Unmanned aerial vehicles Classification of military unmanned aerial vehicles Military unmanned ground vehicles

Military drones can be separated for a low standard. The classification options are listed below.

By type of control

Autonomous, which does not require control by a human operator

With remote control by a human operator

Combined (buildings continue to function in an optimal manner after spending time in contact with the operator).

Beyond the distance

very small range - tens of meters

short range - direct visibility, one to tens of kilometers

medium range – hundreds of kilometers

long range - from hundreds to thousands of kilometers of non-stop flights

Behind the working heights

for work at low altitudes (up to tens of meters)

for robots at low altitudes (up to hundreds of meters)

for work at medium altitudes (10 km)

for robots at high altitudes (over 10 km)

For trivalista Polota

nadmale - units of hvylin

Male - dozens of hvilins

middle - a few years

trivale - up to several dozen years

nadtrivale - dozens of dibs of non-planting weed

For the type of start

ground launch

z vikoristannyam ZPS,

from the catapult,

with vertical outlet,

from the springboard

hot start

without turning on the mother ship

From turning back on the mother ship


copters (multicopters)


What do birds have?

Have comas

Significant for radars

low visibility (invisible)

For the protection of the communication/control channel

low security


Beyond the dimensions

super small type (up to 1 kg)

small type (up to 4 kg),

medium type (tens of kilograms to several hundred kg),

large (from many hundreds of kg to many tons)

For recognition


with the possibility of vykoristanya on board a lethal armor, such as missiles

є lethal, like barrage ammunition


universal, with many functions

Behind the building before group activities, activities at the warehouse of an organized group

for individual vicoristics

for vikoristan in a warehouse of a small group (drones of the same or different types)

for a vikoristan at the warehouse of a group of dozens of drones

"Tachyon" is a Russian small unmanned flying vehicle, created by engineers of the company LLC "Izhmash - Unmanned Systems" (Izhevsk). First of all, this drone will be introduced in 2012. "Tachyon" is used for prevention, fire correction, target treatment, and damage assessment. Effective when carrying out aerial photography and video recording of locality at a distance, when necessary, it can be used as a signal repeater for communication. Currently, this drone is being used in the ground forces, as well as in the sub-units of the Russian Navy.

The scientific and technological association “Izhmash – unmanned systems” has been conducting its work since 2006. One of the main areas of the company's work was development, manufacturing, repair, technical service, implementation and installation of unmanned aerial vehicles Currently, the company is working on expanding the tactical and technical capabilities of its aircraft and developing new unmanned aerial systems. Varto points out that by the remaining fates, Izhevsk has turned into a symbolic place for Russian unmanned systems. Today, three serious companies are operating in the capital of Udmurtia, which are engaged in the development of drones. This also includes the scientific and industrial association “Izhmash - unmanned systems”, the Zala aero company, 51% of the shares of which belong to the Kalashnikov agricultural concern, and the enterprise LLC “Finico”, also as a group of companies “B” pilot systems."

In this case, drones can become a new brand of Udmurtia. Mikhailo Khomich, the head of the permanent mission of the republic for the President of Russia, spoke about this within the framework of the Meeting Economic Forum in the spring of 2017. In his words, for the rich governors, the leadership of Udmurtia became the food and production of unmanned aircraft. Today, stinks find their companions not only in the military, but also in the civil sphere and are widely represented on the Russian market.

The beginnings of the development and design of the unmanned aerial vehicle "Tachyon" began in the late 2000s, and the general public of this device began to be introduced in 2012. At the end of 2014, drones began to arrive at the production of UAV parts in the Skhidny Military District. Regardless of the fact that this lethal device is initially developed and used for deployment, including in the military sphere, its technical, technical and operational characteristics ensure that the UAV is highly promising. This model is in demand, and the drone is being actively produced as part of the national defense system. In the future, this unmanned aircraft may be oriented for export to the armies of other countries.

