Yulia Timoshenko's girl's name. Biography. Grant of science is the place for life

It is not paradoxical, but it was not an actress who became a woman of Ukraine on a global scale for the rest of the decade, but a literary playboy. It is the pride of the title that the woman-politician Yuliya Volodymyrivna Tymoshenko is right.

Gazova princess, Lady Yu, the last major political leader of the country, the most popular Ukrainian - you can’t even call it like that!

Yuliya Tymoshenko is sharpened without a face of riddles from the sides. Biography, nationality and navite special life politics are turbulent, stacking the cause of tiles.

The one who keeps order

Without a doubt, the bulk of the community will not baiduzha to її pomitnoї person. Every day all Ukraine is talking about her. Yulia Tymoshenko posts on TV screens, and her photos - in newspaper articles, on roadside posters. Ukrainians bachat її disguise kіlka once a day. It turns out that she has long since become an invisible part of the life of the skin-hulk of the country.

Ignorant of a strong and volovy character, without such a pidyom career gatherings buv bi is simply impatient, she will stand in front of her own selections at the look of an affectionate benefactress. For rich women, she will take care of her mother, a friend, and, obviously, a right Ukrainian woman with an open soul. It turns out that Yuliya Volodimirivna is completely open to people. Ale with skin rock її unresolved mysteries become more.

The first most confusing secret is the nationality of Tymoshenko Yuliya.

Food, like turbulence of all

In the skin of this post-traditional period, it is difficult to find out the truth about the adventures of the ancestors. People moved from the bіla of a great power, the shelter was reduced, and at the kіntsevu pіdbag іt аlѕо tо thе nutrition аbоut thаt іѕ її її її її її ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї vlastnostі vlastі few people can accurately. None of the greater significance has swelled enormity. The very appointment of a person to the tiєї chi іnshої kraїni, suspіlstvo, ethnіchnіy group.

Do not blame the birthplace of Yuliya Volodymyrivna. There was a lot of talk about her. Yulia Tymoshenko herself actually asked part of the talk.

Who for national politics became a food for more after that, as she sharply changed the style of the back of the 2000s. The axis of Lady Yu plaited her front braid. All її zvnіshnіst ambiguously began to conjure up the image of the poetess Lesya Ukrainka. What did Yulia Tymoshenko want to achieve with such changes? Photo "before the day" of laying savory and licorice, which miraculously nastovhuyut hugeness in the sovereign food. Її more than once they called at the vdavanna that falseness. People wanted to find out the truth about the correct setting of the policy to their own country, and they reconcile that the information about the trip is true to help “open all the cards”.

How can those ancestors, the same Yulia Timoshenko, tell the truth? Biography, nationality, facts about life and a number of publications, more, will help to understand this entangled history.

So let's go!

cob of life

Girl's name Yuliya Timoshenko Grigyan. It was born near the town of Dnipropetrovsk on the 27th leaf fall of 1960 at the birthplace of Volodymyr Abramovich Grigyan and Lyudmila Mykolaivna Telegin.

Ancestors Yuliya Tymoshenko parted, if it was 3 years old. Mom worked as a dispatcher at a taxi depot. Krіm little daughters, її zmіsta demanded mothers and family sisters.

Insanely, the pennies did not get practically anything. Ale, as Yulia Timoshenko herself said later, without regard for life, mother could cherish all her loved ones with warmth, respect and turbo. Mala Yuliya grew up, honed to the kohanny from the sides.

rocky navchannya

The training at secondary and middle classes took place at school No. 37 at the same Dnipropetrovsk. Ale spent the last two years of training in middle school No. 75. Well, having become a famous politician, Yuliya Volodymyrivna came with one of the most important pre-election visits.

Behind the memoirs of Tamila Furman (a gaudy clerk of the older classes), she started out without triplets, but she didn’t boulder.

Yuliya Volodimirivna in her childhood and youth was intensely interested in sports. Vaughn led the artistic gymnastics section. Everyone, who knew the girl, was reconciled - and "threatened" the career of the great sport.

Before the end of school, Yuliya remembers Grigyan's father's nickname on her mother's. In all documents, the graduate is called Telegina.

After finishing school, in 1978, she entered the Dnipropetrovsk Girnichiy Institute. Ale, having studied there for more than one day, they will confiscate documents and transfer them to the economic faculty of the Dnipropetrovsk Municipal Institute. Yuliya gets a diploma of pro Vishchiy illuminating for the specialty "Financial cybernetics".

Special Life Tymoshenko

Julia Grigyan-Telegina made friends very early - at 18 years old. Then she started her first course at the institute.

The version of acquaintance with the future man, Oleksandr Timoshenko, is rather rich. Most often, she speaks about her, and the participant herself speaks about her, to talk about those who may be friends with the wrong phone call. Once in the evening in Yulia's apartment, the telephone rang, and a kind-hearted lad showed up at the other end of the house, who took pity on dialing the number. Rozmov began, as a result of what a young people were doing homework about the first season.

Through the river of a happy ship near the homeland of Tymoshenko, Donka Evgeniya was born.

The love of Oleksandr Timoshenko is the only one in the life of Yuliya Volodymyrivna. Ale, yak and all we bring people, їй ascribed to anonymous novels for. So sensitively they appear through a long separation of friendships (Olexandr is a trivaly hour of engagement), before that, Lady Yu herself, for obov'yazkoy service, has been honed by efficient and spitting men. And the light sexual subtext, which is always present in the old-fashioned politics, does not confirm the public opinion.

But the analysis of tiles about Romani does not help explain what kind of nationality Yulia Tymoshenko is.

Popular version

Trivaly hour accepted vvazhala version, scho vodomy politician maє rosіysko-vіrmenske pojennia. Grigyan was called to prove his Virmenian root, as Tymoshenko Yulia Volodimirivna wore in girlhood.

Nationality, insanely, you don’t recognize, basing only on the title. To that varto analyze the deaki vyslovlyuvannya policy and facts from її life.

Tymoshenko herself repeatedly stated that in the Batkiv family, everything “up to the tenth generation” is Latvian. Uncertainty with the nickname came from the blame of the workers at the passport office. The very stench vipadkovo changed the Baltic nickname Grigyanis to Grigyan. This is the same version, which is the original sound of the name Bulo Grigyas.

