What can you come up with? How to come up with a quick and profitable business idea? Tsikavist - your zbroya

“Pravda or Diya” is a group game, in which two or more people can play. The graver has a choice: to respond to the delivery as honestly as possible, or instead of submitting a task (action).

How to properly fold items

The axis of the dekilka is glad about those who are better at vikoristovuvat zadannya in the process of play.

  • You have to worry about the important and tricky, but useful
  • Please be original and don’t repeat yourself
  • The effect of abandonment: strong emotions, laughter, cheerfulness.

In this article you can find a list of the most interesting and funny tasks that will evoke strong emotions and breathe life into your evening. Read further to find out more about them. The action is harsh, but entirely effective.

50 zavdan for gris “Pravda abo diya”

# 1 Look at the whole siru cibulin.

#2 Knock on the door to your neighbors. If anyone kisses him or her, they hurt their cheeks.

#3 Find a dog and eat a whole can of canned dog food.

#4 Whip down a glass of wine.

#5 Sit on the stranger’s knee and sit like that for at least 2 minutes.

#6 Take a razor and shave the beard of strangers.

#7 Take a razor and shave a stranger's leg.

#8 Use your teeth to scrape the skin of the people who are in charge of sitting behind you.

# 9 Mix some cocoa with a raw egg and drink it in one gulp.

# 10 Get up from the table and cry loudly like a whale. They started barking like a dog.

#11 Stand on your head for two inches.

#12 Know your cowards and give up their instructions.

#13 Rub two or three ice cubes in your mouth with a long stretch of ice.

#14 Apply shampoo to your head and do not wash it with a twenty-length swath.

# 15 Raptovo screaming at the stranger.

# 16 Get yourself one piece of clothing.

#17 Blow into the air of the unknown.

#18 Show your bag and hamman to everyone who is in this room.

# 19 Choose the gravel status, so that you can take a shower with you.

#20 exchange trousers with a person, like sitting in charge of you.

#21 Call the restaurant and reserve a table for yourself and friends.

# 22 Try a mixture of mustard, chasnik and dry eggs. Drink it with one spoon.

#23 Put on mittens on your feet, slippers on your hands and take a walk along the street for one or two minutes.

#24 Dress yourself like you are a woman. Paint the vagina girl.

#25 Paint Mavpu.

#26 Speak with a wonderfully unusual accent until the end of this evening.

#27 Stretch out to your underwear and look like this until the end of your hair.

#28 Ask a stranger for a few pennies.

#29 striptease station in protyaz hvilini.

#30 Receive a random call from the phone book in your smartphone.

#31 Scream the yakomog louder.

#32 Lick cute.

#33 Speak without a zipper with a stretch of five khvilins.

# 34 A passionate kiss from a person of senior status with our company.

# 35 stations to your favorite song I am emotional.

#36 Eat a whole chocolate bar in 30 seconds.

#37 Dress your clothes in a twisted way and look like that until the end of the game.

#38 Sleep to whatever song you want.

#39 Talk to the wall, see what it shows.

#40 Show belly dancing.

#41 parodies his handsome friend.

# 42 Exchange be a subject to sit next to.

#43 Take a shower without taking your clothes off.

#44 Tell me one of your secrets.

#45 Go to a stranger and confess your love.

# 46 Give a “5” to the person you like in the attack 5 times.

#47 Paint a unibrow on your face.

# 48 Send me a photo of yourself in the lower part of the world.

#49 Breakdance with a stretch of 5 hvilins.

# 50 depicts everything that you might say is a different gravel stretching across several lines.

These are the kind of funny, cruel and funny things you can tell in the game “Truth or reality”. You can also come up with your own words based on what you read. Good luck!

Sleep on the profitable business, which surpasses the glory of Google or Facebook - the axis of the world of the practical skin of young people of the 21st century. It’s important for successful businesses to wait until they launch more and more new projects, but just to reach the creation of the most ingenious new business, enthusiasm breaks down against harsh reality. Nutrition comes down to the question of “How to find an investor who will invest money in an idea?” to “How to start a business?”

