Desni psychosomatics Luiza Hey. Teeth and psychology. Affirmations from Luisi Hay

The thought about those who have their own psychological and emotional causes of skin disease has been around for a long time. The best healers spoke about it for a thousand years. With a help of riches, the doctors tried to make a sign of the language between psychological camp human body and її physical illnesses.

A unique table of ailments by Louise Hey is a good hint that helps to reveal the reason on a psychological level and to know a short path for the adoption of ailments.

Thinking about the health of the body, people often spend the need to ensure the health of the soul. Forget to put your own food about those, how pure of their thoughts, emotions, what stench live in harmony with yourself? An order for a healthy person to have a healthy spirit is not right, because comfort is more important on a psychological level. These two warehouses, which are primary for a healthy body, cannot be looked at perfectly, and only a calmer, calmer, more comfortable life will become a guarantee of physical health.

There are a few situations when a person, in case of any pathologies, needs not so much therapeutic help, but psychological help. This fact was confirmed by leading medical practitioners. The exact correlation in the human body of both physical and psychological health has been brought and officially recognized. Directly, medical psychology examines the various aspects of the boundaries of psychosomatics. The table of psychosomatic illnesses was created by a wise doctor and a unique woman, Luisa Hay, if you could help me to find out the reason for the development of an illness and give yourself help.

The table of ailments and psychosomatic causes of Louise Hay was broken up and created by a single method - to help people. Qiu woman can be called pershoprokhіdtsem at long-term emotional and psychological causes of various pathologies that improve the health of people.

Shukati so cause won't be small outside right. Її life was even more collapsible, even from the early childhood. Being a child, she knew she was experiencing post-yne violence. Youth cannot be called the simplest period in one's life. After a frantic re-treatment of the pregnancy, the doctors told her about the absence of pregnancy. Zreshtoy, Luisa Hay, leaving a person after the long fates of a sleeping life. Zreshtoy, the woman finds out about those who have oncology of the uterus in her, that the novelty did not strike, and did not fall. For an hour, she looked at metaphysics, took up meditation, became, and then felt positive affirmations on herself that carry a positive charge.

As a lecturer and consultant, she was in contact with the rich paraffians of the Rozumu Church of Science, and she already knew about those, how constant incompetence in her own powers, formed those negative thoughts with a negative charge, systematically promoted her life and were assigned to her physical state.

Vivchayuchi іnformatsiyni dzherela, won zrozumіla, її ailment, uterine cancer vinikla nevipadkovo, tsomu є reasonable explanation:

  1. Oncological disease is constantly devouring a person, that kind of nevminnya let in an unacceptable situation.
  2. Uterine ailments seem to be unfulfilled for yourself as a woman, mother, protector of a family nest. Often blame and natomіst nevminnya vitrimuvat humiliation from the side of the state partner.

Similar descriptions are given in the tables Luisi Hay ailments and their first causes. Having identified the officials of their pathology, they revealed an effective instrument of jubilation - Luisi's affirmations. Verna affirmations helped women overcome a serious illness in less than 3 months, the doctors confirmed it with a medical whisk. Laboratory studies have shown that the growth of plump cells is stubby.

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This moment to bring those that psychological causes of illness are still clear, and aspects of emotional and physical health are tied with a strong thread. After that, the psychologist Louzi Hay had a meta, she began to share her knowledge and knowledge with one mind, people like that needed additional help and encouragement. Causes of ailment Luisa Hay show even more precisely and confirm this unique table of ailments.

All-light in the house of a woman, who miraculously knew health, to travel around the world with various lectures. Know your readers and fellow thinkers with your own rozrobki, write your own special column in a leading magazine, move on television. Povna table ailment Luisi Hey help people know affirmation and take help. This technique helped wealthy people, stench rose in themselves, took away food intake and healed themselves.

Can you heal?

Incited to work on their own, the book begins with a volume heading, in which Luisa examines the psychosomatic contagion and their causal factors. She herself is wise and tries to explain to her readers that there are a lot of obvious reasons, which appeal to doctors, and are old.

Understand the psychosomatics of Luisi Hay simple people. It is worth explaining that people themselves form stereotypes in this order:

  • causing child psychological trauma;
  • unimportantly put yourself up to yourself;
  • living in dislike from oneself;
  • being unacceptable by society;
  • melting in the soul fears that image.

Louise Hay: “Psychosomatics, the main reason for illness, and just looking at this aspect, you can improve your emotional, psychological, healthy, physical camp.”

