What does it mean to pick a lad. Who is such a bastard. Who is such a good-natured bastard

The etymology of the word “heeled man”, obviously, is obvious: “the one who goes under the heel”. Oskilki heels are most often worn by women, and the concept of “heeled man” gets used exclusively to a person’s family, it is possible to grow visnovok, which this term describes a belittled and easier place of a person in a woman with a woman. In fact, earlier they called hunting falcons like that, they dressed them with hoods (special caps) to calm them down. Tim is not smaller family vіdnosin.

Hecklings are obviously addicted

For a stretch of the history of Russia and Europe, look at family life were utterly patriarchal. The person was vvazhavsya by the head of this family, one-sidedly viable for taking the decision that the main zdobuvachem. The ideas of women's equality were born not long ago, so many people do not know how to accept the fact that a woman can also take the decision to bear the responsibility for them. For this reason, people call pidkabluchniks not only quiet people, as if they wholeheartedly bowed to their companions, but they are simply quiet, who, on the basis of equal rights, that obov'yazkiv.

For the classic rosuminous, the heeled man is a weak representative of a person’s status, which, for other reasons, does not stand up to his point of view, therefore, it’s good for everyone to feel embarrassed by his girlfriend and retinue. People often become heeled, as they have not reached significant peaks in life. Lack of luck in life becomes an additional argument, which allows the companion of such a person to be unimportantly put like before the very first, so I look at those other important food.

The cream of the obvious dominance of a woman over a person, who blames her for being more aggressive, or simply for an active life position of a representative of a beautiful state, situations are becoming more common, in such a person, formally vvayuchas the head of this, in fact, a victim of a master mania. For the help of tears, forestry, threats, or a cunning woman, repair her companion in such a way as you want. In certain moods, a person is resting on a culture of upliftment, who takes decisions on his own, wanting to really lie down in the spirit of his “halves”.

Weakness chi actions?

Nareshti, found "voluntary" scammers, that people, like in exchange for family well-being and home comfort is influenced by one’s own glances, for example, at food. Vіdminnіst tsgogo cholovіkіv vіd sprаzhnіh і іѕu, scho stinks clearly podіlyаyat sphere vplyu, not allowing women on "their" territory, for insignificant, s look, actions. As a rule, such a command does not only allow the woman to become a full member of the family, but rather allows for impersonal unacceptable situations and conflicts.

Do not swindle a person who is ready to compromise on his actions, with a weak-willed and sly pidkabluchnik. Zreshtoy, building to take someone else's point of view, or to recognize the power of wrongness, to witness maturity and masculinity, and not weakness.

In this article, I will continue the topic about the specific category of “persons” and rozpovіm toby, who is such a pidkaluchnik.

pіdkabluchnik- the one who creeps / bends in front of the girls / women.

In a boyish way, in a human way, pidkabluchnik, simpler seeming, tse babska pіdstilka \u003d)

How can I buti: the woman does not violate anything. Virishu man. As I want, so be it. Dot, dot.

Well, it’s not so with you, you allow the woman to take a decision, you are not the head of the centurions.

Weak people have chains, women can act like that, vshchent vilazit, show their hysterics, show off, pomikat, manipulate, punish, virishuvate for a person, etc.

Remember'yatai: if a woman is there trying to get angry, manipulate, lie for a person, tell you, what and yak = i wine support her, bend, creep, then tse and є pіdkabluchnik.

Pid. Heels. Who? Who to wear podbori? That's right - women are the axis and everything.

Tse fu-fu behavior = not a good person a priori. It’s time to talk about those who are weak.

Cholovik - tse vidpovіdalnіst. And chi is not a woman. Are you mad? A person is the one who takes on the functions of a person. If the human functions are not victorious, but your wife, then you have problems.

Such people have low self-esteem, they don’t stink in themselves, they’re afraid to waste their queen, it’s immovable, problems go more from childhood, a strict mother weak tato / tata’s appearance (like in the past, the correct human behavior model), maybe it’s just wrong, not literate, the woman has broken, let’s say, domesticated, tamed and bred with a heel and a lot of something else ...

More than one girl / woman = don’t be serious about such a “man”.

