Chicago: Dotik to the American Dream. Chikazki gloomy History of gloomy near Chicago

After 1871 the fate of Chicago began anew, and in 1885 the first day of the world began to rise. Chikazky gloomy, already like 19 tbsp. who opposed their design, they gave the name to one of the direct architecture - Chicago schools (L. Sulliven, F. L. Wright, L. Mies van der Roe).

The American Sullivan is the author of the verse "form follows function". The architects of the “Chicago school” created boudins, in which the facade was plasticized to reflect the logic of the design. We curse the steel frame, overriding the verticals in the composition of the facade, as if supported by the rhythm of the window openings.

Incitement at 1885 roci The Home Insurance Building- Budіvlyu budinkovogo insurance - was taken in 1931 roci. Yogo's height became 42 meters, 10 surfaces. In 1891, two more tops were mined, and the first height was 55 meters. The author of the project - the American architect William Le Baron Jenney - having propped up the metal frame, which you carried, allowed you to change the vag budіvlі mayzhe to the tretina and vіdmovitisa vіd nadto massive load-bearing structures. However, there were also granite columns and a back wall, which were carried, the architect did not dare to bow down to his innovative constructive solution.

The inspiration for the architects of Howells and Hood was the French Gothic - under the influence of this style the project was created Tribune Tower 1925 rock. The height of the budіvlі became a total of 141 meters and included 36 surfaces, but at the same time it was in line with the principles of the American “commercial style”. The basis of the Trib'yun Tower includes fragments of ancient light memos - on the occasion of the then editor of the newspaper Robert McCormick, correspondents brought small pieces of the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall of China, the Parthenon from the windings ...

Budivlya Chikazka Chamber of Commerce Bulo zbudovano in 1930 roci. The top is decorated with a sculpture of the ancient Roman goddess of birth Cereri, made of stainless steel. Rice, characteristic of the future "Chicasian school" sprouted by architects Sullyvan and Roe, are already quivering near the zvnіshnosti tsієї budіvlі: the articulation of the façade, the suvoriy rhythm of the window openings.

Willis Tower - Sears Tower(Eng. Sears Tower). The cloudy height is 443.2 meters, the number of surfaces is 110. Initiated in 1973 by the SOM project. This cloud is a vision of the "international style" and has its glassy balconies that allow you to look at the skyline of Chicago. 8 times per day 6 automatic machines to clean the whole life. During the hours of everyday life of the first gloomy hours, the robot was beaten by hand - an unsafe profession, a lower minik vikon, only the profession of a riveter was respected, as it was also a bula pov'yazana with a robot on a great height.

Aon Center- one of the most gloomy world, zbudovaniye in Chicago architect Edward Stone in 1972 roci. With 83 surfaces and a height of 346.3 meters, it is the third tallest building in Chicago after the Willis Tower, Trump International Hotel and fifth tallest in the United States. The back of the building was lined with marmur, but the weather began to sag, and in 1992 the facades were decorated with white granite. Steel V-like trusses made it possible to minimize the bending of supports under the wind. Aon-center є susіdom z Prudential Plaza (1990), we easily recognize the dawn of the Gostrokinets' completion.

Another famous chickass hmarochos hancock tower- buv zbudovaniya in the period from 1965 to 1969 to the year and May 100 surfaces. The uniqueness of yoga lies in the fact that it is similar to a hollow colony to its constructive solution. Suctile sklinnya is another characteristic of the rice style of the “Chikkazka school”, which has a wide width at the right side of the everyday life of the gloomy.

Lake Point Tower the form of the plan is to predict radian typical projects. Hmarochos designs by John Heinrich and George Shipporeit, students of MIS van der Rohe. Yogo life was completed in 1968, and at that time it was the home of Chicago life.

Trump Tower International Hotel(Trump Tower Chicago) - 92-surface boudinok, 423 meters high to the top of the spire and 360 meters high to the dahu. Designed by architect Adrian Smith (SOM). Through the winds of Chicago, they call it a windy city - they themselves invented windows that wind up the hill. It was tied with tse s tim that the vіkna were often broken.

From the hours of life of The Home Insurance Building, the architecture of the dark places of Chicago was changed at midnight, but until that day the skyline of the "city of windows" was left unreservedly recognized. Chicago is a place where “friend nature” has settled in and a new, urban relief has been formed.

Vіdoma first information about the plans for life in Chicago a new haze on the birch of the same river. Behind the plan, the 88-surface hmarochos will become the third behind the height of life at the city. behind the project Gang Architects at the gallery far.

