Feijoa is rude and skoda, rules of living.




  • Feijoa is a tea tree that bears juicy fruits of a dark green color with a hint of tart flavor.
  • In India, the feijoa plant is commonly called acca.
  • Growth in Brazil, Colombia, Crimea, Georgia.
  • In our region, feijoa was brought from the 19th century to Yalta.
  • Nina is growing in Russia near the Krasnodar region.

Chemical warehouse

  • Kharchova (lifetime) value 100 g:
  • Water – 86 g
  • Proteins – 1.0 g
  • Fat – 0.8 g
  • Bcarbohydrates – 10.0 g
  • Ash – 0.74 g
  • Vitamins:

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) – 8 mcg

  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 32 mcg
  • Niacin (vitamin B3 and vitamin PP) – 0.29 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – 0.23 mcg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.05 mg
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) – 38 mcg

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – 20.3 mg

  • Macroelements:
  • Potassium – 155 mg
  • Calcium – 17 mg
  • Magnesium – 9 mg
  • Sodium – 3 mg

Phosphorus – 20 mg

  • Microelements:
  • Zalizo – 80 mcg
  • Iodine – 70 mcg

Manganese – 85 mcg

Copper – 55 mcg Zinc – 40 mcg

In addition to vitamins and microelements, the fruits of exotic plants contain without any nuts:

Acids: folic, malic. Essential oils. Phenolic compounds: catechin, leucoanthocyanin, tannin.

For people of advanced age, as well as for those who suffer from dysfunction or enlargement of the thyroid gland, feijoa will be a useful source of iodine. Important! For a hundred years of sprouting together, the raspberries will overpower the red fish and seafood.

Fahivtsi are happy to enjoy the small taste of feijoa today. In this way, the required amount of iodine in the body will be met. Vitamin B6, which helps improve the functioning of the skin, and also relieves muscle spasms, and reduces the tension of the lower ends.

Feijoa is a low-calorie product, so nutritionists recommend using it to reduce vaginal energy and when you lose energy.

To burn several kilograms, you need to eat five feijoa berries every day. Tsikavo!

Vitamins and fruit macroelements are found not only in the pulp, but also in the skin of the berry.

Use it in brews, infusions and also with additions of other medicinal herbs.

Skin has a large number of antioxidants that protect the body from oncological diseases and prevent cancer cells. Feijoa is widely used in cosmetology for the preparation of various masks, oils and tonics for the face and body. The fruit removes the redness and burning of the skin, and removes the darkness from the eyes.

Copper – 55 mcg Feijoa fruit promotes elasticity, springiness, and helps with advanced rosacea and other skin conditions.

Skoda product

Feijoa is strictly forbidden to live in

great quantities . Feijoa fruits are in power.

Its bark contains not only a large amount of iodine: the mineral deposits of the fruit are very rich.

What to find at the feijoa warehouse

  • There is no doubt about the presence of numerous microelements and vitamins in the fruit, whose bark is not in doubt: New city has a record high concentration of stolen goods iodine
  • necessary for staying in good shape; Revenge significant obligations zinc
  • – an important microelement for the normal functioning of reproductive function; Also enter the fruit warehouse;
  • potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, salt, sodium Great quantityvitamin groupB,.
CC, R Forget about it negative legacy

iodine deficiency, it is enough to eat 3-5 feijoa fruits

Bark bears as much fruit as it bears: the quantity of brown phenolic stems is important in the skin.

Why do women need to eat feijoa?

  • As you can see, the rich mineral and vitamin stores definitely have a positive effect on the body.
  • Speaking specifically, the value of feijoa for women lies in the following functions:
  • The treatment and prevention of almost all diseases of the endocrine system will be ensured, in addition to feijoa contraindications;
  • Treats Swedish avitaminosis;
  • It strengthens the body's immunity and resistance to viruses and infections.
  • The authority of feijoa always recommends women in the post-operative period or after suffering a serious illness;
  • Cellulose, which is found in fruits, normalizes the functioning of the intestinal tract.
  • Regular use of them helps to relieve symptoms of acute gastritis, pancreatitis, and liver disease;
  • If you need to reach a high concentration of the liquid, the fruit produced will bring the level of hemoglobin to a normal level; Successfully fight against fungal and pathogenic cells; The ability of fruits to fight cancer cells has been revealed.
  • They are also very effective in preventing cancer;
  • Malic acid in stock helps improve blood circulation, improves speech metabolism;
  • For the additional help of nicotinic acid, the berry is colored in the robot

nervous system

During the wine-making period, a woman should be very careful and thoughtful about her diet - in order to ensure that the baby is actively growing and developing, as well as how the vagina itself becomes noticeable.

