A treaty about friendship was signed. Agreement about friendship and cordon between the USSR and German. Chi will be the judge's poses

The Japanese name for Japan Nihon (Japan) is made up of two parts - ni (日) and hon (책), insulting them with Chineseisms. The first word (日) in modern Chinese is rì and means, like i in Japanese, "sun" (transmitted on the leaves of yoga by an ideogram). Another word (책) in modern Chinese is bӗn. Yogo's primary meaning is “root”, and an ideogram that Yogo conveys, є the ideogram of the tree mù (木) with a little line added below, which designates the root. From the meaning of "root" the meaning of "wandering" was born, and in the same meaning it went into the name of Japan Nihon (日本) - "wandering of the sun" > "land of the sun, to go" (modern Chinese rì bӗn). The old Chinese word bӗn ( ) has little meaning “scroll, book”. In today's Chinese language, the word shū (書) has the same meaning as the last word for books. The Chinese word bӗn (책) was transposed into Japanese as in the meaning of “root, trip”, so in the meaning of “suvіy, book”, and in the form hon (book) it means a book and in the current my Japanese. However, the Chinese word bӗn (책) in the meaning of “scroll, book” was also put back in the old Turkic language, de after adding to the new Turkic suffix -ig nabulo form *küjnig. The Türks brought the same word to Europe, de vono from the Danubian Turkic Bulgars’ language in the form of k’niga was squandered into the language of the words of the New Bulgarians and through the Church Slavonic language expanded to other words of the Yangan language, including Russian.

in such a manner, Russian word book and the Japanese word hon "book" can be a deep root of the Chinese adventure, and the same root is included as another component in the Japanese name of Japan Nihon.

Am I understanding everything?)))

On spring 28, 1939, after 20 days, an act was signed on the capitulation of Warsaw, the same day after negotiations between the people's commissar of foreign affairs of the USSR V. M. Molotov and the minister of foreign affairs of Nimechchin I. von Ribbentrop signed “Agreement about friendship that cordon. between the SRSR and Nimechchina. Secret supplementary protocols, until which they were fixed new distribution spheres inflow of the Radyansk Union and the Third Reich: Lithuania passed to the Radyansk “zone”, and the western lands of Poland were transformed into the German governor-general, and also coordinated the prevention of “Polish agitation” on the territory of the slaughtered Poland.


Three secret protocols were added to the agreement - one confidential and two secret. Конфіденційний протокол визначав порядок здійснення обміну радянськими та німецькими громадянами між обома частинами розділеної Польщі, а секретні коригували зони східноєвропейських «сфер інтересів» у зв'язку з розділом Польщі та майбутніх «спеціальних заходів на литовській території для захисту інтересів радянської сторони», а також встановлювали the goiter should be pinned down like a “Polish agitation”, so that it captures the interests of the parties.

Under the hour of the invasion to Poland, the Germans occupied the Lublin Voivodeship that I've lost a part The Warsaw Voivodeship, the territory of which, apparently up to the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, was transferred to the area of ​​interest of the Radyansk Union. In order to compensate the Radyansk Union for spending money, a secret protocol was folded up to this agreement, apparently until Lithuania, behind the small territory of the Suvalksky district, passed into the sphere of the SRSR. This exchange ensured that the Radyansk Union did not receive the Nimechchini from the waters of Lithuania, which led to the founding of the Lithuanian RSR on 15 chernya 1940.

Agreement about friendship and cordon between the SRSR and Nіmechchina

Order of the SRSR and Nimetsky Order after the collapse of the colossus Polish state look at everything as their own mission to establish peace and order in this territory and to provide for the peoples, how to live there, peacefully, which shows their national peculiarities. With the help of the method of stench, gosh go in the offensive:
  1. The Order of the SRSR and the German Order are established as between mutual sovereign interests on the territory of the Polish state, the line, as it is marked on the map, as it is applied, and more reportedly will be described in the supplementary protocol.
  2. Offended by the Parties, they recognize the establishments at the statute of 1 cordon, there are still more sovereign interests, and they usuvayut whether the third powers are involved in the decision.
  3. Necessary for the state perebudovu was appointed at the statute of the lines of the Nimets Order, and the order of the SRSR.
  4. The Order of the SRSR and the German Order are looking at building a higher perebudov as a superb foundation for further development of friendly partnerships between their peoples.
  5. This agreement pіdlyagaє ratification. The exchange of instruments of ratification may be carried out as a matter of course in Berlin. The agreement is gaining ceremoniality from the first signing. Folded in two originals, in German and Russian languages.