Designed by a Chicago studio Gang Architects on the basis of the architect Jeanne Gang, a new complex under the name of Wanda Vista Tower, a union of three skyscrapers. At the same time, the remaining credit is given to the Jeannies complex project to embellish the Chicago skyline before 2019.

Nayvischa vezha of the Wanda Vista Tower complex will move 335 meters, and Zagalna area the property is getting close to 167,225 sq. The complex accommodates a hotel, boutiques and apartments. In addition, a new cloud can become the best house in the world, design and encourage a woman.

Probably, the closest competitor of the new skyscraper, the tower of the Aon Center near Chicago, hangs at 346 meters, prote z Wanda Vista Tower you can place it one shovel down. Well, if you don’t take such formalities to the point of respect, then the new skyscraper in Jeannie Gang will become the fifth in height in Chicago, having sacrificed the Hancock Center for the blackness. The biggest house in Chicago is the cloudy Willis Tower, which is 527 meters high.

Photo | Khmarochos Wanda Vista Tower in Chicago

Hmarochosi, cіkavі museums, pictorial parks, shops of leading designers and restaurants for any taste - all of Chicago. Having become famous in the first half of the 20th century for its colorful gangsters, today it is one of the largest financial, transport and cultural centers in the United States. Millions of tourists from all over the world come to this place to reach the American world and marvel at the iconic remembrances of Chicago.

Hmarochos, hummers...

When we talk about gloomy people, we often remember seeing Chicago. The very place of light is the first gloomy one, which was the life of the Insurance Company (1885). It's a pity, this year's gloom is no longer there.

In 1973, the most gloomy place in the world is Sears Tower (443 meters), which in 2009 was renamed to Willis Tower. In 1998, the Willis Tower ceased to be a world record holder, prote dosi is the most important in the United States, and the world sits on the spot. Tourists can see the looking around Maidan on 103 versi, which can be admired not only by the miraculous place itself, but also, to spare the weather, by the territories of several American states.

In the midst of other cіkavih hmarochosіv can be called the State of Illinois Building with piercing elevators and Aqua, which looks like an unusual curvilinear facade.

The five biggest haunts of Chicago:

Willis Tower (443 meters, 108 surfaces);
Hotel "Trump International" (415 meters, 92 overhead);
Aon center (346 meters, 83 on top);
John Hancock Center (344 meters, 100 surfaces);
Franklin Center (307 meters, 61 over).

miracle mile

The Miracle Mile is a street full of branded shops, restaurants, and hotels. Here you can spend a whole day, adoring the windows, doing shopping, shopping in cafes, and even on this street there are 460 shops and 275 restaurants! On the other side of the Miraculous Mile, the most modern gloomy forests, like a hiccup, contrast with the symbol of Chicago - a water tower - a single house, which saved the day terrible fire 1871 rock. Todi won served as a guide, for which you, who were alive, could know the tricks of their houses, and today it is a symbol of masculinity and resilience, even richly in what itself, anew after the fire, the place became the butt of unperfected architecture.

Parks of Chicago

But the metropolis is no less famous for its innovative architecture and expensive shops. On any photographs you can sing, like a green place. The most popular parks in Chicago are Millennium Park, Grant Park and Lincoln Park.

Millenium Park attracts tourists not only with its wonderful landscapes. On this territory, another monument of Chicago was planted - the Jay Pritzker Pavillon Theater, AT & T Plaza - a square, on which the immeasurable sculpture of Cloud Gate was planted - a foul brama, although this monument is larger bean. Children and mature tourists enjoy the Crown Fountain.

At first glance, the stench is just cubic veils, on some images of the faces of the inhabitants of the city. But sometimes the images begin to writhe peaks, and even the fountains “spit”, for this we need to cook to the point of failure. However, the water sounds warm and miraculously refreshes on a spicy summer day. Millennium-Park was announced for the 2004 roci, and the budget for yoga life was 500 million US dollars.

There are close to 30 beaches and sprats of bird sanctuaries in the Crimean parks, so that this place can be worthy of these tourists, as they take advantage of nature for a shorter time.

One of the most popular places for the city dwellers and the rozvag for the guests is the pier of Nevi Pier. The back of the yogo was called as a logistics center, and it was reported that there would be warehouses on the yogo territory. However, step by step, the bagmen began to dominate the Neva Pier picnics, and the demanding businessmen opened cafes and rozvazhalny maidans. Today, gardens, attractions, cafes, concerts and shows are held on the pier. One of the symbols of Neva Pier and all of Chicago is the great wheel to look around, for whom you can have mercy on the city of that river.

