What is Ramadan in Islam?


Country house

Among all Muslim saints, Bayram is one of the most important.

On Friday, the 15th of cherubs, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr - the holy breaking of fast, which means the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which they believe to fast.

How to celebrate Eid al-Fitr in Moscow - from the RBC photo gallery

Another name has been extended among the believers – Id al-Fitr. It marks three days in a month, called Shawwal in Arabic, before the end of Ramadan. This is also called Ramadan Bayram. We’ll talk about this sacred report below. The installation is holy

Based on Islamic interpretations, holy Ramadan Bayram was established by the founder of Islam himself, the Prophet Muhammad.

It became 624 fate. From that hour, the ummah, the world-wide community of believers, soon signifies this day, as its religion dictates. Image of holy day

In Christianity, at the hour of the Great Day, believers soar with the words “Christ is risen!”

As holy as it is, Bayram is holy, on how to lay the tables and set up the chastisement.

We hope to go one to one on a visit and ask to come home to share a friendly meal. It is also important to tell your parents and other relatives. If it is not possible to do this in detail, then you will need to send a leaflet in order to convey your message in a different way.

Ramadan Bayram also ensures that all ailments, sorrows and hardships are not forgotten.

Well, in Islam there are only two dates of Muslim saints, the significance of which is so great.

The day of the described monastery of Bayram, tse Id-ul-Adha is the day dedicated to the completion of the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca to the Kaaba.

Bayram, as it was said above, is the result of the fast of Ramadan, in which every person is punished for the morning, drink, love and intimate intimacy before the sunset.

It’s worth working in order to strengthen your willpower, find time for spiritual rights, engage in good works, tidy up your household and extinguish your addictions.

Fasting for the month of Ramadan is one of the major challenges for all Muslims.

These ascriptions are made in order to increase awareness and appreciation of the powerful actions of Muslims and, more precisely, the execution of the orders of Allah.

As the day goes on, one struggles hard to: eat, drink, indulge in all sorts of fun and indulge in contentment.

Muslims must devote their daily hours to prayers, recitation of the Koran, charity, work, as well as religious thoughts and duties. In addition to the standard 5 prayers, every day, at the beginning of the night, another additional prayer-namaz is read, which is called tarawih. As a rule, tarawih is read after the fifth prayer.

In the remaining ten days of the month of Ramadan, more active righteous living is being carried out, including the commemoration of the night of the Prophet Muhammad receiving his first revelation.

Month of Ramadan 2018: the essence of fasting, schedule, calendar, what is hidden in Ramadan

Each religion has many significant dates.

Catholicism has one meaning, Orthodoxy has another.

Islam also has special dates when believers get rid of all human addictions and cleanse the soul and body from earthly defilement - a part of eternal bliss.

The article will look at the report on how to fast before Ramadan and what kind of protection imposes fasting on believers.

If the month of Ramadan is in 2018, on what date does Uraza begin?

Muslims are in no way different from other believers: life for them is created in an atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and spraza are met with contentment, and they are completely at peace with their share of misfortunes them.

  • A month is spent completing the fast and reading prayers on the day of remembrance.
  • As in other faiths, Muslims sing songs of defense against people's passions, which are imposed by fasting.
  • What is this holy Ramadan?

The holy month of Ramadan is held in highest esteem for believers.

  • Even today, Muslims can receive wine for doing good deeds. Wisdom lies in not violating the rules of fasting laid down for the believers by Allah. 16 During Ramadan, there is an opportunity to strengthen the good habits of the believers, such as fasting. Welding and reconciliation begin, the hearts of friends are united and a sense of familiarity is established and the spirit of marriage begins.. It's a great posada for Holy Ramadan..
  • And all believers may pursue Him.

Yak u

Orthodox date

The great saints change quickly, and for Muslims the month of Ramadan is calculated according to the phases of the monthly calendar and the occurrence of major events can last no more than 10-11 calendar days.

  • How do we determine the exact date for Ramadan?
  • The date of the beginning of the Holy Period for Muslims is indicated by religious theologians.
  • The stench marks the day of the coming of Ramadan, grounding itself in the monthly phases.
  • The beginning of the 9th month of the calendar is the beginning of the holy period of the Muslim faith.

Because the night light has been rotated, the date of the saint is indicated.

The mission of the prophet was stated in the denunciation of this day by Mohammed “in the face of words.”

