This is the result of a historical process. Philosophical problems of the historical process. The civilized path of Russia: continuation of the super river

The historical process is a consistent low change in one way, which revealed the activity of rich generations of people. The historical process is universal, it consumes all manifestations of human life from the production of daily bread to the cultivation of planetary treasures. The current world of populations of people, their spilnots, and the reflection of the historical process may be, according to N. Karamzin, “the mirror of the activity of peoples.” The basis of the “living fabric” of the historical process is laid podії, These are the other manifestations that have passed or are passing, the facts of married life. All this endless lowness of their unique, powerful skin looks Historical science.

And yet another piece of marriageable knowledge that ushers in the historical process, - Philosophy of history. It is important to reveal the hidden nature of the historical process, the underlying laws, and the actual relationships in history. This is the area of ​​philosophy that follows the internal logic of the development of marriage, purified from zigzags and discontinuities. Actions of nutritional philosophy of history (sense and directness suspinal development) were discussed in the previous paragraph, other problems (problems of progress) will be revealed in the next one. This paragraph examines the types of social dynamics, factors forces of destruction historical development.

Types of social dynamics

The historical process is a succession of progressive dynamics, i.e., of Russia, change, development. The remaining three words are not synonymous. In any household, there are varied activities of people, finishing their jobs sovereign bodies, the difference is to establish that unification: in other words, the marriage is alive, collapsing. In everyday activity, the formed suspense containers retain their clear signs, the suspense of the tongue does not change its character. This process can be called functioning partnership. Social change - This is the transition of these and other social objects from one state to another, the emergence of new authorities, functions, contributions, and modifications in social organizations, social institutions, social structure, established in marriage in terms of behavior. Changes that lead to deep, clear destruction in marriage, change social connections, the transition of the entire social system to a new state is called social development. Philosophers and sociologists look at different types of social dynamics. Expanded type is important linear roc How is the ascending and descending line of the suspinal development. This type of connection with the concepts of progress and regression, which will be examined in the coming lessons. Cyclic type The process of vindication, blossoming and disintegration will continue social systems, which swells for hours, after any stench one begins one’s sleep. You became familiar with this type of social dynamics in your early work. Third, spiral type associated with the knowledge that the course of history can be turned back to a previously passed stage, which is characteristic of the very advanced stage, and even earlier. Whose rice, which has been in power for a long time now, has passed away, but will turn around, but at a higher turn in the suspinal development, on the new yak region. It is important that the spiral-like type can be recognized when looking at the troubling periods of the historical process, with a large-scale approach to history. I'm going wild, for example. You probably remember from history that Russian manufacturing was a broad form of manufacturing. Industrial development was caused by the concentration of workers in large factories. And in the minds of the information industry, there is a need to turn to working at home: more and more workers are completing their work on personal computers without leaving home. The science has had some acknowledgment of this and other names of variants of historical behavior. The main idea is that linear, cyclical, and spiral-like processes appear in history. The smells do not appear as parallels or as alternating one another, but as mutually interrelated aspects of a whole historical process. Social changes can be made in different forms. You know the words “evolution” and “revolution”. Let's clarify this philosophical position. Evolution is a series of incremental, uninterrupted changes that move from one thing to another without disruption or interruption. Evolution is represented by the concept of “revolution”, which characterizes sweeping, clear changes. The social revolution is a fundamental and clear revolution in the entire social structure of the marriage: profound, profound changes that will affect the economy, politics, and spiritual sphere. At the end of the revolution, the revolution is characterized by a turbulent, wave-like transition to a clearly new state of marriage, a rapid transformation of the basic structures of the social system. As a rule, a revolution begins before the old dispensation is replaced by a new one. The transition to a new system can occur in both peaceful forms and in violent ones. These insights must lie in the minds of specific historical minds. Often revolutions were accompanied by ruinous and cruel actions, crooked victims. There are different assessments of the revolution. Some political figures have been pointing out their negative risks and insecurities associated both with the persistence of violence against people and with the violent breakdown of the very “fabric” of social life – matrimonial marriages . Others call revolutions “locomotives of history.” (Based on your knowledge of the course of history, determine your assessment of the value of the form of social change.) Considerable forms of social change, then guess the role of reforms. You have become familiar with the concept of “reform” in the course of history. Most often, social reform is called the reorganization of any aspect of marital life (institutions, institutions, orders, etc.) while preserving the original marital structure. There are various types of evolutionary changes that change the fundamentals of harmony. Reforms will begin to be carried out “zgori”, ruling forces. The scale and depth of reforms characterize the dynamics of the government. Together with this modern science recognizes the possibility of the current system of profound reforms, which can become an alternative to revolution, suppress it or replace it. social revolutions spontaneous manifestations of violence.

Historical process

Parameter name Significance
Stat topic: Historical process
Rubric (thematic category) Culture

The historical process is a consistent low change in one way, which revealed the activity of rich generations of people. The historical process is universal, it consumes all manifestations of human life from obtaining “daily bread” to tracking down planetary treasures. The relevant world of populations by people, their partnerships, and the reflection of the historical process may be, according to N. Karamzin, “the mirror of the activity of peoples.” The basis, the “living fabric” of the historical process is laid down podії, These are the other manifestations that have passed or are passing, the facts of married life. All this endless lowness of their unique, powerful skin looks Historical science.

And yet another piece of marriageable knowledge that ushers in the historical process, - Philosophy of history. It is important to reveal the hidden nature of the historical process, the underlying laws, and the actual relationships in history. This is the area of ​​philosophy that follows the internal logic of the development of marriage, purified from zigzags and discontinuities. Some aspects of the philosophy of history (replacement and directness in the future development) were discussed in the previous paragraph, others (problems of progress) will be revealed in the next one. This paragraph examines the types of social dynamics, factors and destructive forces of historical development.


