What to expect in Antarctica. Antarctica. Selfie.” Documentary film. Antarctic naphtha is leading to the beginning of a new cold war

What do world leaders want to hear about Antarctica?

The exclusion of Antarctica for civilians has been extended for another 35 years, and all polar explorers have been replaced by specialized officers from the special services.

At the same time, this continent is regularly visited by leaders of great powers, as well as leaders of religious denominations. It’s more logical that food, what did they find out there yesterday and with whom do the world leaders meet?

Ten flights to Antarctica.

On the earth's day, the almost untouched giant continent of Antarctica is growing. Beneath the apparently impenetrable, thousand-kilometer-thick thick ice lie endless secrets that will roil the minds of the ancients.

So, today no one can explain the Wilks Land anomaly - an impact crater that is visible from space. And, therefore, the caves of Antarctica are increasing the number of expeditions.

The heaviest and most important branches of Antarctica from 1939 to 2017:

Expansion of Antarctica: Operation "Nova Swabia".

In 1939, the Third Reich sent an expedition to Antarctica. So, it’s true: the Nazis really wanted to set up a base on the frozen continent. Why this is so - no one knows for sure. Unsurprisingly, in what manner Hitler intended to deny scientific and economic benefits at the base in such a cold, spare life and vitally accessible to the resources of the city.

However, the abundance of evidence did not stop the world from speculating further about this story. After the Nazi capitulation in 1945, two German submarines with additional crews arrived in Argentina. Although people may no longer know what their mission was before the collapse of Hitler, many of them set the goals that could have been set before the German submarine ships in this part of the Pivdennya Pivku. , in addition to the exploration of Antarctica.

Expansion of Antarctica: Operation Tabarin.

The Germans were a united nation when, at the hour of Another World War, the continent collapsed. In 1943, when the war broke out, the British army sent an expedition to Antarctica under the name “Operation Tabarin”.

Why was it important to take care of the whaling fleets in this region in order to justify the dispatch of a daily military ship with a full complement of sailors to the region, which would be as far away from the combat zones as possible? disgusting.

One can only accept that the importance of the reinforced British presence in Antarctica may have been justified by the presence of a Nazi base on the frozen continent. All that is known today, melodiously, is that the expedition survived two winters and was considered incredibly successful.

Unusual expedition to Antarctica: Operation Highjump.

In 1946, when the psychological urges of another world war were still fresh in the minds of the American people, an expedition of the US Navy with 13 battleships and 33 airmen was sent to Antarctica. Operation Highjump was carried out by Admiral Richard Byrd, who is already familiar with his solo flights over the continent of Greece.

The official goal of the mission was the beginning of work in the minds of the eternal ice and the establishment of a more stable American presence in Antarctica. It is not important to believe that the hypothetical future conflict with the Radian Union, which, as it turned out, would be responsible for triggering a land battle in the minds of Siberia.

Tim no less, there was no end to speculation that the real purpose of Operation Highjump was the eradication of the legendary Antarctic Nazi base. What’s also extremely significant is the fact that the Americans turned home after spending so much.

Prince Harry's journey to Antarctica is unforgettable.

Let's move on to today. In 2013, Prince Harry stepped down to the British throne for the fifth time, launching an expedition to the Pole. Meta prices are useful in eternal ice In fact, it ended with 12 wounded military servicemen and the women who accompanied Harry at the exit, which was initially planned as a “revealing” campaign across the continent.

However, after arriving on the continent, the team realized that the terrain along the 320-kilometer route to the center of Antarctica would be difficult to navigate, and it would be necessary to simply try to reach the pole “in the mood.” Apart from the competitive aspect, there is nothing surprising about this expedition. Tim no less, it sets a precedent for the permanent presence of the High Landers in Antarctica.

Patriarch Kiril's journey to Antarctica is unsurprising.

In 2016, the heads of the similar Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches came together during the Great Schism, which split the church at least 1000 years ago. The historic battle in Cuba between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis was hailed as the beginning of a new era for Christianity, although no one could say why, in the last 1000 years, the two most prosperous people The Christian world wanted to come together at that time.