We have collected 15 practical ways for you to help.

1. simple

I think a lot of manufacturers respect that the more functions a product has, the wider the target audience. Obviously, this way you will be able to earn more money on your new money. But often the overly great functionality detracts from the potential buyer. Just remember, you go to the store to choose a basic kitchen knife for cutting bread, and you will easily try to add a Swiss folding knife for 42 items.

Sometimes you need to sell a product, create one that is more specialized in order to meet the required product. Just think about how the products you eat often can be sold off. What functions do you want to gain, and what functions do you want to lose? And after this, you can safely release a new product that definitely attracts your client.


The more ideas, the greater the chances that one or a dozen of them will turn out to be effective and work. Perhaps one of them will make you a successful millionaire and ensure the life you have been dying for.

“The shortest method for generating good business ideas - and choosing the strongest one from them.”
Evgen Deineko

Create more yakmog! It’s not a good idea to get caught up and try to implement them. See time for the creation of ideas. For example, one month. During this hour, try to come up with more ideas.

And after that - another month to critically analyze all these ideas and choose among them the one that seems the most promising.


Creativity allows knowledge to expand and create new, unusual and non-standard speech. Engaging in music, painting, dancing or any other creative activity allows you to release your reality. And you will be amazed at how many wonderful ideas your mind can create after such sessions of creativity.


This is an ideal place to search for new ideas that are useful to people. In this case, forums can be very diverse: from specialized publics for startups to small forums for designers or home-gifts. In fact, in any forum you can find a section where you can share ideas.

Just identify your target audience for what you want to work for - artists, fire workers, students - absolutely anyone. You can work through the mathematical steps to choose, or just choose on your own - everything will work out.

Then identify the needs of your audience. On these forums themselves, topics are often created where forum members discuss problems and food. You just need to go through them carefully - and other ideas will appear on their own.


“If you have an apple and your friend has an apple, you exchanged and you each got one apple. If you have an idea and a friend has an idea, you exchanged and you each came up with two ideas. Exchange ideas - it’s good for everyone.”
Evgen Deineko

Naturally, if you have created a new idea, then you will suddenly be afraid that you will steal it, that you will quickly use it for your own wealth, and you will lose your nose. It’s actually rare to get caught like this. The exchange of ideas allows you to almost have another person think about her - which often turns out to be even crude. People who first sense something is wrong often make valuable comments about the author of the idea who may not have guessed. You have your own blackberry, which allows you to refine the product and make it even richer.

Sharing ideas is easy!

6. walk along an unknown route

Because the brain picks up a lot of new information, it analyzes it in a similar way. And often, in order to create something new, you just need a fresh look at old speech. A walk along a new route may inspire you to think about it, as it may give rise to new ideas. Plus, this is a good way to unwind the brain from everyday problems and just prefer to accept it with the brown one.


The human brain forgets up to 85% of information 24 years after it is removed. This means that 85% of created ideas can be lost yesterday, without a chance of implementation.

Once you have an idea, don’t put it in another box - at least write it down in a special notepad. But the idea that has been written down has nowhere to go, and you can return to it at any urgent moment.

The current business story has a wonderful butt. All of Richard Branson's top companies were required to carry a notebook for their ideas. Later, 10 of the top 11 became millionaires and multimillionaires. Write down your ideas - it's worth it.


You came up with a good idea, but the market has already decided on it? It’s not good to fall into despair and move on to something else. Try to create a different solution to the problem.

It is possible that your solution will be simpler, cheaper, more intelligent - there are a lot of options, which could become more popular and wider, of course.


It’s not good to focus only on one area of ​​activity. If you successfully run a business, for example, selling children's clothes, what do you need to master? And the combination of two dissimilar areas together can create a new direction for business, in which you will become the first and only representative.


