Press the gas for a steady temperature. Basic laws of the gas industry. Vimoga until midnight

2. Isochoric process. V-stationary. P and T change. Gas obeys Charles's law . The pressure, with constant contact, is directly proportional to the absolute temperature

3. Isothermal process. T-post. P and V change. In this case, the gas is ordered by the Boyle-Mariotte law. . The pressure of a given mass to gas at a constant temperature is proportional to the flow of gas.

4. Z great amount gas processes, if all parameters are changed, you can see the process that is accelerating gas law. For the mass of gas, pressure per volume divided by absolute temperature is a constant value.

This law is stagnant for a large number of gas processes, if the gas parameters change very quickly.

All these laws for real gases are close. Deaths will increase due to the increasing pressure and intensity of the gas.

Order of Vikonannya robots:

1. robot part.

1. The glass hose is lowered into a vessel with water at room temperature (Fig. 1 in the appendix). Then the bag is heated (by hand, with warm water). With respect to the pressure on the gas, write down the volume of gas at the temperature


2. Connect the cylindrical container with a millimeter with a hose (Fig. 2). We heat a metal vessel and heat it with an additional igniter. With respect to the constant gas, write how to keep pressure on the gas depending on the temperature.


3. A cylindrical dish, placed up to the millimeter, is squeezed with your hands, changing its volume (Fig. 3). Considering the temperature of the gas is constant, write how to keep the pressure on the gas in volume.


4. Connect the pump from the chamber to the ball and pump the ball in batches (Fig. 4). How did the volume and temperature of the air pumped into the chamber change?


5. Pour about 2 cm 3 of alcohol into the bowl, close it with a stopper and a hose (Fig. 5), attach it to the injection pump. We are working on a number of pitches until the cork rolls out of the dance. How do pressure volume and air temperature (and alcohol vapor) change after removing the plug?


Part of the robot.

Reversing the Gay-Lussac law.

1. Remove the heated glass tube from the hot water and lower it with the open end into a small bowl of water.

2. Place the tube vertically.

3. In the world of cooling, pour water into the tube from the vessel into the tube (Fig. 6).

4. Known

Dovzhina tube and stovpa povitrya (on the cob until the end)

The volume of warm air in the pipe,

The area of ​​the transverse cut of the tube.

The height of the water that entered the pipe before the water cooled in the pipe.

Dovzhina of the cold wind in the pipe

The volume of cold air in the pipe.

On the basis of Gay-Lussac's law We have two countries

Abo (2) (3)

Temperature of hot water at the boiler

Room temperature

We need to check the equation (3) and, therefore, the Gay-Lussac law.

5. Countable

6. It is known that the extinction of the vimir at the vimir until the end of the day takes Dl = 0.5 cm.

7. We know the absolute ruin of marriage


8. Record the result of the match


9. We know the death of T, accepting

10. We know the absolute destruction of the calculation

11. Record the calculation result

12. If the interval of the designated temperature ratio (at least often) is avoided by the interval of the designated temperature until the winds in the pipe, then equation (2) is fair and the winds in the pipe are in accordance with the law Gay Lusaka.


Vimoga bye:

1. The name is meta robots.

2. Change of installation.

3. Paint the little ones in addition and create outlines for finishing 1, 2, 3, 4.

4. Write notes, notes, instructions for other parts of the laboratory work.

5. Write a sketch from another part of the laboratory robot.

6. Create graphs of isoprocesses (for sections 1,2,3) in the axes: ; ; .

7. Unlock tasks:

1. Calculate the strength of the acid, since its pressure is 152 kPa, and the mean quadratic fluidity of the molecules is -545 m/s.

2. One liter of gas at a pressure of 126 kPa and a temperature of 295 K takes up a volume of 500 liters. Know the gas for normal minds.

3. Find the mass of carbon dioxide in a cylinder with a capacity of 40 liters at a temperature of 288 K and a pressure of 5.07 MPa.


The basis of the physical powers of gases and the laws of the gas state is the molecular-kinetic theory of gases. Most of the laws of the gas state were derived for an ideal gas, the molecular force of which is equal to zero, and the interaction of the molecules themselves is infinitely small and equal to that of the intermolecular space.