At the beginning of 2015 in Russia, the government began testing a new modification of the drone, which used not batteries, but fuel elements. At the same time, news began to appear about the delivery of data to drone pilots to the military, looking at the beginning of 2015, the smell began to appear on the formation of intelligence units of the Central Military District (CVO), and in 2016, construction of a Russian military base near Virmenia. Recently, information appeared in the Russian press about the construction of a new special-purpose pen at the Caspian Flotilla warehouse. The corral of coastal special forces is based on the corral of anti-sabotage forces and assets (PDSS) of the Caspian Flotilla. It appears that Tachyon drones will also be found at the newly opened enclosure. They will help special forces fighters with secret landings of reconnaissance groups on the shore, as well as with detected enemy saboteurs, including under water.

So fighters special pets In 2015, the naval fleet tested the Takhioni in the bays on the shores of the Kola Peninsula. Our first priority was the ability of the drone to identify combat vessels and their delivery methods at various depths, as well as to identify mobile bases of saboteurs, secret sites and camouflaged ambushes, including at night From the use of special security systems. The possibilities of detecting small and even small objects on birch trees, on the water surface and under water were explored.

The small unmanned flying vehicle "Tachyon" is divided into aerodynamic "wing that flies" design. This scheme is a different type of “tailless” scheme with a reduced fuselage, the role of which is played by the wing, which carries all the components and is fundamentally important. One from the true representatives Lethal vehicles based on the “flying wing” scheme are the American strategic bomber B2 Spirit. The Tachyon UAV consists of a glider with an automatic landing system, a power plant, flight control units, an on-board life system, as well as a parachute landing system and important units of target landing, which can be changed into position And when the drone was released from the command. The launch of the unmanned aerial vehicle requires the help of a humic catapult, landing by parachute.

The unmanned flying vehicle "Tachyon" was specially designed with air conditioning in mind, and can be equipped with a video camera, thermal imager and other equipment. The device has small weight and size characteristics and can be used in a wide range of temperatures and heights, as well as in conditions of high wind speed. The starting weight of the drone is 25 kg, with the weight of the bark - 5 kg. These small drones can be used for military reconnaissance during the day and at night, reaching a distance of up to 40 kilometers in unfavorable weather conditions, operation is allowed in wind gusts up to 15 m/s . The Tachyon UAV can conduct reconnaissance on a time scale close to real time, in which it can be used to organize video and communication, acting as a signal repeater.

The small unmanned aerial vehicle "Tachyon" has a compact design, its length does not exceed 61 cm, and its wingspan is more than two meters. Despite their small size, their special aerodynamic shape results in high maneuverability and water resistance. The power plant is powered by one electric motor, which allows the highly functional device to develop a speed of up to 120 km/year. At this rate, the maximum service life of the device in the world is between two years. On Tachyon drones equipped with electric motors that operate on combustion elements, the energy for the flow is generated by an electromechanical power generator. Like the burning of such an unmanned lethal vehicle, the vikorist compresses the water, like the oxidizer - the atmospheric air.

Warehouse for the unmanned complex: two unmanned aerial vehicles "Tachyon", a set of interchangeable modules for spacecraft (camera, television camera, infrared camera, thermal imager), ground control station and catapult. Development of the complex and two individuals that are on the ground. I hate computers. One of them controls the unmanned vehicle, and the screen of the other displays information that can be obtained from the drone.

Flight and technical characteristics of the Tachyon UAV:
Dovzhina – 610 mm.
The swing of the krill is 2000 mm.
Zlitna vaga – 25 kg.
Vaga coris navantazhennya – 5 kg.

The engine is electric.
Air speed: maximum – 120 km/year, cruising speed – 65 km/year.
The duration of a poliot is 2 years.
The radius is 40 km.
The maximum altitude of the field is 4000 m.
Operating temperature range: -30 to +40 °C.

The deployment of the Tachyon drone near the beginning at the Zagalnovysky training ground in Molkino near Garyachy Klyuch, today 2016, photo.