Secret addendum protocol

The most important representatives, who signed below, declare that they are pleasing to the Order of Nimechchini and the Order of the SRSR at the offensive:

The secret supplementary protocol, signed on 23 September 1939, may be amended at paragraph 1, considering the fact that the territory of the Lithuanian state entered the sphere of the SRSR, also, from the south side, the Lublin Voivodship and part of the Warsaw Voivodship were div. card, added to the Treaty of Friendship and Cordon, signed today).

Yak Tilki Izda of the SRSR, the specialized visit to the Lithuanian Teritors for the Zachist of his own izhmans, the reference cordon with the natural prordonial description of the Litovskiye Teritae, is the cord. went to Nimechchin.

The most important representatives, who signed below, after the conclusion of the Treaty of Friendship and Cordon, declare their benefit in the coming:

Offenses of the Party shall not be allowed on their territories of any Polish propaganda, as it is to be held on the territory of the other side. The stench is strangled on its territories, it is necessary to carry out similar agitation and to inform one to one about come in, as if they are getting used to this method.


Subsequently, the territory of 196 ths. km² with a population of about 13 million people.

After the attack of Nimechchini on Radian Union On 22 chervnya 1941, the date of agreement was reached, as and th іnshі radyansk-nіmetski agreements, having introduced chivalry. Under the hour of laying down Ugodi Sikorsky-Maysky 30 lime 1941 to the fate of the radian order, having recognized the radian-German agreements of 1939. such that they have spent their rank in part of the territorial changes in Poland.

Georgy Kolarov

Nareshti between the two Bulgarian powers was trapped by a final agreement: an agreement on friendship, peace and goodwill was signed. Date of signing 01.08.2017 - in advance of the day, the 114th river of the Ilindensko-Preobrazhensky-Chrestovdensky Insurrection - hired insurgent against the Turkish captive, for the defense of the sacred right to live in the one and the same state, from Ohrid Lake to the Black Sea and across the Danube Sea. 08/02/1903 The Internal Macedonian-Odrіnsk Revolutionary Organization (VMORO) sent a revolt to all Bulgarians who lived on the territory of the country, who were deprived of the Ottoman rule, as a result of the unjust Berlin Treaty, like San Stefano.

The struggle with regular (asker) and irregular Turkish parts (bashibozuk) trivala to late autumn, The docks did not seep in the snow and winter did not pin the transfer of the Bulgarians and Turks along the Rilo-Rhodope massif and along the Strandzha and Sakar mountains. Zreshtoy, the Turks extinguished the rebellion with their characteristic zhorstokistyu and genocide against civilians. The rebels who lived, and Gromadyansk population passed from the Russian princedom of Bulgaria, to the First Balkan War. Vaughn began less than 9 years. The Allied Orthodox armies won a low victory over the Turks.

At 1912. territories geographical area Macedonia, populated most importantly by the Bulgarians, was cleared from the Ottoman troops. A special warehouse of irregular moldings "bashibozuk" either from the bottom or from the transition to the extravagant Turechchini. However, most of the region was occupied not by Bulgarian (as if they were thrown at Istanbul), but by Serbian, Black-Girsky and Greek parts. After the end of the war, the stench began to sound like they were coming out, in spite of the previous housekeeping. Try the remaining Tsar of the Russian Empire, Mikoli Another, to win the role of arbiter, they ended in a catastrophe - the authority of the middle Balkan monarchs is worthless. The Bulgarian Tsar Ferdinand was able to take Istanbul self-tightly and accept the crown of the Byzantine emperors. Yogo Serbian, Greek, Black-Girsky colleagues dominated behind Yogo's back, watching Russian support. If Tsar Ferdinand praised the ruin for Bulgaria, the decision about the demonstration military force, having attacked the Serbian and Greek armies, Mikola the Other provoked Rumunia to attack her at her back. Bucharest, in search of compensation for the Romanian-moving population, which drank in the Bulgarian borders, squeezing the entire territory of Pivdenny Dobruja (on the Bulgarian-Romanian cordon). The Turks, seeing the weakness of Bulgaria, also launched a counterattack and turned their own part of the lands conquered by the Bulgarians. As a result, Bulgaria (whose army carried the main burden of the war) took away insignificant territories. The main part of the lands inhabited by the Bulgarians was lost under the rule of Serbia and Greece. Romania also expanded with Pivdenny Dobruja, mostly from the Bulgarian population. Utrimuvala її until 1940.