Then the Koran, a gift from Allah, appeared among believing Muslims.

  • According to a long-standing order, on the day when the Holy Period arrives, Allah will reveal to the majority of believers a prosperous order and their final forgiveness. Ramadan begins on the 9th month of the calendar Eid al-Fitr 2018 Those who follow Islam often celebrate food during the fast of Eid al-Adha. There is also no fixed date. Welding and reconciliation begin, the hearts of friends are united and a sense of familiarity is established and the spirit of marriage begins. Traditionally, fasting occurs on the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. Oskolki post Ramadan 2018 starts begins.
  • May 16
  • , and the Holy Period ends at night Oskolki post(exactly 30 days), then
  • Eid al Adha
  • falls on
  • 15 chernya
  • Posad is under the hour of one of the greatest holy days in Islam, Eid al-Fitr.
  • Great holy discord

begins immediately after the end of the post.

At this time, all the faithful are allowed to eat everything that they could not allow themselves to fast.

  • Believers prepare for the holy day a month before its arrival, and count on it the whole river.
  • After Lent, which continues throughout the month, the day of breaking the fast comes.
  • All mature Muslims are obliged to comply with the rules of the fast of Uraz.
  • After the new month appears, the fast will end.
  • For Muslims, it is holy to die.
  • It’s good to read Rankov’s prayers.

There are a lot of believers in the mosques here.

Not everyone goes to the middle of the mosque and prays from there.

On such a joyful day, those who pray feel like they have one homeland.

We carefully remove gifts, and even the skin family immediately prepares help for them and serves them at the time of holy day.

It is customary to give alms during Ramadan

  • It is traditional to visit fathers on such a day.
  • Subsequent meals will be taken together with them.

If Muslims fast Ramadan in 2018, what is the schedule?

Posad for Muslims begins on May 16, 2018 and lasts 30 days.

The post ends on the 14th of August 2018, and on the 15th of August, Eid al-Fitr begins.
Layout for an hour post
Complete your life 20 minutes before the hour of Fajr.You can start before the hour of the Maghrib.Eid prayer - holy prayerLayout of suhurs and iftars for the fast of Ramadan 2018 (for Moscow)
1 Day 16.05.2018 02:17 20:41
2 post 17.05.2018 02:15 20:43
3 Tyzhnya Day 18.05.2018 02:13 20:45
4 date 19.05.2018 02:10 20:47
5 Suhur 20.05.2018 02:09 20:48
6 Iftar 21.05.2018 02:07 20:50
7 Sereda 22.05.2018 02:05 20:52
8 Day 23.05.2018 02:03 20:53
9 post 24.05.2018 02:01 20:55
10 Tyzhnya Day 25.05.2018 01:59 20:57
11 date 26.05.2018 01:58 20:58
12 Suhur 27.05.2018 01:56 21:00
13 Iftar 28.05.2018 01:55 21:01
14 Sereda 29.05.2018 01:53 21:03
15 Day 30.05.2018 01:52 21:04
16 post 31.05.2018 01:50 21:06
17 Tyzhnya Day 01.06.2018 01:49 21:07
18 date 02.06.2018 01:48 21:08
19 Suhur 03.06.2018 01:46 21:10
20 Iftar 04.06.2018 01:45 21:11
21 Sereda 05.06.2018 01:44 21:12
22 Day 06.06.2018 01:43 21:13
23 post 07.06.2018 01:42 21:14
24 Tyzhnya Day 08.06.2018 01:41 21:15
25 date 09.06.2018 01:41 21:16
26 Suhur 10.06.2018 01:10 21:17
27 Iftar 11.06.2018 01:39 21:18
28 Sereda 12.06.2018 01:39 21:19
29 Day 13.06.2018 01:38 21:20
30 post 14.06.2018 01:38 21:20
Tyzhnya Day 15.06.2018 Thursday


