Drotaverin chi no-shpa: what to choose? Official instruction from zastosuvannya.

Vіdomy drug "No-shpa" is used for spasms of smooth muscles of the sich tract, organs of the mucosal-intestinal tract, internal female organs, spasms of the vessels of the brain. The range of zastosuvannya "No-shpi" is wide, so the drug is so popular. "No-shpa" helps for the sake of the one who avenges drotaverine at his warehouse. The very same speech can be spasmolytic. The drug is sold both in tablets and in ampoules for intravenous and intravenous administration. In order to get "No-shpu", a prescription is not needed.

The average price of "No-Shpi" is from 150 rubles for 20 tablets with dosing of 40 mg to 250 rubles for a pack of tablets - 100 pieces, with the same dosing.

Not to everyone

"No-shpa", as if it were some other drug, may have its own shortfalls. It is impossible to get used to them, who are afraid of heart, liver, nirkov deficiency. It’s also better to see “No-shpi” for young mothers who are breastfeeding, and for children who still don’t have 6 years. In addition, some people have an allergy to some warehouse faces, in which case it is more likely to be treated in the same way. Before the warehouse, the drug includes lactose, and it is the main cause of problems in the mucosal-intestinal tract, the shards of the body of some people do not accept speech. Before that, as a matter of course, it is necessary to read the instruction in order to avoid possible problems.
Always re-adjust the dose or at different times side effects like "No-shpi", colic, bіl head, sleeplessness, constipation can appear.

Deputy "No-shpi"

At sale є k_lka preparations, yaki є analogues of "No-shpi". Іsnuyut like cheap, so expensive faces, yakі mіstyat so same components, scho and "No-shpa".

Maybe, for skin, who at least once experienced pain and spasms, I know the drug "No-shpa". An analogue of yoga is "Drotaverin", which I will repeat many times in the warehouse and deed, not to everyone. More people trust advertisements more with the same name, as for long years the stagnation has already become a symbol of relief from pain. Many people take "No-shpu" in case of any spasm, prescribing it on their own without consulting a doctor. But, despite the good reputation of the brand and the high efficiency of the drug, it still can be contraindicated and side effects. And in rich vipads, if “No-shpa” is needed, the analogue of її appears to be the best. To be sure that taking these pills will help with pain and will not lead to new problems, it is necessary to know the specifics of the disease, indications and contraindications to zastosuvannya.

The history of popularity of the drug

Even in the middle of the 19th century, an effective pain-relieving speech was seen from opium. Yogo was named papaverine. At the beginning of the 20th century, mass production of this drug was improved. Faces were inexpensive and victorious for relieving pain and spasms in case of various illnesses. In 60-year-olds, the drug was completely taken. On the basis of yoga, two analogous faces began to emerge. The Ugorsk pharmaceutical company was viroblyat drug "No-shpa". The analogue of yoga is produced in Russia and is called "Drotaverine hydrochloride". "No-shpa" itself is popular mainly through the reputation of the pharmaceutical company "Hinoin". But in the rest of the years, the faces became dear, and not everyone can access “No-shpa” at the same time. The Russian analogue of "Drotaverin hydrochloride" is 5 times cheaper, but the efficiency is not achieved. A lot of patients who tried to replace “No-shpu” with “Drotaverin” prove that they didn’t try the same price.

Dia drug

The main speech of "No-shpi" is drotaverine. It is known to myotropic antispasmodics and is popular due to its ability to relieve spasms of smooth muscles. internal organs. It is recommended to use the name of the drug, as it is translated from Latin, as “no spasm”. Therefore, all preparations based on drotaverine are more effective against pain for various illnesses. Cream of spasmolytic effect, the stench of the building expands the judgment and reduces the tone of the m'yaziv in all internal organs, for example, in the intestines, thereby reducing peristalsis. Ale on the range of the nervous system, the drug is not taken by the drug, therefore, in the richest periods of wines, it is the best for other painkillers. Diya drotaverine and liqiv on the basis of yoga should be finished quickly, with intravenous administration - after 3-5 whilins. The pain-inducing effect of the drug lasts for three hours, so 1-2 tablets are enough for an attack.