As a result, since the Bulgarian Orthodox courts at the First World War stood on the bank of Entente, Sophia stumbled in the camp of the Central Forces, so that her mother could turn away. The defeats of the Other Balkan and the First World Wars in Bulgaria were marked as the First and the Other of the national catastrophe. As it seems, the unfair violation of the territories at the borders of those who were able to split them between the borders was brought to the Other Holy War. Bulgaria again sought revenge from Serbia, Chornogoria and Greece.

Enchanted by the victories in the two Balkans and in the First World Wars, the Serbian political elite began to implement the Serbian doctrine of Macedonianism, invented by Minister Stoyan Novakovic, Professor Jovan Cviїchem toshcho. The stench realized that they could not impose once upon a time the Serbian national self-confidence on the Bulgarians. To that they looked at the imposition of the Macedonian self-confidence as a short cut to a farther Serbianization.

Tim for an hour near Moscow, the creations of the Comintern. Even though the Bulgarians played a key role in the new world (two of them: Vasil Kolarov and Georgy Dimitrov were treated like general secretaries, and Boris Stomonyakov was recognized as the intercessor of the people's commissar of foreign rights), we became especially authoritative by becoming the leader of the Yugoslav communists, Josip Broz Tito. In the same breath, in 1934, on the basis of regional specifics and pivdenno-zahіdny dialect of the Bulgarian language, the Comintern praised the decision about the creation of the Macedonian nationality and the Macedonian language. Under the hour of that day Another light war, fiends of Yugoslavia Communist Party yoga was implemented practically. Specifically at the Teritarian of Socialistic Respubbleki, Macedon (at the farm federations of the Yugoslavi - SFREI) Macedonista, the doctrine of the Bulgarian, Yaki, they were injected with the Balkani

In the aftermath of the repressions of the law enforcement agencies of socialist Yugoslavia, 22,000 Macedonian Bulgarians lost their lives, and 144,000 spent a trival hour at the Titov's camps and camps.

The representatives of the intelligentsia and the learned patriotic faiths were more important. After their adoption, it became easier to spread the Macedonian self-confidence among those who lived at the creations of 08/02/1944. Socialist Republic of Macedonia. Among the local Bulgarians, successively began to win national self-confidence and nasadzhuvati new language- Mіscevy Bulgarian dialect, which without interruption zbagachuvsya Serbo-Croatian words. Vіn dosi without interruption and develops - after the skin interruption for a sprat of fate in germen from relatives, the author of these rows notes the appearance of new ones and the number of words. For all that, it is still overwhelmed with the dialect of the old Bulgarian language.

У Софії багато радикальних істориків, філологів, політиків критикують прем'єр-міністра Бойка Борисова та міністра закордонних справ Катерину Захарієву за допущений компроміс - договір підписаний «болгарською мовою відповідно до Конституції Республіки Болгарія і македонською мовою відповідно до Конституції Республіки Македо». This text gave a lead to the Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to boast before the Parliament and at a rally in front of him that Bulgaria had already recognized the Macedonian language. In fact, Bulgaria knew only the obvious fact that in the Macedonian Constitution the language is called not Bulgarian, but Macedonian. In addition, insulting texts are divided into one type of one - a crim of distinctions in dialects, Macedonians are corrugated by the Serbian version of the Cyrillic alphabet (named after 08/02/1944), which multiplies the distinctions in dialects.

Nowhere in the agreement does the phrase “Macedonian people” come up – the very fact provoked a great dissatisfaction with Skop, as if hanging a lot of minister of foreign affairs, one of the leaders of the VMRO-DPMNE party Antonio Miloshsky. Vin Turbute Takozh, in the agreement in the agreement of a considerable rosmezhuvannya of the oystoroi (yak Bulo, it is said, orama Macedonska iznui іshno 73 Rocks) ib Macedoni is more than a manner of the same time. -DPMNE: Member of the Parliament Ani Lashkovska raised an alarm that “the people of the Republic of Macedonia are in panic, because the SDSM (the party of Zoran Zaev) has announced a change in the history of the Macedonian state, our past, having waited to rewrite the handbooks of history. Bulgaria is holy, Macedonia is down.2