Molecules of real gases, in addition to the energy of a rectilinear flow, contain the energy of wrapping and collapsing. The stench takes over the singing space, so that the end dimensions are looming. The laws for real gases often differ from the laws for ideal gases. This increases the pressure of gases and their lower temperature, ensuring the introduction of a similar level of correction factor for the fluidity factor.

When transporting gases through pipelines under high pressure, the cohesiveness coefficient is of great importance.

When the pressure on gas in gas limits is up to 1 MPa, the laws of the gas state of ideal gas reach exactly the same level as the power of natural gas. With more in a high vice or else low temperatures to stabilize the mixture in order to protect the water that occupies the molecules and the forces of interaction between them, or to introduce correction coefficients for the ideal gas - the coefficient of compressibility of the gas.

Boyle-Marriott law.

Numerical studies have established that if you take a small amount of gas and apply it to different vices, then the amount of gas used will change in proportion to the size of the vice. This content between the pressure and the volume of gas at a constant temperature is expressed by the following formula:

p 1 /p 2 = V 2 /V 1, or V 2 = p 1 V 1 /p 2

de p 1і V 1- Pochatkov’s absolute pressure and gas pressure; p2і V 2 - the pressure and gas applied after the change.

From this formula you can derive the following mathematical expression:

V 2 p 2 = V 1 p 1 = const.

Then the additional amount of gas pressure will be a constant value at a constant temperature. This law is practically stagnant in the gas dominion. It allows you to apply pressure to the gas when changing the pressure and pressure to the gas when changing the pressure, so that the temperature of the gas becomes constant. The more the volume of gas increases at a constant temperature, the less its thickness becomes.

The density between volume and thickness is expressed by the formula:

V 1/V 2 = ρ 2 /ρ 1 ,

de V 1і V 2- obligations that borrow gas; ρ 1 і ρ 2 - thicken the gas, which indicates these obligations.

If the relationship with gas is replaced by the setting of their gas, then you can remove:

ρ 2 /ρ 1 = p 2 /p 1 or ρ 2 = p 2 ρ 1 /p 1.

It is possible to make a calculation that, at the same temperature, the strength of the gases is directly proportional to the vice under which the gases are located, so that the strength of the gas (at a constant temperature) will be greater than more yogo pressure.

butt. Gas volume with a vice 760 mm Hg. Art. and at a temperature of 0 °C become 300 m 3. How do you borrow this gas for a vice of 1520 mm Hg. Art. And at the same temperature?

760 mmHg Art. = 101329 Pa = 101.3 kPa;

1520 mmHg Art. = 202658 Pa = 202.6 kPa.

Values ​​representing the tasks V, p 1, p 2 y formula, negated, m 3:

V 2= 101, 3-300/202,6 = 150.

Gay-Lussac's law.

With constant pressure, the temperature of the gases increases, and with lower temperatures it changes, whereas with constant pressure, the same amount of gas is directly proportional to their absolute temperatures. Mathematically, this content between the volume and temperature of the gas under constant pressure is written as follows:

V 2 / V 1 = T 2 / T 1

de V – obsyag gas; T – absolute temperature.

The formula shows that as soon as a gas is heated under constant pressure, it will change as many times as its absolute temperature changes.

It has been established that when the gas is heated by 1 °C with a constant pressure, the pressure increases by a constant amount, which reaches 1/273.2 of the cob pressure. This value is called the thermal expansion coefficient and is designated . Looking at this, Gay-Lussac’s law can be formulated as follows: the application of a given mass to gas under constant pressure is a linear function of temperature:

V t = V 0 (1 + βt or V t = V 0 T/273).

Charles's law.

During constant operation, the absolute pressure of constant gas pressure is directly proportional to its absolute temperature. Charles's law is expressed by the following formula:

p 2 / p 1 = T 2 / T 1 or p 2 = p 1 T 2 / T 1

de p 1і p 2- absolute vice; T 1і T 2- Absolute gas temperatures.

From the formula, you can create a formula that, with constant contact, the pressure on the gas when heated increases as many times as its absolute temperature increases.

The fragments in the isobaric process P are steady, then after shortening by P the formula looks like

V 1 / T 1 = V 2 / T 2

V 1 / V 2 = T1 / T2.

The formula is a mathematical expression of Gay-Lussac's law: with a constant mass of gas and constant pressure, the pressure on the gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature.