Of course, it was timeless to let it go, especially since a few days after this historical war it was announced that Patriarch Kirill was joining the crew of the Russian military-naval vessel "Admiral Volod" Imirsky" for a trip to the Pivdenny Pole. This shock became especially intriguing when it became clear that the Admiral Volodymyrsky had made an unprecedented stop in the Saudi port of Jeddah on the route to Antarctica.

Both Russia and Saudi Arabia were irreconcilable economic rivals over the oil market, so it was understood that a Russian ship might need it at the port closest to Mecca. The only reason for Patriarch Kiril’s presence in Antarctica has been voiced – those who want to pray to the critical one. Orthodox Church, which was born on the continent of Crete a few decades ago.

An unforgettable journey to Antarctica by Tom Hanks.

Religious leader of Russia is not the only one at home, which for the last few years has shown interest in the distant Trinity Orthodox Church

Toward the hour of his short visit to Antarctica in 2016, American actor Tom Hanks, having converted to Orthodoxy, first became friends with Rita Wilson, specially highlighting the crass temple made of wood.

An emergency expedition to Antarctica by the Minister of Defense of New Zealand.

Although New Zealand is not the closest region to Antarctica (which may overlap with Chile and Argentina), it plays an important role in the conditions that occur on the ground in ice and snow. In fact, the New Zealand Defense Force is permanently present in Antarctica, and is abducting personnel at Scott Base and McMurdo Station (which, other than the penguins, is unclear).

In 2017, Defense Minister Ron Mark started making regular visits to the brave New Zealanders patrolling the Kryzhan Pustki. Years ago, he described his journey as “having opened my eyes to a lot of speeches.”

The cost to Antarctica of the exorbitant US Secretary of State John Kerry is unforeseen.

On November 8, 2016, elections were held in the United States, with Donald Trump becoming president. And yet there is one US citizen who appreciates that the world of that day was in great disarray, the greatest embarrassment to the electorate in US history. At that time, he became America's most senior diplomat and became the highest-ranking official in the United States, having once visited Antarctica.

Let's talk about the wicked Secretary of State John Kerry. Instead, in order to encourage his favorite candidate, John Kerry spent election day in Antarctica. Alas, I wonder if Kerry simply ruined the road to a higher price, which is financed by tax payers, instead of being in the White House.

What no one knows. Michael Rubin of the conservative think tank AEI says that, in addition to the waste of money, Kerry's trip to the Ice Pole also appears to be a waste of time, since there are no other diplomats in Antarctica for negotiations.

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin's journey to Antarctica is unsurprising.

One of the first people to set foot on the Moon, having also created the most deserted place on Earth. Buzz Aldrin went to the Sun Pole at the end of the 2016 leaf fall. Although the 86-year-old Aldrin underwent special training and consultations with doctors before the expedition, as a result, the Yoma became ill (altitude sickness), and Aldrin had to be evacuated to Christchurch, New Zealand. ї.

But this whole story is permeated with nutrition from beginning to end: since the summer Aldrin was sick at altitude, then the doctors admitted him to the Antarctic plateau, which is located at an altitude of 3000 meters above the river Above the sea. Why did another intercessor of the NASA director reach the Sun Pole a day before Aldrin and just a few years after John Kerry. Have plenty of food.

The map of Antarctica was painted in 1513 by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis.

Possibly, the reason for all these amazing and rapid visits to Antarctica is found in the past. With the help of satellite images, the mystique of cartography has become perhaps even more merciless. Until the early 1900s, inaccuracies in cartography were a common occurrence.

No less, there is one map more than 500 years old that appears to show part of the Antarctic coastline. There is only one “ale”: there is no ice on it. Painted in 1513 by the Turkish admiral Piri Reis, this unique map was discovered in 1929 before the current cartographic paintings of Antarctica were completed.

Although Admiral Reis, insanely, having been a great follower, he knew that he had based his cards on the older jerels. Once again, the recent appearance of seismic instruments and satellite data about the new map of the coastline of Antarctica, trapped under kilometers of ice, has been confirmed.