The historical process is a succession of progressive dynamics, i.e., of Russia, change, development. The remaining three words are not synonymous. Whether any enterprise has a varied activity of people, they build their old sovereign bodies, they establish that in other words, the estate is alive, it is collapsing. In everyday activity, the formed suspense containers retain their clear signs, the suspense of the tongue does not change its character.
Posted on ref.
This process can be called functioning partnership. Social change - through the transition of these and other social objects from one state to another, the emergence of new authorities, functions, contributions, and modifications in social organizations, social institutions, social nіy structure, established in marriage in terms of behavior. Changes that lead to deep, obvious destruction in a marriage, the re-creation of social bonds, the transition of the entire social system to a new state are called social development. Philosophers and sociologists look at different types social dynamics Expanded type is important linear roc How is the ascending and descending line of the suspinal development. This type of connection with the concepts of progress and regression, which will be examined in the coming lessons. Cyclic type There is a continuing process of guilt, development and disintegration of social systems that continues throughout the hour, after which the stench begins to sink in. You became familiar with this type of social dynamics in your early work. Third, spiral type associated with the knowledge that the course of history can be turned back to a previously passed stage, which is characteristic of the very advanced stage, and even earlier. Whose rice, which has been in power for a long time now, has passed away, but will turn around, but at a higher turn in the suspinal development, on the new yak region. It is important that the spiral-like type can be recognized when looking at the troubling periods of the historical process, with a large-scale approach to history. I'm going wild, for example. You probably remember from history that Russian manufacturing was a broad form of manufacturing. Industrial development was caused by the concentration of workers in large factories. And in the minds informational partnership As we head home, more and more workers are completing their work on personal computers without leaving home. The science has had some acknowledgment of this and other names of variants of historical behavior. The main idea is that linear, cyclical, and spiral-like processes appear in history. The smells do not appear as parallels or as alternating one another, but as mutually interrelated aspects of a whole historical process. Social changes can be made in different forms. You know the words “evolution” and “revolution”. Let's clarify їх philosophical sense. Evolution is a series of incremental, uninterrupted changes that move from one thing to another without disruption or interruption. Evolution is defined by the concept of “revolution”, which characterizes sweeping, clear changes. Social revolution is a fundamental and clear revolution in the entire social structure of the marriage profound, profound changes that will affect the economy, politics, and spiritual sphere. At the end of the revolution, the revolution is characterized by a turbulent, wave-like transition to a clearly new state of marriage, a rapid transformation of the basic structures of the social system. As a rule, a revolution begins before the old dispensation is replaced by a new one. The transition to a new system can occur in both peaceful forms and in violent ones. These insights must lie in the minds of specific historical minds. Often revolutions were accompanied by ruinous and cruel actions, crooked victims. There are different assessments of the revolution. Some political figures have been pointing out their negative risks and insecurities associated both with the persistence of violence against people and with the violent rupture of the very “fabric” of social life - matrimonial bonds . Others call revolutions “locomotives of history.” (Based on your knowledge of the course of history, determine your assessment of the value of the form of social change.) Considerable forms of social change, then guess the role of reforms. You have become familiar with the concept of “reform” in the course of history. Most often, social reform is called the reorganization of any aspect of marital life (institutions, institutions, orders, etc.) while preserving the original marital structure. There are various types of evolutionary changes that change the fundamentals of harmony. Reforms should be carried out “from above”, by the ruling forces. The scale and depth of reforms characterize the dynamics of the government. At present, modern science recognizes the possibility of the current system of profound reforms, which can become an alternative to revolution, suppress it or replace it. Such revolutionary reforms, due to their scale and legacy, can lead to a radical renewal of marriage, unique upheavals associated with powerful social revolutions and spontaneous manifestations of violence.

The historical process is understandable and visible. Classification and features of the category “Historical process” 2015, 2017-2018.


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  • Historical process

    Basic concepts: historical process, types of social dynamics, factors of social change, subjects of the historical process.

    Termini: philosophy of history, evolution, revolution, reform, masses, historical peculiarity

    Historical process- this is a consistently low level that changes one by one, in which the activity of rich generations of people was revealed. The historical process is universal, it consumes all manifestations of human life from the production of daily bread to the cultivation of planetary treasures.

    The current world of populations of people, their spilnots, and the reflection of the historical process may be, according to N. Karamzin, “the mirror of the activity of peoples.” The basis, the “living fabric” of the historical process is formed by the facts of married life, such as other phenomena that have passed or are passing. All this endless lowness in their unique, powerful skin appearance is attributed to historical science.

    “In spite of the importance of our activities, we may want to be a little bit of a historian in order to become a knowledgeable and decent citizen.”

    V. O. Klyuchevsky

    Another milestone of marriage knowledge that contributes to the historical process , Philosophy of history. Some aspects of the philosophy of history (replacement and directness in the future development) were discussed in the previous paragraph, others (problems of progress) will be revealed in the next one. This paragraph examines the types of social dynamics, factors and destructive forces of historical development.

    Philosophy of history is the sphere of philosophy that follows the internal logic of the development of matrimony, the hidden nature of the historical process, and its greatest hidden laws. The philosophy of history fails to pose and resolve the specific problem of sensation and directness in suspinal development.

    Types of social dynamics The historical process is a succession of progressive dynamics, i.e., of Russia, change, development. The remaining three words are not synonymous.

