Dragon Age Inquisition Dragon Age: Inquisition - Superintendent: Lie there for days on end. Marvel at perfection.

After creating your character and reviewing the introductory cut-scene, watch Cassandri's introductions. You will especially burn anywhere. Having fallen from the bridge, having collapsed, our hero and Cassandra will be attacked by the first enemies, and we know our first enemy. For a single attack, click on the enemy [LMB], and for a series of attacks, we trim the button pressed. You can pause the game by pressing , as well as switch to tactical mode by pressing [t], to distribute punishment to everyone who is staying at the warehouse of the group.

Having won the victory, let's go along the frozen river, rise in the kіntsі to the hillock and stribaєmo down from the urvish again to the frozen river. Crossing the chergovyh vorogіv, let's go by the river and lift the walls with gatherings. I demo straight and again descend to the frozen river. Dali uphill gatherings. I'm going to burst. There is already a battle going on, you need more help, and if you don’t get rid of the enemies, we’ll marvel at the cut-scene. Now there are four of you in the corral. Having reached wide rivers, let's go to the next bik, to the ruins, then we'll go along the road from the stone. Having risen from the gatherings, we check you one more time. Shchob yogo close, it is necessary to destroy the sprat of hvil vorogiv. If so, it’s better to expand closer and click on it [RMB].

Vіdchinyaєmo the gate that potrapleyaєmo on the spot. Idemo to Leliani that representative of the church. It’s impossible to get better, for example, on the vibir, you will be asked to suggest a sprat of options for a distant passage. I recommend choosing the option “Go over the mountain”, and not “Go right behind the soldiers”, because. at the first moment you can turn in the soldiers, as if they were known (at the near future you can see a bonus for that decision). Climbing up to the very top and going to the booth near the mountain. Viyshovshi from the other side, it will be necessary to close one opening. Whenever there will be a cut-scene, in which case the soldiers will sing along for the order. We pass far and go down by gatherings. Idemo far away, the docks do not reach the first great opening. Here you are opposed to the first boss - the demon of pride, and at the top, as if you were turning soldiers, then the stench will help you to overcome it.

As soon as the battle begins, You will understand that the demon has a zahisna aura, and I won’t take away any guilt. To loosen the zakhist, close the gap. Yogo can now be easily attacked. As soon as you tell that the demon has a new attack, close your eyes, as soon as such a possibility appears and start attacking. Let it be repeated until the demon is knocked down. If a new one loses 50% of his health, then more rubbish will appear later, then close the opening of the viide, just as if to kill all the enemies, so that you will come again. Those will be at 25% health. Like only mi vb'ёmo demon, marveling at the cut-scene. Everything, the first part is finished.

The trouble has not passed

Having prokinivshis, come out of the hatini. You settle down in the village. We must go out of it closed, so let's go to the church on the pagorbi levoruch.

There we go into the next door and marvel at the cut-scene. Tsya kіmnata once again you need, because. here the headquarters of the command will be settled. Dali seems to be awake and rozmovlyaemo by people(Quest "Best at the Prytulku"). We can once again viskonat dodatkovі zavdannya, yakі stink to give. Then we turn again at the headquarters of the command and victoriously take a point for the exploration of the mystic, why do we need to know the Reverend Matir Giselle. At the future, this style can also be victorious, to discover new locations, vicorist eyepieces, and send radniks to the zavdannya to earn pennies for the Inquisition. Virushaemo at vіdkrit mіstsevіst that is consumed by clay stitches. Orienting on the map (key [ m ]); You will need to be at once out of the corral of the Inquisition to heal the wind of the enemies. As soon as you grow up, the black cut-scene will open up.

Now you can continue vikonuvati side quests on the territory of the inner lands, otherwise you will destroy the headquarters of the command until a distant passage behind the plot. Remember what a kozhne vikonane dodatkove zavdannya, rozbivannya camp, vіdkrittya new plots of the territory will be filled with eyepieces inflow, yakі you can spend on the exploration, or the growth of the rіvіnіkіzіtsії. To turn to the back, open the card and go to the map of the world (button at the top left corner), then wrap the back. At the church, Mother Giselle is on you. Go to her and talk to her. You can also take from her the zavdannya “Lotus and Root”. We go at the command headquarters and activate the mission "Go to the church of Val Royeaux."

Having drank at the table, let's go to the square, de posterigaemo cut-scene, after the "Defenders of Justice" task is activated. Then let's go to the street, which we came here. Here we are called by the Great Enchantress Fiona, and the quest "In secret" will be revealed. Turn back to the Prytulka, to the Headquarters of the command, On which the quest will end.

Defenders of justice

Schob rozpochat zavdannya, it is necessary to rozvіdat nevnu area on the table of the command rate. For whom it is necessary to score 15 points in the injection. You see the stench of the way of the vikonanny of the dodatkovyh heads. However, remember that if you rozpochali tse zavdannya, then the mission with the magicians will be inaccessible, and navpaki. Since then, as you all the same, they said that the templars were more and more advanced in the ranks of the Inquisition, then we were taking the mission and virushaemo on zustrіch іz by the templars.

Watching the cut-scene. Then let's go to the face-templar Barris, like a wiyshov to confuse us, and marvel at the devil's cut-scene. They gave us a message to propagate the rise of ensigns like a povaga. You can either wait and see the proponation of the test, or you will be guided by that five times to the recognized zustrich. Anew we go to Baris. After the cut-scene, we deal with the enemies, then we go to the street, following the markers, through the distant climb up the hill, to the necessary doors.

There is the sound of the Lord-Shukacha, who prepared a surprise for us. Now it is necessary for us to know the way out of the city, de mi have opined. The location is entirely linear, so just go through the mini-vistavi. If you reach the month, the unsafe countryside will be pouring green from the wrapping columns, walk right-handed on the back, go ahead of the guards. Check, the docks of the column will turn so that you can move to the next bik kіmnati, near a careless little place. There again we pass trochs forward and further straight to the bed on the protilezhny boat. If we go inside, the doors will open. As soon as we try to get out, Rozmov's rozpochnetsya from a stranger. Then we do not hurry to follow him, but we go to the room on the protilezhny side and read the writing on the great stone. Vin will give us a bonus to the characteristics, and on the location you can find two more such ones (the mission is called "Demonic dogma").

If a new companion transforms those who are flying from the columns near the water, it is passable far away. If we go to a deaf kut, let's go to the right-handed room. There I will know our unknown. After a short break, it’s possible to get blue fire in order and ignite the visible tar skip. They gave more fires at three of the kіmnats from both sides of the room. Dali for the passage of the side plant "Demonic dogma", let's go with a tar-skip in our hands on the cob of the location, in the room with the grates, and open the cell of the evil. There we take the key (visible wine only when the resin is light). Then we turn to a deaf kuta and ignite the fire of the far stone wall. The wall looks up, but we are far away. Dali come to the door right-handed, yakі vіdmikaєmo naydenim key. We'll light a fire there. Viyshovshi from the kіmnati, I'll ignite the fire again on the stone wall. After that, as soon as you see it, we go into the room and read the writing again, after which we will take a bonus to the characteristics. Dali seems to be going to the room right-handed. Walk to the door, climb up the hill. Then we open the door and pass through the street until the passages are closed with gates. It is hard for the importance between them and the paths far away become vodkritim. Then let us know with a path through the distance we will go to our destination. At the farthest, on another version, there will be the third remaining stone behind the quest "Demonic Dogma". Having left the designated place, marveling at the video. Then we pass through the pivdenni doors to the upper barracks. Here we need to vryatuvati two templar-veterans. Remember that the hour is ticking at the upper right corner, through some kind of head hall in the fall. To that, if there will be less than half of the scale, someone from the team will guess that they will turn around and help (yakscho, the scale will go down approximately up to 30%, then Barris will die later). To that, the most important decisions - ryatuvati one at a time, tobto. vryatuvat one veteran, then turn to the main hall. Having killed the enemies, check, while the scale is rising, I see again through the front doors, rushing another templar and turning back to Barris and helping those other templars to defeat the enemies.