Їм відпів intercessor-head of the Sofia VMRV, Euro-deputy Angel Dzhambazkiy: It has already been trapped a lot of times in Bulgarian history, in the history of the struggle for the unification of the Bulgarians in Macedonia. If I was an intern, or a doctoral student at Sophia, I will clearly declare that I am a Bulgarian, even a biased follower of the line of behavior of Todor Aleksandrov, Ivan Mikhailov, old devils and WWII veterans. There are photographs (part of them in social networks), on which one can see Antonio Miloshosky, our company, with other organizations, holds the ensign of the WWII. Later, the surprise is unacceptable, however, it’s a sing-song є on the heels of Miloshosky’s trivial rebuke from the government. ” WWII architect Ivan Mikhailov). And you can confirm the words of Dzhambazkiy, who vindicated and prejudicedly exclaimed his Bulgarian self-confidence and pretentiousness until the unification of the Bulgarians in one state. Therefore, this evolution is more amazing. Prote, it’s worth not only yogo, but the last one of today’s ceramic warehouse of the VMRO-DPMNE, on the head of that colossal Prime Minister Mykola Gruevskiy. As he said about the new Dzhambazky, “Gruevskiy himself recognized a serious ideological turn in his behavior, in his self-appointment. Apparently, yogo political car was tied up with one Bulgarian bank at Skop'e in front of him, as a member of the Serbian Minister of Finance. Then Gruevskiy himself, declaring his pro-Bulgarian sympathies.”3 The author can add that Gruevskiy is angry as a political leader of the VMRO-DPMNE, Lyubcho Georgievskiy (the leader of the VMRO-People’s Party, he already has a Bulgarian passport, as a matter of fact, he applied for a wife), which is 22.02.1999 zrobiv pershu test normalization vіdnosin mizh two powers.

Together with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, Ivan Kostov, “signed a joint declaration with Sophia, as a way to demonstrate the real possibility of resolving the common problems. Todі Skop'є declared that there are no more claims regarding the presence of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria and the impact on the enjoyment of general rights and freedoms. It’s important for anyone who is a member of the 49th Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, who speaks about the Macedonian minorities in Greece and Bulgaria.” imagine the skopsky politicians from a single complex. It also means that the Macedonian Constitution is hopelessly outdated and the hour has come to change, apparently to new realities. Tse food is lied to the closest future one, after ratification of that recruitment of rank by the agreement.

Let's Gruevskiy zdіysniv vnutrishnyopartіy coup against Georgієvskogo, taking him out of the posad of the head of the party and premier-minister and becoming such himself, having initiated a review of the most recent documents, signed from Bulgaria, and also inflicted on ancient Macedonian history.

The evolution of the skopskogo VMRO-DPMNE is amazing, more so, because there are a lot of functionaries, members of their families, fathers, children, Bulgarian passports, unruliness in Bulgaria.

The head of Sofiysky HMRO, fraught by VICE-Prem'R'R'r Istr defense in the coalitziynya Borisova Krasimir Karakachanov Dajnu, Ird the characteristic of the non-pusy vmro-dpmne: “Infmne for a long time in the Party, Yugoshantas. The colossal minister of foreign affairs Kristian Vigenin proposed to initiate a policy of ignorance of the national interests of Bulgaria and promote insanely the membership of the Republic of Macedonia to the EU and NATO. Prote. zreshtoy, sensing what they said to me ... The policy of extreme Macedonianism, especially in its ancient form, how to carry out Gruevsky and that yoga team, including people, as if they were parasites of the Bulgarian state, vowed oaths before the grave of Todor Alexandrov, the Bulgarian ensign and ensign of the VMRO, seem foolish.”5 Obviously, I can blame the same Antonio Miloshosky.

Karakachanov baldly, as Gruevskiy, at his status as prime minister, two bidders at the signing of the agreement, “prote, nayimovirnish, ovnіshnopolitichnі chinniki didn’t allow you to do this. In the rest of the moment, Gruevskiy was thinking. You can guess someone who has slipped into something, knowing his economic ties with Belgrade. ”5 Can you add that kolishny minister finances (until he takes the premier's post), Gruevskiy to lie down to the secular financial elite. Їy baiduzhi is so understandable, like patriotism, almost obuv'azku.

It seems to the author that the main reason for today’s marvelous behavior of Gruevsky, Miloshosky and the company is the fact that they have spent power (maybe, for a long time) and do not want to, so that their political opponents have added to their assets the signing of this agreement: “I am nobody!”