    In everyday activity, the formed suspense containers retain their clear signs, the suspense of the tongue does not change its character. This process can be called functioning partnership.

    Social changes- the transition of these and other social objects from one state to another, the emergence of new authorities, functions, contributions, and modifications in social organizations, social institutions, social alny structure, established in marriage in terms of behavior.

    Changes that lead to deep, obvious destruction in a marriage, the re-creation of social bonds, the transition of the entire social system to a new state are called social development.

    Social dynamics- process change social system Social dynamics include the possibility of simple creation (zero changes) of the social system; However, it does not manifest itself in such mutually dependent aspects of the historical process as linear (progressі regression), more cyclicalі spiral-shaped roc partnership. Various aspects of the historical revolution are clearly understood types of social dynamics.

    Types of social dynamics- understanding how it captures the fundamental characteristics of the process of social change. There are such types.

    1) Linear Rukh How is the ascending and descending line of the suspinal development. This type of connection with the concepts of progress and regression, which will be examined in the coming lessons.

    2) Cyclical revolution There is a continuing process of guilt, development and disintegration of social systems that continues throughout the hour, after which the stench begins to sink in. (You became familiar with this type of social dynamics in earlier studies.)

    3) Spiral-like roc connected with the knowledge that the course of history can be reversed even before the previous stage, which is characteristic of the very advanced stage, and even earlier. Whose rice, which has been in power for a long time now, has passed away, but will turn around, but at a higher turn in the suspinal development, on the new yak region. It is important that the spiral-like type can be recognized when looking at the troubling periods of the historical process, with a large-scale approach to history.

    To clarify the idea of ​​a spiral-like roc being beastly, for example. You probably remember from history that Russian manufacturing was a broad form of manufacturing. Industrial development was caused by the concentration of workers in large factories. And in the minds of the information industry, there is a need to turn to working at home: more and more workers are completing their work on personal computers without leaving home.

    The science has had some acknowledgment of this and other names of variants of historical behavior. The main idea is that linear, cyclical, and spiral-like processes appear in history. The smells do not appear as parallels or as alternating one another, but as mutually interrelated aspects of a whole historical process.

    Social changes can be made in different forms. You know the words “evolution” and “revolution”. Let's clarify their replacement.

    Evolution- Continuous, continuous changes, so that you can move from one to another without cutting or interrupting. Evolution is represented by the concept of “revolution”, which characterizes sweeping, clear changes.

    The revolution is social- A radical revolution in the entire social structure of the marriage: profound, fundamental changes that will affect the economy, politics, and the spiritual sphere. At the end of the revolution, the revolution is characterized by a turbulent, wave-like transition to a clearly new state of marriage, a rapid transformation of the basic structures of the social system.

    As a rule, a revolution begins before the old dispensation is replaced by a new one. The transition to a new system can occur in both peaceful forms and in violent ones. These insights must lie in the minds of specific historical minds. Often revolutions were accompanied by ruinous and cruel actions, crooked victims. There are different assessments of the revolution. Some political figures have been pointing out their negative risks and insecurities associated both with the persistence of violence against people and with the violent breakdown of the very “fabric” of social life – matrimonial marriages . Others call revolutions “locomotives of history.” (Based on your knowledge of history, evaluate the value of the form of social change.)

    Looking at the forms of social changes, we can also guess the role of reforms. You have become familiar with the concept of “reform” in the course of history.

    Social reform- 1) a variety of evolutionary changes that do not change the fundamentals of harmony; I will go over any aspect of married life (institutions, settings, orders, etc.) while preserving the current married life; - 2) profound reforms, which, due to their scale and legacy, reforms can lead to a radical renewal of marriage, unique shocks associated with powerful social revolutions and spontaneous manifestations of violence.

    Reforms will be carried out by the ruling forces.

    Officials of social changes. The word “factor” means the cause, the destructive force of the historical process, which signifies its character and besides rice. There are different classifications of officials that flow into the development of marriage. One of them includes natural, technological and spiritual factors.

    Factors of social change- Reasons, destructive forces of the historical process, which signify its replacement. Such reasons can be brought up natural, technologicalі spiritual phenomena.

    French enlightener of the 18th century. C. Montesqui, who respected natural factors as primary, taking into account that climatic minds reflect the individual characteristics of people, their character and diversity. In countries with fertile soil, it is easier to establish a spirit of laziness, while people engaged in agriculture never think about freedom. And in countries with cold climates, people think more about their freedom than about their enemies. From such speculations emerged ideas about the nature of political power, laws, trade, etc.

    Other thinkers explained the spirit of marriage with a spiritual official: “Ideas to rule the world.” Some of them respected the ideas of particularities and critical thinking about how to create ideal projects for the future arrangement. And the German philosopher G. Hegel wrote that history is governed by the mind of light.

    Another idea was that the activity of people can be scientifically explained, including the role of material factors. The significance of material production, bringing the development of marriage to. Marx. I have lost respect for the fact that, first of all, before engaging in philosophy, politics, mysticism, people are obliged to eat, drink, dress, live, and therefore, work for everything. Changes in philosophy, like Marx, will lead to changes in other areas of life. The development of marriage is indicated by the resolution of the material, economic interests of people.

    It is widely believed in ancient times and today that one can recognize the initial factor in the rise of marriage, seeing one of the others. At the time of the scientific and technological revolution of the 20th century. Such an official learned the technique and technology. The transition of marriage to a new stink is associated with the “computer revolution”, the development information technologies, the inheritances of which are manifested in the economy, politics, culture

    Let’s imagine that we can better understand the position of our predecessors, who will appreciate the possibility of explaining historical changes as an official. They explore the mutual interaction of highly complex reasons and the development of minds. For example, the German scholar M. Weber argued that the spiritual official plays no less a role than the economic one, and that important historical changes took place under the influx of both.

