Anyutochka with tattoos on her buttocks. Tattoo on the side. The theme of the tattoo image on the side

The people have already jumped to their beauty, ennobled themselves and their bodies. Tattooing in modern culture is a popular attribute of youth. Tse way to achieve perfection, to add dignity, or to grab a little. Women choose tattoos on the sides, who are written with their body, as a gift for a kohan or kokhan and put on just like that. Such tattoos are especially popular among girls. It’s easy to get along with them, and even on the woman’s buttocks, the beautiful tattoos look namingly friendly. Let's take a look at the features of the little ones in this zone.

The salient characteristic of the part of the body

Tattoos on the sides are included in the category of intimate tattoos. Shkira in this area is rather sensitive, and to that, under the hour of the procedure, an anesthetic is often needed.

Vykoristovuyuchi anesthesia, after memory, that the structure of the skin, when the drug is stuck, changes, there are bumps. If you are afraid of pain, then choose the master with a special reluctance. Joke on someone who has a great reputation for work and for learning anesthesia.

The most popular tattoo on the seats for girls

The female half, even more often, to embellish your body, choose an intimate tattoo. It is easy to catch and at the same time you are aware of the part of rebellion in your own hands. Women have tattoos on the sides of their backs and carry a sexually charged subtext in themselves. A little one in this place has no destination for third-party eyes, that Yogo Volodarka can, without fear of judgment, speak all of himself.

When choosing a sketch for the future little one on the floor, listen to yourself. Chi does not click the picture of the internal wipes. Do not think that the image on the women's quilts is always a great picture. Tsіkaviy variant on the side - little tattoo. For example, tattoos are written on the side, for modest natures. Yaskar and extraordinary features can be depicted on your butt tattoo pistol. The little one is under the rounded shape of the master and talking about the combative nature of the hairdresser.

Tattoo kisses on the side to talk about the nature of the windy, with a playful dacha. The picture of a small rose will look like a flame, for that it will be seen as sketches with a volume of 7 cm. The little one lifts the charm of a woman's buttocks and legs. Often the bows are painted on the underlays and can be drawn either lower. Be inspired, such a charming embellishment of women's legs, like a tattoo of a bow on the buttocks, do not be left unmarked. This image is suitable for lower and non-turbo natures.

As you know, girls love to show their individuality, to wind in dribnitsa. Tattoo on the side for girls - a good way of self-expression, easily attaching to third-party eyes. Until then, competently picking up sketches to add more sensitivity to the image of your hairdresser. Tattoo under the seats, for the maiden - a good way to cheer up the kohan. Golovne choose vіdpovіdne mіsce i rozmіr. Potsіlunki on the seats will go to the young person, and those who are afraid of being called to the great little one. Keep in mind that you wouldn’t choose - the tattoo on the buttocks of the girls is always sexy and look. A woman with such adornment cannot be left unmarked.

The most popular tattoos on the seats for people

For a human being, tattooing in your zone - rare sight. As a rule, people unique tattoos on the side, through the formed stereotype: a human tattoo on the side is a sign of homosexuality. Such a sensation of tattooing was given in prisons, for people with a singing roll, forcibly depicting eyes on a soft place. Another popular rapist image is a tattoo of a stoker on the buttocks. Previously, such a badge was small for men to punish for manhood. We don’t have such a statute in our hour;

Sickness and practicality of tattoos on the third part of the body

Golovny plus a little one in the zone - yoga is easy to grab. Tattoos on the buttocks of women, often for everything, are not for a casual look. Tse schos іntimne, only for one peeping. It doesn't matter what you choose - the options are impersonal. Whether it's a black and white or a colorful tattoo on the buttocks, small or large - it's all part of your specialty. Don't be afraid to express yourself.

Illness of the image in the lower area, lower in other areas, however, the soft tissues heal better. Therefore, to give a small tattoo a heart on the buttocks, it can cause severe discomfort during the healing period. Injured skin sticks with clothes, sweats and moves forward as a risk of infection. Women tattooed on the buttocks are always beautiful, as if during the healing period, carefully follow the little one. At the first day after the drawing of the sketch, a sauna and a bath were fenced.

It is not recommended to try to change to son until it is completely overwhelmed. Otherwise, the best image will look funny and stupid. For example, the flowing contours transform a mile of a tattoo on the buttocks into a bursting flame, similar to a short drop on a bruise. Eskіz can be different, it’s more correct to look after your embellishment, otherwise, try to induce the most talented maestro to go to waste.

Tattoo on the seats on the legislator's level. Pivdenniy Africa has a kingdom, in which they called for goiters and to make tattoos for half of the population.

The reason is the VIL epidemic. Infections in the country, for various tributes, from 30 to 43 thousand.

