Ernst Ludwig of Hesse: biography.


The famous Russian critic Stasov once noted that mysticism can be compared to a barometer, which sensitively reacts to the changes that occur in marriage. It is important to remember this because true creativity, either literature or painting, has always been inextricably linked with the reality that gave birth to them. And here we are talking not so much about the exact creation of facts and ideas, but about the emotional reaction to them of artists of words, pencil, sound, as we know later in their books, paintings, etc.

Perhaps the most beautiful thing emerged from the artistic direction in the first third of the 20th century, which took away the name


(Vіd from Latin expressio - “viraz”).

It is clear that this term is at the forefront of painting in the 1910s, the Russian mysticist Antonin Mateshek used the method of opposing impressionism (from the French impressionnisme - “enemy”). Thus, a cordon was drawn between two “isms”, one of which took away darkness and fantasy from the world, and the other, which at the same time encouraged artists to experience the terrible visions that are happening in reality., Having lived for a long time, but beyond the dramatic stages of life, dividing the folded share of his country and, one might say, being deprived of it, since his nation practically completely supported the ideology of fascism.

Kirchner was born on May 6, 1880 in the German town of Aschaffenburg.

Having received his knowledge at the Faculty of Architecture in Dresden, he began at the same time with his future associates of art, the young artists Bleil, who later rose to the famous group “Mist”.

The 7th of June 1905 became a significant date in the history of German painting.

On the very day there was a deafening sound about the opening of the “Bridge”.

And in 1906, when Kirchner wrote the group’s program, a creative credo of its participants was laid out:

“...Kozhen, who truly and widely recognizes those who inspire creativity, may be with us” The manifesto was authoritatively written by Kirchner in the form of a woodcut, which became a kind of calling card of the “bridge workers”: over the years, all the texts that accompanied the robots of the group members were depicted on later trees them engravings. It’s important that the participants decided to call the group “Mist,” as Schmid-Rottluff suggests.

The stench was contributed to the word Kilka Smisliv: MIST, Yak Zv'yazov Toriv, ​​Mist, Yak OSKIB to go to the creative creative priyomiv to Priyomiv, Yaki Vidpovly, Zapryznosti.

On Kirchner's early work

The hour spent with friends at the “Bridge” was perhaps the worst in Kirchner’s life.

When I was young, I exhibited robots and went swimming.

The inconsistency of the day made it possible to live in a tight circle of like-minded people: they rented one apartment for everyone and worked in the same factory.

Artists often went plein air to the lakes of Moritzburg with young and uncomplicated moral principles of nature, and it was completely natural that their way of living did not fit into the framework of the harsh burghers.

At the same time, Kirchner acquired even more unpleasant nicknames: absinthe and drugs gave the artist a bad job, which eventually served as the cause of nervous breakdowns and serious depressions. Everything was fine in the beginning, but testing became more serious once the “Mostivtsi” moved to Berlin. There, a group of people may have drunk their sleep right away.

...The beginning of the First Light War of the Kärchner outposts on the island of Femern in the Baltic Sea, which was immediately followed by the military strategic zone.

The artist had a chance to return to Berlin, but on his way home, many times he was accused of being a Russian spygun.

This led to the emergence of a kind of phobia - people in military uniform began to be afraid.

And it is possible to reveal his form, if he shows that the same form can appear on him.

It must be said that Kirchner was terribly afraid of everything that came with the war: death, pain, blood, destruction, the great buying up of “unindividual” buyers, and so on.

When he was finally called up to the army (according to various sources, in 1914 or 1915), the reserve of psychological “motivation” was depleted for only two months, although the artist was not even close to the battlefield, and his service ended in that he saw the regimental horse

The reason that led to such a revelation was that in 1937, 639 paintings written by the artist were taken from museums in Germany, and he was transferred to the academy.

25 of his paintings were selected for the exhibition “Degenerative Mystery”, organized through the initiative of Adolf Ziegler, President of the Imperial Chamber of Artistic Art after Hitler.

Over 16 thousand paintings, among which Van Gogh created, were thrown out of museums, and Kirchner ended up with a nasty company.

But the humiliation was so great, it provoked a turn towards alcoholism and drug addiction with their severe depressions.

For one day, the artist did not show his fear of the future, and shot from the towel, putting a speck in his life.

