What to wonder about children with Down syndrome.



How can a child with Down syndrome be born to healthy fathers who, according to all the rules, planned their pregnancy in the future?

Doctors insist that this is a genetic defect.

The reasons for the increase in children with Down syndrome could only be seen from the statistics of such episodes in medical practice, the theoretical analysis of genetic scientists and the history of the genetic conditions of “sleepy” children.

Why are children with Down syndrome popular?

When is it possible to detect an anomaly?

What are the methods of preventing the syndrome?

The mildest form of “sleepy sickness” is mosaicism.

Genetic pathology develops in the embryonic period as a result of the inseparability of chromosomes during cell division.

In this case, the damage occurs only in other organs or tissues; in trisomy, the anomaly occurs in all tissues of the little person’s body.

How does the mother's age flow into the child's life from Down's illness?

Why are children with Down syndrome popular?

Doctors are thinking a lot about this issue.

The most widespread reason is called the age of the future mother.

The older the mother, the greater the risk of the baby's anomalies.

In twenty-five years, the likelihood of conceiving a defective baby is less than one tenth of a hundred, and up to 40 years it is five hundredths.

According to medical statistics, 49-year-old mothers have one child with Down syndrome per twelve births.

Why can a child be born with Down syndrome?

Doctors insist that the way of life of their future fathers does not apply to this.

However, there is another evidence of the important position of the future mother on the first screen and the fact of laborious work in a wasteful production.

Unfortunately, it is rarely possible to understand exactly what caused the conception of a “sleepy” baby; it is impossible to provide statistics here.

In addition, in some cases, children with Down syndrome (the causes of the pathology are defined throughout all the statistics) are affected by abnormalities in the development of vagusity.

True, this can be attributed to genetic reasons.

What is disrupting the folate cycle?

Above all, disruption of the folate cycle itself is the reason for the increase in the number of children with Down's disease among young and apparently healthy mothers.

What is the meaning of these words that children with Down syndrome are popular with?

The reasons may include impaired absorption of folic acid (vitamin B9).

Another concern, based on recent studies of nutrition, suggests that the underlying pathology may be associated with increased sleepy activity.

Thus, according to the caution of medical scientists and geneticists, most often the conception of such children occurred after a surge in solar activity.

What should psychologists and esotericists say about the reasons for the birth of “sleepy” children?

Why are children with Down syndrome popular?

Parapsychologists confirm this nutrition by focusing on karmic borgs.

It seems that in the skin's homeland that person who is destined may appear.

And since the fathers were already looking for a boy, and a girl showed up, it is absolutely certain that she will soon give birth to a baby from Down’s illness.

If an adult woman is likely to have an abortion, if it is clear that there is a genetic anomaly, then the unhealthy karma will be passed on to other children who live in this family.

Before the speech, according to the old legend, which is confirmed by modern esotericists, “drowsy” children are the reborn souls of sages and doctors, who in a past life were born with pride.

More than 90% of women experienced pregnancy loss when it became clear that the fetus had Down syndrome.

About 84% of newborns with such a genetic disease are deprived of fathers in the canopy beds, which appear to be among them.

Most often, medical staff are more supportive.

What about in other countries?

European mothers aborted 93% of pregnancies when doctors diagnosed a genetic pathology (data from 2002).

Most families (85%) who have a “sleepy” baby are considered to be children.

Apparently, in Scandinavian countries there is no shortage of such children, and in the USA there are over two hundred and fifty friendly couples waiting for their adoption.

Who deprives a special child?

Of course, these people are depriving their child.

See children of celebrities with Down syndrome.

To avoid the risk of developing Down's disease, it is necessary to go to a medical doctor before the hour of pregnancy.

It is important to perform a genetic test to determine if there is a defect in the absorption of folic acid, and contact a gastroenterologist if there is a suspicion of insufficient absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Next, you should start taking vitamin B9 and multivitamins for your vagina.

It is important to edify your diet by saturating it with all the necessary bark.

In case of late pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo regular medical treatment and be more respectful before your new life.

One of the biggest mysteries surrounding illness today is Down syndrome. There are a lot of myths and legends about him.

The lack of facts, which cannot be said one by one, makes the fathers of such little ones very nervous.

And during the hour of pregnancy, they are constantly tormented by nutrition, whether to perform an abortion or to chew the baby.

If you deprive a child, then how do you take away the habits of the world, which does not prepare you for living with unexpected children?.