It is also possible that the ending was changed navmisno, with the help of the negative help with the help.

Latiska girl Yulia Tymoshenko

Who is for the nationality of the ancestors of Julia from the side of the father, it is important to choose. Likewise, in the words of a politician, about the great number of generations of ancestors-Latvians, who lived today in Latvia and two families of Grigyanis (chi Grigyasov). But no such records have been found. Such a nickname is simply powerful for the inhabitants of the Baltic lands. This fact is confirmed by the Latvian philologists, who confirm that the form Grіgyanіs can be more like a modern name.

But if Yuliya Volodymyrivna Timoshenko speaks the absolute truth about the latiska, but if you don’t trust her, then where did all the distant Baltic relatives come from?

And what about the boys?

The presence of namesakes in modern Latvia can be explained by the circumstance that for many generations, only girls were born among the family, and the name was lost at the link with them. Only the grandfather and father of Yuliya Volodymyrivna became happy її vlasniks.

Ale, did Tymoshenko's ancestors come?

Didus Abram

Father Yuliya Volodymyrivna, wearing the name of that after father Volodymyr Abramovich. And if I am truly a pure-blooded Latvian, then why was my father called Abram? It is practically impossible to know a person with such a common Jewish name and nickname Grigyanіs (Grigyas) in Latvia, Lithuania or Estonia. With a great frequency of perversion, it is possible to prove that the root of Volodymyr Grigyan (father Timoshenko) may be Jewish.

Virmenian ancestors

Try to recognize the relatives of the politician of the present day of Virmenia recognized the bidi. The nickname of Grigyan appeared even more rare in this country. Yerevan has registered only one such homeland.

At one time, it was authentically realized that there were a few families living near Nagir Karabakh with the nickname Grigyan. Tsey was born a long time ago, to inspire an aristocratic way.

Also, prove that the name Grigyan is widely spread among the Bessarabian Jews, as well as among the Gypsies. Tsya іnformatsija again vyvodit jokes on the jewish slid.

The knowledge of information about relatives on the Batkiv line gives only half of the allowances for food, to which civilization Yulia Tymoshenko lies.

Who is the mother of politics for nationalism

Yulia Volodymyrivna's mother was born near Dnipropetrovsk on 11 September 1937, near the homeland of the Nelepovs. For the first time, she won zamіzh at 18 rokіv, taking a man called Telegin. Shlyub quickly broke up. Another person, Lyudmila Mykolaivni, became the father of Yuliya - Volodymyr Abramovich Grigyan. Ale tsey slub waking up unluckily. Mom turned to the name of the first person, and Yulia herself wore the name of the father practically to graduation class.

Tse, vlasne, and all the information about the similar connections of Lyudmila Nelepova-Telegino-Grigyan. Neither Lady Yu herself, nor її mother in any way spoke about their homeland. Navitshvidshi journalists could not get more information from the first drive.


It’s like light about half of Timoshenko’s relatives sheds the sister of її mothers - Antonina Ulyakhina. Vaughn assigned her famous niece as many as two books: “Julia, Yulechka” and “Julia, Yulia Volodymyrivna” (offended by the Dnipropetrovsk 2007 fate). They have memoirs about father Antonina and grandma (great-grandfather Yuliya Volodymyrivna). Ale, the creator contrived not to create the same riddles of their names in the father's way. Only licorice roses and children's memoirs.

Reliable facts about the sovereign belonging of the mother of the “gas princess” are, of course, impossible to take from the book. Ale after a respectful reading, you can add some works of art.

Yuliya's great-grandmother speaks about Ukrainian phrases on the other side of the book. Ale ne mother Timoshenko, ne її sister my sovereign don't toil. So Yuliya Volodymyrivna herself did not speak the new language until 1999. All of the early interviews were recorded only in Russian. Before that, Lady Yu herself repeatedly stated that she had enchanted the Ukrainian language during this period.

These facts suggest that the great-grandmother should “speak” Ukrainian specifically, in order to hatefully suggest (bring) the reader to Ukrainian politics.

Ridkіsnі riddles of names at the knіzі also nastozhuyut on thought. Granny calls the author Tosha, and she herself is called Dasha. These are the names of the Tamans only for the Russian population. Dara, Odarka, Tusya, Darina are more crowded in the Ukrainian village.

Before that, it can be said with confidence that Nelepov's home nickname is no more than a Russian root.

Who is out - Yulia Tymoshenko?

Whoever knows the nationality of a politician, did not get far enough to say after a little follow-up of the march of all the blood members of his family. Unfortunately, the main reason lies with Timoshenko himself, as it was titularly attached to this part of the power specialty.

Crazy in to the current world nationality does not have the desired meaning. People of Ukraine don't have such a picture in their passport. Adzhe in the skin mix is ​​less than two or three different blood. The stench of such a “cocktail” is not to be added to the vdacha, or to the relish of the people’s advances ... Therefore, the nourishment of national belonging has become practically unimportant for the lonely.

Ale, far away and a simple politician can be summed up and we will open it before our selections, we will be rich in food for a wet trip. Especially if the stink turbulates more than one hundred people. Before that, there is an active enthusiasm for provoking political specialties. Yuliya Volodimirivna herself knows about the good.

In a vague pose, Yuliya Volodymyrivna took back the impersonal positive comments and brought about an increase in the political rating, although she partly revealed some mystery.

To rattle a galloping horse, at the hut, what to burn, see ...

Zagalom, what not to crush,

just don’t waste, don’t iron, don’t cook.

Yulia Volodimirivna Kapitelman - Grigyan - Timoshenko

Mom - Lyudmila Mykolaivna Telegina ATP dispatcher. Father - Volodymyr Abramovich Grigyan

Photo-1L In 1962, father's father left his family. Babusya Maria Yosipivna, technologist at the confectionery factory

Vikhovuvala її one mother. We lived in a 2-room apartment on the street. Karl Marx, 26

Have 1977 r. Yu.V.Tymoshenko graduated from School No. 75.m.Dnipropetrovsk. Yulia Volodimirivna Grigyan is listed in the certificate.

Now pro important food. Vin borrows a great part from various informational and analytical reviews and conclusions. They are getting ready to rozpovsyudzhuyutsya pіd hour viborіv, political opponents Yu. Tymoshenko.

Unkind as special (business), so many party comrades-in-arms uttered a lot of different facts, versions and speculations.