At one time, Karakachanov respects Zoran Zaev as a “pragmatic person”: “As a measure of the city of Strumitsya, more than half of the population brought Bulgarian passports, better for everything, having understood about where to go. Golovna, I can’t help but have the courage to sign the agreement.”5

Karakachanov assessed that the Macedonian politicians “forged history, creating tension, visibly making claims about the small number of people on the territory of Bulgaria.”6 political isolation... Skop's politicians respected that confrontation, hatred and stupid chauvinism can induce a new national identity.6 As you can already see, nothing happened to them.

When the agreement was signed, Karakachanov continued: “I told Borisov what to go down in history. At Skop, just in front of the Church of the Holy Savior, not long before the funeral of the grave of Gotse Delchev (Bulgarian revolutionary, Viysk stone worker of the VMRO, who died before the day of the Іlіndensko-Preobrazhensko-Chrestovdensky Insurrection), young lads - followers came before us. And they said to you, without any previous domesticity with us: “Pan Borisov, you will be lost in history, to the one who will be deprived of Tsar Boris - Ob'ednuvach!” The skin fourth bulker of Bulgaria (the skin third ethnic Bulgarian - G.K.) has a root in Macedonia, the skin Macedonian has relatives in Bulgaria. Over 10,000 Macedonian students have already graduated from the Bulgarian Higher Educational Institutions in the last 20 years. More than 120,000 Macedonian hulks gave Bulgarian passports (130,000 minted for hulks - G.K.).”6

To Karakachanov’s thought, the most important of the treaty is that member, apparently to the point of, “Macedonia no longer complains about this member of its 49th Constitution, apparently to the point of guilt to protect the Macedonian minorities in the maritime lands.”5 historians, journalists and just patriots.

Lyubomir Kyuchukov, director of the Institute of Economics and International Affairs, Lyubomir Kyuchukov, expressed his positive opinion about the agreement and the agreement between the Bulgarian diplomat, the intercessor of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Ambassador to London, foreign policy for ten years. Contract for the interests of Bulgaria, wine for the needs of Macedonia. Here the Bulgarian position is important. It is determined by two guiding criteria - unite, not separate, and think about Macedonia, like about the people of that community, and not like about the territory. Because Macedonianism itself will not create a new identity. The distance between people is marked by a skin public scandal between two countries. If people from both sides of the cordon begin to hate one another, then Macedonianism has won. In the interest of Bulgaria, tidy up all the bar'riers, so as to establish intercourse and cooperation between people, so that the hulks of both lands would feel at ease at home, on their own territory"7.

I wine, and other analysts give an understanding that it is not possible to talk about the territorial union of the two Bulgarian powers, but only about the historical and cultural one.

How to write on your site too many activist Sophia VMRO, leading journalist and political technologist Volodymyr Yonchev, “we and the Macedonians, like two brothers, like children, lived in the same booth, then we grew up and grew up in different apartments. Let yourself know, what a life it will be, how stink with your family and with new problems will you get to live again in your own home!? Hardly chi htos want tse. There are only about those who speak like brothers, go one to one on a visit and at the same time celebrate the holy days of the people of their fathers.

Pevna form of political association between Sophia and Skop is possible within the framework of NATO and EU. However, before that, how to go there (well, for the help of Bulgaria), the Republic of Macedonia can also remember the name to remove the Greek claims.

So che іnakshe, agree є important crocodile of Macedonia to Euro-Atlantic integration. Without a doubt, the prospect itself has become a drive for enchantment Russian ZMI novelty is now a key one for the two Bulgarian powers, and for the Balkan Pivostrov.

Otherwise, if they still bring up the topic, give the opportunity to speak to such Bulgarian analysts, as if, softly, they seem to outweigh the military potential of the two Bulgarian powers, representing a threat to Russia!? On the face of their deep weaknesses, planting vacancies, lack of motivation for military service in Bulgaria and in Macedonia. Looks like spring 2001. The Macedonian army recognized the destruction of the Albanian separatists. Vcheniy Rosen Yanev guesses, as if he had once changed with Macedonia, at the pivnoch that “the war was virulent. Through the countryside, camps for refugees were lit up. People were snarky and ti, with such a roar, they ambiguously hung out their fight against the Albanian heap. Stink small hope that the Bulgarians will protect his back. Only you won over the Albanians from the war, they said.”10 In the spring of 2001. Prote, the Bulgarian instructors could not help.