No matter how new it is, this is a new field for new ideas. Follow the latest news in science, business, management - in all areas, know what you need. Even among new products, you may find a product or service that will penetrate the market and become super popular.

Whoever is driven by information is driven by light. And I know that I can allow you to be one of the first who can occupy a new niche in a new space.


There's not much to say here. Reading has always been one of the greatest and simplest ways to charge you with new thoughts and ideas. Absolutely everything is the same, like a book - fiction, business, detective or drama - during the hour of reading the brain is working at its maximum, so ideas are popularized simply and abundantly. It is important to write down these ideas right away, because they are easily forgotten.


Enjoy the light! Often, some insignificant information about everyday speech can lead to the creation of new ideas. Give food, be smart, learn new things - and don’t worry about the idea.

13. strive to perfection

There are hundreds of objects around the skin of a person. І 95% of them can be done more beautifully, simply, more efficiently. There are very few objects that can be called thorough. Even if an imperfectly finished object can be leathered, it can be polished and brought to that very perfection.

Many people would happily add the primary product, which would become more convenient, simple, or aesthetic. You just need to choose one imperfect product - and make it truly perfect.

14. walk in the fresh air

It's fresh, spending an active hour means the active work of the brain. A 15-minute walk allows you to recharge your energy for the whole day. In addition, saturating the brain with acidity helps to think faster and more clearly.

This is especially important for people with a sedentary lifestyle. Go out into the street and you will see how self-conscious you feel. And to stimulate the robot’s brain, take a notepad with you and make a couple of notes.


A successful product faces one or more buyer problems. Take your problems and see how they can be solved in the simplest and most manual way possible. Is it possible to find a universal way that will help not only you, but hundreds of other people who have faced a similar problem?

If this is the case, then you are already on the way to creating a valuable product that will profit from the drink among buyers.

As you know, it’s easy to come up with an idea! This process can be brought to automaticity - if the smallest thought itself creates dozens of ideas from which you can effectively make money. Start your ability to generate ideas for business and master a number of effective techniques for creating a new business and expanding what is already evident in the course « » . Register now:

So, if you want to start a big business, you have all the resources for it - there’s nothing but a good business idea. How does the idea appear in the mind? What can you earn to come up with a wonderful business plan that will effectively bring you money? Success is not at all an essential characteristic of a singing group of the population - great business ideas can bring someone in profitably. Whether any person can experience this wondrous moment, after speaking, you begin to marvel differently. You just need to start thinking more creatively, tap into your intelligence, and start looking for the brightest business ideas that will change the power of your life and the lives of the people who are away from you. It doesn’t matter whether you are thinking about doing business on the Internet, at home, or just want to open a small company, you will, at any time, find out what kind of people are all the people who managed to achieve success with the authorities. There is no ready-made formula that will give you ideas, but these are the sparks that will help you develop your spirit. As you develop them in yourself, perhaps you will become a true creative genius.

Search for inspiration in unsatisfactory places

Never limit yourself to one specific field. If you want to come up with the perfect business idea, search everywhere. Have innovative plans, don’t be afraid to try something unexpected and think in a non-traditional way. People who are thinking about a new business idea should watch out for nature and think as objectively as possible. Don’t limit your areas of work, listen to all the new ideas of the people who have left you. Possibly, you will know that it is more beautiful. Just listen and then listen.

Make a decision without haste

One more thing you might want to think about is the skill of making a decision without any haste. Starting a business, no matter how large or small, is even more serious. Don’t force yourself to just follow your plan, try to think about it thoughtfully. Let the idea develop in your head. Based on the data from the investigation, the less you think, the more reasonable the solution appears - so don’t push your thoughts! Be open to everything new and never stop exploring the possibility of improvement. Give yourself an hour to gather all the information, take care of the pros and cons, and manage risk factors. Only after this you can make a decision. Remember, once you start this kind of business, there will be no way back. Always approach the process of making a decision with success.