Be aware of point 5 radyansky passport, that Yu.V. Timoshenko took away reaching the fullest, de showing the nationality of the hulk of the SRSR.

The Axis of Confusion describes the information about the national identity of Y. Tymoshenko.

“For a long time it was respected that Tymoshenko's veins had a blood flow in her veins, even if it was a girl's name - Grigyan.

Photo-2LHowever, the leader of the BYuT herself spoke a little. “I have all the Latvians up to the tenth generation according to my father’s line, and all the Ukrainians according to my mother’s line,” she said.

Behind Tymoshenko's words, "through the pardon of spivrobitnikiv at the passport office, Volodymyr Grigyanis and pretended to be Grigyan."

During the political crisis of 2005 in Ukraine, the power supply was delivered to the distinguished Minister of Transport and Ukraine by Yevgen Chervonenko. Yaky himself for nationalism and time.

“Commenting on the beating of a Jewish youth in Kiev, having expressed the thought that Tymoshenko could have been faster in condemning anti-Semitism, the shards of herself “mother-Jewish that father-virmenina”: єр -ministra. Tim is bigger, because Yuliya Tymoshenko's mother is Jewish, and her father is a Virmenian. In the same time, those Jews historically recognized the genocide, "saying Y. Chervonenko.

From the side of Yu.V.

Okremі rosіyskі političnі іnіnіnіnі іdіnіtsі biografії Yu.V. Buli near Latvia held a parade ceremony of the honor of Grіgyanіs.

“As far away as z'yasuvati, in Latvia, the name of Grigjanis;

And yet such a nickname in Latvia is very rare. There are simply no direct analogies with "Grіgyanіs" in Latvia.

From the other side, as if the words of the premier were true about those who in her father’s line are all Latvians up to the tenth generation, then such a nickname in small Latvia would be made wider.

Otherwise, it can be assumed that in the genus Grіgyanіs (Grіgyanіs), ten generations of people were born exclusively a girl.

Most often in Latvia, the variant Grigjans - "Grigyans" is used, but in such a way it is translated into Russian as "Grigyan" again, that is, as it is not typical in time, then, admittedly, it is definitely not a Latvian nickname, but a latinized one.

Just in time for the Ukrainian resource "Phrase" in the article, dedicated to the ethnic roots of Tymoshenko, writing:

"How zayasuvalosya, father Timoshenko, who looks like a Latvian, Volodymyr Abramovich Grigyan's name.

We are ready to compete for 5 kilos of fat, so that you can go around all of Latvia (and take all the Baltic states) and do not know the right Baltic for the name of Abram Grigyan (name of Timoshenko)...

It’s true, Latin philologists, as they are engaged in the production of nicknames, they unanimously affirm that the form of the nickname is not independent, but similar to the Grigyan nickname of the time.

Although the grandfather of the Ukrainian prime minister was called Abram, then during the orientation period of the life of the grandfather Yuliya Tymoshenko, then at the front of the Latvian war, the policy of total latishization of the population fell, if practically everyone was given Latin names and names. Tim more, as if these people were "root Latvians in the tenth generation".

Such a rank, Abram and Timoshenko, was simply not named in a moment: he was not a latishem, but he was a guesser himself.

Yu.V.Tymoshenko's political opponents also carried out a search for the ethnic roots of the Ukrainian premier near Virmenia.

As far as I could tell, on this day, only one family with the nickname Grigyan was registered near the capital of the Republic of Yerevan, Yerevan.

However, it is important that in this case we can have an absolutely clear sign of Yulia Volodymyrivna's girlish nickname, which appears in official documents.

Surprises are counting on us at the process of acquiring the honors of Grigyan from Nagir Karabakh.

Historical ethnographer Lev Azatyan rozpovidaє that Grіgyani - gerdastan (rіd) near Karabakh, which may be an aristocratic adventure.

"Representatives of the Grigyan family, mainly settled in the Askeran region, valiantly took part in the fight against the Ottomans, contributed to the defense of Karabakh in 1918-1921, took part in the political support of the order of Karabakh to Azerbaijan in 1923 . ", - rozpov Azatyan. Today, Nagir Karabakh has a few dozen families of Grigyans.

At one time, the deacons dzherel at the scientific stakes of Vrmenia assert that the nickname Grigyan is often heard among the Bessarabian Jews and the gypsies, just like the nicknames of Kopelyan, Muntyan, Pomerlyan.

It is also not included here that some of the nicknames of Grigyan can be Bessarabian gypsies. For the sake of justice, varto designate that in Moldova it was not possible to know Timoshenko's co-workers in the name of Grigyan.

The original version is available from the same Ukrainian resource "Phrase".

Developing a thought about the ethnic root father Timoshenko - Volodymyr Abramovich Grigyan, see below:

"So im'ya is quite characteristic of the modern Jews. The modern Jews (like Georgian, like and Gorsky) are people following the traditions, and it is unlikely that they (father Yuliya Timoshenko) having become friends with mother Timoshenko, yakbi won ".

For an hour, try to reconsider the grandmother - that is the mother of the mother Timoshenko - did not succeed: "As a right call of Mary Yosipivna - so, for our (and not only our) information, call the grandmother Timoshenko, the technologist of the zukerkovy plant, - there is no trouble ...

Natomist, let's go, in the distance, put the name of Mary Yosipivny behind the person. The call to sound marvelous - Nelepova ... maybe, the girl’s call to Mary Yosipivna sounded on the floor, seemingly soft, marvelous, that he did happen to change yoga.

And literally on the cob Zhovtnya 2008r. the entire progressive Ukrainian mass was hostile to the new sensation. Navodzhu in the original.

“The most colleague of Yulia Tymoshenko “digging” її genus and knowing the “right” nickname: Kapitelman

“The most comrade-in-arms of the head of the Ukrainian order, Dmytro Chobit, is a true ancestral name of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko – Kapitelman.

About tse, as conveyed by Regnum, vin podomiv at the presentation of his book "Political portrait of BYuT abo makuha for the people." Tymoshenko already called this book a locker and confessed that if she herself paid a penny to Chobit for "writing a guide."

“Before the investigation, Yulia Tymoshenko herself prompted me, as she said that in her on the Batkiv line all Latvians up to the tenth generation, and on the maternal line only Ukrainians.