Imagine that Obama made a voyage to Antarctica and went to the point of sadness.

There is also a lot of information about the visit of Patriarch Kiril, mainly in the foreign press. The comments under my video on YouTube (below the message on the video) have a message about this material.

The remaining archaeological and cryptographic discoveries on the great pyramid of Khufu in Egypt allowed us to decipher the messages sent to us by ancient alarmists - information about those that the Antarctic continent and formerly famous, Atlantis, predicted by Plato.

12,000 years ago (a lot less or a little more) this terrible continent was located between the Americas and Africa, but as a result of a terrible tectonic cataclysm (possibly caused by the passage of Planet X) moving to the Sun Pole.

This evidence is not new in principle and practically repeats the theory of Charles Hapgood about the movement of Antarctica. Although his theory was supported by many people, including one of his henchmen, Albert Einstein, Hapgood did not have a strong evidentiary basis.

Hapgood at his own aurii to finish the boring geologian, so doslіzhennya old man hunger cards, and the ogi ioa boule Vostin, the soremil of the tutaln of the Vsegoy Acadricular Svit.

An ancient map, where Antarctica is divided between the Americas and Africa.

An ancient Chinese map, which very clearly depicts the creatures represented on the Antarctic continent, at that time Northern America is empty and lies under the ice.

The main arguments of the academicians were the hour and the cold. It is a well-known scientific fact that Antarctica is covered with millions of rocks and millions of rocks. As a legacy on a continent covered in ice by millions of rocks, we cannot continue to live and, what’s more, civilization.

Tim is not the least, regardless of the list, we carried out a thorough investigation, which was no less cryptographic and mathematical. We tried to find out how deep under the ice in Antarctica we can detect traces of vegetation and how much we can read our theory, which is based on the stone message of the Ancient Buddies.

Those we knew were fascinating and changed our most amusing thoughts, leaving the remaining erasing of Milk’s ideas of science about Antarctica and its climate. Thanks to the biological surpluses raised from drilled holes, it was very warm in Antarctica. And this was beyond the historical world quite recently. But a terrible tectonic cataclysm moved the continent, destroying all the diversity there and all the people it brought to the blame of civilization.

[offense video with Russian subtitles]

Antarctica is at the center of respect among geopolitical experts. Members of the country are trying to expand the scope of their influx until the international treaty on the protection of waste on the sixth continent is revised. Russia and China are pushing forward.

Antarctica all by itself. Not only the temperature can drop to 60 degrees below zero. The sixth continent still on Earth. The Girsky peaks, which exceed 3 thousand meters, are distinguished by endless creeping deserts. Antarctica, by the way, is the only kestrel found on the planet. Although it is completely covered with ice, river fallout is minimal here.

This mysterious land, constantly filled with mysteries and legends, remains at the center of the respect of geopolitical experts. Actions of the country are trying to expand the scope of their contribution to the possible revision of the international treaty on the protection of the superfluous environment, which has hitherto served the sixth continent. Russia and China have already moved forward. “Antarctica is a disputed territory,” explains Kaus Dodds, a researcher in geopolitics at the University of London.

The territory, as of today, at 60 degrees of fresh latitude, is protected by the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959 by twelve countries (later signed by another forty powers) and became, in fact, the first international territory monitoring the developments after the Cold War. The signatures intended to protect any military activity on the continent, transforming it into a zone of scientific research. The ale tsim on the right did not end. In 1991, 28 countries signed the Madrid Protocol, which prohibits the production of commercially produced bark trees in Antarctica. Ale, first of all, this action is surrounded by 2048 fate, if you can look at it. Otherwise, you may be criticized for this term in the past. People in the region are already thinking that they won’t know if geological surveying robots give the green light.