The book is of an important pre-knowledgeable nature and is written based on the results of surveys and analysis of numerous literary and Internet resources. It is important to familiarize the reader with the terminology and classification in the field of unmanned aviation that has developed today. current trends in the development of unmanned aircraft, as well as the market for unmanned aircraft systems. Classification UVS International

In addition to the principle of flow, for the classification of UAVs, you can use the great quantity objective criteria: aircraft weight, range, height and severity, size of the device, etc. .

The International Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems AUVSI (Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, until 2004 it was called the European Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems - EURO UVS) has established a universal classification of UAVs, which combines a lot of the named criteria. In the table 1.4 shows this classification with the English equivalent categories and abbreviations.

Table 1.4 Universal classification of UAVs based on specific parameters
Group Category Massa, kg Flight range, km Floor height, m The triviality of the weed,
Russian English
Mali UAV Nano-UAV Nano < 0,025 < 1 100 1
Micro UAV Micro(?) <5 < 10 250 1
Mini-UAV Mini 5-150* < 10 150-300* <2
Tactfully Lightweight UAVs for monitoring the front line of defense Close Range (CR) 25-150 10-30 3000 2-4
Lightweight short-range UAVs Short Range (SR) 50-250 30-70 3000 3-6
Medium UAVs Medium Range (MR) 150-500 70-200 5000 6-10
Medium UAVs with great trivalism Medium Range Endurance (MRE) 500-1500 >500 8000 10-18
Low-height UAVs for penetrating deep into enemy defenses Low Altitude Deep Penetration (LADP) 250-2500 >250 50-9000 0,5-1

Continuation of Table 1.4

Group Category Massa, kg Flight range, km Floor height, m The triviality of the weed,
Russian English
Tactfully Low-height UAVs with great flight speed Low Altitude Long Endurance (LALE) 15-25 >500 3000 >24
Mid-height UAVs with great flight speed Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) 1000-1500 >500 5000-8000 24-48
Strategic Hundreds of UAVs with great flight High Altitude Long Endurance (HALE) 2500-5000 >2000 20000 24-48
Combat (strike) UAVs Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles (UCAV) >1000 1500 12000 2
Special purpose UAV equipped with a warhead (lethal) Lethal (LET) (Offensive) 300 4000 3-4
UAV - vehicle targets Decoys (DEC) 150-500 0-500 50-5000 <4
Stratospheric UAV Stratospheric (STRA) >2500 >2000 >20000 >48
Exostratosphere UAVs Exo-stratospheric (EXO) - - > 30500 -
* - lie within the limits adopted in a particular region

The classification is being expanded both to existing ones and to promising UAVs that are being fragmented. Most of this classification was formed before 2000 rubles, and since then it has been looked at many times. You can’t even walk in when you’re tired. In addition, there are many special types of devices with non-standard combinations of parameters that are important to classify. In some versions, these classifications are specific to the military deployment of the UCAV class, Lethal and Decoys are seen in the general group of UAVs. And the same trend, due to the rapidly growing number of civilian UAVs, is not to expand UAVs on strategic and tactical levels.

In Fig. 1.68 shows the butt of the UAV, which falls into the Mini and Micro categories. The buttstocks indicate the country of manufacture and the model of the device. In these categories there are devices with different principles of flight: aircraft type, helicopter type, with a bent and flapping wing, aerostatic. In the Mini category, a special subgroup should be created of an aerostatic type UAV (Mini – Lighter-than-Air), because Formally, her weight does not exceed 150 kg, but behind the work the stench is clearly visible among others. The Nano-UAV category appeared to be the remaining fate in connection with the success of the creation of ultra-light (‹25 g) devices (including mosquito-like ones - entomopterians).

UAVs of the Close Range and Short Range categories are even more numerous (Fig. 1.69). Typical shutdowns - reconnaissance and correction of artillery fire, installation of radio transponder For aircraft of this category, the primary method of launch is launching from a catapult.