The post ends on the 14th of August 2018, and on the 15th of August, Eid al-Fitr begins.
Layout for an hour post
Complete your life 20 minutes before the hour of Fajr.You can start before the hour of the Maghrib.Eid prayer - holy prayerLayout of suhurs and iftars for the fast of Ramadan 2018 (for Moscow)
1 Day 16.05.2018 01:44 19:51
2 post 17.05.2018 01:43 19:52
3 Tyzhnya Day 18.05.2018 01:41 19:54
4 date 19.05.2018 01:39 19:56
5 Suhur 20.05.2018 01:38 19:58
6 Iftar 21.05.2018 01:36 19:59
7 Sereda 22.05.2018 01:34 20:01
8 Day 23.05.2018 01:33 20:03
9 post 24.05.2018 01:31 20:04
10 Tyzhnya Day 25.05.2018 01:30 20:06
11 date 26.05.2018 01:29 20:08
12 Suhur 27.05.2018 01:27 20:09
13 Iftar 28.05.2018 01:26 20:11
14 Sereda 29.05.2018 01:25 20:12
15 Day 30.05.2018 01:24 20:13
16 post 31.05.2018 01:22 20:15
17 Tyzhnya Day 01.06.2018 01:21 20:16
18 date 02.06.2018 01:20 20:17
19 Suhur 03.06.2018 01:19 20:19
20 Iftar 04.06.2018 01:18 20:20
21 Sereda 05.06.2018 01:18 20:21
22 Day 06.06.2018 01:17 20:22
23 post 07.06.2018 01:16 20:23
24 Tyzhnya Day 08.06.2018 01:15 20:24
25 date 09.06.2018 01:15 20:25
26 Suhur 10.06.2018 01:14 20:26
27 Iftar 11.06.2018 01:14 20:27
28 Sereda 12.06.2018 01:13 20:28
29 Day 13.06.2018 01:13 20:28
30 post 14.06.2018 01:13 20:29
Tyzhnya Day 15.06.2018 Saturday



Holy Eid al-Adha
Layout of suhurs and iftars for the fast of Ramadan 2018 (for Kazan)
Holy Eid al-Adha
What is fenced off in Ramadan?
At the hour of fasting, a handful of ingredients are stopped working.
Warto believe that broken fasts should be taken into account during the daylight hours.
Language go about:

It is not said that it is necessary to make a post;
Please accept this food;
State contacts (does not matter, regardless of the fact of sexual intercourse), masturbation and ejaculation, seeking additional stimulation;
Rectal and vaginal vicinity of the lips;
Prokovtuvannya rіdini, yak spent up to a company.
What is permitted during the month of Ramadan
Nowadays the law does not prevent us from doing:
Hateful friends also like this;
Injections were given to the skin;
Those who are not Muslims are right not to follow the rules.

Likewise, children who have not yet reached adulthood are people with mental disorders.
Ramadan may not include elderly people and people who suffer from serious illnesses and are not allowed to fast.

To get rid of the stench, the stench is caused by the poor people.

Parents also need not follow the fast because they are worried about their baby’s health.

They must continue Ramadan after the reasons for restlessness arise.
Based on Hadith and the Qur'an, doing good deeds during this period is considered very important for Muslims.

If we follow the words of the prophet, Allah can increase the value of such a task seven hundred times, and the devil during this period is in the lances, it will be easier for him to do good during this period, at a later time.
Devout Muslims are expected to spend more than an hour reading the Koran this month. It’s not your fault to forget about charity, and also to do other positive things. Snіdanok (Suhur) for svitanka

Suhoor is a snack that can be eaten during the month of Ramadan.

I want to take it before I need to read it

Rank's prayer


The life of the prophet Tarawih consisted of 8-20 rakats.

Daily prayer to avenge 20 rakats.

Having confirmed this, Caliph Umar gave permission to the Sahabi.

Today's prayer is represented by 10 prayers, each of which consists of two rak'ahs.

She may be getting ready for this Ramadan today.

Begin the prayer after completing the night prayer.

Completion of Ramadan

During the remaining ten days of Ramadan, Muslims should be especially diligent in their prayers.

During this period, mosques were most prominent, as was the case with the Prophet Muhammad, who sat at the mosque throughout this entire period.
You can pay Zakat al-Fitr in the mosque of a person who is obliged to accept it.

You can also distribute products directly to those who require them.

Charity is as good as one of effervescent speeches.

For example, in the countries of Europe it is customary to pay charity in the equivalent of wheat and barley, in Asia in which rice is produced, and in the countries of the Middle East dates.

It is best to pay Zakat al-Fitr with products, as it was customary to work at the hour of the Prophet.

It is only possible to pay pennies in alms from the Hanafi madhhab.

This obligatory mercy allows you to redeem (kafarra) all kinds of mercy that were allowed during the hour of Ramadan.