One of the mysteries of Antarctica

Dagbladet 01.10.2016

There were tropics in Antarctica

The Huffington Post 05.08.2012

Lakes of Antarctica: people have recently rushed to discover the secrets of life in the underworld

The Guardian 15.02.2012

Antarctic naphtha is leading to the beginning of a new cold war

stuff.co.nz 19.09.2011

Comora nafta

What is so added to the depths of Antarctica? At first glance, this is strong ice, but this enemy is even more deceptive. “The continent has untouched reserves of bark copalina,” says geopolitics expert Damian Jacubovich. Their estimates vary greatly, but experts believe that 36 to 200 billion barrels of oil and gas may lie in the subsurface of Antarctica. And not only that. Identification of certain areas of the Kimberlite can indicate the presence of diamond deposits.

“The thought of those who might be hiding under the ice haunts cartographers, science fiction writers, and politicians,” Dodds says. These are the most valuable resources - not carbohydrates and not stones. “In my opinion, the most urgent and urgent need in rich regions of the world is to satisfy the need for water, and Antarctica has the largest reserves on the planet,” says researcher Alejandro Bertotto. Jandro Bertotto), senior commander of the Argentine base "San Martin", who lived long rocks on the sixth continent. It was recently reported that 70% of the frozen species is concentrated near Antarctica fresh water on the ground.

In order to pull this out natural resources have to try. Before low temperatures Great advances are being made. Antarctica after dozhina more, lower Europe. However, experts believe that climate change (in some areas the temperature has risen by more than three degrees) and new technologies may facilitate the development of bark copalin species in Antarctica.

Drinking on them from the world, which is still stale from the energy that is obtained from carbohydrates, you can increase the pressure with the implementation of certain commercial projects in Antarctica until 2048, which is confirmed The New York Times. “As crises develop in the world, new countries may emerge that, in defiance of their sovereignty, are drawn to a part of the continent with requests for the principle of “indirect management” of Antarctica,” explains Yakubovich.

This country and two “vartovi”

There are a lot of claims to Antarctica. “Nutrition in the one who is not in charge of this continent and is the subject of super-education, then all the geopolitics there will be in ignorance and sensitivity,” says Dodds.

These countries - Argentina, Australia, Chile, France, Norway, New Zealand and Great Britain - have declared their claims to part of the continent, which is enshrined in the Antarctic Treaty, which protects claims from other countries. n. The United States and Russia are depriving themselves of the right to assert the sovereignty of all of Antarctica through those that, according to the assertions of both powers, they themselves have become the first leaders, as other countries lay claim to their part of the continent.

Pressure infusion of Moscow

“Nutrition about bark digs is incompatible with nourishment of sovereignty. Russia and China have shown particular resistance to the freezing of their species,” says Dodds. Moscow is making large investments in Antarctica. The base was modernized, and the Radyansky Union was created within hours. The expansion project of one of them, built on the island of 25 grass, also known as San Jorge, conveys the everyday life of a small Orthodox church, with a peaceful life of the priest. The logs on this day were brought to Antarctica from Siberia.

Part of the Russian strategy is to explore the sixth continent to develop the global navigation satellite system GLONASS, which is expected to compete with American GPS. Moscow has already had three satellite monitoring systems in Antarctica, and is likely planning to increase their number in the future. On the right is that in some areas of the continent the signal from space is received (and dissipated) more quickly, according to experts. This is how the special services enter the GRU, wanting military activity fenced in Antarctica.

AP Photo, Natacha Pisarenko

China also has satellite stations on the sixth continent. The rise in the position of the Asian ear was late, rather than violent. Beijing had been its first base until 1985, when most of the guilty countries had already established themselves in Antarctica. As of today, the Celestial Empire already has many bases and plans to become fifth. The United States, meanwhile, has only three of these, which are working hard.

China is not the only country that claims sovereignty over the continent under the 1959 Treaty. The existence of bases, according to experts, can be a strategy for removing certain advantages from the time of reviewing documents from 2048 people.

Basis as a floating tool

“Scientific bases have always emphasized sovereignty and security. Great Britain, Argentina and Chile are developing their research stations in order to “secure” their territory and resources. USA Radiansky Union They were killed during the Cold War. The continued existence of China’s scientific bases is also seen as an indication of its dominant status at the lost pole,” said analyst Dodds. “Science is a way to establish geopolitical power in Antarctica,” adds the expert.