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Jubilation and good health to lie down in the presence of people. Individuals may want to help themselves. Louise Hay at the table described possible reasons ill, she pinched hints, gave food like a lure of illness. In order to get sick, it’s necessary to have an emotional burden. As long as the patient does not know the root causes of his problems, the disease does not appear.

Affirmations, on the thought of Hey, it's a trigger mechanism for the cob of changes. From this moment on, a person herself takes responsibility for those who follow her.

  1. Affirmation can be taken from the list provided in the tables by Luisi Hay, or create it in a special way.
  2. It is important that the text has a lot of “not” letters. Tse important moment, lyudska pіdsvіdomіst can wrap up such an affirmation, and see the opposite.
  3. Vimovlyat text aloud every day more often.
  4. Expand the text from the affirmation around the house.

Pratsiuvati z affirmation it is necessary to speed up the process of positive psychological changes.

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Practice with the table behind the rules!

In the tables, name the sickness in alphabetical order. Practice with her like this:

  1. Know the name of the pathology.
  2. Determine the emotional reason, it is not easy to read, but understand the whole world. There will be no effect without notice
  3. At the third column, a positive affirmation has been induced, as it is necessary to promote oneself to full self-esteem.
  4. In a short space of time you will reach the first result.
Abscess (abscess) Thoughts that are turbulent, imagine, ignorance and space. I give my thoughts freedom. Three minutes later, it's over. I have peace in my soul.
Adenoides Tertya in sim'ї, superchki. Child, you seem to be unbearable. This child is needed, the bazhan is out and burnt.
Alcoholism "Who needs it?" Feel the marnosti, blame, inconsistency. Unacceptable specialty. I live today. It's a moment to bring something new. I want to understand what my value is. I love myself and praise my own.
Allergiya (Div. also: "Sinna Lihomanka") Who do you not blame? Zarechennya vlasnoї power. Light is not safe, wine is a friend. I do not threaten any kind of trouble. I have a lot of differences in life.
Amenorrhea (period of menstruation 6 and more months) Nebazhannya be a woman. Self-hatred. Quiet me, that I am like that, like that. I am a thorough viraz of life, and menstruation will always go smoothly.
Amnesia (memory loss) Fear. Vtecha vіd life. Unhappiness stand up for yourself. I have always had a mind, smiliness and a high assessment of the vlasnoy speciality. Living is safe.
Angina (Div. also: "Throat", "Tonsillitis") You stream like rude words. Look at the uncertainty to yourself. I let go of all the fencing and I know the freedom to be myself.
Anemia (anemia) Vіdnosini type "So, ale ..." Deficit of joy. Fear of life. Selfishly unimportant. I don’t feel bad for almost joy in all areas of my life. I love life.
Sickle cell anemia The faith in the power of incompetence allows the joy of life. The child in the middle of you is alive, breathing in the joy of life and living in love. The Lord does wonders every day.
Anorectal bleeding Anger is that disappointment. I trust the process of life. In my life, only the more correct and the more beautiful are trapping.
Anus (back passage) (Div. also: "Hemorrhoids") Never mind the problems, the image and emotions that have accumulated. It is easy and acceptable for me to get rid of everything that is no longer needed in life.
Anus: abscess (abscess) Angry at those you want to get angry at. The prankster is absolutely harmless. My body fills up only those that are not necessary for me in life.
Anus: fistula Nepovne ryatuvannya vіd pokidkіv. Nebazhannya razluchatsya zі smіttya past. I part with joy from the past. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: Sverbіnnya Sorry for the past. I gladly forgive myself. I enjoy freedom.
Anus: bіl Feel sorry. Punishment banquet. Three minutes later, it's over. I choose kohanny and praise myself and everything that I shove at once.
Apathy Opir I feel it. Suppression of emotions. Fear. Vidchuvati - safely. I'm going nazustrich life. I will try to go through the experience of life.
appendicitis Fear. Fear of life. Blocking of all garnoy. I am safe. I relax, I allow the flow of life to flow far away.
Appetite (extra charge) Fear. Self-defense. Undoubted to life. I love and praise myself. Nothing threatens me. Life is joyful and safe.
Appetite (superior) Fear. Need a zahist. Judgment of sensitivities. I am safe. Do not threaten my senses.
arteries Behind the arteries flow the joy of life. Problems with the arteries are the undeniable joy of life. Repovnyuє me joy. It rises in me with a skin blow of the heart.
Arthritis of fingers Punishment banquet. Judgment to yourself. Take it like you're a victim. I marvel at everything with the love that I understand. Everywhere under my life, I look at the krіz prism of the kohanny.
Arthritis (Div. also: "Joints") Feel like you don't love. Criticism, images. I am a kohanna. Now I love myself and commend my vchinki. I marvel with love at other people.
Asthma Nezdatnist dihati for the good of the good. Sense of humiliation. Streaming Ridannya. Now you can calmly take your life in the hands of the power. I choose will.
Asthma does not affect older children Fear of life. Nebazhannya buti here. Tsya child - at povnіy bezpetsi, її to love.
Atherosclerosis Opir. Tension. Not good stupidity. Vidmova bachiti garne. I will restore life and joy. Now I marvel at everything out of love.
Stegna (upper part) Stand support for the body. The main mechanism for moving ahead is an hour. Hai live Stegna! I'm glad to hear from you today. I stand firmly on my feet and shrivele. freedom.
Stegna: ill Poboyuvannya rush forward at the vikonnі main decisions. The vision of meti. My stamina is absolute. I easily and radiantly go forward in life in whatever country.
Beli (Div. also: "Women's ailments", "Vaginit") Perekonanіst, scho zhіnki nepromozhnі vplivat on protilezhnu to become. Anger at a partner. Tse I create situations, in which I opine. Dominion over me is myself. My zhіnochnіst me hush. I am free.
Bіli vugry Pragnennya prihovat negarnu zovnіshnіst. I respect myself with that beautiful kohanoy.
Free Fear that opir to the process of life, or else you need the day of the Batkiv’s confession. I believe in life. Roblyachi will need right in required hour I'm constantly rebuying there, de need. I love and praise myself.
sleeplessness Fear. Lack of confidence in the life process. Feel sorry. With love, I deprive myself of the whole day and dream of a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow is a dream to myself.
skaz Anger. The guilt of the one who has only one impulse is violence. Light settled in me and near me.
Lateral amiotrophic sclerosis (Lou Gerig's ailment; Russian term: Charcot's ailment) Vіdsutnіst bajannya to know your value. Ignorance success. I know that I am a man, what to stand. Achieving success is safe for me. Life kokhaє me.
Addison's ailment (chronic deficiency of measles of the epidermis). Good emotional hunger. Gniv, straightening wines. I love to talk about my body, thoughts, emotions.
Alzheimer's disease (looks like pre-star's bewilderment). Nebazhannya accept light like this, like wine. Hopelessness is that hopelessness. Anger. Start new, shortest way enjoy life. I forgive and protect the past zabuttyu. I