Come out, at the presence of a fasting partner, risky to become infected, entering into a relationship with another skin.

Others will be guarded against the infection, after parliamentarian Timothy Mieny.

Youmu didn't get far enough to push the initiative. A flurry of protests has begun from the side of organizations that are engaged in defending the noses of VIL.

However, the project was abandoned, as the design of the tattoo was broken up. The English abbreviation for the name of the ailment: - H.I.V. For now, apply only out of good will.

So itself to swear and іnshі tattoos on the sіdnitsyah, scho not mаyut vіdnoshennia until the quiet chi іnshih ailments of the people.

Applying visor, clients - as a rule, follow aesthetic purposes.

If the language is about sensation, then wine, as a rule, is about character. Pomіrkuєmo over sketches?

The meaning of the tattoo on the seats

photo, For example, as a rule, they demonstrate spring seats. The English psychologist Louise Hey affirms that on equal footing this part of the body symbolizes strength.

Sagging seats, obviously, - a sign of її spend. They don’t pay much for spending money.

Tom, tattoo on women's seats, Like people, shy, so be moving, in the full development of strength.

Tattoo on the side of a man- the phenomenon is not typical. A cream of strength, a zone associated with sexuality, peace.

Most of the representatives of a strong state do not want to, so that with these understandings they would carry their ass.

It is a stereotype that representatives of non-traditional orientation are less likely to shy away on the side.

Obviously, there is one more interpretation. No matter how it is depicted, it is associated with homosexuality.

Vіn may be immushenim. So, in prisons, the sides of the omissions are forcibly embellished. On the backs it is quiet, to whom in the collective they assign the role of women, they are stabbed.

The role of the wound is low, it is connected with pain. Ale, Canadian psychologist and doctor Liz Bourbeau is convinced that he could be in the nursery but a viklikana, just like that, mental blocking of life.

The doctor has respected that you are suffering from pains in the seats, who cannot control those who are, for example, penny flows, relatives, like the situation.

No symptom, but no physical causes. Approximately half returned for additional medical analysis in the norm.

The application is also painful. Dobrovilne roztashuvannya little baby on the seats, psychologists admit, it is also connected with the exercise of control over those that are being taken.

The psychological impulse has a physiological subsoil. There is dirt on the chairs, without which it would be impossible to walk.

Not darma є viraz "sit evenly on the fifth point." It will rise up, like idleness. Active people do not sit, but go to their destination, control those who are awake.

Otherwise, the meaning of the tattoo on the sides lie down in the image. On Melanie Griffit's ass, for example, a pear is pricked.

The actress is suitable for the classic symbolism of the fruit. Vіn voobluє dovgolittya. Tse pov'yazano z old life of pear trees.

Another meaning of the pear is Amulet. The fruits of the tree were respected by Jerzy Geri. In the pantheon of Ancient Greece, Zeus's squad was the guardian of the home fire, helping to save yoga.

See the tattoo on the seats

Є kіlka kіlka klаsifіkatsіy on sіdnitsyah. Persha - rose tattoos on women and men.

Tattoo on the side for girls- the ability to reinforce your sexuality, rounded shapes.

To that, the little ones frame the ass, are found on the periphery, or on the most swollen areas.

There you can spread out, open up a trojan, purhati. As you can see, the symbols vibrate pretty, gracious.

Maybe, just like that, intriguing stories with a sensitive call, for example, kissing moon tattoo on the side.

People on the seats, as a rule, choke the space of their articulation, the anus zone.

Pictures, most of all, informative, point to the orientation of the cotton. Popular, for example, images of targets.

Demanded, just like that stoker tattoo on the seats. The picture is tense, which would not have bothered to put it “into the firewood furnace”.

Piti vіd vulgar interpretations in cholіchs on сіdnitsy to come out, nakolyuyuchi large-scale paintings of abstract themes.

Take, for example, the image of a Hindu deity in exquisite sacred ornaments, lotuses and dragons.

Transferable sketches on the back, sides and upper part of the cotton. Axis and tattoo, to talk about the spiritual, not the physical.

It dawned on the skin that the seats are only a fragment of the “canvas”, and not an end in itself of the composition.

Another filed on the sidelines rozpodіlyaє їх on plot and texts.

Tattoo writing on the seats can be written analogues of plot invocations. So, the message "kiss me" is similar to the beat of the lips.

“Do not come in” can be replaced by a picture with. Ale, є th takі, pіdіbrati plot analogue of such is not possible.

How, for example, to draw rows of verses in pictures? Chi do not hang out in the little one and an important date, otherwise it is im'ya kohanoi.