Then let's go through the pivnіchnі doors i, vyyshovshi on the doorway, let's go right-handed at the door on the protilezhny side. There, one rises to the other on top of that ryatuemo chergovy veteran. Then we can turn back to the main hall, or, as if allowing an hour, drink in the other place marked with a marker, I can go as far as possible from the yard. However, to eat there, you need a key. Yogo is taken from the kіmnati, as it was stashed between these two veils, under this mass, de mi vryatulyali third templar. Having taken the key and opened the door to them in the shovishche, we reach the lirium right across the street, then we go up the stairs and read the notes, then we take the lirium from the blue screen instructions.

We turn to the main hall, we drive in the enemies and we move out of the Barris. The cut-scene will start, if you happen to see the wind of the enemies. Then we climbed the gatherings and went out to the balcony, marked with a marker. There you will have to fight with the demon of hell.

Vіn, like and similar to the new great zhakhi, love to hovat under the earth and then viskakuvat in the midst of the party members, beating quietly from the nіg. Unacceptable to the point of incantation and effects, like injecting yogo combativeness, tobto. spoіlniti or vimknut yogo for the next hour not to be seen. At 70% health, the demon calls for help, and he himself remembers the form and restores health. Here, it’s better to fight against the simpler enemies, and then we’ll already take on the boss. At 30% of the health bar, the demon will turn back into its original form. If the yoga of health is low, from the earth begin to viskakuvat green thorns of roses, such varto unique. After defeating the demon, we turn to the main hall. Before the entrance to the new one, we are moving with the templars and robimo vibir on the ruling court. Let's talk at the command post, then we'll talk about what happened, and what the work was done.

By secret

Idemo at the Inner Earth, in Redcliffe, where Fiona asked us to go. Before the brahma, I will open it, after closing it, let us in the middle. At the entrance, call us and order us to go to the tavern. After the cut-scene at the tavern, let's go to the church. We close the opening and the opening with the magician. We turn at the command headquarters and here on the map there will be two missions: “Defenders of Justice” and “In Secret”. Having chosen one, otherwise you will become inaccessible, the remaining chance to win, who better pidide to help you close the gap - magicians or templars. Yakshcho Wee chose b_k mag_v, aktiv_mo zavdannya on the table of the command rate and virusha_mo back at Redcliff. Before the corral, you can only turn two of your party members. As the third speaker, our new knowledge. After the cut-scene, we take a handful of our allies - in some ways it will be easier to fight. For whom, wiyshovshi to the landing with a lifted bridge, idemo right-handed. Then we turn back to the lifted bridge and walk at the door opposite. After talking with Fiona, we will take a new meta. How many times does the place fall and it is passable far away. We follow the markers and close the road on the curve. Diyashovshi to the closed doors, jokingly 5 shards of red lirium at the places marked with markers on the map. The stench vipadatimut іz slain spells. Having taken everything and popovnivshi stocks of zill in the caches, we made the doors. After the video, we know the boss. At 60% of the wines, they open up, and hide themselves behind an impenetrable shield. Having broken out of the gap, I attack again the barefoot, which is about on 30% of health, which is lost, repeat your focus. After driving in, we marvel at the video, for example, what decision is accepted, for example, magicians.

Burning in your hearts...

The quest is automatically started after the completion of the task "Defenders of justice" or "In secret" after your choice. It is necessary to go to the command headquarters table. There, on the map, we select the same task. We marveled at the trivial video, let's go to the gate of that new party member. Whoever will be - to lie down in order, Yaku Vi was robbed before tsim. So, depending on the choice, lie down, from whom the army is formed, like attacking Prytulok. Then we need to protect the pivnіchny trebuchet. For whom we go to the marker on the map, we drive in the enemies, which we add with the whiffs of the singing hour (shown by the scale). Just like she’s going to stop, to shoot, and we happen to go to the pivden trebuchet. Orienting with a marker, let's go to the required area and drive in all the enemies there. Then we come to the trebuchet and lift yoga, pressed [RMB] on the active element.

After all, as soon as you see you shoot and pass the video, go back to the back door. On the way, you can help the forger Harrit. For whom a warrior or a robber with a dagger breaks boxes (just click on them [LMB]), which block the entrance to his booth. Let's go through the gates. Now we are to pronounce to clean up the bagmen Prytulka. You can vryatuvati їх sіх, yakscho follow the offensive algorithm: on the back, having risen with gatherings in a row after stealing, let's go right-handed and there we will drive in all the enemies, controlling the health of the allies. So ryatuemo Lisette. Then we go back and, as if the gate is left-handed, then we need right-handed, straight ahead to the church. Rising up the gatherings, I drive in all the enemies again. Guard tell me who needs help. Angry in the form of gatherings, like me, they rose up, as if standing with their backs to her, like a burning hut. She has a middle-minded person, who cannot vibrate independently. We choose a warrior or a robber with a dagger and a lizemo along vertical descents to a ledge. From the new one, a small place will be thrown to dirka on the day of life.

Through the new one we trap in the middle and break the boxes that block the passage. Let's sweat, don't leave the hutni, let's go to the bidolash i, emphatically pressed [LMB], ryatuemo Seggrit. Far away, we see hutins and gatherings, roztasovannym vіdrazu zlіva passable to the Church. Here it happens to vryatuvati Tren, driving in all the enemies. Let's walk to Budinki, where Solas stood. With whom, do not go down the stairs, but go with a narrow stitch from the side of the church. Here it is necessary to catch up to vryatuvat Adana and Minov, until the judges vibrated, that there was a charge for them. For whom it is necessary to reach them and subdue [RMB], until you acquiesce. Then we go down the stairs and go to the slaughter house, where Fliss lies in the aisle. We do it for her in the same way as Adan, Mineve and Seggrit. Below is a video that shows in person how you can lie to everyone:

Then, having killed the enemies, we went to the church. After the cut-scene, let's go at the indicated place marker. There we drive in all the enemies, and then we direct the trebuchet, pressed [LMB] on the active element. About 20% more, another batch of enemies will arrive. Let's re-induce vimagati, and by 40% you will start again. Dali continue to guide the trebuchet. Approximately 60% of the mini-bos appear. Who will lie in your choice of the front plant. Nav_vshi nareshti vimagatime, marveling at the video. Having prokinivshis, let's go through the only possible way through the tunnel. On the way to you, a small group of enemies will strike you, settling down for you to propagate a new building. Having chosen the name, we go to the marker, and then we marvel at the epic video clip.

Іz popіlu

After a cut-scene, we look around the castle, we move from the party members, we see the other side of the plant. Here it is also necessary to propagate to know the farrier and turn the specialization. The forger is known in the hallways (the door is right-handed to the throne, as they stand until the next day behind him). For the selection of specializations, we see the style of the headquarters of the command and see the mission there at Ferelden, as if we were sending a joke to the readers. Let's just talk about the skin and choose specialization. Then let's go to Josephine and Varrika, after which we will be given the quests "Evil eyes and evil hearts" and "There lies Dayless", so you can win in any order.

Evil eyes and evil hearts

IMPORTANT: Statuettes of Gauls are surrounded by a large number. Here is described perebuvannya eleven pieces. You can’t open all the doors with them, choose what you need.

If you take Sera to the task, then, after talking with her, she will name three coats of Ruda Jenna, the coats indicated on the map.

Navіt yakscho at one point, listening to trich, nothing came close to hearing the ringing, on the fourth, you can still get a tile.

І rent a backpack, junk is too rich at the location.

Otzhe, our mission is reborn at the yard. After a break with Gaspar, we don’t get much here. The noblewoman shukas her hoop, she’s right-handed at the entrance to the garden, she shuffles like belongings, turn it around and take +5 to roztashuvannya yard, or we can deprive ourselves, so we’ll spend pennies. Right-handed before the entrance to the palace there is a closed Shіdne shovische, a galli figurine for the sake of showing some kind of roztashovana on the terrace above it. Use the middle of the act of speech. Then let's go to the left hand at the entrance, pidnimaєmosya gatherings, then listen to Rozmov aristocrats, head back to them, then, if they see a dead man, listen to Rozmov from the point. On this terrace we know the key to the shovishcha. Under the terrace there is a place, in which there are two treasures, scandalous documents on the table (the first tile) and the first coin-caprice of the miners on the contrary.