This is understood by the fact that the stench of our entire life is dispelled by kindness, tenderness and affection.

Children like this will make everyone laugh forever. They have no reserves, no anger, and no desire for misfortune.

However, it is very important for them to live in the world, because it is difficult for them to become too dependent on the world.

And the stand at the turnout is even more noticeable.

Why is the population of unexplained sleepy children pouring in? Cause illness to develop

  • Currently, doctors continue to work on the problem of why children with Down syndrome are more common, and what factors are dominant in the affected karyotype.
  • Moreover, genetics, unimportant to current progress, is deprived of little science.
  • And there is no exact evidence for this nutrition.
  • The remaining investigations showed that
  • There are a number of reasons that indirectly influence the development of illness and the appearance of the syndrome:

The only reason why doctors and geneticists agree on the Duma is that the father’s way of life and the factors do not influence the development of illness.

Therefore, a friend has been called at the address of one of the people with the birth of such a little one will be absolutely unprimed.

Main symptoms

The clinical picture of the disease is clearly depicted

And even after external symptoms, it is possible to detect the presence of the syndrome in a child immediately after birth.

Although the signs of pathology are not visible only to doctors, the smell can still indicate the presence of other illnesses. Therefore, after the birth of the baby, the diagnosis is necessarily confirmed by additional investigations, which include genetic analysis of the karyotype.

Type of emergency children A baby with Down syndrome is most often diagnosed with the following signs: It is not at all necessary that a baby with a pathology beware of all these signs immediately.

Each child's skin is individual

, So everyone will have their own set of signs.

If the eldest is a child, they will experience a greater number of symptoms of illness. Thus, before the age of eight, a child most often develops cataracts, obesity, abnormalities in the development of teeth, and problems with the development of teeth. All this is due to the creation of the same chromosome in DNA DNA.

The result of this is a significant development of the child and complex social adaptation. Down syndrome in medicine is classified as one of the types of oligophrenia, and this has several stages of development. Stages of development of ailments

The stench of the child's ranks is heard.

You can see deep, severe, moderate and mild stages of illness. What has the child been diagnosed with? mild stage of the syndrome

, you have little exposure to your same-year-olds, and at first glance it is practically impossible to detect the presence of illness.

Such a little one achieves excellent results in its beginning life. Ale.

One of these tests is invasive surveillance. It is not recommended for women over 34 years of age. This is explained by the fact that during the hour of investigation, special instruments are introduced into the empty uterus, which can damage its walls and cause harm to the mother and the fetus.

The basis of this investigation is the collection of amniotic fluid to trace the amniotic fluid.

A chorionic villus biopsy can also be performed, which makes it possible to detect the presence of chromosomal pathology.

And the remaining investigation lies in taking the umbilical cord blood of the child. In addition, it appears non-invasive methods of surveillance

This includes a perinatal screening program, which involves the collection of blood from a vein, and perinatal diagnosis using special devices.

However, the presence of pathology can be seen in either the first or the next trimester of pregnancy.

And this decision can be praised in early terms. Because after the 20th year it’s too late to work, even though the foundation is already starting to collapse. Nina more than 92% of women interrupted vaginal pregnancy through the detection of pathology.

Similar statistics can be found about those who don’t dare to live with such a child.

And the remaining investigation lies in taking the umbilical cord blood of the child. Even if pathology does not allow you to take care of yourself, you are deprived of it for the rest of your life..

And precedents when sleepy children graduated from universities and institutes.

In addition, such people can create families and half of the lovers will have children.

Ale Varto means that the child will always be born with miracles. Show the syndrome in life, never before. Therefore, you should focus on the forecasts of doctors and prepare yourself until the child’s development is not affected.

Preventative visits

Today there are no reliable, proven and guaranteed methods of preventing Down syndrome. Ale doctors recommend reinsurance and immediate work

genetic testing before the baby is conceived

in order to determine the likelihood of illness in the offspring.

“Down syndrome” is the most widespread form of chromosomal pathology known to date.

About 20% of important forms of central nervous system disorders are associated with genetic disorders.

In the midst of these illnesses, Down syndrome often occurs, in whom Rozumov suffers from a certain condition.

Down syndrome is a genetic anomaly, a congenital chromosomal disorder that results from the appearance of a supernumerary chromosome.

The cells of the human body contain 46 chromosomes, which contain the characters that are passed on to the embryo from the beginning.