The military potential of the Bulgarian army was seized by the peacekeeping missions in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, obviously, on the Turkish cordon. Greater expansion of the potential of the Macedonian army directs to strangle the possible separatist slaughter of the Albanian minority, as well as to clear the aggression from the side of Kosovo and Albania. In addition, the military bases of the United States near the village of Krivolak (Macedonia), Sarafovo (Bulgaria) did not go anywhere - like a buli, so be left. New things are unlikely to happen: the Americans cannot afford to bring such forces into the Balkans, if the regions are important to them.

Russia spent 4 key word-Orthodox allies in the Balkans, in which two peoples live: the Bulgarians and the Serbs. Bulgaria and Chornogoriya are already in NATO, Serbia and Macedonia are elected there after the presidential and parliamentary elections, as a result of which pro-government politicians came to power. In Bulgaria, Boyk Borisov's ranks tried to save friendly vibes with Russia until May 24 - the holy word of Jansk writing. These referents – “Balkanists” led President Putin to say that “the alphabet came to Russia from the Macedonian land”11 and provoked a great scandal between Moscow and Sofia. Having expanded even more, the Deputy of the State Duma and the champion of the world of shakhiv Anatoly Karpov, on the eve of his Sofia visit: having said in advance on television that the abeta came to Russia from Byzantium!?!? As a result, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov was recognized for an audition. No one in Bulgaria understands what it was: the screaming incompetence of the great shakhist, what is the malicious provocation against the Bulgarian community? So, anyway, Bulgaria has developed anti-Russian sentiments.

As a result, 04.08.2017 - 25th anniversary of the Treaty of Friendship between Russian Federation that Republic of Bulgaria passed without a hitch. As before, they were recognized as diplomatic, or as a community, they were condemned (the author was ahead of the question, after the presidents of Russia - Volodymyr Putin and Macedonia - Georgy Ivanov). Only on the presidential websites of Moscow and Sophia appeared mutual greetings. Moreover, Putin called Bulgaria “brotherly”, and his colleague Rumen Radev named Russia “friendly”.

Lyubomir Kyuchukov vvazha, that “Russia does not have political and economic resources (energy), but ideological alternatives, to inspire the edge of the region in the face of a clearly declared all-around: European and Euro-Atlantic integration. However, Russia is gaining a secondary, piece alternativeness, shriveled by the unsettledness of Brussels. The call to the region is not less than right away, but on the side of the NATO members. 7 new politics.

On the side of Russia, often incompetent, unsettled people, recognized as "fakhivtsy" in the Balkans, take an unequivocal pro-Serbian position in the old conflicts between Belgrade and Sofia, mainly from the Macedonian side. When Chornogoria turned back, and then Serbia turned its back on Russia and its guise before Sunset, the stench as a whole turned on Bulgaria with old pretensions and took on too many “lovers”.

It is amazing that none of them, not mentioning the development of prosaic tendencies near Belgrade and Pidgoritsa, could not but lead to a geopolitical reorientation of the two lands.

Of course, among Russian experts there is a lot of blame. For example, Lev Vershinin, who makes accurate and correct diagnoses of the self-styled “fahivtsy” from Bulgaria. Vin, to the point, repeatedly points to one of the reasons for the total result of the Balkan wars - the permissiveness and lack of carnality of the ruling Chornogorsk dynasty through the presence of two daughters of the king at the Russian royal court. Princess Stana and Princess Militsa seriously poured in on the outward political decisions of the Russian Empire in the Balkans. Evidently, Chornogoria was the first to attack Turechchina near Persh. Balkan war without the benefit of the allies, the number of re-arrangements of the Bulgarian army was not completed.

Among those who practice in Moscow, Kirilo Frolov, the head of the Association of Orthodox Experts and the head of the Russian Orthodox Church Institute of Krains of the SND, swears. Vіn openly and honestly declares that “Macedonians are Bulgarians, Macedonia and Bulgaria are one and the same.”11 Skoda, although it wants to take a key position, is not heard by the officials.

The rogue in the Russian Balkans and in the politics of the Balkan Pivostrov gave the possibility for the anti-Russian elements in Sofia and Skop to manifest themselves, including any other signed agreement. The best butt: the claims of the extreme Russophobe, the great Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev, are not on the authorship of the contract. Attributing to your own unknown merits, do not miss the blame, pull on the secret protidium of Russia and on the hybrid war, like the Kremlin knows nothing against the Bulgarians.