Ask doctors to recommend eating vegetables and fruits that grow in the climate zone in which the woman lives. It is extremely difficult to ensure such an approach unbalanced food

It's winter season. In such a situation, you can add feijoa fruits to your diet. Ix

  • measles with vomiting is equipped with the following features: Exotic fruit warehouse immediately turns on
  • vitamins PP and C . This is a combination for a woman, and the remaining vitamin will obviously be absorbed sooner;
  • The important role is played by the saturation of fruits iodine and salt .
In the first trimester of gestation, at approximately the end of 12 days, the fetus’s thyroid gland begins to develop, so feijoa is especially recommended during this period.

In addition, its microelements are easy to absorb;

No one has enough space to accommodate

  • folic acid - Obovyazkova speech, which contributes to the normal flow of vagutnost. If a vaginal woman is taking medications to replace iodine, feijoa varto should be taken with caution before implantation: first consult with your doctor.
  • Who should try feijoa
  • There are a number of groups of people in whom the traces are placed with particular care before the fruit is harvested.
  • Although the cold plaid ends up rarely provoking

allergic reaction

However, when you first meet it, it’s better to protest the fruit by taking a small piece and waiting for an hour.

For the slightest signs of allergy, you can avoid further treatment;

Do not take feijoa and dairy products at once, especially in women with a weakened shkt: this will help to ensure the disorder of the shank; Due to the high concentration of iodine, the fruit is contraindicated for hyperthyroidism; It seems like there is no doubt about whether you can or cannot take feijoa if you have developed diabetes. There are no direct contraindications for fruits in diabetes. positively influence our body, it is necessary to include an exotic product in your diet (without any contraindications) throughout the current season.

What to do with feijoa?

The relish of this fruit is similar to sunnitsa, pineapple and arus.

  • However, its medicinal power, coloration far outweighs similar manifestations of other gifts of nature.
  • Fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and all kinds of micronutrients:
  • alanine;
  • arginine;
  • asparagine;
  • glutamine;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • silicon;
  • tannin;
  • tyrosine;
  • zalizo;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;



In addition, feijoa skin contains microelements: cahetin and leucoanthocyanin, which are powerful antioxidants. They are used to prevent cancer, support the vitality of the immune system, and completely cleanse the blood vessels. Vitamin C and essential oils have a wide range of low-level effects and actively stagnate when treating colds.

Feijoa – vitamin warehouse

Stigly similar guest - a guide to vitamins from different groups.

Vitamin A is responsible for the health of the skin, nails, vitamin B1 regulates growth and development of the body, improves metabolic processes, and vitamin B3 and its “colleague” vitamin B6 for the normal passage of metabolic processes.

Vitamin PP has similar functions.

  • Without them it’s a development
  • human body
  • It would be impossible.
  • The vitamin warehouse of feijoa helps to provide us with bark berries during the winter season.
  • Feijoa - instead of iodine

Mixed with other fruits, instead of iodine, feijoa contains 2.5 – 10 times. So, 100 g of fruit contains 8 to 35 mg of iodine. This indicator varies depending on the variety and the stage of fruit firmness.

In addition, this microelement is easily absorbed and is recommended for use by children, adults, pregnant women and women who are one year old.

An alternative to implantation of a fresh-looking fetus may be its canning.

  • The crust of feijoa jam is not compromised with the fresh version, but be careful to ensure proper preparation.
  • For which, during the cooking season, add 1 - 2 kg of fresh fruits, zucchini and cook in the following order:
  • Wash the fruits, remove the excess buds, like the sprouts that fall out of great abundance;
  • cut the skinned fruit into pieces;
  • use a blender or meat grinder for help;
  • grate with cucumber at a ratio of 1:1;

Unfold the sterilized jars and close the lid tightly;

save in a cold place.