Find inner motivation

Try to work on what really motivates you, and not just choose an area that is fashionable or has less competition. Choose those that you find appealing, that make you happy, and that appeal to your creative beginners. As we recommend to successful entrepreneurs, start working on a business through love in your chosen field. Research confirms that people are most creative when they feel intrinsic motivation without the pressure of marriage, deadlines, and the like. Choose directly the robots that suit your personality. Only then, if you feel partiality, you tend to collapse forward.

Start from scratch

Almost every great business idea starts with innovation. Don’t think about how to fill up the already empty speech. Propose a unique approach that no one has ever tried before - and let’s hope it’s already starting to happen. Recognize that this is a completely new idea. In this manner you can gain the respect of clients and buyers. It will be great if you start production from scratch. This will open up endless possibilities for you and give you extraordinary chances.

Get ready to take a risk

The headache between a successful entrepreneur and the lack of breath lies in the fact that the first one is ready to give up. It is clear that there are a great number of successful business ideas that have failed and now represent multimillion-dollar empires. The chances of starting a wonderful business are won by people who are willing to take the risk of thinking and go beyond the comfort zone.

Gradually try new things

The axis of the bell, you definitely need to think about it: try something new. Don’t get caught up in your regular routine and set schedule. Behind every successful business idea lies innovation and motivation to challenge others. It is clear that it is safest to maintain order yourself, rather than to fall for the bullshit and think: why are you not wasting your important ability? Try it in real life. Try new flavors on the menu, take an unexpected route to your first destination, stop at the gate in an exotic place and discover for yourself that there is more to life than meets the eye.

Find a connection between different parts

People who always have wonderful ideas often find important details in speeches that seem completely different at first glance. You should learn to make connections and combine speeches one by one. This little girl can cheer you up. It can become the basis for new experiences and help you look at speech differently. By integrating your experiences, you will learn the special order of accepting life. Instead of the endless low-cut pods, the von transforms into a lanyard of mutually related moments. It’s much easier to come up with a great business idea with this approach. You can guess your testimony from past fates and keep it in shape at the current moment of the situation.

It's amazing

There are hundreds and thousands of new business ideas that you need to quickly explore. You need to believe in yourself and not doubt that you can earn anything you want. Never let passion and motivation fade. Believe in the miracle, in the share, in those that you can turn your dream into reality and that you can effectively create a thriving business. Never allow yourself to be influenced by anything that is impossible. Everything is possible, as long as you have enough commitment to implement it!

Who faces the insecurity of transforming daily life into routine and the risk of inevitable breakdown. How to prevent nudity? A bet will come to help - a super girl with a mountain will overcome. What can you talk about?

You can worry about what's going on, but don't worry about it. The subject of the dispute can be chosen in any situation: send a good-bye kiss to an old woman or ask your mother to go to the cinema. Don’t go overboard in choosing options and don’t choose extreme pairings that are unsafe for life. Let the pair be fun and unexpected. The main point when placing a bet is to win the city. How do cities grow?

Let's take a look at the approximate list of city options:

  • material rich;
  • erotic massage;
  • erotic dance;
  • sexy rodzinka;
  • home robot science.

People love superchka, get excited. You must trust the authority and not go too far when making a bet. I will win the rewards and the prize - the best and most competitive if you like the bet. Do you understand that the one who, having warmed up, will spend a month doing house cleaning or peeling potatoes for the evening? It's hard, but it's great, it's great!

Important! So that your lines don’t get torn apart, don’t fight with the guy about correcting the bad ones. Choose options for cool and fun pairs!

Cool options for the dispute between girls and boys

What can you come up with?

It’s acceptable for the lad to get tired and pester those passing by for food without food. At the same time, check how much your character can understand and accept the heat. If you are dirty in a bathtub, don’t hesitate to walk down the street in doctor’s shoe covers or go to the store in pajamas.

