Dragon age inquisition in the rest of the path. The passage of additional quests and the task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis. Rozriv at the Pivnichny Vorit

- arc great gra. Only the passage of the main quest can be taken from 40 to 60 years old, and if you take other rows of tasks to respect, it becomes even scarier. Difficulties can be blamed on the way to the final goal, as to allow our passage. Just for the cob, let's explain a little.

. dragon age: Inquisition - non-linear game Tse means that in the fallow in your decisions, and also in the state of the Inquisitor's race, it is rich to lie. The new project in BioWare has a lot of forks, through which your story is inflected in ours.

. We only tell about the main quest. So, in the Inquisition, anonymous cicavices, a proteo description of their skin took an obscene amount of time. That's why only the mission of the "Ways of the Inquisitor" group.

. Dragon Age: Inquisition can't be "played the Swedish way". In order to follow the plot, you need to earn Power points. Samy Swedish way tse robiti - vikonati kіlka of other rows of heads. So sho navit you not to chirp on the special task of the party members and quest for the collection of herbs and metals, and to get involved all the same.

. The text below has spoilers. Let's get along without the plot details, but ... VBIVTSIA - THE BUTLER!

Heavenly Wrath / The Wrath of Heaven

The prologue of Dragon Age: Inquisition is absolutely linear. If you want, you won't get lost anyway. Follow Kassandra, respectfully read instructions and fight with weak opponents. Problems іz usіm tsim vyniknuti not guilty. Nezabar path vivede to the elf Solas and the dwarf Varrik, your new companions.

After whom to teach you to swell with a tactful pause. Nadali tsey regime more than once will be in good fortune, especially on high equal foldable, so try to master yoga yakomoga earlier.

Nezabar you will come before the opening - the month, the stars of the real light penetrate the demons from the Darkness. In order to close the gap between the vimirs, it is necessary to destroy all opponents on the spot. After defeating the demons, it is necessary to stumble upon the opening and bud for a few seconds, after which the veins will close. Under the hour of the passage of the forest, you will often close similar portals.

If you turn back to the fort, you will be presented with a choice: break up to the greatest extent simply or by manipulations. In the first one you will reach the offensive location faster, in the other you will be able to turn on the soldiers that have arrived.

Directly on the other side of the road, you will soon lean on the ruins of a majestic castle. Having gone down to the rose, you will begin the battle with the first boss. Demon Gordina.

It’s not their fault to blame them for special folding: you can help not only your party members, but also the military of the Inquisition. In the first phase, the boss is indifferent - animal respect, that his wife looks healthy in the same way, lower in the monsters, as if they had been stricken earlier. We’ll let the demon grow, we’ll need to break the vikorista. Let the boss turn on the allies, and you press the button to order from the portal. For a few seconds, make up the vibes and the demon in the fall of the hit - then beat. After a deaky hour, I will become impenetrable again - how to fix it, you already know. If the lower demons begin to appear on the battlefield, they will sort themselves out with them, and then we will cooperate with the rise.

Nebezpeka has not passed / The Threat Remains

After resting after the battle, go above the door. Straight to the church, following the guide. Go to the headquarters of the command and complete the prologue of the gri.

The next day you will have an hour to get comfortable at the headquarters. Twist yoga to learn the blacksmith's right, talk to your companions, remember the key NPCs. Finished, turn back to the church. Stars you can destroy in the attacking location - Hinterlands, which is near the kingdom of Ferelden. For whom you can speed up the command of the card of the world.

In the interior lands, there is a great number of quests - here you can spend up to 12 years! If you don’t want to get lost, mark the priority quests for you in the journal - that’s a special beacon to tell you where to go. If you are planning to sneak up behind the headmaster (“The Way of the Inquisitor”), then add it to the list of quests.

Check out the vkazivnik. Nezabar you dine on the death of the Inquisition, which thrives on the magicians and templars who rebelled. I need your help. Why should I ask you to the great camp - the main stronghold of the Inquisition in the Inner Lands. Here you need to talk to mother Giselle, how to send the heroes to a new location.

You can get rid of the inland lands and take care of the vikonanny zavdan - you can get them to earn a kіlka rivnіv. And if not, then turn to the headquarters of the command and break to Val Royeaux.

Here I will help you again - follow the beacon. At this location, it’s not enough to know: having reached the appointed month, watch the video, get to know the templars and then straighten up to the exit. Before the administration to the headquarters, the conjurer, the head of the magicians, will speak to you.

Nezabar you lie vibrati mіzh templars and magicians. Two quests will be available at the command post: In Hushed Whispers (“In Secret”) and Champions of The Just (“Defenders of Justice”). The choice of one of them to rob the inaccessible vikonannya of the other. To get the templars out of the way before the Inquisition, hit Champions of The Just, and if you want more mages — In Hushed Whispers. From our walker they chose the support of the enchanters, and yet you will be able to work otherwise.

In secret / In Hushed Whispers

Break at the Inner Earth. Here it is necessary to get to the Redcliffe place, which has been planted at the pivnoch location. In front of the mishka brama there will be a chergovy rozry - sort it out with him, and let you out of the walls. Find a tavern at Redcliffe's, talk to the enchantress and go to the new place of the forest - it's not far away.

Here you see Dorian, one of the potential companions. Close the opening, listen to the magician and break the command headquarters. Here you will have a chance to talk with the guards and the rest of the virishiti, who will be the corny allies - magicians and templars. Tse remaining chance to change your mind.

If you still plan to be friends with enchanters, then turn to Radcliffe at the auxiliary table of command. The party will definitely have Dorian, and you can see the two slots that have been lost for other heroes.

What will happen further, we do not tell - this is a spoiler. Let's just say that after the commercials with Dorian, lean on the v'yaznitsa. As soon as you turn control, pump over the magician's zdіbnostі, so that you can help you with spells in battle.

So, as if you were left with two, go through the yard for protection. Vorogiv is not rich here, but there is a decent stench. It will be easier, if you are fighting for a tank warrior. Skladnishe - like a melee robber. Be especially careful, as if you were an archer or a magician.

As soon as you reach the markers, you will reach the fork in no time. Three points will be marked on the map: two of them will signify the party members, whom you need to call out, and the third will lead you to the enchantress Fionya. Before us, distance yourself from the allies you have used - it will be easier to learn. As soon as you move out of Fionoy you see the coming part of the task - follow the new marker.

In order to stock up on health, look for special collections (they look like boxes with different dances). New markers will appear on the map, as it is necessary to obstezhite. You can freely move around the boundaries of the location and move the numbers in a sufficient order. To restore respect, that in this zone there is a small group of equals, so that one can only reach one day for additional gatherings.