But if I have written some data about the ancestors of Yuliya Volodymyrivna, then I know the documents that will show her nonsense," says Chobit.

For tribute, like inducing Chobit, the ancestors of Yuliya Timoshenko independently changed their name to Grigyan, and the right family name was Kapitelman. Dida Timoshenko's name was Abram Kelmanovich Kapitelman.

As I explain to Korrespondent.Net, the word "makuha" in the name means a product that is left after the extraction of the oil. According to the author, "the wines smell good, but there is little brown."

"I know that BYuT is a sizable political top, under a bright collar that the filthy essence is. The name of the book," - having said wine.

On the way to the city of power, saying Dmitro Chobit, she won’t hesitate before him.

Yuliya Timoshenko called the book her patronymic. “I don’t read all the wikis. As a rule, such people are paid pennies and stink to write. Even if Chobit was paid pennies, they wrote a guide there, it’s a pity,” said Yulia Tymoshenko. (Axis won’t say “hot!” Because in this case, it’s all her own fault. Because the “evil” she paid for in D. Chobit’s book about V. Medvedchuk turned like a boomerang to his face. -author).

Yu.V. Tymoshenko as a politician, as if he spoke about his image, it would be small to know the correct vysnovki from the history of mutual - D. Chobita and V. Medvedchuk.

For finalization: Dmytro Chobit, having written one such book, about another Ukrainian fiend - Viktor Medvedchuk

For the whole appellate court of Kiev, having found Chobit guilty in the special life department of Medvedchuk and goitre, he was charged 10,000 hryvnias for moral fault. But if V. Medvedchuk was in power, and then we “having squeezed out of politics”, that very court and skasuvav its decision.

Let's continue our rozpovid.

Have 1978 r. vіdbulasya - one might say, mystical podіya. Like sounding off as a vipadok, but there is nothing vipadkovo in our life. To talk about the telephone acquaintance of Yuliya Grigyan with her future man Oleksandr Tymoshenko. Zustrilisya she was worthy of one to one

In 1979, Yulia Tymoshenko entered the Faculty of Economics of the Dnipropetrovsk State University for the specialty of Economics-Cybernetics.

This is such a faculty that graduates are equal to graduates of other traditional faculties, at that hour, looked like big crows.

Only recently Cybernetics « From the sale of the girl to imperialism ”in the words of Academician Lysenok, became a new science. And yet you can talk about economic cybernetics, in those hours, if the simplest calculator, the most amazing technology is not accessible and unreasonable to the great citizens, and the computers took up not the space on the work table, but the whole machine room, you never had a chance to speak.

1979 - Shlyub іz Oleksandr Timoshenko. Father-in-law Gennadiy Opanasovich Timoshenko is a prominent functionary of the Middle Lanka.

Gennady Opanasovich Timoshenko- for the radian hours, having embraced the arches of memory, plant. Graduate of the transport institute, vin proishov us schablі kar'єri mіstsevoy kerіvnik — worked as the head engineer in the administration of Prydniprovska zaliznitsi, Head of the Department of the Elevator State, Head of the Kirov District Council of Dnipropetrovsk

For ten years, Timoshenko Sr., in the field of cinema management, organized, as the material base was small, and was engaged not only in film distribution, but also in the development of a network of cinemas throughout the region.

1980 - Evgen's daughter was born.

1984 - Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of the Dnipropetrovsk State University.

1984 Yuliya Timoshenko was given a job as an engineer-economist at the Dnipropetrovsk Machine-Building Plant im. Lenin.

And what about Dnipropetrovsk in 1984-1985? And the hour is motor-driven. You can say nayzhahlivishe. The SRSR started perebudova and roll call.

The end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s - an hour of development of the prototype of today's business structures - cooperatives.

New opportunities for young people of that hour became the first mail and the first step to the power business.

In 1988, Julia and Oleksandr borrowed 5,000 radian rubles and opened a service center for the population.

Among the people, such elements were called video saloons. The pributki from the first enterprise went to the development of the storerooms. Then, at the right place, the tie, having poured in the father-in-law, went to the right, with the borg, they got loose and took away the surplus.

1989 - Dnipropetrovsk. Under the auspices of the Regional Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, and we know that someone else, like S.L. Tignutko - the author is created near the Dnipropetrovsk metro station Youth center "Terminal"

From 1989 to 1991 Yulia Tymoshenko was commercial director of the Dnipropetrovsk Youth Center "Terminal". The work behind the plant is finished for the last time, all forces are directed to business.

Photo-3L In 1989, roci became the commercial director of the youth center "Terminal", created for the support of the regional committee of the Komsomol. The director of the MC "Terminal" was one of the leaders of the ninth politician and the sovereign fiend Oleksandr Turchinov!

At that hour of the 25th of O. Turchinov, a respectful official of a regional scale - the head of propaganda and agitation at the Dnipropetrovsk regional committee of the Komsomol, well, like Pavka Korchagin, only on a salary!

What did the comic director Yu. Timoshenko do at the Terminal MC?

In the period of "perebudovi" in cultural settings similar to the type of pіdpriєmtsі-pochatkіvtsі, they played video films, traded videotapes and audio cassettes, and at the lobbies they made a ringing coin with automatic machines ... In a word, Klondike!

The legally youth center "Terminal", in fact, was a prominent Komsomol "state education" structure, created in 1989 at the Leninsky district committee of the LKSMU of the city of Dnipropetrovsk.

By the decisions of the bureau of the same district center, the foundation fund was seen and approved by the state.

For the practice, which was the basis of that, similar enterprises were hardened at the bureau of the regional committee, and the restoration of the government’s activity was small enough to restore the Komsomol treasury.

In the meantime, young entrepreneurs, like they otrimuvali chimalі pilgi, like a lot of Komsomol functionaries guess, quickly mastered the technology, like they allowed us to work on their intestines.

Zahal for the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Committee of the LKSMU, at that hour, if the last leader of the "Labor Ukraine" Sergiy Tignutko had become stunned, there were no repetitions of hundreds of similar "government education" formations.

Among them, at the regional committee’s leader, you can find the MC “Terminal”, which is engaged in “cultural programs and videos”, and distributions, judging by the specified address, at the summer cinema park named after. Shevchenko.

Nastav new 1991 that father-in-law Yu.V. Timoshenko, Gennady Opanasovich Timoshenko - becoming the Head Kirovsky district committee. And tse already serious and one-sided gentleman near the district.