Yomu Vіdpovіv Bulgarian analyst Ivan Petkov. Vin gave an understanding that “the words of the great President Rosen Plevneliev can bring about a new wave of success for the entire nation. Bagatorichny zusillya, like the deceased Zhelya Zhelevym, survived Ivan Kostov and Georgy Pirvanov, knew their triumph from Boyk Borisov. The Prime Minister, having signed a historical favor for Macedonia, has united all political forces in Bulgaria. And so far, the colossal head of the state, Rosen Plevneliev, has not been declared a catalyst for the warming of the Bulgarian-Macedonian vents. In other words, a motor and breather of a historical document. By such a rank of wine, having broken the unsafe crock - you can break the bad day of politicians, in the name of Bulgaria. Vіn daє daє butt daedalі more show the display of their merits. Before him, as to show himself, he is guilty of confession, as a minimum, for two questions: how many times did he see Macedonia as a president ?; de vin bouv, if Bulgaria recognized the independence of its own land, and if a declaration about goodwill was signed? If you are a student, if you know how to get into business, it doesn’t matter. Accept buv even far away in the face of modern political processes. On the vіdmіnu vіd nіgo, іnshiy kolishnіy president - Georgiy Pirvanov can є more pіdmіnі pіdnіv аn а factor of reconciliation zі Skop'є. Navit Rumen Radev does not allow himself to show his merits as the rightful head of the state. Navpaki, at his private wines, he recognized the susilly of all his adversaries. Blame food: why does Rosen Plevneliev allow himself like that? »12 Petkov gives different versions of different versions for the supply.

The author, however, vvazha, that Plevnelієva was told across the ocean by words and tensions: in such a rank, vіn give razumіt, that the reconciliation between Sophієyu and Skop'єm was not zavdyaki, but in the face of Moscow. To that, as a merit, it is the fault of the extreme Russophobe, reconciling the insults of the Bulgarian powers, against Moscow. Unfortunately, songs and writings in Russian ZMI on the topic are a life-giving medium for this kind of speech. That is why in the Kremlin it is less to listen to the cabinet meetings and more to the Russian diplomats, as the old ones were propagated at the embassies and general consulates in the two Bulgarian republics. I want to stink good to know why rich.

It is important that the history of Russia's history in Turechchina dates back to 1475 - the same Ottoman Empire conquered Crimea, and the Turks began to seize Russian merchants from the suburbs of Volodin. Then Ivan III issued a letter to the Turkish sultan not to stop merchants from trading. Leader Ottoman Empire pishov to the Grand Duke of Moscow nazustrich - and the trade of the Russians was inspired.

An important meaning to the women from the Turks was pressing Vasil III - the son of Ivan III. The prince achieved that the Turkish sultan Selim, having expressed his readiness to “start with Moscow in friendship and brotherhood”, and having saved his people to attract the Russian merchants who died on the territory of Turkey.

However, despite the first successes of bilateral contacts in Russia and Turkey, the blue between the two countries was tense. It is worth noting that the empire of Osman constantly supported the Crimean Tatars during campaigns against Russia - and in 1568 the first military conflict arose between the powers. The lands fought for control over Pivnichny Prychornomor'yam and Pivnіchnym Caucasus, then for the rights of Christians at the borders of the Ottoman Empire and the right of navigation in the Black Sea channels.

The series of 13 Russian-Turkish wars, which marked the collapse of the Osman empire, ended only in 1918.

How to change the island

In addition, in 1918, the rotations, having recognized the defeats of the First World War, Turechchyna was embarrassed to lay a truce outside the borders of Entente Mudroska. A document signed on Lemnos, an island in the Aegean Sea. By the way, Lemnos itself was chosen by Bohemia Interactive Studio as the basis for the creation of the island of Altis, on which the popular computer game “Arma III” is chosen. Two rozrobniks spent a few months at the prison on that island - the authorities didn’t deserve the stink that they were topographically sacking (for a different version, people were suspected of spying on the greed of Turechchini).

For the sound of the brothers, a Czech was needed.

Zgidno z Wise truces, the lands of the Entente mali the right to the occupation of the Bosphorus and Dardanelles channels, and the Turech region is small to demobile the army and hand over to the allies the mustache of the warships that sail near the waters, which are under Turkish sovereignty. And for example, sichnya 1919 fate Verkhovny Rada Entente praised: Armenia, Syria, Palestine, Arabia and Mesopotamia were small in the Ottoman Empire.