We go to the palace. After talking with Josephine, we get drunk at the vestibule. There are two points for listening, in one it is known to be new (+1 tile). Let's go to Gaspard and let's go to the ballroom. Let's go to Empress Selina, choose the middle cues from the dialosis (+5 to the expansion). Here you can indulge with Josephine and Cullen and take a note about the Orlesian theater to the codex, then we can see it from the hall and use it for a dialogue from Leliana. Walking along the corridor, listening to the rozmov of the elves behind the plot. Dali levoruch, two points for tiles, in one cicava (+1 tile). Vasal walks right there for the sake of the heralds, so at the rose with him select the replica “Philip - yolop” +10 to the yard rose that +1 tile. Duke Germain is standing near the room, having drunk it, you can take +5 to refinish, +1 tile. Also, a caprice coin was buried at the cіy kіmnati and a note to the code. We pass far, we hear the dialogue of the elves. Now we need to know the round friend, we take yoga from the balcony of the room, de elfi. We see the guest's garden.

If you move it straight ahead, then the doors are closed, you need statues of a gal, a lionhander at the door is a dot, de rimuemo +1 tile. There is also one more right-handed point at the entrance. There is also a fountain here, where it is necessary to throw off the chosen coins (for the skin I will throw a coin +1 to the yard). Well, we still have to climb up the hills. The statuette of the galli is right-handed on the terrace, just stand on the railing, troch gave the belongings with +1 tile. We go to the library. There is a small puzzle here, it is necessary to use tar-skip from the curtain fire to zap the urns, so that the stench was spalled blue (starting at the entrance to the right side, then the left row, you can see the descent down, there are some trophies). A book was marked with the belongings of someone who was taken, pulling it to close the cabinet, someone took a sheet of that zavіsny fire. We pass to the library itself. Going down the stairs, the doors of the right-hander are no more than a robber, the left-hander is at the office on the table of documents (+1 tile). The order from the locking doors on the book police of the belongings from the zippers. At the library on the table, we take another +1 tile. Apparently through the doors to the lobby, so as not to waste too much. Now we need anew up there, levoruch vіd ґrat. There are doors, like a gallo. Let's walk a little bit on the balcony, listen to the rose of two noblemen below (+1 tile). If anyone can talk to him that “magicians need to be trained” and wine will be recruited as an agent. At the point of the levoruch at the exit, I hear a tile (+1) and we go to the ballroom. Then follow the dialogue with Morrigan, after which we take the key to the human. You can indulge and flirt with Kassandra (like you took it with you), listen to the tile in front of the levoruch and break it to the people's ciєї.

There we dress up in robes, take it with us. At the kіmnati the right-hander lies a shabby boy. Kitchen on the beams under the galli figurine. In the garden, the treasures are full up to the wall from one more galli statuette. The fountain was right-handed, the descents up the palace, there at the kіmnati z lіzhkom we know a statue of a galli, and on the balcony a coin-whim. At the noble chambers great hall(overlooking the levoruch fountain) on the table under the candlestick is a caprice coin. Rise to the top of the top and let's go to the left hand, we'll pick up the figurines to go to the meeting at the bedroom and pick up the quest elf's amulet. Let's go to the marker, let's get out of the group of venatori and let's go with Briala. There is another galli figurine there. Let's turn to the palace.

We should finish the Trophy Hall. Ale back to the ball, lest you ruin it at court. There we will be asked to dance Floriana. We choose neutral (middle) voices in the dialogues. As a result, the perks of the Inquisition are taken on the move in diplomacy and crypts, there are two obvious replicas (in a dress with a crown and a crow). Let's talk about possible options development of podіy іz radnikami. We say that information is needed. The first step is to go to the Imperial Wing, finishing the selection of all items.

At the ballroom, I entrusted Josephine with a caprice coin on the railing. Let's talk to three ladies-in-waiting, we can talk to Selina about the amulet we found, then we'll talk to Briala. You can also talk to the widow by making a replica with the crown (consumed perk), we will take access to the head office (Dances with the widow: alemanda that +5 rose to the court). Dali from the other side of the belongings with a coin. Apparently at the vestibule, a caprice coin in front of the railing de vikno. Down the descents and livoruch - tile (wealth on benches).

Let's turn to the Hall of Trophies. Let's talk about the nobles, how to stand at the yogo entrance, let them hear the news about the battle before Cullen, we'll take +10 roztashuvannya. We know in the middle: one tile and one coin-caprice (scarves in the first room), from the table in the office we take away the punishment that galli statuette. There are more doors in the office, as if they were only a robber.

At the bottom of the hall of heroes (there, where people enter) there is one coin and one tile. By the room, there, de out at the Guest Garden, there is one more tile to the door, by the room with Duke Germain, there are two more on the table. At the room with a balcony there is a coin and a tile. On the balcony there are two sheds with tiles and a point for listening. Let's go to the library, there are more documents on the table. Going down to the fountain, right-handed, there is one more tile from the doorway. Uphill along the gates, there is a coin in front of the door.

Virushaemo to the imperial wings. There is an evil tile on the table. Rise, run through the room, for which you need a figurine of a gal, go straight and ryatuemo an elf, you should correct Cullen's defense. We take away the galli statuette from this kimnati. We gave it away with a marker, only we didn’t go through those doors, they showed us like wines, but on the outside.

We pass through the open terrace over the garden and climb up at the windows of the highest class. There are treasures with a statue of a gall and a coin of caprice. Ten statuettes are right-handed from the quest doors, down the stairs.

Prodovzhimo obshukuvat qi peace. Even in one room there is a statue of a galli (already eleven), entrusted with an armchair to whiten the fireplace, and there is also a tile.
Now we can make doors in the garden, turn through the vestibule of the palace and walk to the fountain. There we take the Flag of Orlais. So you can talk there with another count from Orlais. I still know there a coin-whim.
We turn to the Imperial krill and go to the garden. There seems to be a point of no return here. After roaming with Floriana, that closed Breshi rozmovlyaemo with a Naiman, for the obvious perk in the Secrets, we recruit him as an agent.
Well, let’s go, we’ll look at the location, we’ll take all the prices, we’ll draw good sketches of 3 equals. At the basement there are two more doors, which are fixed with figurines. I turn back to the ballroom, de robimo choose whom to spare, whom to pardon.

There lie the Abyss

Let's go to the designated mission of guardianship at Crestwood, recognized by Varric's friend (for the purpose of the mission, follow the mission of the operation "Search of the Guard" at the headquarters of the command). After talking with him, we go to the oven and walk to the end. After we know one more new thing, we turn to Skyhold and on the table of the headquarters of the command, we point out the location "Zakhidna Boundary" ("Survive the Boundary Boundary").

We get to the necessary controversy and after the cut-scene we drive in there. I'm turning back at the command headquarters. There, we choose the task “There to lie without a day” and we take it to the fortifications of the Vartovs. Trochs passed through the only possible path, marveling, like a right-handed person, they see us, the Trochs below, the sir varti are fighting demons. We can help them. We pass more far and here, having already climbed onto the wall, we help our soldiers in the battle with the demons, who themselves have conquered the first part of the necessary three at the head of the hoarding of oblog points.

We pass far in the only possible straight line and far away the sharp demon of pride. Having straightened out of it, let's get one more point from the side task. Immediately, you will be the screen of the ensign of the sirih guards. Without going down, we pass right-handed along the wall. There we drive in one more pride demon and lesser enemies and complete the side task. Then we turn back a trio, and before this mist, de mi shot the first pride demon, going down. Directly by the markers, by the cost of demons. After the cut-scene rises to the very top, without savage respect for the dragon, which attacks you - kill Yogo all the same, you won’t see. After an effective video, we rely on a new mission. Here, in parallel, you can visconate the supplementary task "Fears of Dreamers". For whom we are going to pivden. There will be a stіl and stіlets, on which an orange ghost will sit, which will shine.