The writings are lonely, otherwise, they are supplemented by little ones. View and description of the objects on the floor

Not all tattoo sketches For day go out there, de want client. Let's figure out why the cause is difficult and how to choose the ideal composition.

De zrobiti tattoo on the seats

At first glance, the absurd food may be a sprat of evidence. It has already been said that the little ones are located either along the periphery of the seat, or in their central part.

Another option is to add a little large-scale tattoo to the backside, which will cover a large part of the body.

However, it was not thought about tattoo under the seats. Such tattoos visually shade the area.

The more the depressions under the booty are made, the more the bulge and the more the vain itself. The little one is guilty of repeating the form of sitting and making it to the great.

If the sun is lost here, from afar it will look like an indescribable flame, but like a native.

Part of the tattoos for the saddle are ruffled diagonally. In such a placement, the little one also has stylistic tricks.

Take, for example, Trojans on the seats. tattoo you can roztashovuvatisya buds down.

The stench is large and large in pairs with thin legs, straight uphill.

Tse visually sound. If so, turn diagonally with the buds uphill, the pelvis will be wider.

For a visual effect, it is necessary to correctly select sketches. Tattoo Metelik Sidnitsa I can’t add to the world and I can’t change it, if I don’t have wings in my order.

It is important that the objects depicted were wedge-shaped. Only in this vipadka you can “grati” with them.

Tattooing for girls is a popular way of presenting your originality and individuality. Tattoos for the beautiful half of the people are namingly different and cherish for the difference, color, little one.

Thousands of them, some girls want to enhance the beauty of the body, others - to attach some defects and skins (scars or scars), others just respect what it is - even more popular and blindly follow fashion. Psychologists say that in a number of types of tattooing, they significantly increase the self-esteem of girls.

Tattoos for girls - small (min), large. Place for a tattoo. photo

  • look miniature and womanly, with whom, especially without throwing themselves into the eyes;
  • mayut a majestic choice of eskіzіv among practically uncircumcised number of topics;
  • the application process is not considered to be highly folded, to pass dry quickly;
  • variety of small tattoos, naturally, less, less great;
  • you can always get a tattoo or put it on top of new little ones.
Different tattoos for girls have their own meaning.

Ale, there is a negative moment when choosing small babies. Tattooing with time wastes vanity, the contours of the image become less sharp, the little one itself spreads and darkens.

Small tattoos can become even more similar to the size of the natives.

Before applying great tattoos, think carefully about all the pros and cons of this decision.

An important role is played by the place of tattooing. for example, on the wall a small tattoo looks inconspicuously and richer, lower is great. Great vikonnannya for rozіrom tatuyuvannya vymagaє rich hour and high professionalism master.

When inflicted with a tattoo, it is inevitable that there will be pain, even a farba is introduced under the skin with a path of golovkolyuvannya, apparently, the more little ones, the more painful it is.

And one more istotny minus - the old shkir, as if it were stretched with the rocks, blakne. The same share of checks and tattoos: it is important to show your good looks in 30-40 years.

The most practical place for tattooing:

  • back;
  • place over the ankles, wrist;
  • shoulders, front shoulders;
  • the back side of the shii;
  • wicked side.

Impractical places for tattoos for girls:

  • fingers, buttocks, ankles. Tattoos on these places are the most swept dark under the influx of ominous factors.
  • breasts, live, inner part of the stegon, seats. Shkira on these parts of the woman's body most often suffers from stretch marks and other changes, called by age-old features.

Tattoo on the arm - on the wrist, on the fingers, sleeve

On the hands, as a rule, the girls inflict small tattoos. For practical purposes, whether a tattoo of a small size should be applied to the wrist. When necessary, little ones in a given place can easily be prihovat for the help of a long sleeve.

The girls adopted tattoos on their fingers from the girls: you can ring out the girls with small tattoo rings, letters, folded words, or other symbols of small roses.

The crown is rarely beaten for tattooing. In a pinch, the little ones on the bottom are the most unpredictable, they are quickly erased, consuming the outline. In another way, the procedure for applying a tattoo on the bottom is more painful, lower on the other side of the body.

Vynyatkom, perhaps, is the wicked side of the valley, where small inscriptions are most often written.

It’s already unbearable and boldly looking at the girls’ sleeves titrated. If you want food about those, women, you get drunk, sleeves are the fashion trend of this rock.

Tattoo on the nose

On the nose, there are traditionally vicorated and small, and large tattoos.

Far away on the stanchion are the great visoroons. Tim is not smaller, a small bow, otherwise he wrote to look cute and zhіnochno. Crimson tsikh malyunkiv, often zustrichayutsya on the lace of the image of the dragon, coquettish pіdv'yazki for panchih.