  • If you win, the prize is 100 kisses.
  • In case of a program, it is important to pay attention to the rules (know the cost of fishing).

Ask your boyfriend to confess his love to himself: don’t let him learn quickly and cheerfully. How can you smear some jam on someone, go out into the street and take photos with passers-by or get their autograph?

another idea

Paint a dot between your eyes and walk with it until the evening. Take a broom and run down the street shouting “Harry Potter is out in the wild.” If it is not possible to work like this, let all those who pass by die in a hurry for a whole year.

Please change your clothes and continue your life like this! It’s more fun and quieter than a couple - talk on the street with a poster and pick up the message on the phone. Let him sing his favorite song with his mouth full of water, or climb a tree shouting “whistle all the hills!” Another option is to shout from the balcony/window “people, I love everyone!” or yap five hellos. Wearing 30 items on yourself and going out is also fun.

Important! May the superechka become a game and a roar, and not turn into a Sumo fight with the punishment of the one who loses.

Original super chicks with a shaggy boy

How to fix this problem, what can you come up with? Does your lad like to kiss? Come up with a super kissing spot: put up a fence for the rest of the week. The side that lost everyone’s mind: peel potatoes for the evening or carry them out for a whole month. At the same time, there is a daily problem of cleanliness in the kitchen. You can add dishes to the list of your chosen couples in the evening.

Is your crush a football team fan? Place a bet on a match. The side that failed to restore order in the house for a month. You can check with your friends and colleagues who want to change partners as often as possible: how long does it take to get new clothes? The side that lost with whom is dancing an erotic dance. To add to the fun, don’t hesitate to juggle raw eggs until they split.

Why would a vulgar person bother with a guy?


Ask passers-by for sanitary pads on the street. Another option is to apply makeup and take a Selfie. Is it possible to dance a “drunk” striptease in front of you (or the company)? Wait, would you like to wear fishnet panchos at home or go to the supermarket without underwear?

More cool idea

Take off all your clothes and put on an apron. This look is ideal for bringing cocktails to guests at the party and leaving the room in front, rather than with your back to the door. A more cruel option is to eat a banana squeezed between another person without using your hands.

Cool idea

Wear your nightwear without swimming trunks this evening and carry a cheerful load of requests. You can dance an erotic dance with a saucepan on your head, eat a banana without hands, or eat a magnificent lollipop in front of the whole company. Sophisticated lads can be encouraged to get a juice-colored manicure on one hand and spend the evening in company.

As the lad behaves, why bother with him?

Here you can let your imagination run wild! Superechka can be like that, smut - win the bet. Place the pair of traces on the wicker basket for those who have warmed up. And the axis of the story behind is not revealed (in which there is kinship and intrigue).

Bajan Variations:

  • kiss;
  • evening with candles;
  • a walk on the chovnya was reinforced;
  • a little walk together;
  • trip to camping.

Another option- place bets on the kisses of the lady. The side that lost (the boy) gives the girl a set of chocolate chips.

Superchki on the road to cross

  • You can also place a bet with a list friend

Please write down in the column “family camp” - I will live in you. A cool option is to put scarves on your ear and take a photo for your VKontakte avatar. A romantic option is to write a love story about you and your dreams or desires.

  • Cool and erotic version

Put a photo of a naked woman on your avatar (you can do it in a child’s account). Golovne - there is a naked body in the photograph. It’s just a funnier idea to take a photo with kitty ears on your head and put the photo on your VKontakte avatar, or put burgundy lipstick on your lips and put the photo on your avatar with the term for the day.

It’s fun to spend an hour with friends in a cafe or at home to help you get some food. This may include gambling, card tournaments, and sports gambling. The head of the mind is the one who, having viconned the will of the overcomer. How can the boys make a wish for the day, such as blowing it in a super market or playing cards, apparently in our statistics.

The list of things to do for a boy can be very tempting from sports, strength training to intense, even unnecessary punishments from Kohanoi, but don’t spend almost an hour playing.