The stench called out that they were swearing, but a strong man didn’t swear, he himself lied everything, he showed, he gave clear statements, but it didn’t suit her, she called out that she herself was cherishing her life, etc., zagalom, sounded like a head.

Such women are proud, proud, oh, they are not ready to be led. Yak can buti.

Obviously, weak people will be her, let's say so "befits", because they stink puppets for her.

Such a woman \u003d you can "reconcile" and, let's say, "remember", only more strong man. Food, why is such a girl of such a strong person and you want to spend your time on her.

More so pannochki, if you want to grow up for your own person - pick up. For this stink of vikoristovuyut kupa-kupa-kupa manipulations, so that step by step patsik becoming ear-witted, spineless, domesticated, well, having spent himself for a short time, like a peasant. This is the zhahlivaya category of pannochok, to which the woman is guilty of working her man STRONGER and BETTER. And not out of the blue.

The reward here is simple: do not let your wife let you eat. Read more!

That's right - if the person is head (leading), and the woman is led. Tse is natural.

If you don’t take the pannochka category to the point of respect, then all other girls / women will not seriously interact with such “people” (weak, picky, thin mattresses).

As a rule, the women of the cholovіkіv revise (you have eggs) and give one or two, otherwise they beat you (milk, and you yourself are on the side in the peasant's jokes) or just sigh with kintsy.

Women love strong men. Strong cholovіkіv stink vodchuvayut. Strong people are respected, valued, afraid to spend, spit, rozkvitayut on the eyes and so on.

To strong people = women have a different behavior. Forbearing. Forbearing. І etc.

This person can and is guilty of bending a woman, speaking at her, giving direct statements, etc. it’s normal, to that the person is the head of the lead in mutual, the person is the leader, and the woman is led. Hello, don't worry.

Like a girl / woman is not ready to be led = you don’t need such a girl.

The woman is guilty of clearly understanding and recognizing that the person is at the house / mutually. Tse, to the point, one of the powers of the ideal squad, women. Pannochka on a note.

If a woman becomes weak, panting over a man (strong statue) and leading (head) - it’s not natural, it’s not normal, it’s not enough to stretch out for a long time, then a normal woman needs a man, a woman wants to pidkoryatisya, to hear thinly. of your own person, of your own, you want to say nothing, what is it, etc. you want to be behind the little human shoulder, to be weak and happy.

Well, then the patsy bends in front of the woman, the woman sees it, she sees it, she’s going to fight, as a result: otherwise you climb on your head, start working with you whatever you want, blame the brain, hurt, punish you, work this, work, I want that, I want it, see me, don’t value it, don’t value it too much.

In short, all that zhakh, which is not a warty to you.

Abo, lady, just say it to you before you are sacked and with kintsy, and the best option is the same as before ... Ale! І te th te, tobі = not pleasant, don't be a heel to that.

How not to become a pidbor?

Do not bend under the woman. Nikoli. It doesn't fit, speak directly. Vmіy say - nі.

I said no. Mustache. I won't. Do not want. І etc. vreshti-resht, as if the problem does not disappear, throw it її that mustache, it’s not necessary to pidlashtovuvatisya, be patient, it’s hard to bend there. millions of other women, as if they were ready to come home, and not the head ones, and I'm singing, the stench is better for your past.

Be a human: the person is lying, like and what, but who is not a woman.

  • Navit takі drіbnіtsі, on what film you will vyrіshuєsh ti, not out.
  • Wherever you go to learn - you swear, not get out.
  • De ti sit down, virishuesh ti, and not out.
  • De vi zhitimete - virishuesh ty, not out.
  • І a lot of something else, ti = vidpovіdalnіst, ti leading, ti leader. Mustache. Dot, dot.

Believe me, a literate woman, she is ready to be led and listened to and listened to her man.

The one who was instructed by such a person = woman = to feel safe, hijacked, able to relax and be “weak”, in short, just be a happy girl.

Gay, you don’t need to grow your own eggs, think like that, take a folded decision, win everything, be a head - no, normal girls \u003d don’t want anything, they need a strong man, that’s all.

Happy girls: help your man - to change.

Butt: wіn \u003d what kind of film is pіdemo? Ty: you are a person - you are virishuy. The axis is a competent position.