I am also called upon to provide assistance for the poor and those who require assistance for the holy day of Eid al-Adha.

Eid al-Adha marks the first day of Shawwal, which comes after the end of Ramadan.

Muslims perform namaz (holy prayer) and pay obligatory zakat al-fitr (charity).

Uraza calendar 2018: Uraza - an hour of fun and joy

Eid al-Fitr is another for the significance of the saint in the Islamic calendar after Eid al-Adha. On the eve of the holy day, Muslims buy gifts for each other, prepare chastes, and decorate their lives.

Several days before the holy day, the wife carries out a general cleaning of the hut, court premises, stables, and cleansing. After finishing cleaning, all members of the family must bathe, put on clean clothes and put themselves in order. The gentlemen prepare the evening meal

traditional herbs

similar kitchens.

Children share with their relatives, and there is frequent mutual exchange.

It is not possible to celebrate during Eid al-Fitr, since in most Islamic countries this day is a day off.

In Russia it is preferred in the republics of the Upper Caucasus, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

It is a sacred custom to get up early and put on your holy clothes.

Muslims have a special rite: “May Allah send His mercy to you and to us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!”

One year before the sun sets, at the mosques after the sermon, read the holy prayer - hai-namaz.

There are no people present at the prayer of the greater one. The women are preparing chastuvankas at this hour. After people arrive from the mosque, the gentlemen set the table.

If you are using table tools, you may also be on your right hand. It is very important to show special respect and hospitality to guests, like your old friends: the need to fulfill the best hedgehog , vibirati for guests most beautiful time

And allow them to feel like they are at home, without overpowering those who smell like they used to when they were away.

What is it like to prepare for the Christmas table?

The main product from which most holy herbs are prepared on Eid al-Adha is lamb. Use it to add rich soups, stir-fries, appetizers, and meat salads. The Saint's table will lie down

folk traditions


Just as Tatarstan bakes milk from the morning and places pies on the table, then in the Central Asian republics pilaf is an unknown attribute.

Eid prayer - holy prayer

The Saudi Arabian glass has malt, dates and fruits.

Every day you need to eat a lot so that the table of the coming fate is not empty.

In Kyrgyzstan it is sacredly called Orozo Ait.

The believer can attend this week, eat the prepared food and read the prayers.

Layout of suhurs and iftars for the fast of Ramadan 2018 (for Moscow)

At Turechchini's "Sheker Bayrami" they also caress with malts.

The youngest of the relatives are responsible for raising the oldest.

Suhur is a welcome before the prayer of Fajr.

Country house

Ramadan is a month of Muslim fasting.

This is one of the 5 pillars on which Islam rests (including the testimony that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet, sacrifices, fivefold prayer and pilgrimage to Mecca).

In 2018, Ramadan begins on the 16th of May and lasts until the 14th of May.

In contrast to Christians, Muslims have been living together for months.

Petey also defends himself.

Among all Muslim saints, Bayram is one of the most important.

On Friday, the 15th of cherubs, Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr - the holy breaking of fast, which means the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which they believe to fast.

How to celebrate Eid al-Fitr in Moscow - from the RBC photo gallery

And also get excited, smoke, laugh and think about everything.

Based on Islamic interpretations, holy Ramadan Bayram was established by the founder of Islam himself, the Prophet Muhammad.

This ceremony begins at dawn and continues until midnight.

In Christianity, at the hour of the Great Day, believers soar with the words “Christ is risen!”

As holy as it is, Bayram is holy, on how to lay the tables and set up the chastisement.

For its sutta, it is a form of prayer.

Ramadan Bayram also ensures that all ailments, sorrows and hardships are not forgotten.

Well, in Islam there are only two dates of Muslim saints, the significance of which is so great.

The day of the described monastery of Bayram, tse Id-ul-Adha is the day dedicated to the completion of the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca to the Kaaba.

Bayram, as it was said above, is the result of the fast of Ramadan, in which every person is punished for the morning, drink, love and intimate intimacy before the sunset.

It’s worth working in order to strengthen your willpower, find time for spiritual rights, engage in good works, tidy up your household and extinguish your addictions.

Fasting for the month of Ramadan is one of the major challenges for all Muslims.

These ascriptions are made in order to increase awareness and appreciation of the powerful actions of Muslims and, more precisely, the execution of the orders of Allah.