  • Feijoa berry – bark
  • The bark of feijoa berries is steadily growing throughout the world and their berries.
  • By the way, this fruit, like any other product, has a number of contraindications, some of which can cause real harm to the body:

the presence of individual intolerance, allergies; blood diabetes; zaiva vaga.

Since the child tries the fruit first, it is better to start with small portions, for example, adding some brown

exotic fruit until pureed lettuce. So you can determine how well the body reacts to a new product, even rich in microelements and basic power.

Contraindications are not recommended, even when a child’s body is even more susceptible to external exposure.

Further, the additional norm can be increased step by step.

Sik feijoa

The brown similar product can be combined with a number of dietary products that are good for the diet of those who are trying to lose weight.

Instead of fats, the calorie content is minimal.

Biologically active compounds actively contribute to accelerated metabolism. Feijoa bark is rich in texture for a woman’s body. Just one piece of fruit every day and your diet will become exponentially more effective.

In addition, the product is often used by cosmetologists: its components enhance the appearance of wrinkles and allow you to remove minor wrinkles.

Feijoa for children The key ones in stock are vitamin B5 (pantothenic product) and its counterparts with indices A and C. They can be separated from synthetic medications, once the incorporation of natural fruit will be more effective, even food value

by an order of magnitude greater.

Feijoa bark for children is intended to correct the functioning of the immune system and ensure normal cell development.

Golovne - understand in advance that there is no development of allergies in the child of changes of mind.

In addition, there is a tendency to strengthen or weaken, so you need to carefully monitor the body’s reaction.

Likuvalny power of feijoa

The implantation of an overseas fruit gives a cumulative effect.

Shchob loving authorities and today has not lost its relevance and is an alternative to synthetic medications (especially for prevention or early stage illnesses). The feijoa fruit contains a whole set of fruit properties, which allows its use in cosmetology, cooking, children's food

that medicine.

External appearance and internal storage - what feijoa is like

Roslina belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is an evergreen chagaric, which bears fruit with juicy, large, fleshy berries of a yellow-green or dark green color.

This is a unique natural product rich in vitamins, macro and microelements, which gives water a pleasant taste and a host of other benefits. You can taste it in a fresh way, in the form of preserves, drinks, compotes, jams, salads, jams and all sorts of additives. Feijoa fruits have a round or oval shape, their depth is between 2 and 5 cm (occasionally up to 7 cm).

The diameter of the most common berries is 1.5 cm, the large ones – 5 cm, and most often their diameter is 3-4 cm. The fruit’s moisture ranges from 15 to 120 g. White flesh accumulates large reserves of iodide compounds, essential oils

(vichelpu, the monstrous aroma of the stime to organism to Virusv), the Feikhoa of the Korisny Power of Personalities, to rob the yogo in the likovanniye, which are condensed by the unsteadings of iodine izhni izhmunitet.

The small amount of meat that can be contained in the pulp is protected from external spills by a thick skin.

In ripe fruits, the skin has a bumpy structure with a slight ripple, while in unripe berries the skin is smooth and shiny.

The astringent taste of the dog's skin organoleptic tastes product, it is recommended to remove the berries from your skin before using them, rather than throw them away - they are very red (there are a lot of antioxidants that prevent the development and appearance of cancer cells) and are entirely natural.

How to choose feijoa when purchasing

When choosing fruits at the market or in a store, respect external look berries (the skin is responsible for the dark green color, does not cause visible damage and is shiny), thickness (steeled berries have a soft consistency) and aroma (characterized by the mix of aromas of kiwi and half).

The appearance of the pulp on the cut of the berry speaks about the required firmness of the product and its viscousness.

Fruits with brown pulp are considered overripe, and fruits with white pulp are considered to be those that have not reached the required condition (for residual ripening they need to be roasted for several days in a warm place with smoke ventilation єyu).

Large berries (diameter 5 cm, depth 10 cm) are preferred to be brown and contain the maximum amount of vitamins, fruits and microelements - they are selected from the baking mass.