Museums in Chicago

There are a lot of impersonal museums here. The Museum of Science and Industry, dedications to the achievements of scientific and technical progress is worthy of great popularity. A lot of tourists see millions of tourists, and the museum has a collection of over 35 thousand exhibits.

Tsey gloomy in Chicago is one of the most famous houses in the world, and until 1997 the fate of the wines was called the greatest dispute on our planet. The one who has trimmed the palm tree for 25 years, is famous for his looking around maidanchik, roztashovan on 103 verses, and even the mandriving man does not waste the opportunity to pardon the financial center of the United States from the height of the bird's eye.

Misto, de first, the gloomy ones appeared

Willis Tower, which will enter the dozens of the most important days, becoming the visiting card of the place, gaining popularity in the 70s of the last century. Significant architecture to be the most important point in the state of Illinois.

It matters that you yourself are in Chicago, for example, the nineteenth century, if population point having suffered greatly in the aftermath, the first gloomy people appeared. The very same vinyl needs a term to innovate the place. In 1882, the skyscraper grew up, and that hall was made from steel.

The history of the appearance of the missive memo

The company Sears, Roebuck & Co, as they thought about raising thousands of spivrobitniks, as they worked in the distribution of the whole city offices, in 1970 they bought fifteen buds from a lot of spymasters, and they priddbala land near the square.

For the development of a new project, a well-known architectural firm was hired. Vaughn created a plan for the future gloomy one, which took away the name Sears Tower. The corporation wanted the new life to be high, and the sleepy light penetrated like a natural order in the office, and the engineers designed the case according to a new principle, based on the concept of expansion.

Budіvnitstvo, as if costing 150 million dollars, was carried out at an accelerated pace, and already in two years the Willis Tower was put into operation. It is necessary to say that this is not a striking figure, although in part of the engineering solutions the majestic hmarochos significantly expedite their hour.

Folding hour

At the beginning of the week, the company was sent to the company, call for a method to complete all the works on the level of 67 surfaces. The positive people were aware that through such a high place the television signal on the outskirts of the Chicago area would go down, but it would not be better to sign up for the prices of indestructibility. Prote all vimogi were taken to court, and at this hour, the signal of over three dozen radio stations is broadcast from a gloomy place, at which modern antennas are installed.

After the life of the company, as soon as it closed the project, it went bankrupt. I had a chance to take out a loan to pay for my life, and I was embarrassed to sell it. The new vlasnik, having taken away the right to change the name of the hmarochos, and since 2009, the skyscraper may have named one of the orendariv spores.

Willis Tower: design features

Khmarochos, which opposes in reality, is a spore, which is made up of nine square steel pipes. I skin from them - tse okremі budinki, scho to stand on concrete paly, like hammered into solid rock. The construction itself is based on autonomous columns, which tarnish all the vanity, which are blamed through strong winds and guarantee fire resistance.

Nine gigantic pipes rise up to 50 tops of the hill. After that, as the wake begins to sound, this column goes up to 66 on top, five - up to the 90th, and less than two add up the remaining 20 on top. Architects slapped great value constructions budіvlі, scho zvuzhuєtsya down the fire and zdatna stand in the wind. And stamina was reaching out to the hearts of the empty structures of the colony.

An unknown project for that time

To put it simply, the Willis-tower is a sprouting of nine gloomy epochs, united in one whole and propped up one by one on a majestic height. This design is even unimaginable for its hour, and from that hour a system of steel pipes is widely vicorous in the everyday life of high buddies, in the middle of which there are handy and safe accommodation.

It seems that the first project, including the life of six columns, the deletion of hotel rooms, there was no protection.

Oglyadovi maidanchiki with a view of the slope - a new tourist attraction

The famous skydeck skydeck, roztashovanny on the 103rd version of the Willis Tower (Chicago, USA), is located at a height of 412 meters. The stench appeared in 1974 and soon became a popular place not only among tourists, but also among Moscow residents. Vіsіm rokіv that, after a large-scale repair, a lot of hanging balconies were obtained, the skin from which they could fit up to five osіb. Underground vikonan from the trispheric rock and building vitrimat vag up to five tons.

Uphill tourists are delivered a swedish elevator, the cabin of which is more predictable space ship. Monitors are in the middle of it, and on the screens of the skin you can dance, like the earth is going down.

Panoramas, which are revealed, call out to the right crowd. On a clear day, with tight binoculars, the distance can be seen up to 80 kilometers away, and the stars can be seen from the lands of several states of America. Under the hour of strong hurricanes, tourists watch on their own skin kolyvalnі ruhi spores.