Same for 1991. niy Yu.V. Tymoshenko was praised for the decision on expansion family business. Video rental and pirated audio cassettes, which were no longer satisfied with the drink, the collection of capital, the vicarious kinsman sovereign bodies m.

І in grass 1991 bulo created Simeyna "Ukrainian Gasoline Corporation" - Before UB. Right head of business - father-in-law

Since 1991 - Nominal General Director of the corporation "Ukrainian gasoline" (KUB) Yu.V. Timoshenko.

Vlasny capital and bank loans KUB directed to the purchase of fire-oil materials. Suspіlstvo demanded most of this directly to the business at that time: the 1991 rіk - the rіk of the collapse of the majestic state and economic structure, inflation and the death of the Ukrainian military state.

If a reader thinks, well done Yuliya Volodymyrivna, she showed, and business is sensitive and businesslike, and she discovered a new perspective on the right, as if she brought her the first million dollars of American dollars without a hitch, then the stench has mercy.

It is not Yu.V. Timoshenko who respects KUB, at that time ZITs-Golova, but a large practitioner of the regional apparatus Oleksandr Grave, who lives in Israel, is the ideologist of the creation of that organization.

And yet we are important even more - on the cob of the 90s, the agricultural sector is no less, and the entire industrial Dnipropetrovsk region fell into the hands of the governor P.I. Same with Vich P.I. Lazarenka was a ladder to you, they called him “God”, and the posture was called “Bulldozer”, for the method of raising the region and regulation penny flows in private business.

Tim, who, having drank such a “dah,” went far away, like on a drizzle, they could have more money on the cob capital, who were “lost at the recesses” in the Komsomol of that party, “props” in the budget and, simply, pennies of ten dilkiv , which places on the Dnipro were famous for and the fate of socialism.

In the wake of the folding of these capitals, like mushrooms after I finish, private banks, corporations and other commercial new creations appeared on the cob of the 90s.

that Yu.V. Tymoshenko was then just a chewy young woman, with the beginnings of an actor's talent, re-worked, as a way to create a new representation of "KUB" in business. Vyavlyayuchi under tsimu svіy such is already known to all militant character.

But at the same time, the right “brain center” of ESSU and the creator of cunning schemes respect all the same vice-president O. Gravts (head of ZAT PFC “YESU”, TOV “Bosphorus”, TOV Corporation “Transport”), and the organizer of the work is CEO Gennady Opanasovich Timoshenko.

Competent lawless organ, pyxyutu, butt-west, the structures of the veil, I specially bushaboxes, perelovali yaklyed the rule of drives, they were recognized by his anal notes of the I examinations, the sama Timoshenko-Styri, the Knowymius of P. Lazarenko, Idvetsi Dnievetsi Dnievetsi Dnievetsi Dnieveverey, Idvetsi Dnieveverey, Idvetsi Donvetsi Dnieveverey, і " pіd dahami. corporations of impersonal officials of the regional and municipal governments, clerks of enterprises and law enforcement agencies, making their great connections - capital is not less valuable, lower pennies ... ".

And now about one business partner Yu.V. Tymoshenko - Viktor Pinchuk and yoga firm "Interpipe".

Like one possible oligarch worked with other possible oligarchs, and what happened. Previously unknown facts.

In the middle of the 90s, business biographies of the future people's deputies Yulia Tymoshenko and Viktor Pinchuk were born.

At the company "Interpipe", 65% like Volodymyr Pinchuk, who was the father of Kaustov, the past - the intercessor of the Minister of Pipe Industry. Sin Kaustov works in Moscow in one of Pinchuk's firms.

Zavdyaks zv'yazkam Kaustov-senior Pinchuk having established contacts with the certifiers of the Nizhnyodnіprovsky pipe-rolling, Nikopol pivdennotrubny and Dniprovsky pipe plant, in a successful business with the sale of seamless steel pipes at the edge of the EU.

Later in Ukraine, having saved the scandal at the link with the anti-dumping investigation carried out at Sunset, after which the press published information about Pinchuk's outrageous jokes. Vtіm, on yoga dolіtse did not appear.

Tymoshenko's and Pinchuk's firms created a joint corporation "Spivdruzhnist", as it was engaged in the supply of Turkmen and Russian gas with a total volume of about 9 billion cubic meters.

In this order, up to 70 industrial enterprises were provided for in seven regions of Ukraine.

The friendliness of the businessman and the business lady were unhappy.

But it is obvious that Tymoshenko, a diplomaed economist, has worked hard enough to learn Pinchuk's know-how.

After Pinchuk's exit from "Spivdruzhnosti", his corporation was renamed to "United Energy Systems of Ukraine".

25 leaf fall 1995 year Yu.V. Tymoshenko became the president of ЄESU, her father-in-law became the general director.

Cholovik Oleksandr Tymoshenko has chosen the Transport Corporation to enter the ECEU.

ZAT PFC "YESU" was identified as the offender of the Ukrainian-Cypriot "KUB". Zrobleno tse bulo for saving money from podatkuvannya.

Since 1995, the fate of the new creations of the joint venture has not been endowed with such benefits. Therefore, the capital of the Cypriot company-sponsor “KUB” was transferred from the authorities to the Ukrainian authorities.

The day before, the Rada already praised the changes before the legislation of Ukraine, which are necessary for Tymoshenko's call. However, that law was not signed by President Viktor Yanukovych. At the result, on Saturday, the deputies adopted praise in a new format, which allows them to do without the president's signature and release Yulia Tymoshenko (Grigyan).