How to save feijoa

Feijoa is a brown fruit that saves the power of proper preservation.

The optimal mixture for a small quantity of berries can be vegetable or fruit juice in the refrigerator.

The term for preserving should be kept until the berries are ready - even soft berries should be saved for no more than 7 days, and large fruits can be washed in the refrigerator for two days.

  • Feijoa jam is an ideal way to process great quantities of berries and create vitaminized reserves for the winter.
  • Its preparation does not take many hours, does not require special skills and does not require much cooking.
  • Sufficiently clean berries, pass through a meat grinder, mix with cucumber (for 1 kg of berries you need 1 kg of cucumber) and package in jars.
  • The combination of feijoa with zur protects its quality and allows you to preserve all the ingredients as much as possible.
  • How to use feijoa for the body in medicine
  • Anemic conditions (the level of hemoglobin rises and blood counts decrease)
  • Decreased immunity (increases the body's weakness)
  • Prevention of harmful new products (strong antioxidant)
  • Gerontological practice (transcends the old, improves memory, enhances the concentration of respect)

Skoda Feijoa is contraindicated

  • Increased sensitivity (allergies) to feijoa
  • It is recommended to live with the sick with caution blood diabetes and individuals who have a supernatural feeling (with uncontrolled exposure, feijoa measles and skoda can cross the fine line between one type and another, and they will collapse at any moment)

Likuvalny power of feijoa when sick

Feijoa's good adaptation to hedgehogs changes ignition processes it normalizes intestinal function.

Regular intake of fruits allows you to achieve lasting results.

It is not at all difficult to absorb the fruits in their natural appearance - savory berries, the delicate texture and content of feijoa bark and the recipes for new herbs allow you to create a diet of harmoniousness.

2. Sickness of the thyroid gland (with iodine deficiency)

In situations of iodine deficiency, feijoa can easily replace seafood and can be used as a substitute for iodine deficiency.

A dekilka of medium fruits per day will help restore balance and normalize the body.

The fragrant feijoa pulp can be scooped out with a teaspoon, first cutting the fresh fruit into two halves.

3. Prevention of heart disease and pain

Feijoa juice gives a pleasant influx to the stomach and heart.

Drink this trace no more than once a day, 1 tablespoon, dissolved in 50 ml of water at room temperature.

4. Hypertensive illness, atherosclerosis Mix feijoa with zucchini recipe, which is gaining popularity in the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension. This type of dish is feijoa jam.

Dried flowers of the plant are no less brown and can be used as a vitamin supplement when preparing various herbs and tea.

Cosmetology and feijoa

Antioxidants, which are added to the fruits, precede early age of the skin and give a rejuvenating effect to the skin, so cosmetologists often include feijoa before the masks.

Some of them can be prepared at home.

To prepare a mask in the refrigerator, you need simple ingredients such as eggs, low-fat cheese, feijoa and olive oil.

Prepare immediately before application and consist of 1 tablespoon of olive oil, 1 spoon, 2 tablespoons of feijoa syrup and thirds.

After 20 minutes after applying the mask, you must wash it off.

Feijoa herb recipes

Feijoa medications come in a wide range of varieties, which makes their administration easier depending on your diet.

With the inclusion of feijoa, recipes for salads, desserts, teas are transformed and filled with something else instead of a rare savory gamme.

Fresh feijoa fruit

The easiest way to enjoy this wonderful fruit is to eat it in its natural form and without additives.

Varennya with feijoa without jam - recipe for feijoa with cucumber Feijoa appears to be a favorite delicacy of the real gourmet, especially since its preparation is used for the treatment of illness. It is enough to mash the berries, add with a mixer and mix in an equal proportion with the sugar (1:1).

Just three teaspoons a day and a new complex of vitamins, micro and macroelements are absorbed into the body, protecting it from unpleasant influxes of the external environment. Dessert with feijoa Feijoa fruits can easily be eaten with sour cream - just add it, mix with fermented milk product and the herb is ready to soak in.

How to prepare a feijoa recipe with honey?

And the feijoa axis with honey recipe can be slightly modified, for example with honey