I see joy.

Liz Burbo about psychosomatic causes of illness is clear.

As if a person is aware of the fact that they are clear, it means that they are not able to create materials to make their true decisions so you make a decision, but you don’t realize yoga. Most of all, he has a fear of nasledkami. In addition, a person who has a clear pain, sees fear in his own needs and, as a rule, their lock. At zv'yazku z tsim, vіn often vіdchuvaє their bezporadnіstі and fall into vіdchai.

Burning is clear: psychosomatics.

Porada: Put your own food, how real your fears are, see their presence, live them, study them, give them a flow. Remember that you were often reexamined by failures, pardons, but it does not mean that the stench will wake you up again. The world cannot understand “guilt” and “pardon”. All unacceptable situations, discomfort, fears, fights - this is our message, this is a signal, which means respect for your life. Dosvid rob you wise.

Your body will tell you (more precisely, yours is clear): set real goals and crash down to them, roblyachi, little by little, don’t force the bottom, so that you can take a lot of things. Virt in yourself, in your own strength, more faith to work miracles.

Gums hurt: psychosomatics.

Sharamon Shalila about the metaphysical causes of problems is clear.

The gums are part of the mucous membrane, as they curve and protect the root elements of the teeth (root teeth). Tse zahist, basis, sensi, support for them. And if a person blames problems with clear ones, then, she can’t reach her own goal through the presence of faith in herself. Such a person cannot be accepted by him, he cannot “bite”, as it is necessary.

Sound fear to him, what to sue him, what to stop loving him like that. A person with ailments is clear - already vulnerable, oversensitive. You won’t say “mice pot” about a new one.

Headache: honor, honor, respect, love and appreciate yourself. Tse to give you credit for your own, your own strength. Tse I will give you freedom, independence of thought, courage and love of lonely people.

You must see the strength to put into practice all your decisions that dream. You can, nareshti, know how to feel love to your loved ones. For only that one can love others who loves himself.

Burning is clear: psychosomatics.