In some cases, the drug stagnates

Even more effective "No-shpa" for pain different trip especially quiet, scho yelling abo m'yaziv. Її prescribe doctors for ailments. And some people, who often feel sick, take the drug without consulting a doctor, which is not necessary, even if it is necessary to know, in some cases of indications, I take “No-shpi” myself. Її appoint:

With spastic colitis, constipation, gastritis, gastroduodenitis and virazzi;

With painful menstruation;

For zapobіgannya in front of the canopies, lowering the tone of the uterus and znyatya pіslyalogovyh essences;

With nirk colic, cholecystitis and dyskinesia of the zhovchovivvidnyh ways;

With sechokam'yanіy and zhovchnokam'yanіy ailments;

With headaches caused by spasm of the vessels;

When stretching m'yazіv and injuries.

Form the release "No-shpi"

1. The most widely used drug in the form of small round tablets of yellow color. On the skin of the shoes, the pressure can be applied with the inscription "spa". The branded packaging of "No-Shpi" is more convenient: the bulb is small, which can contain 100 tablets, and there is a special dosing mechanism. For strong pains, it’s better. If you press on the krishechka, at the bottom you will see one pіgulka. A skin tablet containing 40 mg of drotaverine is the average single dose for a grown-up person. Also, No-shpa Forte, is recognized for the treatment of severe pain, even a skin tablet to take 80 mg of drotaverine. Krym tsgogo, before the stock of all tablets enter lactose, talc and

2. In medical mortgages, either for the use of strong pains and spasms of vicorous rozchiny for internal or internal lingual administration. One ampoule to replace a single dose of drotaverine - 40 mg. This form of the drug is dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription, but is widely used in medical mortgages.

Pobichna diya

The drug can cause such undesirable effects:

Prishvidshene heartbeat;

lowering the vice;

Speka that increase in sweating;

Confusion, sleeplessness;

Nudota, constipation;

Allergic reactions.

The most secure internal supply "No-Shpi". It can cause an arrhythmia, a fall in a vice and induce an aggravation of the breath. For this reason, “No-shpa” (tablets) is prescribed orally for stosuvannya posture by a medical mortgage.

Installation instructions

Tablets "No-shpi" need to be drunk 2-3 times a day. Trivality for the recipient to lie in the recommendation of the doctor. Well, I happened to take the drug without the recognition of a specialist, I didn’t drink yoga for more than two days. And on the right, it’s not about the fact that you can call “No-shpa” even more effectively knowing the pain, which can be a symptom of a serious illness. Tse mozhe zadit vchasno vstanovit correct diagnosis. Dosing the drug to lie down in the age of the patient, I will become healthy and in pain. Call to prescribe 1-2 tablets of "No-shpi" per dose. With this, the additional dose is not guilty of overdosing 240 mg of oral speech, but 6 tablets. With severe spasms, internal "No-shpa" is prescribed. Injection with the same dosage - up to 240 mg per dose, and internally it is permissible to inject more than 80 mg. Children from 6 to 12 years old are recommended to give no more than 2 tablets per day, and after 12 years - 4 tablets.

Who should not take the drug

We are ill with severe nirk and liver failure;

Women in the period of breastfeeding;

Children of age up to 6 years old;

Patients with individual intolerance to drotaverine;

With severe heart failure;

With bronchial asthma;

People with reduced arterial pressure;

Tim, who has a history of lactose intolerance.

"No-shpa" with vaginess

At the same time, often take a lot of drugs with vicarious preparations on the basis of Zdebіlsh, with a gentle boost for Ale, in any terms of vagity, you can take the drug "No-shpa" (tablets). The instruction recommends working less under the supervision of a doctor, if you want to be sure that the drug does not give any negative consequences for the development of a child. Therefore, in case of any pains in the lower abdomen, it is recommended for female women to take the No-Shpi pill. Even more painkillers in this hour are contraindicated, in this period it is most likely to cause spasms of ulcers, and in most cases it helps the drug. Relaxation of the smooth muscles of the uterus can save the day or just make it easier. maybe mami. Most often assigned to itself "No-shpa". The analogue of "Drotaverin" is not so strong and may be so trivalent. In addition, it is important that wine is more tolerated. Ale with No-shpi varto buti is still protective, so that the drug can be used before the opening of the cervix.