You can’t ask the boy to stop such cruel blasphemy:

  • Moody: stretch out in front of everyone, kiss or embrace someone unacceptable to someone else, flush the toilet, etc.
  • Dress up: dress up in a woman's outfit, serve all the company in the evening.
  • Unsafe for life and health: drink a lot of alcohol, walk along the windowsill, shave from heights.

Come up with things that will make the company laugh and help you get closer to a handsome guy, and not make him angry or disrespect him.

It is necessary to take care of the participants of the party: vulgar food or abuse, vikorist in companies, all boys and girls are not younger than 16+.


It’s normal to bake delicate dishes for your family in a friendly company. Vulgarities raise the spirits of all participants in the game, add to the pleasure of a love affair, as a lad should, and the girl never lacks the courage to go to any lengths. We present to you 20 examples of vulgar insults for boys:

  1. Dance with striptease elements.
  2. It is advisable to eat fruit or vegetables.
  3. Tell us in detail what you felt before the first hour of sex.
  4. To go out into the street in shorts and introduce the first bula zustrinut girls to take care of business.
  5. Send vulgar information to too many or no partners.
  6. Give an erotic compliment to all the girls who are in charge of sitting.
  7. Come up with and tell a vulgar joke.
  8. Watch a video about those that are not related to sex, ask the girls for help, and attract him as much as possible.
  9. Roll the egg in the middle of the pants along both legs so that it does not break.
  10. Make a guess of a number. There are a number of elements that you will need to take away from yourself.
  11. Use the skin of your butt to guess which fruit is lying on the table, describing how deliciously it looks.
  12. As the evening goes on, you feel like you’re jealous of your friend, because you’ve come to socialize with friends.
  13. Swim without clothes in the river, in the pool. At this hour you can sing a song about creatures, fish.
  14. Stretch down to your underpants and go to the pharmacy to buy condoms.
  15. Tell us about your erotic fantasies.
  16. The boy squeezes a banana between his legs. And this girl is trying to eat fruit without her hands.
  17. To the one who, after heating, closes his eyes. The girls sit on the sofa or bench, one of them places the tsukkerka in a quiet place on their bodies. The boy is obliged to know the dessert without hands, wrapping the girls with his lips, nose, and nose.
  18. Find out who is in front of you. You're a person, you can't hair. The boy is guilty of soaking the girls' asses.
  19. Get into a doggy position, bend over sexually and shout some erotic phrase: “So! More! I want it for you!”
  20. It’s funny to pretend to be a transvestite, you can wear a woman’s outfit and do some makeup. Obviously pester until other boys.

Note! To avoid having to guess the vulgar banya for the boy for a long time, get coupons ahead of time with the prepared text of the order. Pull the cards out of the drop or fabric bag.


A cool and funny cake for boys can be planned in the company of students and schoolchildren, on national days with the participation of adults. Be sure to carefully follow the instructions so that the loser is not a hack.

  1. Eat the soup with a spoon, putting boxing gloves on your hands.
  2. Show at least 10 emotions using additional facial expressions.
  3. Everyone knows how to sleep with water in your mouth.
  4. Go out on the street and greet everyone you know, pay compliments to girls.
  5. Say 10 welcoming words to all party participants.
  6. Speak 10-20 times using only gestures. At this time you need to ask the boys for food, ask them to earn something that is required by your language. It is not possible to list boys via SMS, or in social media.
  7. Squeeze or stretch your skin 20 times for 30 times all evening.
  8. Dance Querk on the table.
  9. Take Selfies with people you know and add your favorite album to your VK, OK, FB profile.
  10. Hear funny jokes, marvel at funny clips and don’t laugh.
  11. Collect 100 rubles on the street, giving money to those passing by as a gift for the girl.
  12. Go to the exit door and ask for a roll of toilet paper. It is obligatory to inform them that the servers ran out at the most unexpected moment.
  13. Walk in high-heeled shoes all evening.
  14. Buy some pastry for everyone and treat everyone by burning the tsukkerka or warming up the cake with a spoon.
  15. Read this book before your next birthday and revelation.
  16. Come up with a new topic for an argument or discussion for the company.
  17. Imagining live music.
  18. Ask an unknown girl for a romantic treat. Why do you need to go out into the street and get to know me as a beauty?
  19. Give all participants of the party a smiley before the photo in VK.
  20. Advertise an unexpected story in a funny voice.