    These officials are actively involved in the activities of people. Everyone who contributes to this activity is subjects of the historical process: individuals, different social groups, their organizations, great characteristics and other point of view: without noticing that history is the result of the activities of several individuals and theirs strengths, low values ​​of respect, so that only those who rise to the level of the subject of the historical process realizes her place in marriage, pursues meaningful goals and takes part in the struggle for her marriage.

    Subjects of the historical process– 1) everyone who carries out social activity, individuals, various social groups, their organizations, great individuals; - 2) those who are aware of their place in marriage are committed to meaningful goals and consciously take part in the struggle for their success

    The role of the people in the historical process. This role is interpreted differently by everyone. Marxist philosophy confirms that the masses of the people, who are the workers and creators of history, play a vital role in the creation of material and spiritual values, in various spheres of life. It’s a simple life, thanks to the protection of Fatherlandism.

    Some of the descendants, characterizing the role of folk masses, base the warehouse social forces, how to thoroughly drain the drains. They respect that the concept of “people” has a different place in different historical eras, that the formula “the people are the creators of history” means a wide range of ideas, which means that these beliefs are the same. in the progressive development of marriage. Under the additional concept of “people”, in my opinion, progressive forces of cooperation are being strengthened over reactionary ones. The people stand for all the working people, they must once again become their main mass. At the same time, about those concepts, “the people” cherish those beliefs that, being workers, whose historical behavior expresses the interests of the ongoing movement. Like a butt to point out the bourgeoisie, which is in the 17th-19th centuries. was fascinated by anti-feudal revolutions.

    The Russian historian V. O. Klyuchevsky (1841 -1911) did not define the concept of “people” as a social concept, but rather contributed to the ethnic and ethical concept. “For the people,” wrote V. O. Klyuchevsky, “the characteristic ethnographic and moral connections, the evidence of spiritual unity, are inspired sleeping quarters and the aggregate activity, the diversity of historical shares and interests.” Particularly significant are these historical eras, according to V. O. Klyuchevsky, “from the right of which all the people took their part and always considered it worthwhile to work hard on the right.”

    The affirmations that magnify the people must resist other judgments of thinkers. A. I. Herzen (1812-1870) wrote that the people are conservative by instinct, “they strive for their hard life, for the tight frames, for their inclusions... Whereas the people are far from the ruin of history, they stubbornly strive for their conquest, behind the scenes. The new understanding is lost on the old one... Evidence has shown that it is easier for people to bear the violent burden of slavery, but not the gift of freedom.”

    The Russian philosopher N. A. Berdyaev (1874-1948) noted that the people may not be the mother of democratic reformers: “The people may be subject to a completely undemocratic way of thinking, but may not be at all democratically adjusted... As the will of the people is ordered by an evil verse Iyam, then the will is constrained and the will is constrained.”

    In some cultures, there is a difference between the concepts of “people” and “mass”. The German teachings of K. Jaspers (1883-1969) indicated that the mass should be raised among the people. The people of structures learn from their living basements, from their mentality, traditions. The mass, however, is not structured, does not have self-consciousness, it is spared any important authorities, tradition, soil - it is empty. “People in the masses,” wrote K. Jaspers, “can easily lose their heads, indulge themselves to the drunken potentiality of becoming simply different, singing behind their eyes, as they would otherwise do at the bakery break. Such minds may bow to the thoughtless masses of interacting with the tyrants who manipulate them.”

    For the normal life of the people, the revelation of special faiths, which are called elites, is also important. There are very few individuals who occupy a permanent position in the political, economic, cultural life of the community, the most qualified fakhivs. It is reported that these people have an intellectual and moral superiority over the masses who seem to have the most respectability. According to a number of philosophers, elements play a special role in the management of marriage and the development of culture.

    People's masses(as a subject of the historical process) is a richly meaningful concept that acquires other meanings depending on the characteristics that are included in the concept of “people” when considering its historical role.

    1) The Marxist has a profound understanding to the people's masses It is clear to us that workers, who are the “true creators of history,” play a vital role in the creation of material and spiritual values. At the same time, about those concepts, “the people” cherish those beliefs that, being workers, whose historical behavior expresses the interests of the ongoing movement.

    2) In the ethno-ethical interpretation, the “people” are characterized as an organic ethnic unity, welded together by moral bonds, a sense of spiritual unity and the unity of the historical share, created by acting as a single force, which realizes its special significance in history (for example, V.O. Klyuchevsky).

    3) The conservative understanding of the historical role of the “people” is to rouse the popular masses with protective social “instincts”, a non-special force that creates archaic orders, an opponent of freedom (for example, A.I. Herzen) or hope for it passive rice, reduced whatever ideas“real material” of history and additional implementation of good intentions and evil intentions (N.A. Berdyaev).

    4) The concepts that make a difference between the concepts of “people” and “mass” of “people” structures, I recognize in my living basements, in my world, traditions; “masa”, however, is not structured, does not have self-consciousness, it is freed from any official authorities, tradition, soil (K. Jaspers).

    5) Elitist concepts, interpreting the “people” as a passive, innocent “mass”, with a reduced creative role of history, present people's mass historically active elite.

    Social groups and community associations. The individual's skin should be kept to the required level. When talking about participants in the historical process, we are reduced to such cohesiveness as social groups. The English philosopher T. Hobbes wrote: “Under a group of people, I respect the number of people who share a common interest and a strong right.” Interests may clash due to their directness (sovereign, political, economic, spiritual); can be real, manifest; can wear progressive or regressive , chi conservative character. The stench is the basis of the people’s connection to mobilize them for sleeping activities.