The MR (Medium Range) UAV category is represented by aircraft, helicopter types and their hybrids (Fig. 1.70). In addition to monitoring tasks, they are often equipped with the required relay of radio signals to ensure communications between ground and airborne objects within a radius of approximately 200 km.

The vehicles of the front group have a stronger power unit, shorter aerodynamic characteristics and a foldable control system.

The MRE category (Fig. 1.71) rarely includes helicopter-type aircraft - it is represented primarily by unmanned aircraft. Their features, as a rule, include special aerodynamic design parameters that make the floor more economical.

An important feature of the LADP UAV category (Fig. 1.72) is the high speed of the devices used for quick penetration into enemy territory. The main functions are reconnaissance and targeting. As power plants, jet engines are used.

The devices of the LALE group (Fig. 1.73) are intended for wetlands using reconnaissance, video recording, meteorological and environmental precautions. The flow rate is approximately 100-150 km/year. The smell is caused by its small mass and economical power plant.

UAVs with the MALE category (Fig. 1.74) occupy an intermediate position between tactical and strategic UAVs. Call for a wide variety of devices. In addition to the primary functions of reconnaissance, surveillance, targeting, radio transponders, they can be carried on board with armor (usually in the form of high-precision missiles), or in the form of high-precision missiles. i).

UAVs of the HALE class (Fig. 1.75) were recognized before the conquest of strategic missions. The most famous aircraft in this category is the American Global Hawk. As a rule, such UAVs have reconnaissance and strike functions. All phases of the flow (including landing and landing on the air defense system) can be canceled in automatic mode. Non-military HALE devices include surveillance, photo-taking, signal relay and atmospheric monitoring functions. To ensure high flow rates and cost-effectiveness of the device, an energy installation is often implemented in the form of an electrical system based on electric motors, accumulators and solar batteries.

Cream HALE, and also include strategic UAVs of the UCAV (Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) class (Fig. 1.76). In Russia, UAVs of this class are called unmanned combat aircraft (UAVs). BBS is an attack and reconnaissance UAV, which is an unmanned reconnaissance unit capable of immediately conducting reconnaissance, searching for targets and destroying them.

For this purpose, the device carries a high-precision shock design. Typical buttstocks for such vehicles are the American Predator MQ-1B and Reaper MQ-9. BBS is a real fighting unit. In fact, it is either an unmanned aircraft or an attack aircraft. It is not uncommon for such lethal devices to operate on the basis of serial aircraft that are flown, for example, by Lockheed Martin F-16 aircraft or Fairchild A-10 attack aircraft. Currently, Russia and beyond the cordon are working on a whole series of small-scale BBS projects and their demonstration prototypes. Thus, Russia has developed a new BBS system, for which the new fifth-generation PAK-FA T-50 will serve as the basis.

Today's airborne systems, in addition to missile defense systems, are characterized by the presence of foldable radio navigation systems, radars (due to the adjustment of AFAR - active phase antenna arrays), and highly effective transmission and security systems. The “stealth” technology, which is used in piloted aircraft of new generations and ensures the invisibility of the aircraft for enemy radars, is also used in the BBS, but in a completely similar manner. Their survivability will be ensured more simple methods– small sizes, unique layouts, low noise levels and camouflage patterns. There are a lot of BBS models available for deck bases.

Highly specialized categories of Lethal and Decoys are included in the military period. Some of them are not included before classification, placing the device models behind the described categories is determined by their weight and field parameters.

UAVs of the Lethal class have the functions of a reconnaissance UAV and a homing bomb or missile. If necessary, the device goes directly to the selected object and finds it. Create special modifications for various purposes: anti-tank, anti-radar, anti-ship, etc. The launch of such devices can be carried out either from the ground or from board a sea or surface vessel (call for an additional catapult or jet booster).

UAVs of the Decoys category are flying targets, designed to disorient the enemy’s offensive capabilities, perform a variety of maneuvers by assessing the enemy’s reaction, as well as to train their special skills testing aircraft technology, missiles and radio electronics.