About the ethnic root of Yuliya Tymoshenko, who strongly supported her “Ukrainian character” (wishing to know that she had embodied the Ukrainian language only in 1999), it is written richly. Just in time, one of the Ukrainian girls was so ahead of his article about Yulia Tymoshenko:

“Native of Dnipropetrovsk Yuliya Tymoshenko - a mixed Russian-Warmian adventure. The names of її batkіv - Telegіna and Grigyan. Yak and at the rich of the future strong world tsgogo, Tymoshenko is not enough to finish off childishness. Її father leaving his family, if the donts were less than two years old. Vtim, the maiden, who already in her youth had grown up with a strong character, could easily transcribe her special problems. Julia befriended the son of the Dnipropetrovsk boss of the regional scale, Gennady Timoshenko Oleksandr, and may very soon became the real head of the family ... "

In a warmer form, the topic of the ethnic belonging of the Ukrainian "sunny lady" was raised by Yevhen Chervonenko, who, when he had embraced the post of the Minister of Transport and the link of Ukraine. Commenting on the beating of a Jewish youth in Kiev, having expressed the thought that Tymoshenko, as Prime Minister, could be more advanced in condemning anti-Semitism, the shards of “mother-Jewish mother and father-virmenina” herself: “I it was like the premier-ministra himself. Tim is bigger, like the mother of Yulia Tymoshenko is Jewish, and the father is a Russian. At the same time, those Jews historically acknowledged the genocide,” Chervonenko said.

Indeed, for a long time it was important that Timoshenko’s blood flowed in her veins, even if it was a girl’s name - Grigyan. Prote herself, the leader of the BYuT, chimed a little. “In my line of father, all Latvians up to the tenth generation, and according to the line of mothers, all Ukrainians,” she said. Behind Tymoshenko's words, "through pardoning spіvrobіtnikі in the passport office, Volodymyr Grigyanіs and pretended to be Grigyan."

Time to know the coils of the nickname Grіgyanіs near Latvia appeared on the right folding. As far away as z'yasuvati, in Latvia it is the name of Grigjanis, in this Russian mood, it appears as "Grig'yanis". And yet such a nickname in Latvia is very rare. There are simply no direct analogies from "Grіgyanіs" in Latvia. From the other side, as if the words of the premier were true about those who in her father's line are all Latvians up to the tenth generation, then such a nickname in small Latvia would be made wider. Otherwise, it can be assumed that in the genus Grіgyanіs (Grіgyanіs), ten generations of people were born exclusively a girl. Most often in Latvia, the variant Grigjans is used - “Grigyans”, but in such a Russian way it is translated as a new “Grigyan”, that is, as it is not typical in time, then, admittedly, it’s definitely not a Latvian nickname, but it’s Latinized.

In due time, the Ukrainian resource “Phrase” at the article, dedicated to the ethnic roots of Tymoshenko, wrote: “How did you say, father Tymoshenko, who looks like a Latvian, the name is Volodymyr Abramovich Grigyan. We are ready to fight for 5 kilos of fat, so that you can go around all of Latvia (that and took the whole Baltic) and do not know the desired Balts on the name of Abram Grigyan (named after Tymoshenko) ... "I'm right, Latish philologists, as they are engaged in the celebration of , they unanimously affirm that the form of the nickname is not independent, but similar to the Hrygian nickname. Although the grandfather of the Ukrainian prime minister was called Abram, then during the orientation period of the life of the grandfather Yuliya Tymoshenko, then at the front of the Latvian war, the policy of total latishization of the population fell, if practically everyone was given Latin names and names. Tim more than that people were "root Latvians in the tenth colony". Such a rank, Abram and Timoshenko, was simply not named in a moment: he was not a latishem, but he was a guesser himself.

The searches of Yulia Timoshenko's ethnic root in Virmenia also did not give any good results. As far as I could tell, on this day, only one family with the nickname Grigyan was registered near the capital of the Republic of Yerevan, Yerevan. However, it is important that in this case we can have an absolutely clear sign of Yulia Volodymyrivna's girlish nickname, which appears in official documents. Surprises are counting on us at the process of acquiring the honors of Grigyan from Nagir Karabakh. Historical ethnographer Lev Azatyan recounts that Grіgyan is the “gerdastan” (rіd) near Karabakh, which may be an aristocratic adventure. “Representatives of the Grigyan family, mainly settled in the Askeran region, valiantly took part in the fight against the Ottomans, contributed their contribution to the defense of Karabakh in 1918-1921, took part in the political support of the order of Karabakh to Azerbaijan in 1923,” Azatyan said. Today, Nagir Karabakh has a few dozen families of Grigyans.

At one time, the deacons dzherel at the scientific stakes of Vrmenia assert that the nickname Grigyan is often heard among the Bessarabian Jews and the gypsies, just like the nicknames of Kopelyan, Muntyan, Pomerlyan. Otzhe, it is not included here that some of the nicknames of Grigyan can be Bessarabian gypsies. For the sake of justice, varto designate that in Moldova it was not possible to know Timoshenko's co-workers in the name of Grigyan.

The original version is available from the same Ukrainian resource "Phrase". Developing a thought about the ethnic roots of Tymoshenko's father, Volodymyr Abramovich Grigyan, I wrote: Virmenian Jews (like Georgian, like Gorsky) are people who follow traditions, and hardly more wines (father Yuliya Timoshenko) having made friends with matir Tymoshenko, yakbi won’t be a Jewess. Time to try to reconsider the grandmother - to be the mother of the mother Timoshenko - no small success: , in the distance, put the name of Mary Yosipivny behind the person. The call to sound marvelous - Nelepova ... maybe, the girl's call to Mary Yosipivna sounded on the floor, seemingly soft, marvelous that he had a chance to change yoga.

Tags: Tymoshenko I won't write too much.
I especially like a pretty woman.
I will briefly describe the topic about the ethnic root of the most naive woman of Ukraine - Yuliya Tymoshenko, who strongly supports the Ukrainianization of the country and strengthens her negative attitude to the Russians.

In one interview, Tymoshenko admitted that she had learned the "Ukrainian language" as early as 1999.
Today, if there is a coup in the country, and Tymoshenko’s claims for the new settlement of the Ukrainian state, and practically no one calls out sumniviv, the pro-priyads of the ZMI of Ukraine are trying to cover up this topic. Really, a native of Dnipropetrovsk, Yulia Tymoshenko, is a mixed Russian-Wyrmen adventure. The nicknames of її batkіv buli - Grigyan and Telegіna. However, Yuliya, in her own time, was able to make friends with the son of the Dnipropetrovsk "boss" Tymoshenko, who won't, and took away the sonorous "national" nickname. Yuliya herself navіdrіz vіdmovlyаєєєєєє іt ії ії dіvochogo prizvishcha i stverdzhuє, її її bav "Latvian among 10 generations", and Grigyan - only a pardon, admitted to the passport office. Indeed, the girl is small to bear the family name of Grigyanis. Prote, as it were, Father Timoshenko, who she looks like a Latvian, is Volodymyr Abramovich Grigyan. It is quite obvious that one can travel all over Latvia and not know the native Balts in the name of Abram Grigyan (I am the father of Tymoshenko). If the mother, the leader of the Batkivshchyna party, speaks little, but stverdzhu, that it was a native Ukrainian, wanting the nickname of Telegin and the appearance of different gerels, they stubbornly, that Yuliya’s mother was a Jewess, they don’t confirm that.
Blame food - the stars of Tymoshenko showed up to nationalism, and hatred to other peoples - why not to the one who the Jews of that time, with a long stretch of rich fates, were persecuted? Be it a fluke, it’s true, all the same names come out, and hot comments on this topic have already begun to appear on the Internet:
“Who will be, how will you replace the Jewish shelter and the Jewish one? Suggestion: Ukrainian.
I haven’t studied the topic deeply, you can cook for it, but rather add a couple of things cіkavih facts from the biography of Yuliya Volodymyrivna.


