini" from Felims).
However, the opikunom Sergiy Oleksandrovich is a good one. Her vikhovantsov wins overwhelmingly baluvav, nizh vyklikov jealous squads, as she disliked the children she received.


Young men, Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich turned to St. Petersburg and joined the ranks of the cornet in the Life Guards Regiment. It is popular among lights. Vin buv stringy, garnishing himself, driving a car and is famous for being a good naїznik. Dmytro Pavlovich Buv Navit Uzyatsya in Olympiysku Zbirnu Russian Empire from sports. At the warehouse of the Russian command, win has taken part in Litnikh Olimpiyskikh igrakh in Stockholm in 1912 roci. Winning the 9th month in the individual competition and the 5th month in the warehouse of Zbirnaya Russia in the team competition.


Dmytro Pavlovich, asking for permission from Emperor Mikoli II, volunteered until Livia in 1911 to go to Italian-Turkish viyna, altogether having taken Vidmova. In persha svitovu vіynu joining the Life Guards Kinny Regiment. The Grand Duke took part in the campaign to Skhidna Prussia and was awarded the Order of St. George of the 4th degree. The reason for the nagging was: "We spent the 6th sickle in battle with the Kroupishken orderly at the head of the corral, in the very fight, with obvious security for life, delivering the vіrnі vіdomosі about the thief, who caught a fortune teller."

Prince and Rasputin

Dmitro Pavlovich went to history for two years. One of them is the knocking-in of Grigoriy Rasputin, who was not in charge of him by those other snakes in the midst of 1916. The Grand Duke viv, scho driving the "elder" to give "the opportunity to the sovereign to change the course." Unbeknownst to, about which course Dmitro Pavlovich spoke about, it is possible to put it on, but it’s possible to think of wicked men, the old man and the empress as the head jumper.

On the view of that Yusupov, Dmitro Pavlovich didn’t say anything about driving, not giving an interview, and not discussing him with people close to him.

ryativna posilannya

When Rasputin was vbivated by Rasputin, the prince began to receive a number of requests, and, later, to Persia, to the warehouse of the active army. Tse didn’t, by the day, hid the young prince from death - from the hour of the revolution, already after the cordon. Dmytro's lineup was attached to the corps of General Batorin, while serving in the British Expeditionary Corps. Nareshty, he went to London, and then Paris, de and vidbulasya yogo to play with Coco Chanel.

Coco i "prince"

Koko called Dmitro Pavlovich "my prince". Biarritz, a dearly rich Russian nobility, has formed his own mini-dvir in an hour. Dmytro Pavlovich re-recognized Koko with representatives of the most important princelings, including Mykoly II's niece Natalia Paley and her own sister, Grand Duchess Maria Romanova. The princess herself sewed and became a sp_vpratsyuvati with Chanel - unbeatable Paris, bewitched by the llyanny cloth-shirts with embroidered cloths and blouses.

Chanel's collections have become evidently a "Russian accent": capes, coats in the middle, cloth shirts with an embroidered comic and a belt, and a traditional Russian shirt appear. Chanel's palette is now bright, clean colors. Wonder all Russian - people, mystery, culture. And the famous perfumes of Chanel No. 5 will be opened by the Russian emigrant perfumer Ernest Bo, who also knew Koko Dmitro Pavlovich.

pislya Coco

The novel from Koko is productive and burhliv, ale the whole ric. Pislya Dmitry Pavlovich in Coco Chanel Bouv has a non-trivial novel with the poet P'ar Reverdi. With the Russian prince, Chanel took a friendship.

In 1926, Dmitro Pavlovich rotsi in Bіarіtsa, befriending the garnoy wealth of the American Audrey Emery, she passed to Orthodoxy for the sake of her name Anna and renounced from the head of the Russian Imperial House of the Prince of the Roman Grand Duke Kiril Volodymyr Rocky in Europe Dmitro Pavlovich took part in monarchical and patriotic ruches (including a significant role in the formation of the Young Russians).

In 1928, they gave birth to Sin Pavlo. In an uncomfortable way, the friends of the people rose, but the official separation was issued only in 1937. Dmytro Pavlovich is alive in the Bomenil castle of Normandy, which he bought in 1927, and then he went to Switzerland behind the camp of his health. The Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich died in 1942 rotsi.

Sin Dmitra Pavlovich, Pavlo, or Paul Illinsky, having survived to our days, having become in the United States an ambitious regional-scale policy - a lot of times having taken the measure of Palm Beach in Florida, one of the most prosperous cities in America.