Beijing confirms that its new station has been created for operation pre-slednytsky projects. Ale with active guards. “Dosi have piqued our interest natural sciences“But we know that there is much greater interest in the development of nutritional security of resources,” Yang Huigen said at the 2015 Rock, general director Polar Research Institute of the People's Republic of China.

The Institute has recently opened a new department that deals with the development of resources, legislation and geopolitics at both poles. "Do we need new science stations?" - asks analyst Dodds. “I suspect that there is no, and, in addition, the bases could be smaller and more automated, as it is about collecting climatic and other information about dovkilla. Ale daily system“I want those who invest more in science and logistics,” he adds.

The pace taken by China from the everyday life of krigolami and specialized aircraft and helicopters is also striking. And this is not the only land that wants to enjoy a place in the sun on the sixth continent. Turkey, Iran and Colombia also plan to open new bases.

Consensus at the Ross Sea

Russia and China are trying to expand their influx, not without additional bases. The offended countries blocked the signing of the agreement on anonymity with a five-point stretch security zone Ross Sea, which respects the remaining unoccupied marine ecosystem on the planet. “38% of the world’s population of Adélie penguins, 30% of the Antarctic petrel and about 6% of the Antarctic dwarf whale are concentrated there,” Bertotto overestimates.

Both Russia and China have serious fishing interests in the region. Fishing is the same, in line with tourism, commercial activity, permitted on the Antarctic continent. The Russian fishing fleet specializes mainly in the species of Antarctic cod. The Chinese are more likely to eat krill, which is richer in protein, a crustacean that is more important for the aquaculture dominion of the Asian giant. The problem is that at the same time krill is an indispensable source of lancet grub in the waters of Antarctica.

The decision to enclose the disputed territory with a security zone can be praised as a consensus. After a while, gritting his teeth, China. Behind him, at the end of the last fate, came Russia. The Ross Sea is now the largest protected area in the world. I would like to point out that this was a Pyrrhic victory: only a third of the area was taken for protection, which was initially transferred, quotas for the types of water biological resources are not limited in the zones where they can be created, and there is only up to 2 051 roku.

Others believe that the signed agreement has achieved great success as a result of difficult negotiations: “It was necessary to strengthen the support of Russia and China, as they expressed the short term of the agreement,” says Bertotto. “Parts of the ocean are struggling as much as they are emerging from ice as warming weather continues,” says Andrea Kavanagh of The Pew Charitable Trusts.

Latin American sovereignty

The Latin American countries will not be able to keep up with this race for the division of spheres flowing into Antarctica. Argentina was the first country to have a base on the sixth continent. This happened in 1904. A lot has changed since that hour. “We appreciate that in the 21st century, sovereignty goes hand in hand with science, just as in Antarctica it rests, first and foremost, on logistics. It is obvious that Argentina has seriously wasted money against other countries,” lamented Bertotto.

This country, like Chile, claims to be part of the sixth continent. After all, Great Britain lays claim to them. Bertotto appreciates that there is only one solution: “We can push through the Latin American Antarctic project,” sending regional pre-student groups to the Pole. This is all for the sake of not losing one’s nose in the battle for the region of the Earth.

Nine months on the river and people are constantly being cut off from the world. There is a possibility of evacuation from the International Space Station. Zvidsi - no. This is Antarctica, the oldest continent on Earth. Everyday life polar explorers without knowing anyone. The journalist cannot tell his hero - it must be unsafe for a long time. Therefore, the polar explorers themselves knew their everyday life, exclusively for the First Channel, from the very departure from the port of St. Petersburg to Antarctica until returning home.

Do you know what method to use? I'll drink some water those who have a kilometer of frozen water under their feet. Finally, at minus 50, you will need a lubricant cream. Why did the Metalika band have spectators wearing headphones at the single Antarctic concert? And what does the center look like at the Sun Pole. A unique chance to visit the inhabitants of Antarctica without losing a warm apartment.

