Kissing an unknown person.



To dream that you are kissing a sick person means your life will be long.

Also, the woman expects losses of a financial nature, and, having shown her weaknesses and inadequacy, clearly reacts to the current situation.

Try to do everything you can to change the negative influx of future events.

Do it carefully and thoughtfully.

Dreaming about kissing a man on your lip

A dream in which you kiss a person on the lips indicates a marriage of love and respect.

You feel the cold at the side of someone close to you.

The girls' tank obliges to apply the flow drains.

Explain to your family member that you are not feeling warm.

If nothing is turbocharged, you may not lose any options.

Kiss with a hot guy in all your dreams

Do you ever dream about kissing a handsome man?

In reality you feel dissatisfaction with your sexual life.

You do not care about the stability and seriousness of the joints, so as to forget about the presence of problems in the future.

Analyze your interactions with your partner and see what needs to be improved in them.

Why do you dream about kissing a little guy?

Kissing a furry man in a dream book means mothers have stable romantic relationships in reality.

Try to steal your secrets and those records that are not visible to other people's eyes.

Be careful when dealing with strangers, as you may be deceived into obtaining the required information.

Kiss a man's hand in my dreams

Do you ever dream about kissing a person’s hand?

The barrel indicates your position as a representative of a strong position, which you deserve.

You blindly submit to it and bend your will.

The ideas in which one imposes his will on another cannot represent anything good.

Give yourself some respect.

Kiss with an older man in your dreams

A dream in which you kiss an older man foretells the appearance of impersonal food that only you need to feed.

Accept your decisions for our far-reaching inheritances.

Find out from the online dream book what you dream about Kissing after reading the following paragraph in the interpretation of the Tlumachian authors.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

Why dream about Kissing and what does it mean:

Kissing all the time with a welcoming and beloved person - to the point of doubtful thoughts, unstated claims.

Women kiss a man - to the point of sadness, anger, frustration.

A man's kissing a young girl is a sign that an dishonest profit is in store for you, a temperamental girl to have fun, a new relationship, an old woman - to the point of tightness, his sweetheart - means the end of the witchcraft, to kiss with a lascivious way - to the point of unacceptable blame.

When they are clingy, melting, kissing – to the point of infidelity.

If you dreamed that you were kissing your mother, it means that you will be happy in your commercial enterprises, your true friends will appreciate and respect you.

Kissing a brother or sister in your dreams means happiness and good hundredths with friends.

Kata kissing means that you are accepting a gift from someone else.

  • Kissing a lot of people - if you are constantly pregnant, then the dream means that not everything is stable with you.
  • In your veins, in reality, all the dots have not been placed, so your thoughts turn to them more than once.
  • Can a dream mean that you will wake up together again?
  • So. What mischief did you make about your separation?
  • If the evidence is solid, then you need to try to let it pass and focus on the right things to do.
  • Perhaps your partner is suffering due to the lack of respect on your side.
  • Kiss with a kohan man in your dreams - until in reality.
  • Secretly kissing an unknown person - until you welcome new things.
  • Kissing a friend will bring joy to your life.
  • Kiss with your friend in your dreams - if you recently got into a fight with your friend - then you will successfully reconcile with him.
  • Kissing a friend in a dream for a married person means separation from her other half.

If a girl had a dream about kissing a friend, their friendly feelings can grow even bigger.

Kiss with a person - bachita - until separation from him, be it his departure, long-term separation, or actual separation.

If you are passionate about kissing too many people, your little ones have lost the nourishment that hangs over your soul.

If you have lost your sweetheart’s valuable food, then it’s best to focus your respect on their valuable food.

Kissing a girl is like having a dream, a girl is like a witch, with your friend.

Kiss a girl - the receptionists of unsatisfied women will look at you.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

What a dream about a kiss

Kissing a lot of people - if you are constantly pregnant, then such a dream means that not everything is stable with you.

Kissing a friend will bring joy to your life.

Kiss with your friend in your dreams - if you recently got into a fight with your friend - then you will successfully reconcile with him.

Kissing a friend in a dream can mean separation from your other half for a married person.

If a girl had a dream about kissing a friend - their friendly feelings can grow into much more.

Kissing a person - until separation from him, be it his departure, long-term separation or real separation.

Kissing a man - be careful, such a dream honors the happiness of your loved one or those who will disappoint you.