Felix Yusupov and Dmitro Pavlovich Romanov - two are quiet, who took the fate of the beloved of the Tsar's family at night on the 17th breast of 1916 - Elder Grigoriy Rasputin. Well, did you bind it? The camp at the suspension? It’s great. Closeness to the Tsar's homeland? Without a sum. Allegedly, those who were robbed of the situation because of the situation, and in fact, it may not be possible to guess at a glance in historical documents. Ale of the memoirs of the contemporary, they still depend on the "secrecy" and tell the readers about the reference camp of speeches and the interruption of the podium.

Prince Felix Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich

Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich with Empress Oleksandra Fedorivna

Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich

"Felix earlier buv is a go-to to the palace of the owner of his own camp and to those who respect it, as the zooms in all the Romanovs are in vzagal, and not only Mikoly and Oleksandri Fedorivna. Alas for my soulful lust, as I, unaware of anything, I still admit Felix's side of the relationship with the king and queen, bulo and inshe. Felix buv vn_styu withers with vice. It’s a vice wolves before the Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich. Oskilki Felix nikoli not respecting the need to prikhovuvati their nahili, about the call became vidomo at everyone's court. Kohanets Felix Grand Duke Dmitro became the beloved of the tsar and the tsaritsa; Winnav is alive in their palace and became a member of the family. If Mikola and Oleksandra Fedorivna knew that they were going to see him and Felix, Dmitry was fenced in with the star. Special agents were given the opportunity to send a message for Felix and the stream itself. For the last hour, the Zusillas ended in success, and the young people did not succeed. However, Dmitro didn’t bargain in his house in Petersburg, and Felix settled down with him. The scandal of the Viyshov outside the courtyard and delivering a lot of extras to the Romanovs. Ale kokhantsіv tse antіtrohi did not bother. Dmytro is saying that he is happy. Felix, on the other hand, giving intelligence to everyone, only to rob the servant of the Grand Duke. In general, it looks like it’s gotten especially bad. You can, win and love Dmitr's hour. Ale, having obliterated the bazhans, Felix never did not torment the kokhany, as if he replayed himself as a victim. The first axis of one time, driven by jealousy, Dmitro tried to end his life by suicide. Turning to Batkivshchyna, Felix knows how to be quiet in the evening. Happily, Dmitra was hidden away ...

Semeyne life with Iryna Oleksandrivna Felix called "dytoya". Avoid the vicious addiction of nicholas without preying on him. (If I’m not going to shut up - Felix love the squad and live with her until now. Would you like to look into their bedroom?) In order to restore Dmitr's order for Felix, there was a gust of grief, and hence, the sound of a ring."

3 books "Motrona Rasputin. Rasputin"

Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich

Prince Felix Yusupov

Wikipedia: " In addition, the yak Felix Yusupov published his memoirs, in which he described the incursion of the Batka, Marya (Motrya) filed against Yusupov and the Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich in the Parisian court for setting the school code in the size of $ 800,000. Vona condemned the murderer, declaring: "Be a decent cholovik, see immediately before Rasputin's brutal whipping." Posov buv vidhileniy. The French court grasped that it was not volodya's jurisdiction over the political imposition, as was the case in Russia."

The axis is also the axis of continuing those about homosexuality in the Romanov family. Just small touches to the biography of both, written by other people.

Yusupov is one of the most aristocratic families of the Russian Empire. Poeykuvali, scho Yusupov bagatshim, nіzh Romanov. In the other half of the 19th century, all the wealth of zooseredzheni is in the hands of the Holy Beauty, the baptizer of all fairies, Princess Zinaida Mykolaivnya Yusupova, Countess Sumarokova-Elston. After the death of her young sister Aunty, she lost herself with one decline and one of the most enviable names in Europe.

Batko Zinaidi bazhav bachiti his daughters with the squads of European monarchs, ale the young, Tetiana died from typhus (true, ymovirnist, she put her hands on herself through the restlessness of the kokhannya to the Grand Duke Pavel Oleksandrovich Busel Elston. The Empress Maria Oleksandrivna wanted to marry her nephew, the King of Bulgaria, Oleksandr Battenberg, in the Winter, she willed the love of the Bulgarian crown.

Itself to go for the prince - didn’t come, but with some nevistki Zinaida Mykolaivna wanted a bachiti princess. Senior sin friend Yusupovikh-Sumarokova-Elston, Mikola, zaginuv on duel. All of them have guessed about the damn family, but it’s a good thing for only one decay to live for more than 26 years. As soon as Mikoli was bent, all the riches were zoosered in the hands of Felix Yusupov the youngest. Now it has become one of the most popular names in Europe.