Click here out of interest and sincere respect to the fact that you can start the competition using the original products. Groups of friends will be on guard as the boy ends up with the following tasks:

  1. Put a saucepan on your head and dance like Michael Jackson.
  2. All night long you call your kohan girl “my lady.”
  3. Give massage to 3 girls.
  4. Get an autograph from a passer-by.
  5. Pretend like a woman of good behavior and take a walk around the yard.
  6. Put a Selfie with a funny peak on your avatar.
  7. Lie on your back and place a coin on your face. The girl is lying on top and trying to get some money from the boy.
  8. Prepare the evening meal before the start of the company.
  9. Create a love for a stranger.
  10. Eat a lemon without zest and laugh at the same time.
  11. Come up with an original joke and show it to your friends so that everyone laughs.
  12. Sit all day long with an egg in your mouth.
  13. Choose a secret story from your life and tell it to everyone.
  14. Put on your scrubs and go to the store to do some shopping.
  15. Check out a lot of online listings to make friends with the first ones.
  16. Such a lady looks cute from a girl to a lad: to declare your love in several languages.
  17. Vikonati folding sleigh from the list of professional yogi.
  18. E, drink like a creature, standing on all fours.
  19. Wear a mask of the intestines and apply pain on the skin.
  20. Go out onto the street and ask a passerby in English: “how to get to London?”


It’s difficult to come up with a sportswear for a boy who has been in a super-heat. For the butt, take the following physical tasks into consideration:

  1. Run 1-3 km. Stop working for additional help or a pedometer on your phone.
  2. Subdivide 50-100 times.
  3. Hop around the apartment in a bag all evening.
  4. Stand in an awkward position and freeze for a couple of minutes. For example, burn your legs with your arms raised.
  5. Sit 20-30 times.
  6. Get up and put the girl or child on your back.
  7. Twist the hoop 5-10 times.
  8. Shave on the spir, whoever is taller, through a jump rope.
  9. You can try a number of acrobatic tricks: take a birch tree pose, do a throw over your head, hit cats with a ball.
  10. Get rid of others in haircuts after dinner.
  11. Take part in the race wearing fins.
  12. Reach objects with your mouth with your hands and feet tied.
  13. Stuff the ball as many times as possible.
  14. Play in improvised sumo.
  15. Consume the raw eggs for the purpose.


Having fun in adult company is rarely complete without social drinks. Vykoristist alcohol and for making a bajan lads:

  1. Drink a cocktail of your own making, see what it is made of and guess the storage.
  2. In one gulp, drink a great drink of alcohol. You will fill bottles of 100-200 ml.
  3. You can turn the pot over with pepper.
  4. Live instead of kelikha without hands.
  5. Drink a glass of whiskey with a teaspoon.
  6. Pour alcohol into the cups and arrange among the gatherings. The one who, after heating, moves around on all fours until all the cracks are empty.
  7. Prepare delicious cocktails for all the girls.
  8. Go to the store for a glass of wine.
  9. Have a drink and drink a glass of food that is absolutely not suitable for anyone.
  10. Drink beer and spin a hula hoop at the same time.
  11. Vizhluktiv alcohol in a saucer.
  12. Drink cocktails in an awkward position: with your leg thrown behind your head, standing with your legs up.

Here is a short list of things to do for a young man, which will be great for the card or something super cool. This can easily be supplemented with victorious fantasy and guilt.

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