Chromosomal set is the same number of male, male and female chromosomes.

In children born with Down syndrome, 21 pairs share an additional chromosome, resulting in the presence of 47 chromosomes.

3. Down syndrome with mosaicism.

Mosaicism is the third type of chromosomal abnormality, which is expressed by the presence in some cells of the normal number of chromosomes 46, and in others - 47 chromosomes, so trisomy of 21 pairs of chromosomes.

The frequency of such a phenomenon is 1% in many children with Down syndrome.

Patients with Down syndrome may have a number of difficulties such as: loss of hearing, frequent ear infections (otitis media), pathology of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), cervical spine instability, impaired vision, increased sleep, obesity, constipation, infantile spasms, seizure , dementia and early onset Alzheimer's disease.

Approximately 18% to 38% of people with Down syndrome suffer from mental and behavioral disorders, such as: autism spectrum disorders, deficits of respect and hyperreactivity, depression, stereotypic disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders and.


The profound immaturity of children's speech (distortions in the articulation apparatus, stiffness) often masks their mental function and creates damage to their lower cognitive abilities.

However, with the addition of nonverbal skills (classification of objects, arch operations, etc.), children with Down syndrome may show the same results as other treatments.

Children with Down syndrome face significant difficulties in the development of data and evidence.


Children with Down syndrome are characterized by insecurity of basic emotions.

Most of them are affectionate and affectionate.

Actions that create positive emotions for all adults, who come into contact with them, actions that are important to those with which they steadily coalesce.

Children experience positive emotions more often than negative ones.

If you don’t get the stench, don’t get embarrassed.

You can never again correctly evaluate the results of your activities, and the emotion of satisfaction accompanies the completion of a task that may have been completed incorrectly. Fear, joy, confusion are available.
Calculate emotional reactions based on the depth that does not correspond to the reason that evoked them. Most often, the stench is expressed insufficiently brightly, wanting to get rid of the much stronger experience for an insignificant drive. Calculate emotional reactions based on the depth that does not correspond to the reason that evoked them. Most often, the stench is expressed insufficiently brightly, wanting to get rid of the much stronger experience for an insignificant drive.
Specialism. 2 1,5-3 1 0,5-3
In particular, these children in the larger world are influenced by the influence of inheritance from the actions and kin of other people. 6 2-12 5 2-10
Some children are wary of epileptoid character traits: self-centrism, over-worldly neatness. 9 6-18 7 5-9
Most children have positive characteristics: they are sweet, kind, and equally important. 11 7-21 8 6-11
1.Motor development 10 10-32 11 8-16
Progressive stages of psycho-motor development of children with Down syndrome, taken from the results of daily studies on the motor development of young children with Down syndrome, are presented in the table, it is important to note that “down babies” practically step “on the heels” of the development of normal children . 20 12-45 13 8-18
Etapi u rozvitku ditini 14 9-30 10 6-14
Children with Down syndrome 24 18-46 21 14-32

“Normal” children

Middle Ages (months)

3. Another incorrect manifestation is associated with processes similar to those of an adult.

It was believed that with the age of wisdom, the acuity of people with Down syndrome is gradually decreasing.

Prote, several years of monitoring of a group of people with Down syndrome did not reveal the obviousness of this phenomenon.

On the basis of the remaining information, it is possible to develop the idea that in the future of children with Down syndrome, one can, of course, look more optimistically, at least even earlier.


Problems with eyesight.

Since the Englishman L. Down first described the syndrome in 1866, children with this syndrome have been treated with seemingly faceless various procedures.

Actions from the proposed methods of treatment are directly related to the weakened state of the surrounding organs (congenital heart disease, skeletal pathologies, damage to the scutulo-intestinal system, dysfunction of the thyroid gland and sensitive organs).

Other methods of treatment, as well as preventive approaches, were directly aimed at improving the overall health of children with Down syndrome.

The medical characteristics of the motor development of children with Down syndrome in early childhood, the space between the intellectual corridor, the high plasticity of the central nervous system and the ability to compensate for impaired functions suggested the stagnation of autoneurotherapy used with micropolarization as a method of improving cognitive functions.

In our center, over the past 3 years, more than 30 children with Down syndrome have been treated with this scheme, ranging from 3 to 6 years, since during this period it is possible to correct the original mental and motor impairment functions and avoid the guilt of secondary development.