Gomіlka - a cartel of the body for the merry and the two girls. It is impossible to capture such a tattoo. Here it is customary to apply a sub-image, which visually gives the legs an additional string.

For a small thinned tattoo, the ankle is the best option, which adds femininity and thinness.

On the feet look great like small ones, so big images. Slid vrahuvati, after the tattoo was applied, it happened to be removed for a certain hour in the future, when you start tattooing the place, so that you can save the scourge or the fire of the shkiri.

Tattoo on the stomach

Women call to apply a tattoo on the lower part of the abdomen, belly button. Here, more great little ones look great with a rich selection of options. For help, a tattoo on the stomach can be attached with scars in the form of appendicitis, Caesarean rupture or other operations.

However, one should remember about those that the abdominal area is the most graceful to various changes (including centuries), which cannot but be seen by the quality of the entire image.

Tattoo on the neck, on the clavicle

Tattoo for girls, embroidered on shiї, make a number of advantages:

  • podkreslyuyut vigini shiy, visually beautify її budova, prihovoyuchi mozhli nedolіki;
  • look even more sexy;
  • with a badge, a tattoo is easy to grab for hair or a high comrade.

Most often, tattoos are applied on the side of the neck or back. Ring out those little symbols, little ones, hieroglyphs, writings.

The tattoo on the collarbone looks like a woman and is intimate. But the applied tattoo on the collarbone is accompanied by very painful sensations through the proximity of the brush and the clustering of nerve endings. Tattoo options for the clavicle are different: inscriptions, viserunks, symbols, little babies.

Tattoo on the front

Tattoo on the shoulders and front shoulders - an option for "summer" girls. Such a tattoo is in perfect harmony with the summer dress, complementing the image. The most popular on the front panels are images of flowers, birds, vector little ones and symbols.

The application of a tattoo on the front is not accompanied by pain sensations, which play an important role in choosing the same color of the body.

Tattoo on the back - on the shoulder blades, across

Tattoos on the back can be different for rosemary and zmist: here you look in the distance like great paintings, so there are symbols, images of creatures, birds, flowers. Wonderful looking 3D-tattoo, vykonanі high-class masters.

The shoulder blade is a practical and transparent area for tattooing. Bіl vіd golki vіdchuvaєtsya dosit weakly. It’s handy for us, that when you are married, you can attach a tattoo from third-party eyes. Rosemary and images can be just the same, the tattoo can be switched on exclusively on the shoulder blades, or it can go down the back to across, or go along the line of the sides.

And from tattooing in the area across is no longer relevant, like before. Prote, this zone is popular due to its peculiarities: the smallest deformation of the shkiri due to age-old changes and the practically complete presence of fatty deposits, which allows you to save the tattoo’s susceptibility for long-term.

Apply different symbols, viserunks, ornaments across the ring.

Tattoo on the ribs, under the sternum, on the chest

On the breasts, the tattoos of the great roses look beautiful, but closer to the shoulders you can make a small lower tattoo.

The breasts are in a zone that is strongly weak to the point of deformation, so it is better to choose the image above the breasts or under it. Let's take a vіzerunok with a wide bottom, step by step weaving up to sleepy gossip.

Tattoos on the ribs, in their own line, are not suitable for girls with a low pain threshold, because the ribs are already a sore area.

Tattoo on boots

On the boots, in the distance, look like small images, so do the big ones, starting from writing and finishing with big pictures.

Ale did not forget that putting fat on the sides of the building z_psuvati little ones, that happens to be resolutely chasing the vaga and regularly going in for sports.

Tattoo on the buttocks, on the sides

Practically, the pain in the middle of the day is felt by the shoulders and buttocks. Ale superechki about those vishukano tse abo vulgarly do not sniff dosi. As a rule, small little ones are applied on one of the days. However, most of the buttocks area is filled with large-scale images that expand across, back, and stegno.

Such tattoos are more suitable for extraordinary features with adventurous cheeks. Often the stench is a professional embellishment of dancers, photo models.

Tattoo on the intimate zone

The popularity of tattooing for girls in the intimate area is only gaining wraps, but for the sake of increasing their strength, it’s more than enough. Attached to the big eyes tattoo on the pubic area gives ladies sexuality.

Here it is important to choose a variant, which looks like it was good. The most suitable for intimate areas are lower images of blizzards, flowers, birds, castles, or symbolic skyscrapers.

The most popular and popular tattoos among girls, their meaning is a tattoo with a zmist. photo

First, apply a tattoo, follow it in what it means, understand the sense, most of all, attachments and veils. It is best to turn around for help to fakhіvtsіv tattoo parlor, like roses to explain the meaning of quiet chi іnshih little ones, to please the most winning option, to professionally implement the idea, or else the sketch is ready.