It is better to prepare yourself for any steps and difficulties that are expected of you, and go through the process of testing your shoes for value.

Kissing too many people means your ankles have lost their nourishment, which hangs like an unbearable burden in your soul.

If you have lost your sweetheart’s valuable food, then it’s best to focus your respect on their valuable food.

Kissing with a girl - like this is the kind of dream a girl has - as a fortune-teller, perhaps, with your friend.

  • Kissing a girl, a representative of one’s position, is a recipe for all sorts of inconveniences.
  • Kiss a girl - the receptionists of unsatisfied women will be looking at you.
  • Psychological tlumach Furtseva

I finally dreamed that we were kissing kimos

Are you kissing and kissing?

It is very likely that your secret dreams will play out in your dreams.

  • Because this is a specific feature, you have no idea about it, but you are afraid to find out about yourself.
  • Kiss an unknown person - oh well, just bazhati khannya and affection.
  • Kissing the actor - to success, knowledge.
  • However, through such a plot, information suggests that it would be bad to add the same kind of brilliance as a public person.
  • You can dream about a kiss before you get sick.
  • The illness has already infected your body, it is necessary for you to immediately turn to a doctor.

Maliy Velesov dream book

Why dream about kissing?

  • Kissing - Friendship, happiness, conversation / / Trouble, separation, fighting, fight with someone until you get sick, not for good, unacceptability, want to steal or harm you, deceiving friends;
  • with a good girl - shut up with deception, illness (for boys), joy;
  • with a living person - good;
  • with the nebizhchik - illness, darkness on the right;
  • with a deceased relative - watch out for troubles;
  • a girl and a boy - it’s rotten, to the point of illness;
  • with a stranger - a knower;
  • with unknown - pennies / / deception;
  • for your own article - false knowledge, witchcraft;
  • kiss bachiti - confusion;
  • kissing - pokiness;
  • Kiss the earth - nudga, humiliation.

Freud's Dream Book

How did you dream about Kissing?

In a dream, kissing - for a woman, this dream represents acquaintance with some attractive man, who, upon closer inspection, will appear as a real gigolo.

The person who, having had such a dream, needs a little bit of love from his “other half” - has long been tired of being without your turbo.

- Since you have always dreamed that you were kissing someone else, it means that you will find yourself drawn into an unpleasant story.

Kissing - Kissing, of course, associates with young women.

I immediately see images of two young children (not grown up!) who are awkwardly kissing on the subway escalator.

You can kiss each other, marvel at how others kiss, or get the feeling that you are about to be kissed.

  • By kissing someone else, you can simply realize your sexual desire for someone else.
  • Moreover, in this case, it is not a kiss for the sake of a kiss, but a kiss with a method of capturing the energy of the kiss.
  • A kiss is a great way to awaken a passion, and not necessarily, so that you can reveal your passion to yourself.
  • As soon as he kisses you, you feel similar pains from his side.

Why dream about Kissing:

Kissing yourself - A dream about kissing yourself is symptomatic.

Based on Freud's theory, this trace can be interpreted as a reflection of the dreamer's narcissistic anger (sexual desire for oneself).

Apparently, to such an understanding, the meaning of a dream about a kiss from oneself can be as follows: 1) its centric focus on a powerful person;

  • 2) it is not necessary to have nothing and no one for yourself;
  • 3) in my thoughts, start thinking about everything that comes to your own advantage, to yourself.
  • Abbetka dark dream
  • Dreaming of Kissing, what does it mean?
  • Bachitting and kissing a kohan person in a dream means a threat to your hundred years.

Kissing a friend, service comrade, relative, means you will be at peace with these people.

To be kissed by a celebrity in your dreams means that you are counting on success from the government, if you show the merits of your character and those in power.

Kissing an unknown person means your life is not right.

Take a break from your day and change your way of living.

Kissing a dead person means that you will be separated as I hope.

At the same time you need calm and lack calm.

Esoteric dream book

Kiss in your dreams:

Kissing - Ditin - for the joy of spending time with loved ones and friends;

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova

How to interpret the dream book of Tsіluvatisya?

Kiss - Zrada, separation;

From the people's point of view - a fortune teller.

Dream Interpretation of Mandrivnik (Terentiya Smirnova)

Tlumachennya Kissed from your dream

Kiss - Before separation, conflict, health.