Yulia Tymoshenko - "Lady Yu", "Zalіzna Lady", "Gas Princess", "Icon of the Orange Revolution" and simply "Lady with a scythe", as she became one of herself home of a woman in the world for the rest of the decade. That popularity won fame in the suburbs of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, as it smashed the head political country.

Yuliya Tymoshenko's biography is filled with impersonal unrevealed mysteries, but she does not care about women-politics through the mustache, it is instilled to collapse to the heights of power, revealing arrogance, willpower and an unbreakable character.

Childhood and youth

Yuliya Volodymyrivna Timoshenko was born (near the girl - Grigyan) under the sign of the zodiac Strilets, on the 29th leaf fall, 1960, near the city of Dnipro (formerly Dnipropetrovsk), the regional center of Ukraine. The fathers parted, if Yulia was a 3-fold child. Batko Volodymyr Abramovich pishov іz sіm'ї, to this the future Prime Minister of Ukraine was swayed by her mother Lyudmila Mykolaivna Telegina, as if she worked as a dispatcher at the taxi depot.

The nationality of Yulia Tymoshenko is deprived of good food until today: all her ancestors were Latvians by father, and Ukrainians by mother. The childhood of the politician passed in the folded butt minds, they didn’t get a penny, and then the mother grabbed her daughter’s kohanny and turbotoy.

At school, Yulia showed no interest in the sciences. The readers tell me that she got into school without triplets, she was not a teacher. I took care of the youth artistic gymnastics, at zv'yazku z chim їy prophesied a career in sports In the senior classes, Tymoshenko virishila change her nickname. Vaughn took the nickname of her mother, which is why the schoolchildren are called Yuliya Telegina in graduation documents.

After the school “the lady” of Ukrainian politics, she entered the Dnipropetrovsk garrison institute, the faculty of automation and telemechanics, but through the failure she was trained from the first course. Then she tried to try her strength in a different way, she became a student Faculty of Economics Dnipropetrovsk State University, which she graduated from with a red diploma.

In 1999, Tymoshenko received her dissertation on the topic “State regulation of the tax system”, and she became a candidate of economic sciences.


In youth, Tymoshenko begins to chime in with business. Workdays girls started on Dnipropetrovsk machine plant, in the settlement of an engineer-economist At that moment, already friendly with Oleksandr Timoshenko, Yuliya Volodymyrivna opened a video rental point, for which she had a chance to look for money from her acquaintances.

Having earned the first pennies, Timoshenko organized the youth center "Terminal", which will be engaged in the sale of petroleum products. For whom the first capital was needed, and the father-in-law "Lady Yu" entered at the right. So, Yuliya Volodymyrivna succumbed to the world business on aphids, the collapse of the country's economic infrastructure on the cob of the 90s.

Already in 1995, the cooperative “Terminal”, for the support of the then-decent governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region Pavel Lazarenko, was transformed into the Ukrainian-British industrial and financial corporation “United Energy Systems of Ukraine” (UESU) with a turnover of $ 10 billion. Too little monopoly on the sale of Russian gas in Ukraine.

In 1996, the great political and financial difficulties were recognized by the ESSU, which led Yuliya Volodymyrivna to enter the political arena.


In 1997, she became a people's deputy and took a leading position in the "Hromada" party. 1999 Timoshenko created the fate of the All-Ukrainian association "Batkivshchyna", on the basis of which and squandered to the order. Todi її appoint the vice-premier with food PEK at the office. Julia immediately showed herself that she had fallen out of favor with rich politicians and businessmen of the country.

At the end of 2000, Oleksandr Tymoshenko, a man, was arrested, and after the fate, Yuliya Volodymyrivna herself was already imprisoned in SIZO. A couple were called from the smuggling of Russian gas to Ukraine and the relief in paying taxes. Later, the Kiev court recognized the calls against Tymoshenko as unprimed, after which the “gas princess” was called out of custody, and after an hour they let her squad out, having shut down all the criminal records of ESSU.

Dali "Lady Yu" resumed her political activity and until 2005, the popularity of the population increased by the popularity of the opposition action “Ukraine without Kuchma”. That same day, she took the lead of the upcoming Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and became the leader of the Orange Revolution. Tse allowed her to appear on the plantation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine.

In the spring of 2005, Yushchenko put the order of Tymoshenko in power through an internal conflict between the rulers, which called for an ambiguous reaction among Ukrainian politicians. The world has a great reputation, and the American financial and economic magazine Forbes calls Yulia Tymoshenko the third most attractive woman on the planet.

Yuliya Volodymyrivna does not give up and continues to rush from the top echelons of power. In 2006, the Tymoshenko Bloc outperformed the Party of Regions in parliamentary elections, gaining over 22% of the electoral votes. In this rank, the Verkhovna Rada "orange coalition" took over half the month. The new political formation also needed a greater number of corporate portfolios, and Yuliya Volodymyrivna became the leading oppositionist of the region.

In 2007, roci on pre-string elections to the Verkhovna ї For the sake of the BYuT party, I will improve my positions, which gives Tymoshenko the opportunity to re-establish the premiership of the country's prime minister.

"Firmova" essay by Yuliya Tymoshenko

Another premiership of the "Zalіznoї Lady" fell on the period of a large-scale light crisis, but he did not allow great catastrophes in the economy. Її dії allowed the default to disappear in the country, support the gas and metallurgy complex and virobnitstvo, prevent the obstruction of the payment salary to state employees and social payments to pensioners, to preserve the stability of tariffs for housing and communal services, gas bills, to carry out the privatization of land plots and to close the illegal capital business.