How can you replace "No-shpu"

Not available to the skin, although the stench is not too expensive - a package of tablets costs about 200 rubles. Ale, a lot of people are addicted to cheap drugs. Tim is greater, so that not everyone and not for any pain help "No-shpa". Analogues cheap іnоdі vyyavlyayutsya dієvіshimi. But in order to choose correctly, it is necessary to know the peculiarities of yoga, as well as the nature and nature of pain. All drugs based on drotaverine do not help with spasms of the vessels of the chi m'yaziv. Incorrect stench is seen with headaches of the vessel trip and with migraine. In such cases, special preparations are prescribed. Tse mozhe buti "Paracetamol" or "Analgin". For pain caused by inflammation, it is better to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: "Ibuprofen", "Pentalgin" and others. Dental white is better known as "Ketoprofen". Ale nutrition, with which you can replace "No-shpu", you can only win with a doctor. If fahivets recognized the drug itself, then, therefore, it was caused by spasms of the vessels or by smooth muscles. In this situation, it is best to help "No-shpa" itself. You can take the analogy instead of it, but don’t start the preparations and they are effective, and now you can be not so trivial. Tse can be vyklikano with additive speeches at the warehouse, underdosing of virobniks or dosing of drotaverine.

"No-shpa" - analogues

The price of various preparations varies from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the popularity of the company-vironnik, the number of tablets in the package and the form of dispensing. Best expensive bones z tsієї groups - tse "No-shpa Forte" and vlasne "No-shpa". Analogues of cheap - not important preparations of Russian medicine based on drotaverine or papaverine. Before them one can see:

- "Drotaverine hydrochloride";

- "Drotaverin Forte";

- "Papaverine";

- "Spazmol";

- "Spazmonet";

- Nosh-Bra.

In addition, the Indian drug "Spazoverin" and the strongest painkiller drug - "No-shpalgin" are also being produced. The remaining drug, cream drotaverine, codeine and paracetamol, is sold only by doctor's prescription.

What you need to know when taking painkillers

1. All similar preparations, for example "No-shpa", "Analgin" and others, do not rejoice in illness, but rather mask the symptoms. Likiv based on drotaverine is especially appreciated. The stench knows spasms and helps a lot in severe pain. Adzhe won't be able to see the development of plumpness or the ear of a serious illness. It is not recommended for him to drink "No-shpu" for more than two days without consulting a doctor.

2. Before taking any preparations based on drotaverine, it is necessary to eat. Tsya speech on an empty sluice will become stronger, and in this way there is a greater possibility of development of side effects.

3. After taking "No-shpi" the pain symptoms did not change after 20-30 minutes, or tedium, weakness and confusion appeared, in the case of the drug taken, the varto was relieved.

4. Deyakі preparations, for example, "Phenobarbital" and other antispasmodics, can help with "No-shpi", but if you use other medicines, you can only do it for the doctor's confessions.

Instructions to No-shpi. All about the reception of likіv

The basis of this drug is drotaverine, a slurry that helps to effectively relieve spasm and relax the smooth muscles of various organs. In Russian pharmacies, No-shpu can be found in the eyes of pigulok and ampoules. Call, tse products of French virobnitstv.

In the description, it is indicated to the letter that stinks are recognized for alleviating pain in such situations:

  • ailments of zhovchovividnyh ways (cholecystolithiasis, cholecystitis and іn);
  • pathology of the secovidial system (cystitis, nephrolithiasis, etc.);
  • in viglyadі ampoules - for the change in the phase of the opening of the cervix of the uterus and the shortness of the trivality of the slopes.

Yak dodatkovy medical care But-shpu vikoristovuyut:

  • for relief of spasms in the organs of the intestinal tract (virazka, gastritis, colitis, enteritis and in);
  • with the method of exaltation of a headache, which person characterizes as “a hoop and a belt around the head”;
  • with dysmenorrhea - sickly sighted pid hour;
  • as a language about injections - they are also introduced with strong essences for a half hour.

No-shpa - popular zasіb in pain

One tablet or 2 ml ampoules contain 40 mg of drotaverine. Recommended doses of No-shpi:

  1. One-time for adults - troch more than 2 tablets. For dobu, you can drink a maximum of 6 tablets for 3 drinks.
  2. The limiting dose for children from 6 to 12 years of age is 2 tablets per doba, but not more than 1 pc. for 1 reception.
  3. Children from 12 years of age are allowed to take for a period of 24 years no more than 4 tablets, divided into 2-4 times.
  4. In the case of injections for adults - up to 240 mg per doba, but not one-time, but after 2-3 doses.


No-shpa: 180 rub.
Drotaverine: 30 rub.

Dyucha speech: Drotaverine (Drotaverinum)

Pharmaceutical form: Walkers.