Nezabar you dine on the closed door. Shchob її vіdkriti, nebhіdno zіbrati five pieces of red lirium. Їхнє roztashuvannya is indicated on the map. As soon as you take all five, replenish the reserves of the zill and get ready for the battle with the boss, Alexius.

Alexius victorious attacking spell, casting a shield and teleporting around the room. In general, the battle with him is simple: let the warrior respect the barefoot on himself, until the decision of the members of the party is the leader of the maximum shkodi. If half of his health is lost in the new one, Alexius will know, the natomist will appear at the room when he grows up - what work with him, you know. As soon as you close the gap, turn around barefoot on the battlefield. Win to repeat the trick from the knowledge for the quarter of health.

Burn in our hearts… / In Your Heart Shall Burn

If you turn back to the base, you can ask your allies, take it off or call the visconaty for a day, and so on - win the whole hour to complete the meeting at Prytulka (Heaven). Mayte on the verge, so you won’t turn around anymore.

Activating the upcoming plot mission, you will play a sprig of rollers. Soon after you turn control over the character, you will see Cole, another potential spivparty. Vіn z'appear only yakscho vy chose to help magicians. Otherwise, replace Dorian, and you will know Cole for the hour of mission for the templars. Fallen, depending on the choice of the side, opponents also change: you will be attacked by magicians or templars.

With whom, the task will be alone. Move with markers, destroying opponents. You will need to get one trebuchet and buy another. If anyone asks you to turn around at the Pytulok. On the way, you can vryatuvat kіlka charіtіv, scho bring additional information. Having left the church, watch the video and turn around on the battlefield.

Now you need to bring a trebuchet. With whom the heroes will take over the opponents - for the sake of a heartbeat, kill them, and then we’ll only take on guidance. Yakoїs mitі z'appear boss - face Denam.

For the cob rasberіtsya s yogo honor - zgraєyu demonіv. If you punish your "tank" with a barefoot on yourself: finish the monster with heavy attacks, so as not to deprive the mages of the corral of a chance. Treat allies at odds behind the back of the barefoot, in order to minimize harm against them. At 75, 50 and 25 years of health, Denam will remove all the negative effects and restore the pressure bar. The battle can be long, but while the “tank” trims the defense, it raises the enemy and p’є zilla, there’s not much to boast about.

After defeating Denam, show a cut-scene for a long time. If you can cherish your hero again, follow the guides - the path is absolutely linear. Nezabar to instruct you to grow up in a new building, and then the hero will lean against the snow empty under the hour of the storm. Just go forward and right-handed.

From the Ashes

Qia part of the main quest is too short. You will be ordered to take a walk around the new fortress, and to take the main places of residence and to mingle with the allies. Actual sections of Skyhold will be blocked - you can see the next hour of the upcoming visit to the castle.

After roaming with Josephine and Varric, two main quests are revealed: Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts (“Evil eyes and evil hearts”) and Here Lies the Abyss (“There lies Bezodnya”). Їx you can vikonuvati y, whatever the order. Before the administration at one of them, it is recommended to talk with the other party members - talk and recognize the rich man.

There Lie Bezodnya / Here Lies the Abyss

If you connect with a friend Varrik, you will deny access to a new location - Crestwood. Virushat on zustrіch іz іn informant. Go bridle the shore, don't waste the docks on the stove - you're there.

Then move your way to lie in another location, Western Approach. Read the marker's inserts. On the mist you will be shown a cut-scene, for which there is a battle with a horde of demons. Across the short distances of the battle arena, there will be a sharp cast of the Mark of the Rift spell. After finishing the fight, turn around to Skyhold.

From the rates of the command, break to Orlais for the continuation of the mission. Before this, it is strongly recommended to join your party orders and fill in the space in your inventory, you will not turn back soon to Skyhold.

The marker will guide you across the battlefield. Nezabar you take away the optional task - to help the military inquisition in the battle. It is necessary to find three corrals of the Sirikhs of the barns, with which the demons help. For vikonannya tsієї meti vy trimaєte access to the screen with a valuable video booth.

Nezabar you see the great crowd of enemies on the choli with the Demon Gordina. Let's fight against other opponents, and then we'll take on the mini-boss. Trim different heroes, give them a look at yoga electric whips. Beating up the majestic dragon, which periodically unleashes your party of spells. Try to be among the allies in the arena in order to minimize Skoda.

The marker will not let you get lost here. Be careful to keep an eye on the radar: this light means that there is an object here that is necessary for the quest Fears of the Dreamers (“Fears of the Dreamers”). At the peninsular part of the first zone, try to know the skeleton of a person and switch to the mode of joking - this is how you initiate an additional task. Other items are sorted in other areas of the location. Yogo can be vikonati less until the end of the tsієї section gri.

To restore your mind, drive in the demons and press the button to follow the order from their bodies. To get stuck in this location, you happen to repeat this trick a few times. The episode is generally linear - push forward until you hit the barefoot, Jahom.

Get ready for an intense fight. Nightmare may have a lot of health and strong attacks. Sometimes venerable spiders are called, which need to be suppressed - otherwise crushed by a number. Let the "tank" take care of your boss's respect, while others are busy with yoga minions. As soon as the veils appear in the ancient foes, wink the most intense vigor on the Nightmare. At 25 health heights, the boss calls for the help of strong demons - the ultimate moment for winning Mark of the Rift's ability. After winning, turn to Skyhold.

Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

In this mission, as soon as important, two speeches: the warehouse of the party and the choice of the correct replies in the dialogues. Radically take in a group at least one magician from the building "Bar'er" (Barrier), shards of health will be in short supply. When talking to the nobility, try not to say anything harsh and rude - flatter that wait. And so: before the cob of mischief, save the game in an okremy slot.

The specificity of this task is that you will need to change into a worldly lion for some hour. Good behavior, inclusion and other services for guests will increase the rating of the Inquisitor. Dovga vіdsutnіst chi sumnіvnі declare yogo reduce. If vin drops to zero, you will be kicked out of the ball, and the mission will be failed. Also, do not waste your ability to increase the rating.

At the location, what to do, the crime of the main mission. You can pick up statuettes to open access to the screen of your work, find compromising evidence on the nobility and more. At the very beginning of the location, you can help the women of the thief, for they have spent a lot of money. The loss is known to the fountain - beat the joke mode. Turning її, you move your rating - for whom it will be enough.

The marker is in a way that characters, with which you need to talk. After the official tribute, there will be a chance to gather from the allies and change the situation. When finished, go straight to the lobby and go to the guest rooms. Find "Hall of Heroes" (Hall of Heroes), go through the new one and see from the back side. Go along the corridor until you get to the fountain. Here it is necessary to climb on top of another for additional mesh on the wall.