The categories of stratospheric (Strato) and suprastratospheric (Exo Strato) devices are not yet considered to be disrupted, but devices that are being fragmented. Their purposes include trival (including without interruption) monitoring of the surface of the earth and the atmosphere, relaying signals. In some areas of operation, such UAVs are likely to compete with orbital spacecraft, and in some projects their capital will be transferred.

The number of UAVs that exist in the world is very unevenly distributed among the indicated categories. Behind them it looks like this (Fig. 1.77).

As far as the diagrams are concerned, the leader in the number of developments is the Mini category. This is completely understandable, because... The rapid progress of this class of equipment has led to the success of many friendly officials. First of all, their ease of operation and accessibility (including for the owner) are remarkable. great amount Kintsevikh's companions. In a different way, where the devices come to the conclusion of highly demanding tasks, both among the military galuzia and among the civilians, and the civil stagnation itself will be applied to the devices of civil stagnation, importantly stimulating their developments with the remaining fates. And thirdly, in the last ten years, all the necessary knowledge for the development and the beginning of the creation of such devices themselves have matured - obviously small in weight and dimensions, but even those that have been built will end up with serious problems. Such mature changes can be brought to light: the advance in microsystem technology in Galusia (vision, the advent of gyroscopes and accelerometers in microminiatures), the widespread introduction of global positioning systems (such as GPS), the emergence of and other necessary elements for completing a mini-UAV: effective video cameras, brushless electric motors and suitable drivers, energy-intensive lithium-polymer batteries, etc.

The book is of an important pre-knowledgeable nature and is written based on the results of surveys and analysis of numerous literary and Internet resources. It is important to familiarize the reader with the terminology and classification in the field of unmanned aircraft that have developed today, with current trends in the development of unmanned aircraft, and so We will become a market for unmanned aircraft systems.

1.2.4. Classification of UAVs for reasons

In many classifications, UAVs are classified as military and civilian. However, perhaps it is more logical to develop a subdivision in which UAVs are subdivided initially into larger areas of research, and themselves - for scientific purposes and applied purposes; The rest are divided into UAVs for military and civilian deployment (Fig. 1.79).

In the scientific field, UAVs are being used to create new knowledge, and it does not matter what knowledge and information will later be discarded. This can be done by trying out new techniques (expanding new principles of weeding) and keeping an eye on natural phenomena.

The UAV application area has two main directions – military and civil.

Based on their functional characteristics, military UAVs can be classified as follows:

- Guards (can be victorious, guarded, to correct the fire on the battlefield);

- Reproduction;

– strikes (for attacks on ground targets in the form of missile weapons;

- Blower-impact;

- Bombardiers;

– vinischuvalni (for the reduction of spiritual purposes);

- Radio broadcasting;

- REB UAV (for radio electronic warfare purposes);

- Transport;

- UAV targets;

- UAV-metiator;

- Lots of UAVs.

The Gromadyansk region has a very large number of UAVs. Galusi and the living servants who rely on the help of UAVs, as well as a variety of things: from the agricultural state and everyday life to the oil and gas sector and the security sector, as well as scientific organizations, advertising companies, mass media outlets And around the community. To systematize the overview of all the varied purposes of civilian UAVs, we can mentally see 5 enlarged groups formed according to the criterion of assigned functions (the groups are rearranged in the order of changing the frequency of stagnation today).