Kissing the dead is a sign of illness, death;

khanya with a celebrity.

Div Kiss (at the section I will become a dreamer).

Idiomatic dream book

Kissing - what does it symbolize?

Kiss (kiss) - “Kiss of death” (deathly illness), “kiss of the soul” (healing).

"kiss" - mechanically shut up.

“The Kiss of Life” or piece-mealing – ryativna help, turning to life, activity;

a kiss with a joyful cat and parting, farewell.

Tlumach from the dream of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those who were born from sichna, fierce, birch, kvitna

Kiss - Until parting.

For those who were born from grass, red, sticky and sickle

For a person, this dream is for the sake of a friend;

for a woman - before a family scandal;
  • for unmarried people - to love.
  • For those who were born in the spring, autumn, leaf fall, breast

Kiss - Before applying the image for everyone.

If you are comfortable kissing a person, this symbolizes the beginning of a calm period of life.

Better than everything, in life you will find changes that will remind you of peace and joy.

If you dream of kissing a man, it means that you will be able to have a harmonious relationship with him.

And if you are not yet friends, then you can get ready for a lot of fun.

If you try the kiss of a cat, you are tempted to look away from the plot of the dream, which indicates those that you are not sung by the senses of power.

So, don’t rush to see the people who are telling you romantic things, so you can sort yourself out right away.

Kiss with a lot of people

It’s not so good that you’re kissing a big guy in your sleep.

This points to those who have not yet resurrected this from their souls.

It is important for you to live a full life and tie a new hundred.
  • Also, such a dream can signal that your big boy is not bothering you, and that he is worried about the rupture of your tires.
  • Kiss of an unknown person
  • If in the underworld you kiss a stranger and feel satisfied, then you are expecting a short-term romance.

The interpretation of these dream books increases the respect of the dreamer, who may worry about his reputation.

Kissing a child is a nightmare

Another food that is often placed, and why dream of kissing a child.

As a rule, after such a dream there is no discomfort.

This dream predicts a happy time spent with friends or relatives.

It is likely that Miller’s dream book is about to dream of kissing a child before a period of goodness and peace in life.

Passionate kiss

If you happened to kiss in the plot of the dream, try to guess how you kissed.

So a passionate kiss in a dream with a young woman is a very good sign.

Vin means that your chosen one loves you deeply and widely, so you can have no doubt about your loyalty in reality.

Sometimes a passionate kiss is interpreted in dream books as a harbinger of a conflict with a loved one.

If you show wisdom and patience, you will be able to smooth out the hot spots, and then avoid conflicts in reality.

Primusovo kissing

If you want to forcefully kiss in a dream, this means that in real life you want to submit.

Freud's Dream Book

Freud's dream book connects any kiss with a sexual relationship.

Moreover, it is interpreted without precision.

The more passionate the kiss will be in the underworld, the more problems the dreamer will have in the sexual sphere.

Accept your decisions for our far-reaching inheritances.

It’s even more difficult to interpret a kiss in a dream.

For example, in some dream books there is an explanation that says that the dreamer kisses in a dream when he gets married in reality.

For example, if people dream about the road, then, having seen everything, they are again forced to kiss a representative of an exotic appearance.

Therefore, when deciphering a dream with kisses, it is important not only to carefully read the information presented in dream books, but also to listen to your powerful intuition.

With this approach you will be able to develop the correct principles and change the situation in real life to your advantage.

Kissing in your dreams with the receptionist and the important people - to the point of doubtful thoughts, unstated claims.

If a man kisses a young girl, it is a sign that he is expecting dishonest profits from you.

A temperamental girl - to the joy of a new relationship.

Kiss the old woman until it’s hard.

Kissing your sweetheart is the end of the fortune teller.

I’ll allow myself to kiss my woman until the new arrival is unacceptable.

I hang out, kiss - to the point of infidelity.

Kiss your mother - you will be happy in your commercial enterprises, your true friends will appreciate and respect you.

Kissing a brother or sister means happiness and good hundredths with friends.

If you kiss Katya, you are taking away a gift from a stranger.

I kiss someone’s hands - before marriage, a new adopted acquaintance with a future relative.

Whenever you kiss your hands, you feel disappointed.

Whenever you kiss your hands, you feel disappointed.

Children kiss each other - transferring a happy family reunion and success to the right.

Birds and creatures kiss - a happy dream that brings honor, happiness, fun.