    Historically, the formation of resistance and travail Real groups of people. You know the classes (slaves - slave-owners, feudal lords - villagers, etc.); tribes, nationalities, nations; become; groups that are distinguished by religious (Protestants, Catholics, etc.), age-old (young people, elderly people, etc.), professional (miners, teachers, etc.), territorial (residents of any region) characteristics. The hidden interests of each group are indicated by the formation of its members in religious, conjugal, religious life and so on. At different periods of history, we have many other groups as active participants in this field. (Remember the slave uprising, the struggle of the “third camp” against the monarchy, the national liberated rulers, religious wars and other facts that testify to the active role of various marriage groups in historical periods.)

    To protect the interests of social groups, they create large associations that include the most active members of the group. Pid huge expenses This means the formation of communities, based on voluntary participation, consistency of views and interests, self-directed, which loom on the basis of the consistent implementation of their rights and interests. (Guess the middle-class guilds, political clubs at the time of the French Revolution.) The New Hour has started professional splits hiring robot workers. Their goal is to protect the economic interests of workers. Entrepreneurial organizations are being formed to coordinate the activities of entrepreneurs. There are also rural organizations that express the interests of landowners. Let us not forget about such an influx of organization as the church. To fight for power in the New Hour, political parties are created.

    Historical features. At the beginning of the paragraph, the universality of the historical process was emphasized. The fragments of the wine are buried in all manifestations human activity, The number of historical features includes various spheres of married life: politicians and today, politicians and religious leaders, military leaders and civil servants - all those who have affected their individual There are no bets on the course of history. Historians and philosophers are victorious different words, To evaluate the role of this and other features in history: historical feature, great person, hero. Representing the notable contributions of the singer to the history of the assessment; at the same time lie under the light's gaze, political views The investigator and to a significant extent have a subjective character. “The concept of “great” is a clear concept,” wrote the Russian philosopher G. V. Plekhanov.

    The effectiveness of historical peculiarities can be assessed in relation to the peculiarities of the period in which people lived, their moral choices, the morality of their leaders. The assessment can be negative or positive, but most often it is richly significant, reflecting both the positive and negative sides of the activity. The concept of “great specialness”, then, characterizes the activity of people who have become isolated from radical progressive transformations. “Great is the people,” wrote G. V. Plekhanov, “great is the fact that in this particularity, so that he can spare his greatest resources to serve the great vital needs of his hour... The people are great in the very beginning, so they will continue to work for others And I want stronger for others. This is a scientific research, put on the drawing board, at the forefront of the pink development of matrimony; it indicates new suspicious needs created by the forward development of sulphurous waters; “He goes through the beginnings of satisfying these needs.”

    “A great man can only be judged by his great deeds, and not by his pardons.”

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    As a renowned Russian philosopher, he began his creative activity as a janophile who sanctified words. V. S. Solovyov(1853-1900). From afar, they noticed a deep evolution. Weekend Concepts philosophical belief Solovyov’s category is omnipotence: the sense of origin of all life on Earth is the burning to the point of union with the Divine Logos. Through the kingdom of nature, humans must step by step reach the Kingdom of God, where everything again comes out of chaos and settles down.
    The philosopher developed his view of the historical process already in early robots. Three forces, three cultures define history: the Muslim Convergence, the Western civilization and the Slovenian world. The symbol of the first power is one master and a mass of slaves. The expression of another force is “fucking egoism and anarchy, a multiplicity of isolated individuals without any internal coherence.” They had the strength to stand steadily (and not to change one another one after another). The third force – Russia – helps to reconcile these extremes and soften them. Nadal Solovyov reviewed the assessment of the advancing civilization. It has developed a lot of positive trends and is important that it will at the same time create a positive force from Russia.
    Philosophical thought in Russia developed in traditional academic forms: university courses, scientific treatises, polemics in periodicals. We are strained by thinking about the fundamental principles of Butya, the miraculous philosophical insights in the works of Russian classical literature. His creativity is especially miraculous L. N. Tolstoyі F. M. Dostoevsky. As the philosopher M.A. Berdyaev wrote about the creativity of the remaining philosopher: “He was a living philosopher, the greatest Russian philosopher... Dostoevsky’s creativity is infinitely important for philosophical anthropology, for philosophers “History, for the philosophy of religion, for moral philosophy.”