As soon as you know from the eyes of the public, your rating will change more and more regularly, so keep it cool. Marker to mark the zone, as a follow-up. After finishing, go down to the library and switch to the search mode. Knowing the proof, turn to the ball. Don’t try to increase the chances of raising your rating: go to the ballroom only after another blow to the bell - you know, you’ll sleep a little, why not?

You take away the key from the krill servants. You can eat there through the lower one on top of the Hall of Heroes. Companions arrive at the entrance to you - do not forget to change your ceremonial clothes for battle equipment. You can have less than 10 points in your rating: skin fur is worth one point for you, don’t interfere with that and sort out your opponents quickly. Follow the blood and the corpses, and inadvertently you stumble upon the killer. After the battle and the cut-scene, turn to the ball.

You are requested to dance by the duchess. Be as considerate as possible - always choose the best option for you. If you talk to the duchess, you will have the rest of the year to give compromising evidence to Leliana.

Nezabar you will come to the chergovy rozlomu, open at the inner courtyard of the castle. First of all, seek out human enemies, and then deal with demons. A friend of the enemy’s hvil will be rich in strength for pershu, so get ready. Let me show you some cut-scenes, give you praise for one important decision, and then send you to the battle with the final boss of the location, your own duchess.

For the cob, I will spare її minions. Let the magicians put a shield on the party members for the first opportunity. Boss teleporting around the arena - try not to miss it from the field of dawn. If the health of the duchess drops to 50%, they will call the helpers - it’s better to deal with them. In the next season, no surprises.

Gordini fruit / What Pride Had Wrought

Like a leader, break the mission through the headquarters of the command. At the first part of the task force, it is not necessary for you to go with markers and to fight against the enemy's pens. Nezabar you will reach the ancient temple.

Departure to the great closed doors, take away the task for the ritual. You can sing at the statue in the lower hall. You need to go through special slabs in such a way as to set fire to them. It is not possible to step on an already activated slab. It’s not guilty to blame the problems with the first puzzle - it’s easy to finish it. Having opened the doors, go through the middle of the temple.

After the video, you will have a choice: vіdrazu vіrushiti behind the thorns or dotrematisya traditions of elves and vikonati chotiri rituals. At the first moment you happen to fight not only with the priests of Likhodiya, but also with the Vartov temple. In another way, try some puzzles with slabs: if you solve them, you will take the elf trick and overcome the alternative location boss.

Having made your choice, go for the certificates on the mini-cards. If you have completed the rituals, then you can unite as guards against zagarbniks. In which case you will see a guide, which way through the location to the boss. If you have violated traditions, then get ready to fight against elves and templars. You will need to make a path through the labyrinth on your own - follow the radar and beat the joke mode.

Nezabar vy zustrіnetesya z barefoot. Fallow in the past choice will be abo Samson(Yakscho you were taken into allies of the magicians), otherwise Calperia(Yakscho you saw the victory of the templars).

Samson attacks less in close combat. You are helped by minyoni, such traces will be called out in the morning. If the boss keeps spinning, bring in the soldiers. Cross the allies across the battlefield, so that Samson's attacks do not hook up a lot of heroes. Koristaytes tactful pause - the party members do not have to pick targets far away, especially on the cob of battle.

Calperia often places fires on runes on the ground - it is necessary to use them and bring in the stars of allies. She loves to teleport, indifferent to deafening, paralyzes that fear, and also maє high fire fire. Blisters and cold are yours best friends at my battle.

The Last Act / The Final Piece

Even a short mission. Virushayte until vvtarya through the headquarters of the command. As in the past, the commanders allowed the companion to drink from the Well of Sorrows, then you will only have to talk to the kimos. In the other case, the battle with the dragon boss is checked for you.

Like a “tank”, the monster’s respect is on itself, and the soldiers of a distant battle do not lick miraculously under the paws and the tail, they passed without special problems. It is recommended that you watch out for fire attacks, because the stench is too bad for you. Cold, navpaki, more effective. You need to lower the dragon's health to half, after which a cut-scene will play.

Marvel at perfection / Doom Upon All the World

The time has come for the final battle. It is recommended to save some money before the cob of the final mission. You can complete some of the quests that you have lost, and after that, the rest of the content will not be available. So if you are planning to win the Inquisition, it's your last chance.

Take less than one magician with the Bar'er to the battle with Coryphaeus, and more often two. Boss is the boss of a rich shkodi, unacceptable to status effects and has a great reserve of health, get ready for a trivial battle. In the first phase, the dashing call of demons, move around the arena and attack with straining spells. "Bar'єr" that zіlla zdorov'ya will help keep the party on its feet.

After another hour, Corifei will move to a new arena - follow him. On the way, do not forget to replenish the stock of zill. The other phase of Mayzhe is not disturbed by anything in the first. Hey, the situation is different.

If the boss loses half of his health, then replace the majestic dragon lirium. As a rule, let the warrior with a shield defend the barefoot, while the heroes of a distant battle command you shkodi. Focus the fire on the legs of the monster - tse spovіlnit yogo. Beware of the exaltation and defense of the heroes with cold armor: do not harm the evil and apply “Bar'er” on them. Let the party roam around the arena, so that the fiery soul of the dragon will not be so unsafe. Don't forget the tactical pause.

Having finished with the dragon, I will switch to the Corypheus again. At the final stage of the battle of wines, there is a lot more teleportation. Yogo's arsenal has a spell, like a master of shkodi to the whole corral. "Bar'єr" that tsіlyuschi zіllya to help you.

Why the main campaign of Dragon Age: Inquisition will end, anyway! Remaining joy: do not miss the scene after the credits!

In this article will be presented outdoor passage side quests at a number of locations in Dragon Age: Inquisition, as well as descriptions of the quests needed to complete specializations.

Smaragdovo graves

This location is an ancient forest, in which one can know the majestic ruins of Orlesian spores and the tombs of elves, who lived over a thousand years ago. Here everything is so quiet and peaceful. However, the callousness is deceptive - varto just burn out from the secondary path and wild animals, robbers of all stripes, and maybe even more, will immediately attack you. Therefore, be ready.