Kiss the earth until parting.

You kiss a lot of different wives, and you get young men for yourself - you add a friend.

Darkness of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

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Kissing a brother or sister in your dreams means happiness and good hundredths with friends.

Dream Interpretation - Purpose

Bachiti meta means that you are within reach of the desired one.

Freud's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova

Reaching the mark in a dream is a sign of great success.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Hey dream:

  • Intimate places.
  • Kiss on the cheek there is an unknown trick.
  • When you kiss your hands in a dream,
  • A lasting kiss.

In the ancient traditions, every kiss in a dream is revered as a sacred symbol, which can bestow vitality, turn away from forgetfulness, and open portals to other worlds.

Nowadays, in order to find out what it is like to dream of a kiss with an unknown guy, it is so difficult that professional psychologists have joined the current calendar in an attempt to unravel the hidden meaning of the dream.

Kissing a brother or sister in your dreams means happiness and good hundredths with friends.

Some thinkers tend to view the dream as a reversal dream, where there is usually joy, but in the sense of bliss there is apprehension. The interpretation must be based on the attraction of an unknown guy with whom I had a kiss. Cute stranger

Dream Interpretation - Purpose

I sense passion and excitement . If you have experienced a particularity, even if you know it for real, it can seriously disappoint you.

Bachiti meta means that you are within reach of the desired one.

To study the symbol was more important than real action. Most often, the plot is about those who give the partner more passion and respect.

The very same kiss from an unknown guy is shared by a lenient sustrich.

Freud's Dream Book

There is a high probability of the fact that the first person guesses something about himself. Wider passion always sees a surprise like luck itself.

It is easy to be forewarned that the long-awaited signal will turn out to be completely different from what it was supposed to be.


Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova

Please note that I am kissing a representative of my status.

Reaching the mark in a dream is a sign of great success.

The human symbol anticipates that a strong rival or competitor in the business sphere will soon appear on the horizon. They are similarly harassed by women, who are often rightly respected, because marriage of femininity makes them unprofitable for men..

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

He gives a full explanation of why he dreams of being a stranger.

It seems that the dreamer still cannot come to terms with separation and is dreaming of starting a hundred days with this person from pure arkush. Kissing a photograph of a beautiful stranger is trampled by those who understand I'm waiting late until I see someone

  • I confirm that anyone who has dreamed of a similar plot in their dreams will find themselves in danger. High confidence through trustworthiness, unfamiliarity, dubious adventure is lost under the influx of suspicious and authoritarian characteristics..
  • There is a significant risk of ruining everyday minds as a result of bankruptcy through negligence. Numerous twists can become undeniably crowded..
  • Kiss on the cheek there is an unknown trick.
  • You can recognize the Noble Dream Book of Nina Grishina, What do the villagers witness about the bodies exposed and kissed by a stranger?
  • ve dream: Intimate places.
  • depict the dreamer's obscene twists Like dreaming of a kiss on the lip, details of the dream.

tell us about strengths and weaknesses

When you kiss your hands in a dream, The level of intelligence in reality is simply off the charts. When the object of affection is Shia,

I can help you a lot, support from friends Last kiss depicts a feeling of merit

Acts of darkness, why dream of a kiss with an unknown guy, take revenge straight ahead. Family dream book tells about the increased prevalence of conflicts between households and professional groups..

Kissing with big people is being trampled by those who really tried to get hooked, respectfully and inappropriately.

To understand more precisely why you dream about kissing an unknown guy, you need to guess what kind of circumstances you were in. Since this act took place in a crowded place, Longo’s dream book does not recommend getting involved with people you don’t know:

Balakiness threatens to serve a disgraceful service.

If you dreamed of a kiss as a given tradition, for example, a certificate and a certificate of fun, there is an undeniable spluttering price in the distant region.

The people you get to know in the future will play a positive role in the future. It’s good to know what it’s like to dream about boys kissing an unknown girl. As it turned out that the initiator was an unknown woman, the dreamer risks ending up in a scandal at the epicenter of which he himself is to blame.

You may also realize that the new passion from real action is not at all who she thinks she is.

Shereminskaya's dream book respects the unknown girl you kissed the harbinger of an unsuspected profit.

The universal speaker will predict the spluttering flirtation that the serious one will later outgrow.

The novel is not good enough, in case of bad luck, it will be lost for the rest of your life.