Most often, the inscriptions are applied in Latin language and symbolize themselves as a life idea, position. For example: Cumdeo (with God), Fortesfortunaadjuvat (share help us smile).

Written in gothic script look beautiful and volody with a specific zmіst. Another popular option is Japanese characters.

Deyakі girls stuff the names of loved ones or close people. But before such an option, it is carefully put, so as a protracted life, radical changes can be made and the name of a person who has fallen in love today will not be up-to-date in 5-10 years, but still wear a tattoo.

You can independently come up with writing or choose the most appropriate one from a rich arsenal of basic sketches.

Kviti - lotus, pivonia, lily, troyanda, stable, orchid, sakura

The tattoo that depicts the badge always looks down and down.

Tattoo "lotus flower" will be created by creative people, like pragmat to self-recognition and self-perfection. For girls, the lotus symbolizes femininity, tenderness, color, kinship, and at the same time, strength and strength. Most of the tattoos in girls are applied to the head, brush, navel, shoulder blades, on the back and across from one flower to a whole galaxy.

Pіvonіya spochatku vvazhavsya human symbol, but more and more often the girls show the priority of the tattoo itself. For them, pivonia symbolizes the ban of distant zamіzhzhya, the sign of the Virgin Mary, purity, kindness, prosperity and prosperity. Krіm tsgogo pіvonіya є a talisman against evil spirits, chaklunstva. Stuff yoga more often on the batten, back or boots.

The lily represents purity, innocence, nobility. Tattoo lily is a symbol of the lower and tendit nature. Krim tsgogo, the color of lily may also have a symbolic meaning: white - for purity, erysipelas - a symbol of youth, yellow - a sign of intelligence. The design of the lily is more varied: it can be like a single flower or a kilka.

The rose has long been a symbol of beauty and love. Such a tattoo can also have a different design: one or a small flower, trojans with spikes or without і ін. The most popular tattoo colors are red, white, yellow. Girls with a melancholy character, often shy to the point of confusion and sadness, as a rule, choose a trojan of black color.

A leather leaf of a chotirilista stable has its own meaning: fame, wealth, health, love. Sometimes a leaf of the stable is applied in the same time with a trojan, which means an eternal kokhannya. And the axis of the fall with a violet is vvazhaetsya a sign of sorrow. Most often, the girls embellish the lower part of the leg, shoulder blade, arm, neck with a stable.

The orchid is a woman's symbol that helps to know one's love, to bring peace and well-being into one's family. A flower of calls also protects against evil and negativity.

The marvelous sakuri flower, which blooms only for a few days, symbolizes the savvy of life, innocence, sadness.

Therefore, tattooing is better for older women, as it allows you to imagine the most beautiful period of human life - youth.

Creatures and birds - fox, gut, dragon, snake, panther, wolf, lion, owl

Skin creatures have long been attributed to the songs of human qualities, which have not lost their relevance in everyday life, playing an important role in tattooing.

The most often in the image on tattoos for girls is a fox.

For girls, the fox is a symbol of sexuality, the fox is a symbol of prudishness, grimness and depravity. Krim tsyogo, the fox is a symbol of the continuation of the family. Often the girls fill up її in the day with tickets or other creatures. For a tattoo, vicorist is more important than brown, red, orange, or white.

One of the largest taemnichih creatures was a gut, which in different hours was attributed to the most bizarre maniacs, sometimes to wind up proliferant yakosties. On this day, the bowel is a symbol of independence, highness, femininity and mystery.

By its nature, the gut is a philanthropist, so it will also bring good luck and peace. Young girls often stuff little cochens on the tee - a symbol of grimness and lack of turbotness.

The mythical character dragon is most often seen in two variants:

  • European - tse vkrite luskoy іstota with wings, often the isolation of the forces of darkness and evil;
  • skhіdniy - this snake-like character without kril є a symbol of chotirioh elements, he is like angry, so kind.

Dragon tattoos are inspired by the majestic variety of options for color and shape, background design.

The most important meaning of tattooing is nobility, independence, power, mity, chaklunstvo, a link with the world of greatness. Specifically, the image of the dragon characterizes the special features of yoga lady. The best place for tattooing is the back or the shoulder blade, which allows you to accommodate the entire artistic idea of ​​the image, to create a true artistic masterpiece.

An ambiguous image of a snake, like a mother, as a positive, so a negative value. From old, long ago, the serpent instills wisdom, cunning, hour, accessibility. Zavdyaks of their building throw off the skin, the snake is a symbol of renewal and renewal, eternity.