  • spasms of smooth muscles, with diseases of the zhovchovividnyh tracts: cholecystolithiasis, cholangiolithiasis, cholecystitis, pericholecystitis, cholangitis, papillitis;
  • spasms of smooth muscles of the sciatic tract: nephrolithiasis, urethrolithiasis, pielitis, cystitis, spasms of the sciatic michur.

How additional therapy:

  • spasms of smooth muscles of the CT: virazkovy disease of the duodenal ulcer, gastritis, spasms of the cardia and the collar, enteritis, colitis, spastic colitis due to constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with flatulence after the inclusion of illness, which are manifested as acute abdominal syndrome (upper pancreatitis);
  • head bіl voltage;
  • dysmenorrhea.


  • hypersensitivity to fluffy speech, or be it from additional speech to the drug;
  • severe hepatic or nirkov insufficiency;
  • severe heart failure (low heart failure syndrome);
  • child age up to 6 years;
  • breast year period (clinical follow-up days);
  • mild galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome (due to the presence of lactose in the warehouse).

It is not recommended to indicate the presence of necessary clinical data in the lactation period.

Pobichna diya:

  • On the side of the CCC: rarely - accelerated heartbeat, decreased arterial pressure.
  • From the side of the central nervous system: rarely - headache, confusion, sleeplessness.
  • From the side of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract: rarely - boredom, constipation.
  • From the side of the immune system: rarely allergic reactions(Angioneurotic swelling, kropivyanka, hanging, sverbіzh).

Way to zastosuvannya: Into the middle.

Є a cheap analogue of an expensive drug .

Dyucha speech: Drotaverine (Drotaverinum)

Pharmaceutical form:

  • Piglets of 10 pieces in a contour compact package, 2 contour compact packages in a cardboard package.
  • Rozchin for injections of 2 ml in dark-coloured ampoules, 5 ampoules in medium packs, 2 medium packs in a carton pack.


  • The drug is in the form of tablets and is suitable for injections for the use of spasm and the use of pain of a spastic nature, including:
  • Spasms in cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, duct and/or duodenal ulcers, constipation, spastic etiology, spasms of smooth muscles of the cardiac and pyloric ducts, spastic colitis, intestinal colic, caused by gas blockage.
  • In addition, the drug is used to relieve spasm of smooth muscles in proctitis, pielitis, cystitis, urethrolithiasis and nephrolithiasis.
  • The drug can be used for the duration of diagnostic manipulations, including cholecystography.
  • Drotaverine vikoristovuєtsya as a vessel expansion zasіb with spasms of the smooth ball of the vessels, for the relief of a headache caused by a spasm of the cerebral vessels.
  • The drug is also used in gynecological practice in case of algomenorrhea, to prevent the spasm of smooth uterine ulcers in cases of pregnancy, including in case of threatening abortion. The drug is indicated for spasms of the uterus during the first half hour, protracted rupture of the uterus and stupors.


  • Common for both medicinal forms:
  • Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Severe heart failure, severe arterial hypotension, atrioventricular block II-III stage. The drug is also contraindicated in patients with cardiogenic shock.
  • The drug is contraindicated for patients who suffer from severe liver and/or liver failure.

Pobichna diya:

  • The drug is well tolerated by patients, however, in single cases, the development of such side effects is possible:
  • From the side of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract: nudity, vomit, broken deformity.
  • From the side of the central nervous system: disruption of the sleep regimen and insomnia, restlessness, headache.
  • Cardiovascular system: tachycardia, hypotension arterial vice, arrhythmia, fever.
  • From the side of the dichal system: swelling of the nasal mucosa, bronchospasm (important in patients, as it can swell to bronchospasm).
  • Allergic reactions: hanging on the skin, sverbіzh, allergic dermatitis, angioedema.
  • In addition, a possible development of increased drinkability.

capsules, injections, tablets, coated tablets

Pharmacological action:

Myotropic spasmolytic. Behind the chemical structure and pharmacological powers it is close to papaverine, but it is more strong and lasting. Changes the intake of Ca2+ in the smooth-tongued cells (inhibiting FDE, leading to the accumulation of intracellular cAMP). Decrease the tone of the smooth tissues of the internal organs and intestinal peristalsis, expanding the blood vessels. Doesn't add to the vegetative nervous system, does not penetrate the CNS. The presence of a non-mediated injection on smooth muscles allows vicorism as an antispasmodic in depression, if LZ is contraindicated from a group of m-anticholinergics (zacritovangular glaucoma, hypertrophy of anterior glaucoma). When administered internally on the ear, the effect is after 2-4 minutes, the maximum effect develops after 30 minutes.