І yakscho to the cob of the First Light War Turechchina volodila the territory scorching area 1786716 sq. km from the population to 21 million inhabitants, then after the war the area decreased to 732,000 sq. km, and the population began to become less than 13 million inhabitants.

Zhovtnev revolution for the Turks

At the end of 1920, an order was voted in Ankara on the basis of the politician and future reformer Mustafa Kemal. Great national gatherings were held in parallel with the sultan's order near Istanbul. Kemal was terribly overwhelmed that the sultan signed the peace treaty of Sevres, as if part of the Turkish lands came to the Kingdom of Greece, and part - to Virmenia. At the Great National Assembly in the alliance with the Great National Assembly of the RRFSR, they voiced the struggle against Greece and Entente, and also introduced war into the regions, as if they were the rivals between Time and Azerbaijan (zokrema - in Karabakh).

Volodymyr Lenin repeatedly stated that the struggle of the Turks for independence was rich in what was blamed for the influx of the Zhovtnevoy revolution.

In the wake of Ulyanov, before the speech, the Kemalists were sent from the RRFSR 6 thousand. twine, over 5 million twin cartridges, 17.6 thousand. shells and 200.6 kg of gold in gold.

Nezabar of non-knowledge Kemal's order signed the Treaty of Oleksandropol with Virmenia. According to the document, Virmeniya spent part of its territory, annulled the Sevres peace treaty, called for the approval of its delegation from Europe and the USA, transferred the right of control to Turkey. zaliznitsi those other ways of success, as well as "to live in military entries" on the territory.

“Peace agreement between Turech and Virmeniye” was signed on March 2, 3, 1920, and the next day, the Chervona Army entered Yerevan. The Radyansk order of Virmenia immediately voted the document annulled and urged the Turks to start new negotiations.

Together against imperialism

On February 26, 1921, the people's commissar of foreign rights announced the Moscow conference, and in Birch, within the framework of the conference, a Russian-Turkish agreement was signed about "friendship and brotherhood." “The activity of the Radianian diplomacy and the realistic position taken by the head of the Great National Assembly and the Prime Minister of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal, successfully completed difficulties in the Radian-Turkish waters,” wrote historian Pavlo Gusterin. - In the instructions for conducting negotiations, taken from the head of Radnarkom Volodymyr Lenin, it was said that it was necessary to put "an ear of rapprochement that friendship is superbly important."

Georgy Vasilovich Chicherin

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“All agreements, which are settled between both countries, do not serve the general interests,” said the text of the document. “The stench will be good for that knowledge and contract with those who do not lose strength.”

Clearly, what was meant by the good fortune: the powers were brought closer "by helping them solidarity in the struggle against imperialism."

Under the agreement, Turechchina took away the Karska region and deyakі іnshі districts of Virmenії, prote, on the strength of the Radyansk side of the goiter, was deprived of the Oleksandropol region and the Nakhichevan region. The Radyansky order canceled the mustaches of Turechchini in front of the royal order, and also announced that they supported the “Turkish sovereignty” and “national rights of the Turkish people”.

Stalin presents territorial claims

July 13, 1921 for the participation of representatives of the RRFSR near Karsi (place of Skhodі) modern Turecchini) was signed by an agreement between Virmensky, Azerbaijan and Georgian Radian socialist republics, from one side, that Turechchina - from the other. Yogo camps practically repeated the essence of the Moscow Treaty. In addition, the document stated that Kars and Ardahan, as well as Mount Ararat, go to Turechchini.

And on September 22, 1922, the royal sovereign and the Viysk fiend signed an agreement on friendship in the name of Ukraine from Turkey.

Radyansk-Turkish treaties of Mali great value"The prestige and significance of Anatolian Turkey in Europe are held in high regard by the leaders of Russia and our friendship," said the Turkish commissar Yusuf Kemal-bey at the date of 1922.

In 1945, before the speech, Josip Stalin, hanging territorial claims to Turechchina, and speaking out for joining the territory of the Transcaucasus to the SRSR, which lay in 1878 Russian Empire that handed over to Kemal in 1921 roci. However, after the death of the leader, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the SRSR stated: “The Radyansk order is respected for the possibility of ensuring the security of the SRSR from the side of the duct on the minds, however, it is acceptable both for the SRSR and for Turechchini. By this rank, the Radyansk order declares that the Radyansk Union does not have any territorial claims up to Turechchyn.

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