Church calendar for Veresen metro station Exaltation of the Lord's Cross

Published 09/01/17 00:13

Today, the 1st of Spring, also marks the Day of Knowledge, and Muslims all over the world mark Kurban Bayran.

Like the Church Holy Today, 1st Veresny 2017 fate: Fekla-buryak (Andriy-teplyak)

Spring 1, 2017 Fekla Svekolnitsa is nationally sacred.

The Church of this day remembers the martyrs Andrey Stratelates, Fekli, Agapius, Timothy of Gaza. At the beginning of the 4th century, Saint Andrew, who served in the Roman armies, being a Christian, led many soldiers to convert to paganism. For the price of being called to the court of the emperor.

Neither Andriy nor his father was confirmed as a believer or subject to cakes.

Having learned about a possible revolt of soldiers, as


they respected and valued A. Stratilat (the commander-in-chief) as a warrior, the ruler ordered to release the martyrs and kill them in secret.

Accepting death, the saint asked God to send people a healing treasure there, where the blood of the martyrs was shed.

Thekla was born near the town of Gaza.

After finishing the sermon, Muslims are called to go to the center to pray for the dead.

Having turned from the center, begin the sacrificial ritual, as a sign of readiness to serve the gods.

To make a sacrifice, Muslims specially yearn the chosen creature.

Having completed the slaughter, a Muslim should not skimp on frequent meals, he must obligingly please the poor and the hungry.

Ritual chastity - thin, sadaka - is also carried out in order to eliminate all misfortune and illness.

Relatives, friends and relatives are encouraged to earn gifts on Holy Day.

At the coming of the holy day, call to visit your close and dear friends, since the celebration of the day of holy sacrifice is respected by the blessed and holy ones.

Today is sacred 09/01/2017: Day of Knowing

Traditionally, the first spring in Russia is the Day of Knowledge.

This popularly sacredly symbolizes the beginning of a new beginning of fate.

Another name of this day is the First Dzvinok.

Traditionally, the 1st of Spring in Uzbekistan is celebrated as Independence Day.

In 1991, the 31st sickle in Tashkent was struck by the 7th session of the Supreme Council of the Republic.

They voted for the sovereign independence of the region.

There the Declaration of the Supreme Council on the sovereign independence of the Republic was adopted.

On the 8th session of the 18th leaf fall, the Verkhovna Rada fell asleep.

The 15th breast was created by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, which was adopted through the river 9th breast.

  • Various visits are dedicated to such a saint today.
  • The Alisher Nava National Park hosts concerts, performances and other events.
  • The president himself takes the fate of the saint.
  • Srili Prabhupadi People's Day
  • Adherents of Hinduism mark the 1st of spring as the day of the people of the Holy specialness and divine affection of A.Ch.
  • Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
  • This people of the nobles wanted to obey the order of their spiritual teacher.
  • Also, we have already created the International Religious Movement.
  • Over the years it has grown across continents.
  • For the first time in history, Prabhupada himself widely expanded the founder’s appreciation of Gaudiya Vaishnavism and introduced the world to bhakti yoga.
  • This people is a Hindu Vainan religious figure, translated by the author.
  • Also insure it to the founders of the International Partnership of Krishna's Information.
  • That rukh who fell asleep and began to expand in the world of Hinduism.
  • Andriy, Mykola, Timofy, Tekla.
  • 1255 - Königsberg fortress was founded.
  • 1910 - the first Russian gramophone recorder factory was opened - the April gramophone recorder factory.
  • 1939 – The World War began.

1951 - The Mossad foreign intelligence service was created in Israel.

1969 – National Day of the Belarusian ensemble Pisnyari.

11th spring 2017- Extension of the chapter of John the Baptist.

The Orthodox Church calls it holy great.

These are the provisions for the honor of this cob of the New Testament. On this day, following the order of the tetrarch Galileo Herod, John the Baptist was executed - the man who baptized Jesus Christ at the waters of the Jordan.

John, having fallen out of favor with the king through those contorted sermons, which, having expanded the rest, is trying to publicly denounce Herod for his over-love.

The rest of us knew that he had disturbed the squad of his own brother, having forcibly destroyed his squad. Ivan preached about this, read sermons and spread Christian faith among the population.

For such promotions and commitments, and then suffering, he still hopes to be one of the greatest prophets of Christian faith.

21 June 2017

- Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Twelve Church Saints are those who long for the great days of the life of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ.

Among believers, it is customary to indulge in and respect traditions.

To what extent should the Orthodox be holy?

Extending them to the understanding of religion and the deeds of saints.

Various rituals and traditions help to emphasize the need for faith, cultivation of the spirit and piety. What kind of church saints do the Orthodox believe in the calendar for the spring of 2019? In the spring of 2019, three great church saints are born, who are necessary to inspire every Orthodox people in order to preserve the norms of life of other religions.

Let's take a look.

Desecration of the chapter of John the Baptist

It's holy in the church 11th Veresnya.

This holy thing did not immediately become popular among the Christian religion.

After the Great Council of Priests, they established him at the 6th century and escorted him to the church.

Now it is sacred, as it announces the completion of the harvest, the cold season symbolizes prosperity for the family in the coming river.

Also Anna, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, is the patroness of agriculture, mother earth and especially simple earthly mothers. This miracle is holy, as absolutely all Christians celebrate the holy day, regardless of whether they are Catholic or Orthodox.

It’s true that the dates and dates are different, but it’s not holy.

Exaltation of the Lord's Cross

27th Veresnya
It is meant to be spiritually holy.
In the days before the obligatory holiday, the excavations of the Holy Deer were carried out, as reported by the anonymous zusil to the search of the grotto, in which there were the adorations of the son of God.
This queen conducted excavations in the fourth century and truly discovered the burial place of Christ.