Louise of Battenberg

Yak tilka Felix came to Oxford - I learned from the seven Victory of Battenberg. A beautiful Russian prince was added to the daughters of Luizi, and the princess's whore with the Yusupovs was dashed by the princess Luizi - Grand Duchess Yulizaveta Fedorivna and Empress Oleksandra Fedorivna. Felix with the princess Luiza buv svitski lov'yazy, ale vona zvsim didn’t love him in the quality of kohanoi. Wrathful in the unsuccessful attempts to wield any princess, the close ones began to release a little bit about anything, but they didn’t go into the trick, but they didn’t go into the trick. At the very moment, Empress Oleksandra Fedorivna tampered with a chill in her heart, according to the name of Yusupov. Her sister, Elizaveta Fedorivna - navpaki, did not trim evil, she saved friendship with Zinaida Mikolaivna and was placed before Felix with mother's love.

Another Panyanka, Yak, was attributed in the name of Felix Yusupov to Bula Anastasia (Ziya) de Torby, daughter of Grand Duke Mikhail Mikhailovich, who ruled over his morganatic family in London. Felix was friendly with the homeland of the Grand Duke, Aleksey didn’t bother to go to Anastasia, I’d find a friend, I’m a young sister, Nada, she’s more beautiful. Well, in Nadu Felix there are no buvs. Tsikavo, Ziya Torby will be able to marry her supernatural's brother, Luizi Battenberg.

Zoya Stekl

Zoya Stekl, who is also the one and only "named" Felix Bula. Sim'ya Glass also let out a little bit about cooking with Prince Yusupov, protesting all the cunning and cunning they didn’t lead to anything - they didn’t cook the Glass with the Yusupovs.

Zoya Stekl, Nada i Zia de Torby

As a single panian in London, as she could cheer the heart of Prince Yusupov, Bula was an English aristocrat Marjorie Menners. “I’m also friendly with my daughters, especially with Marjorie and Diana. One is a brunette, and one is a blonde, offended by a red, smart and great lady. Felix is ​​disingenuous, he befriended Marjorie a little more. I’ve found the correct photo of my mother and wrote: “I’m worthy of Marjorie’s head, she’s right, it’s more beautiful. She has such a charming look. talanovite and marvelously kind. "

Marjorie Menners

Felix is ​​ready to start building a proposition, and then turn to London by Charles Paget, Markiz Angelskiy, which earlier, attachment in 1911, replaced his friend in the West, Marger went to a distant cruise, having lost one. At this very hour, the friendship of Felix and Marjorie deed has grown into love, and, as my sister wrote, “I prayed that Marjeri went to replace Felix”, having bought “Russian grammar H'yugo”. It’s absolutely unsuitable for all the mandateurs to turn to London and immediately blast Margere’s proposition. At the sickle of 1912, the stinks became friends.

Against such a whore, Zinaida Mykolaivna came out very quickly - she was already nailed for the sin's name in Russia. Tse Bula Princess Irina Romanova.

If we’ll call Felix, Iryna Romanova was one of the most enviable names in Europe. The Emperor's tribe and the granddaughter of the Empress Maria Bula loved the classic Roman beauty. The widowed Empress mirrored the bachiti with the squad of the Prince of Welsh (and the history of Great Britain could have been flattened), so the very hands of Irina, like the Igor Severyanin, describing how beautiful and summery from the living, the home of Christ Louise of Battenberg). At once, two brothers Bully in her zakokhany - Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich and Prince Volodymyr Paley. Dmitro Pavlovich especially importantly experienced the hands of Irina and Felix, and Volodymyr Paley appropriated the most beautiful sounding voices.

For all the young people Irina gave the ferry to Felix Yusupov. Okh vesіllja became the last pre-war triumph of the Emperor's prince.

Vikoristano materials of the book Є. Chervonikh "For everything dyakuyu"

The Romanov dynasty is not a part of the history of Tsar and Imperial Russia. The rule of thumb was remembered as an unpretentious patriotism, as well as a lackluster housewife, crooked pods and wondrous surroundings. Vona survived the Time of Troubles and two False Dmitrys.

It is well known with reliable historical tributes, the family of the Romanovs is born from Andriy Ivanovich Kobili - the boyar of the Moscow prince Simeon Ivanovich.

The ruling of the dynasty itself was rooted in 21 fierce 1613 fate (according to the Julian calendar) for the cathedral defense of the kingdom of Mikhail Fyodorovich - the son of Patriarch Filaret, in the world of Fyodor Mikitovich. Zagalom, the birth of the Romanovs from the land of five tsars: Mikhail Fedorovich, the son of Oleksiy Mikhailovich and three years of decline - Fyodor Oleksiyovich, and Peter I.