It is necessary that the active style. Let's see a marker on the map. Vykoristovuyuchi key rozvіdki [ v ], we know the candle and bring it to the mayor. After that, we take it to the city, and new mysteries, which at once from the already five five, appear on the map. It will be necessary to win them over. So, if you want to go through the vzdovzh pіvnіchnії stіni, relying on the white of the magic mirror, activating it, we will improve as a characteristic. Such mirrors are often fixed at this location, joke around to make your hero stronger. Now we can go up by gatherings to the month indicated by the marker. Then, let's drive in the demons and go up to the shining green sacks. By means of activated їх, primuyuyu pressed [LMB]. We marvel at the roller, and then we pass along the only possible path. Diyshovshi to the road, where one road leads down, and another way to the pivnich on the same river, let's go the other way. There will be one more mirror. Now we turn to the road, we go down at a similar straight line and we reach the character, with whom we can talk. After moving again, interrupt all the demons and activate the green bushes that glow. Let's try to fight the bar, which is necessary to defend. Then we walk farther to the fork. On pіvnіch є road uphill. She reaches two demonic pride. After driving them in, looking at the mist, de blima the card (we press the key [ v ]). We know the soft toy. The next stage of the “Fears of the Dreamers” project is starting, which does not appear on the map (it is necessary to put the soft toy on the bed, as it should be in order and appear on the map). A charge from a soft toy, like a design, is similar to a vіvtar.

Having activated yoga, one more task “Break the window” will start. Here it is necessary to light five fires in the correct order, after which you can pick up loot. Then we turn back until the break and along the bottom we reach the remaining riddle of the “Fears of Dreamers” task. Let's sweat to the bar'er, beating some kind of struggle, the docks will not end the time scale. We pass far and there we take it to the city for the task of "Fears of Dreamers", highlighted with a marker. Let's go for the spirit and reach the boss. Periodically, we pass into invisibility. If you can’t target someone else, and if you attack someone, then switch to tactful mode and assign an attack there. Like a mit to the barefoot, come help. If you win, there will be a cut-scene, which will bring you two serious choices.

The fruits of pride

The mission is chosen on the table of the command rate. For її vіdkrittya mother needs 40 points infusion. To restore respect, that the mission of Cullen "Before the Svitanka" will become inaccessible to the next quest, to that, if you want to viconate, to build it before the cob of the plot mission.

Leaning on the mission, straight on the markers, along the way fighting with the enemies. Having reached the temple and zayshovshi in the middle, we rise with the steps in front. There will be locked doors. Schob її vіdkriti, happen to virishiti a small task. Climb back to the statue in the middle of the courtyard. Navko neї squarish garati on pіdlozі. If you step on them, the stench will light up blue. It is necessary for you to pass in such a way as to set fire to all similar squares, and then to the left, if you step on the middle of the two or step on the ground, then you happen to start all over again.

If you have problems with passing puzzles with slabs, then below you can look at their video walkthrough:

As soon as you wake up, the doors will light up blue. Now you can vodkriti. After a small video, we happen to fight with a small group of enemies, and then we virishiti, as if we were far away - follow the enemy at once, or try to solve all the puzzles (perform rituals), so we need to re-ignite all the stoves. If you choose the first option (the marker is in the middle of the stone), you will have to fight not only for your middle-of-the-road enemies, but also for the keepers of the temple. Another option is to complete three similar puzzles (from the side of the room). Solving puzzles and zayshovshi in the door, marveling at the video and accepting one more solution, as if we were already in the line for the development of the mission. If you choose the option of robotic work in full, then go after the elf with a club, not crying. Having left the month, there is a hiding place. Looking around there mustache, passable distance. Going down in round descents, we are barefoot (who will be, lie down in your choice of templars / magicians). Overwhelming enemies, marveling at the video and working on one more important decision.

Remaining act

The mission begins automatically after the completion of the previous task. Passage її vіdrіznyаєy fallow in the choice of the front mіsії.

Like a dzherela drank Morrigan:

Let's go to the mist, let's go to Leliana and go through the looking glass. There, we simply go along the only possible path. When you get away, just rozmovlyaemo, you can’t fight.

Yakscho z dzherela beer GG:

After moving from Morrigan, I will break into the city under the name "Vivtar Mital" (To move there, win the global map (map of the world), in order to move the order of the Sacred Plain). We have to fight with the boss. Approximately half of the health will start a cut-scene.

Marvel at perfection.

This is the rest of the plot mission. Once you've completed the game, you can continue to earn money by increasing the cost of Thedas, but a lot of side missions will become inaccessible. So think over who you will take with you to the final battle, and put on them the best equipment in advance. Also, turn over the number of greens, bombs and others. The manager is selected on the table of the command rate and does not require an injection point.

The battle will break out in a flash. Head dashing to love to teleport and move quickly, with which it’s better not to stand on the path. So is the uniqueness of yoga change. If the enemy moves to another village, on the way there you will not miss the streaks from the zillas. Approximately 50% of health, which is gone, the boss will teleport again, and we will have to fight with a new, even stronger enemy. After defeating him, we go demo to the first boss. On the way there, we don’t miss a skhovanka. Otrimavshi mountain, marveling roller. Leaning at Skyhold, go to your room (the doors of the throne). We marvel at one more video and the final credits, after which there will be one more small video.

Kindly please! Below is outside pokrokov ceramics from the passage of gr. Depending on the solution you choose, the dialogues and the consequences can be different. Our passage is based on the average level of folding.

May the majestic world, then there are no personal paths for passing through that development. As you have been blamed for being folded in the passage of the fire, the same helper will always help you with important tasks.

As the main hero, the leader of the Inquisition acts - an organ, which, long ago, and having created anew affirmations, to investigate the mysterious hypotheses in Thedasi. Ale schob pripinit all the chaos, you like the main hero happen to first investigate and understand who is guilty or who is guilty of this great cataclysm!

Heavenly wrath

The prologue is not linear (you can get lost here). Zagalom, crash after Kassandra and read it respectfully and delve into the hint. You will be hit until the enemies are not too strong, so there is nothing unsafe here. The road will lead you straight to the dwarf Varrik and the elf Solas, who will soon become your new companions / companions / comrades.

They gave you a lesson on how to correctly coristuvatisya with a tactful pause. Nadalі prodzhennya you will become in the goodness of the given regime, especially as you high equal folding, so try to master this part of the gris yaknaishvidshe.

Zreshtoy, you will arrive before the opening - mist, the stars of your world to drink the demons from the world of Tina. In order to close the circle between the worlds, you will have to first destroy all the enemies near the broken sphere. If you can overcome all the unclean, then just stop until the opening and check for a few seconds, after which the wine will immediately close. Vrahuyte, that during the hour of the passage of the grey, you often get stuck with this anomaly and you often happen to work like that.

After that, as you turn into a fortress, then you will be given a choice: to break to the great broken with a straight line or a detour stitch. For the first one, you can get richer swedish, for the other one, you can turn in a sprig of new soldiers.

Regardless of which way you go, you will all the same arrive at the ruins of the majestic fortress. Go down straight down to the crack and the battle for your first boss - the Demon Gordina - will break out in no time!

As such, it’s not guilty to blame those especially folded people, so that your comrades-in-arms of that military Inquisition will help you here. At the first stage of the battle - the Demon is indifferent, but to bestow respect on those who, in the dark of their life, looked three times otherwise, lower at the monsters, who were vilified to the last. To slay the Demon Gordina, we will infuse you, you happen to be quick with a burst. Whose Bos is to blame for the return of the military allies, at the same time you are to blame for interfacing with the portal. Nezabar to make up a strong vibe and the Demon Gordina nareshti fall on his knee - at this moment you need to attack. In a deaky hour, I'll become indifferent again - as if I'm right, you know. Nezabar on the battlefield, the enemies of the lower rivers begin to appear, the axis of them immediately and needs to be taken care of, so that they clean up their back, and then we’ll go back to the opening.

The trouble has not passed

If you start after a difficult battle, then break the bridge. Rush to the mist's church (follow the vkazivnik). Come in at the headquarters of the command and finish the prologue of the game in no time.

After all, you will have an hour to get used to the new place better. Koristuytes headquarters, schob learn blacksmith's craft, talk to your new friends and win the month, especially important NPCs. If you finish everything, then turn back to the church. See yourself at your attacking location - the Inner Earth, like a rose at Ferelden. For whom, hurry up with a commanding rate or a card of the world.

Vow that in the Inner Lands you have a simply magnificent number of days - you can spend more than the twelfth year here. We recommend that you mark the priority tasks, the shards otherwise you just get lost here. If you remember the leader, then a special beacon on the map will show you the way. If you are planning to appear in the storyline "Ways of the Inquisitor", then write it yourself in the magazine.