Bizhentsi on watchtower rock
One of the biggest quests in the location. Vikonati yogo is awkward - you just need a big stitch at the marker. A group of cutthroats will attack us on the way. We deal with them and move on. We know the gang of rebels on behalf of Fairbanks and find out about this problem. All tasks have been confiscated.
Vіlnі hulks Dolіv
It is necessary to read the documents, as if they were changing at the camp. It’s not necessary to go anywhere. Everything is listed below in order of barrels. After reading the documents, we find out that the “free people” ruled at the Veridiev mines.
There is a marker on the map that indicates where the mines of Veridia are located. Let's go there, we'll kill all the soldiers and we'll drive in Kosto. Then we read all the documents, as if they were rebuying at the mine. From them it is possible to find out that they are the other commanders of the great bulkers, and themselves: Chevalier Oposte and Captain Dueyme.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
Vіlniki vіlnyh
After killing Kosto, it is evident that at the clitins of the Veridiev mines they are rebuying the guards, which were sacked by the free hulks for an hour of patrolling around. To call them, it is necessary to know the key. One of the Polonyankas is telling you, de yoga shukati. Vіn lie on the barrels, which is right-handed in the cameras, so that you stand in disguise to the gates.
Misguided cheval
A small location will be shown on the map, on the territory of which there is a small outpost with a wooden parkan and spores - "Argon Lauchuga". Here you can know Chevalier Auguste and Yogo "gang". We are corrected by us and let’s go and tell the commander of the “free people” that he is gone.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
brudny abomination
Shukaemo sadibu Morel - tse dosit great spore, sharpened by a stone wall, do not miss it. Until then, the captain's roster is indicated on the map. Duheim will be at the yard sadibi at once with his supporters. Get ready, there is a notable "mess" on you. After that, you will be dealt with by the soldiers of that їkhnіm captain, take from the corpse of Duheim the key to the sadibi, documenting that indecent sokir “Glittering Darmallon”. Now you can come in before budіvlі, shchob slap a bunch of free hulks.
Vicious General
Having drank to the Morel sadibi, we immediately went to the inner door and began to be beaten by the guards. After a non-trivial essence before them, they were reinforced, enchanted by Malifant. Vbivaemo all and everything, we ourselves will finish the quest. From the corpse, they guarded the berm of the sheet, in which to go, what the red templars spivpratsyu with the free hulks.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
Hopeful protection
Ale, for what reason, our perebuvannya in sadibі will not end. At the office you can find a part of the runic key and the closed door. It is necessary to remove all the parts that penetrate from the closed room. It is marked on the card, de-stashed the elements of the key. Let's then turn back to the office and find out a small stone crossing, as if being beaten by a warrior. At this komorі raztashovaniya attachments, where you can pick up the key. Let's go to the closed doors and let's see. There will be a sprat of gold and indecent fritters.
Litsar's tomb
This quest appears only after that, as you see a series of operations on the Viysk table under the name "Accession of the Elven tomb." A marker will appear on the map. There mi zustrіnemo pershu group venatori. In one of them there will be a part of an emerald druk (nine pieces in a pile). Idemo farther to the Litsarsky Hall. There we are a miracle of red. We take one more piece of the artifact from the yogoi corpse. Nearby lies a fragment of a mosaic. You should know the third part yourself (the territory for the search will be marked on the map). In the same way, the fourth element of the friend is shuffled.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Dali demo there, where I indicate the marker. By the way, you should fix the door, as if you could fix only a robber. There is nothing to stand at closed rooms. At the Sacred Graves, a part of an emerald druk has been stashed. Shosta can be known from another red monster. Parts that are lost can be poked around, fortunately on the map it is clearly indicated their roztashuvannya. On this river, you can also know epitaphs (for their reading, a torch from a veiled fire is consumed) and an artifact of elves. Now you can go to the tomb. Here it is necessary to set fire to all the tar skies and drive in the dead. Let's check, while the platform rises. We take away an artifact, which is an ancient suvoy, which tells about elves and other people. Yogo can be sold to the elves and sold to the Church. Write it yourself, how to fix it.

Obitsyanka zakokhany
At the Lyons pavilion you can find a leaf, in which you can find about the zustrich of two "doves". A dot will appear on the map, in which May a zustrich will appear. Directly to the marker and we know the place for a picnic. Kindly look around Yogo (key F). Pіslya tsgogo, zvіdki not vіzmis z'yavitisa giant spider. We drive in an arthropod and rush farther to be a hero. I think it is not necessary to explain what was trapilos іz zakohanimi.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
motherly povchannya
Bіlya m_stsya, de vie zіtknetesya with smugglers, who transport the red lirium (Kalen's quest), there is a river. You can find the corpse of a woman in her place. It is necessary to find out what was going on with her. For the next step on the skeleton (the place is shown on the map) and know the worker. The new one explains everything.
Danina Memory
For reference under the name "Light of Andraste" there is a note asking us to light a candle over the grave. good people. Vaughn is known in order of the Lyons pavilion. We light a candle and ask the Creator to think about the deceased.
Beware of "Nebezpekoyu"
Behind one of the roses on the hill near the statue under the name "Andraste's Power" you can find a few notes. A marker will appear on the map. Let's go to the new one, we know the tabir, for someone who has a good deal. We read yogo, and then we collapse to the offensive encampment. There you can find the corpse of a nobleman and the stuffed with him dribnichki. We take our own - the state needs everything.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
The first tabir of the Inquisition in this district is the month to serve as a great lad on the name of Jones. Vіn respect yourself as a great minder, but in case of whom you are afraid of self-harm to go to the majestic bear. We'll wait to drive the beast into the place of the new one and break into a small cave, shown on the map. Zvir buv great, but a lot of killings. We fix it with him and take all the trophies.
Puzzle of the Lyons pavilion
Such a quest is not formally available for grі, so it is not shown in the magazine of wines. This is more of a puzzle, as it will require a careful reading of the songs. For a more sensible explanation, I have divided the task into six stages and marked all the months on the map.

1) We were led to follow the bird on the fold in the direction of the landmark under the name “Mercy Andraste”. At the point number 1 (indicated on the map) on the rock, roztashovaniy near the waterfall, you can find a corpse. The new one will have more than a note in his guts, which will soon show up at the codex (shukati under number 58). Respectfully read the note and respect the twelfth point.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

2) Let's go on the way to the point 2 (indicated on the map). We press the V button and try to find the skhovanka. The new one has a cube with the number 3. I reread the code and read the note from the corpse. How important is the third row.

3) Now rush to point 3 (indicated on the map). In the course of time, we try to reveal a skhovanka. We have a cube check for us with the number 9. I read the note in the codex again.

4) We get to the Lyons pavilion (indications on the map). Here, next, ignite the chotiri once, and burn the distant tar-skip, which is angry, the near right tar-skip is ignited three times, and the far right one is two. When the statue hits, a cube appears with the number 20. I think you already know what work is required.

5) Demo up to 5 points (shown on the map). I’m looking for a second skhovanka for an additional key V. We take a cube from the number 14 and read the entry in the codex.