    The first quarter of the last century became a period of active creative activity a whole galaxy of ancient philosophers. Among them - N. A. Berdyaev(1874-1948), S. M. Bulgakov(1871-1944) P. A. Florensky(1882-1937) G. G. Shpet(1879-1937). Various philosophical movements took shape (many of them traced their roots to the earlier period): materialist Marxist philosophy, religious existentialism, Russian cosmism, etc. n.
    The center of respect for rich thinkers, as before, has lost its nutrition about the civilizational affiliation of Russia.
    It’s better to report on one of the leaks - Eurasianism, The ideas of which modern philosophers regard as consonant with our time. Eurasian doctrine from the beginning of the 20s. XX century asserted: Russia and Eurasia, the third, middle continent, a special historical and ethnographic world. The era of the dawn of sunset may be replaced by the hour of leadership of Eurasia. The paganism of some of its adherents was directly seen as potentially closer to Orthodoxy than other Christian confessions. The anti-destroying sentiments of the Eurasians can encourage the influx of ideas of Janophilism.
    Many Russian philosophers were critical of the new trend, including the philosophical-historical and political positions of the Eurasians, who accepted the idea of ​​​​unbounded power of one a strictly disciplined and ideologically monolithic party. Anti-western sentiments brought Eurasians closer to the Janophiles, while critics of Eurasianism respected this similarity. The new ideology was regarded as a short time ago: the church and universal type of the Russian idea was dominated by the struggle for the importance of the singing cultural type of matrimony.
    M. A. Berdyaev said that the political views of the Eurasians led them to “a kind of utopia of an ideal dictatorship.” The philosopher himself, who is also the successor of U. Solovyov, emerging from the intermediate position of Russia between the Entry and Exit. The flow of harmony between the various seeds of Berdyaev’s bachivas in the marriage. However, Russia has become an arena of “confrontation and confrontation between similar and incoming elements.” This confrontation is manifested in the “polarization of the Russian soul”, in the cultural division of the marriage (traditional culture of the lower classes and the European culture of higher versities), in the cultural domestic policy(periods of reform may soon be replaced by reaction and stagnation), in contrast to foreign policies (in the alliance with the Sunset until the end of the war). “The historical fate of the Russian people,” wrote Berdyaev, “was unhappy and suffering, and developed at a catastrophic pace, through accidents and changes in the type of civilization.”
    During the Radian period, social philosophy and historical science established a rather dogmatic-looking Marxist formational approach. Among the henchmen and scientific leaders, there was an idea that society, like other lands and peoples, is collapsing with the singing of social progress, one formation is changing and another is increasingly disturbed. From these positions, our region is positioned against any other group of regions without any doubt, as long as everyone decides to follow the same historical path (in which case the specificity inherent in the region and the region, didn’t worry). The main importance of our state, in the opinion of Radyan’s descendants, lay in the fact that it had already risen to a new, higher level of development (others were still in the process of converging) and in its creative process of laying This is the road to tomorrow for all humanity.
    Elimination of boundaries of the 80-90s. XX century Marxist ideological monopoly in the Jewish marriage, the renewal of pluralism of approaches and assessments led to criticism of the formal model of marriage and increased respect for the civilizational approach, which conveys greater respect for the analysis of manifestations of the special, especially in the cultural and spiritual sphere.
    The super-chants about Russia's civilizational affiliation have started to sound again.
    Some descendants believe that Russia and today will be included in the group of countries with great respect for traditional values. This is confirmed by: a high level of centralization of state power; lower, leveled from the edges of the Sunset, level of economic development; the presence of reliable guarantees of fundamental rights and freedom of speech, privacy and the right to privacy; the priority of sovereign and sovereign values ​​over special ones; the existence of a mature community partnership.
    Others respect that Russia is a variant of the exiting (industrial) civilization of the “increasing” type. They focus on the primary role of industrial production in the region's economy, the high level of awareness of the population, the value of science and scientific knowledge.
    There are few who believe that the Russian marriage cannot be reduced to any kind of civilizational type of development. This dictates a special, third path to further development.
    V. Ya. Bryusov sings, writing:

    There is no need for undead dreams,
    There is no need for garish utopias.
    We are enjoying food again,
    Who are we in this old Europe?

    Quite a decade has passed since the rows were born. However, we again rely on the same nutrition.
    Basic concepts: civilizational approach, cultural split, civilization of the same type, omnipresence.
    Termini: deism, cultural type.

    False yourself

    1) How was the Russian philosophical thought of the 11th-18th centuries characterized? 2) What place did philosophy occupy in the first principles of Russia? 3) Describe P. Chaadaev’s philosophical views on the role of Russia in the world cultural-historical process. Show her transformation. 4) Reveal the philosophical sense of the superechka of the defenders and the words of the janophiles. 5) What is the significance of V. Solovyov’s suspinal-historical process? 6) What did the Eurasians look at on the roads of Russia’s historic move? 7) How did you assess the role and place of Russia in the world cultural and historical development of M. Berdyaev? 8) How are current philosophical views on the problem of civilizational power in Russia characterized?

    1. A. Cantemir saw four parts in philosophy: literature (logic), naturalism (physics), conciseness (metaphysics, knowledge of the supernatural), ethics (morality).
    How did the statements about the philosophy of the early modern era come about? Rising from the position of today, what of the above would you deprive from the warehouse of philosophy, and what would you turn off? Why?
    2. Based on his philosophical concept of nature, M. Lomonosov, as a first step of the world, looked at the “insensitive particles” that exist in two forms: elements - the most common indivisible particles and corpuscles - associations (with ednannyah) elementary particles. In this case, we emphasized that, although the elements and corpuscles are inaccessible to the eye, they are really and completely recognizable.
    How can these phenomena be taken into account in the development of atoms and molecules in the coming century? Build up your education, gain knowledge, and take physics and chemistry lessons during the hour.
    3. Read two fragments written by famous philosophers and publicists of the 19th century.
    “Most of the Europeans are always ready, striking their hearts with pride, to tell themselves and others that their conscience is completely calm, that their guilt is absolutely pure before God and people, that there is only one thing to ask from God, so that Our people were all on the new . similar... The Russian people, for example, are always keenly aware of their shortcomings and the more they go through gatherings of moral development, the more they respect themselves and are less satisfied with themselves.”
    “The supernatural development of special energy, the ferocious tenacity of denunciation, our quest for freedom, our pedantic and zealous defense of our rights, it seems, is not enough for the drive to boast... Our appetites are painfully aggravated, but there is no watering, no obligation to practice , With a method to please them, to fight against the wrong codes, to stand up to yourself and your thoughts... We always fantasize, and every now and then we get the first whimsical bullshit. We are grieving at the situation, at the evil lot, at the wickedness and hopelessness of any good or bad thing.”
    You see, the thief of any of the directives - advances and words of janophilism - and the skin of the authors. Prime your crowns.
    4. It often happened that philosophy and the pursuit of it were seen by the ruler as a source of zealous free-thinking, which would delight the bases of sovereignty and morality. What types of attacks and persecutions against undesirable thinkers can be found in which paragraph? Bring on the knowledge of the history of the course and other applications in this series.
    5. A current Russian philosopher writes that this idea was nourished in the 20s. of the last century, “draws special consideration, its rebirth in a new context with a clear understanding of the stable possibilities that lie within it... A great role may be assigned to the penetration of Russian and Islam koi cultures. Dear, it’s easier for us to know I speak in full with traditional Islam, and with “Latin Christianity”.
    Where are we going to talk about? Do you agree with the author’s remaining thesis?