As the day goes on, one struggles hard to: eat, drink, indulge in all sorts of fun and indulge in contentment.

It is best to work in the mosque together with other believers, unless the circumstances change, then prayer can be performed at home on your own, otherwise it will not be too late for the daily azan.

In the remaining ten days of the month of Ramadan, more active righteous living is being carried out, including the commemoration of the night of the Prophet Muhammad receiving his first revelation.

At the end of the prayer of this day, it is necessary to give zakat - obligatory charity, which is one of the pillars of Islam.

Moreover, it is necessary to earn money before the Holy Day prayer begins.

Ramadan Bayram is being celebrated by all Muslims, and this day there is no trace of confusion, and the mercy-zakat is often given to those who are impossible, so that they can buy themselves a new clothes and eat well.

There is also a special tradition of praying before the saint.

According to Islamic traditions, prayers offered at the hour before Holy Bayram have special power - the ear of Allah is especially respectful to them, and since people respect them generously, they are considered to be the merit of people.

The month of Ramadan is a month of purification from sins and fasting. This month is considered one of the 5 pillars in the Islamic religion.

The month of Ramadan (Ramadan) begins after the end of the month of Sha'ban and after Ramadan the month of Shawal begins.

In the month of Ramadan itself, the holy book “Koran” was sent to the peoples of the world in which about this month it is clearly written that righteous Muslims need to categorically abstain from the forbidden actions (gunahs) on the days of the month of Ramadan, and on Move and accept food and drink. Month of Ramadan 2017 In fact, this month is also called Ramadan by many peoples.

Vіn is the ninth behind the rakhunko Muslim calendar.

If you follow the Gregorian calendar, then the beginning of the month will change.

Suchasniks include this sacredly in the list of obligations for all Muslims.

This month marks the fast, which is also called saum.

This is one of the aspects of modern Islam.

For the past month, devout Muslims have been prevented from living every day.

The increased recognition of the simplest needs of people during the dark days allows the faithful to understand how strong their faith is.

During this period, Muslims try to resist with their passions and instincts.

In addition to external purity, at this time it is also necessary to achieve internal purity.

This means that a Muslim is guilty of making various promises that can defile a person.



Holy Eid al-Adha
Layout of suhurs and iftars for the fast of Ramadan 2018 (for Kazan)
Holy Eid al-Adha
What is fenced off in Ramadan?
At the hour of fasting, a handful of ingredients are stopped working.
Warto believe that broken fasts should be taken into account during the daylight hours.
Language go about:

It is not said that it is necessary to make a post;
Please accept this food;
State contacts (does not matter, regardless of the fact of sexual intercourse), masturbation and ejaculation, seeking additional stimulation;
Rectal and vaginal vicinity of the lips;
Prokovtuvannya rіdini, yak spent up to a company.
What is permitted during the month of Ramadan
Nowadays the law does not prevent us from doing:
Hateful friends also like this;
Injections were given to the skin;
Those who are not Muslims are right not to follow the rules.

Likewise, children who have not yet reached adulthood are people with mental disorders.
Ramadan may not include elderly people and people who suffer from serious illnesses and are not allowed to fast.

To get rid of the stench, the stench is caused by the poor people.

Parents also need not follow the fast because they are worried about their baby’s health.

They must continue Ramadan after the reasons for restlessness arise.
Based on Hadith and the Qur'an, doing good deeds during this period is considered very important for Muslims.

If we follow the words of the prophet, Allah can increase the value of such a task seven hundred times, and the devil during this period is in the lances, it will be easier for him to do good during this period, at a later time.
The post of a believer, who has not been able to achieve the purity of his thoughts and actions, cannot be respected in such a way that it has happened, since “Allah will not require the morning of the life of the one who has not removed nonsense.”

Suhoor is a snack that can be eaten during the month of Ramadan.

I want to take it before I need to read it

Rank's prayer


The life of the prophet Tarawih consisted of 8-20 rakats.

Daily prayer to avenge 20 rakats.

Having confirmed this, Caliph Umar gave permission to the Sahabi.

Muslims are constantly thinking that through spiritual and physical fasting of Ramadan they can effectively brighten the spirit of a person.

She may be getting ready for this Ramadan today.

Begin the prayer after completing the night prayer.

Completion of Ramadan

For example, at the end of Ramadan, a holy breaking of fast is held, which is called Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr in Turkic language.