6) We go to point 6. We try to know the skhovanka. Newmou has a lyalka. As soon as we see a unique demon appear. We drive in a monster that holy day I will win.


Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Crestwood is a small and “quiet” location, in a way, in the meantime, not so calm, as you can see at first glance. There are not a lot of side quests here, but the deacons from them are more than cicadas. Until then, here you are blukaє vichy dragon"Pivnіchny Myslyvets".

standing water
This quest is seen by the Inquisitor as soon as he arrives at the given location. I'm going to the village of Misceva and we're driving in there the dead that have come to life. If we speak with the head of the settlement. Please let us go to the fort of Caer Bronach. As soon as you come to reach her close, the new task of "Storming Caer Bronac" will be revealed. We are cleaning up the fort and raising the flag of our organization. Far away, through a black entrance and a stone bridge, we get to a small sporud, which is a tavern. Use the middle of the slide to turn the special attachment, which releases water from rowing and allows you to get away from Old Crestwood. First, go to the oven, raja take the mission “Vantage of Vidpovidalnosti”, as if you see a red spirit, which is sacking into a ruined booth near the oven.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Now you can go to the oven. There, you should close the door with the demon, about whom you guessed the red spirit, and then close the opening. I’m going to the village again and we’re going to the old age cottage. No one to show up at home. We know the note and read it. After which the quest ends.

Assault Caer Bronach
It sounds even more promising, there is nothing large-scale in the so-called hoarded. It’s just that natovpi opponents and, for example, we establish the ensign of the Inquisition on the fort. From i all. Before the speech, I entrusted the fort with the presence of a cave, in which a majestic pavuk is alive at the prize "Snizhok". From the new vipada recipe for a healthy bomb.
Vantage vіdpovіdalnosti

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

You see the red spirit of Old Crosswood. You can know the spirit at the ruined booth, the ruffled white crypt of the stove. Vіn ask us to find the demon who is at the fortune-telling furnace. We are vicious and turn to the spirit, sob to remind you of the radio call.

In the rest of the way
For the removal of this task, it is necessary to speak with His sister. Її you can know on a small hillock, stashed nearby the village of Crestwood - go to the pivnіchny skhіd. After draining the lake after the quest "Varta water", repair the corpses in the ruined booths. As soon as the stench lights up after pressing the V key, then click the bear with the right button. It is necessary to know three such corpses. Then we turn to He and again we speak with her. That's it, the quest is vikonano.
High stakes
This quest can be taken from the rozvіdnitsa Charter, as you know from the fortress of Caer Bronach. For the vikonan її zavdannya next to know the body of Kostolom, which lies near the great boulder, and look at it. When looking around, there will be a whiff of opponents. We beat them all, and then we go again to Charter and tell them everything that we have come to know.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
Get Bur'yani
At Caer Bronach we know a spy who was worth the ensign of the Inquisition. Vin give us the order to drive in as many bandits as they want to conquer the Inquisition. Let's go to the marker on the map, when we show up, and drive in all the cutthroats.
Tse zavdannya saw Gauld. It is necessary to know a girl in the name of Judith. Її roztashuvannya will be indicated on the map. We see a small budinochok and we go inside. Let's roam with the girl and complete the mission.
Lair of the beast
Judith tell us about the origin of the mysterious monsters. In order to know them, let's go to the pivnich and pass through the tabir, roztashovaniya bela farm "Three trout". We know the Glenmorgan mine. We go into the cave and through it we go to the lake, where three rivers linger. Drive in monsters and turn to the girl.
Zaboroniy oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Small location, tucked in ancient temple. At the new one you can open hidden doors, which will increase the stamina of the main character to the singing elements. Perhaps, here, and it’s not long overdue, prote an hour in the hour, you’ll see it, and I’ll explain why at once.

Selection of ulamkiv
At rich locations, there are magical ulamkas. You learn about them after you reveal your own peek-a-boo tube - an eyepiece - made from the skull of a subdued magician. This pipe will help you to reveal tricks on the location. One skull vibrates three-chotiri ulamki. Altogether, at one location, there are ten to thirty ulamkivs in the middle, so it’s worth scuffing the rhubarb in order to know all the eyepieces (they are indicated by skulls on the map).

If you want to take one trick of yoga, you need to leave it on the table for the rest. You can rob like at Prytulka, so at Skyhold Fortress. Let's check, the docks will show up the quest. Let's follow the next click to the Viysk's joy and see a new location on the table - the Oasis of the Oasis. Yak only head hero spend on tsyu mіstsevіst, the quest will soon be completed.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
For every fluke
In order to take the task, it is necessary to go to the mountain arch, I will put it on the day in front of the camp, which is known in the oasis. You will dance on the card a sign of hail, and one of your companions will tell you that the woman is standing in the distance. Follow the marker and know the miner girl (the NPC constantly moves around, it’s important to know that it’s important; don’t take jokes). After an unfailing roam, we know that she lost her hoop in the oven with spiders. This stove has been planted at the pivnoch and it will be marked with a special marker on the map.

It’s awkward to get to the heart of the oven, it’s necessary to go straight along the gorge and not go anywhere. Dozens of spiders will attack us at this underground. We know of vile creatures and we know in one of the windows of the oven I see, in the yakіy and lying kіlce of the maiden. Nesem yogo ago, a woman-miner and otrimuєmo deserved by the city.

Doors in the Furnace of Par'as
Like in the city for the description of the quest, the key is the key that opens the door in the oven, de mi shoyno pobuvali. To that we turn at the stove and make a feast. On which quest to end. Do not forget to take all the known fritters.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
temple of pride
Tse zavdannya rozpochnetsya after arriving at the location. Ale z yoga vikonannyam can pokati. Wander around the location and pick up a mustache. Let's follow the trail to the pіvnіch from the first camp and drive in the wake, which is not far from another halt. Then let's go to the pivnіchny zakhіd and go to the oven. We reach the first crossroads and turn right-handed. You will fall into a hole. Here it is necessary to cross with beams to another bik. Diyshovshi to a small destination round shape, turn left hand.

Having consumed the names, it is known that the wooden place, where you go, burn. Idemo him, passing up the eyepiece, and going down. There we have a group of unacceptable specialties on us. We drive in їх usіх and we go to the closed doors. For її vіdkrittya we need six ulamkіv. We open the door and go inside. On which mission to end.