Louise Hay about the psychological causes of illness is clear.

The main problems of people with ailments are clear - tse її negligence, lack of material made a decision that vіdsutnіst sevnoї zhittєvoї stance.

Reprogram your mind, replace the negative ones, change them to positive ones, help affirmations, the disease is clear. It is necessary to repeat every day 20 times, in the evening and in the evening, the next time after waking up before going to bed for 3 months.

Affirmations regarding problems are clear: I am a good person. I set goals and go to them until the end of love.

Bleeding is clear: psychosomatics.

Vl. Zhikarintsiv about the prihosomatic causes of bleeding is clear.

Lyudina, who bleeds is clear, after having made a decision that setting goals, she does not feel joy, but is worried about the correctness of the decisions she has made.

Affirmations in the form of bleeding is clear: I trust myself, my heart. I believe that I take less correct decisions. My soul has peace and tranquility.

Edited by Marini Bilova.

Dental white- the most painful pain in the world. And the glee of the teeth is always accompanied by feelings of fear, panic and rage. Ale chi all lie down in the form of hygiene and licorice? Psychologists say no.

The teeth are given to the modern people, so that they can chew their teeth. More ancient light the teeth of the bully were especially zahist, and the grin was a stingy viklik. Children victorious their teeth, to bite, by themselves showing anger and graciousness.

As long as hair is chi nigt may be the power of it, then the teeth are static. And having become rooted, go from a human being all yogo life. The very same problems with teeth can be skin.

As if going back to standard medicine, all dental ailments - hygiene is wrong + malice from licorice, kava, cigarettes + irregularity at the dentist's. Qi factors lead to sick teeth. Here, psychosomatics cannot be denied.

Prote є a number of situations, if the very internal problems become the cause of toothache. You can see here - sensitivity of teeth, sensitivity is clear, wisdom teeth.

How are teeth tied to psychology?

What is the tooth of the world of psychosomatics? What wine do you specialize?

Teeth - tse having shown the courage of a person, having shown її bajannya dіyati, zdatnіst "chew" new ideas that thought, to stand up for yourself (zahistiti).

The axis is the main purpose, as you can bravely spiral, sorting out problems with your teeth.

How to exult your teeth for the help of psychosomatics?

Knowing psychological problems, about how to signal ailments of the teeth, you can shukati the way out.

For the cob, it is important to evaluate the rate of acceptance of new information in the life of a person. What kind of person is open for new ideas? Chi vіdkritiy for new acquaintances?

Potіm varto zvernuti respect for self-significance and rіshuchіst. Chi zavzhdy ideї brought to the end? Why are the goals being realized? Rіshuchіst - important is the vibrancy, in order to lay the result of rich projects.

Teeth ailments to signal people about those who are here vin zapinivsya chi zamyavsya.

And stay, tse love before yourself, that vminnya protect yourself. Under the zeal, psychologists rozumіyut us in front of the moral and emotional cordon.

Skin people can put their own between other people. Tse means, remember to say “nі”, remember to explain your thought, remember to orient yourself in front of your mind, that buv on the thought of those who are mindful.

Often fear - but not like a mustache, zmushue people go to the crossroads of their perekonanny, destroying the special expanse of that boundary. After that, rozdratuvannya appears, as if dissatisfied, as if showing psychosomatics - sensitivity (bіl) teeth.

What is robiti, what is it clear to hurt?

The gum is the support for the teeth, the foundation. Otzhe, as if it were clear, or it is clear to bleed, then go about the cunning camp of the right. People need to look over their priorities and be easygoing and bold, forcing fear.


Psychosomatics is a science that has made its own connections to the mind and body. The head thought of this whole thing is that ailments are born deep in the middle and may be psychologically entrenched.

To spend teeth from a person all yogo life, novlyuyuchis less than 1 time. Dental whitening is one of the most important sights. And going to the dentist is a terrible stress.

90% of the disease of the teeth is still due to physiology and subordination to standard medicine. Ale є 10%, which can be attributed to psychosomatics - sensitivity, burning, bleeding is clear.

Having revealed the reason in oneself, a person is able to independently forge the ailment.

Teeth proteo will require a comprehensive approach. It is necessary not only to take up self-care, but also to turn around to the dentist.


Psychosomatics: Louise Hay explains how to get rid of ailments once and for all

As soon as a little of you choke on psychology, or, at least, as soon as you started to develop the power of thought, then they uttered such a word. psychosomatics. In order to understand the nutrition of what psychosomatics is, Louise Hay wrote a whole book.