Crash down to the pointer with a blast. Nezabar you get on one of the pens of the Inquisition, as if you are streaming the onslaught of rebels and templars. He obviously needs your help. After the battle, you will be asked to finish off the great camp (the main stronghold of the Inquisition at this location). Here you need to talk to mother Giselle, so that you can be directed to another location.

You can not hasten and get lost from the Inner Lands and do not hasten to take care of tasks (you will need to complete your task so that you can earn your own kіlka rivnіv). In any case, you will sooner or later be brought to the headquarters of the command, and then to Val Royeaux.

Here you will again be helped by your pokazhchik - collapse behind the lighthouse. This location has the right style, as the front location will not have: how to get to the checkpoint, watch the video clip, talk to the templars and then, break until you leave. Before that, like going back to the headquarters, the Head of the Magi will speak to you.

Nezabar you can grow your first serious choice between templars and magicians. At the command post, you will have two tasks available: "Defenders of Justice" and "In Secret". Choosing one, you override the other. Here you can lay everything down like the one you value the most: magicians or templars. We chose a bik magiv from our passerby, but you can fix it in your own way.

By secret

It's time to destroy the Inner Earth. Here you will reach the place called Radcliffe. This place is roztashovane at the pivnochі tsієї lokatsії. In front of the gate, make a meal on Rozlom. Close yoga and you will miss the middle. Find a tavern at Radcliffe's and talk to the mage there. If you need to go to the new place of grazing, it’s not too far away for the rose.

Here you will see a magician named Dorian, who is also a companion. Curl the devil and break it and break the headquarters of the command. Now you have a chance to talk to your guardians and find out who will be the best - templars or magicians. This moment is your last chance to change your mind.

If you haven’t changed your mind and want to enlist the help of mages, then turn back to Radcliffe for the help of the command table. Your team is now obov'yazkovo can buti Dorian, otherwise you can take anyone.

Nezabar after the video clip, you and Dorian get up in the yard. As soon as you take control of your heroes, then switch to Dorian and pump it up, so that you can effectively hit the boost in battle. So, since there are less than two of you, then try to be careful. Although there will be no opponents here, but shkodi stench will zavdavat you to do great. Easier team, who is fighting for the war. It will be important to finish it off, who is a melee fighter. Likewise, you pay for the archer or the magician, then try to be careful.

Rush to the indicated marker and lean back without delay for a break. Three key points will be marked on your map, two of which will signify the place of promotion of your associates. The third point will bring you to the enchantment, for the name is Fiona. Zagalom, start picking up your team into one. Then go to Fion, and after you move on from it, you will see the next stage of the task. Move to a new key point.

In order to save your stock of health, then look for special treasures that look like zvichayny boxes with cans. Also, new key points will appear on your map, so you need to take a look. You can freely move around in your location and move the numbers in any order. Vow only those who are jealous in this location, you can only reach the upcoming ones for additional gatherings.

Nezabar you dine on the closed door. In order to see them, I will order you to pick up five pieces of red lirium. The distribution of which resource will be indicated on the map. As soon as you pick up the necessary amount, then stock up on the rest of your gold and get ready for the battle with Bosom on the name of Alexius.

Tsey opponent is coristuated with attacking spells. Crime of the tsy vin will permanently impose a protective shield on itself and teleport to the destination. If you judge by a swearing, then the bey is not important. We recommend that you act like this: the warrior has respect for himself, and the decision of the team members in charge of him is more shkodi. If you spend more than half of your health, if you show up as Rozlo - close yoga. As soon as you close, Alexius will turn again on the battlefield. Repeat your trick again, if it’s healthy to go down to the fourth, but then it’s not important to finish yoga.

Burn in our hearts...

After that, as you turn to your back, talk to your allies in order to take away that vikonati’s serf. It’s necessary to visconate every hour, so that you don’t run out of right at Prytulka, so you won’t turn back any more.

If you activate the upcoming storyline, you will play a couple of videos. After these cutscenes, you will take back control of your characters. Nezabar you will see a new partner in the name of Cole. You will show up here, because you have taken the path for magic. If you have chosen a different path, then you will see Dorian, and you will get to know Cole for the hour of the task for the templars. Fallow in addition, what a vi vibir zrobili in the past (templars or magicians) on you to attack magicians or templars.

But the essence of the task is to be deprived of such a thing. Rush with a marker and run down packs of enemies along the way. You happen to want one vimagatime, after which you want to buy another one. After the assault on the oblogs, the guards will ask you to turn back at the Prytulki. According to the cost, you will be able to spit out a few more characters and earn by yourself a little bit of proof. As soon as you get to the church, then there is a video clip. If you look at yoga, then turn back to fight.

Now you need to bring trebuchet zakhopleniye. If you need to take care of the enemies, then it’s best to kill a couple of opponents and then take a closer look at the guidance. Once, before you arrive Bos - Litzar Denam.

On the back of your hand, you will be picked up by the mustache poplars - demons. They let us bring our tank to Bos, so that we could turn the blame on ourselves: miraculously strong attacking missiles, as if they would blame your magicians for one or two. In different allies, they are to blame for the backs of these creatures, so that hitting them was minimal. At 75, 50 and 25 thousand of our lives, we miraculously throw off absolutely all the negative effects and put a really tight bar. Your battle can drag on for more than a dozen hvilin, but as long as your tank is trimming the defense, along the way, you are fighting the enemy and drinking juicy cans, you don’t have to boast.

If you overcome Denam, then you will be shown a cut-scene in Trival. If you again hand over control over the hero, then collapse behind the showmen - if you want a linear path and get lost here, it’s impossible. Nezabar to teach you, how to properly bask in your new building, after which the hero leans in a deserted desert during the hour of a strong storm. You just need to rush forward, and then destroy the right hand.

Іz popіlu

Tsya part of the story line will be short. You should be told to walk through the territory of the new fort, it is important to visit the main rooms and talk to your comrades-in-arms. Some parts of Skyhold Fortress will be blocked, but you can see if you arrive here suddenly.

Then, talk to Josephine and Varric, after which the stench tells you two main tasks: "Evil eyes and evil hearts" and "There lie Dayless". You can abide by the deadlines absolutely in any order. But in front of him, how to destroy at a distance is more expensive, we recommend that you talk to us with your allies (you can recognize and talk about something rich).

There lie the Abyss

After that, as you talked with old Varrik, you will deny access to the new location - Crestwood. You yourself will need to go and get in touch with the informant. Rush to save yourself and spend some time on the stove - you need it here.

After a small break, you now have to break into another location - Western Mezh. Just finish the vkaz_vok on the marker. If you lean on the point of confession, then you will be shown a small cut-scene, after the battle with the hordes of the demonic clan comes. Through a small expanse, it will be easy for you to cast spells with mass spells here. After the battle is over, then turn back to Skyhold.

Otzhe, gave you a break from the rates of the command to break straight to Orlais, to continue the task. Before this, you are recommended to take a bag at the backpack, because you will not turn back at your fortress soon.

The marker on the radar guides you through the entire like field. Nezabar you will have an optional quest - Help the military inquisition in this battle. You will need to find three groups of Sirikh Guardians, with whom the demons will help. If you see the task, then you deny access to the screen with a valuable video booth.

Nezabara zіtknetesya z majestic agglomerations of the enemy on the choli of which the Demon Gordini is standing. It is recommended to you, as a rule, to take away your other opponents, after which you will transfer all your strength to Bos. The heroes, who were more indignantly guilty, filed in the radius of the demon's electric attacks. Nezabar your fight will be a majestic dragon, which hour every hour we throw our most powerful spells on your party. You need to have allies in the midst of the battlefield, so that you can minimize the incoming battles against you.

After the end of the battle from the miracle, it would be better far away. The dragon will continue to attack you with his magic; If there is a black cut-scene, you will lean on the territory of the new location.

Marker you will not be allowed to get lost. For the sake of respect, keep a close eye on your radar, because this activation means those who here have items that are necessary for the quest "Fears of Dreamers". In the peninsula part of the first territory, try to find the skeleton of one person. You will need to switch to the prank mode. Zagalom, decide some of the assigned items will be already in another location. Zavdannya you can viskonat only for example of the main quest.