Calm the spirit
After vykonannya ahead of the quest, let's go up to three signs of a hail, how to appear on the map. Sob vykonat tse zavdannya, it is necessary to open the left doors themselves. For whom we need tricks. We open the door and go inside. Here we are checked by the living dead. Rushing trash and breaking the sarcophagus. You take stamina down to spiritual shkod and a pair of objects that are no more than brown.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

I am opening the doors again, we are cleaning the premises and opening the sarcophagus. Ale, not everything. There are third doors, for those who see them, one needs a few ulamkiv. Vіdmikaєmo її, we go inside and znischuєmo chaklunsky zhah. Let us marvel that in the sarcophagus and we will take a great bonus to the stamina to the magic of the Spirit. After which the quest is completed.

endure the cold
Winning the wines is just like the task of “Calm the Spirit”: we pick up tricks, we make doors, we see monsters, we marvel at what is in the sarcophagus.
Pіdkoriti fire
Winning the wines is just like the task of “Calm the Spirit”: we pick up tricks, we make doors, we see monsters, we marvel at what is in the sarcophagus. The main folding here is in the selection of ulamkiv. To be brought to cover all the locations in order to know the eyepieces. Sometimes they fight strongly, the protesters of the city for the selection of tsikh ulamkіv vartuє all stained glass zusil.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis
Abode of pride
If you successfully complete the quests “Fire the fire”, “To endure the cold” and “Calm the spirit” (for whom you happen to pick up more than a hundred ulamkiv), then you will have access to the central part of the temple. He has a powerful demon pride on you. We beat in miraculously that yoga of the poplars, and then we shuffle the sarcophagus. You will know a lot of brown words from the newcomer, and also take away the bonus for the attack from electric attacks.
Quest for specialization

Possibility of activating this quest to show up at Skyhold Fortress. For this purpose, it is necessary to appoint a commander on the headquarters table under the name "Specialization for the Inquisitor". An hour for її vikonanny is not needed. As soon as you arrive at the fortress, three mentors will come, skin from some of the buildings will teach the main character of one specialization (they are recruited to lie down according to the class of your character). You will have to independently choose, as a specialization of the vivchity.

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Note: if you arrive at the fort, the quest does not show up, and there is no official appointment on the military table, then you need to go to the location, and then turn back to Skyhold.

Talk to us mentors and take from them the order for the acquisition of specializations. You can count all three missions, or choose only one specialization. The most important statement about specialization can be taken away by talking about it with your teachers. Before that, you can look over the skill trees of companions - they have specializations automatically after activating this quest.

Litsar-charivnik (mage)
The quest is seen by Commander Helen. For vikonanny it is necessary to select a sprat of ingredients. The essence of the fires can be taken from the mayors, such as were found in the Bury quagmire in these places:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Lapis lazuli is often trapleyatsya at Whistling empty spaces, Sacred plains and Western borders. If you don't want stained glass for the whole hour, then you can send Cullen and that one soldier to collect all the necessary resources from the Whistleblowers on the table of operations. A book with descriptions of the receptions of this subclass is sold by the merchant Val Royeaux. You can also know Viv'en nearby. Then let's create the handle of the spiritual blade on the table of applications, and we will move it with the mentor. Everything, specialization is taken away.

Necromancer (mage)
This specialization can be learned from Viuus Anaksas. Vіn so nadіshle us on the choice of kіlkoh іngredientіv. You can find Nevarian skulls on Storm birch in these places:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Bloodstone is often seen in Smaragd's graves and Emprise-du-Lion. I know that if you want to take care of the collection yourself, then you can trust my mission to Cullen (give yoga to the Emprise du Lyon for the collection of resources on the military table). You can either buy a book with a description of the necromancer's habits in Val Royeaux, or you can know the name of Dorian. Dali create embellishments skull on the table of applications and move with a mentor for the remaining selection of specializations.

Mage Rozriviv (mage)
You see the mentor (you won’t tell us your name). Here you can also pick up a sprig of rare ingredients. To take away the folios of the venatori, to drive in a sprat of cultists near the Sacred River axis here:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

From venatori we also need thin oxamite. A book with a description of which subclass lies near Solas. You can also come to Val Royeaux. Having collected all the necessary materials, we prepare a book about opening on the application table. If we speak with a mentor, then we will be ready to accept specializations.

Storm (robber)
You can learn this specialization from Khim. Like all other mentors, send us to the selection of singing resources. Devices for morning essence fall from the demons that appeared on the Stormy Birch axis near these places:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Three leads, how you can know the beat of breaks, often the essence of the spirit falls. The book, in which the storms are described, can be found at a merchant in Val Royeaux, or in the Sirca climate. Having selected all the ingredients, we create a bottle of smoke on the table of applications. Then we speak with Khim and we learn specialization.

Vbivtsya (robber)
Tsіy spetsіalіzatsії you can learn Spadkoєmitsya. You can find the signs of the goals of the guild killer in the assassins at Crestwood, who linger at such places:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

The root of death is necessary to whisper at the whistling empty spaces of the Western border. A book with a description of which subclass is found by Cole. If you can't її know, then buy from Val Royeaux. Dali svoryuyemo lower at the command post. Because of this, let's move on to the Spadkoymitsey and to develop specialization.

Mechanic (robber)
Vidpovidny quest see Triglazik. It is necessary for a yogi to know obsidian, a book with a description of the priyomіv of the subclass and golky іglospinіv-vatazhkіv. The rest are picking up from the corpses of their "animals" that linger at the Western boundary here:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Obsidian great number zustrichaetsya at Smaragd's graves, Crestwood, at the Inner lands and at the Sacred River. You can also send Cullen to Crestwood by picking up the obsidian on the command rate table. The book of mechanics lies not far from Varrik. You can come to a merchant in the capital of Orlais (Val Royeaux). Let's prepare the tools on the application table and speak with Three-Eyes.

Ripper (warrior)
The quest can be taken from the ruins of Tram. For yoga, it is necessary to select a sample of materials. Assistants for the zills fall out of the new gates near Crestwood in these areas:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

The drooping vines are already rich in Smaragd's graves, Sacred Plain and Emprise-du-Lion. If you don’t want to have stained glass at this hour, then Leliana is right to take the roses from the Sacred Plain (you need to know the exact operation on the Viysk table). A book with a description of the Ripper subclass can either be known nearby Zalizny Bik, or bought from a merchant in Val Royeaux. Let's create consumable item on the table of applications, that is rozmovlyaemo with a mentor.

Vityaz (warrior)
You see Lord Chance de Lyon. Vіn ask us to know the veridіy, the book with the description of the subclass and the great heraldic symbolism. The remainder is taken from the corpses of the enemies, as if they were rebuying at the Holy Rivnina at these places:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

The book is in the order of Blackwall. You can also buy її from the seller in Val Royeaux. There is a lot of evidence at the Sacred River. If you don't want to do yoga, then you can send Cullen to search for resources at the fortune-telling location (scrub on the Russian table). After whom we create a standard on the table of applications and bring it to the mentor.