The calendar of church saints in the spring or 2017 indicates everything that is significant for Orthodox Christians.

On the 1st spring, the martyrs Agapius, Timothy and Tekla are wandering about.

Timothy dedicated his life to the teaching of the Holy Letter and to the preaching of the Christian faith.

He did not succumb to the wrath of the emperors and loudly declared that as a Christian, he can trust in the Lord, His strength, and love to earthly creatures.

He was tormented and tortured, after which he was set on fire.

Agapius and Thekla also suffered for their faith in Christ.

They were given to wild animals in the thaw.

On what day is the shan given to the martyrs Andriy Stratelates.

As the leading military leader, he holyly believed in the Lord and preached his faith among the soldiers.

On the 5th spring, the holy martyr Irenaeus is venerated.

He was a great church leader and theologian, taking part in the formation of dogmas and the organization of the hierarchy of worship of the Church.

These works became the basis for the formation of early Christian belief and the first evidence of the canonical knowledge of the four Gospels.

On the 6th of Sunday the Saint Peter's Icon of the Mother of God is celebrated.

We pray for happiness in love, for the wonder of motherhood, we ask for help during important times and to heal from illness.

On the 6th of spring, the holy martyr Eutychius is venerated, having dedicated his black life to himself.

Having learned the impersonality of disbelief, rather than complaining about fate, continue to holyly believe in the Lord, pray and fast.

During his life, he has created countless miracles and healing.

I want to pray for healing from cancer, for preserving the soul from evil, and for healing the lips.

On the 11th, one of the main church saints of the 2017 spring is celebrated - the beheading of the Prophet, the Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord Ivan.

He denounced human vices and sinful ways of living, calling on people to repent and believe in Jesus Christ, the true Savior.

I have lived without honesty, I have believed in the Lord, I have prayed, I have completed fasting, I have lived in evil, I have seen from earthly passions and I have pure thoughts.

John, not afraid to criticize Herod himself in his love affair, whose squad begins to ask the king to cut off John’s head.

Herod Vikon's funeral and the cut off head of the Prophet were presented to his stepdaughter on a platter at the hour of one of the banquets.
On this day, following the church canons, one completes the fast, and in the evening, before the saint, serves all-night.

12th spring, Saints Oleksandr, John the Faster and Pavlo Novy are wandering around.

They lived at a different hour, embraced honor, piety and true faith in Christ, dedicated their lives to serving the Lord and fighting the pagan faith.

On the 14th spring, Simeon the Stylite and his mother Martha of Cappadocia are born.

Being a Christian, she loved her son, according to the canons of the true faith.

Simeon became a prince and went to the monastery, silently praying and completing his fast.

After about an hour, he collapsed at the desert, became a stop, grew several meters and settled in the middle of it.

There it was impossible to lie down or lie down, but rather stand in a vertical position.

On the 18th of Sunday the icon of the Mother of God of Orshansk is celebrated.

We ask for help from important leaders, to bless us for the calm and relief of grief, for encouragement and intercession in new beginnings, for healing from various illnesses.

On the 18th spring, the prophet Zechariah and the righteous Elizabeth, the fathers of John the Baptist, roam.

Until the end of life, mothers of children could not, until one day before St. Zechariah an Angel came with good news about the birth of a son.

Having put under doubt the truth of the transfer and mittevo onyms for the unknown.

On the 22nd of Sunday the holy day is celebrated in memory of the righteous Godfather Joachim and Anni.

They became childless until a ripe old age and fervently prayed to the Lord for the gift of a child, humbly and loyally trusting in His mercy.

The angel who appeared to him, conveyed the good news about the birth of a Daughter from the Swedes, blessed by the entire human race.

They were named Maria.

On the 23rd of spring the martyr Minodora, Metrodora and Nymphodora are in vain.

The sisters believed in Christ, led a pious and unoccupied life, were inspired by earthly goods, passions and leisure, spending time in fasting and prayer.

With their prayers the stinks healed the ailments, as invincible faith cried out the wrath of the ruler Fronton.

Having buried them, they crossed the sisters and swear to the Lord, but they were not stolen.

On the 28th of April the Great Martyr Mikita Gotfsky was venerated.

He took part in the wider Christianity and in preaching activity.

They buried it, subjected it to katuvanas and cakes, and then set it on fire.

From his tomb, miracles of healing and relief from physical and mental torment were observed.

You can pray for the liberation of the body from bes, ask for protection from the actions of chakluns and magicians.

Holy Spring 29th Icon of the Mother of God “Look at Humility.”

1951 - The Mossad foreign intelligence service was created in Israel.

They offer prayers and ask their loved ones to abandon their humility, repent before her for sinners, so as not to bring evil to their affairs, pray for those who are from this world, and ask for relief for them nshe life.

Before the icon, you are asked not to be confused on the path of the true and to be safe from evil beginnings, to pray for salvation from the ailment of the cardiovascular system and female organs.

Sunday 11th – Beheading of the head of Saint John the Baptist, the greatest prophet, the Baptist of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this great church it is sacred among the people to complete the fast.

And also you can’t eat or cook anything round: bread, cabbage, cabbage, apples, poppy seeds and potatoes.

April 14, Thursday - to the Church of Novolittya.

Sacredly dedicated to the advent of the New Rock in the liturgical church calendar.

Before the beginning of New Year, a lot of work ended in the fields, a ritual of extinguishing the old fire in the hut and burning a new one took place, people prayed to God for blessings on the new river that had begun.

21st Spring, Thursday - Rebirth of Our Blessed Lady Theotokos and Ever-Blessed Mary.
The Great Twelve Church is sacred, dedicated to the people of the future Mother of God.

At the church, the Mother of God prayed and chanted, as they take care of agriculture, a message to all mothers.