In the skin of this blog, I tell you about those that everything that alienates you at once, you attracted to yourself. With your thoughts you create your reality, you live with it.

You know that your thoughts do not only create your life, but you yourself. Ailments, like in your body, you have attracted to yourself.

Respect! You attract the blessings of the kohan people, the ailments of the unfortunate people are spared - it is important to remember that the robot is supported, the power of the thought is all the more pressing tool. With the help of yoga, you can achieve great results, but sometimes you can get better because

Did you know that all people's ailments are blamed through psychological inconsistencies and discord that they blame souls, near the bridges, near the thoughts people? Without a doubt, yes.

Being enthralled, that a cancerous illness will be born like a picture, as if a person is saving in his soul so long, that he starts to literally devour his body, I understood that I happen to be robbed majestic Rozumov robot.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

What is psychosomatics?

Talking my scientific, psychosomatics - not directly in medicine psychology , what is the impact of psychological factors on guilt and the overrun of somatic (body) get sick.

Remember the order "In a healthy body, a healthy spirit"?
I am enthralled that I should know everything. Ale, if you understood what psychosomatics is, I’ll break this order a little: "Healthy mind = healthy body".

In this order, if your head is full of good and positive thoughts, then your body is in order. And from what you have without any negative attitudes, evil thoughts, the image of those blocks - then it will appear on the body.

Smart living happily and calmly, controlling your thoughts and emotions, resting in harmony with yourself is the most pleasant influx into the wild camp of a person’s physical health.

Just as everything is good, so is all the filth in our life - the legacy of our way of thinking, which flows into those who are deluded. All of us may have a lot of thoughts-stereotypes, zavdyaki like life seems to be all good, positive. And keep us quiet. And the stereotypes of negative thoughts lead to unacceptable, shkidlivih results and the stink of us turbulent. Our meta is based on the fact that change life, take care of all the sore and unhanded that be completely healthy.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychocomatics at once is a scientific system, in the field of knowledge of biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology.

A lot of experts and doctors of sciences have brought that in case of some kind of illness, people need help not only from a doctor, but from a professional psychologist or a psychotherapist.

Good, if the doctor is wise and replaces the kilometer list of likiv vypisu ailment straight to a highly qualified fahіvtsya at the gallery of psychology. Tablets can help, insanely, that only effect in them will be timchasim. After a few hours, the problem will turn around, so as not to propra- cyuvate її in the middle.

I realized that I would allow the healers to spare me from the cancerous swelling, but I myself would not get rid of the thoughts that gave rise to ailments, then the healers will then happen again and again to cut Luisa on a piece of doti, until there is nothing left for her.

If they will operate on me, moreover, if I myself will take care of the reasons that I gave birth to a crayfish plump, then I will be done with the ailment for good.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Vzaimozv'yazok I will become an organism of a person with yoga emotional and psychological storage today officially recognized. This interrelationship is viewed within the framework of such a directly medical psychology, like psychosomatics.

How Psychosomatics Appeared: Louise Hay and Old Doctors

Hotch book by Louzi Hay "Heal yourself" nabul majestic popularity among the likuvanni ailments, the language about psychosomatics has gone from the most recent hours.

Even in Greek philosophy and medicine, there was a broader thought about pouring the soul into the spirit on the body. Such an idea itself is in the description chakra system.

Socrates stverzhuvav like this: “You can’t rejoice with eyes without a head, a head without a body, and a body without a soul”. And Hippocrates wrote that the exaltation of the body needed to be repaired from the adopted reasons, how to respect the souls of the sick to beat their Divine work.

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, touched upon the theme of psychosomatics. I have seen a sprinkling of ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraine. However, there was no small amount of scientific evidence, and even hypotheses did not take away the recognition.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first sciences were systematized. The graduates Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine, formulating the concept of "Chikarska sіm'yu".

Trohi later, in the middle of the 20th century, when a magazine began to appear that told about psychosomatic ailments.

Our days in stores there are books written by a wonderful author about those who are psychosomatics. Louise Hay.

Luisa Hay is not short on special education. Luisa Hay is a person of good faith, like working with himself, and in helping other people. Vivchati infusion of negative emotions її sponkuli children and pіdlіtkovі psychological trauma.

Kіlka rokіv to that, the doctors took care of me and made a diagnosis: uterine cancer.

Even though I was lied to, that in the 5th century I was cheated, and in childhood I was often beaten, then there is nothing marvelous that they revealed uterine cancer in me.