Immediately, an interactive museum is opened, the exhibits of which allow you to take a virtual tour of the city of Chicago and its outskirts.

Cracks on the glassy bottom

Three years ago, in the archives of mass information, there was a novelty about those that the glass of the pidlog had just cracked under the feet of the brethren. However, for the tourists, who stumbled at the same time on the observant Maidan, everything ended well: the stench came out with a light chirp. Representatives of the local administration told the nevdovzі, the cracks appeared on a special cover, as if they were protecting the cover from the cracks. After that, as yoga was replaced, looking around the Maidan people again received the hoary guests.

Tsіkavі facts about the architectural memo of modernity

The area of ​​the Willis Tower is close to 418 thousand m2. On such a territory, 57 football maidanchiks can be placed.

On the façade of the gloomy place, black smugs can be sown, so that one can operate the spore on different equals. However, these are not decorative elements, but blinds, ventilators, which provide ventilation.

104 swedish lifts divide the space into three zones.

Over 16,000 vicons were installed on the Khmarochosi.

Bud_vlya is possessed by 40 thousand special sprayers, which are vicorated by the system of fire extinguishing, and they are automatically fired. Chotiri million dollars were stained on them.

At the link with the asymmetric design of the Willis-Tower, there are 10 centimeters of heeling on the back, which creates an additional attraction on the foundation.

At the end of 1999, the French rock climber A. Robert on the prize of "Peacock Man" gave a memo to the master, without vicorist of a special order.

Frame budіvlі, covered with fire-retardant coating, veneered with black aluminum.

It's cloudy in Chicago for close to one million tourists, to the services of some impersonal quiet cafes and restaurants.

Future large-scale reconstruction

Whose fate measures the metropolis, declaring about those that will soon start working on the reconstruction of the case, as to be completed in twelve months. Plans are being made to build a gigantic area with movie theaters and fashionable shops. Also, the reconstruction of the pіdlyagaє oglyadovy maidanchik. "We want to promote the privatility of the darkness for the guests of the place, and we do everything so that the holy memorial has become an important part of our life," Ram Emanuel said.

Tsey Great 250 -meter Gigant Zdlektu NIICH NOT LIKE IT IS NOVEN ChikAzky "Peazage", Ale Varto Pіdayita, yak vin to shift at the reference waterproof, he is enemy in vyuava of his non -navigation, nіbi people of the vigsovy kitsovye.

Khmarochos “Aqua”, promptings nearby Lake Michigan, despite its unreal, futuristic look, prote does not stray from the wild panorama of Chicago. This light effect is reached by the fact that all the invisible lines are attached from afar by a horizontally splendid structure and become visible only when approached to wake up - the greater the cut, the more you marvel at the giant Aqua, the more the wind becomes visible on the surface. If you stand right under it - you're welcome, nibi hmarochos literally means "to storm")

250 meters of skyscrapers are subdivided into 81 on top. Near the "Aqua" building there is a hotel and a special living accommodation. The façades of the hmarochos are embellished with the right "lakes", the role of the guides in such warm windows, nicely accentuated by the sunspots, fixing the windows with uneven ledges of the facade.

Bent, wobbly balconies and bugs create for the facade a structure of folded hanging or bridges on the water. At the vikons of blue-greens there are shades that do not permeate the color of the water surface. The choice of cantilever shields in a decorated building allows you to protect yourself from the summer sun, but not to block the light of the winter, and the light of the facades to reduce the heat of the cold.

Following the results of the recently held prestigious European architectural competition The Emporis Awards - 2010, the Aqua blizzard is the best blizzard of 2009. The Emporis experts awarded the City of Architects to the Aqua project for the achievement of the design and the daring of the architectural solution.

More precisely, 250 meters Aqua impressing the experts with "original design solutions for modern environmentally sound design". The jury has indicated that we can set a high bar for future generations in the sphere of large-scale hotel life.

It should also be noted that for the rating of the most beautiful skyscrapers in the world, experts needed to resolutely win 305 hmarochosiv from the world, the life of them ended the past fate.

The head of Emporis, Daniel Kikhefer, described the houses in his own way: "The houses look to be taken from afar, but when they are close, they show non-primary "rіdkіsnі" outlines, which are seen by the passers-by in a rush"

This contest, organized by the German bank of data about the objects of indestructibility Emporis, is held for a short time, and the cities are awarded to windmills of no less than 100 meters, the life of which has already been completed. For example, Tokyo's cocoon Cocoon Tower 203 meters long became a successor of 2008. Aleone, in the same time, do not go in the same time with the elegant Aqua

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