During this period, Yulia Tymoshenko became the main figure in the gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Some Ukrainian-Russian sailors went into a deep recess, and the "gas princess", the only one of Yushchenko's order, had a chance to speak out about the situation, for which she went to hell without a hitch. Її zvinuvavivali nadannі vedmezhої servitors of the country, oskolki agreements for the supply of gas were signed on bonded minds and with an unprecedented price. Nezabarom talks Yuliya Timoshenko іz President of the Russian Federation cardinally vplivat on її rating.

Before the party, Yulia Tymoshenko overtook the fate of the presidential elections in 2010, in which case she lost a handful of votes of the voters to her superhero, who became the head of Ukraine. After the first order, Timoshenko was stunned with a lack of confidence, he was re-elected, and an associate of Yanukovych took the premier's chair.

Since January 2010, the fate of the "lady" of Ukraine began to reap the fruits of its activity: just the policy of the Prosecutor General's Office violated the law of criminal justice. The most important thing was about the gas contract with Russia, as well as the purchase of cars for agricultural medicine and "cat's pennies", as if it won't win for recognition, which the shkodi state ordered for a sum of € 380 million.

At the end of 2011, the Pechersk Court of Kiev sued Tymoshenko up to 7 years of remission of the will of the beaten powers from the expansion of $ 189 million. judicial authorities shouted harsh criticism from the light spivtovaristvo, as if in respect of the criminal investigation of the colossal Prime Minister of Ukraine politically motivated. Tymoshenko violated the early warning to the Kachanivska colony near Kharkiv.

Tymoshenko's re-buying from the first days of her life was accompanied by non-transferability and mystery. The seemingly healthy woman began to declare in an interview about the filth of self-feeling that she would appear on the ground, and the lawyers spoke about the destruction of her pidzahisnoy.

Later, Yuliya Volodymyrivna began to foul-mouth over the strong pain at her back. The tomography showed a herniated disc, as if it had nailed the woman to a wheelchair. In the course of 2013, Tymoshenko held 2 fasting without strings in order to sign Yanukovych to the EU, and 12 days after the execution of the wealthy Maidan, it was time to take action.

After the crooked battle on the head square of the Ukrainian capital and the release of power to the power of President Viktor Yanukovych in the fierce fate of 2014, the decision about the sound of the country's political language was praised. The Verkhovna Rada decriminalized the statute, for which Yulia Tymoshenko was sentenced, and on the 22nd of the fierce “lady’s hole” she opined at will.

Immediately after the call, the prime minister of Ukraine entered the struggle for the presidential chair, and then sent to another place, giving up the head sovereign estate. Without breaking through to power, Tymoshenko began to reform the Batkivshchyna party, took the position of an inveterate critic of the dignified Ukrainian art and became Poroshenko's main opponent.

In 2017, Yuliya Volodymyrivna, as before, is active in politics. Vaughn does not overwhelm hope again rise to the top of power, embrace the guides, plant in the state. Actual prospects have improved, if in 2016 Tymoshenko's rating significantly rises up on a number of failures in a row, and also a stable position is taken by President Petro Poroshenko.

Її political rhetoric changed little. Yuliya Volodymyrivna announced to the population to change tariffs for housing and communal services, to clean up a corrupt warehouse from the structure of state administration, to improve the work of the energy system system, and also to promote social standards.

Experts and political scientists in 2017 predicted the victory of Tymoshenko in the upcoming presidential elections, and the Batkivshchyna party gave the palm to the vote to the Verkhovna Radi. Yuliya started forwarding the campaign back to the official start, criticizing the failures of the unsympathetic state officials, trying to provoke the completion of the election to the parliament of the country.

To fight for the electorate of "Lady Yu" and other prominent Ukrainian political scenes. The leader of the "Radical Party" tried to win over a part of Yulia Tymoshenko's electorate to his own book, and earlier, on the sympathy of Ukrainians, he tried to get the ex-president of Georgia into the fold. Political observers also call Yulia Tymoshenko the main competitor, and even earlier, the numerous pilot of the Ukrainian UPU, having changed hands with the Batkivshchyna party.

At the birth of 2017, the fate of Yulia Volodymyrivna was in line with Groysman's order, arguing for such an economic situation. In addition, it called power in corruption and the total goal of the national interests of Ukraine at the time of the signing of the memorandum with the IMF, which the country’s architecture did not present enormity.

Donald Trump and Yulia Tymoshenko

Tymoshenko's positions in the political arena can be strengthened, even if his trip to the United States, and also rozmov with the President of America further reduced the confidence of Poroshenko and Groysman from the side of foreign partners. It is similar to the voice of the leader of the Ukrainian opposition to say that “Lady Yu” can take away the support of the administration of the White House.

Life Specialist

The Ukrainian society must have known about the people of Yulia Tymoshenko, but all life in the order from "Lady Yu" was only one kohany. Even among the students' fates, she became friends with Oleksandr Timoshenko, with whom and began to descend to the heights of power. In 1980, a daughter, Eugene, was born to a young family paris.

In the past, the girl visited the British rocker Seann Carr. A lot of fun was struck at the spivvіtchiznikіv Evgeniy, but the school was three times more than 8 years old, without giving friends to children. After separation, Timoshenko-young became the squad of businessman from Ukraine Artur Chechotkin. The bet's daughter showed up.

At this large Prime Minister of Ukraine, the role was divided for calling: a person was engaged in business, and a charismatic team devoted itself to politics. After the "gas scandal" Tymoshenko's man also spent a lot of criminal re-investigation, after which he asked the Czech Republic for a political lockdown.

Crimean politics and Tymoshenko's special life, respect for the electorate is attached old-fashioned look"Icons of the Orange Revolution". I don’t discuss Yuliya Volodymyrivna’s wardrobe and zachіska any more than lines, but she herself throws those for roses. For example, elegant dress to sit like a fit on її figure (the height of the policy is 163 cm, the vaga is no more than 70 kg).

With a favorite feature of the most pleasant woman of Ukraine, there is always a businesslike suit in pastel colors and a tightly braided braid around her head, which she demonstrates on a rich photo.

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