To renew your mind, you are to blame for the demons and attack the button for the fire of their bodies. To get through the given location, like you have to try to get there. Tsya part of the task will be linear. Rush forward and have a drink on Bos - Nightmare!

So, get ready for an intense battle. Nightmare may be hard attacks and great kіlkistyu I'm healthy. Sometimes wines, as a reinforcement, will call out spiders, which you happen to be undermined, the shards of which do not grow, then you will be crushed by the number. The tank is obliged to take all the respect of Bos on its own, docks you will not take in all the yogis. As soon as you have the first veils in your other opponents, then start to fawn with your straining attacks on Nightmares. If Bos will have 25% health, then I will help you with the call of strong demons, then you will have a chance to drink. Try not to put under the blow of your weak warriors. If you deny the win, then boldly turn back to Skyhold.

Evil eyes and evil tongues

It is especially important for you to have the correct warehouse of the party and choose the correct words in the dialogues. We recommend that you take one magician from you at once, which is the same as "Bar'er". And all through those scho banks will simply be in short supply. Under the hour of roaming with the nobility, try to roam not rudely and even sharply. We recommend you to flatter him and wait with us. And before the cob of the cob, the task is to save the grove of the okremo.

The essence of this task is that for some time you will have to pretend to be such a "bright lion". You may have a good behavior, you should be very important, and be it other services, they will increase the rating of your Inquisition. Dovgiy sumnіv or zatrimka chogos nizhuvatime rating. If vin goes down to zero, then throwing a mitt from the first ball and the task will fail. In this rank, you will need not to miss the opportunity to raise your rating, to those who are rich enough to lie.

If you have something to do at this location, then you will not be able to take care of the main tasks. You can choose different statues, yakі zgodom vіdkryut access to screen zі zdobichchyu, shukati raznomanіtny compromising evidence on the nobility and more. On the very cob, you will see the lady who is stealing, if you tell you what you have spent, you can help him. Wasted richly stashed to the fountain (do not forget to be quick with the regime for a joke). If you turn the spent rich, then you will have a rating increase.

Now your marker will show you on a distant path: what to do and what you need to talk to. As soon as you pass the official vistava, then you take away the possibility of indulging yourself with your allies and respectfully taking care of the situation at the given moment. As soon as you finish, move farther to the lobby and the stars will pass into the guest room. Find the "Hall of Heroes". As you know, go through the new one and lean on the western side without a hitch. Take a look at the corridor and lean against the fountain without a hitch. Here you happen to climb on top of another for an additional mesh, as if it was stitched on the wall.

Since, as you can see from the eyes of the public, your rating will gradually fall more and more, so it was possible to get it very quickly. Marker to designate the territory, it is necessary to respectfully look around. How to finish with a search, go to the library by gatherings and then go back to the search mode. If you know the necessary proof, then turn back to the ball. Do not miss the opportunity to increase your current rating: go to the balne after you hit someone else (even if the nobility will sleep).

Nezabar you take away the key to the appointment of a servant. You can have a drink there, as you will pass the lower top of the Hall of Heroes. At the entrance, your party members will already come to you (do not forget to change your ceremonial attire for combat). For this run, you need at least ten points to the rating, shards for skin quills get a ball. Watch the curves follow, like all the corpses. Zreshtoyu, you eat on vbivts. After that, as the essence of that cut-scene has passed, then turn back to the ball.

Nezabar the Duchess will ask you to dance. You need to be as inclusive as possible. With her, for the sake of it, we should always choose the right options for the correct responses. After moving on with your lady, you will have the last chance to give all the compromising evidence to Leliana.

Nezabar you lean on the white of the black Rozlom, which is seen at the inner courtyard of the castle. For the cob, you happen to drive people in, and even after them - demons. A friend of the enemy will be richly pressed for pershu, so get ready for a difficult battle. As the battle is over, then go to the cut-scene and vreshti-resht you happen to make an even more important decision, if you break on the battle with the new Bos - Duchess (for whatever you danced).

In a battle with a lady, you need to fight with your minions. For the first time, please your magicians lay the blame on your comrades-in-arms shields. The Duchess will teleport all over the territory - you need not to miss the dawn from the field. If the health of the Boss is reduced to 50%, then she will call for new poplites, with whom you do not need to pull and immediately fill them up. Otherwise, your battle will be without much unacceptable surprises.

The fruits of pride

You can destroy the task by using the best method - the headquarters of the command. On the cob of the task, you will no longer need to collapse on the installed markers and defend yourself from the attackers. Zreshtoy, you lean against the temple.

As soon as you get to the closed doors, then you immediately take away the task of conducting one ritual. You can do yoga on the statues that have been stitched in the lower level of the hall. You need to hit the stoves in such an order that all the stench will ignite in the result. І vrahuyte, which on the already active stove you cannot attack at the same time. With the first puzzle, it’s not your fault to blame everyday problems, the shards are too simple. If you open the locking doors, then go to the middle of the temple.

If you have passed the video clip, then you will have to work out your devil's choice: you will immediately break after your opponents, otherwise you will try to follow the traditions of the elves, passing through sacred rituals by yourself. If you choose the first option, then you will need to fight not only with the guards of the head of the evil, but also with the guards of that temple. If you chose another option, then you need to complete some foldable puzzles with tiles. As you watched the ritual and went through all the puzzles, then take off the side of the elves and take away the ability to fight with the Bosom of the world.

After that, as you choose your choice, icons will appear on your card. If you vikonal rituals, then you will deny the possibility of uniting with law enforcement agencies against zagarbniks. In this case, they will give you a guide, who will guide you to Bos at your location. If you had the courage not to follow the traditions of the elves, then prepare yourself for the fact that you will have to fight the templars and elves. The further way through the maze you will have to pay one by one. At the labyrinth, respectfully follow the radar and shy away from the joke mode.

Zreshtoy, you will see Bos. Bos is a lien in addition, yak vy b_k was adopted in the past: like templars, like Bos would be Kalperiya, and like magicians, like Bos Samson.

Samson will attack you in close combat. Like helpers, I will help you to attack minyoni, which you will need to spare in the first black. If the enemy starts to spin, then move forward for your party members. You will need to make your fellow party members on the battlefield so that Samson's attacks could not capture all the heroes. Krіm tsgogo, koristuyte here tactful pause, so that your allies may not be far off to choose their own devil's meta.

If you want to fight for Kalperієyu, then you will spread your fire runes on the ground, for example, you need to bring your comrades-in-arms. Constantly teleports and is unacceptable to stunned, fearful and paralyzed. In addition, she has a majestic zahist in the fire. Atakuvati її best with cold or glare.

Remaining act

Even a short zavdannya. Otzhe, destroy until tomorrow through the headquarters of the command. As if in the past, they allowed the companion to drink less than a little from Krinitsa, then you would have a chance to talk less. In the other case, the battle with the dragon checks for you.

If your tank has the respect of the monster on itself, then let your heroes do not attack the paws and tail of the dragon. If you do it yourself, then the battle will go through without any difficulties. We recommend that you do not fawn with fire attacks, because the dragon is too much too bad for them. And from the cold attacks, the stench is even more effective. If you change the dragon's health to half, then a new cut-scene will appear.

Marvel at perfection

Well, the time has come for the final battle. We recommend that you save some money before the cob of the final task. You can complete additional quests after the storyline is completed, but not all are available, so check it out. Tse your remaining chance to win again all the world.

For the epic battle with Corypheus, we recommend that you take at least one mage, or rather two, so that the stench is small in the bar'er. Boss will be in charge of a lot of hits and will be immune to negative effects. Krіm tsgogo, vіn may a great stock of health and the very same will be more long and weak. At the first part of the battle, you will call on the help of the demons, collapse the territory and attack along the way with harder spells. In order for your party to see this beat, you need to sing with "Bar'er" and scoring jars of health.

After a singing interval, Corypheus will move to a new territory and you will need to collapse behind him. On the way, do not forget to fill up your stock of juicy bills. Another part of the battle is practically nothing to worry about in the first place. If the situation changes, that's all.

If Bos is deprived of 50%, then the great lirium dragon will come to change before the new one. You also need to lead a warrior with a shield and honor your respect, at the same time, the characters of a distant battle are guilty of attacking from afar. Concentrate all Skoda more on yoga majestic paws - tse її spo_lnyuvateme. Do not forget about the zahists of your characters: put barriers on them and swear by banks of glee. It is your group's responsibility to keep an eye on this arena, lest the dragon's attacker be deadly to you. First of all, fawn with a tactful pause.