It was May 15, 1938.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (named Ernst Ludwig Kirchner; May 6, 1880, Aschaffenburg - May 15, 1938, Frauenkirch-Wildboden before Davos) - German artist, representative of German expressionism.


In 1901, the family graduated from high school in Chemnitz.

Then he started at the Faculty of Architecture of the Higher Technical School in Dresden, and headed the Initial-Experimental Faculty of Free and Applied Science in Munich.

At this time we became acquainted with Bleil. In 1903-1904 it began at the art school of von Debschitz and Obrist in Munich, then continued the development of architecture in Dresden. near Cologne, with the beginning of the First World War, I volunteered for the front.

In 1915, there were commissions from the army due to illness, referrals for treatment to a sanatorium in Kenigshtein.

In 1917 he went to live in a sanatorium in Kreuzlingen until 1918.

1922 rock became the beginning of a work with Lisa Guyer.

In 1923 it moved to Wildboden, where a great exhibition was held in Basel.

She spends an hour working on illustrations from the book of the poet Georg Heim, Umbra Vitae.

In 1925/26 there was a great road in Germany (Frankfurt am Main, Chemnitz, Dresden, Berlin). In 1929 he moved to Essen, Berlin and Frankfurt am Main. 1933 was the fate of the great exhibition in Bern.

In 1937, the artist was considered by the Nazis to be representatives of “degenerative mysticism.”

In 1938, tormented by illness and addicted to drugs, the artist committed suicide, whose huge squad Erna Schilling refused to allow until his death (2 June 1945) to bear the nickname Kirchner.

After seeing the Chronicle of “The Bridge” and the dissolution of the group, the artist continued to practice independently.

The main picture at that time was “Street scene near Berlin”.

Colors of carnage and dissonance one by one.

There is an impression that the brushstrokes were applied in the spirit of fever, and this gives the picture an alarming note.

Being in the army, where Kirchner volunteered, played an important role in his psyche, the result of which was reflected in “Self-portrait in a soldier’s uniform.” Having moved to Switzerland, Alpine landscapes become a subject of interest. (Throughout the 1920s, Kirchner’s creativity developed directly towards abstractionism. Kirchner, being the founder of this directly, has lost all his faith left over.

Grand Duke

Ernst Ludwig of Hesse

outside of my home

Ernst Ludwig Karl Albert Wilhelm, nim.

The 10th Prince Ernst Ludwig lost his mother, experiencing the death of his young sister.

In addition, with the disinfection method, all the old toys were in the bedrooms, and a new life began for Prince Ernst Ludwig and his sisters.

Grandma, Queen Victoria quickly asked her son-in-law and onuk to visit her with Great Britain.

As the Austrian historian Elisabeth Geresch says in her research, “Ernst Ludwig had a keen character and a gift for painting.”

Accession to the throne

On the 12th of February 1892, Grand Duke Ludwig IV became uneasy, and doctors reported a new stroke.

The next day, the 13th of Birth, he was gone.

Prince Ernst Ludwig became Grand Duke of Hesse. All my sisters grieved the loss.. The shock that befell the young friend did not affect the already difficult days. Victoria-Melita praised the marriage for the respect of the man, who gave a lot of love and respect to her daughter.

The disrespect of the squad until the end of the official language of the Grand Duchess was fought by Ernst Ludwig.

After the death of Queen Victoria, 21 April 1901, their relationship was officially dissolved

Supreme Court Hesse. The Grand Duke died childless, his nephew, the son of his younger brother Prince Charles of Hesse - Prince Ludwig of Hesse, father of Prince Ernst Ludwig, who passed into history under the name of Ludwig IV. Nine-year-old Prince Ernst Ludwig became successor to the throne.

The 10th Prince Ernst Ludwig lost his mother. As the Austrian historian Elisabeth Geresch says in her research, “Ernst Ludwig had a keen character and a gift for painting.” Louis IV of Hesse, outside the name Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Karl (German) Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Karl von Hessen und bei Rhein)

; As the Austrian historian Elisabeth Geresch says in her research, “Ernst Ludwig had a keen character and a gift for painting.” 12th Veresnya - 13th Bereznya) - Grand Duke of Hesse and Rhineland in -1892. Alice (Alice-Mod-Meri), Grand Duchess of Hesse and Reinsk (Nim.́ Alice Großherzogin von Hessen-Darmstadt und bei Rhein , English́ Alice Maud Mary, HRH The Grand Duchess of Hesse and by Rhine Victoria Hesse-Darmstadtská Viktoria von Hessen-Darmstadt ), with the peoplé Vikto riyá Albi companý Elizabeth- that́ Mati As the Austrian historian Elisabeth Geresch says in her research, “Ernst Ludwig had a keen character and a gift for painting.” ice).