Mikhailo Fedorovich

Having become the first volodar of all Russia, he stood up to chimalo for his rule:

  • uclav Deulinskoe truce in 1618 rotsi;
  • directors appointed by the district chief and chieftain by establishing a centralized government;
  • check the exact size of the taxes, describing the template throughout the country;
  • having renewed the stateliness and trade during the Time of Troubles;
  • reorganizing the army.

Oleksiy Mikhailovich

After the death of Mikhail Fedorovich in 1645, Oleksiy Mikhailovich came to the throne. For his life, he was responsible for the reform and monetary reforms, as well as uniting Russia and Ukraine in 1654.

The main point of the Vіyskovіy reformі was the mass formation of the regiments of the new harmony: soldiers, dragoons, reitars. The stench was stacking the kistyak new army king. For tsiogo in the service bulo found great number European European fahivts.

Fears to get involved in a failure, and only for Peter I, the coins were worn out, as they did not accept European ones.

Fedir III

Kermo owned by Oleksiy Mikhailovich passed to the synagogue Fedor III. The young tsar is rich in sickness, and vlada actually passed for a day in the hands of Patriarch Ioakim, as well as I. Miloslavsky and A. Matveva.

However, already after the first time the throne will rise to the throne in the hands.

Yogo death wicked people hvilyuvannya, splinters did not overshadow any of the righteousness of the throne. The food was crowned immediately by two rulers - small-time Peter and Ivan, as well as by the regency of his elder sister Sophia.

Ivan V and Peter I

If they wanted Ivan to be respected as "the elder Vladika," Vin, by the way, did not take part in the sovereign's right, having appropriated his life to the family.

His brother, Peter I, was immediately abandoned tsar and first emperor, who became famous for a great number of innovations. With the new building of the Senate, the church of the former state, an administrative-territorial subdivision was introduced in the province. Peter I provided reforms in the spheres of culture, economy, education and industry.

During the last hour of the Russian Empire, there have been sixteen rulers on the throne.

Mikola II

Mykola II Oleksandrovich became the emperor. With yogo rule sposterіhalosa economical development in Russia, and at the same hour, the growing discontent, wriggling into the revolution of 1905-1907 rockiv and Lutnev revolution in 1917.

Mykola II befriended the famous princess Alysi, who gave her some daughters and one son. Krim old children, the emperor vikhovuvav the two-year-old brother of Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov.

Dmitro Pavlovich

After the death of the mother with the canopy, and the missed daddy is alive in the booth of his uncle, Sergiy Oleksandrovich, and the first squad of Alizaveti Fedorivnya. After the tragic death of the prince and the glance of his squad in the monastery Dmitro Romanov moved to the Oleksandrivskyi Palace before the Emperor and stayed there until 1913. When the uncle of the Bilosilski-Bilozerskikh palaces in St. Petersburg has been brought down to see him.

Yak vidomo, Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich Romanov, hesitated at the death of Rasputin. Grigoriy Yukhimovich, assassinated on the 17th, 1916. Volodymyr Purishkevich and Dmytro Romanov were the heroes of the bully. Shown about malignancy boules were roguish and went out with knowledge of proofs. In the words of the French diplomat Moris Palaeologus, Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich Romanov - the vitality of a young ludin;

I first write and swear to the Emperor about my unpleasantness to the point of evil, and I read more on the sheets to Yusupov: “For me, the fact is always to drown in a dark dance on our own ... Buv directions for sending to Persia Mykola II. There, the Grand Duke Dmitro Romanov transferred to the service before the English, sending him to the capital of Great Britain, and then to Paris.

In 1925, the French town of Biarrits became friends on the Audience of Emery, as a great change in the history of the world. In 1928 the won gave birth to the prince slump. Grand Duke Dmitro Pavlovich Romanov, parting with a squad of non-bar, singing the people of the people.

In the 1930s, when she joined the Young Russians party, she inherited the fascists of the Italian art. In an hour, I was charmed in the future and in the life of a suspenseful life.

In 1939, Dmitro Pavlovich Romanov fell ill with tuberculosis and went to Switzerland for treatment. Having discussed about the ailments, I know about the ill, for the whole time from the uremia. I didn’t get too tired.

Ale on the new rid of Romanovs at the end. The grounds of the great dynasty are alive on the current day and distributed in all the little parts of the world. It’s a lot of them to promote a huge and good-for-nothingness.

Make friends with friends or save for yourself:

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