    Pray with dzherel

    Read a lesson from the book of philosopher N. O. Losky (1870-1965) “History of Russian Philosophy.”

    Freedom is political and freedom is spiritual

    Unity means the unity and freedom of rich people on the basis of their deep love for God and all absolute values. Easy baciti, scho principle conciliarity It is of great importance not only for church life, but also for the richest nourishment of the soul for the synthesis of individualism and universalism. A lot of Russian philosophers have already begun to formulate the principle conciliarity when considering the varied nutrition of spiritual and married life...
    There are a lot of Russian religious philosophers who talk about the essence of the historical process. They criticize positivist theories and point out the impossibility of the current harmonious order in the minds of the earthly world. Either way, the device will work against frequent additions and at the same time remove new shortcomings and opportunities for evil. A summary of history shows that the entire historical process goes back to the preparation of mankind before the transition from history to meta-stories, for the “coming life” in the Kingdom of God. The essence of mental thoroughness in that kingdom is the transformation of soul and body or adoration by God’s grace.
    Dialectical materialism is the only philosophy that is allowed in the USSR... Just as Russia has emerged from a communist dictatorship and takes away freedom of thought, then in it, as in any other country In both the civilized lands, there are numerous different philosophical schools. Russian philosophy contains a lot of valuable ideas in the sphere of religion, as well as in epistemology, metaphysics and ethics. Familiarity with these ideas will be beneficial for the underground human culture.
    Feeding that department: 1) How does a philosopher interpret the concept of conciliarity? 2) Why do Russian religious philosophers believe in the possibility of creating an ideal marital system? 3) How does N. O. Losky assess the importance of Russian philosophy for secular culture?

    § 5-6. Activities in the social-humanitarian sphere and professional choice

    More and more times will strengthen you after finishing school. Most of you already know in which schools, lyceums, and colleges you will continue to study, who are still studying, and those who have chosen to grow up have long ago and part of the way has already been completed. However, it is important to remember once again what professional capabilities are revealed by specialized social-humanitarian training, and what problems may arise in future professional activity.


    The concept of “profession” is broad and means a range of work activities that require professional training. From the course of history, you know that the beginnings of professional stratification were laid by the first great breeding subfields, specialization in these and other species sovereign activity.
    Over the millennia of civilization, the number of professions has expanded. The steadily growing needs of people, the thirst for knowledge leads to the development of science and technology, which, in turn, creates the emergence of new needs, and along with them, new professions. According to sociologists, there are over 20 thousand in our region. profession. And today their numbers continue to increase. Due to the emergence of new professions, some of the traditional ones, which some have recently appeared to occupy, are dying out.
    Greater knowledge and increased success in achieving results led to the emergence of important types of activities in the profession, which are called specialties. For example, the profession of a lawyer includes such specialties as a lawyer, a prosecutor, a judge, among whom there is another important specialization: a lawyer for civil rights, for criminal rights, for minors, prosecutors, etc. and engage in investigations into economic crimes organized by malice, etc.
    In times of market economics, there is a market for purchases. There is a high percentage of scarce professions, those whose needs have already disappeared, and there are very few people to manage them, as well as difficult professions, where it is important to know your masters and get the job done. Recently there have been a number of professions that do not have to be highly paid, but marriage will require them. This is a profession that you will always be familiar with, and even more importantly, the amount of practice is practically guaranteed. In our country, among the humanitarian professions, such demanding, but not highly paid, professions include the professions of teachers, librarians, nursery operators, and others.

    Today, sociologists are talking about a new phenomenon in Russian life - supraworld illumination. The essence of this is that, on the one hand, the number of unemployed people is increasing, the number of people with great light is increasing, and on the other hand, the number of graduates of Vishiv is growing, who work not less for their oh, and in the gardens, which are sunburnt, they do not require much illumination. Thus, today a large number of managers and lawyers outweigh the need for marriage by one third, and economists outweigh the need by one third. This list includes actors, directors, and singers.


    In the current world, light is one of the most important social values. For young minds, it opens up access to other beneficial benefits: social status, material well-being, social stability.
    Today in our country, after the end of the initial mortgage, young people do not receive guaranteed treatment, as they did two decades ago. The young farmer can practice on his own. About those that not all graduates are successful in the market, check the statistics: 40% zhalnye kіlkosti people can become robotic until they reach 30 years of age.
    Well, first of all, it’s important to be able to successfully compete in the market of goods. Of course, a diploma from MDU, MDIM and two or three dozen prestigious initial deposits is a strong recommendation, but it does not provide a full guarantee of excellence. It is necessary to have practical skills, for low professions - communication skills and a wealth of others that are valued by today's robot sellers. Pratsevlashtuvannya on on a permanent basis often conveys a tried-and-tested term, at which point the obviousness and presence of these features of the future fakhivtsya becomes clear.
    Another thing that goes into successful practice is even a short work experience. It’s important to note that people have already learned, let’s not forget the beginnings, practical skills that will complement their theoretical preparation. Therefore, it is important to start practicing even before the hour of preparation. It’s important, then go swimming work experience. And if a student works on his chosen specialty, then the beginnings of professionalism appear. You can master things that are impossible to learn without practice, and quickly reveal gaps in your knowledge, which gives the learner more meaning.