In rich cultures the serpent signifies kinship, as well as calmness and life of power. From one side, the snake lakaє with its callous look and thorns, and from the other side, it attracts with its arms and mystery. Tsya іstota zavzhdi yelled povaga and chanoble setting.

For a long time, the panther was used by totem creatures among wealthy peoples, served as a symbol of masculinity and goodness, as well as the maternal principle. Aje panther, even if it’s a wild little hut, ale, as if it were a representative of the cat family, pissing about her offspring, the maternal instinct is very strong.

Krіm tsgogo, the image of the panther on the woman's body signifies lowness, vіddanіst, zhіnochnіst, readiness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of loved ones.

Tattooing a fork or a head is suitable for strong, smart and intelligent people and I can push the energy. The girls appreciated the effectiveness of tattooing and do not judge people for the number of tattoos. Different images of a fork are carried in their own and different zmist.

Viyuchy vovk means self-esteem or zrada, a grin of the beast to serve as a sign of aggressiveness, ferocity, strength, and vovk, images in a haircut or on the run, to say about readiness until the afternoon, be it a change. Vovchitsya serve as a symbol of domestic fire, fidelity of love and vіddanostі sіm'ї. Vovk-reversal indicates the presence of a mystery in his Volodar.

As a rule, a tattoo is tattooed with a contour or only with one color, although it is often possible to use sharp and colorful tattoos with vicarious, red, yellow, brown and other colors. Popular images of wow-characters in cartoons in many ways.

The lion - the king of animals - serves as a symbol of power, strength, masculinity and pride, as well as integrity, penetration and grace. Putting images of the left on your body, the maidens spodivayutsya, so that the main features of the creature will be transferred to them.

Basically, representatives of the weak state will put on the image of the left, as if they are specializing in themselves the vіddanіst vіddanі and sim'ї, motherhood.

The depictions of lions symbolize not only the playfulness of character, but also the readiness to protect their offspring at any cost. The image is fiercely vishkiriv levitsy to witness about the sovereignty of the ladies, their readiness to stand up for their own look and principles. Don’t forget about those who didn’t know the tattoo and didn’t look out, the lion is forever filled with a symbol of wisdom.

One of the fashion trends of this rock is the tattoo of birds, which symbolize freedom, inspiration, lightness, joy. As a rule, the girls give priority to the images of hummingbirds, swallows and owls, often birds are depicted in the day with a ticket or a pen. The image of an owl is a roaring individual.

In today's girls, the image can have a different meaning - such as purity, wisdom, penetrating to the mystery, darkness, zdatnosti to penetrate the essence of speeches, inaccessible to most people.

Zodiac signs

Tattoo for girls, which represent the signs of the zodiac, calling for support of their individuality, so it’s as if it’s a big idea about injecting people into the lot of people.

You can stylize the symbol of the zodiac sign or some other artistic image, often in combination with other images (elements, writings, creatures, quotes and others).

dream catcher

From time immemorial, the image of the "Dreamcatcher" was a talisman, which protected the dreams of people from evil spirits. Catcher of Volodya with a cobweb, through the yak of evil spirits, otherwise filthy dreams can not penetrate into the dreams of a person, її life and zіpsuvati її. The dream catcher tattoo is also a talisman for evil spirits, restless dreams.

Irrespective of those who can be tattooed practically on any part of the body, experts in culture and culture of American Indians recommend working on the shoulders or on the shoulders. Dreams are born in the head, it is necessary for him to protect the yakomoga closer to her.

Tattoo, like an amulet itself, you can take revenge in your own life, decorate (pir'ya, namistinki and іn.), What women feel to the soul. Of course, on the tattoo there can be images of birds, creatures. Dosit requests and an effective option - to fly birds, as if trimming in a talisman. With this pan, it’s important to take small tattoos for better. As a rule, the stench spreads catching on the shi zzzadu.

Sun and Moon

The sun is a symbol of life, light among wealthy peoples, and the moon symbolizes mystery, a riddle. From long ago, they worshiped and respected the mighty deity, built to obscure the sun itself.

Received in a single whole, qi signs with opposite meanings mean the harmony of the day of the human and the woman's beginnings, the inexhaustibility of the omniscience and svetobudovi.

Qiu tattooing will be people who are smart to philosophy, as well as romantic nature.

Є kіlka rіznіh variantіv vykonanny tsgogo malyunka:

  • between both luminaries is saved for a day;
  • stench can be a single whole;
  • one of the luminaries can tarnish otherwise.

A place for a tattoo can be a kind of body of a body. Women often place tattoos on their wrists, gomels, quilts, across, in the intimate zone.


Even more popular are pen images. The tattoo bath for girls looks neat and does not take up a lot of space. The feather was always a symbol of purity and lightness. As a rule, the image of the pen is marked with one image. With a great bazhanna, you can work out a pen with a variety of barnacles.