During this period, mosques were most prominent, as was the case with the Prophet Muhammad, who sat at the mosque throughout this entire period.
You can pay Zakat al-Fitr in the mosque of a person who is obliged to accept it.

You can also distribute products directly to those who require them.

Charity is as good as one of effervescent speeches.

The 2017 year of holy Ramadan is marked on the 25th of chernia.

At this time, Muslims can perform a special prayer and also pay alms.

It is only possible to pay pennies in alms from the Hanafi madhhab.

This obligatory mercy allows you to redeem (kafarra) all kinds of mercy that were allowed during the hour of Ramadan.

I am also called upon to provide assistance for the poor and those who require assistance for the holy day of Eid al-Adha.

Eid al-Adha marks the first day of Shawwal, which comes after the end of Ramadan.

Zakat al-fitr is a mercy that can be paid to the poor.

Uraza calendar 2018: Uraza - an hour of fun and joy

Eid al-Fitr is another for the significance of the saint in the Islamic calendar after Eid al-Adha. On the eve of the holy day, Muslims buy gifts for each other, prepare chastes, and decorate their lives.

This effective solution is obligatory for all believers.

traditional herbs

similar kitchens.

Children share with their relatives, and there is frequent mutual exchange.

It is not possible to celebrate during Eid al-Fitr, since in most Islamic countries this day is a day off.

In Russia it is preferred in the republics of the Upper Caucasus, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

It is a sacred custom to get up early and put on your holy clothes.

The head of the family may have paid a small sum of pennies for the entire family to take care of it.

One year before the sun sets, at the mosques after the sermon, read the holy prayer - hai-namaz.

If the child was given birth at night on the last day of Ramadan, then there is no need to pay charity for her.

Uraza calendar 2017: holy breaking of fast, which marks the end of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan

And allow them to feel like they are at home, without overpowering those who smell like they used to when they were away.

What is it like to prepare for the Christmas table?

Each people has their own faith, and although significant saints, holy ones no longer disagree with each other, they will again fall on different days, for example, in 2017, Ramadan (or Uraza) begins on Sunday The tank starts on the 26th of May and will end after the sun sets on the 24th of May.

Uraza calendar 2017: Uraza - an hour of fun and joy

On the first day of Ramadan, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed. The evil spirits of Satan do not harass the faithful, and their remains are chained in the weeds of the lancet. And those demons that are lost in the people themselves and torment their souls, rage under the hour of Oraz’s fast.

He cares as much as he does

holy month

And he punishes a number of savory people.

The fast of Oraza is one of the five inviolable steps of Islam.

During Ramadan, it is forbidden to accept food in the middle of the day.

Muslim traditions are often similar to the traditions of Catholics and Orthodox Christians.

So, just like Christians and Muslims, they complete the fast, in order to replace the Great Holy Day, which is called Ramadan.

The history and traditions are sacred, but, of course, they are undermined by the Christians, but the sense is thereby lost - to reveal tolerance, free-willedness, to value faith and rethink the way of life.

Ramadan: history and tradition are holy

  1. The date of Ramadan is determined by a special commission of theologians. Typically, it is calculated on the 9th month of the monthly calendar, and the day is selected after the beginning of the month. Since Islam was only born, holy Ramadan fell in the summer months, which in its name means “feast heat”, “baking”.
  2. Following the revelations at the beginning of Ramadan, the Prophet Muhammad withdrew from the divine “revelation”, after which he placed a new mission and gave people the Koran.
  3. It is important that in this period Allah prevails over the fate of people, therefore all Muslims are fooling around and trying to woo the minds of the saint.
  4. Throughout this month, Muslims have been completing fasting (“hurray”).
  5. Here are the basic rules that you need to follow before the hour of education:

Watch out for water and water.

The first appointment may be due before bedtime.

People respect that the sacred holy Ramadan means the continuation of the rules of fasting and often violate the common diet: and what, they seem to have the power to celebrate the holy day? However, the apogee of locality falls at the end of the fast, which means Ramadan Bayram.

Cleaning begins on the last day of the month of Ramadan after sunset and ends on the 1st-2nd of the coming month.

At the end of the collective prayer, Muslims organize a holy meal, at which time they serve not only relatives and friends, but also poor people on the streets.

Obov'yazkovoy umova is the distribution of alms, which means yak fitra or "alms at the end of fasting."