Isothermal process

The process of gas that occurs at a constant temperature is called isothermal. The isothermal process in gas was developed by the English scientist R. Boyle and the French scientist E. Mariot. Establishing them with the completed way of links to go out directly from the formula with the way of shortening on T:

p 1 V 1 =p 2 V 2 ,

p 1 / p 2 = V 1 / V 2.

The formula is a mathematical expression Boyle-Mariota law: with a constant gas mass and constant temperature, the pressure on the gas is proportional to its volume. Otherwise, in the case of drains, the supply pressure is supplied to gas and the value is constant:

The graph of p versus V during an isothermal process in gas is a hyperbola and is called an isotherm. There are 3 images of isotherms for one and the same mass of gas, but for different temperatures T. During an isothermal process, the thickness of the gas changes directly proportional to the pressure:

ρ 1 /ρ 2= p 1 /p 2

Pressure pressure on gas depending on temperature during constant use

Let's take a look at how to keep pressure on the gas from the temperature, if your mass is deprived of food. Just close the container with gas and heat it up (Figure 4). The gas temperature t is measured using a thermometer and a pressure gauge M.

First, place the vessel in the melting snow and press the gas at 0 0 C, significant p 0, and then we will gradually heat the outer vessel and record the p and t values ​​for the gas.

It turns out that the graph of tenure p i t, the number of calls on the stand of such evidence, looks like a straight line (Figure 5).

If you continue this graph to the left, it will move from the entire abscissa to point A, which corresponds to zero pressure on the gas. There are 5 similar trikutniks, and you can write:

P 0 /OA=p/Δt,

l/OA=p/(p 0 Δt).

If we define l/OA as constant through α, then we can remove

α = Δp//(p 0 Δt),

Δp= α p 0 Δt.

Instead, the proportionality coefficient in the descriptions is to express the degree of change in the pressure of the gas of its kind.

Magnitude γ, characterizes the amount of gas in a certain type of gas during the process of changing temperature with constant exposure to a constant mass of gas, is called the temperature coefficient of the pressure. The temperature coefficient shows how much of the gas taken at 0 0 C changes when heated to 1 0 C. We display the unit of temperature coefficient in CI:

α =l ΠA/(l ΠA*l 0 C)=l 0 C -1

In this case, at the end of the cycle, OA comes out to be equal to 273 0 C. Thus, for all surges, the temperature at which the pressure of the gas is forced to go to zero, however, the new and previous ones are 273 0 C, and the temperature coefficient of the pressure is α = 1/OA =(1/273 ) 0 C-1.

When solving problems, be sure to explore the closest values ​​of α equal to α =1/OA=(1/273) 0 -1 . From further research, the significance was first identified by the French physicist J. Charles, who was born in 1787. having established the offensive law: the temperature coefficient does not lie in the same type of gas and is equal to (1/273.15) 0 C -1. Please note that these are only suitable for gases that have low strength and require small temperature changes; at greater pressure or low temperatures, there will be a type of gas. The ideal gas obeys Charles's law exactly. It is clear how you can measure the pressure of any gas p at a certain temperature t.

Having substituted the values ​​Δр and Δt into the formula, we can remove

p 1 -p 0 =αp 0 t,

p 1 = p 0 (1 + αt).

Fragments α~273 0 C, when solving problems, the formula can be modified to look like this:

p 1 = p 0

Before any process, it is necessary to combine the gas law with the understanding that one of the parameters becomes permanent. In an isochoric process, V is permanently lost, the formula after shortening to V takes on the form

The mathematical expression of the Boyle-Marriott law is the formula P2/P1=V1/V2 or PV=const.

Butt: at low temperatures, the pressure of gas, which takes up a volume of 3 liters, reaches 93.3 kPa. How can you change the gas supply to 2.8 liters without changing the temperature?

Solution: having indicated the search pressure through P 2, you can write
P 2/93.3 = 3/2.8. Zvіdsi: P 2 = 93.3 * 3/2.8 = 100 kPa.

The pressure between gas pressure, pressure and temperature can be expressed in parallel, which follows the laws of Boyle-Marriott and Gay-Lussac

de P і V - pressure and gas flow at a given temperature T, P about, V o - pressure and gas flow for normal minds.

Butt: at 25°W pressure 99.3 kPa, the acidity of gas takes up a volume of 152 ml. Do you know what is required for the volume of gas at 0°C and 101.33 kPa?