Viktor Vinogradov, head of the 61st expedition, became our eyes in Antarctica. It shows how polar explorers live and where they rejoice. Before speaking, at the skin station there are two doctors. This is literally written in blood.

In 1961, Leonid Rogozov shared the same fate in the Antarctic expedition. He will be the only doctor at the station: simultaneously both a therapist and a dentist, and in the end, it would seem, a specialist in a wide profile. After first learning, Leonid was a surgeon. Everything itself calmed down. On the 30th week I felt very ill. Rogozin himself diagnosed acute appendicitis. I myself considered the treatment an emergency operation. There were no other doctors at the station. I had the chance to perform the operation myself. The film has unique photos and a story about the surgeon’s lifelong fate.

It's cold in Antarctica, as you know. We hardly notice how cold it is there. The record was recorded in 1983 – minus 89 degrees. It's cold - that's the only problem. Add steady winds to severe frosts - about 50 meters per second. Plus the ozone hole. It was first discovered over Antarctica in 1985. Through the ozone hole there is more intense ultraviolet radiation. Fighting in the snow, sleepy exchanges The floors become unsafe, and can literally burn your skin. So the profession of a polar explorer can be considered one of the most heroic.

The film takes the fate of:

Viktor Vinogradov, polar explorer, head of the Antarctic station "Mirny"

Hieromonk Paladius (Bistriv), resident of the Holy Trinity St. Sergius Lavra, polar explorer

Valery Lukin, head of the Russian Antarctic Expedition

Maria Dukalska, v.o. Director of the Museum of the Arctic and Antarctic

Arseniy Martinchik, Doctor of Medical Sciences, leading scientific specialist of the Federal Research Center for Food and Biotechnology

Mikola Kornilov, honorary polar explorer, oceanographer

Oleksandr Klimenko, polar explorer, electrician

Volodimir Fedotov, honorary polar explorer

Sergiy Vinokurov, polar explorer, surgeon

Sergey Grigor'ev, polar explorer, anesthesiologist

Director: K. Murashev

Virobnitstvo:"Contrast", 2017

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    22:02 28.05.2019

    Ufologists have discovered an alien portal in Antarctica

    Scientists in Antarctica discovered an anomalous zone in which electromagnetic coils were violating between Lake Skhid and the Krizhany ball. Ufologists have admitted that this plot has a singing portal parallel light. The presence of pre-descendants on near-Earth orbital satellites has generated a series of intense electromagnetic vibrations in the Antarctic region, which pulsate at the bottom of Lake Skhid under the surface of the ice ball. Around the edges of the lake, unknown flying objects often began to appear late in the day.

    14:32 30.04.2019

    30th quarter: 1961, a unique operation took place in Antarctica

    58 fatefully, in 1961, in Antarctica, the 27-year-old doctor-surgeon Leonid Ivanovich Rogozov performed a unique operation, the news of which spread throughout the world, he himself had his appendix removed. After graduating from the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute and being sent to Antarctica as a doctor at the Novolazarevskaya station. There are 13 people at the station, and Rogozov (voice on the first page) in addition to his main medical field, also includes the duties of a meteorologist and some water. 29th quarter of the year when you feel bad about yourself: weakness, boredom, mobility

    16:34 14.12.2018

    Two people died at an American station in Antarctica

    Two people died at the American pre-research station McMurdo in Antarctica. This is reported by The New York Times in a letter to the US National Science Foundation. According to the data, two workers died while they were carrying out routine maintenance of the fire extinguishing system at Mount Newwall near the Dry Valleys. The bodies of the workers revealed the helicopter pilot, which took them to the mountain. Until the moment of discovery, one of the technicians was dead, the other, showing signs of life, died immediately. The cause of death has not been stated, but