Marie I Ge ssen Darmsta child Victoria Alberta Elisabeth Mathilde Marie von Hessen-Darmstadt Elizaveta Fedorivna (with the peoplé Viktoria von Hessen-Darmstadt Elizaveta Oleksandra Louisa Alisa Gessen-Darmstadtská nim..

Elisabeth Alexandra Luise Alice von Hessen-Darmstadt und bei Rheiń , my family's name was companý Elizabeth- that́ Mati As the Austrian historian Elisabeth Geresch says in her research, “Ernst Ludwig had a keen character and a gift for painting.” Yella, officially in Russia Elisabeth Alexandra Luise Alice von Hessen-Darmstadt und bei Rheiń , my family's name was Elisaví Feo riyá Albi Rivná Ірі companý Elizabeth- that́ Mati As the Austrian historian Elisabeth Geresch says in her research, “Ernst Ludwig had a keen character and a gift for painting.” on).

Irene von Hessen-Darmstadt́ ), at baptism Louis (Elizaveta Oleksandra Louisa Alisa Gessen-Darmstadtská nim. behind A Nna Irene Luise Maria Anna von Hessen-Darmstadt Oleksa Ndra Fedorovna

, born princess Victoria Alisa Olena


Beatrice As the Austrian historian Elisabeth Geresch says in her research, “Ernst Ludwig had a keen character and a gift for painting.” Hesse-Darmstadt;

11 birch, Darmstadt -16 leaf fall, Skierniewice) - the only daughter of the Grand Duke of Hesse Ernst Ludwig and his first friend the English princess Victoria Meliti.

Cecilia with children

Fathers Cecilia

Andrey together with his squad Alisa Battenberg, 1913. Andriy Gretsky and Dansky

(Greek: Ανδρέας της Ελλάδας και της Δανίας; dat.

Cecilia's mother - Alisa

Princess Alice of Battenberg, later, after her marriage - Princess Gretska and Danska, (also known under the English version of the name - Alice Mountbatten) (25 1885 - 5 1969) - mother of Prince Philip and mother-in-law of the English king.

Alice is the daughter of Ludwig Oleksandr Battenberg and Victoria of Hesse-Darmstadt, sister of Ernst of Hesse, that is. yogo niece of Ernst of Hesse.

1 May 1937 Roku Spadkovy Duke Georg Donatus and his squad of Princess Cecilia entered the front of the NSDAP. On the way to the wedding of brother Ludwig and Margarita Geddes, who was destined for November 17, 1937 in London, November 16 1937 Roku Hereditary Duke George Donatus with his mother Duchess Eleonora, his squad Cecilia and his children Ludwig and Alexander

died in a plane crash

in Ostend. In the midst of the flight's deceptions, the body of the stillborn son of Princess Cecilia, who was in her eighth month of pregnancy, was discovered. All the dead members of the Grand Ducal family were buried in the family mausoleum in Rosenhei Darmstadt.

Two years later, the only daughter of George Donatus and Cecilia, who was lost alive, slept with them - Princess Johanna. At the fall of leaves in 1937, there were no rivers, and it was decided not to take it with you on the trip. After the death of his fathers, he was adopted by the brother of Georg Donatus, Prince Ludwig, on June 14, 1939. died of meningitis

at the Duchess Alice Hospital near Darmstadt.

Ludwig becoming champion of his brother Georg Donatus, Grand Duke of Hesse and Rhine after his death.

Moritz of Hesse (formerly Moritz Friedrich Karl Emmanuel Humbert) (6 June 1926 - 23 May 2013) - German businessman, head of the House of Hesse (25 June 1980 - 23 May 2013), also titular King F Inland and Hessian and Rhenish (1980 -2013).

Prince Ludwig died childless, and with his death on May 30, 1968, the dynasty of the Grand Dukes of Hesse-Darmstadt ended along the human line.

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