Templar (warrior)
Mіsіyu otrimanna tsієї spetsializatsії vidaє Sulfur. We take the evil temple judges, who are known to the demons, who appeared in the Inner lands in these regions:

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Completion of additional quests and task of specializations - Smaragdov's grave, Crestwood, Oasis

Embryum is also known there. You can entrust the choice of resources to Leliana, asking her to look for the growth in Smaragd's graves (to search on the Viysk table). A book with a description of the subclass can be found by Cassandri. Vaughn is also sold by a merchant at Val Royeaux. After that, the elixir is ready on the table of applications and it is recommended to the teacher.

The main quest of this location, which is the duty of the viconati, to get through the plot quest There to Lie Every Day. You will accept this quest automatically for an hour and move from Harding, if you come to this territory first. Crestwood is covered with walking glimmers, like the preschoolers of the villagers began after the fact that Rozriv appeared in the lake. It’s not up to you to close Rozrivi, alas, unfortunately, here under the water and at the moment I’m not available.

Go near the village, roaming the road with walking glimmers. You need to talk to the headman. The headman would not have any idea to dry up the lake, but not less rozpovit, de and yak tse you can do it. For the cob, you need to drink to the fort near the village, like bandits occupy, and deal with them with that їhnіm gang-mini-bosom. If you put up the ensign of the Inquisition on the wall of the fort - and then it will be at your order: merchants, tables for crafting, rіg for choosing a group, a quick transition point and a couple of additional quests will appear there.

One of the doors of the fort is marked as "Leaving for Dambi" - and you need it yourself. Go to the abandoned tavern, having snarled at the dear young couple, as if it had climbed in there in the wake of the ascertainment, go to the room with respect and turn it around, after which the roller is marveling from the lake’s drains.

Right now, you need to go to the previously flooded village of Old Crestwood. The entrance to the stove is located at the її pivnіchno-zahіdnіy part. Furnaces are dark, and tar-skipi hang on the walls, which can be set on fire for a shorter visibility. Nezabar tunnel will end with wooden gangways - go down them and go further. If a group of walking celestials calls out to you, go left hand, and you will find the remnants of the dwarf teig, and in the new - Rozriv, which you need. The Demon of Wrath, which wanders nearby - is the very same demon that you need to beat for the quest Vantage Vidpovidalnosti.

Go to Rozrivu. Nearby, there is a screen for replenishing stocks, as you need it. Dany rose to send three hells of demons to you to replace the great two, do not relax. Having dealt with the demons, close Rozriv.

As soon as you look around, you can find a more short path to the surface through the sprat of the bay from the opening. Go back to the village until old age, de deputy of the new one, you will find a note. At the note, explain to you that it itself became ten years ago. When you close the quest, it will give you a new mission for your table of military operations.

Assault Caer Bronach

If you want this quest to be okay in the journal, you should see it for an hour for the quest Standing Water. Beat the bandits at Caer Bronach Fortress.

Remaining Way

Sister He is at the village of Crestwood to ask you to know the bodies of the dead at Old Crestwood. It is necessary for you to know three locations with bodies - all the stinks are located not far from one, in the middle of the ruined huts in the earlier flooded village. Turn to your sister. He will tell you about the crime.


At the link with the attacks of the dead, the villager Gauld stormed with a share of his well-known Judith, as he lives far from the village. See Judith at her hut. There's news for you about the majestic dragon and the wyvern, which descended from the mountain and bothered the villagers. Tse give you the quest Lair of the Serpent.

Lair of the Serpent

Drive in the wyvern that Judith told you about. Wyverns with the company of pari wiverns sit on a water-kremlin island in the middle of the mountain, and you need to go through the oven to get to the new one. If you played on the supplement SO 2 Mitka Vbivtsi, then remember that the virns can be even more unsafe opponents - obviously, if not a dragon, but stench on a mini-boss with a lot of pull.

If you report Judith about the crime, you will take away the design of the city for the middle holder of the Guardian-rozvіdnik (another rіven).

This quest can be completed in the reverse order - first kill the wyverns (as you came across them before, as Judith was revealed), and immediately tell me about their death, if it’s more likely to be told about them.

Vantage vіdpovіdalnosti

At the village of Old Crestwood, you will drink on the arch of the ruined Spirit of Command. Obviously, yogo was taken away from the material world against his will, and the bastard does not understand why nothing here is not subject to yogo's orders. Without vikonannya, I would like one team to get out and get cleanly guided to turn to Tin. Your inquisitor may call upon you to serve him. Spirit tell you to kill the Demon of Wrath. The Demon of Wrath is lingering in the oven not far from Rozrivu, which you need to close on the quest Still Water, so no one cares about killing him on the way. Report to the happy spirit about the sky - and you will turn to Tin, and you will take 2 points in the city and the Amulet of Power for Cole.

You can't take this quest, if you get the Demon of Wrath earlier, speak with your spirit below.

High stakes

This quest is seen as a charter at Caer Bronach if you want. The agent of the Inquisition Kostolom did not come to the meeting place after boasting that he had taken evidence for being respectful. Go to the appointed place and search the corpse. From the page it will become clear that only trusted individuals knew about the agent’s misfortune. If anything, a venatori ambush will pounce on you.

Turn around to Caer Bronach and report to Charter. Tse to complete this mission and to show you a new operation on the tables of military operations “Show the Underground Agent”.

Get Bur'yani

One sees after the burying of the fort of Caer Bronach. Open the map and you'll hit the quest icon at the fort's entry point. Go there and you will feel the rose of two rozvіdniki, as if you were afraid of bandits on the outskirts. Go to the assigned quest territory and kill 8 bandits there. You, perhaps, will happen to get a little better, to that which the quest sign shows only approximately the number of opponents, and the bandits sound like they are walking around small groups of three-chotiri. If you can’t collect the required amount, then you can turn around (or teleport) and turn back. You do not need to report back - the death of 8 bandits will automatically close the quest.

Morning Crestwood

Break two camps at Crestwood.

Astrariums of Crestwood

Solve the riddle of all three astrariums of Crestwood and find a cave with belongings in the Merts Gorge, as the stench tells.

Regions of Crestwood

Visit all 19 regions of Crestwood.

Landmarks of Crestwood

Find out 10 landmarks of Crestwood

Rozriv at the Pivnichny Vorit

Close the opening at Pivnichnykh Vorit.

Rozriv at Caer Bronach

Close the opening near the fort of Caer Bronach.