Until this hour, I myself have already been engaged in rejoicing, and it was clear that now I see the ability to forge for myself and, by myself, confirm the truth of everything that I have taught other people.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics: Louise Hay and її secrets of clothing

Sob for the sake of ailments, I will be guilty of the її psychological causes. I realized that there is a need in our sickness. Otherwise, there would be no yogo. Symptoms - tse clean outward manifestation ailments. We should see into the depths and find out the psychological reason. Why the will and discipline are powerless here - the stench fights only against the most obvious manifestations of ailments.

Tse same, scho zrivati ​​bur'yan, not virivayay yoga with the root. Why, before the cob of work with the affirmations of a new thought, the next thought of the bazhanya will be relieved of the need for smoking, headache, zavoi vag and other similar speeches. As if you know the need, you know and the sound manifestation. Without the root of roslin in the world.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In these words, Louise explains to us that it is necessary to blame the disease not only from the outer side (faces, glee, Folk medicine), but it’s also important to propagate your thoughts, your attitudes. Indulging in the wrong thoughts and with maximum ease, ailments are indulged.

Psychological reasons that call for more ailment of the body, squeamishness, anger, images and guilt. If, for example, a person engages in criticism to endure a long time, then they often become ill like arthritis. Anger calls out ailments, such an organism boils, burns, becomes infected.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In order to guard yourself against other evil spirits, it is necessary to practice with your emotions and thoughts.

Letting go of the old to make room for the new

Below, at this article, you will make a list of ailments, their causes and affirmations, folded by Louise Hay, to help relieve ailments.

Ale, I care what to do just to start promoting affirmations. It is also necessary to bring out all your negative attitudes, as if they are creating a reality that is inappropriate for us.

Tse sami "bourgeois", Luisa Hay spoke about yaks.

Even if you want to promote new affirmations - old installations can’t go anywhere. Good?
For the cob, їх it is necessary to take a bite. Same effect as affirmations will be 100%.

About those, how to reveal all your blocks, negative attitudes and replace them with new positive thoughts, I wrote in the article

One more “outrageous” emotion, as it drives us in the middle, as it does not allow us to beat the bajan, which ruins our health - the whole image.

For a long time, the image was laid out, devouring the body and, dead, leading to the ablution of the plump and the development of cancerous diseases. Feel sorry for the zavzhd zmushu shukati pokarannya that cause pain. Well, it’s easier to get rid of negative thoughts-stereotypes more, if we are healthy, then we can cure them after we get sick, if we are already in a panic, there was a threat to take a surgeon.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Having formed you, rozcharuvav, or else you are in a swarm of kimos, because in the middle of you there is no siege, which ruins your positive mood. Figure out the need to get up.
Є k_lka methods, how tse zrobiti. I wrote about them in articles:

Table ailments Luzizi Hay

Later, having propagated your past, form and negative attitudes, it is necessary to introduce new ideas and affirmations into your own mind.

At your book "Heal yourself" Louise Hay new pidhid to your thoughts, so that the ailment will go away, or else you will already be vilified by the disease.

This list of psychological equivalents, folded by me as a result of my research studies, after my work with patients on the basis of my lectures and seminars. A list of korisny, as an indicator of the possible stereotypes of the mind, which calls out to the disease.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

At this article, I want to draw the 10 most widespread, in my opinion, ailment. Below there are many ailments and their causes. Tobto, your thoughts, apparently those emotions, like ailments brought to you. And also painted new thoughts, which you need to put into your mind, so that you can turn around.

If you figure out the reasons, I will help you get rid of the disease through the forces of thought.

1. Throat, sore throat

The throat is the channel of expressiveness and creativity.

Imovirnі cause pain in the throat:

  • Unhappiness stand up for yourself
  • Forged anger
  • Crisis of creativity
  • Nebazhannya change
  • You stream like rude words
  • Look at the uncertainty to yourself

New pidhid before the problem: replace the current installations with new ones.

I see all the fencing and I know the freedom to be myself
Noise is not blocked
My self-expression is free and radiant
I can easily take care of myself
I demonstrate my building to creativity
I want to change
I open my heart and sing about the joy of cohan

2. Undead

Immovable reason:

  • Help about help
  • Internal crying

New pidhid:
I love and breathe in myself so that I am welcome
I love myself

3. Head bill

Immovable reason:

  • Underestimating yourself
  • self-criticism
  • Fear

New pidhid:
I love and praise myself
With love I marvel at myself
I am at the top of the security

4. Filthy zіr

The eyes symbolize the building clearly in the past, today, tomorrow.