1. Monitoring and similar tasks.

This includes all tasks related to the protection of various objects, the collection of visual and other information. It is overridden due to the stagnation of this group:

- Video caution regarding the method of protecting various objects;

– monitoring of forest areas by the forest protection service;

- Patrolling assigned areas by the police;

- Monitoring of traffic on slopes and highway roads, control of navigation;

- Monitoring the crops of farmers and enterprises of the agricultural state;

- Control of the fish industry;

– cartography earth's surface;

- reconnaissance and development of plans for the placement of small UAVs in the middle of constructed and unsafe buildings;

- Search for the brown copal trees for additional special sounding techniques;

- Monitoring of oil and gas facilities, especially pipelines;

- Inspection of buildings;

- video photography of critically accessible industrial facilities (power lines, bridge supports, chimneys, wind generators, antennas, etc.);

– radiation and chemical exploration in sensitive areas;

– meteorological precautions;

environmental monitoring atmosphere and surface water;

- Monitoring of unsafe natural phenomena (floods, volcanic eruptions, avalanche-prone urban areas, etc.);

- Assessment of the results of natural disasters and liquidation of their inheritances;

- Watch out for wild creatures in nature reserves.

This group of UAVs is rapidly expanding due to the activities of numerous companies and other enthusiasts. You can add something like this here:

– video photography of objects of architecture, nature, business, as well as mass visits through presentation and advertising;

- Use of UAVs as advertising carriers (for example, on the surface of an airship);

– development of small UAVs for primary purposes in schools and universities;

– aircraft modeling and aircraft construction for amateurs;

- a selection of small UAVs as an art object or a rozvagi object.

3. Delivery of goods and similar items.

The specificity of this group allows us to call it “airborne robots” that are used as UAVs. Here, zokrema, you can include the following UAV deployments:

- delivery almost;

– delivery of tools, components and materials to future sites;

- Installation different designs;

- Vikonannya or ensuring repair work on critically accessible objects;

– sawing of chemicals and applying fertilizers to the fields;

- Laying cables in unsafe areas;

- Delivery of products, sleeping equipment, spare parts, supplies, etc. in critically accessible areas for the safety of climbers, tourists, and expeditions;

– dropping markers (light, radio and transmitting) to mark any objects;

– delivery of medicines and medical supplies for victims in accident and disaster zones;

- evacuation of victims from the dangerous zone;

– evacuation of expensive material assets from unsafe areas;

– delivery of ritual services to recognize hardships on the water;

- Dropping vibrator devices in the mountains to organize preventive avalanches;

- Refueling or recharging autonomously operating critically accessible devices (buoys, beacons, weather stations, relay stations, etc.).

4. Relaying signals and similar tasks.

This includes the following tasks (which may be carried out using additional UAVs of helicopter or aerostatic types):

- Retransmission of radio signals by increasing the range of communication channels;

- Vikoristannaya UAV as the nose of the lighting equipment;

– installation on board of Guchnomov stations to create sound: commands, music, etc.;

- vikoristannaya UAV as a platform for the generation or reflection of a laser exchange.

5. Controlling the behavior of living objects.

There are still countless numbers of exotic stagnation that is being brought to the point of urgency:

- Vykoristannaya UAV as a “shepherd”: managing the transfer of herds of horses, flocks of sheep, etc.;

- Swimming for birds from airports.

There is an idea that there is no longer any military significance. In Russia, until recently, the ability to use UAVs was only operational in the army. The drones completed tasks such as aerial photography (photos, videos), radio reconnaissance, object detection, etc.

However, today’s scope of development and creation of unmanned systems has gone far beyond these boundaries. At this time, Russian UAVs are fighting for five civilian routes, including the military-industrial complex. And to yourself: supernatural situations(People's jokes, NS advances, ritual operations, etc.); security (protection of objects and people, as well as their detection); monitoring (AES, LEP, land, forest, naftogaz, water resources, rural state, etc.); aerial photography (geodesy, cartography, aviation); science (Arctic research, possession research, NDDKR).

Types of drones

Nini virobnitstvom unmanned aircraft operates over 20 manufacturing enterprises, producing nearly 50 models for various purposes. It is true that not all of these companies have yet completed the next cycle: from development to production. Most of the imported devices are assembled without screw-twist folding.

All UAVs, by appearance and design, are divided into 3 main types: unmanned aircraft, unmanned helicopters and unmanned aerostats.