Raise at the Three Trout Farm

Close two open spaces in the Three Trout Farm area.

Crestwood - Information:

Not far from the village you will get a couple of Sirikh Guardians who are fighting with the walking dead. After all, in the village you see Jaina, the elf-maiden, you helped to vryatuvat Sirim Guardians. Affected by their courage, she tried to enter to their lavas. You can praise this idea (Solas and Seri ce are not worthy, and the Blackwall axis is praised), but on the other hand, encourage. If your group knows Solas, you might be tempted to become an agent of the Inquisition.

If you praise Janey's decision to enter the lava of the Sirikh Guardians, then you will praise your result at the move story quest There Lie Bezodnya.

Vryatuvati Rozvіdnytsia

A dekilka of soldiers move one by one not far from the center of the fort, de vie opine at once, as if you were deafening your fort. After that, as you listen to Rozmova, a new mission will appear on your map of military operations.

The quest will be canceled as soon as you arrive at the location. Go near the village of Crestwood. Kill the dead dead there, and then talk to the headman. Go to the fort. If you walk up to it, the quest "Assault on Caer Bronach" will be activated. After clearing the fort, raise the ensign of the Inquisition and exit through the back doors. Kam'yanim bridge goes to a small budіvlі - a tavern. Use the twist wrapping mechanism. They gave us enough to eat until the oven. Before that, how to get to her, it is recommended to take the quest "Ventagement of Vidpovidalnosti", which is taken by a red spirit in a ruined booth in order from the entrance to the oven. In the middle of the oven, we drive in the demon's head from the quest "Ventagement of validity", and then, after walking a little distance, we close the opening. Turn back to the village until old age, prote yogo will not be there, we also read the sheet and complete the quest.

Assault Caer Bronach

We take it, if we opine the order from the fortress. We drive in all the middles and lift the ensign of the Inquisition. On whom the quest will be completed.

Vantage vіdpovіdalnosti

To be taken from the Old Crosswood had the spirit of a red color in one of the ruined buds. The demon can be found in the oven behind the quest "Standing Water". After driving the demon to anger, turn to the spirit and give the quest.

In the rest of the way

To complete the quest, talk to Sister Vaughn, who is standing on the high ground at the pivnichny descent overlooking the village of Crestwood. If you drain the lake for the quest "Standing water", then joke in the stubbled boudins of corpses, what to lie, like they light up, like victorious key [ v ]. Click on them [RMB], then we'll look for two more of the same. We behave with them like that, turn to sister He and complete the quest.

Get Bur'yani

The quest will be given by a spy at the fort of Caer Bronak for the month, de raising the ensign of the Inquisition. Idemo at the indicated area that we drive in 8 bandits. On whom the quest will be completed.

High stakes

Beremo at the rozvіdnitsa Charter at the fortress of Caer Bronach. The body of the Bonebreaker lies in order with the great stone. Look at Yogo by clicking on it [RMB], climb into the gates and turn around to Sharter to get it clear and complete the quest.

Computer game in the RPG genre, the third series dragon age, was distributed by the Canadian company BioWare. The videographer is Electronic Arts, released on November 18, 2014 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One platforms. After the first part of the world Thedas defy the virus of international wars and political intrigues. Crimea, at different points of the world, undivided rifts break out, which allow the demons to leave Thedas. The head hero takes away the mark and after the closing of the number of breaks Temples Holy Ashes otrimu kerіvnitstvo Іnkvіzitsієyu, schob vikoriniti chaos, scho vinik.


The Meshkants of the village of Crestwood are suffering from the attack of the undead, the Inquisitor needs to solve this problem. Krіm tsego, mіstsevі rozbіyniki plundered the fort of Caer Bronak and attacked merchants, until all bіd near the qi kraї a dragon arrived, a lіgvo raztashovane on pіvdnі location.

Rozrivi: pivnichni gate

After the creation of the camp was made of pivnіchnoy brami, Vіsnik should close the gap near this district. Do not forget about the possibility of pouring into the portal, after which all the demons perebuvayut at the station for ten seconds.

standing water

Nearby view Crosswater an active outbreak was revealed, which caused the appearance of undead in this area. The problem is that the dark portal is under water. For the area indicated on the map, we enter into battle with shimmers, and it helps to destroy the undead, we headman villages.

Inquisitor checks drain the lake For whom it is necessary to beat the old rowing. Rush to the fort Caer Bronaca and liquidated robbers who ruled in it (Zavdannya Assault Caer Bronach). After the liquidation of the otaman, the head hero can buy a new fortress for the order.

Straight to rowing(mechanism of insertion at the tavern) and the lake is drained, Old Crestwood. We pass to the roost of the flooded village and we can see the entrance at the stove behind the old age booth.

At the head of the wedding, the caves of the head heroes are consumed to the abandoned dwarfs. ruins, for the rest of the day, any Inquisitor can be active opening at the zavіsi (the demon's wind will not be 2, but 4). Nareshti, it is necessary to turn to the new Crestwood before old age (the head hero reveals letters of knowledge, the headman himself flooded the old village, so as not to let the disease spread).

Rosrivy: Caer Bronaca

After the burying of the fort of Caer Bronak, the main character, it is necessary to close the opening in the area (you can go to the Inquisitor mark after draining the lake).

In the rest of the way

Sister He wants to cream the dead under the hour of the flood old village At the designated area, the Inquisitor needs to unearth the bodies of dead people and turn with the remains to Him.


One of the local residents of Crestwood is turbulent for his girlfriend, who has settled outside the village. Vіsnik lie virushiti on pіvden i know budinok Judith(once the task with the deserter is completed).

High stakes

The investigation of the Inquisition ruled over the informer, who did not show up at the delusional hour. At the area of ​​​​the camp of the village farm, the heroes of the head will know the body of the rozvіdnik, after which it is necessary to turn to the fort and complete the vikonannya zavdannya.

Rozrivy: fermi 3 trout

Near the area of ​​the farm, 3 trout breeders of the Inquisition were found to be actively spawning, as it is necessary to suck (one of the shadow portals is in the order of the dragon's death). The dragon itself beats electricity like attacking the elements, May 13 Riv (Zavdannya dragon slayer).

Get Bur'yani

After the burying of the fort of Caer Bronak, the corral of the leading heroes will lie in wait for the remaining groups of bandits, who began to attack the roads.

Lіgvo serpent

Judith talks about the furnace wiver, as it has become a turbulence for the locals. At the pagorbs, the Inquisitor can rozshukati the light of the creature and drive in її.

Part of the cycle Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: Dragon Age Inquisition , get out of the bur'yani, the lair of the snake

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