Immovable reason:

  • Do not fit those who keep your life
  • When short-haired - tse fear of the future
  • With far-sightedness - you see yourself not seeing the world

New pidhid:
Here and at once I don’t threaten anything
I'm clear
I accept Divine curation, and I will live in safety
I marvel at love and joy

5. Zhіnochi ailments

Immovable reason:

  • Unacceptable to oneself
  • Vіdmova vіd zhіnochnostі
  • Vіdmova on the principle of zhіnochnostі
  • Image for people

New pidhid:
I am quiet that I am a woman
I love being a woman
I love my body

II forgive all people, I accept their kokhannya

6. Injuries

Imovirnі reasons:

  • Anger, beasts of wine
  • Feel sorry
  • Punishment for entry into your own rules

New pidhid:
I use my anger for the good
I love myself and highly value
I create life, outside the city

7. Opiks

Imovirnі reasons:

  • gniv
  • Internal boiling
  • Burning

New pidhid:
I create only peace and harmony with my own and my honed
I'm meritorious on the garne self-feeling

8. Appearance of gray hair

Imovirnі reasons:

  • stress
  • Vira in the need for a vice and tension

New pidhid:
My soul is calm in all spheres of my life
I have a whole lot of my strength and my strengths

9. Problems with the intestines

It symbolizes the order of the uncommon.

Imovirnі reasons:

  • Fear of permission from the mustache vigilant and uncommon

New pidhid:
I easily conquer and absorb everything that I need to know, and for joy I part
Have fun - it's so easy!
I easily see the old and for the joy of the arrival of the new

10. Back pain

The back is a symbol of the support of life.

Imovirnі reasons:

  • Fear through pennies
  • Day of financial support
  • Visibility of moral support
  • Feel like you don't love
  • Streaming like a kohannya

New pidhid:

I trust the life process
I forever take away those that I need
I have everything
I love myself and praise
To love me and support life

Golovne - love yourself

Kokhannya is the strongest zasib against all ailments and ailments. I spit out a kohanna. I want kohati and buti kohanim. I am happy for myself and that radio. I am healthy for myself. I'm running, how my dreams manage. I'm trying out new security.

Send the skin, whom you know, the words of that praise, the encouragement of that love. Understand that if you wish happiness to other people, the stench will tell you to yourself.

Let your kohannu roam the whole planet. Let your heart open up nazustrich insane kohanny. Marvel at: the skin of this world is alive with a high-lifted head, and those who are on the new check in the future. You are a good kokhannya. You are beautiful. You - can. You are ready to accept all those who can be with you.

See your strength. See the strength of your breath. See the power of your voice. See the power of your kohanny. See the power of your forgiveness. See the strength of your bazhanya change. See її. You are beautiful. Vee is greater, Divine creation.

You deserve only the best, and not just a part, but the best. See your strength. Live with her in harmony, you are safe. Soak up the skin of a new day with open volumes and words of kokhannya.

Let it be so!

Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics of Luisi Hay is more important information, so that you can better understand yourself and allow yourself to be healthy. Have you now looked over your appointment to the point of ailment? Were you aware of what could be the cause of your illness? And if you want to know more about the power of thought, how to beat the Bajans, come to my master class, where I share my best knowledge with my special knowledge. You can register