    It is necessary to know and be smart, as has already been stated, because of the skill and usefulness of a particular professional activity. Nowadays, according to statistics, young people rarely take into account the obviousness of such advantages, and most often the motive for their choice is the prestige or significance of the profession.
    Nowadays, the prestige of the profession is shaped by the influx of professionals, as well as the creation of contemporary literature and cinema. Most often flashing on TV screens, detectives, lawyers, politicians, economists, financiers, variety artists, television journalists, television presenters become the main heroes of cinema. This is approximately how the scale of achievements of current school graduates is graded. According to statistics, 2004. The legal profession took first place in the pyramid of prestige. Behind her were a businessman, a bank clerk, a transfer worker, a programmer, a secretary-referent, a scientist, an important economist, an architect, a foreign trade worker, a journalist, a politician, a high school speaker, a writer, a scientist-humanist. tari.
    An important motive for choosing a profession is the access to light primary disciplines, which are likely to get married at the university
    Of course, the intensity of the process is an even more important factor, which significantly promotes the strength of knowledge and ability that arises. However, as the research data show, such graduates will not always reveal that their knowledge will be useful to the future, and they will be in demand. In the future, this can create problems for the practitioner and lead to disappointment in the chosen profession.

    Think again about everything you have done in your future professional activity, and relate it to your urgent needs and powerful abilities. It’s still time to call everything and make the necessary changes.


    Judging by the fact that you have settled in the social-humanitarian class, we can assume that the area of ​​your achievements has been christened by the singing world, and you have lost the choice of a specific profession, but it is much wider. Here is a great list: this is a librarian and a journalist, a sociologist and an editor, a reader of humanities. secondary school and teacher of humanitarian disciplines in universities, philosopher, prosecutor, mystical scholar, theater scholar, reader cob school, nursery manager, lawyer, tracker, linguist, political scientist, literary scholar, psychologist, tour guide, archivist, translator, archaeologist, interrogator of various fields of humanitarian knowledge, image maker and more ours. With all the diversity of the profession, the social and humanitarian directness of the stench looms with certain characteristics.
    There are a lot of words that mean a lot of professions – social and humanitarian. You know that they are offended to trace their origins to the Latin words socialis and humanus, which apparently mean “sustainable” and “human, human.”
    What we see is that social-humanitarian knowledge is the knowledge about people and marriages, about those who give birth to people, which also gives a direct influence on the development of both people and marriage. .
    The professional activity of this group is based on interactions with people. Or, as it seems in the past, social and humanitarian professions are connected with the activity of the “people - people” system.
    It is clear that it is necessary for a professional in the field to be able to interact with people, to establish differences in character and integrity of contacts. Inspired by the mysticism of spieling, which is largely what professional success means, it is important to know how to create a dialogue, how to attract the audience and the audience, how to click on the door of a closed and, not for having capped his selfishness, without having formed, he sulked the supernaturally balakuchy, as if to straighten out Rosmov in the right direction, etc. At the same time, this knowledge is unlikely to help in professional activity, since at the same time a person with them has not added certain special qualities, such as respect for someone else’s thoughts, recognized other people have the right to their point of view, their position and mercy, delicacy, generousness, naturalness, softness and, obviously, tolerance.
    Humanities must attend to important professional duties empathy, In order to put yourself in the place of something else, you will notice what the celebratory party or a whole group of people is feeling, for example, on a tour, students in the auditorium or spectators at the theater hall. The success of a lecturer, artist, teacher, journalist lies in the ability to penetrate into the mood of those on whom social action is directed.
    Another important aspect of the profession of this stake are those that carry elements of creativity, allow creativity to improvise, a willingness to bring out new sides to others, and the ability to show one’s familiarity to everyone an object, a phenomenon from the dark side. Without this new skill it is impossible to work as a writer, write an article, monograph, guide, story, novel, teach a lesson, give a lecture, play a role...
    Like anyone else, the humanist must know that the world is ambiguous and diverse, that human skin is unique and unique and has the right to be itself, different from others, the right to power well, share and its own light-mindedness. It is impossible for a school teacher to know about all the details and special skills necessary for professionals in the social and humanitarian field, especially since it is a skin profession and a specialty. , brings out additionally its own specific abilities and special qualities. However, it is necessary to name one more piece of rice - this is a constant beginning, as it will never end. Moreover, the field of humanitarian professions will require good knowledge of related fields. For example, one can hardly become a high-class sociologist without knowledge of psychology, philosophy, political science, and, for example, a political scientist needs knowledge of sociology and, obviously, psychology and philosophy.
    Even more important for a future professional humanist is the knowledge of psychology, political science, and sociology, which gives the knowledge that the fragments of their totality reveal the rich light of people and their lives. flattery of people. Without comprehensive knowledge of low socio-humanitarian disciplines, it is impossible to become a professional in this field. For 7 class behind-the-light installation. M., "Osvita", 2007. Program: Mathematics 5-11 classy. Program For behind-the-light...equatorial wind masses 10 . By the way, about the yaku...

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