As soon as you know the dragon, then I'll switch to Corypheus again. At the remaining stage of the battle, you will often teleport more often, less than the last time. Krіm tsgogo, vіn zastosovuvaty zastosovuvaty potuzhnі zaklannya, yakі will be the head of shkodi tsіlkovitiy group. Anew fight back with bar'eres and healing zills.

Well, after that, as you fill up the Corypheus, the passage of the plot line on which one will be completed, with such a rank, the game is passed. We give you our last joy: do not miss the scene, as there will be after the credits. That's all, leave your comments a troch below.

For whom to wrap the mission "To Know the Orphan Guard".

It is obvious that not everything is calm there. Harding reports that having opened it right in the middle of the river, and flickering, that come to life, together with demons, attack the area.

Hawk check on you bіlya entrance to the oven. You won't be far away from Stavka three trout.

Kim appears The guard to lie down in addition to being imported to the camp of the light of chi. For promotions Stroud. Yak іnshi options, tse mozhe buti Alistair or Loghain.

Guard Commander Clarel called all the Sirikh Guardians to Orlais. Vartov became chuti, creations Coryphaeus, hibny Poklik about death that is coming. Under the fear of dying, if the valiant order had consumed the pid in the Venatori. Through the sacrifice of the stench, we can summon an army of demons to fight against the born birds.

The ritual is passed at the gate in the middle of the desert Zahodnoy between. For the exploration of land, 8 inflows are required. Hawk and yoga friend check you in the mist.

The magician of the blood, scho to carry out the sacrifice Erimond, try to get the mark of Wisnik for your Pan Corypheus, but knowing bad luck, zbіgaє. You are attacked by demons and possessed Guardians.

Stroud (Alister/Loghain) admits that the stench could have flown in at the fort Adamant. Turn around to Skyhold. For a more expensive one, you need 20 points infusion and bagan rhubarb from 12 to 15.

Clean the inventory before overstrength. It is also recommended to take Blackwall with you and/or to examine the specifics of the Inquisition of Knowledge of History.

The army of the Inquisition is on its way to the siege. If the gates are broken, Commander Cullen will ask you to help our soldiers take three strategic points on the walls.

So, as a task, it’s not obov’yazkovo, but for the task, you deny access to the screen.

Krіm tsogo, you will hear a group of vartovs, like they are fighting demons. If you want to save his life, then proponate to be left out.

Reconsider that the Guard-commander is right, so that the Guards will help you.

There are three ways to get sumniv in Clarel: having gone to the help of Blackwall, having learned the specifics of "Knowledge of History", and having left Guardians in the living, they stole you earlier. In another moment, you will have to fight against the Guardians, and against the demons.

Vreshti-resht Erimond called out to the dragon and tried again to enter.

The dragon creates virvi on the earth. Virvi inflict a small amount of damage and increase the speed of the attack, rush.

Clarel to hurt the dragon, and your whole group falls from the urvish. Zavdyaki zdіbnostі vіdkrivati ​​broke, you transferred yourself that your party members at Tіn.

If you look nearby, if you are sitting at the table, you can take an optional task "Fears of dreamers". In the city, an increase to the characteristics is given, but for example, a screen.

Mirrors give an increase of +1 to magic.

Our heroes are chanting Priestess Justinia… what a spirit. She helps to guess the hero's fate, what happened at the hour of the Conclave.

Instructed by the mist, de loitering two Demon proud, you can know the wondrous design. To activate її, it is necessary to set fire on fire through the sky.

In the world you are checked by the battle Jahom and zustrіch іz NISCHO. The Spirit of Justin, who leads you, sacrifices himself to give you an hour.

Boss throws a bar on himself, teleports, knows, and for an hour calls himself to help the demons of small and medium folding.

As soon as you deny the victory, the giant will turn around, and you will have to make a difficult choice between the Guard and Hawk. The one who is left behind is the one who dies.

Leaning at Fortress Adamant and closing the gap, it is necessary to praise one more important decision. You have the right to reclaim the warts from Orlais, or you can come to the Inquisition. When tsimu vrakhovuychi, scho deyakі, dosi can be under the infusion of Corypheus.

Next task:

Computer game in the RPG genre, the third series dragon age , was distributed by the Canadian company BioWare. The videographer is Electronic Arts, released on November 18, 2014 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One platforms. After the first part of the world Thedas defy the virus of international wars and political intrigues. Crimea, at different points of the world, undivided rifts break out, which allow the demons to leave Thedas. The head hero takes away the mark and after the closing of the number of breaks Temples Holy Ashes otrimu kerіvnitstvo Іnkvіzitsієyu, schob vikoriniti chaos, scho vinik.

There lie the dayless

hawk having earlier told about the gray Vartov, who also fought with the Corypheus. Yogo bachili in the area of ​​the fort of Caer Bronaca. Likewise, Hawke had spoken out a battle about those that the Order of the Sirikh Warts had had a chance to drink under the Corypheus. The inquisitor is guilty of contacting the inquisitor in order to obtain more information from the designated area before the inquisitor comes hawk, Stroud confirms the battle of the Inquisitor. Siri Varti know the spit luminary, Stroud Zahidna boundary(Sir Varti itself became a camp there to undergo the rite of blood magic).

In the region ritual vesti Inquisitor at once Hawke and Stroud become witnesses to the ritual blood magic. The head heroes are zapping the Venatori gang Livius Erimond, which seems to be even more balaky and can report on the rozpo_sti about the ideas of the Corypheus. The antagonist of the Greeks is trying to help the Sirikh Vartovs to summon an army of demons and an army of ancient gods. After the cleansing of the city, we turn to Skyhold and break into the headquarters of the command (new orders with a different name will be available).

The Inquisition starts burying Fortress Adamant. Let's surround the Sirikh watchmen to drive in a horde of demons, like Venatori they already caught a call. In the course of the assault, the main heroes should clean up the Fortress in the presence of the enemies (the deacons of Sir Varti repair the demons).

The inquisitor that yogo zagіn succeeded in interrupting the ritual of the demon’s cry, the slander of the demon spoke about the role of the order in history allowed to lure Clarel(Head of Sirikh Vartovih) on the beacons of the head heroes. Turn right the Dragon, which Korifey nad_slav on the vapadok not far off the result of the ritual.

In the course of the retrial, Clarel attacks Livius Erimond, prote Venatori ryatuє dragon, which drives the gang of Sirikh vartovikh. In the wake of the dragon, the balcony begins to crumble. Inquisitor and yogo pіdopіchnі fall, prote head hero for help, I create a mark and transfer it to Tin.

According to that b_k shadow portal of the Inquisitor check zustrіch іz Justinia(either by a demon or by a spirit, prote NPC helps to guess about the vibes at the Temple ashes). Eliminate demons and choose help, Visnik interrupted the sacrifice of Justinia and, as a result of contact with a taemnichiy elven artifact, removed the mark of the rose.

Under the hour of obstezhennya tіnі varto turn respect for broken mirrors , yakі allow otrimati zbіlshennya different characteristics. After the black stage of the ritual's introduction, it becomes obvious - the Inquisitor was not robed by the gods anymore. The head hero was vryatulya by Justinia, and the head hero took off the mark in a vipadkovo way.

Nareshti, the Inquisitor consumes at the demon's lair, after liquidation Edge of Nightmare gravel can be chosen between Hawk and Stroud (it is necessary to cover the entrance to the main corral). Head heroes fill the shadow through the opening and turn into Fortress Adamant. Dali, the Inquisitor can win the share of the Order of the Holy Watchers. Venatori Livius Erimond was full of live bait and now chekatim the court at Skyhold's yard (Zavdannya Court Ide).

Dreamers' fears

The inquisitor may rozshukati artifacts and place it at the appointed place, so that you can remember the nightmares of the dreamers (it is necessary to place a candle on the table, it is necessary to put a ticket by the vase, which is close to me).