This period is also favorable for the formation of the correct social model of behavior.

This regimen has shown high therapeutic effectiveness on:

Development of motor development – ​​development of fine and gross motor skills;

Weak short-term auditory memory;

Increased concentration period;

Difficulty in learning and memorizing new things; understanding and learning;

It’s difficult to sharpen, scale, and bring to fruition;

Problems with the establishment of sequence (actions, objects, objects, etc.);

Accelerated development of the language (increased vocabulary, which leads to greater knowledge; improved mastery of grammatical constructions; flexibility in spelling, understanding of learning, faster acquisition of new words and grammatical rules).


The trivial nature of life for people with Down syndrome has become increasingly apparent over the past decade, and medical care and social adaptation have significantly declined.

People with Down syndrome are looking for comfort, warmth, family peace.

How can stinks create a lasting impact on a family, and how can mothers of children?

What kind of state development do these people have?

What is needed for the happiness of children, who are only a few years old, but also to give a harmless transition in life, and what is required is courage to cope with them.

Statement of education of children

Of course, people with Down syndrome are special.

Children with the syndrome are already ill, but they need to develop intensively.

They need to know the stories of rich successful people who also suffer from this congenital disease.

Also, children of guilty mothers before the eyes of the history of the successes of people who were chosen from a hopeless living situation.

It is important to understand that Down syndrome is associated with different developments.

Children who understand their purpose - to convey to everyone their charm, intelligence and success, can go far, and for this they do not need to become fixated on their sexuality.

The one who talks about the normality of self-satisfaction, free article statements, is an evildoer and a subordinate evildoer of a hundred special children.

It is important to recognize that the risk of developing children with Down syndrome is great, as are other genetic and physical treatments.

It is also certain that the baby will be completely healthy.

A vaginal woman with genetic illnesses must be treated like a normal woman, only to address the weaknesses of her body and provide the necessary medical and psychological assistance.

Guys and men

Ninita Panichev is a talented, less than exceptional lad

Mature people with Down syndrome are diagnosed in the same way as people without genetic disease.

The organs are of normal size, but the cells may be smaller in size.

Looking at those with the syndrome, there are no physical problems, some problems with the physical organs, at the moment of normal maturity the boys should be shown to a urologist.

In a situation where the wife is pregnant, there is obviously a need to give birth, and the mother may be encouraged to support her family and marriage, as such children may feel discriminated against.

In addition, people who can socialize such children may get involved before the consultation.

They don’t care about those who children are known to be, they are members of the marriage, and because they have no respect for the problems of the people with problems, they reject harsh evidence that future social problems will be overcome.

Children who are diagnosed with genetic diseases, such as ailments, can reverse the development of completely normal children.

I am a convalescent daughter with Down syndrome.

I knew in advance that she had the syndrome.

So, when my little daughter’s father left the curtained hut without the treasured pack in her arms, she lost herself there.

« Then they put them in the doctor’s office: they injected them, they treated them, they lived for years.

Then they transferred the child to the cabin.

Once again we followed the schedule.

I am always afraid of fanaticism in all nutrition, and especially of fanaticism in childbirth nutrition.

« To stop supporting the fathers of a newborn with Down syndrome, you need to take the time and effort to educate everyone yourself.

I’ll just drink to that: what are you afraid of?

Not for twenty, not for ten years.

Axis at once

While vin is small, doki yomu pivroku, doki yomu rik, doki yomu three?

Because at this moment the fear is great and irrational.

And so, another thing... Sometimes about fathers (it doesn’t matter, the adopted ones or the ordinary ones) ZMI say so, otherwise they stink of heroes.

« The stench puts an incredible burden on you, because it’s absolutely possible to live with SUCH... SUCH... a child.

Ale gives less strength to the heroes.

To the titans spirit and will.

And millionaires.

Correctional kindergartens and schools.One mother successfully promotes inclusion.

Moreover, it looks like it looks like a buti.

« I telephoned my mother to inform her that I gave birth to a girl on the 6th day in a curtained bed.

Mom told me, “That’s ours,” and I’ll remember those words to this day.

« And then I decided to call the phone, arrest the people and deprive the child of their curses.

"Let's get rid of it."

Be kind, if your loved ones and friends have given birth to a child with Down syndrome, do not deprive them yourself.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help, help yourself.

Talk to them, find contacts of Fatherland’s spilnots in your area and go there.