The crown of literate girls. Absolutely greatness ala-vulu, like I don’t want / can’t / can’t think of anything, there’s only one Instagram in my mind, nothing, clothes are more expensive, and nothing more, they don’t develop, like women, they don’t make themselves skinny. etc. and the stones of the floorings are coherent and serious, which is impossible to convey in words, the absolute greater is not the understanding of everything ...

To inspire really serious, harmonious and happy women = man and woman can be equal one to one, strong lanka + strong lanka = success.

Zagal, a man, no one will become a people, but a flock - get up, work on yourself.

Quote yourself. Shout yourself. Love yourself. Pump yourself up, like a man and remember, like a woman with herds of herds for you bigy - and you already choose, with whom you buti chi don’t buti, who you deserve, but who doesn’t. And don’t endure like a woman’s bullshit, hysterics, wines of the brain, winnow її bajannya that vimogi, creep, bend over, humble yourself thinly. The woman does not believe anything.

You are a man, and you all virishuesh. As you wish, so be it. With Kim you want - with Tim i you will be. І etc. Tee. Mustache. Virishuesh. Point, dot! On this May, that's all. More articles in the distribution

Hello, administrator.

In this article, it is revealed that there are three types of people in the life of a woman. And what are the people themselves.

Starting a family life, a woman and a person start to make their own business, call on the partner’s thought, impose a difference on life, as a skin couple protect the thought of another problem. Quite often the idyll in the waters collapses, if you start repairing the opir and bending the line on your own life.

Most of the families lead and establish the rules of the person. Such a sim's squad does not have a voice, for everything it is the same person. Traplyayetsya and іnshe і mіnih stosunkah. The retinue stands in the lead, like a man under his heel, not defending his thoughts, and she herself solidifies the decision in this. It’s better to call a person a “pecked man”

Types of people

  1. Hibny.
  2. Zvichayny.
  3. Conquests.

Pardoning pіdkabluchnik

Є cholovіki, yakі mayut steel character. Citizens simply don’t give up respect for the cries of that squad’s claims, act calmly, but the war didn’t vibrate. From whom it is obvious that such people live like a robot, and they respect their additions.

Such people have their own values. Golovna, they gave her a drink, they scolded her and put her in a bed. Navit yakscho when you want to constantly grumble in your ear. Such people, at any time, should not be commanded by war, and try to belittle someone, that you can’t let yourself imagine the stench.

Conquests piedheeled

Such a person always listens to the squad, when he listens to the misfortune. This is the man of satisfaction, that is the head woman in the family. A new one has no complexes about anything, with all his soul he chokes on a squad, and he fully supports and accepts everything that robs a squad.

The type of such people is only on the cob of the cob zalishayutsya in this image. Even during this period of family life, people adore the squad. And only after a certain period of time the stench rises from the total suffocation of the woman, and they begin to make their own decisions, they can show the squads that it’s really the right place.

These people, like that, are so under the heel of the squad that they prolong their lives, and they feel miraculous in such a camp.

Zvichayny podkabluchnik

This type of henpecked man has a sprat of variations. The very same people are mattresses for life. Some give up before difficulties and people. Such a person from a childishness is a sound for those who transcend yoga physically and spiritually. If a person grows under the influx of strict fathers, we don’t know anything about pokirnosti. The axis of that stench and the bazhannya that primhi of the retinue is victorious.

The majority of such heels, at the stage of alcohol addiction, are selected for the heel of the squad. With Rozmovs, they try to tell that the wine is at the head of the booth, and they try to rein in the squad, they show signs. Postupovo, if the head is filled with clarity, I regret the heeled bastard, I become a lamb again.

Another type of successful person, who lives all his life on the mountain, is a team and takes his life into his own hands, right up to the dribnitsa. It doesn’t mean that the person is ordering without any problem, it doesn’t. The druzhina with hysterics and weldings are on the edge of their thoughts. Cholovik, so as not to aggravate the situation and save strength, just wait, so that the conflict is exhausted for yourself.

A thorough man is a whole person, as he calls himself on the shoulders of goiter, and that kindness to him. With whom, a person does not go to the help of the squad from key problems. Then you will always need to be like a spryannya kohaniy zhіntsi.