The popular image of 2017 rock is a pavich feather, which is ideal for creative natures. Vono symbolizes love to writing activity.


Metelik is a symbol of femininity, romance, awe. In most cases, the blizzard symbolizes important podії: zamіzhzhya, the people of the child, car'ernі reach, etc.

Cream of tsgogo, blizzard is especially sensitive and subtle.


Creel tattoo in girls means freedom: in vchinkah, thoughts, life. With such a woman, such a tattoo will show that the stench is not relieved by coquetry and grimness.

You can often finish the bite of the krill in the heart - a sign that the girl is fooling her love. And break the axis of the heart є, on the other hand, a sign of a rose in love or in water.


The application of different weatherproofs is a popular trend of modernity. Girls apply them, as a rule, on fingers, hands, wrists, front shoulders and shoulders.

There are three different varieties of viserunks:

  • words'janskie vіzerunki(Different geometric figures, dots, crosses), which is a symbol of birthright and protect from evil spirits. The stench is respected by the prerogative of the girls and the call of the sub-christianity її appropriation of mysticism or spirituality. As a rule, such viserunki are applied to the hands.
  • celtic vizerunki poklikani pіdkresliti єdnannya people with nature, yogo spirituality. Mabut, nayvidomisha tattooing - "Celtic cross" - symbolizes the Holy Trinity, ale krіm tsgogo, signifies the unity of the soul, body and mind.
  • The Maori people adorned their bodies for help ornaments from the images of geometric figures, creatures, linear, different configurations. For additional tattooing, for their understanding, a link was established with the sweat world. However, in our days, Maori women have spent their old zmist and serve as nothing more than an embellishment of the body.


Depicted in the form of a tattoo, the crown is a reminder of those that the girl wants to be in the center of respect or take a high place in the temple. The crown shows authority and rises to power.

In whatever mood, Volodarka "Koroni" knows exactly what to do and what to do in life. A small crown on the neck or wrist to speak of the freedom and independence of the girls.

It is most often recommended to tattoo a tattoo in one color or 2-3 colors at a time. The trend of this rock is the crown with the writing of the Latin language, as it attracts even more to itself, look at it, including the opposite article.


Yakіr is a symbol of supremacy, mіtsnostі and innocence - may and more broad meanings. So, this vertical part signifies the human beginning and energy, and the woman energy is represented by the moon.

The options for depicting the anchor are great impersonal, and even more feminine options, like they suit girls, like they value stability, confidence, trust and love. Yakir of calls to help in folding life situations "trimatize afloat".

Even more popular among girls are anchor tattoos, vikonans in Celtic motifs. The yakir looked pleasantly and inconspicuously in the evening with a skein, quilts, a heart.

Tattoo amulets

You can apply tattoo amulets on the body, but it is traditionally accepted that the tattoo is on the back, neck, shoulders, or the wrists are most far away to cope with the burdens placed on it. When choosing a tattoo amulet, you should take into account not only the її old look, but also a clear mind, some sense of laying in that other tattoo, who should go out.

Before women, tattoo-amulet can be seen:

  • symbols of words(Zirka Ladi, Svitovit, Ladinets), calling to protect women, their children, to give them beauty, health, happiness and volody with strained energy;
  • little Indian tribes, The most popular are dream catcher, eagle feather, Kokopelli;
  • buddhist amulets. Before them one can see: the image of "Om", Mandala, lotus;
  • ancient Egyptian Levi Eye of Horus;
  • scandinavian runes may have a lot of attached meanings and it is necessary to help fahivtsya, to choose the most suitable talisman for yourself according to your character, way of life and special priorities.

Beautiful color and black and white sketches of tattoos - ideas for tattoos for girls. photo

Ideas for black and white tattoos, images in the photo, stay in trend. The stench vvazhayutsya classics, podkreslyat harmonica be-like a woman's image. You are encouraged to look for better young women and young girls with clear views on life.

Colored tattoos for girls look gaudily and maximally reinforce the individuality of the hairdresser. In the rest of the years, stench was credited for the popularity of black and white tattoos. Their wealth is not flooded with a baiduzh practically not one girl, through which small parts of the little ones often show off on the bodies of a fashionista.

Tattoo bath for girls: video

Small tattoos for girls

The meaning of tattoos, marvel at the video clip:

The application of a tattoo in the region of the city is typical mainly for the young contingent, as can be seen from the photo. Irrespective of those that the image in this part of the body is applied like boys, so girls, this type of tattooing is respected by the greater world of women, lower people.