Solution: submitting data to match, deleted

Vo=РVоТ/Р 0 Т=99.ЗкPa*152ml*273K/(101.33kPa*298K)=136.5ml.

If the washes where the gas is found differ from the normal ones, then the Mendelev-Clapeyron equation is used, which relates all the main parameters to the gas

de R – gas pressure, Pa; V - gas supply, m 3; m - gas mass, g; M is the molar mass of the gas, g/mol; R - universal constant gas, 11 = 8.31 J/(mol*K); T – gas temperature, Do.


When selected molecular vag gas-like streams It is often possible to succumb to gas, floating above water, or saturated with water vapor. Therefore, due to the pressure of the gas, it is necessary to introduce a correction for the partial pressure of water vapor.

Partial vise (p) is the name given to that part of the gaseous vise that is vibrated by the gas madness that falls on the part of this gas.

In this case, the partial pressure on the gas in the sumish is comparable to the pressure that it vibrates, occupying one of the very same duties that the sumish takes on.

Butt: mix 2 liters of sour and 4 liters of sour oxide SO 2 taken under a pressure that is equal to 100 kPa; volume of the bag is 6 liters. Consider the partial pressure of gases in the sumisha.

Solution: for washing, the sourness increased after mixing at 6/2=3 times, with sulfur oxide – at 6/4=1.5 times. The partial pressure of gases has changed so many times. Otje

p(Pro 2)= 100/3=33.3 kPa, p(SO 2)=100/l.5=66.7 kPa.

Zhidno Law partial pressure, the secret pressure of madness gaziv, not members Friend h friend have a chemical mutual relationship, that’s it sumi partial vices gaziv, warehouse sumish.

Butt: mix Zl 2, 4l 2 and 6 l N 2. Before mixing, press CO 2, Pro 2 , N 2 became 96.108 and 90.6 kPa. The total volume is 10 liters. Mean the pressure of the sumisha.

Resolution: known partial pressure of liquid gases

p(Z 2)=96*3/10=28.8 kPa,

p(Pro 2)=108*4/10=43.2 kPa,

p(N 2)=90.6*6/l 0=54.4 kPa.

The burning vice of the gas bag is the ancient sum of partial vices.



1. What kind of minds characterize gases and call them normal?

2. What kind of debt borrows 1 mole of gas for normal minds?

3. Give a formulation of Avogadro's law.

The French physicist Charles developed a law (1787), which expresses the importance of changing the pressure of gas on temperature during constant communication.

Evidence shows that when the gas is heated with constant contact, the pressure on the gas increases. The scalar quantity that changes with the unit pressure of the gas taken at 0 0 C by changing its temperature by 1 0 C is called the thermal coefficient γ.

So, what is the thermal coefficient of the vice?

de r 0 - gas pressure at 0°C, p- pressure on the gas after heating . There is such evidence (Fig. 13, a). Place vessel A in water with ice with taps 1 and 2 running. When vessel A is placed in a new container, cool until 0°C, close tap 2. Place the cob mill in the vessel: t ° = 0 ° C, p 0 = 1 at. Without changing the heat, place the vessel in hot water. The heat in the pan heats up, and its pressure increases with temperature. t° 1 = 40°C there it stands p 1 = 1.15 at. Thermal coefficient of the vice

With more precise traces, which determined the thermal coefficient of pressure for liquid gases, Charles discovered that with constant contact, all gases have the same thermal coefficient of pressure.

From the formula of the thermal coefficient of the vice

Replaceable t° = T-273°. Todi

Replaced can be removed

oh well, р = р 0 γТ.

If pressure on gas at temperature T 1 means p 1 a at temperature T 2 - p 2, That р 1 = γр 0 Т 1і р 2 = γр 0 Т 2. Having lifted the pressure, we remove the formula to Charles’s law:

For the mass of gas under constant pressure, the pressure on the gas changes in direct proportion to the change in the absolute temperature of the gas. This is the formulation of Charles's law. The process of changing gas during constant communication is called isochoric. The formula for Charles's law is equal to the isochoric gas. The higher the temperature of the gas, the higher the average kinetic energy of the molecules, and therefore their greater fluidity. In connection with this, the number of impacts of molecules on the walls of the vessel increases, then a vice. In Fig. 13 b images graph of Charles's law.

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