Break vikno

In the course of obstezhennya, it is possible to reveal an immaterial spore, for the activation of the mechanism, it is necessary to activate the fires in the correct sequence (the fireworks are fired in the same way, the sequence is 4, 1, 3, 5, 2). Part of the cycle Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: Dragon Age Inquisition smash the window, Hawk, Stroud, Livius Erimond, Fortress Adamant

This quest is given to you automatically after meeting Varrik's friend on the wall of the fort. So, as Varrik and Hawke were already on the right with the Corypheus, the stench can tell a lot about the new one. You know from Hawke, the new one has a friend - Syrian Guard, who at once from Hawke examined the red lirium and yogo infusion.

Who is the Sirim Guard himself - to lie down in the light of the world, which you took on the cob of gris. In the default state, the world will be Stroud - Syrian Guardian, with which Hawke could be familiar with another act SO 2.
- If in your country Alistair has lost Sirim the Guard (and is alive), then you yourself will be a friend of Hawke.
- As soon as your svіtu Sіrim Sentinel lost Loghain (and lost alive) - then you will be a friend of Hawke.
- In all other ways, Sirim the Guardian will be Stroud.

Hawk to please you and talk to your friend, but for whom it is still necessary to reach. Let me tell you the mission on the headquarters table of the "Know the Orphan Guard" command, so that you can see a new territory - Crestwood. You need to close Rozriv on the territory of Crestwood, in order to take the opportunity to reach the necessary place (div. Quest Crestwood Still Water). Hawk check on you bіlya entrance to the oven, de hovaєyogo friend, to make you a company

If you get to the oven in Crestwood, the Syrian Guard will be in the yakіy, I’ll tell you that you yourself are with your comrades and why the stench is now poking at the new yak at the sanctuary. In order to please you with virushity to the Western Mezhy, de Guards were going to perform their most important ritual.

Hawk and the Syrian Guardian will alert you as soon as you are ready before proceeding with this quest.
At the vezhі you get to know master Erimond - a special one, yak vodpovidalna for everything that comes up. Vіn vibuhne for a long time promo, and then vteche, leaving you to fight the demons of that Sirimi Guardians, whose mind is now under orders to Corifei. After the battle of Stroud/Alister/Loghain, let Erimond’s misunderstanding and, together with Hawke, deceive for a discovery to confirm it. You see a new mission on the table of command rates. Won cost you 20 points in return and її recommendations riven vikonannya - 12 - 15.

When you are ready, launch this operation at the command post and destroy it at the Adamant Fortress.

At the entrance to the fort, Cullen asks you to help the warriors, as they cannot take their positions on the walls. Go to three specks on the walls, where you can stand, go down, and kill the demons, as if to throw back your soldiers. Ring at such a point of the Crimean Great Shadows and a bigger demon - the Demon Lut, the Demon Gordini, the Demon Rozpachu (another couple, so that you don’t get bored). Tse zavdannya neobov'yazkove to complete the main quest.

At some point, you will spend on a group of Sirikh Guardians who are fighting with venatori and demons. After the battle, you will happen to win, how to work with them. Your solution can play the role of a trio of piznishe and show you the additional possibility of completing part of the quest. If you want to deprive the Holy Guardians from the living, instruct them to deprive them of the distance.

If you know Clarel, you may be able to save the lives of the greater of the Sirikh Guardians - even more so, you know - if you have a group to know Blackwall, or if you spared those Guardians, who were killed earlier. You can try to reconcile Clarel with your rightness for the help of Blackwall, or by showing that you saved the life of other Guardians to the last. For example, GG is the Knowledge of History perk, then you can win yoga. Tse zmusitsya Clarel zaslitsya, і razlyucheniya Erimond vikliche to the aid of another ally. After helping the creation, all the sumnivy Clarel will soon appear (more b, vrakhovuchi, whom the animal guesses) - and you continue bey already for the help of Sirikh Strazhiv.

If you made Janey's decision to enter the lavas of the Sirikh Guardians, then she herself will be that Guardian, whom she will sacrifice in the magic ritual.

So, anyway, after the video ends, you will have to fight with the already invincible Demon Gordina. In addition, as you run into him, live for Clarel and wonder what she thinks about the drive of all the manipulations of Erimond. And also great misunderstandings of the end of their analysis.

Having hung everything, you think about those who were trapilos (and having heard your comrades-in-arms - Sera especially eloquently expresses his emotions), go further, and you will eat on the first sack - vіrnish, sack - th mіstsya. If your group knows Cassandra, you deny additional options Dialogue at the time of roaming, but in case of any kind of suddenness your offensive crucible - renew your good fortune, as if you had spent it in Tini at Prytulka. For the cob it is necessary to know some memory points. Kill the demons and activate them. At the advancing battlefield you will know for sure that Mitka has appeared on your hands.

However, this is not all yet. You will have to turn even more than you have used your luck. Go far, along the path of the demons' destruction and hearing the secrets of the Lord of the city.

On the way you will be given a side quest - Dreamers' Fears. Usyogo f'yat. The quest is based on the fact that you know the papers, de stinks express their fears, and then, for an additional function, a joke is a subject that calls out and fears to calm down. Shorazu, if you relieve the fears of dreamers, you will take + 1 to the characteristic. If you know all five, then you will take away the supplementary city - an insert on the screen for zdobichchu, it will include a unique material for crafting, which gives a 100% chance for a master. If the sign of the first fear of the resht will be marked on the map.

Crimium quest with fears, + 1 to the characteristics we give you a drop like a mirror-eluvian, but not all - for an hour, the characteristics will be thrown at you by a group of demons. (All the same, you can take away your honestly earned bonus + 1 after the battle.)

Go far, listening, like a Nightmare to tease your companions, open the door. If you get to the month, where your unclaimed helper is checking on you, you will again have to kill the demons and restore a piece of your memory.

If you activate the devilish chotiri bits of spogadіv, you will know what a woman stood behind you at Bresha. Also, you happen to be quietly quieting two of your companions, as if they took away their accessory moment, so that they could start talking, who is to blame. Wait with one of them or say that it’s not an hour to talk at once. After that, kill the demons that have appeared, and go further.

At some point, your path will split in two and you can either go uphill with a hump or continue the path down. Offending paths lead to one point.

On the path in the mountains you will find a wondrous place, where two Demon Gordins walk. If you get close to it, you will accept a small additional quest, which will help you solve the puzzle and light the fires in the correct order. The correct order is: 4-1-3-5-2 (with a dot pointing to the right). We will encircle your city and choose a vidobutka to be the Amulet of Power, which will give you + 1 point to die.

The spirit checks on you at the bar'er, which you know if you kill all the demons nearby. Behind the bar there is another screen for replenishment of supplies, as well as a screen for the quest Fear of the Dreamers, which you have completed.

At Rozrivu, who is guilty of leading you back, the Nightmare itself checks on you and it is great and even more unacceptable. The spirit will sacrifice itself to see the giant out of the battlefield, and you will have to fight the Nightmare.

Zhakh without ending imposes a bar'er on himself and calls for the help of other demons. Vin can also teleport around, zmushyuyuchi melee warriors chasing after him across the entire battlefield. If you happen to deal with him, the monster, which is a temporal sign, will appear again, and you should make a decision - who of your allies is guilty of losing, to bring back the greed and give others the opportunity to turn around. I want to intriguingly remind you that your ally is more dead for everything, and not dead in a song, as if forever - everything is led, like a dead man, having died residually and irrevocably. Vtіm... is it possible, to add what DLZ to the future to change?

How can you let it go, Varrik is covered, how can you get it in Tin_ Hawke.

Viyshovshi z Tіnі і zakrivshi Rozriv, now you have a decision to work with the Holy Guardians. You can bring them out of Orlais, or you can deprive them of the help of the Inquisition. Blackwall, Dorian, Zalizniy Bik and Sulfur praise the arrival of the Sirikh Guardians to the Inquisition, and others - the banishment.

Varrik's reaction is stale due to the fact that Hawke succumbed to Tin. Even though Hawk was not out of it, Varrik praised the arrival of the Guardians to the Inquisition - and now.

If you have victoriously vignati Sirikh Guardians, then together with them you can vignati Blackwall, if you wish.

An ally, who is left behind you, or to destroy at once with the Sirimi Guardians to Whitehauptu, or to destroy there alone, to report to the First Guardian about those that have happened.

Once you are transported to Skyhold, your quest will be completed.

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