The point of power is here and at once - in our minds.
Our thought is literally to create our future.
We form our own reconciliation in childhood, and then we collapse our lives, in the wake of the situation, as if it were our reconciliation.
Unreasonably punish themselves in present moment only through those who have formed you a long time ago. People who gave us suffering, were just as sloppy as if you were at once. Constantly foretell your past - it means to work harder for yourself.
All podії, as if there was little space for your life up to the present moment, were the result of your thoughts and reconciliations that came from the past.
Let the past pass with love, be grateful to you for those who brought it to such an awareness.
If you had a thought about a negative character, then just say "Thank you for your fate."
We can work on our own choosing to forgive ourselves and work on everyone without a blame, especially on ourselves. Let me not know how to forgive, but if you want to.
Like only a sick person, he needs to ask his heart, whom you need to vibache.
In order to change something else, it is necessary for us to change ourselves. It is necessary to change the excess of our thoughts.
The more I tremble for a hardness, the more clear it is for me that the very same hardness I need to sound.
Our biggest support is through fear - fear of the unknown.
Your mind is your mind, and you yourself virishuet, like yoga victorious.
Our body is constantly moving with us. Yakby we knew the time to listen. The skin clitina of the body reacts to our skin thought, that skin word.
All our mutually with the necessary light to drive our setting to itself.
You and only you bear the responsibility for your life. You can spend an hour for nothing, narrating the callousness of your day, or rotting the atmosphere of your father's house. Vchinyayuchi such a rank, you save the revelation to yourself like about the unfortunate martyr that victim. Such a pidhіd is able, however, if you don’t look at it, don’t make you happy in life.
Self-criticism - Tse inclusion of yours. You have so accustomed your mind to constantly belittle yourself and repair opir changes, so it’s just important for you at once not to pay respect to those who seem to be guilty of you.
...Let your thoughts pass calmly through your knowledge, stink not to have any power over you, for sure, think that you yourself will not take them. Such thoughts are your opir change. Our thoughts do not have any power over us, until we support ourselves.
Feel sorry for not being able to wait until the podia, which turned out to be true.
Independently, at what stage of life you know, what contribution you made and what you see in the new, you always work everything that is in your power - on your lower eve, understanding, knowing that knowledge.
Nabuttya viri - mitteviy process, haircut at nowhere. You just need to take and trust yourself with the inner strength tied to the All-Sveta mind.
I believe in those that I can have all the necessary knowledge, I believe that they talk about me, that I can’t help the situation.
I am one whole with strength, as she created me. I am safe. In my world, everything is miraculous.
More expensive for a thousand miles starts from one krok.
These are the so-called problems - nothing else, as given us a new opportunity to change and grow.
If we love ourselves, we praise our vchinki and we are deprived of ourselves, our life becomes beautiful, which cannot be hung with words.
Self-praise and self-acceptance is the key to positive changes our life.
Drive away thoughts, like to shy you unfortunate, to make speeches, like you are like, chat with people who feel good about you.
To become a volodar of our miraculous speeches, it is necessary to first believe for everything, that the stench is possible.
To love yourself means to sanctify the very fact of proving your own specialness and be grateful to God for the gift of life.
We have a dossi trichny child with our skin, which is scary, if you want only a little bit of kohanna.
Kokhannya - not a sour manifestation, out there in the middle of us! Lyubov is the only answer to our problem, and I will get to this point - through forgiveness. Forgiveness for changing the image.
Your confession is a specialization of the beautiful and loving life on the cob.
Our inner strength to lie in the fact that we appreciate our right to be a good life. I want to sing in the presence of a prihovanny bazhanya but be indestructible. I am worthy of all the best things in life, and I allow myself to be accepted with love!
Trust life. Wherever your share would not throw you, it will be more expensive. You have to turn over the field of life and prove it yourself, what is truth and what is nonsense. Then you can turn to your inner center - the soul, which has been cleansed and wiser.
People who do not feel love for themselves, as a rule, cannot forgive.
It is necessary for us to accept from ourselves all those who we have previously thrown. Accept that part for yourself, as if, perhaps, it is funny, bad, neohaynoy, sloppy. The skin is part of itself.
Shorazu, if you think you're scared, guess about the inner child. Adzhe tse vin vimovlyaє tsі words. Let the child be wiser and believe in those who, in any case, will not turn up in the environment during the day, and in no case will you throw yoga in the bath. You will forever be entrusted to him and never fall out of love.
Skin from us may be an inextricable link from the all-world and life in the fire. The strength is in the middle of us - to the expansion of horizons in our knowledge.
To love oneself means to determine the purpose of one's life, to know that love is busy.
Love for other people and hats is miraculous, ale passable, and the romance of itself is eternal. Win for good. To love with me in the middle of you: the child, the father of those rocks, like they support them.
If we mess up, then everything is under control. In this rank, we do not allow positive changes in our lives. Trust life. She has everything we need.
Put your money into everything you work for. If you have inaccuracies, turn to yourself: what lesson should you learn from this situation?
As if you were smitten with rozcharuvannya, repeat, what would you like to succumb to your life, and then accept it for the joy of that spirit in your heart.
Everything in the world is in abundance, only because of that you check, so you have learned to know about this insignificant wealth. There are more pennies, you can spend less. There are more people, less people, you have been judged for all your life. Joy - more, lower you can show yourself. If you believe in yourself, you will have everything that you care about.
Supernitstvo that equals itself with others is the axis of the two main transitions to become a creative specialty.
In order to gain strength and bring the change to the end, an hour is needed. The hour is uninterrupted zusilla.
You are not guilty of trusting us. All that you are guilty of nobility will come to you at the necessary place, at the necessary hour.
All quotes by Luisi Hay.

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