Prevention and treatment: spasm of smooth tissues of the internal organs (nirkova colic, colic colic, intestinal colic, dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract and mucosa due to hyperkinetic type, cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome); pielite; spastic constipation, spastic colitis, proctitis, tenesmus; pylorospasm, gastroduodenitis, dyspnea and duodenal ulcer (in the acute phase, in the warehouse of complex therapy - to relieve pain syndrome of a spastic character). Endarteritis, spasm of peripheral, cerebral and coronary arteries. Algodysmenorrhea, which threatens the weekend, which threatens the front canopies; spasm of the cervix of the uterus for a half hour, a protracted rupture of the cervix, psoriasis essences. Under the hour of carrying out the last instrumental examinations, cholecystography.


Hypersensitivity, pronounced liver and nir's insufficiency; CHF, AV block II-III stage, cardiogenic shock, arterial hypotension. With care. Viral atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, subcutaneous glaucoma, hyperplasia of the anterior fold, lactation period, pregnancy (I trimester).

Pobichna diya:

Zamorochennya, palpitation, feeling the heat, increased sweating, decreased arterial pressure, allergic skin reactions. With intravenous administration - collapse, AV blockade, arrhythmia, depression of the dichal center. Overdose. Symptoms: at high doses, it disrupts the atrioventricular conduction, reduces the alertness of the heart meat, can cause a heart tooth and paralysis of the dichal center.

Method of stosuvannya that dose:

Drotaverine is taken internally, mature - 40-80 mg 3 times per doba; i / m, s / c - 40-80 mg 1-3 times per dose. For usunennya hepatic and nirk colic - internally povilno, 40-80 mg. With spasms of the peripheral vessels, the drug can be administered intravenously. For children up to 6 years of age - at a single dose of 10-20 mg, the maximum additional dose is 120 mg; 6-12 months single - 20 mg, the maximum additional dose - 200 mg; multiplicity of recognition - 1-2 times for production.

Special remarks:

With the treatment of virazkovy ailment, the duct and 12-colon intestine zastosovuyut at the same time. anti-slash LZ. During the period of rejoicing, it is necessary to take care of the caring by motor transport and employment in. Potentially unsafe types of activity, which increase the concentration of respect and the speed of psychomotor reactions (for a period of 1 year after parenteral, especially intravenous administration).


With one-hour stasis, drotaverine can weaken the antiparkinsonian effect of levodopa. Posilyuє diyu papaverine, bendazol and in. antispasmodics (including m-anticholinergics), lowering of AT, which is caused by tricyclic antidepressants, quinidine and procainamide. Phenobarbital increases the antispasmodic effect of drotaverine. Changes the spasmogenic activity of morphine.

Before injecting the drug Drotaverin consult a doctor!

Tetyana Strakhova:
18.02.2010 / 12:33
Why is Drotaverin needed?
23.02.2010 / 11:48
Noshpa in Russian.
25.02.2010 / 00:50
drotaverine is the same no-shpa, in pain and spasm. It's just that drotaverine is cheaper than vdvich
barabas karabas:
26.02.2010 / 16:17
Tse chemical name for everyone, NO-ShPI, antispasmodic
Romeo White:
02.03.2010 / 01:15
spasm of smooth muscles of the internal organs (nirk colic, colic colic, intestinal colic, dyskinesia of the colic ducts and mucosa due to the hyperkinetic type, cholecystitis, postcholecystectomy syndrome); pielite; spastic constipation, spastic colitis, proctitis, tenesmus; pylorospasm, gastroduodenitis, dyspnea and duodenal ulcer (in the acute phase, in the warehouse of complex therapy - to relieve pain syndrome of a spastic character). Endarteritis, spasm of peripheral, cerebral and coronary arteries. Algodysmenorrhea, which threatens the weekend, which threatens the front canopies; spasm of the cervix of the uterus for a half hour, a protracted rupture of the cervix, psoriasis essences. Under the hour of carrying out the last instrumental examinations, cholecystography.
06.03.2010 / 17:11
the same one is our own. So take it calmly.
10.03.2010 / 11:47
so tse zaminnik No-shpi in Russian .... How to understand what is necessary ??? without the need for yoga and do not live)
Massage Rehabilitation:
11.03.2010 / 16:00
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