Tattooing in the area of ​​​​sidnitsa among people is often associated with non-traditional sexual orientation. In places of free will, there is a practice of forcibly applying such a tattoo, so the boys, who want to get a tattoo on the side, are recommended to choose an abstract image from the occupied area of ​​the back and legs. In any case, the beds will be only part of the “canvas” and the tattoo will not carry a homosexual subtext.

Tse tsikavo! psychologist Luisa Hay is a firm believer that people are accepted by people as a symbol of strength, sexuality, calmness. Applying a tattoo in this region to talk about the people who control you, what you get, learn about the changes, follow them, what you do with your loved ones or you are penniless.

The tattooing of the tattoo plays an important role, so the correct selection of the little ones and the harmony of the yoga on the body will help to visually enhance the dignity of the figure, or to grab the real nedolіki. You can choose a small, neat little baby and expand yoga in the central part of the seat; Deyakі choose roztashuvannya little baby without a middle under the seats.

The theme of the tattoo image on the side

Tattoo in the region of the middle is widened in the greater world among the representatives of the weak state, To that and those, as can be seen from the photo, in small prints: various flower compositions, creatures, birds, blizzards, abstract vizierunks, inscriptions. The people apply the volumes of the image with flared storylines, roztasovuchi їх s zahoplennymi parts of the back or nіg.

Loved by the theme of the representative of the beautiful state and all-powerful growth. Lower lilies, irises, v'yunki, aristocratic trojans, as it is not possible to better support the lower thin woman's body. You can arrange the little ones in a different way, so, in the fallow, you can expand the colors, buds and curly stems, you can visually increase or change the tightness of the seat, give them a bigger springy look. The details of the tattoo on the side, which go on the legs or the area of ​​the back of the building, visually sound like a waist, or more stegna strunkishe.

Creatures also choose to tattoo as often as they can, they can have cute kochens, rabbits or graceful panthers, foxes, dragons, modest swallows or red-paviches. The richness of the image in the style of "New school" is worthy of richness, which is the power of the barista of the bright little ones in the style of comics, manga, cartoons, htos, navpaki, in vіddaє the realism of the style of the image, if the drawings of the little ones practically come to life on the screen.

Tattoo inscriptions and abstract vizerunki in the region of the city

Finish with a wider view of the tattoo - write. Philosophical language with deep sense marvel at the seats, Tom їх more beautifully roztashovuvati on the arms, shoulders, shiї, wrists. Written, framed in the likeness of a tattoo on the side, it is due to being light, playful, flirtatious, so that you can harmonize with the rose of the rose.

Abstract motifs are a miraculous version of tattooing and look miraculously on any parts of the body, including in the area of ​​​​the seat. So, as the language goes about the importance of a woman’s tattoo, then the veins, as if victorious, are in the quality of the image, due to being light, garnished, thinned. Harmonious roztashuvannya such a tattoo to reinforce the thinness and lower figure of a girl's body.

Zbroya in tattoos on the side

The little ones on the side are, in fact, a woman’s tattoo, not less, the image that is applied to the body is often called a woman’s. So, images of revolvers are especially popular among the beautiful half of the people. Tsey vibіr is not vipadkovy, he carried in himself a subtext. A pistol that flaunts on a woman's body, talk about the rebellious vdacha and the playful coquettish character of his wife, Zavdayuchi on the side of the same image, the maiden themselves talk about their love until they are not safe.

Important! If you want to get a tattoo done without breaking it, it is necessary to know a professional master, who is realistic and illustrative of the image. In the other fall, the little ones will not be far away, they will look stupidly.

What is necessary to protect when applying a tattoo in the area of ​​​​sidnitsa

  1. Tattooing on the sides of the building is to adjust the shape of the body and the underarms of the figures, the proteo tattoo does not attach to the uneven surface of the top, but rather to the underarm.
  2. Tattooing in the area of ​​​​the side is applied clearly, painlessly, to the great prostrate of the subcutaneous fat cell, which is located in this part of the body.
  3. The area of ​​the seat is shy until centuries of change, as it is accompanied by sagging coats and a change in the contours of the body, so, having tattooed in this zone, it is necessary to follow the figure, not allowing the set of vaga and wear turgor of the coat.
  4. Tattooed, tatted in the sitting area, to shy away not for a casual look, but only for yourself and the closest person, who deserves to be glimpsed, to discuss the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe little one with the cohanim, so that the possible incomprehensible side of your side

Bajayuchi tattooing in the area of ​​​​sidnitsa, often hesitate and be afraid of nebazhannyh naslіdkіv, do not dare to go to the master's tattoo for a long time, however, having thought over the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe little one, yoga roztashuvannya and the technique of vikonanny, do not hesitate, that the tattoo will be done brightly and brightly.

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