Zhіnka maє vrakhovuvati head moment, scho itself її dії that vpliv formє the character and behavior of a person, a kind of charge. The woman creates herself on a white horse. If you go to that food without a soul, then the woman will have a chance to become a happy princess.

Be sure.
With respect V'yacheslav.

What is your man?

Individuals can look as if they are brutal and independent. And then there’s the comedic paradox: to instill a cool barefoot, whom everyone should be afraid of in the office, at home, alone with his beloved maiden, you can be a henpecked, which you can sculpt by ear: “So, the road”, “Yak say, the road”, etc.

Pass our test, schob find out, what is your person a pissed off? Add 1 point for skin hardness, for which you are suitable, that 0 points for the “nil” test.

  1. Forever you yourself virishuesh, as if you will spend the holy day, where and if you go to the entrance.
  2. You control vitrati MCH. You can change it, on what you spend pennies, you can say it, how much you spend on stained glass, or you simply take away a part of your salary.
  3. You easily win sex, to manipulate your man. "Nagorodzhuesh" yogo sex for good behavior and karaesh vіdsutnіstyu for filth.
  4. You yourself virishuesh, іz kim splkuvatisya your MCH. For example, with some kind of unfriendly friends, like to love beer, climb it, and categorically defend it against you. I'm listening!
  5. You say to you, how to dress up, get excited, etc. More than that, you are happy with a special stylist, picking up MCH for different vipadkіv, first of all, your lyalka.
  6. At be-yakіy svartsі the first vibachaetsya vin. As long as you don’t know that you’re completely on the move, and you’re guilty of everything, you don’t go to the world.
  7. I see my fathers MCH in the installation of your anniversary. Zreshtoy, the wine is already grown up, then let's add an hour to your maiden!

test results: if you scored less than 3 points, it means that your MCH is just easier to love you and it’s easy for you to do things.

Well, if you got 3 balls and more, then your man is under your heel! Read the classification and varieties of pidkabluchnikov, to understand, to what kind of mind you can see.

Different types of people

Men get under the heel of their wife for various reasons. And indulge in stench for such minds in a different way. What are the different varieties of pidkabluchniks in nature?

Natural piedheeled

Vin is weak in character. About such ring out to say "blizzard". You can’t stand your own thought, the main rank of that which is out of the day. Such a person is worth a low price to himself. Call out for some great problems from self-esteem and self-esteem. Found in a suspenseful thought, and then, easily fall under the heel.

Such henpecked people often use their mother's blues. On them їzdyat usі, who do not molt. Girls rarely honor this group of people with their respect, those who know them are insufficiently masculine and accommodating. Vtіm, it's easy to enchant: just hang on to your sympathy. And you will say: “You are my hero! Only you are building…” / “You are the only one, who…” / “No one, krіm to you, won’t be…” and so on, then you will be wine until the end of your days.

Ale, as if you were going to be with him, be humane. Zamіst of that shchob to turn yoga into a slave, go at once to a psychotherapist. Together you can create a handsome prince from your MCH!

"Having eaten" a henpecked

Such a pіdkabluchnik can become practically a man, as if he were guilty of someone in front of his wife. Feel free to forgive that fear of spending a kohana girl zmushuyut such a person dancing to the tune of his blessed 24 years in the bounty. And a lot of girls are filled with such a format of stosunkiv: “Ah, you don’t have enough strength to repair an apartment ?! And the forces of Lyudkoy me to protect you forever knowing! - And that's all, cholovik pіd vantage blame summarily weave vikonuvat be-like punishment. Such a rite of manipulating a person, having blamed him, can be done for a long time. Ale, don't worry! Sooner chi pizno such a pidkabluchnik reach me between patience and viide z-pіd control. The traces of such a sight can be unfathomable, but the stench does not promise anything good for a girl.

Soulful pіdkabluchnik

Vіn is just suffocating in you! Also, why can’t you help. For the new one, you are a goddess, and your word is the law. Iomu accepts you and waits for you. Vin is happy with you in a right way, like a happy person in a right way, more generous. Such a henpecked man is a dream of being a girl. It is especially important not to put blame on anyone else - not to mothers, not to bosses, not to others. I am ready for all the wines only for the sake of you. Come out, scho is no longer a heeled man, but a right face on a white horse!

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