The esoteric dream book shows respect for the illumination of estranged people.

A light touch of lips with a beautiful man, like a dream, in which it’s fun to talk about a Swedish trip to exotic lands.

This will bring you a lot of positive emotions and a possible connection with this kind of people that will change your life.

Kissing an important person at the hour of some official entry means a well-deserved honor and a duty to recognize the importance of such a person.

Loosing the lips of a portrait with a stranger is a symbol of the fact that you have a distant presence of a person, so that you feel very late and annoyed with their successes.

You have to force yourself to destroy your respect on your inner beings, anger and revenge, because you won’t bring anything good.

Kissing an unknown person on the cheek in the underworld means inconveniences that people will bring you, the kind of people who are less likely to see tricks or deception.

You must be careful to install your parts and make sure that your employees do not find the drive for the tiles on your side.

Kissing someone else's neck in a dream means the possibility of discord in your family life through other people's affairs and tiles.

However, you should rely on the friends of your homeland, who can restore harmony among your friend couple.

The passionate kiss of your long-term partner, which has always seemed unknown to you, means your torment of the past.

A kiss with an unknown person who has previously followed you in other dreams means that your life will soon have a significant moment.

Perhaps you will become so important that you will never be able to forget.

  • However, even if we accept the atrocity, it will not be very successful.
  • Which dream book provides the following interpretation of a dream about kissing a stranger:
  • sticking out the lips of an unknown person at night - warning about ungodly things in your life;
  • kissing a stranger from France is a sign that your dear friend will soon stumble and lose his generous and faithful friend and like-minded person for a long time;
  • a dream in which you kissed a stranger, and you were caught - to all sorts of inconveniences, how to get through the affairs of late people.

It’s better for you to be careful about yourself, and not to trust secret secrets to close friends;

kissing a stranger you like - until you meet in reality;

The stranger’s appearance from the dreamer took you until the hour of kissing - until the secrets of the future.

If in your dream you were able to observe the physical shortcomings of a stranger, you will be greatly disappointed by someone from a stake close to you.

A dream of kissing a stranger in Nostradamus’s dream book means that your friends and good acquaintances are made up of fake and pretentious people.

You really need to have a say in this company, and some of it can be played against you.

The medium respected that a kiss with a stranger in a dream brings passion and strong love for the future.

Are you kidding in the dream book about kissing an unknown person on your lips?

The statistics will look at possible meanings.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the preparation of the material.

Let's talk about the peculiarities of dreams.

People have never been able to say exactly how dreams appear.

According to the investigations, the smell is due to the product of brain surgery, which is called a “mix”, which disappears within an hour through a reaction.

Sleep can be undermined by current events, and people’s problems can be solved.

External companions also flow into the dream.

The brain cannot process the signals correctly, due to reality.

  1. The dream can be the mother of a special sense.
  2. There are a lot of people telling you that this is of great importance.
  3. It must be confirmed that in many dreams it is not possible to joke around the place that has been taken, but illusions that are created by the brain.
  4. Also, dreams can be reflected in our understanding.
  5. If you are plagued by serious problems, your brain can continue to search for solutions at night.

If the images are very difficult, they have to be deciphered.

Dreams of such significance lie in the psyche of a particular person.

This fact disturbs all the dream books and the cloudiness of the marnies.
  • Understand that dreams must be individual, it is impossible to explain the meaning of similar images of a person’s skin.
  • Therefore, the darkening dream of a kiss on the lips from an unknown person lies under specific circumstances.
  • Don’t waste an hour searching for the meaning in the dream book, it may turn out to be wrong.
  • Analyze your life more thoroughly, specifically the problems that really bother you.
  • Perhaps you can find out the true meaning of the dream.

Of course, no one is stopping you from using dream books.

  1. If you truly trust them, you can become familiar with the possible meanings.
  2. Let’s take a closer look at the meaning according to Miller’s dream book:
  3. Like a classmate, friends can help you with common problems.

There are possible fears that are expressed as a kiss in a dream:

  • The pressure is strong, leading to negative sexual feelings.
  • It is possible to remove injuries and prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
  • It is necessary to be more selective when choosing partners for drains.

If you dreamed about your boy kissing another girl, you are afraid of harm and harm.

If you read various dream books, you can understand that there are no ignorant shadows.

Which guy should I trust?

The correct answer is every day.