    17:08 24.10.2018

    Knifing in vain: Russian polar explorers fought in Antarctica

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    20:42 16.07.2018

    Battle for Antarctica: Russia creates positions for China

    While Ukraine is closing its Antarctic polar stations, China is opening new ones. Nezabar Russia has a significant 200-year anniversary of the discovery of the Pole. The great Kryzhany Komora has a lot of treasures - uranium, gold, thorium. And another 80% of the world's reserves are fresh water. Why do we need Antarctica? We are closing our polar stations. China is opening up new things. Nadiya Popova Oil reserves at the Ice Pole could reach 200 billion barrels! Geologists and glaciologists confirm this. Why does Russia need Antarctica? Shvidshe for everything, not even more! Z

    18:04 08.02.2018

    In Antarctica, after repairing a hole in the motor ship "Ivan Papanin"

    The motor ship Ivan Papanin completed the passage to Antarctica and, while turning around near the ice field, cut a hole in the hull. The crew of the vessel was evacuated to the Indian station of Bharati. We have received information from the Indian Antarctic program about those motor ships of the station that were operating near the Indian station of Bharati, having damaged the hull, which called out for the middle seawater vessels are reported to Interfax with messages to the press service of the Arctic and Antarctic NDI. There were approximately 100 participants on board the ship.

    18:31 06.10.2017

    How many people can Antarctica hold?

    Antarctica was discovered by Russian mandarins, which means it rightfully belongs to Russia. In recent countries, there is a panicky fear of the development of Antarctica by Russia (or even then Russia will become the greatest power in the world and will give rise to a rotten and disastrous Zakhid) ​​and therefore try hard to replicate the riveting sentiments that Antarctica has never been suitable for life. This article simply contains a lie about the inaccessibility of Antarctica for development, which, no wonder, is also supported by the Russians (perhaps CIA agents on the payroll).

    06:31 28.09.2017

    What was so shocking discovered yesterday in Antarctica?

    At the beginning of the 1800s, the first descendants appeared in Antarctica, and since then this continent has become one of the most mysterious on the entire planet. A little bit about the secret base of the Third Reich, ancient stories about ancient expeditions and legends about aliens So what does this ball of ice really attract? A mysterious ancient meteorite In 2015, NASA discovered a meteorite in Antarctica that was responsible for another thirteen thousand years. It turned out that after arriving from Mars, the germs of the Red Planet microbes were preserved in the middle. Submerged skulls

    23:03 11.09.2017

    It has long been assumed that life exists under the ice of Antarctica

    Vcheni z Australian national university DNA traces have been discovered in the volcanic caves of Antarctica that may belong to creatures unknown to science. What you can witness is that life is thriving there. The research results were published in the journal Polar Biology. A group of newlyweds from Ceridwen Fraser arrived on Ross Island, one of the most discovered on the planet, on the territory of which there is an active volcano Erebus. There they smelled great and connected one by one with the liver systems, created under

    23:37 13.08.2017

    Through the volcanoes of Antarctica, the threat of a new global flood has emerged

    According to the latest geological research carried out by a team at the University of Edinburgh (from publications in the Geological Society's series), the largest number of volcanoes has been found on the planet. To the great surprise of geologists of the entire world, Antarctica appeared as this region. It turns out that in addition to the already existing 47 volcanoes, at least 91 volcanoes are quietly churning under the majestic ridged shell. In this way, Antarctica may have pushed the Skhidno-African volcanic ridge out of the first place.

    18:53 04.06.2017

    Battle for Antarctica: Putin's secret defiance in the fight against the USA

    The Spanish edition El Confidencial reports on its pages about the struggle of world leaders that flared up for the sixth continent of Antarctica. To the thoughts of experts, fed by the newspaper, present moment The USA, China and Russia are investing more money and energy in expanding their flow into the region. Moreover, since Washington and Beijing are working hard to improve satellite communication systems and pump up oil and gas resources, Moscow is implementing a comprehensive plan of action that will help Russia gain a permanent foothold on the continent. Still a battle between three giants