Unmanned flights

Drones This type is vikorist, first for everything, to monitor the Maidan and linear plots of locality. Zdatel'y dolat great vіdstanі, vykonuyuchi skladnіshu aerozyomka online at any time, get it for any meteorological conditions. Maximum robotic capacity and efficiency of configuration tasks are possible at a distance of no more than 70 km from the ground control station. Speed ​​– up to 400 km/year. Hours of re-wearing: from 30 months to 8 years.

Unmanned helicopters

The machines are used for operational monitoring of local plots of locality. The smells are small in size and easy to control. They don’t need special golden-planting smuga. How can unmanned helicopters fly at any hour of the day or night for any weather change. Hour of watering: from 30 hours to 3 years.

Unmanned aerostats

Today's highly efficient machines are designed for reconnaissance and protection of local conditions at altitudes of up to 400 m. Lightweight, reliable, mobile machines that work in real time during difficult times.

A look at drone models and models

As has already been said above, there are not so many UAV companies in the world. However, it is better to buy the device for this minority. They don’t just design the machine to suit your needs, but also equip it with all the necessary equipment, and also select the best option for it.

Today, such companies include: OKB "Yakovlev", OKB MIG, OKB "Sukhii", OKB "Sokil", "Transas" (all military-industrial purposes); ZALA AERO GROUP, BLASKOR, Unmanned, Aerocon (for all civil purposes) and in.

Vartist drone The cost is close to 500 thousand rubles. It is true that the drone model itself is less valuable. There is a residual amount to be deposited in what will be the management complex. And stench, as a rule, occurs on the basis of cars, boats, as well as land-based, portable and mobile ones. Therefore, the sum of money can amount to several tens of millions of rubles.

At this time, one of the greatest demands of drones is radio equipment "Seraphim" creations of the wired Russian company in the field of UAV ZALA AERO. This is a “sixcopter”, which is a 6-prop helicopter. Widely used by the Department of Road Traffic Safety of Russia to search for cars that are stolen. Monitored by computer and GPS systems. Weighs less than 1.2 kg and is easy to launch by hand. The electric charge is enough for a good flight, so that at a distance of up to 5 km and from an altitude of up to 500 m, the highest-powered optics of the device can easily recognize the required object.

Junior unmanned complex Supercam 100, Spread out by the ham company Unmanned, is called a superletak. This is a universal, small-sized machine that is ready to be launched in any climatic conditions. The main purpose is remote monitoring, aerial photography of the terrain, water surface, search and detection of objects. Behind the camera, the deputy is equipped with a video camera, a photo camera, and a thermal imager. Starts from
with the help of an elastic catapult. Landing involves a parachute. Using a special remote control, it is possible to combine up to 4 drones into one caravan system. Additionally, it protects against the loss of keratin. Flight range – 100 km, altitude – 3600 m, speed – 125 km/year.

In the cramped minds of small towns, it is not easy to vikorize the great Swedish unmanned lethal vehicles. Therefore, the Aerocon company has developed one of the lightest in the world (0.25 kg) mini-UAV "Inspector-101" for damaged
intelligence. This model is characterized by miniaturism in everyone. It is equipped with a colorful small-sized video camera, a small screw, like a crashing electric motor, and is controlled from the ground by a laptop computer. Launch is carried out from a catapult, landing is carried out on the “womb”. Works well in a very wide temperature range: from -30 to +50 °C. Flight range – 44 km, speed – 72 km/year.

And we turn again to the wired cheese distributor and the ZARA AERO GROUP UAV distributor. In addition to mobile helicopter and aircraft vehicles, the company is engaged in the production of the most popular unmanned aircraft in Russia.
aerostats. For example, it is a richly functional, yet simple to operate device. It is used for a wide range of tasks: monitoring the area of ​​purchasing people, intelligence, environmental extinction, treatment in case of NS, etc. d. Autonomously operates up to 72 years at a wind speed of up to 15 m/s. The guard zone is 360°. The maximum height of the throat is 300 m.

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