    17:52 20.05.2017

    Antarctica has begun to cover itself with moss

    Antarctica is green, covered with moss due to global warming on the planet. It remains true that the ice-covered continent is likely to change rapidly, which will lead to large-scale changes in the landscape of this region. Since 1950, the temperature on the Antarctic Peninsula has been moving about half a degree every decade, much faster than the average planet. The growth rate of moss in the region since 1950 has been four to five times higher than normal, according to geologists from the Universities of Exeter and Cambridge. This table is serious, so now

    16:13 20.05.2017

    The time has come for us to declare our rights to the sixth continent, even if the Russians have revoked it

    This region is now given special respect by the whole world due to its great geostrategic significance. From the screens of our televisions and newspaper pages we will be reassured that everything, having said that, under the control of the disease, is unpreserved and there are enough of the last stations, close to the ice continent, as in the good old Radian hours , destroy the numerical strength of scientific expeditions. One of the remaining news brought famous artists to the new continent. It also appears that we have achieved great things

    14:17 20.05.2017

    Russian tradition has revealed an alien ship in the snows of Antarctica

    The great ship of aliens was found in the snows of Antarctica. Information about local exploration and post-terrestrial trekking is shared by teachings from Nizhny Tagil. Doslednik Valentin Degtyaryov took photographs at the singing hour earth's surface near the Pivdenny Pole. After resolutely twisting the veins, he looked at a gigantic object jutting out from under the snow, whose contours suggest a spaceship. Information about your exposure to the limit on the Google Earth website. Degtyariv, indicating the coordinates of the object that the current lovers

    00:29 03.03.2017

    Monster Antarctica

    Antarctica was considered a small continent inhabited only by penguins. Already, from the Antarctic scientific stations, they began to run into greedy monsters there. Plasmosaurs The most famous Antarctic monsters are plasmasaurs, which are created by clots of plasma. It’s true that there is a lot of confusion about those who can capture them to the living essence. The Radian expedition was the first to encounter plasmasaurs when it made its way to the Pole in 1959. About three hundred meters away, an unknown star caught sight of a bag that was glowing. Passed

    08:05 14.01.2017

    Create Antarctica - krioni

    We respect that the Universe may have an undeniably biological life, even similar to ours. However, on Earth you can find monsters that survived under different conditions, for example, in the extreme temperatures of Antarctica. And such creatures can be felt very clearly in the midst of severe frosts, since they seem to have a completely different, non-biological nature (esoreiter.ru). Journalists dubbed these greedy creatures of Antarctica the monsters of Gorvitsa, which is itself the descendant of our coldest continent 20:40 11/28/2016

    Yesterday we discovered a giant crack near the ice cap of Antarctica

    Near the western part of Antarctica, a crack has opened in the middle of the ice sheet, which explains the situation that ice is increasingly collapsing, leading to its collapse, reports the journal Geophysical Research Letters. According to the American expert Iain Howat, today there is no doubt that the ice sheet at the end of the Antarctic has broken down and there is no food supply for an hour. The repair of such cracks will lead to the access of the ice dam with clearly great fluidity, which adds to the certainty that the last generation of humanity

    10:54 24.11.2016

    In the past: changes in the Antaktidi curve due to the natural cycle

    Formerly, the incredible discoveries of the great polar explorers Robert Scott and Ernest Shackleton revealed that the Antarctic continental cover has practically not changed in 100 years. Experts have concluded that a significant decrease in the amount of ice at the Ice Pole, starting from the 1950s, was due to anthropogenic climate change. However, new research has shown that at this time the situation in Antarctica has become practically the same as at the beginning of the 1900s, when the ships Terra Nova and Stability arrived on the ancient continent. Don't talk about those things

    03:51 24.08.2016

    A huge crack has been discovered in Antarctica

    British geophysicists have recorded a sharp increase in cracks on the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica. From Bereznya to Serpnya 2016, the year of 2016 grew by 22 kilometers. The video "Mashable" tells about this. Throughout 2016, the crack grew faster than in similar periods in the past. Further widening of the deformation will lead to about ten hundred square meters of the largest ice plot. At this point, a magnificent iceberg with an area of ​​approximately six thousand square kilometers will sink into the territory adjacent to Scotland. The exact date of this date

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